Circular No. 7496 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) CBAT@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html ISSN 0081-0304 Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only) COMET 2000 S1 B. W. Koehn, Lowell Observatory, reports the discovery by Brian A. Skiff of a comet on images taken in the course of the LONEOS program. Available CCD observations: 2000 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. m1 Observer Sept.24.29782 0 31 11.97 -14 35 32.8 14.8 Skiff 24.32105 0 31 10.83 -14 35 26.0 " 24.34425 0 31 09.47 -14 35 19.6 " 24.36749 0 31 08.30 -14 35 12.6 " 25.86483 0 29 50.73 -14 27 35.7 16.0 Tichy 25.86606 0 29 50.61 -14 27 35.9 " 25.86712 0 29 50.49 -14 27 35.5 " B. A. Skiff (Lowell Observatory). Measurer B. W. Koehn. 0.59-m LONEOS Schmidt telescope. Fan-shaped tail 2' long in p.a. about 250 deg. M. Tichy, M. Kocer, and P. Jelinek (Klet). 0.57-m f/5.2 reflector. Object apparently diffuse with coma diameter about 14". 2000 DP107 S. J. Ostro, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL); J.-L. Margot and M. C. Nolan, Arecibo Observatory; L. A. M. Benner, R. F. Jurgens, and J. D. Giorgini, JPL, write: "Goldstone (8560-MHz, 3.5-cm) delay-Doppler and Doppler-only radar observations on Sept. 22 and 23 strongly suggest that 2000 DP107 is a binary system. The images show separations up to at least 1 km between the components, which have different sizes and rotation states. Additional radar observations are planned at Arecibo. Follow-up optical observations are desirable." Ephemeris from orbital elements on MPEC 2000-S37: 2000 TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V Sept.26 21 22.69 -10 41.3 0.066 1.052 136.3 41.2 13.8 27 21 34.85 - 7 45.1 0.072 1.057 138.9 38.6 13.9 28 21 45.26 - 5 12.2 0.077 1.063 140.9 36.4 14.1 29 21 54.25 - 2 59.6 0.083 1.069 142.5 34.8 14.2 30 22 02.09 - 1 04.3 0.089 1.075 143.8 33.4 14.3 Oct. 1 22 08.99 + 0 36.1 0.095 1.080 144.7 32.4 14.4 2 22 15.10 + 2 04.1 0.102 1.086 145.4 31.5 14.6 3 22 20.57 + 3 21.4 0.108 1.092 145.9 30.9 14.7 (C) Copyright 2000 CBAT 2000 September 25 (7496) Daniel W. E. Green
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