Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 6330: C/1996 B2

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6330
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

     Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 6329:

1996 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong. Phase      m1
Mar. 20.0  14 53.38    - 0 22.4    0.203    1.152  136.4   36.6      2.7
     21.0  14 52.26    + 5 04.0    0.175    1.131  137.3   36.7      2.3
     22.0  14 50.58    +12 28.2    0.149    1.111  137.2   37.6      1.8
     23.0  14 47.99    +22 41.1    0.127    1.090  134.8   40.5      1.4

     23.2  14 47.30    +25 08.8    0.123    1.086  133.9   41.4      1.3
     23.4  14 46.54    +27 45.6    0.120    1.082  132.8   42.5      1.2
     23.6  14 45.68    +30 31.8    0.116    1.078  131.6   43.8      1.2
     23.8  14 44.71    +33 27.3    0.113    1.073  130.1   45.3      1.1
     24.0  14 43.62    +36 32.0    0.111    1.069  128.5   46.9      1.0
     24.2  14 42.38    +39 45.3    0.108    1.065  126.6   48.7      0.9
     24.4  14 40.94    +43 06.7    0.106    1.061  124.6   50.7      0.9
     24.6  14 39.28    +46 35.2    0.104    1.057  122.3   52.9      0.8
     24.8  14 37.33    +50 09.4    0.103    1.053  120.0   55.2      0.8
     25.0  14 35.00    +53 47.9    0.102    1.048  117.4   57.6      0.8
     25.2  14 32.19    +57 28.9    0.102    1.044  114.8   60.1      0.7
     25.4  14 28.73    +61 10.6    0.102    1.040  112.0   62.7      0.7
     25.6  14 24.37    +64 50.8    0.102    1.036  109.3   65.4      0.7
     25.8  14 18.71    +68 27.7    0.103    1.032  106.5   68.0      0.7
     26.0  14 11.1     +71 59.3    0.104    1.027  103.7   70.7      0.7
     26.2  14 00.3     +75 23.4    0.106    1.023  100.9   73.2      0.7
     26.4  13 43.9     +78 37.7    0.108    1.019   98.2   75.7      0.7
     26.6  13 16.6     +81 38.7    0.110    1.015   95.6   78.1      0.8
     26.8  12 24.4     +84 18.2    0.113    1.010   93.1   80.4      0.8
     27.0  10 33       +86 11.0    0.116    1.006   90.7   82.6      0.9
     27.2   7 39       +86 20.1    0.120    1.002   88.4   84.7      0.9
     27.4   5 43.4     +84 51.3    0.123    0.998   86.3   86.7      0.9
     27.6   4 49.5     +82 50.4    0.127    0.993   84.2   88.5      1.0
     27.8   4 21.5     +80 44.7    0.131    0.989   82.3   90.2      1.0

     28.0   4 04.8     +78 42.0    0.135    0.985   80.4   91.8      1.1
     29.0   3 32.30    +69 56.7    0.159    0.963   72.7   98.3      1.3
     30.0   3 21.88    +63 27.5    0.185    0.942   66.9  102.7      1.6
     31.0   3 16.69    +58 36.4    0.214    0.920   62.4  105.8      1.8
Apr.  1.0   3 13.53    +54 53.4    0.243    0.898   58.7  107.9      2.0
      2.0   3 11.35    +51 58.0    0.273    0.875   55.7  109.3      2.1

                      (C) Copyright 1996 CBAT
1996 February 29               (6330)              Brian G. Marsden

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