Circular No. 8676
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
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URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html ISSN 0081-0304
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S/2005 P 1 AND S/2005 P 2
M. J. Mutchler, Space Telescope Science Institute; A. J.
Steffl, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI); H. A. Weaver, Applied
Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University; S. A. Stern, SwRI; M.
W. Buie, Lowell Observatory; and W. J. Merline, J. R. Spencer, E.
F. Young, and L. A. Young, SwRI, confirm the presence of the two
new satellites of Pluto in Hubble Space Telescope ACS/HRC images
taken on Feb. 15.6 UT using the same broadband V filter (F606W)
employed during the discovery observations in May 2005 (cf. IAUC
8625). Preliminary analyses show that S/2005 P 1 was 2".86 from
the center of Pluto in p.a. 343 deg and that S/2005 P 2 was 2".03
from Pluto in p.a. 356 deg; measured V magnitudes are 23.26 +/-
0.15 for S/2005 P 1 and 23.7 +/- 0.2 for S/2005 P 2. No additional
new satellites were detected. For more information, see
J.-U. Ness and S. Starrfield, Arizona State University; G.
Schwarz and K. Vanlandingham, West Chester University; R. M. Wagner,
LBT Observatory; J. Lyke, Keck Observatory; C. E. Woodward,
University of Minnesota; D. K. Lynch, The Aerospace Corporation;
and J. Krautter, Landessternwarte, Heidelberg-Koenigstuhl, report
that SWIFT XRT observations of V723 Cas (N Cas 1995; IAUC 6213,
6214, 6221) were obtained on Jan. 31.27 UT. V723 Cas was detected
in x-rays and exhibited a super-soft-source spectrum with a peak
around 0.4 keV. The best derived black-body fit is for a
temperature of 340000 K and N_H = 1.6 x 10**21 cm**-2. The flux
was 7.8 x 10**-13 erg/cm**2/s. This nova is too bright in x-rays to
have returned to quiescence, and -- given that it has been 11 years
since discovery -- V723 Cas sets the record for being in outburst
longer than any nova observed in x-rays. The previous record
holder was GQ Mus, which was observed by ROSAT to be turning off in
x-rays nine years after discovery (Shanley et al. 1995, Ap.J. 438,
L95). This detection supports the observations of coronal lines in
the infrared (IAUC 7259) and suggests that further study at other
wavelengths is warranted.
N. N. Samus, Russian Academy of Sciences, informs us that N
Oph 2006 (cf. IAUC 8671) has been assigned the designation V2575
(C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 February 22 (8676) Daniel W. E. Green
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