Circular No. 6948
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SGR 1627-41
P. Woods, M. Kippen, and Jan van Paradijs, University of
Alabama in Huntsville; C. Kouveliotou and M. McCollough,
Universities Space Research Association; and K. Hurley, Space
Sciences Laboratory, communicate: "BATSE Earth-limb considerations
limit the possible position of this object to declinations along
the IPN annulus reported by Hurley et al. (below), which are
between -43 deg and -49 deg. This is slightly outside the BATSE
1-sigma error circle reported on IAUC 6944. However, due to the
soft spectrum of the source, systematic errors were larger than
usual. A preliminary search through the MOST supernova remnant
(SNR) catalogue (Whiteoak and Green 1996, A.Ap. Suppl. 118, 329)
reveals only one candidate within the error box reported here,
G337.0-0.1. The peculiar nonthermal-structure core reported for
G337.0-0.1 is entirely within the IPN annulus width. We strongly
encourage follow-up observations of the SNR source."
Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses Gamma-Ray Burst Team; and
Kouveliotou, Kippen, and Woods, on behalf of the Gamma-Ray
Observatory BATSE team, report: "We have obtained an IPN annulus
for this soft gamma-ray repeater (IAUC 6944). Its center is at
R.A. = 22h01m40s, Decl. = -10o09'.8 (equinox 2000.0), and its
radius is 76.769 +/- 0.028 deg. Considerable further refinement of
this position is possible. An image may be found at
Ephemeris extension to IAUC 6915 (elements MPC 31893):
1998 TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1
June 26 15 39.63 -42 51.5 1.561 2.443 141.9 14.9 13.3
July 6 15 17.49 -45 36.6 1.630 2.411 129.8 18.9 13.4
16 14 59.58 -47 48.4 1.721 2.383 118.8 21.9 13.5
26 14 46.79 -49 39.1 1.827 2.361 108.9 24.0 13.5
Aug. 5 14 39.28 -51 20.2 1.941 2.343 100.2 25.2 13.6
15 14 36.74 -53 00.1 2.057 2.331 92.4 25.7 13.7
25 14 38.81 -54 43.7 2.171 2.324 85.7 25.7 13.8
Sept. 4 14 45.19 -56 34.1 2.281 2.323 79.7 25.3 14.0
14 14 55.76 -58 31.6 2.384 2.327 74.6 24.6 14.1
24 15 10.67 -60 35.7 2.479 2.337 70.1 23.8 14.2
Oct. 4 15 30.32 -62 44.4 2.566 2.352 66.4 22.9 14.3
Visual m_1 estimates: May 31.27 UT, 13.1 (C. S. Morris,
Lockwood Valley, CA, 0.5-m reflector); June 2.64, 12.6 (M.
Mattiazzo, Wallaroo, South Australia, 0.20-m reflector); 17.54,
12.7 (Mattiazzo).
(C) Copyright 1998 CBAT
1998 June 19 (6948) Daniel W. E. Green
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