Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 6311: C/1996 B2

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6311
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

     D. Schleicher, Lowell Observatory, reports:  "Narrow-band
photometry of this comet was obtained using the Lowell Observatory
0.8-m telescope on Feb. 9.5 UT.  Haser-model production rates were:
log Q(OH) = 28.70, log Q(CN) = 26.16, and log Q(C2) = 26.15.  The
dust production rate was log (A f rho) = 3.19.  For comparison, the
water production rate (based on OH) is about 30 percent less than
we observed for 1P/Halley at a comparable heliocentric distance."
     Total-magnitude and coma-diameter estimates (cf. IAUC 6304):
Jan. 1.84 UT, 13.3, 1' (K. Takamizawa, Saku, Nagano, Japan, 0.10-m
refractor; prediscovery photographs; low altitude); Feb. 10.76, 8.7,
3' (T. Lovejoy, Jimboomba, Queensland, 0.25-m reflector; visual).
     If the Jan. 1 positions can be relied on to arcsecond accuracy,
the ephemeris uncertainty in late March is at most a few tenths of
a degree.  Improved ephemeris from orbital elements by B. G.
Marsden on MPEC 1996-C06 (minimum distance from the earth is 0.10
AU on Mar. 25):

1996 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    m1
Feb.  7    14 36.95   -24 54.8   1.592   1.914   92.9   31.0    9.3
     12    14 40.64   -24 47.6   1.424   1.831   97.1   32.3    8.9
     17    14 44.10   -24 32.4   1.256   1.746  101.4   33.7    8.4
     22    14 47.28   -24 05.8   1.088   1.659  105.9   35.0    7.9
     27    14 50.11   -23 22.1   0.920   1.570  110.5   36.2    7.3
Mar.  3    14 52.52   -22 10.5   0.753   1.479  115.4   37.3    6.6
      8    14 54.36   -20 08.7   0.586   1.386  120.6   38.0    5.8
     13    14 55.36   -16 20.7   0.422   1.291  126.6   38.2    4.7
     18    14 54.70   - 7 39.0   0.263   1.192  133.6   37.2    3.4
     23    14 48.03   +22 34.8   0.127   1.090  134.8   40.4    1.4
     28     4 05.6    +78 49.1   0.135   0.985   80.5   91.7    1.1
Apr.  2     3 11.39   +52 00.4   0.273   0.876   55.8  109.3    2.1
      7     3 05.25   +43 28.1   0.429   0.762   45.1  111.3    2.5
     12     3 00.61   +39 02.9   0.590   0.643   37.4  108.7    2.4
     17     2 55.04   +35 47.4   0.754   0.519   30.3  102.6    2.0
     22     2 47.46   +32 29.3   0.919   0.393   23.0   90.9    1.3
     27     2 37.08   +27 59.6   1.081   0.278   14.7   67.2    0.1

                      (C) Copyright 1996 CBAT
1996 February 10               (6311)            Daniel W. E. Green

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