Circular No. 6816
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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1SAX J0104.5+5828
R. Ricci and M. Smith, BeppoSAX Science Operation Center,
Telespazio, Rome; P. Soffitta and L. Piro, Istituto Astrofisica
Spaziale, CNR, Rome; P. Giommi and S. Rebecchi, BeppoSAX Science
Data Center (SDC); J. M. Muller, Space Research Organization of the
Netherlands, Utrecht, and SDC; and G. Gennaro, BeppoSAX Operational
Control Center, report on behalf of the BeppoSAX team: "On Jan.
28.039583 UT, BeppoSAX WFC no. 2 detected an x-ray flare from a
previously unknown source (now designated 1SAX J0104.5+5828). The
event lasted about 100 s with approximately equal rise and decay
time, and it had a peak flux of 0.2 Crab in the range 2--28 keV.
No signal is present between 40 and 700 keV. The pulse profile
appears to be not structured, with a flat-topped peak. The
position is R.A. = 1h04m35s, Decl. = +58o28'.8 (equinox 2000.0) ---
i.e., at a galactic latitude of about -4 deg. Due to the non-
optimal satellite attitude configuration at the moment of the burst,
the derived error radius is 10'. No catalogued x-ray sources are
present in the error circle."
L. Jorda, Max Planck Institute for Aeronomie; J. Lecacheux,
Meudon Observatory; F. Colas, Bureau des Longitudes, Paris; E.
Frappa, Planetarium de Saint-Etienne; and P. Laques, Bagneres-de-
Bigorre, France, report that images of the nuclear region of comet
55P taken in the past few days show a jet of matter whose brighter
inner section (within 4" of the nucleus) moves with an amplitude of
25 deg, yielding possible rotation periods of 15.31 +/- 0.03 and
14.79 +/- 0.02 hr. Some selected images are presented at
Visual m_1 and coma-diameter estimates (B = binoculars): Jan.
15.04 UT, 7.4, 25' (R. Keen, Mt. Thorodin, CO, 7x50 B); 17.72, 7.5,
19' (M. Lehky, Hradec Kralove, Czech Rep., 10x80 B); 21.05, 7.4,
about 14' (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY, 10x50 B); 25.3, 7.4, 15' (S.
J. O'Meara, Volcano, HI, 10x50 B); 30.08, 7.9, 12' (G. W. Kronk,
Troy, IL, 20x80 B).
This comet increased in brightness by > 3 mag between Jan.
14.25 and 24.25 UT in CCD V frames obtained by R. Casas and J.
Licandro at the Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife. Total visual
magnitude estimates with 0.41-m reflectors: Jan. 25.47, 12.4 (A.
Hale, Cloudcroft, NM; nearly stellar); 26.48, 12.5 (Hale); 29.82,
12.7 (A. Pearce, Nedlands, W. Australia).
(C) Copyright 1998 CBAT
1998 January 30 (6816) Daniel W. E. Green
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