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IAUC 6195: 1995T; WGA J1047.1+6335 AND J1802.1+1804

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                                                  Circular No. 6195
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
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     C. Pollas, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, reports his discovery
of a supernova of V about 18.0 at R. A. = 22h27m12s.41, Decl. = -9d29'44".4
(equinox 2000.0), 6".1 west and 2".3 south of the center of an anonymous
galaxy of mpg about 17.4.  The object was found on tech pan films obtained
by D. Albanese and himself on July 25.09 and 27.05 UT with the 0.9-m Schmidt.
Nothing is visible at the location on the Palomar Sky Survey prints down to
B = 21 and R = 20.  A. V. Filippenko, D. C. Leonard and A. J. Barth,
University of California at Berkeley, report that preliminary inspection
of uncalibrated CCD spectra (range 310-800 nm, resolution 0.7 nm)
obtained on Aug. 1 with the 3-m Shane reflector at the Lick Observatory
suggests that the object is a type Ia supernova, probably about 1-2 weeks
past maximum brightness.  The redshift of the parent galaxy, determined
from strong emission lines, is 0.056.

WGA J1047.1+6335 AND J1802.1+1804
     K. P. Singh, P. Barrett, E. Schlegel and N. E. White, Goddard Space
Flight Center; P. Szkody, A. Silber, D. W. Hoard and E. Fierce,
University of Washington, report: "We have found two new cataclysmic
variables based on their x-ray and optical characteristics.  The sources
were discovered during a search for the ultrasoft sources in the ROSAT
PSPC pointed observations, data from which have been archived at HEASARC
and are publicly available as WGACAT (cf. IAUC 6100).  The x-ray spectrum
of WGA J1047.1+6335 shows a dominant blackbody with kT = 40-50 eV and
unabsorbed flux of 3.5 x 10**-13 erg cm-2 s-1 in the 0.1-0.5-keV energy range;
no x-rays > 0.5 keV are detected.  The optical counterpart at R.A. =
10h47m09s.9, Decl. = +63d35'13" (equinox 2000.0) has mag about 19.4.
Strong emission lines of H and He II are present, and a period of about
40 min is seen in photometry.  This object probably belongs to a new class of
soft intermediate polars (Haberl and Motch 1995, A.Ap. 297, L37).
An x-ray spectrum of WGA J1802.1+1804 also shows a dominant soft blackbody
with kT about 30 eV and a bremsstrahlung component with kT > 1 keV,
the blackbody flux being about 10**3 times the flux in the bremsstrahlung
component.  The total unabsorbed x-ray flux at 0.1-2.0 keV is
4.1 x 10**-9 erg cm-2 s-1.  The optical counterpart is located at
R.A. = 18h02m06s.5, Decl. = +18d04'43" (equinox 2000.0).  Of mag 15, it
has strong emission lines in its optical spectrum, with He II 469 nm
stronger than H beta.  It is likely to be an AM Her-type object.  An
optical and x-ray period of about 113 min has also been detected.
Follow-up polarimetric observations of both objects are encouraged."

1995 August 1                  (6195)              Brian G. Marsden

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