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IAUC 7574: 2001O; V445 Pup

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 7574
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

     B. J. Boyle, S. M. Croom, I. J. Lewis, and J. Pogson, Anglo-
Australian Observatory; and K. Glazebrook, Johns Hopkins University,
report the discovery of a supernova in an optical spectrum taken on
Jan. 23.69 UT with the Anglo-Australian Telescope (+ 2-deg-field
fiber-fed multi-object spectrograph) in the course of the 2dF QSO
Redshift Survey.  The host galaxy, whose center is located at R.A.
= 10h33m36s.36, Decl. = +0 12'01".2 (equinox 2000.0), was selected
for observation as being blue (U-B_j = -0.4, B_j = 20.3) and
compact (as measured from 1984 U.K. Schmidt Telescope IIIa-J plates
taken with GG395 and UG1 filters).  SN 2001O is estimated to be
located within 1" of the galaxy's center (as the diameter of the
2dF optical fibers is 2").  A magnitude of B_j about 18.7 is
derived for SN 2001O from the spectrum (a 1-hr integration at a low
resolution of 0.7 nm).  The spectrum of the host galaxy shows
narrow emission lines in [O II], [O III], and the hydrogen Balmer
series, indicating a redshift of z = 0.087 and suggesting the
presence of a narrow-emission-line galaxy.  Superimposed is the
spectrum of a type-I supernova (probably type Ia or Ic) showing
strong Si II and Ca II features at about 610 and 390 nm (rest
frame), respectively, suggesting that the supernova is before or at
its peak luminosity.

     S. Kimeswenger, A. Bacher, C. Lederle, W. Kausch, W. Kapferer,
and G. E. Groemer, University of Innsbruck, write:  "A set of four
spectra (range 400-900 nm, resolution 0.26 nm) obtained with the
Innsbruck 0.60-m telescope on Jan. 15.92 UT showed a continuum with
a maximum intensity at 520 nm (cf. IAUC 7556).  The spectrum still
is dominated by Fe II lines.  The most prominent feature, sharp-
peaked at 660.8 nm, is not likely Ca I 657.3-nm (possibly N II
661.0-nm?).  O VI at 682.5 and 708.2 nm are prominent (as in RR
Tel).  Although the features are blended, identification of He I at
402.5, 414.3, 443.7, and 587.5 nm, and He II at 541.1, 597.7, and
595.2 nm, seem to be likely.  The FWHM of all features is > 1500
     Visual magnitude estimates, provided in part by S. Otero,
Buenos Aires, Argentina:  Jan. 1.026 UT, 9.0 (M. Reszelski,
Szamotuly, Poland); 4.243, 9.2 (J. G. de S. Aguiar, Campinas,
Brazil); 9.796, 9.7 (A. Pearce, Nedlands, W. Australia); 13.083,
9.0 (P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany); 16.361, 9.7 (J. Bedient,
Honolulu, HI); 18.367, 9.9 (Bedient); 20.028, 9.7 (Otero);
22.083, 9.6 (J. Rodriguez Freitas, Montevideo, Uruguay); 24.067,
9.6 (Otero); 26.047, 9.6 (V. Ladino, Barquisimeto, Venezuela).

                      (C) Copyright 2001 CBAT
2001 January 29                (7574)            Daniel W. E. Green

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