Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 7036: P/1998 U2

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IAUC number

                                                 Circular No. 7036
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

     The following precise CCD observations have been reported:

     1998 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Sept.14.41154    1 37 47.29   +12 32 24.3   17.2   Ferris
          14.43634    1 37 47.26   +12 32 27.8            "
          14.47083    1 37 47.23   +12 32 33.0            "
     Oct. 22.84000    1 24 10.61   +12 25 02.1   16     Pravec
          22.88941    1 24 09.00   +12 24 56.6   16.0   Kornos
          22.89471    1 24 08.82   +12 24 55.8          Pravec
          22.89615    1 24 08.79   +12 24 55.7          Kornos
          22.89756    1 24 08.73   +12 24 55.6          Pravec
          22.90795    1 24 08.37   +12 24 54.0          Kornos
          22.90847    1 24 08.33   +12 24 54.9          Ticha
          22.90995    1 24 08.31   +12 24 54.5            "
          22.91245    1 24 08.22   +12 24 54.4            "
          22.94032    1 24 07.30   +12 24 51.2            "
          22.94255    1 24 07.32   +12 24 50.2   16       "

W. D. Ferris and B. W. Koehn (LONEOS, Lowell Observatory).
  Prediscovery images, apparently asteroidal.
P. Pravec (Ondrejov).  0.65-m reflector.  Broad tail 0'.4 long in
  p.a. 140 deg.
L. Kornos and P. Koleny (Modra).  0.6-m f/5.5 reflector.
M. Tichy and Z. Moravec (Klet).  0.57-m f/5.2 reflector.

     Preliminary orbital elements by the undersigned:

     T = 1998 Oct. 21.989 TT          Peri. =  49.964
     e = 0.52326                      Node  = 336.310   2000.0
     q = 2.02965 AU                   Incl. =   2.201
       a =  4.25733 AU     n = 0.112201     P =   8.78 years

1998 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    m1
Oct. 14     1 28.83   +12 40.8   1.036   2.031  174.3    2.8   16.2
     24     1 23.59   +12 22.9   1.039   2.030  172.7    3.6   16.2
Nov.  3     1 19.25   +12 04.2   1.065   2.032  162.1    8.6   16.2
     13     1 16.89   +11 51.6   1.113   2.039  151.6   13.3   16.3
     23     1 17.17   +11 50.1   1.181   2.049  141.6   17.4   16.5
Dec.  3     1 20.38   +12 02.7   1.265   2.062  132.4   20.7   16.7
     13     1 26.40   +12 29.5   1.364   2.079  123.8   23.2   16.9

                      (C) Copyright 1998 CBAT
1998 October 22                (7036)            Daniel W. E. Green

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