Circular No. 6182
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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R. H. McNaught, Anglo-Australian Observatory, reports his
discovery of a supernova (mag about 18) on a deep U.K. Schmidt
telescope R survey film taken by Q. A. Parker on June 29.5 UT; a
similar film taken by M. J. Drinkwater on June 2 does not show the
object to mag 21. A confirming unfiltered CCD image was obtained
by G. J. Garradd and McNaught with the 1.0-m reflector at Siding
Spring on July 6. SN 1995R is located at R.A. = 13h53m32s.60,
Decl. = -1o11'30".2 (equinox 2000.0), which is 9" east and 10"
north of the center of UGC 8801 = MCG +00-35-025. A nearby star of
mag 17 has position end figures 32s.24, 31".3. S. Benetti,
European Southern Observatory (ESO), writes: "I have observed SN
1995R on July 6.03 UT with the ESO 1.5-m telescope (+ Boller &
Chivens spectrograph) at La Silla. The partially-reduced spectrum
(range 356-749 nm, resolution 0.4 nm) resembles those of a type-Ia
supernova, about 3 weeks past maximum light. Broad emissions are
measured at 472, 504, 541.5, 554, 602, and 659.5 nm. The Si II
635.5-nm absorption is measured at 630.2 nm."
GRO J1629-49
G. Kanbach, Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik,
and the EGRET instrument team communicate: "A new, very bright
gamma-ray source has been detected in an EGRET quick-look analysis
of the current pointing of the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. The
preliminary galactic position of GRO J1629-49 is l = 335o.0, b =
-0o.4 (95-percent confidence radius about 0.7 deg). At energies
above 100 MeV, this is one of the brightest sources ever detected.
Previous exposures of this region have never shown a significant
source at this location. The Parkes-Molonglo-NRAO catalog of radio
sources contains an unresolved source, PMN J1628-4936, at R.A.
= 16h28m57s.7, Decl. = -49o36'25" (equinox 2000.0), with flux
density 1134 +/- 60 mJy at 4850 MHz during June 1990. PKSCAT90
does not list this source (2.7 GHz), which could indicate a time-
variable radio emission. The other radio sources in the gamma-ray
error box are either extended or much weaker than the above object.
Immediate multi-wavelength observations of PMN J1628-4936 and the
gamma-ray uncertainty box of GRO J1629-49 are of strong interest.
The current pointing of the Compton observatory will be maintained
until July 10. Please contact G. Kanbach (gok@mpe-garching.mpg.de
if you can provide data on this source."
1995 July 6 (6182) Daniel W. E. Green
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