Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 6547: XTE J1709-267; C/1995 O1

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6547
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/cfa/ps/cbat.html
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

XTE J1709-267
     R. M. Hjellming and M. P. Rupen, National Radio Astronomy
Observatory, report the discovery of a candidate for the radio
counterpart of the x-ray nova XTE J1709-267 (IAUC 6543).  VLA
observations on Jan. 25.62 UT were used to detect a radio source
with flux densities of about 104 and about 111 mJy at 1.42 and
4.9 GHz, respectively, at a position of R.A. = 17h09m09s.23,
Decl. = -26d42'19".0 (equinox 2000.0, estimated error < 1").
This was the only detected radio source in the RXTE error region,
and the probability of a 4.9-GHz background source of this strength
in the field is about 0.002.  They add that further observations
are underway to search for the variability typical of x-ray novae.

     Extension to the ephemeris on IAUC 6507 (elements on MPC 28557):

1997 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong. Phase      m1
Feb. 11    20 07.85    +20 50.1    1.807    1.251   41.4   31.5      0.3
     16    20 24.40    +23 57.3    1.711    1.196   43.0   34.3     -0.1
     21    20 43.63    +27 22.0    1.620    1.144   44.3   37.1     -0.4
     26    21 06.32    +31 01.2    1.535    1.095   45.3   40.0     -0.7
Mar.  3    21 33.42    +34 48.4    1.460    1.050   46.0   42.7     -1.0
      8    22 05.97    +38 31.4    1.398    1.010   46.2   45.2     -1.2
     13    22 44.77    +41 51.1    1.352    0.976   46.1   47.2     -1.5
     18    23 29.71    +44 22.6    1.323    0.948   45.6   48.6     -1.6
     23     0 19.05    +45 42.1    1.315    0.929   44.8   49.1     -1.7
     28     1 09.30    +45 36.5    1.327    0.917   43.7   48.7     -1.8
Apr.  2     1 56.54    +44 10.4    1.359    0.914   42.3   47.4     -1.7
      7     2 38.11    +41 42.9    1.406    0.920   40.7   45.2     -1.6
     12     3 13.22    +38 38.1    1.468    0.935   39.0   42.5     -1.5
     17     3 42.36    +35 16.3    1.540    0.957   37.2   39.4     -1.3
     22     4 06.55    +31 51.7    1.619    0.987   35.3   36.0     -1.0
     27     4 26.85    +28 32.7    1.702    1.023   33.3   32.7     -0.7
May   2     4 44.15    +25 23.3    1.787    1.065   31.4   29.5     -0.5
      7     4 59.16    +22 25.2    1.873    1.111   29.4   26.5     -0.2
     12     5 12.42    +19 38.4    1.958    1.161   27.6   23.8      0.1
     17     5 24.31    +17 02.1    2.041    1.215   25.9   21.3      0.4
     22     5 35.14    +14 35.2    2.121    1.271   24.4   19.2      0.7
     27     5 45.12    +12 16.5    2.199    1.329   23.2   17.5      0.9
June  1     5 54.43    +10 04.8    2.272    1.388   22.3   16.1      1.2

                      (C) Copyright 1997 CBAT
1997 January 27                (6547)              Brian G. Marsden

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