Circular No. 7033
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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SUPERNOVA 1998eg IN UGC 12133
G. M. Hurst, Basingstoke, England, reports the discovery by
Tom Boles, Wellingborough, of a supernova (mag 16.0) on 80-s
unfiltered CCD images obtained on Oct. 19.906 UT for the U.K.
Supernova Patrol with a 0.26-m reflector; it was not visible on
Sept. 17 (limiting mag 18). Boles provides the precise position
R.A. = 22h39m30s.26, Decl. = +8 36'21".3 (equinox 2000.0).
Additional reported CCD magnitudes (unfiltered unless otherwise
noted): Oct. 19.896, 15.7 (M. Armstrong, Rolvenden, England);
20.88, R about 16.4 (S. Benetti, F. Ghinassi, E. Marchetti, G.
Tessicini, C. Vuerli, and A. Zacchei, La Palma); 20.995, 15.5
(Armstrong); 21.25, R = 17.6 (D. Balam, University of Victoria);
21.385, 16.2 (Y. Sano, Nayoro, Hokkaido, Japan). Additional
reported position end figures: 30s.37, 21".0 (Armstrong, 0.26-m
reflector); 30s.29, 20".6 (Balam, 1.82-m Plaskett telescope);
30s.35, 20".5 (Sano, 0.28-m reflector; communicated by H. Yamaoka,
Kyushu University). Balam gives the supernova's offset as 25".9
west and 25".3 south of the nucleus of UGC 12133, and notes that
there is nearby star (R = 15.8) at position end figures 30s.08,
37'22".7; Balam has posted an image of SN 1998eg at
MPEC 1998-U12 provides detailed information concerning yet
another comet discovered by LINEAR. The object, discovered on Oct.
18, was reported as asteroidal and fast-moving, and a request for
further observations was placed on The NEO Confirmation Page. From
the confirmatory observations, made at four observatories on Oct.
20 and 21, it quickly became clear that the object had a retrograde,
nearly parabolic orbit. Referring to the observations made with
the 0.65-m f/3.6 reflector at the Ondrejov Observatory on Oct. 20.9
UT, P. Pravec notes that a faint tail was visible on individual
3-min exposures with a clear filter. The tail, extending 16" in
p.a. 60 deg, was confirmed on co-addition of six frames. The
discovery observation and orbital elements follow:
1998 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. m1
Oct. 18.40062 3 56 57.57 +33 36 22.5 19.2
T = 1998 June 1.479 TT Peri. = 130.116
Node = 210.409 2000.0
q = 4.06998 AU Incl. = 156.468
(C) Copyright 1998 CBAT
1998 October 21 (7033) Daniel W. E. Green
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