Circular No. 6893
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SUPERNOVAE 1998bq, 1998br, 1998bs
L. Germany reports that the Mount Stromlo Abell Cluster
Supernova Search Team (cf. IAUC 6639) has discovered three apparent
supernovae on V and R CCD images taken with the Mount Stromlo
1.27-m telescope (+ Macho Camera):
SN Date UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. V Offset
1998bq Apr. 28 15h10m20.53 + 5 51'16.5 19.2 1".2 W, 1".7 S
1998br Apr. 18 15 10 24.94 + 5 55 30.0 20.5 5".1 E, 3".6 N
1998bs Apr. 18 13 26 31.51 -31 09 08.9 20.6 0".1 E, 0".5 N
SNe 1998bq and 1998br are near the cluster Abell 2029; SNe 1998bs
is near Abell 3558. These object were not visible on images
obtained on the following dates (with limiting V magnitudes given):
SN 1998bq, Apr. 18, 21.5; SN 1998br and SN 1998bs, Mar. 10, 21.0.
The limiting magnitude on Apr. 28 was V = 20.5. Confirmation
images for the other supernovae were taken with the same telescope
on Apr. 30 (limiting mag V = 21.5). Finding charts are available
at http://msowww.anu.edu.au/~reiss/Abell_SNSearch/
T. Omodaka and T. Maeda, Department of Physics, Kagoshima
University; and N. Mochizuki, National Astronomical Observatory of
Japan, report: "A burst of water masers (rest frequency 22.235 GHz)
in the Orion-KL region (R.A. = 5h32m47s.01, Decl. = -5 24'23".8,
equinox 1950.0) was detected in January with the Kagoshima 6-m
radio telescope (+ radio Acousto Optical Spectrometer). The
central velocity of the burst peak is 7.8 km/s. The intensity of
the flare component has increased gradually since January and is
now 138 times that of the 'quiescent' flux density of the water
masers in this region, as indicated by the following peak flux
densities (V_LSR = 7.8 km/s): 1997 Jan. 20, 13 000 Jy; Dec. 4,
18 000; 1998 Jan. 2, 40 000; Feb. 4, 72 000; Mar. 4, 200 000; Mar.
26, 870 000; Apr. 28, 1 800 000. We also confirmed the burst with
the Nobeyama 45-m, Kashima 34-m, and Mizusawa 10-m telescopes.
Because the beam size of Nobeyama 45-m telesope is 74", we are
sure the burst is at the Kleinmann-Low nebula. An accurate
position of the burst component will be obtained by VLBI
(C) Copyright 1998 CBAT
1998 May 4 (6893) Daniel W. E. Green
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