Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 8925: P/2008 E2; 2001 QQ_322, 2005 PR_21

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8925
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

     The following ephemeris was computed from the orbital elements
given on IAUC 8924 (H_10 = 18.0):

2008 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase   Mag.
Mar.  5    16 02.06   +24 16.4   0.777   1.423  106.5   42.0   19.0
     15    16 31.89   +23 46.6   0.669   1.347  106.5   45.1   18.4
     25    17 04.70   +22 28.7   0.568   1.276  105.9   48.7   17.8
Apr.  4    17 42.05   +19 50.0   0.476   1.211  104.6   53.0   17.2
     14    18 26.18   +14 57.7   0.394   1.155  102.7   57.9   16.6
     24    19 20.08   + 6 42.6   0.329   1.110   99.9   63.2   16.0
May   4    20 25.70   - 5 24.6   0.290   1.079   96.2   68.3   15.6
     14    21 40.17   -19 02.5   0.288   1.063   92.4   71.9   15.6
     24    22 54.20   -29 49.8   0.321   1.062   90.0   72.4   15.8
June  3    23 57.84   -36 22.1   0.375   1.079   89.5   70.1   16.2
     13     0 47.22   -40 01.3   0.439   1.110   90.6   66.2   16.7
     23     1 23.54   -42 16.1   0.503   1.155   92.7   61.5   17.1

2001 QQ_322 AND 2005 PR_21
     K. S. Noll, Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI); W. M.
Grundy, Lowell Observatory; S. D. Kern, STScI; H. F. Levison,
Southwest Research Institute; and D. C. Stephens, Brigham Young
University, report that the transneptunian objects 2001 QQ_322 (cf.
MPEC 2001-V11) and 2005 PR_21 (cf. MPECs 2005-T100, 2006-T35) both
have similar-sized companions (based on brightness).  The
observations of 2001 QQ_322 were made during 2007 June 15.0197-
15.0535 UT with the Planetary Camera of the Wide Field Planetary
Camera 2 on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), using the F606W
filter (wide V) with one 260-s exposure at four dithered positions
on the detector.  The two components of 2001 QQ_322 were separated
by an angular distance of 0".1272 +/- 0".0015, with the secondary
being fainter by 0.2 magnitude; the secondary was located at
-0".105 +/- 0".003 in R.A. and -0".072 +/- 0".002 in Decl. relative
to the primary.  The observations of 2005 PR_21 were made as above
during 2007 May 10.5156-10.6019 (but only with exposures at two
dithered positions on the detector).  The two components of 2005
PR_21 were separated by an angular distance of 0".123 +/- 0".009,
with the secondary being fainter by 1.1 magnitude; the secondary
was located at -0".122 +/- 0".009 in R.A. and -0".015 +/- 0".002 in
Decl. relative to the primary.

                      (C) Copyright 2008 CBAT
2008 March 4                   (8925)            Daniel W. E. Green

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