Circular No. 8657
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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SUPERNOVAE 2005nb, 2006B, 2006C
Further to IAUC 8622, R. Quimby, P. Mondol, and F. Castro,
University of Texas, report the discovery of a supernova in
unfiltered CCD images taken on 2005 Dec. 17.38, 2006 Jan. 3.34, and
7.35 UT (each showing the new object at mag about 17.2) using the
0.45-m ROTSE-IIIb telescope at the McDonald Observatory. SN 2005nb
is located at R.A. = 12h13m37s.61, Decl. = +16o07'16".2 (equinox
2000.0; uncertainty +/- 0".9), which is 1".5 west and 5" north of
the center of UGC 7230 (the brighter galaxy in the pair). The
supernova was found by subtracting a co-addition of images taken
between 2005 Jan. 7 and Apr. 12 (limiting mag about 18.8). A
spectrum (range 420-890 nm) of 2005nb, obtained on Jan. 8.39 UT
with the 9.2-m Hobby-Eberly Telescope (+ Marcario Low-Resolution
Spectrograph) by B. Roman and S. Rostopchin, shows it to be a
type-Ic supernova (similar to the spectrum of SN 2002ap at 10 days
past maximum (Gal-Yam et al. 2002, via the SUSPECT archive at
Two more apparent supernovae have been found on unfiltered CCD
images: 2006B by T. Puckett and G. Sostero (cf. IAUC 8655; 0.60-m
automated supernova patrol frames); and 2006C by W. Li (LOSS/KAIT;
cf. IAUC 8647). Additional magnitudes for 2006B in UGC 12538:
2005 Sept. 10, [19.3 (Puckett); 2006 Jan. 8.02, 16.5 (Sostero,
0.45-m reflector near Udine, Italy). SN 2006B is a type-Ia
supernova (cf. CBET 360). Additional magnitudes for 2006C: 2004
May 25.31, [19.5; 2006 Jan. 9.53, 17.4.
SN 2006 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2006B Jan. 8.02 23 21 09.78 +33 24 01.2 16.7 1".0 W, 2".9 N
2006C Jan. 6.54 12 02 32.50 +41 02 40.2 17.5 45".3 W, 34".2 S
COMETS C/2005 W14 AND C/2005 W15 (SOHO)
Additional Kreutz comets have been found on SOHO website
images (cf. IAUC 8654). C/2005 W14 was small, dim, and stellar in
appearance on C3 images, while on C2 images it appeared slightly
diffuse, reaching mag 7.1 at 6.0 solar radii on Nov. 23.838.
C/2005 W15 was small, faint, and stellar in appearance on C3 images,
and very faint and diffuse on C2 images.
Comet 2005 UT R.A.(2000)Decl. Inst. F MPEC
C/2005 W14 Nov. 23.571 15 53.0 -22 57 C3/2 TS 2005-Y22
C/2005 W15 25.029 16 01.3 -24 08 C3/2 HS 2005-Y22
(C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 January 12 (8657) Daniel W. E. Green
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