Circular No. 8694
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COMETS C/2006 A4-A7, B2-B4, E2, F3 (SOHO)
Additional comets have been found on SOHO website images (cf.
IAUC 8679) -- all being Kreutz sungrazers except for C/2006 B4
(Meyer group) and for C/2006 E2 and C/2006 F3 (Marsden group).
C/2006 A4 is described by K. Battams as very faint and diffuse.
C/2006 A5 had a bright coma that "evaporated" quickly in the C2
images, with a tail that "lingered for a long time", being longer
than 1 deg on Jan. 5.612 UT at about 4 solar radii; in C3 images,
the comet was still brightening when at mag perhaps -1.5 on Jan.
5.112 at 11.6 solar radii, showing a bright, thin tail, but it was
at mag about 2.9 and fading fast by the time it reached 7 solar
radii. The other comets were stellar in appearance. Peak
magnitudes: C/2006 A6, 6.3, Jan. 10.431, 10.8 solar radii; C/2006
A7, 5.8, Jan. 12.738, 11.1 solar radii; C/2006 B3, 4.3, Jan.
22.612, 10.4 solar radii. C/2006 B2 and C/2006 F3 were very small
and faint. C/2006 B4, at mag approximately 7, was slightly
elongated in the direction of motion. C/2006 E2 was extremely
faint and slightly diffuse in C2 images (stellar in C3).
Comet 2006 UT R.A.(2000)Decl. Inst. F MPEC
C/2006 A4 Jan. 2.904 19 04.2 -25 26 C3/2 RM 2006-F43
C/2006 A5 4.096 19 15.1 -27 53 C3/2 TH 2006-F43
C/2006 A6 10.071 19 40.1 -24 21 C3 TH 2006-F43
C/2006 A7 12.431 19 49.2 -24 12 C3 SF 2006-F43
C/2006 B2 20.321 20 22.8 -21 51 C3 HS 2006-F44
C/2006 B3 21.654 20 38.1 -23 16 C3 RK 2006-F44
C/2006 B4 26.496 20 37.2 -17 18 C2 HS 2006-F44
C/2006 E2 Mar. 15.096 23 50.5 - 1 26 C3/2 RM 2006-F50
C/2006 F3 26.101 0 23.1 + 4 13 C2 TH 2006-F50
V. Venkat and B. G. Anandarao, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, report
near-infrared photometry of V1647 Ori undertaken at Mt. Abu
Observatory's 1.2-m telescope (+ NICMOS infrared array) on Feb. 27,
revealing magnitudes J = 14.6, H = 11.7, and K' = 9.7. These
magnitudes are close to the 2MASS values and fainter than their own
values from 2005 Dec. 3 (Ojha et al. 2006, MNRAS, in press;
). It appears therefore
that, following its EXor-like eruption (IAUC 8289) that lasted more
than 24 months (cf. IAUC 8600; 8681), the star may be near its
pre-eruptive state.
(C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 March 29 (8694) Daniel W. E. Green
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