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IAUC 8020: 2002id-2002it

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8020
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

SUPERNOVAE 2002id-2002it
     Further to IAUC 7994, G. Miknaitis, A. Miceli, and A. Garg,
report the SDSS detection of 17 supernovae by subtraction against
images (limiting mag r = 22.5) taken on 2002 Oct. 10 (SNe
2002id-2002ih and 2002ip) and on 2001 Nov. 12 (the rest).  Objects
lacking offsets are < 2" from the cores of their host galaxies.
Spectroscopy was obtained by R. Chornock, S. Jha, A. Filippenko,
and B. Barris with the Keck II (= K2) and Keck I telescopes (= K1)
and by M. Hamuy with the Magellan I telescope (= H), yielding dates
in Nov., spectroscopic types, ages, and redshifts (z):  2002id, 2,
Ia, near maximum, 0.298 (K2); 2002ie, 2, reddened Ia, near max,
0.163 (K2); 2002if, 2, features seen in spectrum (possibly type
Ic), --, 0.321 (K2); 2002ig, 2, young II, --, 0.077 (K2); 2002ih,
3, Ia, a little before max, 0.20 (K2); 2002ii, 8, Ia, just past
max, 0.10 (K1); 2002ij, 8, Ia, just past max, 0.194 (K1); 2002ik,
8, IIp, in plateau phase, 0.032 (K1); 2002il, 9, Ia, about 2 weeks
past max, 0.12 (K2); 2002im, 9, Ia, about 1 week past max, 0.25
(K2); 2002in, 11, II, --, 0.076 (K1); 2002io, 11, Ia, near maximum,
0.25 (K1); 2002ip, 11, II, --, 0.079 (H); 2002iq, 12, II, --, 0.056
(H); 2002ir, 12, Ia, 1-2 weeks past max, 0.28 (H); 2002is, 12, Ia,
1-2 weeks past max, 0.26 (H); 2002it, 12, spectrum shows broad
supernova-like features, --, -- (H).

SN       2002 UT       R.A. (2000.0) Decl.      r        Offset
2002id   Oct. 29.2   1 30 02.85  - 0 40 32.4   21.2       --
2002ie        29.2   1 38 53.20  + 0 59 05.3   20.5   1".8 W, 2".5 N
2002if        29.2   1 50 04.51  + 0 00 26.4   22.0   1".0 E, 1".7 N
2002ig        29.2   1 36 36.72  + 0 55 25.6   19.6   7".9 W, 1".0 N
2002ih        29.2   1 57 04.49  - 0 38 02.2   21.5       --
2002ii        30.1  22 01 52.42  - 1 10 24.1   21.3   5".0 W, 5".0 S
2002ij        30.1  21 17 37.64  + 0 30 32.4   21.2   0".3 E, 1".2 N
2002ik        30.1  21 25 54.27  + 0 24 53.6   20.1   7".1 E, 4".9 S
2002il        30.2  22 51 55.71  + 0 36 05.5   20.0       --
2002im        30.2  22 58 04.59  + 0 34 13.5   20.9   5".5 W, 1".5 S
2002in        30.1  21 44 17.38  - 0 14 31.5   19.1       --
2002io        30.2  23 32 42.32  + 0 05 28.2   21.4   1".0 E, 2".0 S
2002ip        30.2   0 04 07.32  + 0 10 03.0   19.3   1".0 E, 2".0 N
2002iq        30.1  22 32 07.06  + 0 54 56.0   21.6       --
2002ir        30.2   0 08 59.93  + 0 57 55.7   21.4   3".3 E, 0".6 N
2002is        30.2   0 23 15.07  + 0 53 29.6   21.4   2".3 E, 3".0 S
2002it        30.3   1 44 34.02  + 0 51 27.5   21.9   3".6 W, 0".8 N

                      (C) Copyright 2002 CBAT
2002 November 21               (8020)            Daniel W. E. Green

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