Circular No. 8160
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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On June 19, W. Liller (Vina del Mar, Chile) reported his
discovery of a possible nova (mag 11.0) in the LMC from unfiltered
Technical Pan film exposed on June 17.974 and 17.983 UT, noting
that nothing brighter than mag 14 had been detected on exposures
from June 2.970. An unfiltered CCD exposure taken by L. A. G.
Monard (Pretoria, S. Africa) on June 20.167 yielded mag 11.4 and
precise position R.A. = 5h08m25s.59, Decl. = -68o26'22".3 (equinox
2000.0), and he noted that is close to the location of a UCAC star
of mag 13.8 at position end figures 25s.46, 22".3, and a USNO-A2.0
star (blue mag 16.9, red mag 14.6) at position end figures 25s.42,
22".4. CCD V magnitudes from Liller: June 20.958, 12.2 (through
clouds); 21.958, 12.4; 23.959, 12.6. Available visual magnitudes
by A. Pearce, Nedlands, W. Australia: June 20.458, 12.3; 20.858,
12.1; 25.455, 13.0. H. E. Bond, Space Telescope Science Institute,
reports that S. Gonzalez obtained several blueward spectrograms on
June 30 with the Cerro Tololo 1.5-m reflector. Bond notes that the
star shows very broad Balmer emission lines, so there is little
doubt that it is a classical nova.
P. A. Whitelock, F. Marang, and L. Crause, South African
Astronomical Observatory, report that observations show that the
anticipated fading of eta Car (cf. IAUC 8154) at infrared
wavelengths (JHKL) started between June 19 (L-band) and June 24
(J-band); following Feast et al. (2001, MNRAS 322, 742), infrared
minimum can be expected around July 13.
Further to IAUC 8154, M. F. Corcoran writes that an RXTE
observation of eta Car on June 29 shows that the 2-10-keV x-ray
emission has fallen to 8.3 x 10**-13 erg s**-1 cm**-2; eta Car has
not been this faint in x-rays since the last x-ray minimum during
Dec. 1997-Jan. 1998. Information on known space and ground-based
observations is given at
Regarding the increase in brightness reported on IAUC 8155,
A. C. Gilmore reports additional photometry of V4745 Sgr by P. M.
Kilmartin at Mt. John Observatory (cf. IAUC 8123): June 25.620 UT,
V = 8.96, U-B = -0.98, B-V = +0.12, V-R = +0.27, V-I = +0.38,
airmass 1.08 (uncertainties < 0.02 mag in all colors).
(C) Copyright 2003 CBAT
2003 June 30 (8160) Daniel W. E. Green
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