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IAUC 7934: 57P

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 7934
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

     A faint object reported as a possible NEO candidate yesterday by S.
Pravdo, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, on behalf of NEAT and described as
appearing cometary was recognized at the Minor Planet Center as being on the
line of variation and to have the motion of comet 57P, but to be displaced
from that brighter comet (which was not included in the dataset) by more than
0.2 deg on the 1.2-m Palomar Schmidt frames.  NEAT had reported the brighter
comet on July 1 (see MPEC 2002-N14), but a check with Pravdo yesterday did not
reveal anything obvious at the July 1 expected position of the new object.
Following a request by the Minor Planet Center, M. Tichy and J. Ticha (Klet,
KLENOT 1.06-m reflector) located the new object last night, describing it as
diffuse and having a coma of diameter 8"-10"; as did G. Masi and F. Mallia
(Campo Catino, 0.8-m f/8 reflector), whose coaddition of five images (for a
total integration of 20 min) showed a well-defined 12" coma and a delicate
northeast-southwest elongation.  The object was again included in today's
NEAT NEO-candidate report but with no remark about its appearance.

     2002 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.        m1    Observer
     July 12.20809   20 03 51.51   -13 43 09.8   20.0   Pravdo
          12.26994   20 03 50.46   -13 43 12.7   19.2     "
          12.33544   20 03 49.31   -13 43 15.7   19.2     "
          12.91647   20 03 41.49   -13 43 41.5   19.0   Tichy
          12.92166   20 03 41.42   -13 43 43.3            "
          12.94456   20 03 40.83   -13 43 45.3            "
          12.96377   20 03 40.54   -13 43 45.1            "
          13.00443   20 03 39.96   -13 43 44.6   18.7   Masi
          13.01694   20 03 39.72   -13 43 46.1   18.7     "
          13.03156   20 03 39.52   -13 43 46.8   18.7     "
          13.03955   20 03 39.35   -13 43 47.4   19.0     "
          13.22201   20 03 37.46   -13 43 52.9   19.6   Pravdo
          13.24230   20 03 37.11   -13 43 55.3   20.4     "
          13.26421   20 03 36.73   -13 43 56.5   19.6     "

The above positions are fully consistent with the orbital elements for
comet 57P on MPC 45964 (ephemeris on MPC 44939) with T for this "component
B" delayed by 0.19 day (i.e., to 2002 July 31.37 TT).  It should be noted that
comet 57P was anomalously bright at its unfavorable 1996 return (T = 1996 Mar.
5.7; m1 = 13.3 at the first postperihelic observation on July 24.8--see MPC
27482--some 5 mag brighter than expected).

                      (C) Copyright 2002 CBAT
2002 July 13                   (7934)              Brian G. Marsden

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