Electronic Telegram No. 4413 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Mailing address: Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University; 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA 02138; U.S.A. e-mail: cbatiau@eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat@iau.org) URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network S/2017 (113) 1 P. Maley, International Occultation Timing Association (IOTA) and Johnson Space Center Astronomical Society, Carefree, AZ, USA; T. Blank, IOTA, Fountain Hills, AZ, USA; R. Campbell and D. Eisfeldt, Central Texas Astronomical Society, Waco, TX, USA; W. Thomas, East Valley Astronomy Club, Florence, AZ, USA; S. Insana, Phoenix Astronomical Society, Phoenix, AZ, USA; S. Deen, Simi Valley, CA, USA; T. George, IOTA, Scottsdale, AZ, USA; B. Timerson, IOTA, Rochester, NY, USA; D. Herald, IOTA, Murrumbateman, Australia; S. Preston, IOTA, Medina, WA, USA; W. J. Merline, Southwest Research Institute; and J. D. Drummond, Albuquerque, NM, USA, report the discovery of an apparent satellite of minor planet (113) Amalthea from observations made of the Tycho Catalogue star 1878-01081-1 (magnitude V = 10.0) during an occultation by the minor planet (which was at V = 12.9) on 2017 Mar. 14.167 UT. A total of ten observation sites recorded seven positive events and three negative events for (113), two of which are attributed to the possible satellite. This was a coordinated campaign based on the shadow-path calculations by Preston (see the following website URL: http://www.asteroidoccultation.com/2017_03/0314_113_52562.htm). Tabulated below (in order from the northernmost to the southernmost sites, in relation to the roughly east-west track) are each observer, the respective observing site along with the distance off the nominal centerline of prediction, whether an occultation event was seen or not, the duration of any occultation in seconds, and the telescope aperture in centimeters: Observer Location Distance from Event Duration Telescope Predicted Center Seen? (seconds) Aperture Deen Simi Valley, CA 134.3 km north no -- 15 cm Blank Goldfield, AZ 30.1 km north no -- 8 cm Blank Florence, AZ 20.0 km north yes 2.14 8 cm Maley Buckeye, AZ 17.6 km north yes 3.04 8 cm Thomas Florence, AZ 9.0 km north yes 5.32 28 cm Blank Florence, AZ 4.5 km south yes 6.37 8 cm Blank Florence, AZ 11.6 km south yes 4.70 8 cm Insana Gila Bend, AZ 17.9 km south no -- 8 cm Eisfeldt Waco, TX 19.4 km south yes 0.45 20 cm Campbell Clifton, TX 19.5 km south yes 0.50 61 cm The five positive chords across the primary minor planet show a projected ellipse of size about 67 x 36 km. The two shortest chords, separated from the primary by the negative chord of Insana, would be consistent with a satellite of size 6 km or larger. These two shortest chords result from separate stations, the same distance off the track, but separated from each other by 24 km (along-track). These two shorter chords are coincident on the sky plane, crossing the presumed satellite. If the apparent satellite is indeed centered near the short chords, then on Mar. 14.167 the satellite would have been located at separation 0".017 (24 km) from the projected center of the primary minor planet (113) in p.a. 156 degrees. This is the first time that two chords have been observed across a previously unknown minor-planet satellite. The times and locations of the three critical chords (Insana, Campbell, Eisfeldt) were triple-checked to minimize the possibility of spurious results. The original videos containing the continuous video recordings were analyzed by George. A drop in brightness of 3.1 +/- 0.1 magnitudes, close to that expected, was seen in all of the positive chords except one; the chord of Campbell showed a smaller drop of 1.6 mag, which is considered spurious due to the non-standard video compression used. No double dips or stepped dips, characteristic of a double star, were seen in any of the light curves. George also analyzed an occultation of the same star by (27) Euterpe in 2015, and no such evidence of a double star was seen in that event. The possibility of an occultation of a double star with components of the same magnitude -- with one star resulting in the northern chords, and the other star resulting in the (separated) southern two chords -- was examined; in this scenario, all chords would have a brightness drop of only half (0.7 mag) that predicted. George used field stars to estimate the observation-time brightness of the target star, which was found to be within 0.25 mag of the catalogued magnitude. Maximum excursion of the asteroid's rotational light curve is about 0.26 mag. It is estimated that uncertainties in star brightness/color, camera spectral responses, and rotational variation of the minor planet's brightness could combine to add a systematic uncertainty in the measured brightness drop of about 0.6 mag. Thus, the double-star hypothesis cannot be definitively ruled out, but this is thought to be unlikely. No other known solar-system object was within 100" of (113) at the time of the event. To check whether prior imaging had shown any evidence of a satellite, Merline re-examined adaptive-optics (AO) images of (113) taken by his group at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the Keck Telescope in 2000, plus some archival data from the Very Large Telescope in 2007 (program 079.C-0528, Principal Investigator P. Rojo). No definitive evidence of a satellite could be seen, but the data were taken with older instrumentation and/or during nights of poor conditions, with a point-spread function (PSF) worse than standard for these facilities. Drummond further analyzed these AO data sets with an independent deconvolution technique and also could not detect a satellite. Drummond and Merline have found, by deriving the sub-earth latitude (-59 deg) on 2017 Mar. 14, from the minor planet's pole position of Tungalag et al. (2002, Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel 18, 508), that the observed satellite orbit could not be equatorial. Typical small satellites around large main-belt asteroids orbit at around 10 primary radii. If one assumes that size here, then on Mar. 14 the orbital plane would have been at a low inclination to the line-of-sight, with the satellite near conjunction. Assuming a brightness ratio of 100 and this orbit size, and given the PSF qualities on the AO nights, it is determined that the above-mentioned AO imaging would have had only a marginal chance of detecting the satellite. NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars. (C) Copyright 2017 CBAT 2017 July 12 (CBET 4413) Daniel W. E. Green
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams