Circular No. 6160
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
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The High-Z Supernovae Search Team [B. Schmidt, Mount Stromlo
and Siding Spring Observatories; M. Phillips, M. Hamuy, R. Aviles,
N. Suntzeff, and R. Schommer, Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory
(CTIO); B. Leibundgut and J. Spyromilio, European Southern
Observatory (ESO); B. Kirshner, A. Riess, P. Challis, and P.
Garnavich, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; and C.
Stubbs and C. Hogan, University of Washington] report the discovery
of a high-redshift supernova located 0".73 west and 0".82 north of
a galaxy at R.A. =10h50m47s.00, Decl. = -9o15'07".4 (equinox
2000.0); SN 1995K is offset 11".4 east and 31".6 north from a nearby
star (GSC 5499.0261; R.A. = 10h50m46s.2, Decl. = -9o15'39"). A
finding chart can be obtained by e-mailing brian@merlin.anu.edu.au.
1995K was discovered (at mag R about 22.5) on a frame taken with
the CTIO 4-m telescope on Mar. 30.1 UT and is mariginally detected
on a frame taken in poor conditions on Mar. 25. The supernova is
not present on a deep image obtained on Mar. 7. Spectra obtained
at the ESO New Technology Telescope on Apr. 3 suggest that the
object is a type-Ia event slightly past maximum. The redshift of
the host galaxy, derived from narrow H-alpha + [N II] emission, is
z = 0.478.
T. Augusteijn, European Southern Observatory, writes: "The
dwarf nova AL Com, currently in outburst (IAUC 6155), was observed
spectroscopically (range 394-789 nm, resolution 0.9 nm) with the
Danish 1.54-m telescope (+ DFOSC) at La Silla on Apr. 9.100 UT. A
preliminary reduction shows shallow, wide absorption lines of H-
alpha-epsilon and He I 447.1-nm (blended with H-gamma, and possibly
He I 438.8-nm), very similar to other dwarf novae in the early
stages of a superoutburst. The total width of the lines at the
continuum level ranges from about 10000 km/s for H-alpha to about
5500 km/s for H-delta. The equivalent widths of the lines range
from about 1.0 nm for H-alpha to 0.4 nm for H-delta. From a
comparison with an observation of a flux standard, I find V about 12.0
and B-V about 0.0."
Further visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 6159): Apr.
11.864 UT, 13.0 (P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany); 12.191, 12.8
(W. G. Dillon, Missouri City, TX).
1995 April 12 (6160) Daniel W. E. Green
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