Circular No. 8680
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
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SUPERNOVAE 2006R-2006T, 2006V, 2006X, 2006al, 2006am, 2006an
Two new supernovae have been reported from unfiltered CCD
images: 2006am in NGC 5630 by E. Lee and W. Li (LOSS/KAIT; cf.
IAUC 8669), and 2006an by R. Quimby and F. Castro, University of
Texas (0.45-m ROTSE-IIIb telescope; cf. IAUC 8622).
SN 2006 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2006am Feb. 22.53 14 27 37.24 +41 15 35.4 18.5 7".5 E, 6".8 N
2006an Feb. 21.27 12 14 38.68 +12 13 46.9 17.9 1" W, 1" S
Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006am: 2005 July 4.21 UT, [19.5;
Feb. 23.55, 18.5; 24.54, 18.5. SN 2005dp also appeared in NGC 5630.
A co-addition of images taken between 2004 Dec. 15 and 2005 June 8
shows nothing at the location of 2006an, with limiting mag about
19.0; 2006an was also detected on 2006 Feb. 26.27 at mag about 17.7.
The positional uncertainty for 2006an above is estimated as +/-
0".6; the specified offset is with respect to a galaxy that is not
significantly detected in the ROTSE-IIIb data, but it appears at
mag r = 21.9 in SDSS data with position end figures 38s.73, 47".7.
SN 2006an is a type-Ia supernova (cf. CBET 413).
S. Blondin, M. Modjaz, R. Kirshner, and P. Challis, Harvard-
Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, report that a spectrogram
(range 350-740 nm) of SN 2006am, obtained on Feb. 27.49 UT by P.
Berlind with the Mt. Hopkins 1.5-m telescope (+ FAST), shows it to
be a type-IIn supernova. The spectrum consists of a blue continuum
and Balmer emission lines, with a narrow component of about 300-400
km/s (FWHM) superposed on a weaker and broader component of about
2000 km/s (FWHM), after removing the NED recession velocity of 2694
km/s for the host galaxy (from The Updated Zwicky Catalog,
). SN 2006al is a type-Ia supernova
(CBET 411). SNe 2006R and 2006S (cf. IAUC 8664) were found to be
type-Ia supernovae within a week of maximum on Jan. 28-29 (CBET 382,
383). SN 2006T (cf. IAUC 8666) was found on Feb. 2 to be an
apparently young type-II/IIb event (CBET 386); SN 2006V (cf. IAUC
8667) was a type-II supernova past maximum on Feb. 7 (CBET 392).
A spectrogram of SN 2006X (cf. IAUC 8667) taken on Feb. 8.35
UT shows the object to be an early type-Ia supernova (cf. R. Quimby
et al., CBET 393). A ROTSE-IIIb telescope image yielded the
following position for 2006X: R.A. = 12h22m53s.88, Decl. =
+15o48'31".9 (equinox 2000.0; uncertainty +/- 0".6). Approximate
ROTSE-IIIb unfiltered CCD magnitudes for 2006X: 2005 June 8, [19.0;
2006 Feb. 1.332, [17.9; 7.31, 15.3.
(C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 February 28 (8680) Daniel W. E. Green
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