Circular No. 8660 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) CBAT@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html ISSN 0081-0304 Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only) SUPERNOVAE 2006D, 2006E, 2006F, 2006G, 2006H Two apparent supernova have been reported from unfiltered CCD exposures: 2006G by M. Baek and W. Li (LOSS/KAIT; cf. IAUC 8658), and 2006H by T. Puckett and G. Sostero (0.60-m automated supernova patrol telescope; cf. IAUC 8658). SN 2006 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset 2006G Jan. 13.15 1 24 35.83 + 1 43 15.8 17.5 32".4 E, 38".3 S 2006H Jan. 15.05 3 26 01.49 +40 41 42.5 17.0 4".7 E, 2".2 N Additional magnitudes of 2006G in NGC 521: 2005 Nov. 22.21 UT, [19.5; Dec. 14.20, [18.0; 2006 Jan. 13.22, 17.5; 14.12, 17.3. Additional approximate unfiltered CCD magnitudes of 2006H, whose offsets above are with respect to the center of a galaxy that itself is near UGC 2730: 2005 Sept. 23, [19.0 (Puckett); 2006 Jan. 15.77, 16.9 (G. Sostero and S. Garzia on multiple frames taken with a 0.25-m reflector). Note that the R.A. offset for 2006H corrects that on CBET 367. Supernovae 2006D and 2006E (cf. IAUC 8658) are type-Ia events (cf. CBET 366), while 2006F (cf. IAUC 8658) is a type-Ib supernova and 2006G is a type-II supernova (cf. CBET 368). COMET P/2000 EC_98 = (60558) Further to IAUC 8656, K. Kadota (Ageo, Saitama, Japan, 0.25-m reflector) reports a condensed, bright coma of diameter 1' (total mag 14.8) and no tail on CCD images taken on Jan. 7.8 UT (communicated via S. Nakano). R. Ligustri (Talmassons, Italy, 0.35-m reflector) finds an asymmetric coma of size 1'.3 x 0'.9 extended towards the east in unfiltered CCD images taken on Jan. 9.17 UT. G. Sostero and E. Guido (remotely using a 0.25-m reflector near Mayhill, NM) report that R_c-band images taken on Jan. 10.49 show an uncondensed coma with diameter about 0'.9 and total mag 14.1, appearing slight elongated in the north-south direction. Visual total-magnitude estimates: Jan. 8.78, 14.4 (S. Yoshida, Ibaraki, Japan, 0.40-m reflector); 11.53, 14.4 (A. Hale, Cloudcroft, NM, 0.41-m reflector). COMET 73P/SCHWASSMANN-WACHMANN J. A. Farrell corrects his separations and position angles as reported on IAUC 8659: Jan. 6.48831 UT, 1573".7 +/- 0".2 in p.a. 297.78 +/- 0.03 deg; 7.51252, 1598".9 +/- 0".6 in p.a. 297.80 +/- 0.03 deg; 9.39304 (through high clouds), 1644".8 +/- 1".3 in p.a. 297.83 +/- 0.05. (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT 2006 January 17 (8660) Daniel W. E. Green
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