Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 8822: 2007ag-2007as

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8822
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

SUPERNOVAE 2007ag-2007as
     Thirteen apparent supernovae have been discovered on
unfiltered CCD frames and reported to the Central Bureau:  2007ag,
2007ao, and 2007ap by T. Puckett (cf. IAUC 8814; 2007ag and 2007ao
with R. Gagliano, and 2007ap with A. Kroes); 2007an by M. Migliardi
(via A. Dimai; cf. IAUC 8667); 2007ar by G. Duszanowicz (cf. IAUC
8789); 2007as by P. Luckas, O. Trondal, and M. Schwartz (cf. IAUC
8789); and the rest by W. Li (cf. IAUC 8813; 2007aj-2007al with D.
R. Madison, 2007am with N. Joubert, and 2007aq with D. Winslow).
Discovery observations:

SN      2007 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2007ag  Mar.  7.29  10 01 35.99  +21 36 42.0  18.0  4".0 E, 15".5 N
2007ah  Mar.  6.13   4 02 18.50  +25 49 06.8  17.8  0".4 W, 4".9 N
2007ai  Mar.  6.53  16 12 53.74  -21 37 48.7  18.0  5".1 E, 24".5 S
2007aj  Mar.  3.43  12 47 54.45  +54 00 37.2  16.4  130" W, 47" S
2007ak  Mar. 10.16   5 20 40.75  + 8 48 16.0  18.2  15".1 S
2007al  Mar. 10.28   9 59 18.48  -19 28 25.8  16.6  3".9 W, 2".0 S
2007am  Mar. 11.36  10 46 33.62  +13 45 09.3  17.8  20".1 W, 7".3 N
2007an  Mar. 10.98  11 58 43.72  +27 27 01.2  17.5  24" W, 7" S
2007ao  Mar. 13.38  14 16 49.74  +10 48 24.1  17.7  47" W, 2".4 S
2007ap  Mar. 13.45  15 56 23.06  +16 30 57.9  15.5  8".0 W, 26".3 S
2007aq  Mar. 13.21   8 48 22.03  +18 19 32.6  18.0  38" W, 20" S
2007ar  Mar. 12.92  13 21 01.93  +58 33 02.4  17.5  7".4 W, 7".6 N
2007as  Mar. 13.61   9 27 36.01  -80 10 39.2  15.8  12".1 W, 8".8 N

Additional information is available on the following Electronic
Telegrams:  2007ag in UGC 5392, CBET 868 and 874 (type-Ib,
discovered near maximum light); 2007ah in UGC 2931, CBETs 869 and
878 (type-II, discovered just past explosion); 2007ai in MCG
-04-38-4, CBETs 870 and 880 (type-Ia, discovered just before
maximum); 2007aj, CBETs 871 and 873 (type-Ia, discovered near
maximum); 2007ak in UGC 3293, CBETs 875 and 881 (type-IIn); 2007al,
CBETs 875 and 878 (type-Ia, discovered near maximum); 2007am in NGC
3367, CBETs 877 and 884 (type-II, discovered about 10 days past
explosion); 2007an in NGC 4017, CBETs 882 and 896 (type-II); 2007ao
in NGC 5532, CBETs 883 and 892 (subluminous type-Ia, discovered
about 10 days past peak); 2007ap in MCG +03-41-3, CBET 883; 2007aq
in IC 2409, CBETs 885 and 889 (type-II, discovered about 3.5 weeks
past explosion); 2007ar in MCG +10-19-62, CBETs 886 and 889 (type-
Ia, discovered just past maximum); 2007as in ESO 18-G18, CBET 888.

                      (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 March 19                  (8822)            Daniel W. E. Green

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