Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 8237: 1990 OS; 2003ji-2003ju

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8237
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

1990 OS
     S. J. Ostro, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; M. C. Nolan, National
Astronomy and Ionosphere Center; L. A. M. Benner and J. D. Giorgini,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory; J. L. Margot, University of California,
Los Angeles; and C. Magri, University of Maine, Farmington, report
that Arecibo radar delay-Doppler images (2380 MHz, 12.6 cm)
obtained on Nov. 5 and 6 show that 1990 OS (cf. IAUC 5064; MPC
49636) is a binary system.  Preliminary estimates of average
diameters, based on range extents at 15-m resolution, are 300 and
45 m.  The components' delay-Doppler dispersions suggest spin
periods of several hours.  The maximum range separation observed is
more than 600 m.  The pattern of motion suggests an orbital period
between 18 and 24 hr.  Optical lightcurve observations of this
object would be valuable.

SUPERNOVAE 2003ji-2003ju
     R. Covarrubias, University of Washington, on behalf of the
ESSENCE project (cf. IAUC 8021, 8034), reports the discovery of
additional supernovae on multiple R- and I-band images taken at the
Blanco 4-m telescope during Oct. 18-31 by project members (plus A.
Alda and J. L. Prieto).  Spectroscopy was obtained on Oct. 22-31 by
P. Berlind, S. Blondin, B. Leibundgut, and T. Matheson with the
Very Large Telescope, Gemini telescope, and Mt. Hopkins 1.52-m
reflector.  The table includes the measured redshift and the
estimated age (in days) at the specified discovery date.

SN      2003 UT      R.A. (2000.0) Decl.      R      z   Type   Age
2003ji  Oct. 20    2 07 54.84  - 3 28 28.4   20.9   0.2  Ia    + 15
2003jj  Oct. 22    1 07 58.52  + 0 03 01.9   23.1   0.6  Ia    -  1
2003jk  Oct. 22    1 08 06.17  + 0 02 20.6   22.5   0.1  Ia    - 11
2003jl  Oct. 22    2 28 28.56  - 8 08 44.7   22.4   0.4  Ia    +  7
2003jm  Oct. 22    2 28 50.93  - 9 09 58.1   22.9   0.5  Ia       0
2003jn  Oct. 22    2 29 21.21  + 9 02 15.6   20.8   0.3  Ia    -  3
2003jo  Oct. 22   23 25 24.03  - 9 26 00.6   22.8   0.5  Ia    +  3
2003jp  Oct. 22   23 26 03.28  - 8 59 22.7   22.9   0.3  Ib/c  +100
2003jq  Oct. 22   23 30 51.19  - 9 28 34.0   19.8   0.2  Ia    + 21
2003jr  Oct. 24    1 11 06.23  + 0 13 44.2   21.9   0.3  Ia    +  9
2003js  Oct. 24    2 29 52.15  - 8 32 28.1   22.0   0.4  Ia    -  5
2003jt  Oct. 24    2 31 54.60  - 8 35 48.4   22.0   0.4  Ia    +  7
2003ju  Oct. 24   23 27 01.71  - 9 24 04.5   21.6   0.2  Ia       0

                      (C) Copyright 2003 CBAT
2003 November 10               (8237)            Daniel W. E. Green

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