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IAUC 6206: 1995 Q1; 1995W

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6206
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

COMET 1995 Q1
     A new comet--his seventeenth--has been discovered by
William A. Bradfield, Dernancourt, near Adelaide.   Available observations:

     1995 UT           R.A. (2000) Decl.         m1     Observer
     Aug. 17.410     11 00.6       -14 08        6      Bradfield
          17.99      11 01.5       -13 27        5.5    Bouchet
          18.28      11 03.5       -13 12        5      Drummond

W. Bradfield (Dernancourt).  Tail > 1 deg.  Communicated by A. Beresford.
G. Pizarro (European Southern Observatory).  1.0-m Schmidt.  Rough
   position by R. M. West.  7' coma, two wavy tails in p.a. 145 deg,
   length 3 deg.  P. Bouchet, S. Benneti and others confirmed the
   comet, which was visible with the naked eye; 2 deg tail.
J. Drummond (Gisborne, New Zealand).  Communicated by W. Orchiston.

     A. Williams and R. Martin, Perth Observatory, report the
discovery on Aug. 5.65 UT by the Perth Astronomy Research Group's
automated supernova search of an apparent supernova (mag about 16)
located 9" west and 22" south of the center of NGC 7650 (R.A.
= 23h25m.3, Decl. = -57d48', equinox 2000.0).  J. Greenhill and
K. M. Hill, Canopus Observatory, University of Tasmania, write:
"Instrumental CCD magnitudes measured with the Canopus Observatory 1-m
telescope on Aug. 10.6 UT show that the object was 1.0 mag fainter in v
and much hotter (b-v = -0.26) than the closest bright star, located
about 1'.6 south and west of the supernova.
     S. Benetti and T. Augusteijn, European Southern Observatory;
and A. Sarajedini, Kitt Peak National Observatory, communicate:
"Inspection of a preliminarily-reduced CCD spectrum (range 396-793
nm, resolution 1 nm) obtained on Aug. 17.29 UT with the Danish
1.54-m telescope (+ DFOSC) at La Silla confirms this object as a
supernova of type II, about 1 month after maximum.  Strong H gamma,
H beta and H alpha lines with P-Cyg profiles are superimposed
on a fairly blue continuum; Ti II 455.0-nm and Fe II 501.8-nm and
516.9-nm lines are also present with P-Cyg profiles.  The
expansion velocity deduced from the H gamma and H beta
absorption is about 8000 km/s.  We derive a velocity for the
H alpha absorption of about 9600 km/s.  The Fe II lines show a
somewhat slower expansion velocity (about 5800 km/s).  The
velocity shift of a narrow H alpha emission component is
consistent with the recession velocity of NGC 7650 (3300 km/s)."

1995 August 18                 (6206)              Brian G. Marsden

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