Circular No. 7878
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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W. Liller, Vina del Mar, Chile, reports his discovery, on two
Technical Pan films (+ orange filter) taken on Apr. 15.354 UT, of
an apparent nova (mag 9.2) located at R.A. = 18h00m.1, Decl. =
-30o54' (equinox 2000.0). A CCD image taken with a 0.25-m
reflector by P. Cacella, Brasilia, Brazil, on Apr. 16.093 yields V
= 10.1 and R.A. = 17h59m59s.63, Decl. = -30o53'20".5. The closest
catalogued object appears to be a very red star in the USNO-A2.0
catalogue that is some 3" away (blue mag 19.4, red mag 16.9;
position end figures 59s.47, 18".7). Additional magnitudes
(visual unless otherwise noted): Apr. 11.40, [11.5 (Liller; Tech
Pan films); 13.814, [11.0 (K. Kanatsu, Matsue, Shimane, Japan;
T-Max 400 film; communicated by T. Kato, Kyoto); 14.78, [8.5 (A.
Pearce, Nedlands, W. Australia); 16.129, 9.5 (R. Y. Shida, Sao
Paulo, Brazil); 16.485, 9.8 (M. Linnolt, Honolulu, HI).
SUPERNOVA 2000fu IN MCG -03-38-21
W. D. Li, University of California at Berkeley, reports the
discovery of an apparent supernova on unfiltered CCD archival KAIT
images taken during the course of the Lick Observatory Supernova
Search (cf. IAUC 6627, 7126). SN 2000fu is located at R.A. =
14h51m12s.67, Decl. = -20o26'08".3 (equinox 2000.0), which is 5".0
east and 18".1 north of the nucleus of MCG -03-38-21 = ESO 580-G45.
Available photometry (all unfiltered): 2000 June 6.3 UT, 16.5;
24.2, 16.8; July 1.2, 16.9. A recent KAIT image taken on 2002 Apr.
13.4 showed nothing at this position (limiting mag about 19.0).
SUPERNOVA 2002cf IN NGC 4786
T. Matheson, S. Jha, P. Challis, and R. Kirshner, Harvard-
Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, report that a spectrum (range
370-750 nm) of SN 2002cf (cf. IAUC 7877), obtained by M. Calkins on
Apr. 15.29 UT with the F. L. Whipple Observatory 1.5-m telescope (+
FAST spectrograph), shows it to be a type-Ia supernova near maximum.
Adopting the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database recession velocity of
4786 km/s for the host galaxy, the supernova expansion velocity is
about 11 400 km/s for Si II (rest 635.5 nm) and 14 500 km/s for Ca
II (rest 395.1 nm). The spectral-feature age of the supernova (cf.
IAUC 7774) is 3 +/- 2 days before maximum light. The spectrum
appears quite similar to that of the subluminous SN 1999by, three
days before maximum (see Garnavich et al. 2002, Ap.J., in press,
(C) Copyright 2002 CBAT
2002 April 16 (7878) Daniel W. E. Green
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