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Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 7806: SNe

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 7806
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

     Further to IAUC 7805, B. Barris reports the following
additional apparent supernovae.  Each apparent supernova is within
2" of its host galaxy's center.  Spectral observations were made at
the Very Large Telescope on 2001 Dec. 13 and the Magellan telescope
(+ LDSS2) on Dec. 6 and 7.  The tabulated redshifts on IAUC 7805
and below are for the host galaxy's emission, except for SN 2001jh,
which is a type-Ia supernova.  The objects below were not present
in images taken on 2001 Oct. 22 (limiting mag 26.0).  Several of
these apparent supernovae were found in further searches of images
taken in Nov. 2001 (cf. IAUC 7767).  The magnitudes I_2 below are
for Dec. 18, except:  SNe 2001jd, 2001jf, 2001jh, and 2001jm, which
are for Dec. 13; 2001jg, 2001js, 2001ju, 2001jv, and 2001jw, Nov.
23; 2001ji, 2001jl, 2001jn, 2001jp, and 2001jr, 2002 Jan. 9.

SN       2001 UT      R.A. (2000.0) Decl.     I_1    I_2      z
2001jb   Dec.  9    2 26 33.31  + 0 25 35.0   23.1   23.6   0.7
2001jc   Dec.  9    2 26 48.47  + 0 26 11.2   23.2   23.1
2001jd   Dec.  9    2 27 26.33  + 0 50 51.5   23.0   23.4
2001je   Dec.  9    2 27 56.12  + 0 25 02.4   22.9   23.4
2001jf   Dec.  9    2 28 07.13  + 0 26 45.1   23.8   23.7
2001jg   Nov. 19    2 28 51.78  + 0 34 50.2   22.2   22.2   0.371
2001jh   Dec.  9    2 29 00.29  + 0 20 44.2   23.1   23.1   0.88
2001ji   Dec.  9    2 29 12.68  + 0 51 30.0   23.2   22.4
2001jj   Dec.  9    4 37 48.53  - 1 18 31.9   22.8   22.8
2001jk   Dec.  9    4 37 55.61  - 1 32 42.6   23.9   24.1
2001jl   Dec.  9    4 38 27.55  - 1 44 29.8   23.7   23.8
2001jm   Dec.  9    4 39 13.82  - 1 23 18.2   23.4   23.4
2001jn   Dec.  9    4 40 12.00  - 1 17 45.9   23.7   23.9
2001jo   Dec.  9    8 46 25.82  +43 58 49.5   25.0   25.0
2001jp   Dec.  9    8 46 31.40  +44 03 56.6   23.7   22.3   0.53
2001jq   Dec.  9    8 47 11.03  +44 27 27.0   23.4   23.5
2001jr   Dec.  9    8 47 42.80  +44 24 18.9   24.5   25.8   0.714
2001js   Nov. 19    8 47 58.07  +44 15 10.3   23.6   23.8
2001jt   Dec.  9    8 48 00.47  +44 19 22.2   21.8   21.9
2001ju   Nov. 19    8 48 45.73  +44 19 52.4   23.7   23.2
2001jv   Nov. 19    8 49 09.99  +44 26 49.6   21.5   21.8
2001jw   Nov. 19    8 49 58.86  +44 03 10.2   24.0   24.0

                      (C) Copyright 2002 CBAT
2002 January 24                (7806)            Daniel W. E. Green

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