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IAUC 8613: P/1993 W1 = 2005 T1

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8613
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

COMET P/1993 W1 = 2005 T1 (MUELLER)
     E. J. Christensen has reported the recovery of comet P/1993 W1
(= 1993s = 1994 XXV) on CCD images taken with the 1.5-m reflector
in the course of the Mt. Lemmon Survey, describing the object as
having a condensed 8" coma and a 20" curved tail in p.a. 250-280
deg.  The recovery was confirmed at the Minor Planet Center via
LONEOS incidental astrometry (0.59-m Schmidt telescope) by M. E.
Van Ness, and earlier observations were subsequently also reported
by F. Fratev (Zvezdno Obshtestvo Observatory, Plana, 0.25-m f/4.7
reflector).  The indicated correction to the prediction on MPC
54168 is Delta_T = -0.8 day.

     2005 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.      Mag.   Observer
     Oct.  6.93268    2 39 18.35   - 3 55 12.2  18.4   Fratev
           6.94519    2 39 18.06   - 3 55 14.5  18.4     "
           6.95448    2 39 17.90   - 3 55 14.5  18.4     "
           6.96144    2 39 17.56   - 3 55 16.2  18.4     "
           7.32842    2 39 08.90   - 3 56 21.4  18.5   Van Ness
           7.35758    2 39 08.13   - 3 56 26.4           "
           7.41793    2 39 06.68   - 3 56 36.5           "
           7.43542    2 39 06.30   - 3 56 39.4  18.0   Christensen
           7.44722    2 39 05.99   - 3 56 41.7           "
           7.44923    2 39 06.01   - 3 56 41.7           "

     The following orbital elements by B. G. Marsden, Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory, are from 83 observations spanning
1992-2005 (mean residual 0".8):

                    Epoch = 1994 Sept. 5.0 TT
     T = 1994 Sept.12.1603 TT         Peri. =  30.0222
     e = 0.260528                     Node  = 100.6625  2000.0
     q = 4.249738 AU                  Incl. =  16.4655
       a =  5.746990 AU    n = 0.0715391    P =  13.78 years

                    Epoch = 2008 May  14.0 TT
     T = 2008 May  18.5222 TT         Peri. =  29.8348
     e = 0.261149                     Node  = 100.5697  2000.0
     q = 4.214478 AU                  Incl. =  16.4959
       a =  5.704097 AU    n = 0.0723475    P =  13.62 years

                      (C) Copyright 2005 CBAT
2005 October 8                 (8613)            Daniel W. E. Green

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