Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 8276: S/2003 J 22; 2004M, 2004N,, 2004O; C/2003 B2, C/2003 C1,, C/2003 D1

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8276
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

S/2003 J 22
     Further to IAUC 8138, the discovery of a new satellite of
Jupiter has been reported on CCD images taken with the 3.6-m
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the 2.2-m University of Hawaii
reflector by teams led by S. S. Sheppard and by B. Gladman.
Astrometry, preliminary orbital elements by B. G. Marsden, and an
ephemeris appear on MPEC 2004-B41 (e = 0.23, i = 151 deg, P = 640
days, H = 16.4).

SUPERNOVAE 2004M, 2004N, AND 2004O
     A. Udalski, Warsaw University Observatory, on behalf of the
OGLE-III survey team, reports the discovery with the OGLE/NOOS
transient detection system (Udalski 2003, Acta Astron. 53, 291) of
three apparent supernovae near galaxies located behind the
Magellanic-Cloud halo.

SN      2004 UT       R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.   Mag.     Offset
2004M   Jan.  6.1    0 35 59.26  -74 48 02.0  19.5   10".7 W, 3".1 S
2004N   Jan. 21.2    5 35 20.37  -69 27 18.3  18.0   4".4 N
2004O   Jan. 24.2    4 43 44.82  -70 28 33.8  20.0   3".6 W, 1".6 N

Additional I magnitudes from OGLE-III images:  SN 2004M, 2003 Dec.
19.0 UT, [22:; 22.1, 19.8; 25.0, 19.5; 28.0, 19.7; 31.0, 19.7; 2004
Jan. 3.0, 19.8; 12.0, 20.2; 15.0, 20.2; 17.1, 20.0; 19.0, 20.2;
21.0, 20.2; 23.1, 20.0.  SN 2004N, 2004 Jan. 14.3, [22:; 16.3,
19.8; 17.3, 19.4; 19.2, 18.8; 23.2, 18.0; 25.2, 17.9.  SN 2004O,
2004 Jan. 14.2, [22:; 16.2, 21.5; 18.3, 20.4; 20.2, 20.0; 22.2,
20.2; 24.2, 20.1.  Finding charts can be found at

COMETS C/2003 B2, C/2003 C1, AND C/2003 D1 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 8269, K. Battams reports measures of
additional Kreutz comets found on SOHO C3 website images by M.
Oates (C/2003 B2) and X. Leprette (C/2003 C1 and C/2003 D1).
Reduced positions and orbital elements by B. G. Marsden appear on
MPEC 2004-B34.

      Comet          2003 UT           R.A. (2000.0) Decl.
      C/2003 B2      Jan. 10.821       20 15.4      -22 05
      C/2003 C1      Feb.  3.854       21 24.7      -18 14
      C/2003 D1           28.321       23 03.2      - 9 00

                      (C) Copyright 2004 CBAT
2004 January 25                (8276)            Daniel W. E. Green

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