Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 6652: C/1997 J2

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6652
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/cfa/ps/cbat.html
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

COMET C/1997 J2
     Selected precise CCD positions have been reported as follows:

     1997 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.        m1    Observer
     May   5.28542   10 56 33.67   +73 58 55.1          Mueller
           9.50429   10 52 54.23   +73 49 13.8   13.3   Abe
           9.51117   10 52 53.94   +73 49 12.9            "
           9.51146   10 52 53.81   +73 49 12.5   13.5   Asami
           9.51429   10 52 53.64   +73 49 12.0            "
           9.52729   10 52 53.01   +73 49 10.3   12.9   Kojima
           9.54243   10 52 52.28   +73 49 07.7            "
           9.61803   10 52 48.85   +73 48 56.3          Ito
           9.62078   10 52 48.77   +73 48 54.5            "
           9.83005   10 52 39.47   +73 48 23.3   14.3   Ticha
           9.84751   10 52 38.65   +73 48 20.6            "
           9.92469   10 52 35.14   +73 48 07.9   14.8   Koleny
           9.93713   10 52 34.60   +73 48 06.3   14.5     "

J. Mueller (Palomar).  1.2-m Oschin Schmidt.  Prediscovery image, 3 mm
   from C/1997 J1 plate edge; tail to south.  Reduction by G. V. Williams.
H. Abe (Yatsuka).  0.26-m f/6.0 reflector.  Communicated by S. Nakano.
A. Asami (Hadano).  0.28-m f/5.0 reflector.  Communicated by Nakano.
T. Kojima (Chiyoda).  0.25-m f/6.0 reflector.  Communcated by Nakano.
K. Ito (Nishi Kobe).  0.25-m f/6.3 Schmidt-Cassegrain.
J. Ticha and M. Tichy (Klet).  0.57-m f/5.2 reflector.  Measurer M. Tichy.
   Coma 1' in diameter, tail > 2' long in p.a. 184 deg.
P. Koleny and L. Kornos (Modra).  0.6-m f/5.5 reflector.

     Parabolic orbital elements from 20 observations May 5-9:

     T = 1996 Aug. 12.032 TT          Peri. =  14.462
                                      Node  = 161.021   2000.0
     q = 3.75857 AU                   Incl. =  99.112

1997 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong. Phase      m1
May   7    10 55.0     +73 55.2    4.462    4.429   81.6   13.0     12.7
     12    10 51.2     +73 42.6    4.532    4.451   79.0   12.9     12.8
     17    10 48.7     +73 27.7    4.600    4.474   76.6   12.7     12.8
     22    10 47.5     +73 11.2    4.666    4.497   74.2   12.5     12.9
     27    10 47.4     +72 53.6    4.729    4.520   72.0   12.3     12.9
June  1    10 48.3     +72 35.2    4.791    4.544   69.9   12.1     13.0

                      (C) Copyright 1997 CBAT
1997 May 9                     (6652)              Brian G. Marsden

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