Circular No. 8984 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) CBAT@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html ISSN 0081-0304 Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only) COMETS C/2008 L9-L15 AND C/2008 M1-M7 (SOHO) Further to IAUC 8983, additional near-sun presumed comets have been found on SOHO website images -- all Kreutz sungrazers except for C/2008 L11 and C/2008 L15 (members of the Meyer group). K. Battams writes that C/2008 L9 (which was also found by B. Zhou) was small and stellar in appearance (mag about 7) in C3 images, and quite diffuse with a short, diffuse tail in C2 images. C/2008 L10 and C/2008 L15 were stellar in appearance (mag about 7-7.5). C/2008 L11 was stellar in appearance, reaching mag about 5.5-6 in C2 images. C/2008 L12 was quite diffuse (mag about 7.5-8). C/2008 L13, C/2008 M2, and C/2008 M5 were slightly diffuse (mag about 8). C/2008 L14 was teardrop-shaped (mag about 3-4) in C3 images, and showed a diffuse tail about 0.25 deg long in C2 images (the tail also similarly visible in SECCHI COR2-A images, and as somewhat fainter and shorter in COR2-B images). C/2008 M1 was tiny and stellar in appearance (mag about 8). C/2008 M3 was slightly diffuse (mag about 7.5-8). C/2008 M4 was extremely faint (mag about 8.5) and very diffuse. C/2008 M6 was very small, faint (mag about 8), and somewhat stellar in appearance. C/2008 M7 (which was also found by H. Su) was very diffuse (mag about 8). Comet 2008 UT R.A.(2000)Decl. Inst. F MPEC C/2008 L9 June 10.971 5 14.2 +20 38 C3/2 MU 2008-O23 C/2008 L10 11.988 5 18.1 +20 38 C3/2 MU 2008-O24 C/2008 L11 12.438 5 19.1 +21 16 C2/3 MK 2008-O24 C/2008 L12 13.314 5 23.1 +21 21 C2 MK 2008-O24 C/2008 L13 13.454 5 23.8 +21 21 C2 MK 2008-O24 C/2008 L14 15.138 5 31.4 +18 59 C3/2* TH 2008-O27 C/2008 L15 15.746 5 35.3 +24 04 C2 RK 2008-O27 C/2008 M1 21.660 5 55.8 +21 39 C2 MK 2008-O27 C/2008 M2 22.463 5 58.7 +21 41 C2 MK 2008-O27 C/2008 M3 23.811 6 03.9 +21 49 C2 HS 2008-O27 C/2008 M4 25.285 6 10.1 +21 40 C2 MK 2008-P33 C/2008 M5 25.935 6 12.3 +21 44 C2 RM 2008-P33 C/2008 M6 27.826 6 20.0 +21 44 C2 TH 2008-P33 C/2008 M7 28.826 6 24.3 +21 45 C2 TH 2008-P33 COMET C/2008 N1 (HOLMES) Corrigendum. On IAUC 8959, lines 2-3, *for* 0.40-m f/5.8 Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector *read* 0.61-m f/4 astrograph (C) Copyright 2008 CBAT 2008 September 29 (8984) Daniel W. E. Green
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