Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC Text-Item Titles: IAUCs 1-8000

Note that these titles have not all been fully checked, but they should be in reasonable shape. This should be thus considered as a temporary list, but it is being made available for the benefit of researchers. The process of getting all IAUCs online here, back to IAUC 1, is underway and will hopefully be complete by 2008. In the list below, "C*" means "corrigendum to IAUC". The 4-digit IAU Circular number is given in columns 3-6; the "4" in column 1 is an internal indexing code (and appears on all records below). [As this is a plain-ASCII list, the diacritical marks have been omitted.]

4    1 Discovery of One New Comet by M. Baade, 19, October 1922 (Copen. Ob)
4    2 Comete 1922c (Baade)
4    3 Comete 1922c (Baade)
4    3aComet Baade
4    4 Comete 1922c (Baade), Nouvelle Observations
4    5 Comete 1922c (Baade)
4    6 Comete 1922c (Baade)
4    7 Comete 1922d (Skjellerup)
4    8 Comete 1922d (Skjellerup)
4    8 Comete Periodique Perrine (1922e)
4    8 Nova [1848+28]
4    9 Comet 1922e (Perrine)
4    9 Petite Planete [1922 WA = (629)]
4   10 Comete 1922c (Baade)
4   10 Comete 1922e (Perrine)
4   11 Comete 1922c (Baade)
4   12 Beta Ceti
4   12 Comete 1922d (Skjellerup)
4   13 Comete 1922d (Skjellerup)
4   14 Comet 1922c (Baade)
4   15 De M. Shapley Nous Avons Recu le Telegramme Suivant:
4   16 M. Comas Sola Ecit le 18 Avril:
4   17 Comete 1922d (Skjellerup)
4   18 Metcalf Comet 
4   19 Comete d'Arrest
4   19 Nova Anderson [2121+359]
4   20 La Nova Rapportee de M. Anderson [2113+37]
4   21 Comete d'Arrest
4   22 Comete 1922c (Baade)
4   23 Comet 1922c (Baade)
4   24 Comete 1922c (Baade)
4   25 New Comet [1923a]
4   26 Comet Doubiago-Bernard (1923a)
4   27 Object Reinmuth
4   28 Comet 1923a (Doubiago-Bernard)
4   28 Object Reinmuth
4   29 Object Reinmuth
4   30 Comete 1922c (Baade)
4   30 Comete 1923b (Reid)
4   31 Comet 1923b (Reid) = Periodic Comet d'Arrest
4   32 Comet 1923b (Reid) = Periodic Comet d'Arrest
4   33 Comet 1922c (Baade)
4   33 Comet 1923a (Doubiago-Bernard)
4   33 Comet 1923b (Reid) = Comet d'Arrest
4   34 Comet 1923a (Doubiago-Bernard)
4   35 Object Stroobant [1924 DA = (674)]
4   36 New Object Reinmuth
4   36 Object Stroobant [1924 DA = (674)]
4   37 Planet 1924 QN (Reinmuth)
4   38 Comet 1923a (Doubiago-Bernard)
4   38 Object Stroobant (1924 QR) [1924 DA = (674)]
4   38 Planet 1924 QN (Reinmuth)
4   39 Comet 1924a (Reid)
4   40 Comet 1923a (Doubiago-Bernard)
4   40 Comet 1924a (Reid)
4   41 Comet Encke (1924b)
4   42 Comet 1924a (Reid)
4   43 Comet 1924b (Encke)
4   43 New Comet 1924c (Finsler)
4   44 Comet 1924a (Reid)
4   44 Comet 1924b (Encke)
4   44 Comet 1924c (Finsler)
4   45 Comet 1924b (Encke)
4   45 Comet 1924c (Finsler)
4   45 Object Baade
4   46 Object Baade
4   47 Object Baade
4   48 Object Baade
4   49 Planet Baade
4   50 Planet Baade
4   51 Comet 1924c (Finsler)
4   51 Planet Baade
4   52 Comet 1924c (Finsler)
4   52 Planet Baade
4   53 Planet Baade
4   54 Important Notice
4   54 New Nebular Object Wolf
4   54 Planet Baade
4   55 Object Wolf
4   55 Planet Baade
4   56 Comet Wolf
4   57 Comet 1924a (Reid)
4   57 Comet Wolf
4   57 Planet Baade
4   58 Object Wolf
4   59 Object Wolf
4   59 Planet 1924 TD (Baade)
4   60 Two New Comets [1925a, 1925b]
4   61 Comet Schain (1925a)
4   62 Comet Reid (1925b)
4   62 Comet Schain (1925a)
4   63 Comet Reid (1925b)
4   63 New Comet (1925c) Orkisz
4   64 Comet Schain (1925a)
4   65 Comet Orkisz (1925c)
4   66 Comet 1925a (Schain)
4   66 Comet 1925b (Reid)
4   66 Comet 1925c (Orkisz)
4   67 A Bright Nova  [Pictoris]
4   67 Komet 1925a (Schain-Comas Sola)
4   68 Comet 1925c (Orkisz)
4   69 Comet 1925a (Schain-Comas Sola)
4   69 Comet 1925d (Tempel II)
4   70 Comet 1925c (Orkisz)
4   71 Comet 1925d (Tempel II)
4   72 Comet 1925b (Reid)
4   72 Comet 1925d (Tempel II)
4   72 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4   72 Periodic Comet Faye 
4   72 Periodic Comet Schorr
4   72 Periodic Comet Tempel-Swift
4   72 Periodic Comet Wolf
4   73 Object Delporte (Periodic Comet Tempel-Swift?) [(29)]
4   73 Periodic Comet Brooks (1889 V)
4   73 Periodic Comet Faye
4   73 Periodic Comet Tempel II
4   73 Periodic Comet Wolf
4   74 Object Delporte [(29)]
4   74 Periodic Comet Tempel II
4   75 Object Delporte [(29)]
4   75 Periodic Comet Wolf
4   76 Important Notices
4   76 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4   76 Periodic Comet Wolf
4   77 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1925f)
4   77 Periodic Comet Brooks
4   77 Periodic Comet Tempel Swift
4   77 Periodic Comet Wolf (1925e)
4   78 Comet Schain-Comas Sola (1925a)
4   78 Periodic Comet Tempel-Swift
4   79 Periodic Comet Brooks? [1925g]
4   80 Periodic Comet Brooks [1925g]
4   81 Periodic Comet Brooks (1925g)
4   81 Periodic Comet Wolf (1925e)
4   82 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1925f)
4   83 Periodic Comet Faye (1925h)
4   84 Comet Orkisz (1925c)
4   84 Periodic Comet Brooks (1925g)
4   84 Periodic Comet Faye (1925h)
4   85 Another New Comet  [1925j]
4   85 Comet 1925i (Van Biesbroeck-Steavenson)
4   86 Comet 1925c (Orkisz)
4   86 Comet 1925i (Van Biesbroeck-Steavenson)
4   86 Comet Wilk
4   87 Comet 1925i (Van Biesbroeck)
4   87 Comet 1925j (Wilk-Peltier)
4   88 Comet 1925i (Van Biesbroeck)
4   88 Comet 1925j (Wilk-Peltier)
4   89 Comet 1925i (Van Biesbroeck)
4   89 Comet 1925j (Wilk-Peltier)
4   90 Comet Van Biesbroeck
4   90 Comet Wilk-Peltier
4   90 Important Notices
4   91 Comet 1925a (Schain-Comas Sola)
4   91 Comet Van Biesbroeck
4   91 Comet Wilk-Peltier
4   91 Periodic Comet Tuttle
4   92 Comet Tuttle?
4   92 Comet Van Biesbroeck
4   92 Comet Wilk
4   92 Periodic Comet Brooks (1925g)
4   92 Periodic Comet Tempel II (1925d)
4   93 Comet Ensor
4   93 Comet Van Biesbroeck
4   93 Comet Wilk-Peltier 
4   93 Object Delporte [error on plate]
4   93 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1925f)
4   94 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1925i)
4   94 Periodic Comet 1918 III (Schorr)
4   94 Periodic Comet Brooks (1925g)
4   94 Periodic Comet Tuttle 
4   94 Periodic Comet Wolf (1925e)
4   95 "Weather Clear but not Perfect", Tele. from Mr. Vaute (Benkaelen)
4   95 Comet Ensor
4   95 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1925i)
4   95 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1926a)
4   96 Comet Ensor 
4   96 Observations of Comets [1925f, 1925a, 1925i]
4   96 The Eclipse Jan. 14th
4   97 Important Notice
4   97 New Comet (1926b)
4   97 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1925f)
4   98 Comet Blathwayt (1926b)
4   99 Comet Blathwayt (1926b)
4   99 Comet Ensor
4  100 Comet Blathwayt (1926b)
4  100 Comet Wilk-Peltier
4  101 Comet Blathwayt (1926b)
4  101 Comet Reid (1925b)
4  101 Comet Shain-Comas Sola (1925a)
4  101 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1925i)
4  101 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1926a)
4  102 Comet Blathwayt (1926b)
4  102 Comet Ensor
4  103 Comet Blathwayt (1926b)
4  103 Comet Ensor
4  103 Comet Orkisz (1925c)
4  103 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1925i)
4  104 Comet Blathwayt (1926b)
4  104 Comet Ensor
4  104 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1925i)
4  104 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1925f)
4  104 Periodic Comet Brooks (1925g)
4  104 Periodic Comet Finlay
4  104 Periodic Comet Kopff
4  105 Comet Blathwayt (1926b)
4  105 Comet Ensor
4  105 Comet Orkisz (1925c)
4  105 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1925i)
4  106 Periodic Comet Brooks (1925g)
4  106 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1926a)
4  107 Comet Orkisz (1925c)
4  108 Comet Borrelly (1925f)
4  108 Periodic Comet Kopff
4  109 Comet Blathwayt (1926b)
4  109 Comet Ensor 
4  110 Comet Ensor
4  110 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1925i)
4  111 Comet Schain-Comas Sola (1925a)
4  111 Nova [NGC 4303]
4  111 Periodic Comet Finlay
4  112 Comet Reid (1925b)
4  112 Comet Wilk-Peltier
4  112 Periodic Comet Finlay 
4  113 Periodic Comet Kopff [1926c] 
4  114 Periodic Comet Kopff (1926c)
4  115 Comet Reid (1925b)
4  115 Periodic Comet Finlay [1926d]
4  116 Comet Finlay (1926d)
4  116 Periodic Comet Kopff (1926c)
4  117 Periodic Comet Finlay (1926d)
4  118 New Comet? 
4  119 Periodic Comet Finlay (1926d)
4  119 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner [1926c] 
4  120 Periodic Comet Finlay (1926d)
4  120 Periodic Comet Giacobini (1926e) [P/Giacobini-Zinner]
4  121 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1926e)
4  121 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1916 II
4  122 A New Comet  [P/Comas Sola 1926f = 32P/Comas Sola]
4  122 Periodic Comet Finlay (1926d)
4  122 Periodic Comet Neujmin (1916 II) [P/Neujmin 2]
4  123 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  123 Periodic Comet Neujmin (1926g) [P/Neujmin 2]
4  124 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  125 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  125 Important Notice
4  126 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  127 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  127 Comet Giacobini (1926e) [P/Giacobini-Zinner]
4  128 Comet Brooks (1925g)
4  128 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  128 Comet Schain-Comas Sola (1925a)
4  129 Periodic Comet Finlay (1926d)
4  129 Periodic Comet Neujmin (1926g) [P/Neujmin 2]
4  130 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  130 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1926e)
4  131 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  131 New Object Comas Sola [1927 AA = (1626)]
4  132 New Comet Blathwayt [1927a]
4  132 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  133 Comet Blathwayt (1927a)          
4  133 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  133 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1926e)
4  134 Comet Blathwayt (1927a)
4  134 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  135 New Comet Reid (1927b)
4  136 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke 
4  137 Comet Reid (1927b)
4  137 The Fast Moving New Asteroid (Comas Sola) [1927 AA = (1626)]
4  138 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  138 Comet Reid (1927b)
4  138 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1926e)
4  138 Periodic Comet Neujmin (1926g) [P/Neujmin 2]
4  138 The Fast Moving Asteroid Comas Sola (1927 AA)
4  139 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  139 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke 
4  140 Asteroid 1927 AA  [(1626) Sadeya]
4  140 Kordylewski's Star Near S Corvi
4  141 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  142 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  143 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  144 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  145 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  145 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  145 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1927e)
4  145 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  146 Comet Reid (1927b)
4  146 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  146 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1927e)
4  147 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  147 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  147 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  148 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  148 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  148 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  149 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  149 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1927e)
4  149 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  150 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  150 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  151 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1927e)
4  151 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  152 Object Delporte
4  152 Periodic Comet Schaumasse
4  153 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  153 New Comet? [1927f]
4  154 Comet Gale (1927f)
4  154 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  155 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  155 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  156 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  157 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1927e)
4  157 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  158 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  159 Comet Reid (1927b)
4  159 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1927e)
4  160 Comet Blathwayt (1927a)
4  160 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  160 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1927e)
4  161 Comet Blathwayt (1927a)
4  161 Comet Gale (1927f)
4  161 Nova Wolf [1848-035 (eq. 1855)]
4  162 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  162 Periodic Comet Encke 
4  162 Periodic Comet Schaumasse 
4  163 Comet Gale (1927f)
4  164 Comet Gale (1927f)
4  165 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1927g)
4  166 Comet Gale (1927f)
4  166 Periodic Comet Encke
4  166 Periodic Comet Holmes
4  166 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  166 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1927g)
4  167 Bright Spot on Jupiter
4  167 Comet Gale (1927f)
4  168 Comet Blathwayt (1927a)
4  168 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  169 Comet Gale (1927f)
4  169 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  170 Periodic Comet Encke (1927h)
4  171 New Comet [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, 1927i]
4  171 Nova [0515+166]
4  172 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1927i) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  173 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1927i) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  174 Comet Comas Sola (1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  174 New Comet? [1927k]
4  175 Comet Skjellerup-Maristany (1927k)
4  176 Comet Skjellerup-Maristany (1927k)
4  177 Comet Skjellerup (1927k)
4  178 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1927i) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  178 Comet Skjellerup (1927k)
4  178 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1927c)
4  179 Comet 1927k
4  180 Comet 1927i
4  180 Comet 1927k
4  181 Comet 1927k
4  181 Periodic Comet Holmes
4  182 Comet 1927k
4  183 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1927i) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  183 Periodic Comet Encke (1927h)
4  184 Comet 1927d (Stearns)
4  184 Comet 1927k
4  185 Comet 1927k
4  185 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  185 Object Delporte [(747)]
4  186 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1927i) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  186 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  186 Komet Skjellerup-Maristany (1927k)
4  186 Object Delporte [(747)]
4  187 Comet Filippoff
4  188 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1927i) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  188 Komet Stearns (1927d)
4  189 New Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  190 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  191 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  192 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  193 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  193 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1927i) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  193 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  194 Comet Skjellerup-Maristany (1927k)
4  195 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  195 Comet Skjellerup-Maristany (1927k)
4  196 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  196 Comet Skjellerup-Maristany (1927k)
4  196 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  197 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  197 New Comet Giacobini
4  197 Nova Pictoris
4  198 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  198 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  199 Comet Giacobini
4  199 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  200 Nova Pictoris
4  201 Comet Giacobini
4  201 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  201 Nova Pictoris
4  202 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  202 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  202 Nova Pictoris
4  203 Comet Giacobini
4  204 Comet Giacobini
4  204 Comet Reinmuth (1928a)
4  204 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  205 Comet Giacobini
4  205 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  206 Comet Giacobini
4  206 Comet Skjellerup (1927k)
4  206 Periodic Comet Holmes
4  207 Comet Giacobini
4  207 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  207 Important Notice
4  208 Comet Encke (1927h)
4  208 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  209 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1927i) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  209 Periodic Comet Taylor
4  210 Periodic Comet Taylor 
4  211 Nova [Messier 33]
4  211 Object Delporte
4  211 Periodic Comet Taylor 
4  212 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1927i) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  213 New Comet Forbes 
4  214 Comet Forbes (1928c)
4  215 Comet Forbes (1873 VII)
4  216 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929a)
4  217 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929a)
4  218 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929a)
4  219 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929a)
4  219 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  220 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929a)
4  221 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929a)
4  222 Comet Forbes (1873 VII)
4  222 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929a)
4  222 Periodic Comet Perrine
4  223 Comet 1896 V (Giacobini)
4  223 Comet Stearns (1927d)
4  224 New Comet Forbes [1929c]
4  224 New Comet Neujmin [1929b]
4  225 The New Comet Neujmin [1929b]
4  226 Comet Forbes [1929c] 
4  226 Object Krieger and Bobrovnikoff [1929 PK]
4  227 Comet Neujmin [1929b] 
4  228 Comet Neujmin [1929b] 
4  229 Comet Forbes [1929c] 
4  230 Comet Forbes [1929c]
4  230 Comet Metcalf
4  230 Comet Neujmin [1929b] 
4  230 Object Krieger and Bobrovnikoff [1929 PK]
4  231 Comet Neujmin (1929b)
4  232 Comet Forbes (1929a) [should be 1929c]
4  232 Comet Neujmin (1929b)
4  233 Comet Forbes [1929c]
4  234 Comet Forbes [1929c] 
4  235 Comet Forbes [1929c] 
4  236 Another New Comet?  [Carpenter]
4  236 Comet 1925 II = 1927i (Schwassmann-Wachmann) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  236 New Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  237 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  238 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  239 Asteroid Orbit  [1929 XE = (1139) Atami]
4  239 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  240 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  241 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  242 Comet 1925 II (Schwassmann-Wachmann) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  242 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  243 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  244 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  245 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  246 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  247 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  248 Comet Wilk (1929d)
4  249 Comet Daniel (1909 IV)
4  250 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann-Peltier (1930a)
4  251 Comet Peltier-Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930a)
4  252 Comet Peltier-Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930a)
4  253 Comet Peltier-Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930a)
4  254 Comet Peltier-Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930a)
4  254 D'Arrest's Comet 
4  255 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  255 Transneptunian Planet? [Object Lowell Observatory = Pluto]
4  256 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  256 Comet Peltier-Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930a)
4  257 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  258 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  258 Komet Wilk (1929d)
4  259 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  260 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  260 New Comet Wilk [1930c[
4  261 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  261 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  261 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  262 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  262 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  263 Comet 1930c (Wilk)
4  263 Object Lowell
4  263 Prediscovery Positions of Comets 1930b, 1930a, and 1929d from Observatory Neubabelserg
4  264 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  264 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  265 A New Asteroid of the Trojan Group  [1930 BH = (1143) Odysseus]
4  265 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  265 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  265 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto] 
4  266 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  266 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929a)
4  266 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  266 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  267 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  267 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  268 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  269 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  269 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  270 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  271 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  272 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto] 
4  273 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  273 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto] 
4  274 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto] 
4  275 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  275 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  275 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  276 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  276 New Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  276 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  277 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  278 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  278 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  278 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  278 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  278 Ottawa Object
4  279 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  279 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  279 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  279 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  280 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  280 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  280 Solar Eclipse 1930 April 28
4  281 An Expected Meteoric Shower from Comet 1930d
4  281 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  281 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  282 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  282 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  282 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  282 The Expected Meteoric Shower 
4  283 Comet 1930d
4  283 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  283 The Expected Meteoric Shower
4  284 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  284 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  285 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  285 New Comet Forbes (1930e)
4  285 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  286 Comet Forbes (1930e)
4  286 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  286 The Expected Meteoric Shower
4  287 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  287 Object Lowell Observatory [Pluto]
4  288 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  288 Planet Pluto
4  289 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)  [C*285]
4  289 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  289 Planet Pluto
4  290 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  290 Comet Forbes (1930e)
4  290 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  291 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  291 Comet Forbes (1930e)
4  292 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  292 Comet Forbes (1930e)
4  292 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  292 Planet Pluto 
4  293 Comet Forbes (1930e)
4  293 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  293 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  293 Pluto 
4  294 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  294 Comet Forbes (1930e)
4  294 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  294 Comet Wilk (1930c)
4  294 D'Arrest's Comet
4  294 Pluto 
4  295 Comet Forbes (1930e)
4  295 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  295 Pluto
4  296 Important Notice
4  296 Observations of Eros [(433)]
4  296 Pluto
4  297 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930d)
4  297 Pluto
4  297 Tempel's Second Periodic Comet 
4  298 Pluto
4  298 Tempel's Second Periodic Comet
4  299 Objet Delporte [1930 SQ = (1170)]
4  299 Pluto
4  299 Tempel's Second Periodic Comet 
4  300 Object Delporte [1930 SQ = (1170)]
4  300 Pluto 
4  300 Tempel's Second Periodic Comet
4  301 Comet Stearns (1927 IV)
4  301 Eros [(433)]
4  301 Object Delporte [1930 SQ = (1170)] 
4  301 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  301 Planet 1930 SH
4  301 Tempel's Second Periodic Comet 
4  302 Eros [(433)] 
4  302 Object Delporte [1930 SQ = (1170)] 
4  302 Tempel's Second Periodic Comet 
4  303 Eros [(433)]
4  303 Planet 1930 SH
4  303 Pluto
4  304 Comet Nakamura (1930f) [C*305:  1930g]
4  304 Planet 1930 SH
4  304 Pluto 
4  305 Comet Nakamura (1930f)  [C*304]
4  305 Pluto
4  306 Comet Nakamura (1930g)
4  307 Comet Nakamura (1930g)
4  307 Eros [(433)]
4  307 Pluto
4  307 Two New Asteroids of the Trojan Group [1930 UA, 1930 UB]
4  308 Encke's Comet
4  308 Eros [(433)]
4  309 A Cluster Near Alpha Orionis
4  309 Asteroid of the Trojan Group 1930 UA  [(1172) Aneas]
4  309 Eros [(433)]
4  310 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  310 Observations of the Eighth Satellite of Jupiter
4  310 Tempel's Second Periodic Comet
4  311 Eros [(433)]
4  311 Various Objects in Orion
4  312 Eros [(433)]
4  313 Ephemeris of Pluto
4  314 Eros [(433)] 
4  315 Eros [(433)] 
4  315 New Elements and Naming of Planets 1930 UA and UB (Trojan Group)
4  315 Search Ephemeris for Periodic Comet Neujmin (1913 III)
4  316 Clusters and Nebula in Orion and Puppis
4  316 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  317 Quickly Moving Object [1931 FE = (1192)]
4  318 Object Schwassmann-Wachmann [1931 FE = (1192)]
4  319 Object Schwassmann-Wachmann [1931 FE = (1192)]
4  320 Asteroid 1931 FE  [(1192) Prisma]
4  320 Jupiter's Eighth Satellite
4  320 Pluto
4  321 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  321 Encke's Comet [1931a] 
4  322 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  322 Eros [(433)]
4  323 Object Nakamura [(245)]
4  324 Encke's Comet [1931a] 
4  324 Object Nakamura [(245)]
4  324 Periodic Comet Neujmin (1913 III)
4  324 Periodic Comet Schorr (1918 III)
4  325 Encke's Comet [1931a] 
4  326 Encke's Comet [1931a] 
4  326 Periodic Comet Wolf II
4  327 New Comet [1931b]
4  328 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  328 Periodic Comet Encke (1931a)
4  329 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  330 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  330 New Comet?
4  331 Comet Ryves (1931c)
4  332 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  332 Comet Ryves (1931c)
4  332 Pluto
4  333 Comet Ryves (1931c)
4  334 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  334 Comet Ryves (1931c)
4  334 Periodic Comet Wolf II
4  335 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  335 Comet Ryves (1931c)
4  336 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  337 Comet Ryves (1931c)
4  338 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  338 Neujmin's First Periodic Comet (1913 III)?
4  339 Comet Ryves (1931c)
4  339 Neujmin's First Periodic Comet (1913 III)
4  340 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  341 Comet Beyer (1930b)
4  341 Periodic Comet Neujmin I (1913 III)
4  342 Comet Ryves (1931c)
4  342 Pluto
4  343 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  343 New Comet?
4  343 Periodic Comet Neujmin I (1913 III)
4  344 Comet Ryves (1931c)
4  344 Object Durrad
4  345 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  345 Comet Ryves (1931c)
4  346 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  346 Comet Ryves (1931c)
4  346 Durrad's Object
4  346 Periodic Comet Schorr 1918 III
4  346 Periodic Comet Tempel III-Swift
4  347 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  348 Cometary Object [1931 YA]
4  348 Jupiter's Eighth Satellite
4  348 Pluto
4  349 Cometary Object Reinmuth [1931 YA]
4  350 Object Reinmuth [1931 YA]
4  350 Periodic Comet Kopff
4  350 Periodic Comet Wolf II
4  351 Asteroid 1931 YA  [(1208) Troilus]
4  351 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  351 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  351 Periodic Comet Kopff
4  351 Periodic Comet Neujmin II (1931d)  [C*353]
4  351 Pluto
4  351 Quick Moving Asteroid
4  352 Asteroid 1931 YA
4  352 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1902 II)
4  353 Comet Neujmin I (1913 III = 1931 I) [identification of Observations on I351]
4  353 Erratum  [regarding 1913 III = 1913 I = 28P and 1916 II = 25D]
4  353 Object Delporte [1932 EA1] 
4  354 Object Delporte [1932 EA1] 
4  355 Important Notice
4  355 Object Delporte [1932 EA1]
4  356 Object Delporte [1932 EA1]
4  356 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  357 Object Delporte [1932 EA1]
4  357 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4  358 Object Delporte [1932 EA1]
4  359 Object Delporte [1932 EA1] 
4  360 Object Delporte [1932 EA1]
4  360 Periodic Comet Kopff
4  361 New Comet [1932b]
4  362 Comet Houghton [1932b]
4  363 Comet Houghton (1932b)
4  363 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  364 Object Delporte [1932 EA1]
4  365 Object Delporte [1932 EA1]
4  365 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4  366 Comet Houghton (1932b)
4  366 Object Delporte = Asteroid EA1 [1932]
4  367 Comet Houghton (1932b)
4  367 Object Delporte (Asteroid EA1) [1932]
4  368 Comet Houghton (1932b)
4  368 Object Carrasco [Comet 1932c]
4  369 Comet Carrasco (1932c)
4  369 Comet Houghton (1932b)
4  370 Comet Carrasco (1932c)
4  370 Comet Houghton-Ensor (1932b)
4  370 Object Delporte = Asteroid 1932 EA1
4  370 Object Reinmuth [1932 HA]
4  370 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup 
4  371 Comet Carrasco [1932c]
4  371 Object Delporte = Asteroid 1932 EA1
4  372 Comet Carrasco [1932c]
4  372 Comet Houghton-Ensor
4  372 Object Delporte = Asteroid 1932 EA1
4  373 Object Reinmuth [1932 HA]
4  374 Comet Carrasco (1932c)
4  374 Comet Houghton-Ensor (1932b)
4  374 Object Delporte = Asteroid 1932 EA1
4  374 Object Reinmuth [1932 HA]
4  375 Comet Carrasco (1932c)
4  375 Comet Houghton-Ensor (1932b)
4  375 Object Delporte = Asteroid 1932 EA1
4  375 Object Reinmuth = Asteroid 1932 HA
4  375 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  376 Object Reinmuth = Asteroid 1932 HA
4  377 Comet Carrasco [1932c]
4  377 Important Notice
4  377 Object Reinmuth = Asteroid 1932 HA
4  377 Periodic Comet Brooks 2
4  377 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  377 Periodic Comet Tempel (1866 I)
4  378 Comet Carrasco [1932c]
4  378 Comet Houghton-Ensor (1932b)
4  378 Periodic Comet Brooks 2
4  379 Periodic Comet Kopff
4  380 Comet Carrasco [1932c]
4  380 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  380 Comet Houghton-Ensor [1932b]
4  381 Comet Carrasco [1932c]
4  381 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  381 Comet Houghton-Ensor [1932b]
4  382 Object Reinmuth = Asteroid 1932 HA
4  383 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1932d)
4  383 Comet Houghton-Ensor [1932b]
4  383 Comet Nagata (1931b)
4  384 New Comet Newman (1932f)
4  384 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1932d)
4  385 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  386 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  386 New Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  387 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  387 Object Reinmuth (Asteroid 1932 HA)
4  388 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  388 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  388 Periodic Comet Brooks
4  388 Periodic Comet Neujmin II (1916 II)
4  388 Periodic Comet Tempel (1866 I)
4  389 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  389 New Comet Schmitt (1932h)
4  390 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  390 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  390 Object Delporte (Asteroid 1932 EA1)
4  390 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1932d)
4  390 Periodic Comet Kopff (1932c)
4  391 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  391 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  391 Comet Schmitt (1932h)
4  392 Comet Carrasco (1932c)
4  392 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  392 Comet Schmitt (1932h)
4  393 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1932d)
4  393 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  394 Comet Carrasco (1932c)
4  394 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  394 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  394 Comet Schmitt (1932h)
4  394 Important Notice
4  394 Object Reinmuth (Asteroid 1932 HA)
4  395 Comet Carrasco (1932c)
4  395 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1932d)
4  395 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  395 Object Delporte (Asteroid 1932 EA1)
4  395 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4  395 Periodic Comet Brooks
4  395 Periodic Comet Kopff
4  396 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  396 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  396 New Comet Peltier-Whipple [1932k]
4  396 Periodic Comet Faye
4  397 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  397 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1932d)
4  397 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  397 Comet Peltier-Whipple [1932k]
4  398 Comet Peltier-Whipple [1932k]
4  399 Comet Peltier-Whipple [1932k]
4  399 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1932 August 17 - 1932 December 31
4  400 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  400 Comet Peltier-Whipple [1932k] 
4  400 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4  400 Periodic Comet Tempel (1866 I)
4  401 Comet Peltier-Whipple [1932k]
4  402 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  402 Comet Peltier-Whipple [1932k]
4  402 Periodic Comet Faye
4  402 Periodic Comet Kopff
4  403 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  403 Comet Peltier-Whipple [1932k]
4  403 Object Delporte = Asteroid 1932 EA
4  403 Periodic Comet Brooks
4  403 Periodic Comet Faye 
4  404 Asteroid 1932 HA  [(1862) Apollo]
4  404 Comet Peltier-Whipple [1932k]
4  404 Periodic Comet Borrelly 
4  404 Periodic Comet Brooks
4  404 Periodic Comet Faye
4  405 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  405 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4  405 Periodic Comet Brooks
4  405 Periodic Comet Kopff 
4  405 Periodic Comet Tempel (1866 I)
4  406 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  406 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  406 Object Reinmuth-Moraetz [(579), corrected to Moravetz on I407]
4  406 Periodic Comet Faye 
4  407 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  407 Leonid Meteors
4  407 Object Reinmuth-Moravetz [(579)]
4  407 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1932i)
4  407 Periodic Comet Brooks (1932m)
4  407 Periodic Comet Faye (1932l)
4  408 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  408 Comet Peltier-Whipple (1932k)
4  408 Leonid Meteors
4  408 Periodic Comet Brooks (1932m)
4  408 Periodic Comet Faye (1932l)
4  408 Periodic Comet Kopff (1932e)
4  408 Periodic Comet Kopff (1932e)
4  409 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  409 New Comet Dodwell (1932n)
4  409 Periodic Comet Brooks (1932m)
4  409 Periodic Comet Faye (1932l)
4  409 Periodic Comet Kopff (1932e)
4  410 Comet Dodwell (1932n)
4  411 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  412 Comet Faye (1932l)
4  412 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  412 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  412 Comet Pons-Winnecke
4  412 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1933
4  413 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  413 Comet Peltier-Whipple (1932k)
4  413 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  414 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  415 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  415 Periodic Comet Faye (1932l)
4  415 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  415 Pluto
4  416 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  416 Comet Newman (1932f)
4  416 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1932i)
4  416 Periodic Comet Faye (1932l)
4  417 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  418 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  418 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  418 The Spectrum of Gamma Cassiopeiae
4  419 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  419 Comet Wolf II (1924d)
4  420 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  420 Eros [(433)]
4  420 Periodic Comet Faye (1932l)
4  421 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  421 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  422 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  422 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  422 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  422 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1932i)
4  422 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke
4  422 Pluto 
4  423 New Comet Peltier (1933a)
4  424 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  424 Comet Peltier (1933a)
4  425 Comet Peltier (1933a)
4  425 Periodic Comet Faye (1932l)
4  426 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  426 Comet Peltier (1933a)
4  427 Comet Peltier (1933a)
4  427 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1932i)
4  427 Periodic Comet Finlay
4  427 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke
4  428 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  428 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  428 Comet Peltier (1933a)
4  428 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1932i)
4  428 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  429 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  429 Comet Peltier (1933a)
4  429 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner
4  430 Nova [Geminorum 1933]
4  431 Comet Peltier (1933a)
4  431 Nova (Delporte-Arend) [Geminorum 1933]
4  431 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4  432 Nova (Delporte-Arend) [Geminorum 1933]
4  432 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1933b)
4  433 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  433 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  434 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  434 Nova (Delporte-Arend) [Geminorum 1933]
4  434 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1933b)
4  435 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  435 Comet Peltier (1933a)
4  435 Nova (Delporte-Arend) [Geminorum 1933]
4  435 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1933c)
4  436 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  436 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1933b)
4  436 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  437 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  437 Periodic Comet Finlay
4  437 Unidentified Object [1933 HH = (192)]
4  438 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  438 Unidentified Object (Asteroid 1933 HH) [(192)]
4  439 Asteroid 1933 HH = (192) Nausikaa
4  439 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1933c)
4  440 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  440 Comet Peltier (1933a)
4  440 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1933b)
4  441 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  441 Comet Peltier-Whipple (1932k)
4  442 New Comet Carrasco (1933d)
4  443 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  443 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1933b)
4  443 Periodic Comet Wolf I
4  443 The New Comet Carrasco (1933d)
4  444 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1933b)
4  444 Pluto
4  445 Important Notice
4  445 Periodic Comet Wolf I
4  446 Periodic Comet Finlay
4  446 White Spot on Saturn
4  447 Comet Carrasco (1933d)
4  447 Nova Ophiuchi 3.
4  447 The White Spot on Saturn
4  448 Nova Ophiuchi 1901 (RS Ophiuchi)
4  448 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1933b)
4  449 Nova Ophiuchi 1901 (RS Ophiuchi)
4  449 Periodic Comet Finlay
4  450 Nova Ophiuchi 1901 (RS Ophiuchi)
4  450 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1933b)
4  450 Periodic Comet Wolf I
4  451 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  451 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1933b)
4  452 Great Meteor Shower 1933 October 9
4  452 RS Ophiuchi
4  453 The Great Meteor Shower 1933 October 9
4  454 The Great Meteor Shower 1933 October 9
4  455 The Meteor Shower 1933 October 9
4  456 New Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  457 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  458 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  458 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1933b)
4  458 Periodic Comet Wolf I (1933e)
4  459 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  460 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  461 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  461 Object Neujmin [1933 WC]
4  462 Object Neujmin [1933 WC]
4  462 Periodic Comet Encke
4  463 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  463 Object Neujmin = Asteroid 1933 WC
4  464 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  464 Important Notice about Using Standard Dates in Communications
4  464 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini
4  465 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  465 Periodic Comet Wolf I
4  466 Leonid Observations
4  467 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  468 Periodic Comet Wolf I
4  469 Comet 1925 II (Schwassmann-Wachmann) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  469 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  469 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini
4  470 Important Notice
4  471 Object Boyer [1943 EA]
4  472 Object Boyer (1934 EA)
4  472 Spot-Formation on Jupiter
4  473 Object Boyer (1934 EA)
4  473 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann
4  474 New Comet Jackson (1934b) [corrected to Object Jackson on I478]
4  474 The Spot-Formation on Jupiter
4  475 Comet Geddes (1932g)
4  475 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  476 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  477 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini
4  478 Object Jackson
4  479 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  479 Observations of Asteroids Desired
4  480 Large White Spot on Jupiter
4  480 New Object Jeffers
4  481 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  481 Periodic Comet Encke
4  482 Object Jeffers 
4  483 Periodic Comet Wolf I
4  484 Periodic Comet Encke
4  485 Periodic Comet Encke
4  486 Periodic Comet 1929 I (Schwassmann-Wachmann)
4  486 Periodic Comet Encke
4  487 Hidalgo (944)
4  487 Periodic Comet 1929 I (Schwassmann-Wachmann)
4  487 Periodic Comet Encke
4  487 Periodic Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  488 Periodic Comet Encke
4  488 Wachmann Object = Nysa (44)
4  489 Brucia (323)
4  489 Periodic Comet Wolf I
4  490 Comet 1927 III (Comas Sola) = Comet 1926f [P/Comas Sola]
4  490 Periodic Comet Encke
4  491 Periodic Comet 1929 I (Schwassmann-Wachmann)
4  491 Periodic Comet Reinmuth (1928 I)
4  492 Periodic Comet Encke
4  492 Periodic Comet Wolf I
4  493 Hidalgo (944)
4  493 Periodic Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  494 Hidalgo (944)
4  495 Hidalgo (944)
4  495 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  496 Hidalgo (944)
4  496 Periodic Comet Reinmuth (1928 I)
4  497 Suspected Nova [Canis Minoris]
4  498 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1935
4  498 Suspected Nova Canis Minoris (Morgenroth)
4  499 Periodic Comet 1929 I (Schwassmann-Wachmann)
4  499 Periodic Comet 1930 VI (Schwassmann-Wachmann)
4  499 Periodic Comet Reinmuth (1928 I)
4  499 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  499 Periodic Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  499 Suspected Nova Canis Minoris (Morgenroth)
4  500 Nova Herculis
4  500 Periodic Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  501 Periodic Comet 1929 I (Schwassmann-Wachmann)
4  502 Nova Herculis 1934
4  503 Nova Herculis 1934
4  504 Nova Herculis 1934
4  504 Periodic Comet Reinmuth (1928 I)
4  505 Nova Herculis 1934
4  505 Periodic Comet 1929 II (Forbes)
4  506 Nova Herculis 1934
4  506 Periodic Comet 1929 I (Schwassmann-Wachmann)
4  507 Nova Herculis 1934
4  508 Nova Herculis 1934
4  509 Hidalgo (944)
4  509 Nova Herculis 1934 
4  510 New Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  511 Nova Herculis 1934
4  511 Object Kellaway
4  512 Objects Kellaway
4  512 Periodic Comet 1929 I (Schwassmann-Wachmann)
4  513 Nova Herculis 1934
4  514 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  514 Nova Herculis 1934
4  515 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  516 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  516 Nova Herculis 1934
4  517 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  517 Nova Herculis 1934
4  517 Periodic Comet Holmes
4  518 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  518 Comet Reinmuth (1928 I)
4  518 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929 I)
4  518 Hidalgo (944)
4  519 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  519 Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  520 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  521 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  521 Nova Herculis 1934
4  522 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  522 Nova Herculis 1934
4  523 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  524 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  524 Comet Reinmuth (1928 I)
4  524 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  524 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929 I)
4  525 Comet Forbes (1929 II)
4  525 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  525 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1930 VI)
4  526 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  526 Hidalgo (944)
4  526 Periodic Comet Reinmuth (1928 I)
4  527 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  527 Nova Herculis 1934
4  527 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1927 III)
4  527 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  527 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929 I)
4  528 Nova Herculis 1934
4  528 Object Laufe [h 375; Laufe corrected to Lause on I530]
4  529 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  529 Objects Laufe and Delporte [h 375, (115); Laufe corr. to Lause on I530]
4  530 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  530 Object Lause  [h 375]
4  530 The Lowicz Meteor on 1935 March 11
4  531 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  532 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  532 Nova Herculis (1934)
4  533 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  533 Nova Herculis (1934)
4  534 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  534 Nova Herculis 1934
4  535 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  535 Nova Herculis 1934
4  535 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1927 VII)
4  536 Hidalgo [(944)]
4  536 Nova Herculis 1934
4  536 Periodic Comet Holmes 
4  537 Expected Meteor Shower [8-9 June 1935] 
4  538 Nova Herculis 1934
4  539 Comet Forbes (1929 II)
4  539 Nova Herculis 1934
4  540 Expected Meteor Shower [8-9 June 1935]
4  540 Nova Herculis 1934
4  541 Expected Meteor Shower [8-9 June 1935]
4  541 New Object Jackson [Comet 1935b]
4  542 Comet Jackson [1935b] 
4  543 Comet Jackson (1935b)
4  543 Nova Herculis 1934
4  544 Eros [(433)]
4  544 Nova Herculis 1934
4  545 Comet Jackson (1935b)
4  545 Nova Herculis 1934
4  545 Periodic Comet 1927 III (Comas Sola) = Comet 1926f
4  545 Periodic Comet Shaumasse (1927 VIII)
4  546 Comet Jackson (1935b)
4  546 Nova Herculis 1934
4  547 Comet Jackson (1935b)
4  548 Nova Herculis 1934
4  548 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1927 III)
4  549 Comet Comas Sola (1927 III) [P/Comas Sola]
4  550 New Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  550 Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4  551 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  552 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  552 Nova Herculis 1934
4  553 Comet Comas Sola (1927 III) [P/Comas Sola]
4  553 Important Notice
4  553 Periodic Comet Holmes
4  554 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  555 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  556 Comet Comas Sola (1927 III) [P/Comas Sola]
4  556 New Object
4  557 Comet Jackson (1935b)
4  557 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  557 Object Hubble
4  557 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1927 VIII)
4  558 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  558 Periodic Comet 1929 I (Schwassmann-Wachmann)
4  559 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  559 Hidalgo [(944)]
4  560 Notice Regarding Calculations of Orbits and Ephemerides of Periodic Comets
4  560 Notice Regarding Time Signals
4  560 Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4  561 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  562 Comet Comas Sola (1927 III) [P/Comas Sola]
4  562 Comet Johnson (1935a)
4  562 Notice
4  562 Periodic Comet 1929 I (Schwassmann-Wachmann)
4  563 Comet Comas Sola (1927 III) [P/Comas Sola]
4  563 Notice Regarding Time Signals
4  563 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1936
4  564 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  564 The Spectrum of Gamma Cassiopeiae
4  565 Comet Comas Sola (1927 III) [P/Comas Sola]
4  565 Notice Regarding Comets 1907 III and 1889 VI
4  566 Notice Regarding Periodic Comets d'Arrest and Kopff
4  566 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929 I)
4  567 Hidalgo [(944)]
4  567 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann II (1929 I)
4  568 Comet Comas Sola (1927 III) [P/Comas Sola]
4  568 Notice Regarding the Periodic Comets Pons-Winnecke (1819 III), Gale (1927 VI, and Olbers (1815)
4  569 Change from 5" to 3" in the Reduction of the Occultations Observed in 1936
4  569 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  569 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1927 III)
4  570 Comet Dodwell-Forbes (1932n)
4  570 New Object Delporte [1936 CA = (2101)]
4  570 Notice Regarding the Periodic Comet Neujmin (1916 II) [P/Neujmin 2]
4  570 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann II (1929 I)
4  571 Comet Comas Sola (1927 III) [P/Comas Sola]
4  571 New Object Delporte [1936 CA = (2101)]
4  572 Object Delporte (1936 CA)
4  573 Object Delporte (1936 CA)
4  574 Asteroid 1036 Ganymed
4  574 New Asteroid [1936 BD = (1816)]
4  574 Object Delporte (1936 CA)
4  574 Periodic Comet Reinmuth (1928 I = 1934b)
4  575 Notice Regarding Time Signals
4  575 Object Delporte (1936 CA)
4  576 Notices Regarding Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann II (1929 I) and the Periodic Comet Finlay (1886 VII)
4  576 Object Delporte (1936 CA)
4  577 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  577 Notices about Periodic Comets Wolf II (1924 IV), Reinmuth (1928 I), and Schaumasse (1919 IV)
4  578 Object Delporte (1936 CA)
4  578 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1927 III)
4  579 Asteroid 944 Hidalgo
4  579 Object Delporte (1936 CA)
4  579 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1927 VIII)
4  580 Object Delporte (1936 CA)
4  580 Peridic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  580 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1927 III)
4  581 La Comete Periodique Schaumasse (1911 VII)
4  581 Nova Herculis 1934
4  582 Object Delporte (1936 CA)
4  583 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  583 Notice Regarding the Periodic Comet Tempel II (1873 II)
4  583 Object Delporte (1936 CA)
4  584 Anteros (Object Delporte = 1936 CA)  [(2101) Adonis]
4  584 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann II (1929 I)
4  585 New Comet Peltier [1936a]
4  585 Pluto
4  586 Comet Peltier [1936a]
4  587 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  588 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  589 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  590 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  591 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  592 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  593 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  593 Solar Eclipse 1936 June 19
4  594 Bright Nova Near Epsilon Cephei
4  594 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  595 Important Notice
4  595 Nova Cephei
4  596 Nova Cephei
4  597 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  598 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  598 Nova Cephei
4  599 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  599 Nova Lacertae (= Nova Cephei)
4  599 Solar Eclipse 1936 June 19 
4  600 Asteroids 1932 HA and 1936 CA  [(1862) Apollo and (2101) Adonis]
4  600 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  600 Jupiter 
4  600 Nova Lacertae
4  601 Nova Lacertae
4  602 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  602 Jupiter
4  603 Nova Lacertae
4  603 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1923 II)
4  604 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  604 New Comet [1936b]
4  605 Comet Kaho [1936b] 
4  606 Comet Kaho (1936b)
4  607 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  608 Comet Kaho (1936b)
4  608 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  608 Jupiter
4  608 Nova Lacertae
4  609 Comet Kaho (1936b)
4  610 Comet 1936b
4  610 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  610 Die Aurigiden
4  611 Comet Kaho-Kozik-Lis (1936b)
4  611 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  612 Comet Kaho-Kozik-Lis (1936b)
4  612 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  612 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  612 Nova Lacertae
4  613 Comet Kaho-Kozik-Lis (1936b)
4  613 Nova Lacertae
4  614 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  615 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  615 Comet d'Arrest (1923 II)
4  616 Comet Kaho-Kozik-Lis (1936b)
4  616 New Comet Jackson (1936c)
4  616 Nova Aquilae 1936 [#1] 
4  617 Nova Aquilae 1936 [#1]
4  618 A New Asteroid of the Jupiter Group (1936 QW)  [= (1404) Ajax]
4  618 Comet Jackson (1936c)
4  618 Nova Aquilae 1936 [#1]
4  619 Comet Jackson (1936c)
4  620 Comet Jackson (1936c)
4  621 Comet Jackson (1936c)
4  621 Nova Aquilae 1936 [#1]
4  622 Comet Jackson (1936c)
4  622 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  622 Nova Aquilae 1936 [#1]
4  622 Nova Sagittarii 1936
4  623 Comet Jackson (1936c)
4  624 Comet Jackson (1936c)
4  624 Nova Aquilae 1936 [#1]
4  624 Nova Sagittarii 1936
4  625 Comet Peltier (1936a)
4  625 Comet Tuttle-Giacobini (1923 II)
4  625 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4  625 Nova Aquilae 1936.1
4  625 Nova Sagittarii 1936
4  625 Second Nova Aquilae 1936
4  626 Nova Aquilae 1936.1
4  626 Nova Aquilae 1936.2
4  626 Nova Sagittarii 1936
4  626 The Star BD 39 4114 
4  627 Comet Jackson (1936c)
4  627 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4  627 Nova Aquilae 1936.1
4  627 Nova Aquilae 1936.2
4  627 Nova Sagittarii 1936
4  628 Asteroid 944 Hidalgo
4  628 Comet Jackson-Neujmin (1936c)
4  628 Nova Aquilae 1936.2
4  629 Comet Jackson-Neujmin (1936c)
4  629 Nova Aquilae 1936.2
4  630 Comet Jackson-Neujmin (1936c)
4  630 Comet Kaho-Kozik-Lis (1936b)
4  630 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  630 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4  630 Nova Aquilae 1936.2
4  631 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4  631 Nova Aquilae 1936.1
4  631 Nova Aquilae 1936.2
4  631 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1937
4  632 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  632 Comet Jackson-Neujmin (1936c)
4  632 Comet Tuttle-Giacobini
4  632 The Two Novae in Aquila [1936]
4  633 Asteroid 944 Hidalgo
4  633 Nova Aquilae 1936.2
4  633 Nova Sagittarii 1936
4  634 Comet Daniel (1937a)
4  634 Notice Regarding the Comet Jackson-Neujmin (1936c)
4  635 New Comet Whipple 
4  636 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  637 Comet Tuttle-Giacobini
4  637 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  638 Comet Daniel 
4  638 Comet Whipple [1937b]
4  638 Notice Regarding the Periodic Comet Faye (1843 III)
4  639 Comet Whipple [1937b]
4  639 New Comet Wilk
4  640 Comet Daniel (1937a)
4  640 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  641 Comet Daniel (1937a)
4  641 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  641 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  641 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  642 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  642 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  643 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  644 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  645 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  645 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  645 New Comet?
4  646 Comet Daniel (1909 VI)
4  646 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  646 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  646 Object Kozawa
4  647 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  647 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  648 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  648 Comet Wilk-Peltier (1937c)
4  649 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  649 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  650 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  651 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  651 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  651 Eclipse of Zeta Aurigae
4  652 Comet Daniel 1909 IV (1937a)
4  652 Comet Gale (1937d)
4  652 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  653 Comet Daniel 1909 IV (1937a)
4  653 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  654 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  654 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  654 Zeta Aurigae 
4  655 Comet Gale (1937d)
4  655 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  655 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  655 Zeta Aurigae
4  656 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  657 Comet Daniel 1909 IV (1937a)
4  657 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  657 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  657 Important Notice
4  658 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  658 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  658 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  659 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  659 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4  659 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  660 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  660 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  660 Comet Wilk (1937c)
4  660 Zeta Aurigae
4  661 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  661 Important Notice
4  662 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  662 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  663 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  663 New Comet [1937f]
4  664 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  665 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  666 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  666 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  667 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  667 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  668 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  668 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  669 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  670 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  670 Comet Gale (1937d)
4  671 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  671 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  672 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  673 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  673 New Comet (Discovered by Hubble) [1937g]
4  673 Periodic Comet Encke
4  673 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  674 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  674 Comet Hubble (1937g)
4  674 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  675 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  675 Comet Hubble (1937g)
4  676 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  676 Comet Hubble (1937g)
4  677 Comet Hubble (1937g)
4  678 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  679 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  679 Comet Hubble (1937g)
4  679 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  679 Notice Regarding the Periodic Comet Daniel (1909 IV = 1937a)
4  679 Perseids
4  680 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  680 Comet Hubble (1937g)
4  680 Periodic Comet Encke 
4  680 Supernova [IC 4182]
4  681 Comet Encke
4  681 Comet Hubble (1937g)
4  681 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  681 Supernova [IC 4182]
4  682 Comet Hubble (1937g)
4  682 Periodic Comet Encke (1937h)
4  683 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  683 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1929a)
4  683 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  683 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  683 Supernova in NGC 1003
4  683 The Supernova in IC 4182
4  684 Comet Encke (1937h)
4  684 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  684 Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4  684 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  684 Important Notice
4  684 The Supernova in IC 1482 [should be IC 4182]
4  684 The Supernova in NGC 1003
4  685 Comet Finsler (1937f)
4  685 Comet Hubble (1937g)
4  685 Comet Whipple (1937b)
4  685 Supernova in NGC 1003
4  686 Object Wachmann [(1036)]
4  687 New Asteroid of the Jupiter Group [1937 PB]
4  687 Object Wachmann [(1036)]
4  688 (1036) Ganymed
4  688 Periodic Comet Neujmin II = 1916 II = 1927 I
4  689 (1036) Ganymed
4  689 Object Reinmuth [1937 UB]
4  690 Object Reinmuth [1937 UB] 
4  691 Comet Encke (1937h)
4  691 Comet Hubble (1937g)
4  691 Object Reinmuth [1937 UB] 
4  692 Asteroid 1937 QD
4  692 Object Reinmuth [1937 UB] 
4  692 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1938
4  693 Object Reinmuth [1937 UB]
4  694 Comet Encke (1937h)
4  694 Object Reinmuth 
4  695 (1036) Ganymed
4  695 Object Reinmuth 1937 UB
4  695 The Asteroid of the Jupiter Group 1937 PB
4  696 Object Reinmuth 1937 UB
4  697 Object Reinmuth 1937 UB
4  698 Object Reinmuth 1937 UB
4  699 Object Reinmuth 1937 UB
4  700 Object Reinmuth 1937 UB
4  701 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1935d)
4  701 Object Reinmuth 1937 UB
4  702 Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4  702 Comet Hubble (1937g)
4  702 Periodic Comet Encke (1937h)
4  703 Object Reinmuth 1937 UB
4  704 Object Reinmuth 1937 UB
4  704 Periodic Comet Neujmin II = 1916 II = 1927 I
4  705 Object Reinmuth 1937 UB
4  705 Periodic Comet Encke (1937h)
4  706 Hermes (Object Reinmuth 1937 UB)
4  706 Notice Regarding the Periodic Comet Forbes (1929 II)
4  706 Periodic Comet Encke (1937h)
4  707 Comet Encke
4  707 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1925 II
4  708 Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4  708 Hermes (Object Reinmuth 1937 UB)
4  709 Details of Johannesburg Observations of Hermes [1937 UB]
4  709 Eros [(433)] 
4  710 Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4  710 Comet Houghton-Ensor (1932 I)
4  710 New Technique in the Method of Least Squares
4  710 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV)
4  711 Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4  711 Notice Regarding the Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1930 VI
4  712 Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4  712 Hermes [1937 UB]
4  712 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann (1925 II)
4  713 A Swarm of Meteorites Over Southern Sweden 1938 May 27
4  713 Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4  713 Comet Schorr (1918 III)
4  714 Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4  715 Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4  715 Notice Regarding Halley's Comet
4  716 Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4  716 Comet Kopff (1906 IV)
4  716 Comet Schorr (1918 III)
4  717 Periodic Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4  718 Object Near Jupiter's Eighth Satellite 
4  719 Asteroid 1937 QD
4  720 SU Tauri
4  721 The Object Near Jupiter VIII
4  721 Two New Satellites of Jupiter [Jupiter X, Jupiter XI]
4  722 The Two New Satellites of Jupiter [Jupiter X, Jupiter XI]
4  723 Asteroid of the Troian Group  [1937 PB = (1437) Diomedes]
4  724 1937 QD = (911) Agamemnon
4  724 Jupiter X
4  725 Asteroid of the Troian Group 1937 PB  [(1437) Diomedes]
4  725 Comet Schorr (1918 III)
4  725 Periodic Comet Gale (1938a = 1927 VI)
4  726 Jupiter X and Jupiter XI
4  726 Ressaut Blanc Sur Saturne
4  727 Jupiter X
4  727 Jupiter XI
4  727 R Coronae Borealis
4  727 Variable Star of Very Short Period [BD +16 4877]
4  728 Jupiter X
4  728 Ressaut Blanc Sur Saturne
4  729 Comet Kopff (1906 IV)
4  729 R Coronae Rorealis
4  729 Variable Star of Very Short Period [BD +16 4877]
4  730 Jupiter XI
4  730 R Coronae Borealis
4  731 Asteroid 1938 UO
4  731 R Coronae Borealis
4  731 Ressaut Blanc Sur Saturne
4  732 Jupiter X
4  732 Jupiter XI
4  732 Observations de Venus en 1938
4  732 Spectrum of Pleione
4  732 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1939
4  733 Asteroid 1938 UO
4  733 Occultation d'Uranus le 8 Novembre 1938
4  733 Periodic Comet 1925 II (Schwassmann-Wachmann)
4  733 Uranus
4  734 Asteroid 1938 UO
4  734 Comet Borrelly (1905 II)
4  734 Comet Kopff (1906 IV)
4  735 (1036) Ganymed
4  735 Asteroid 1938 UO
4  735 Change from 3" to 1.5" in Reduction of Occulations
4  736 New Comet Peltier [Comet Kozik-Peltier (1939a)]
4  737 Comet Cosik-Peltier [1939a] [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  737 Supernova in NGC 4636
4  738 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  738 Nova or Variable Star [0538+090 (eq. 1855)]
4  739 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752] 
4  740 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  740 Variable Star Wachmann
4  741 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  742 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  743 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  744 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  745 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  746 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  747 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  748 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  749 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  749 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV)
4  749 Wachmann's Peculiar Variable
4  750 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  750 Wachmann's Peculiar Variable (1.1939 Orio)
4  751 Comet Cosik-Peltier (1939a) [changed to Kozik-Peltier on I752]
4  752 Comet Kozik-Peltier (1939a)
4  752 Object 1939 CB = Periodic Comet 
4  753 Comet Pons-Winnecke
4  753 Comet Vaisala
4  754 1939 CB = Comet Vaisala
4  754 Comet Kozik-Peltier (1939a)
4  754 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939b) [changed to 1939c on I755]
4  755 Comet Kozik-Peltier (1939a)
4  755 Comet Pons-Winnecke [1939c]
4  755 Comet Vaisala (1939b)
4  756 Comet Kozik-Peltier (1939a)
4  756 Comet Vaisala (1939b)
4  757 Comet Kozik-Peltier (1939a)
4  757 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  758 Comet Kozik-Peltier (1939a)
4  758 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  758 Object Dawson
4  758 Provisional Elements of Three Variables [BD +30 3592, 1907-673 (eq. 1875), 1904-667 (eq. 1875)]
4  759 Comet Brooks II
4  759 Comet Hassel
4  759 Comet Kozik-Peltier (1939a)
4  760 Comet Hassel (1939d)
4  761 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  761 Important Notice
4  762 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  763 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  763 Comet Kozik-Peltier (1939a)
4  763 Periodic Comet Kopff (1939e)
4  764 Comet 1939d
4  764 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  764 Comet Vaisala (1939b)
4  765 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  765 Comet Kozik-Peltier (1939a)
4  765 Comet Vaisala (1939b)
4  765 Important Notices
4  765 Object Dawson
4  765 Periodic Comet Kopff (1939e)
4  766 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  766 Comet Kozik-Peltier (1939a)
4  766 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  766 Periodic Comet Kopff (1939e)
4  767 Comet Vaisala (1939b)
4  768 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  768 Important Notice
4  768 Meteors Connected with Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)?
4  769 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  770 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  770 Comet Vaisala (1939b)
4  771 Asteroid 1939 GK
4  771 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  772 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  772 Comet Kopff (1939e)
4  772 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  772 Comet Wolf (1924d = 1925 I)
4  772 Important Notice  [C*765]
4  772 Notice Regarding the Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks
4  773 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  773 Comet Kopff (1939e)
4  773 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  774 Companion of Lalande 21258
4  774 Supernova in NGC 4621
4  775 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  775 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  775 Important Notice  [C*765]
4  776 New Object Jackson [Comet 1925 II]
4  777 Object Jackson = Comet 1925 II
4  778 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  778 Periodic Comet 1925 II (Schwassmann-Wachmann No. 1)
4  778 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  779 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  779 Periodic Comet Brooks II (1939g)
4  780 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  781 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  781 Comet Kopff (1939e)
4  781 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  782 Comet Borrelly (1905 II)
4  782 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  783 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  783 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  783 Jupiter XI
4  784 Comet Rigollet
4  784 Periodic Comet Tuttle
4  785 Comet Pons-Winnecke (1939c)
4  785 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  785 New Comet Kaminsky
4  786 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  787 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  787 Jupiter X
4  788 Comet Kaminsky (1939i)
4  788 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  789 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  789 Jupiter IX
4  789 Supernova in NGC 3184
4  790 Comet Kaminsky (1939i)
4  790 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  790 Comet Wolf (1924d = 1925 I)
4  790 Periodic Comet Brooks II (1939g)
4  790 Periodic Comet Tuttle 
4  791 Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1933 III)
4  791 Comet Kopff (1939e)
4  791 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  791 Rayonnement Electronique du Soleil
4  792 Important Notice
4  793 Comet Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939d)
4  793 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  793 Supernova in NGC 6946
4  794 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  795 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  795 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1939k)
4  796 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  796 Periodic Comet Faye (1932 IX)
4  797 Comet Kopff (1939e)
4  797 Comet Tuttle (1939k)
4  797 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1933 III)
4  798 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  798 New Comet Friend (1939n)
4  798 Periodic Comet Faye (1939m = 1932 IX)
4  799 Comet Friend (1939n)
4  800 Comet Friend (1939n)
4  800 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  801 Comet Friend (1939n)
4  801 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  801 The Cepheid BL Herculis with an Abnormal Period
4  802 Comet Friend (1939n)
4  802 U Scorpii as a Recurrent Nova
4  803 Comet Friend (1939n)
4  804 Comet Faye (1939m = 1932 IX)
4  804 Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1939l = 1933 III)
4  804 Comet Wolf (1924d = 1925 I)
4  804 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1940
4  805 Comet Friend (1939n)
4  806 Nova Monocerotis
4  807 Asteroid 1036 Ganymed
4  807 New White Dwarf Stars [Wolf 1516, A.C. 70 8247, Wolf 219, Wolf 451, Wolf 672, Ross 640, Ross 22, Wolf 928]
4  807 Observations of Zeta Aurigae
4  807 Rayonnement Electronique des Astres
4  808 Additional White Dwarfs  [Wolf 1, 923, 134; Ross 548, 22, 373; SA 26]
4  808 Comet Friend (1939n)
4  808 Nova Monocerotis
4  808 Observations of Zeta Aurigae
4  809 Asteroid 1221 Amor
4  810 Nova Monoceroti
4  810 Object Kulin (Asteroid 1940 AB) [Comet 1940a]
4  810 Supernova in Spiral in Cetus
4  811 Asteroid 1221 Amor
4  811 Comet Neujmin (1929 III)
4  811 Object Kulin = Comet 1940a
4  812 Asteroid 1221 Amor
4  813 Comet Faye (1939m = 1932 IX)
4  813 Notice Regarding Comet Kaho-Kozik-Lis (1936b)
4  814 Asteroid 1221 Amor
4  814 Asteroid 433 Eros
4  815 Asteroid 1221 Amor
4  815 Nova Monocerotis 1939
4  816 Periodic Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  817 Jupiter IX
4  817 Periodic Comet Whipple (1933f)
4  818 Identification of Interstellar Lines
4  818 Supernova in NGC 4545
4  819 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  820 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  821 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  822 New Comet Whipple (1940d)
4  823 Comet Whipple (1940d)
4  824 Comet Whipple (1940d)
4  825 Comet Okabayatsi [Okavayasi] (1940e)  [Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  826 Comet Okabayatsi [Okavayasi] (1940e)  [Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  827 Asteroid 1009 Sirene
4  827 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  827 Comet Whipple (1940d)
4  827 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1930 VIII)
4  827 Periodic Comet Whipple (1933f = 1940b)
4  828 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  828 Comet Okabayatsi [Okavayasi] (1940e)  [Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  828 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1941
4  829 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  829 Comet Whipple (1940d)
4  830 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  830 Comet Okabayatsi [Okavayasi] (1940e)  [Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  830 Comet Whipple (1940d)
4  831 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  831 Comet Okabayatsi [Okavayasi] (1940e)  [Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  832 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  832 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II) [Periodic]
4  833 Comet Okabayatsi [Okavayasi] (1940e)  [Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  833 Comet Whipple (1940d)
4  834 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  834 Comet Okabayatsi [Okavayasi] (1940e)  [Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  835 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  835 Comet Okabayatsi [Okavayasi] (1940e)  [Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  836 Comet Okabayasi (1940e)  [Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  836 Spectrum of Gamma Cassiopeiae
4  837 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  837 Comet Okabayatsi  [Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  837 Comet Whipple (1940d)
4  837 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4  837 Periodic Comet Whipple (1933 IV = 1940b)
4  838 Comet Okabayasi (1940e)  [Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  838 Important Notice
4  838 Occultations of the Moon
4  838 Periodic Comet Encke (1937 VI)
4  839 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  839 Comet Okabayasi-Honda (1940e) 1940 III]
4  839 Comet Tempel 2 (1930 VIII)
4  840 Comet Rigollet (1939h)
4  840 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4  841 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  841 Comet Okabayasi-Honda (1940e) 1940 III]
4  842 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  842 Cometary Orbits 
4  842 New White Dwarf [Ross 198]
4  843 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  843 New Comet [1941a]
4  844 New Comet Friend (1941a)
4  844 Periodic Comet Encke (1941b)
4  845 Comet Friend (1941a)
4  845 New Comet Paraskavopoulos (1941c)
4  846 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  846 Comet Friend (1941a)
4  846 Comet Paraskavopoulos (1941c)
4  847 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  847 Comet Friend (1941a)
4  847 Comet Paraskevopoulos (1941c)
4  848 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  848 Comet Friend (1941a)
4  848 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4  848 New Dwarf Me Star
4  848 Nova in NGC 253
4  849 Comet Friend (1941a)
4  850 Comet Paraskevopoulos (1941c)
4  851 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  851 Comet Friend (1941a)
4  851 Important Notice
4  852 Comet Friend (1941a)
4  852 Comet Paraskevopoulos (1941c)
4  852 The Spectrum of Comet Cunningham
4  853 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  853 Comet Friend (1941a)
4  853 Comet Paraskevopoulos (1941c)
4  854 Asteroid 1036 Ganymed
4  854 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  854 Comet Friend-Reese-Honda (1941a)
4  854 Comet Paraskevopoulos (1941c)
4  854 Definitive Comet Orbits [1933 I, 1937 II, 1937 V] 
4  855 Comet Friend-Reese-Honda (1941a)
4  855 Comet Okabayasi-Honda 1940 III]
4  855 Comet Paraskevopoulos (1941c)
4  855 Periodic Comet Encke (1941b)
4  856 Comet 1911 IV
4  856 Comet Friend-Reese-Honda (1941a)
4  856 Comet Paraskevopoulos (1941c)
4  856 Periodic Comet 1929 I (Schwassmann-Wachmann 2)
4  857 Comet 1941c [de Kock-Paraskevopoulos 1941 IV]
4  857 Comet Okabayasi-Honda (1940e)  [1940 III]
4  857 Red-White Dwarf System [L577-71,72]
4  858 Comet 1941c (Paraskevopoulos) [de Kock-Paraskevopoulos 1941 IV]
4  858 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4  859 Comet Friend...(1941a)
4  859 Comet Paraskevopoulos...(1941c)
4  859 Supernova in IC 4652 
4  860 Comet 1941a (Friend...)
4  860 Comet 1941c (Paraskevopoulos...) [de Kock-Paraskevopoulos 1941 IV]
4  860 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1930 VI)
4  860 Periodic Comet Encke (1941b = 1937 VI)
4  861 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1930 VI)
4  861 Supernova in NGC 4559
4  862 Comet 1941c (Paraskevopoulos...) [de Kock-Paraskevopoulos 1941 IV]
4  862 Supernova in NGC 3254
4  863 Comet 1941a (Friend...)
4  863 Comet 1941c (Paraskevopoulos...) [de Kock-Paraskevopoulos 1941 IV]
4  864 Comet 1941c (Paraskevopoulos...) [de Kock-Paraskevopoulos 1941 IV]
4  865 New Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  866 Comet Cunningham (1940c)
4  866 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II) [Periodic]
4  866 Periodic Comet Wolf 1 (1934 I)
4  866 Supernova in NGC 4136
4  866 White Star of Large Proper Motion [BD +9 2190]
4  867 Comet Bernasconi
4  868 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  869 Asteroid 887 Alinda
4  869 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  870 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  871 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  872 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  873 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  874 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  875 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  876 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  877 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  878 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  879 New Comet du Toit-Neujmin (1941e)
4  880 Comet 1941e
4  881 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  881 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  882 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  882 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  883 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  884 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  884 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4  885 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  885 Jupiter X
4  885 Jupiter XI
4  886 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  886 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  886 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1929 I)
4  887 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1941f = 1929 I)
4  887 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  887 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  888 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  888 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  889 Comet 1941c (Paraskevopoulos...) [de Kock-Paraskevopoulos 1941 IV]
4  889 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  889 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  890 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  890 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  891 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II) [Periodic]
4  891 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  891 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  891 Z Andromedae 232848
4  892 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II) [Periodic]
4  892 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1929 I)
4  892 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4  892 New Asteroid
4  892 White Dwarf Stars [LPM 274, LPM 396, LPM 439]
4  893 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  893 Definitive Orbits of Comets [1908 III, 1920 III, 1926 I, 1935d, 1889 I]
4  893 Note Sur Theta Herculis, Nouvelle Variable Brillante du Type Beta Lyrae
4  893 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1942
4  894 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  894 Periodic Comet Whipple (1940b = 1933 IV)
4  895 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1929 I)
4  895 Comet van Gent (1941d)
4  895 Periodic Comet Wolf 1 (1934 I)
4  896 Asteroid 433 Eros
4  897 New Comet Bernasconi (1942a)
4  898 Comet Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  899 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  899 Definitive Designations of Comets with Perihelion Between 1 July 1935 and 31 December 1940
4  900 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  900 New Comet Oterma (1942b)
4  901 Comet Oterma (1942b)
4  901 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  901 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4  901 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1929 I = 1935 III)
4  902 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  903 Comet Oterma (1942b)
4  903 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  903 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1929 I = 1935 III)
4  904 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1929 I = 1935 III = 1941f)
4  904 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  904 Definitive Designations of Comets  [C*899]
4  904 Schnellaufer Vaisala
4  905 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  905 Schnellaufer Vaisala
4  906 Another Object Vaisala with Rapid Motion  [1942 EC = (1656)]
4  906 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  906 Schnellaufer Vaisala = Comet 1942c
4  907 Comet Oterma (1942b)
4  907 Comet Vaisala 1942c (Schnellaufer No. 1)
4  907 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  907 Request for Observations of Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  907 The Rapid Object Vaisala No. 2 (New Asteroid) [1942 EC = (1656)]
4  908 Comet Vaisala (1942c)
4  908 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  908 The Rapid Object Vaisala No. 2 (Asteroid 1942 EC) [(1656)]
4  909 Comet Vaisala (1942c)
4  910 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  910 Comet Vaisala (1942c)
4  910 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  911 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1902 II = 1937 III)
4  912 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  912 Comet Vaisala (1942c)
4  912 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  912 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1942d = 1902 II = 1937 III)
4  912 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1941f) (1929 I = 1935 III)
4  913 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  913 CL Scorpii
4  914 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  914 Observations of Asteroids [(2), (3), (4), (433)]
4  915 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  915 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  916 67 Ophiuchi
4  916 Asteroid 433 Eros
4  916 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  917 Expanding Shell Around Nova Herculis
4  917 Periodic Comet Forbes (1929 II)
4  918 Nova Zwicky
4  919 Comet Oterma
4  919 Nova Zwicky
4  920 Asteroid 433 Eros
4  920 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4  921 Comet Oterma (1942b)
4  921 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4  922 Asteroid 433 Eros
4  922 Nova Zwicky
4  922 R Coronae Borealis
4  923 Asteroid 433 Eros
4  923 Comet Oterma (1942b)
4  923 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)
4  923 Nova Zwicky (85.1942 Cygn)
4  924 Asteroid 433 Eros
4  924 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II) [Periodic]
4  924 New Comet Oterma (1942f)
4  925 Comet Oterma (1942f)
4  925 Nova Cygni (85.1942)
4  925 Nova Puppis
4  925 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4  925 RY Sagittarii (33.1910)
4  926 Nova Cygni (85.1942)
4  926 Nova Puppis 
4  927 Comet Oterma (1942f)
4  927 Nova Puppis
4  927 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4  927 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1943
4  928 Nova Puppis
4  929 Comet Neujmin 2
4  929 Comet Reinmuth
4  929 Nova Cygni (Zwicky)
4  929 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4  930 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  930 The Solar Parallax and Mass of the Moon from Observations of Eros Around the Opposition of 1931
4  931 A New Asteroid
4  931 Asteroid with Rapid Motion (1942 XA)  [(1883) Rimito]
4  931 Comet Oterma (1942b)
4  931 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  931 Nova Cygni 85.1942
4  931 Nova Puppis 86.1942
4  931 R Coronae Borealis 154428
4  932 Comet 1936 III (Kaho-Kozik-Lis)
4  932 Comet Oterma (1942b)
4  932 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  932 Nova Puppis 86.1942
4  933 Comet Oterma (1942f)
4  933 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  933 Nova Cygni 85.1942
4  933 Nova Puppis 86.1942
4  933 Periodic Comet Wolf I
4  934 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  935 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  936 1942 XA  [C*931]
4  936 Comet Oterma (1942f)
4  936 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  937 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  937 Nova Puppis 86.1942
4  937 UZ Tauri
4  938 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  938 Periodic Comet Neujmin 2 (1927 I)
4  938 Periodic Comet Reinmuth (1928 I = 1935 II)
4  938 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1851 II = 1923 II)
4  939 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  939 Nova Puppis 86.1942
4  940 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  940 Nova Puppis 86.1942
4  941 Comet Oterma (1942f = 1867 I Stephan)
4  941 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  941 Nova Puppis 86.1942
4  942 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  943 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  943 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)  [C*940]
4  943 New Comet Arend (1943a)
4  944 Comet Arend (1943a)
4  944 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  945 Comet Oterma 2 (1942f)
4  945 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  945 New White Dwarfs [L837-19, 767-30, 551-74, 844-20 845-70, 920-25, 922-8, 709-20, 710-30, 930-8-, 994-6, L994-27]
4  945 Nova Cygni 85.1942
4  946 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  946 New Comet Oterma
4  946 Object Arend
4  947 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  947 Object Arend
4  947 The New Comet Oterma
4  948 The New Comet Oterma
4  949 Comet Daniel (1909 IV = 1937 I)
4  949 Comet Schaumasse (1927 VIII)
4  949 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  949 Comet d'Arrest (1851 II = 1923 II)
4  950 Comet Whipple-Fedtke and Object Arend
4  950 T Coronae Borealis
4  950 The Definitive Orbit of Comet 1930 III (Wilk)
4  951 Comet Neujmin 2 (1927 I) [P/Neujmin 2]
4  951 Comet Oterma 2 (1942f = 1867 I Stephan)
4  951 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II) [Periodic]
4  951 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  951 Comet d'Arrest (1851 II = 1923 II)
4  951 New Sunspot Cycle
4  952 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  953 Comet Oterma 3
4  954 Comet Oterma 3
4  955 Comet Oterma 3
4  956 Comet Oterma 3
4  956 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  957 Comet Daniel (1909 IV = 1937 I)
4  957 Comet Oterma 3
4  957 Comet Schaumasse (1927 VIII)
4  957 Comet Whipple-Fedtke (1942g)
4  957 Comet d'Arrest (1851 II = 1923 II)
4  958 Request for Observations of Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  959 Comet Oterma 3
4  960 Comet Comas Sola 1927 III (= 1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  960 Comet Daniel (1909 IV = 1937 I)
4  960 Comet Schaumasse (1927 VIII)
4  960 Comet d'Arrest (1851 II = 1923 II)
4  961 Nova Aquilae
4  962 New Comet Daimaca
4  963 Nova Hoffmeister (215, 1943 Aqu)
4  964 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  964 Comet Daimaca
4  965 Comet Daimaca
4  966 Comet Daimaca
4  967 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  967 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1927 III)
4  968 Comet Daimaca
4  968 Observations of Perseids
4  968 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1923 II = 1851 II)
4  969 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  969 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1923 II = 1851 II)
4  970 Comet Daimaca
4  970 Nova CM Aquilae
4  970 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1944
4  971 Comet van Gent
4  972 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  972 New Comet Peltier-Daimaca
4  972 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1927 III)
4  973 Comet Peltier-Daimaca
4  974 Comet Peltier-Daimaca
4  975 Comet Peltier-Daimaca
4  976 Comet van Gent-Peltier-Daimaca
4  977 Asteroid 433 Eros
4  977 Comet van Gent-Peltier-Daimaca
4  977 Periodic Comet Daniel (1909 IV = 1937 I)
4  978 Comet Comas Sola (1927 III = 1926f) [P/Comas Sola]
4  978 Comet Daniel (1909 IV = 1937 I)
4  978 Comet Schaumasse (1927 VIII)
4  978 Comet van Gent-Peltier-Daimaca
4  979 Comet van Gent-Peltier-Daimaca
4  980 Comet van Gent-Peltier-Daimaca
4  981 Comet van Gent-Peltier-Daimaca
4  981 On the Spectrum of the Saturn Satellite Titan and on a Companion of BD +4 4048 
4  982 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  982 Comet van Gent-Peltier-Daimaca
4  983 Comet van Gent-Peltier-Daimaca
4  983 Periodic Comet Daniel (1909 IV = 1937 I)
4  984 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1927 VIII)
4  985 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  985 Comet 1931 V (Carrasco)
4  985 Periodic Comet Encke
4  985 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1927 VIII)
4  986 Cometary Object [1944b]
4  987 The New Comet Vaisala [1944b]
4  988 Comet Vaisala [1944b]
4  988 New Comet du Toit [1944c]
4  989 The New Comet Vaisala (1944b)
4  990 Comet Vaisala (1944b)
4  990 Comet du Toit (1944c)
4  991 Comet Vaisala (1944b)
4  991 Comet du Toit (1944c)
4  991 Periodic Comet Encke
4  991 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4  992 Comet Oterma 3
4  993 Comet du Toit (1944c)
4  994 Request for Observations of Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4  995 New Southern Comet (1944d)
4  995 Observations of Pluto
4  996 Comet Berry (1944d)
4  996 Peculiar Twelfth Magnitude Star [DI Cassiopeiae]
4  997 The Peculiar Twelfth Magnitude Star [DI Cassiopeiae]
4  998 Comet Pons-Winnecke
4  998 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1945
4  999 Comet Jackson-Neujmin (1936 IV)
4 1000 Comet Kopff
4 1001 Betelgeuse
4 1001 DI Cassiopeiae
4 1002 Beta Lyrae
4 1002 Nova Pyxidis
4 1003 Comet Oterma 3
4 1003 Comet Vaisala (1944b)
4 1004 R Coronae Borealis
4 1004 Z Aurigae
4 1005 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke
4 1006 Comet Kopff
4 1007 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1945a)
4 1008 New Comet du Toit (1945c)
4 1009 Another Comet du Toit (1945d)  [= C/1945 L1]
4 1010 Second Comet du Toit (1945d)
4 1011 New Comet Peltier?
4 1012 Photographic Observations of Asteroids taken at Bruxelles [(476), (445), (639), (1118), (583), (1112), 562), (138), et al]
4 1013 A New Faint Dwarf  [LPM 445]
4 1013 BD +9 3584 
4 1013 New White Dwarfs and Intermediates [LDS 1, LDS 235, LDS 678]
4 1013 Periodic Comet Kopff (1945b)
4 1014 Nova Aquilae (Tamm)
4 1014 Periodic Comet Kopff (1945b)  [C*1013]
4 1015 Nova Aquilae Bertaud-Tamm
4 1016 Observations of Minor Planets [(4), (1), (39), a = (387), b = (69), x = (1060), (1281), (29), (1374)]
4 1016 Periodic Comet Kopff (1945b)
4 1016 Second Comet du Toit (1945d)
4 1016 T Coronae Borealis
4 1017 Nova Aquilae 1945
4 1018 Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1945b)
4 1018 Comet Oterma 3 (1943a)
4 1018 Nova Aquilae 1945
4 1018 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1018 Supernova Near NGC 5195
4 1019 Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1945b)
4 1019 Comet Kopff (1945b)
4 1019 Comet Vaisala (1944b)
4 1019 Nova Aquilae 1945
4 1019 Observations de Petites Planets de Observatoire d'Uccle [1945 QH (=/(1401), y = 1945 QA, z = 1945 QB, w = 1945 QC, et al]
4 1019 The Astronomical Communications from America During War New Comet van Gent
4 1020 Nova Aquilae 1945
4 1020 Pluto
4 1020 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1946
4 1021 Comet Kulin (1940a)
4 1021 Comete Kopff (1906 IV = 1945b)
4 1021 Important Notice
4 1021 New Comet Friend (1945f)
4 1021 Nova Aquilae 1945
4 1021 Observations of Minor Planets from Observatory Royal de Belgique [ (1363), B = (48), (1128), K = (125), T = (842), et al]
4 1022 Comet Friend (1945f)
4 1022 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1945b)
4 1023 Comet Friend (1945f)
4 1024 New Comet du Toit (1945g)
4 1024 Observations Photographiques de Petites Planetes [x = (1397), (9), y = (363), T = (842), Z = (2763), Y = (713), et al]
4 1025 Comet Friend-Peltier (1945f)
4 1025 Comet du Toit (1945g)
4 1026 A New Meteoric Swarm  [22 December 1945, Czechoslovakia]
4 1026 Comet Borrelly (1905 II = 1932 IV)
4 1026 Comet Tempel 2 (1930 VIII)
4 1026 Comet Wolf 2 (1925 I)
4 1027 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1027 The New Meteoric Swarm [22 December 1945, Czechoslovakia]
4 1028 Comet Friend-Peltier (1945f)
4 1028 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1028 T Coronae Borealis
4 1028 Variable Star in Gemini
4 1029 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1029 Photographic Observations of Minor Planets and Comet Timmers [x = (886), y = (995), v = (1550), (1052), w = (417), et al]
4 1029 Saturne
4 1029 T Coronae Borealis
4 1030 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1030 T Coronae Borealis
4 1031 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1031 Saturne
4 1032 Comet Friend-Peltier (1945f)
4 1032 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1032 Observatoire Royal de Belgique
4 1032 T Coronae Borealis
4 1033 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1033 Nova Aquilae (Uccle)  [C*1021]
4 1033 T Coronae Borealis
4 1034 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1034 Important Notice
4 1034 T Coronae Borealis
4 1035 Asteroid 1021 (Flammario)
4 1035 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1036 Comet Oterma (1943a)
4 1036 Jupiter X and Jupiter XI
4 1036 T Coronae Borealis
4 1037 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 1037 Periodic Comet Brooks 2
4 1037 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner 
4 1037 Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4 1038 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1038 Observations de Petites Planets et la Comete Timmers [de Belgique]
4 1038 T Coronae Borealis
4 1039 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1039 Important Notice about Periodic Comets
4 1039 Jupiter VIII
4 1039 Nova T Coronae Borealis
4 1040 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1040 Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4 1041 New Comet Pajdusakova (1946b) [changed to 1946d on I1049]
4 1042 Comet Pajdusakova
4 1043 Comet Pajdusakova  [C*1042]
4 1043 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1043 Nova T Coronae Borealis
4 1044 Comet Pajdusakova
4 1045 Comet Pajdusakova
4 1045 Observations of Minor Planet from Johannesburg
4 1046 Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1940 I)
4 1046 Comet Pajdusakova
4 1047 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1930 VI)
4 1047 Comet du Toit-Neujmin (1941e)
4 1047 Observatoire Royal de Belgique [Observations of 1946a, (1354), (449), (85), (1087), (1487), (216), (1329), (491), et al]
4 1047 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1939 VII)
4 1047 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1940 I)
4 1048 Important Notice
4 1048 Request for Observations of Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1049 Comet Friend-Peltier (1945f)
4 1049 Comet Pajdusakova-Rotbart (1946d)
4 1049 Comet Tempel 2 (1946b)
4 1049 Letter Designations for Comets in 1946
4 1050 Comet Pajdusakova-Rotbart (1946d)
4 1050 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1050 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1939 VII = 1946e)
4 1050 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1946c)
4 1050 Rho Cassiopeiae
4 1051 Asteroid Pallas 2
4 1051 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1051 Observations of Minor Planets from Johannesburg
4 1051 Observatoire Royal de Belgique [1946d, (51), 1946a 1946 NB {=/(444)}, (1222), 1946NC {=/(1168)}]
4 1052 Comet Oterma 3 (1943a)
4 1052 Comet Pajdusakova-Rotbart-Weber (1946d)
4 1052 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1052 Notice [Avis]
4 1052 Observations de Cometes a l'Observatoire d'Alger [1946a, 1946b, 1946d]
4 1053 Asteroid 1036 Ganymed
4 1053 Comet du Toit-Neujmin (1946g = 1941e)
4 1053 Observations of Minor Planets from Johannesburg
4 1054 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1054 Asteroid Pallas 2
4 1054 Comet 1925 II (Schwassmann-Wachmann 1) [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4 1054 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1054 New Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1054 Nova Sagittae 2 (1913)
4 1055 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1055 New Comet Manganiello (1946g)
4 1055 Observations of Asteroids at the Observatory San Fernando (Cadiz) [(335), (51)]
4 1055 Positions Precises de Cometes et de Petites Planetes [1946a, 1946b, 1946c, (1), (2), (3), (51)]
4 1056 Comet Manganiello (1946g)
4 1057 Comet Brooks 2 (1946e)
4 1057 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1057 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 1057 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1058 Astronomischer Jahresbericht 
4 1058 Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1946c)
4 1058 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1058 Comet Manganiello (1946g) = Asteroid 135 Hertha
4 1058 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1058 Notice about Periodic Comets
4 1058 Object Johnson [1946 QB = (1568)]
4 1059 New Comet Berry
4 1060 Asteroid 12 Victoria
4 1060 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1060 Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1946c)
4 1060 Comet Johnson (1946i)
4 1060 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1060 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4 1060 Observatoire Royal de Belgique [Observations of (1222), (51), (354), (533), (322), (1199), (236), (663), et al]
4 1060 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1946b)
4 1061 Notices about Computation of Orbits for Comets
4 1061 Observations of Minor Planets from Johannesburg
4 1061 The Giacobinids on 1946 October 9
4 1062 Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1946c)
4 1062 Comet Johnson (1946i)
4 1062 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1062 Observations of Comets and Asteroids from Athens [1946a, (1), 1946c, (12)]
4 1063 Asteroid 135 Hertha
4 1063 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1063 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4 1063 Nova in Cygnus
4 1063 Object Johnson [1946 QB = (1568)]
4 1063 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1946b)
4 1063 White Dwarfs [LDS 455, L 619-49150, LDS 539, LDS 683, LDS 766, LDS 785]
4 1064 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1064 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1064 Comets Timmers and Giacobini-Zinner [1946a, 1946c]
4 1064 Meteors from Comet Giacobini-Zinner
4 1064 Nova in Cygnus
4 1064 Observations de Petites Planetes de Belgique, Uccle [(1560), (1369), (1284), (797), (336), (356), (431)] 
4 1064 Perseids 1946
4 1065 Comet Berry
4 1065 Notice [Avis]
4 1065 Object Johnson [1946 QB =(1568)]
4 1065 Observations of Minor Planets Made at Johannesburg
4 1066 The Giacobinid Shower of 1946 October 10
4 1067 Comet Bester
4 1067 Two Cometary Objects
4 1068 Asteroid 1036 Ganymed
4 1068 Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941e)
4 1068 Ephemeris of Pluto
4 1068 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4 1068 Periodic Comet Finlay
4 1069 Comet Bester
4 1069 Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4 1070 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1070 Observations of Minor Planets Made at Johannesburg
4 1070 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1946c)
4 1070 R Coronae Borealis
4 1071 Comet Bester 
4 1071 Important Notice
4 1072 Observations of Asteroids and Comets from Athens [(1), (4), (15), 1946b, 1946c]
4 1072 Observatorio Fabra (Barcelona) [1946a, (12), (51), (17), (389), (419), (33), (15), (27), (4), (10)]
4 1072 Periodic Comet Westphal [1852 IV]
4 1072 The Comet-Like Objects Reported by Martinoff
4 1072 The Supposed Nova in Cygnus
4 1073 Comete Bester (1946k)
4 1073 Ephemerides of Comets [1946h, 1946k, 1946b]
4 1073 Positions de Cometes et de Planetes Obtenues (Alger) [1946b, 1946c, 1946e, (1036), (928), (1048)]
4 1074 Observations made at Johannesburg [1946c, 1946k]
4 1074 The Observations of Giacobinids in the U. S. S. R.
4 1075 Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1946c)
4 1075 Observations de Petites Planetes de Belgique [(706), (1001), (69), (1433), (336), (1280), (382), (660), et al]
4 1075 Observations of Comets and Asteroids at Athens [1946a, 1946c, 1946b, (1), (3), (12), (19)]
4 1076 Comet Bester (1946k)
4 1076 List of Objects Reported as Comets During the Year 1946
4 1076 Object Johnson [1946 QB = (1568)]
4 1076 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1946e)
4 1076 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1946c)
4 1077 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1902 II = 1942d)
4 1077 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1077 Notice [Avis]
4 1078 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1078 Observations of Asteroids [(187), (175), (1036), (306), (532), (335), (51), (18), (354), (389), (33), (349), (15), et al]
4 1078 Periodic Comet Holmes (1892 III) and Kopff (1906 IV)
4 1078 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1947
4 1078 The Geminids 1946 and the Meteroric Swarm of 1945 December 22
4 1078 The Giacobinids
4 1079 Asteroids  [(40), (43), (422), (482), (619), (6), (804), (39), (46), (447), (481), (270), (951)] 
4 1079 Comet Bester (1946k)
4 1079 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1079 Elements of Giacobinids
4 1079 Observations of Comet Bester (1946k)
4 1080 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1902 II = 1942d = 1947a)
4 1081 Comet 1930 III (Wilk)
4 1081 Comet 1932 I (Houghton-Ensor)
4 1081 Notice about Computation of Definitive Cometary Orbits [1932 V, 1936 III]
4 1081 Observations Made at the Observatory Alger [1946k, (1036)]
4 1081 Observations Made at the Vienna Observatory [1946a, 1946c, 1946k]
4 1081 Observations at the Observatory San Fernando [1942a, 1946a]
4 1082 New Comet Etchecopar (1947b)
4 1083 New Comet Becvar (1947c)
4 1084 Comet Becvar (1947c)
4 1084 Comet Bester (1946k)
4 1084 Essaim Meteorique des Bootides (Ou Quadrantides) 1947
4 1084 L'Essaim du 22 December 1945-1946
4 1084 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1947a)
4 1085 Comet Becvar (1947c)
4 1086 Comet Becvar (1947c)
4 1086 Comet Rondanina-Bester (1947b)
4 1087 Comet Becvar (1947c)
4 1087 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1087 Comet Rondanina-Bester (1947b)
4 1088 Comet Becvar (1947c)
4 1088 Comet Bester (1946k)
4 1088 Comet Rondanina-Bester (1947b)
4 1088 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1947a)
4 1089 Comet Becvar (1947c)
4 1089 Comet Bester (1946k)
4 1089 Observations Made in Alger [1946a, 1946h, Pluto, (1036)]
4 1089 Periodic Comet Faye
4 1089 Periodic Comet Whipple (1933 IV = 1940b)
4 1090 Periodic Comet Encke
4 1091 New Comet Bester (1947d)
4 1092 Nova Sagittarius
4 1093 Comet Becvar (1947c)
4 1093 Comet Bester (1947d)
4 1093 Comet Rondanina-Bester (1947b)
4 1093 Essaim Meteorique de la Comete Becvar (1947c)
4 1093 Observations Made at Alger [1946h, 1947c]
4 1094 Comet Bester (1947d)
4 1094 Information on Solar Activity by Radio
4 1094 Jupiter's Satellite VIII
4 1094 Nova Sagittarii 1947
4 1095 New Comet Jakovkin Junior
4 1096 Comet Becvar (1947c)
4 1096 Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1947a)
4 1096 Important Notice
4 1096 Periodic Comet Faye (1947f)
4 1096 Periodic Comet Whipple (1947g)
4 1097 Comet Oterma (1943a)
4 1097 Comet Rondanina-Bester (1947b)
4 1097 Periodic Comet Faye (1947f)
4 1097 Periodic Comet Whipple (1947g)
4 1098 Comet Jokovkin (1947e)
4 1098 Observations of Comets [1946h, 1946k, 1947a, 1947d]
4 1098 Periodic Comet Faye (1947f)
4 1098 Roman Numeral Designation of Comets in the Years 1939-1944
4 1099 New Comet Wirtanen (1947h)
4 1100 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1100 Comet Wirtanen (1947h)
4 1100 Observations Made at Alger [1946h, 1946k, 1947b, (3) Juno]
4 1100 Periodic Comet Whipple (1947g)
4 1101 Comet Wirtanen (1947h)
4 1102 Comet Bester (1946k)
4 1102 Comet Wirtanen (1947h)
4 1103 Comet Wirtanen (1947h)
4 1103 Periodic Comet Encke (1947i)
4 1103 Periodic Comet Faye (1947f)
4 1104 Comet Bester (1947d)
4 1104 Courant de Retour de l'Essaim Meteorique de la Comete d'Encke
4 1104 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets
4 1105 Courant de Retour de l'Essaim Meteorique de la Comete d'Encke
4 1105 Important Notice
4 1105 Wirtanen Asteroid [1947 NH = (1747)]
4 1106 Comet Bester (1946k)
4 1106 Comet Rondanina-Bester (1947b)
4 1106 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II) [Periodic]
4 1106 Notice about Comet Orbits [1907 V, 1914 II, 1914 IV, 1925 III, 1939a]
4 1106 Periodic Comet Encke (1947i)
4 1107 Comet Reinmuth (1947j)
4 1107 Comet Tempel 2 (1946b)
4 1108 Comet Oterma (1942 VII = 1943a)
4 1108 Comet Reinmuth (1947j)
4 1108 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II) [Periodic]
4 1108 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1948
4 1109 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1109 Comet Reinmuth (1947j)
4 1110 Comet 1941 VIII [C*1081]
4 1110 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1110 Comet Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin (1942a)  [C*1081]
4 1110 Periodic Comet Encke (1947i)  [C*1106]
4 1111 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1111 Comet Reinmuth (1947j)
4 1111 Omicron Ceti
4 1111 The Supposed Supernova in M 31
4 1112 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1112 Comet Faye (1947f)
4 1112 Nova (?)  [1948+012]
4 1112 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 
4 1112 Request for Observations of Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1113 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1947l)
4 1113 Omicron Ceti
4 1113 Periodic Comet Faye (1947f)
4 1113 Pluto
4 1114 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1114 Comet Reinmuth (1947j)
4 1114 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1947l)
4 1114 Variable Star BD +31 3932 
4 1115 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1115 Comet Encke (1947i)
4 1115 Comet Rondanina-Bester (1947b)
4 1115 New Object Johnson [(475)]
4 1116 Another Object  [(247)]
4 1116 Comet Honda (1947m)
4 1116 New Object Johnson [(475)]
4 1117 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1117 Comet Honda (1947m)
4 1117 Comet Neujmin 1 (1913 III, 1931 I)
4 1117 New Object Johnson = (475) Ocllo
4 1117 Rho Cassiopeiae
4 1117 Suspected Nova
4 1117 Variable Star BD +31 3932
4 1118 Comet Encke (1947i)
4 1118 Comet Honda (1947m)
4 1119 Comet Honda (1947m)
4 1120 Comet Honda (1947m)
4 1120 Observations of Comets [1946k, 1947c, 1947i, 1947j, 1947k]
4 1121 Comet Honda (1947m)
4 1121 New Bright Comet (1947n)
4 1122 Comet (1947n)  [= C/1947 X1 (Southern comet)]
4 1122 Comet Bester (1946k)
4 1122 Comet Honda (1947m)
4 1122 Periodic Comet Forbes (1929 II = 1942 III)
4 1123 Comet (1947n)
4 1123 Object Benitez = (247) Eukrate
4 1124 Comet (1947n)
4 1125 (1221) Amor
4 1125 Comet (1947n)
4 1125 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1125 Comet Honda (1947m)
4 1125 Variable Star BD +31 3932
4 1126 Comet (1947n)
4 1126 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1127 Giclas Object [1947 XC = (2201)]
4 1128 Comet (1947n)
4 1128 Object Johnson (1946) [1946 QB = (1568)]
4 1129 A. G. Cambridge Massachusetts Zone (Stars No. 3466 and 3473)
4 1129 Comet (1947n)
4 1129 Comet Bester (1946k)
4 1129 Comet Wirtanen (1947h)
4 1130 Comet Honda (1947m)
4 1131 Fast Moving Object Giclas [1947 XC = (2201)]
4 1131 Observations Made at Johannesburg [1947n, 1947k]
4 1132 Comet (1947n)
4 1132 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1132 Comet Wirtanen (1948b)
4 1133 Comet (1947n)
4 1133 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1133 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1133 Comet Wirtanen (1948b)
4 1134 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1135 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1135 Comet Wirtanen (1948b)
4 1135 Suspected Nova [1938+012]
4 1136 Comet (1947n)
4 1136 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1947l)
4 1137 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1137 Comet Reinmuth (1947j)
4 1137 Zeta Aurigae
4 1138 Comet (1947n)
4 1138 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1138 Comet Reinmuth 2 (1947j)
4 1138 Cometary Object (2 north of NGC 205)
4 1138 Variabilite de Zeta Orionis
4 1139 Comet (1947n)
4 1139 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1139 Pluto
4 1140 Observations of Comets [1946k, 1947f, 1947j, 1947k, 1948a]
4 1140 Pluto
4 1141 Comet Keuskamp (1948c)
4 1141 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1141 Daylight Meteor Current
4 1142 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1142 New Satellite to Uranus
4 1143 Comet Keuskamp (1948c)
4 1143 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1143 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1948b)
4 1144 Astrographic Positions of Comet Encke (1947i)
4 1144 Comet (1947n)
4 1144 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1145 Object Wirtanen [1948 EA]
4 1146 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1146 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1146 Object Wirtanen [1948 EA]
4 1147 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1147 Computation of Definitive Orbits [1946d, 1947c, 1948d]
4 1147 Object Johnson (1946) [1946 QB = (1568)]
4 1147 Observations of Comets [1947k, 1948a]
4 1147 Pluto
4 1148 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1148 Comet Keuskamp (1948c)
4 1148 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1148 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1148 Periodic Comet Whipple (1933 IV = 1947g)
4 1148 Pluto
4 1149 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1149 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1149 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1149 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1149 Comet Wirtanen (1947h)
4 1149 Pluto
4 1150 Nova [beta Serpentis]
4 1150 Observations of Comets [1947k, 1948a, 1948d]
4 1151 Nova Serpentis
4 1151 Object Wirtanen [1948 EA] 
4 1151 Observations of Comets [1948a, 1948d, 1947k]
4 1151 Periodic Comet Forbes (1948e)
4 1152 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1152 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1153 Comet Bester (1947k)  [C*1150]
4 1153 Nova Serpentis
4 1153 Observations of Comets [1947i, 1947k, 1948a, 1948d]
4 1153 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1948f)
4 1154 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1154 Nova [Cygnus]
4 1155 Comet Honda (1948g)
4 1156 Comet Honda-Bernasconi (1948g)
4 1156 Suspected Nova in Cygnus
4 1157 Comet Bester (1947k)  [C*1151]
4 1157 Comet Honda-Bernasconi (1948g)
4 1157 Nova Cygni [1948]
4 1158 Comet (1947n)
4 1158 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1158 Comet Honda (1947m)
4 1158 Comet Honda-Bernasconi (1948g)
4 1158 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1158 Nova Cygni 1948
4 1159 Komet Honda-Bernasconi (1948g)
4 1159 Nova Cygni 1948
4 1159 Nova Serpentis 1948
4 1160 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1160 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1160 Ephemeris of 1221 Amor
4 1160 Komet Honda-Bernasconi (1948g)
4 1160 Nova Cygni 1948
4 1160 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1948f)
4 1160 Pluto
4 1161 Supernova [NGC 6946]
4 1162 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1162 Comet Honda-Bernasconi (1948g)
4 1162 Comet Jones (1946h)
4 1162 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1162 Comet Oterma (1942 VII = 1943a)
4 1162 Nova Serpentis 1948
4 1162 Object Wirtanen 1948 [1948 EA (?)]
4 1163 Comet Wirtanen (1948h)
4 1164 Comet Bester (1946k)
4 1164 Comet Honda-Bernasconi (1948g)
4 1164 Comet Wirtanen (1948h)
4 1164 Observations of Comets and 1221 Amor (?) [1948d, 1948g]
4 1165 New Object Wirtanen [1948 OA]
4 1165 Nova Persei 2 (1901)
4 1165 Observations of Comets [1948a, 1948d]
4 1166 Comet Wirtanen (1947h)
4 1166 Comet Wirtanen (1948h)
4 1166 Object Wirtanen, 1948. 3 [1948 OA]
4 1167 Object Wirtanen, 1948. 3 [1948 OA]
4 1168 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1169 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1170 New White Dwarfs
4 1170 Object Wirtanen, 1948 EA
4 1171 Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1172 Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1172 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1172 Object Wirtanen 1948. 3 = 1948 OA
4 1172 Observations of Comets and Nova Serpentis [1947k, 1948d, Nova Serpentis]
4 1172 The Supernova in NGC 6946 
4 1173 Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1173 Nova Cygni 1948  [C*1160]
4 1173 Object Wirtanen 1947 NH [(1747)]
4 1174 Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1174 Comet Johnson (1948j)
4 1174 Important Notice-Change of Telegraphic Code
4 1174 Photographic Observations [1947k, 1948d, 1948g]
4 1175 Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1176 Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1176 Comet Johnson (1948j)
4 1176 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1947l)
4 1176 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1949
4 1177 Comet Johnson (1948j)
4 1178 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1179 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1179 Observations of Comets [1948a, 1948h, 1948i]
4 1179 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1180 Astronomis[c]her Jahresbericht
4 1180 Comet Johnson (1948j)
4 1180 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1947l)
4 1180 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1180 Periodic Comet Gale
4 1181 Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1181 Comet Johnson (1948j)
4 1181 Comet Wirtanen (1948k)
4 1182 New Comet Wirtanen (1948k)
4 1183 Astrographic Positions of Comets  [1947k, 1948d, 1948g, 1948i]
4 1183 Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1183 Comet Wirtanen (1948k)
4 1183 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1183 Photographic Observations of Comets [1948a, 1948h, 1948i]
4 1184 Comet Wirtanen (1948k)
4 1184 Object Wirtanen 1948 OA [(1685)]
4 1184 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1185 Nova Cygni 1948
4 1185 Observations of Comets [1948a, 1947k]
4 1185 Observations of Comets [1948d, 1948g]
4 1185 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1185 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1185 Pluto
4 1186 Bright New Comet (1948l)  [= C/1948 V1 (Eclipse comet)]
4 1186 Comet Johnson (1948j)
4 1186 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1947l)
4 1186 Comet Whipple (1937 IV)
4 1186 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1944 II)
4 1187 Comet 1948l
4 1188 Comet 1948l
4 1188 Comet Johnson (1948j)
4 1188 Important Notice
4 1188 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1913 III = 1931 I)
4 1189 Comet 1948l
4 1189 Observations of Comets [1948a, 1948i, 1948k, 1942 VII]
4 1189 Periodic Comet Neujmin 2 (1916 II)
4 1190 Comet 1948l
4 1190 Comet Wirtanen (1948h)
4 1190 Fast Moving Object Arend [1948 WA]
4 1190 Object Wirtanen 1948 OA [(1685)]
4 1190 Periodic Comet Forbes (1948e = 1929 II)
4 1190 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1191 Comet 1948l
4 1191 New Comet Bester (1948m)
4 1191 Periodic Comet Gale (1927 VI = 1938 I)
4 1191 Periodic Comet Whipple (1947g = 1933 IV)
4 1192 Comet Bester (1948m)
4 1192 Comet Honda (1948n)
4 1192 Fast Moving Object Arend [1948 WA]
4 1193 Bright Night Sky  [24-25 Nov 1948]
4 1193 Comet 1948l
4 1193 Comet Bester (1948m)
4 1193 Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1193 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1193 Periodic Comet Vaisala (1939 IV)
4 1194 Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1194 Comet Bester (1948m)
4 1194 Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1194 Fast Moving Object Arend [1948 WA]
4 1194 Observations of Comets [1948j, 1948l, 1948m, 1948n, 1948i]
4 1194 Old Nova (1936) in Sagittarius
4 1194 R Coronae Borealis
4 1195 Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1195 Comet Mrkos (1948a)
4 1195 Comet Neujmin 1 (1948f = 1913 III = 1931 I)
4 1195 Comet Wirtanen (1948k)
4 1196 Comet Johnson (1948j)
4 1196 Notice
4 1196 Observations of Comets and Object Arend [1942 VII, 1948i, 1948l, 1948 WA, 1948d]
4 1196 Old Nova (1936) in Sagittarius
4 1197 Comet 1948l
4 1197 Object Arend [1949 CA = (1584)]
4 1197 Observations of Comets [1948j, 1948l, 1948m, 1948n]
4 1198 Comet 1948l
4 1198 Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1198 Notice [re:  1948n]
4 1198 Observations of Comets [1948n, 1948l]
4 1199 Comet Bester (1947k)
4 1199 Comet Bester (1948m)
4 1200 Object Arend 1949 [1949 CA = (1584)]
4 1201 Comet 1948l
4 1201 Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1201 Fast Moving Object Arend = 1948 WA
4 1201 Fast Moving Object Arend-Patry, 1949 [1949 CA = (1584)]
4 1201 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1201 Photographic Observations of Comets [1948g, 1948i]
4 1202 Comet Bester (1948m)
4 1202 Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1202 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)  [C*1196]
4 1202 Object Wirtanen 1947 NH [(1747)]
4 1202 Photographic Observations [1933 IV = 1947g, 1948d, 1948i, 1948l, 1948m; (1949 CA =(1584)]
4 1203 Comet Bester (1948m)
4 1203 Object Arend-Patry, 1949 CA [(1584)]
4 1203 Object Edmondson [1949 DA]
4 1204 Object Edmondson [1949 DA]
4 1204 Request for Observations of Asteroid 51 Nemausa 
4 1205 Comet Wirtanen (1948h)
4 1205 Spots on Uranus
4 1206 Essaims Meteoriques des Cometes Periodiques Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n) et Gale 1927 VI
4 1206 Observations of Comets [1948l, 1948h]
4 1207 Comet 1948l
4 1207 Object Edmondson [1949 DA]
4 1208 Notice
4 1208 Nova [Scorpio]
4 1209 1946 QB (Object Johnson 1946)  [(1568) Aisleen]
4 1209 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1209 Nova in Scorpio
4 1210 (   1) Ceres
4 1210 Comet 1948l
4 1210 Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4 1210 Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)  [C*1202]
4 1210 Comet Wirtanen (1948h)
4 1210 Object Arend-Patry, 1949 CA = 1927 CR [(1584)]
4 1210 Pluto
4 1211 Nova in Scorpio
4 1211 Object Edmondson [1949 DA]
4 1211 Observations [1948h, 1949 HC = (1922)]
4 1211 The Geminid Meteor Stream
4 1212 Object Near Neptune
4 1212 Pluto
4 1213 ( 433) Eros 
4 1213 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1214 61 Cygni
4 1214 Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1214 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1214 Nova Serpentis 1948
4 1215 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1215 Object (Asteroid) Johnson 1949 [1949 HC = (1922)]
4 1216 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1216 Comet Wirtanen (1948k)
4 1216 Letter Designations of Comets
4 1216 Observations of Comets [1948h, 1949a]
4 1216 Signaux Horaires
4 1217 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949c)
4 1217 Comet Bester (1948m)
4 1217 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1218 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949c)
4 1219 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949c)
4 1220 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949c)
4 1220 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1220 Photographic Observations [(433) Eros, 1946 QB, 1949 HC = (1922)]
4 1221 1946 QB (Object Johnson 1946)  [(1568)]
4 1221 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949c)
4 1221 Observations of Comets [1948h, 1949a]
4 1221 Supposed Comet
4 1222 Comet Johnson (1948j)
4 1222 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1223 New Object Wirtanen [[1949 OA = (1951)]
4 1224 Nova [Scuti 1949]
4 1225 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949c)
4 1225 Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1225 Nova (Bertaud) [Scuti 1949]
4 1225 Object Wirtanen [1949 OA = (1951)]
4 1226 Comet Reinmuth 1, 1928 I 
4 1226 Nova (Bertaud) [Scuti 1949]
4 1226 Object Baade (1949 MA) [(1566)]
4 1226 Object Wirtanen [1949 OA = (1951)]
4 1226 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1950
4 1227 Nova Scuti 1949 (Bertaud)
4 1227 Object Baade (1949 MA) [(1566)]
4 1227 Object Wirtanen (1949 OA) [(1951)]
4 1227 Observations of Comets [1948h, 1949a]
4 1227 Periodic Comet Gale (1927 VI)
4 1228 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949c)
4 1228 Comet Johnson (1949d)
4 1228 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 = 1925 II
4 1228 Periodic Comet Vaisala 1 = 1939 IV
4 1229 Comet Johnson (1949d)
4 1229 Nova Scuti 1949 (Bertaud)
4 1230 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1230 Jupiter 
4 1230 Observations of Comets [1949a, 1949d]
4 1230 Periodic Comet Johnson (1949d)
4 1230 Unusual Meteor [26 August 1949, West Czechoslovakia]
4 1231 Comet Johnson (1949d)  [C*1230]
4 1231 Comet Shajn (1949e)
4 1232 Comet Shajn (1949e)
4 1232 Nova Scuti 1949
4 1232 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948i)
4 1233 Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1949e)
4 1233 Important Notice
4 1233 Nova in Vela
4 1233 Observations of Comets [1949c, 1949e]
4 1234 Comet 1948l
4 1234 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1234 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1913 III, 1931 I, 1948f)
4 1235 New Star in Cygnus?
4 1236 Bright Meteor  [13 October 1949, Praha 1, Czechoslovakia]
4 1236 Star in Cygnus
4 1237 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949c)
4 1237 Two New Asteroids of the Jupiter Group (Trojans) [1949 SA, 1949 SB = (1749)]
4 1238 Fast Moving Asteroid [1949 UA = (1573)]
4 1239 Comet Johnson (1949d)
4 1239 Comet Wirtanen (1948h)
4 1240 Long Period Variable Star in Cygnus
4 1241 Fast Moving Asteroid Arend 1949 2 [1949 UA = (1573)]
4 1241 Long Period Variable Star in Cygnus
4 1242 Fast Moving Asteroid Arend 1949 2 [1949 UA = (1573)]
4 1242 New Star in Cygnus  [C*1235]
4 1242 Observations of Comets and of Eros [1949c, 1949d, 1949e, (433) Eros]
4 1243 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1949f; 1928 I)
4 1244 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1949g)
4 1245 Meteor [14 October 1949, Sonneberg]
4 1245 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1949f; 1928 I)
4 1245 Periodic Comet d'Arrest 
4 1246 Comet Johnson (1949d)
4 1246 Comet Pajdusakova-Mrkos (1948d)
4 1246 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1913 III, 1931 I, 1948f)
4 1246 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1246 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1949f; 1928 I)
4 1247 Fast Moving Asteroid Arend 1949 2 [1949 UA = (1573)]
4 1247 Photographic Observations: Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1949e)
4 1247 Zeta Tauri
4 1248 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1949g)
4 1249 Observations [1949e, 1949 UA =(1573)]
4 1249 Periodic Comet Vaisala 1 (1939 IV; 1949h)
4 1250 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1250 Periodic Comet Vaisala 1 (1939 IV; 1949h)
4 1250 Periodic Comet Wilson-Harrington (1949g)
4 1251 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949c)
4 1251 Daytime Meteor Stream [of theta Aurigids, 23 July - 4 August 1948]
4 1251 Observations [1949e, 1949 UA = (1573)]
4 1251 Periodic Comet Shajh-Schaldach (1949e)
4 1252 Comet Johnson (1948j)
4 1252 Comet Wirtanen (1948h)
4 1253 Comet Wirtanen (1948h)  [C*1252]
4 1253 Etoile Variable dans Cygnus
4 1254 Nova Lacertae 1950
4 1255 Nova Lacertae 1950
4 1256 Nova Lacertae 1950
4 1256 Photographic Observations of Comets [1949a, 1949c]
4 1256 Variable Star in Cygnus
4 1257 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1257 Comet Wirtanen (1948h)
4 1257 Nova Lacertae 1950
4 1258 Rapidly Moving Object Wirtanen [1950 DA]
4 1259 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949c)
4 1259 Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1949e)
4 1259 Nova Lacertae 1950
4 1259 Pluto
4 1259 Rapidly Moving Object Wirtanen [1950 DA]
4 1260 Nova Lacertae 1950
4 1260 Photographic Observations of Comets and of Pluto [1949a, 1949c, 1942 VII, Pluto]
4 1261 Comet 1948l
4 1261 Comet Timmers (1946a)
4 1261 Nova Lacertae 1950
4 1262 Object Wirtanen, 1950 DA
4 1263 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949c)
4 1263 Comet Wirtanen (1948h)
4 1263 Nova Lacertae 1950
4 1263 Observations of Comets [1948h, 1949a, 1949c]
4 1264 Comet 1947n
4 1264 Notice
4 1264 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1950a)
4 1265 Nova Near Nucleus of M 83
4 1265 Periodic Comet Vaisala (1939 IV, 1949h)
4 1266 Asteroid Arend, 1949 UA  [(1573) Vaisala]
4 1266 Asteroid with Unusual Motion  [1950 HD1 = (1575)]
4 1266 Nova Lacertae 1950
4 1267 Periodic Comet Daniel
4 1268 Fast Moving Object [1950 KA = (1580)]
4 1269 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1270 Fast Moving Object Johnson [1950 KA = (1580)]
4 1271 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1271 Fast Moving Asteroid Johnson [1950 KA = (1580)]
4 1272 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1272 Fast Moving Object Johnson, 1950 KA [(1580)]
4 1272 Periodic Comet Wolf 1
4 1273 Asteroid Johnson, 1950 KA  [(1580) Betulia]
4 1273 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1273 Object Baade = 1566 Icarus
4 1274 Object Wilson-Wallenquist [1950 LA = (1980)]
4 1275 Object Wilson-Wallenquist [1950 LA = (1980)]  [C*1274]
4 1276 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1276 Nova Ophiuchi
4 1276 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1950a)
4 1277 Probable Nova Ophiuchi
4 1278 (  51) Nemausa
4 1278 Nova Ophiuchi = Barnard's Star
4 1279 Asteroid Johnson, 1950 KA  [(1580)]
4 1279 Object Reinmuth [1950 NA1 = (1750)]
4 1279 Observations of Comets [1949c, 1950b]
4 1280 Possible Nova in Scorpius
4 1281 Asteroid Johnson, 1950 KA  [(1580)]
4 1281 Object Reinmuth [1950 NA1 = (1750)] 
4 1281 Observations of Comets [1950a, 1950b]
4 1282 Comet Johnson (1949a)
4 1282 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1282 Nova Scorpii 1950
4 1282 Object Reinmuth [1950 NA1 = (1750)]
4 1282 Object Wilson-Wallenquist, 1950 LA
4 1283 Nova in Scorpius
4 1284 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1284 Object Reinmuth 1949 SB
4 1284 Periodic Comet Wolf 1 (1950c)
4 1285 Asteroid Johnson, 1950 KA  [(1580)]
4 1285 Comet Minkowski (1950b)  [C*1279]
4 1285 Haro's Nova in Scorpius
4 1285 Zwicky's Nova in Scorpius
4 1286 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1286 Periodic Comet Daniel (1950d)
4 1287 Periodic Comet Daniel (1950d)
4 1287 Periodic Comet Encke (1950e)
4 1287 Periodic Comet Tempel-Swift
4 1288 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1288 Haro's Nova in Scorpius
4 1288 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1950a)
4 1288 Probable Nova in Scorpius
4 1289 Nouvel Asteroide Troyen? [Arend's Trojan; 1950 SA = (1583)]
4 1289 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1949f)
4 1289 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1951
4 1290 Arend's Trojan  [1950 SA = (1583)]
4 1290 Haro's Nova in Scorpius, 1950
4 1290 Object Wilson-Wallenquist, 1950 LA [(1980)]
4 1290 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1291 Arend's Trojan  [1950 SA = (1583)]
4 1291 Observations of Comets [1950a, 1950b]
4 1292 Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1292 Object Johnson, 1950 KA [(1580)]
4 1293 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1293 New Comet?
4 1294 Periodic Comet Encke (1950e)
4 1294 Periodic Comet Neujmin 3 (1929 III)
4 1294 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke
4 1295 Object Ali
4 1296 Object Ali?
4 1296 Periodic Comet Kopff
4 1296 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 
4 1297 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1298 Arend's Trojan  [1950 SA = (1583)]
4 1299 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1299 Notice
4 1299 Periodic Comet Kopff
4 1300 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)
4 1301 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1301 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)
4 1302 Arend's Trojan  [1950 SA = (1583)]
4 1302 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1302 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)
4 1302 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1951c)
4 1302 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1951d)
4 1303 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1303 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)
4 1304 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1304 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)
4 1304 Meteor Shower? [1 August 1951; associated with comet 1951a]
4 1304 Object Markowitz [(23)]
4 1305 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)
4 1305 Object Markowitz = 23 Thalia
4 1306 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)  [C*1304]
4 1306 Nova Haro [1742-206]
4 1307 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1307 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1308 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1308 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)
4 1309 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1309 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)
4 1310 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1310 Periodic Comet Kopff (1951e)
4 1311 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1311 Comet Kresak (1951f)
4 1311 Periodic Comet Schaumasse
4 1311 Periodic Comets Oterma and Kopff (1951e)
4 1312 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1312 Comet Kresak (1951f)
4 1312 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1951c)
4 1313 Comet Kresak (1951f)
4 1313 Periodic Comet Neujmin 3 (1951g)
4 1313 Photographic Radiant of Umids 1945
4 1314 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1314 Periodic Comet Encke (1950e)
4 1314 Periodic Comet Kopff (1951e)
4 1314 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
4 1315 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1315 Periodic Comet Kopff (1951e)
4 1315 Periodic Comet Kresak (1951f)
4 1316 Bureau Internationan de l'Heure-Note
4 1316 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1316 Periodic Comet Kresak (1951f)
4 1316 Pluto 
4 1317 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1951f)
4 1318 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1951b)
4 1318 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1318 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)
4 1318 Periodic Comet Kopff (1951e)
4 1318 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1319 Nova in Aquila
4 1319 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1951f)
4 1320 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1951h)
4 1321 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1321 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1951h)
4 1321 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1951f)
4 1322 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1322 Periodic Comets Oterma (1942 VII) and Kopff (1951e)
4 1323 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1323 Nova Henize [0033-732, eq. 1951]
4 1324 Important Notice
4 1324 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 1325 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4 1325 Observations of Comets [1951c, 1951d, 1951e, 1951i]
4 1326 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1326 Nova Aquilae 1951
4 1326 Object Wilson-Minkowski [1951 RA = (1620)]
4 1327 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1327 Observations of Comets [1951c, 1951d, 1951e, 1951i]
4 1327 Wilson-Minkowski Object (1951 RA) [(1620)]
4 1328 Comet Arend (1951j)
4 1328 New Jupiter Satellite?
4 1328 Periodic Comet Neujmin 3 (1951g)
4 1328 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1952
4 1329 Comet Harrington (1951k)
4 1329 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1951l)
4 1330 31 Cygni
4 1330 Fast Moving Asteroid Johnson, 1950 KA [(1580)]
4 1331 31 Cygni
4 1331 Periodic Comet Arend (1951j)
4 1332 Fast Moving Object Arend-Rigaux, 1951 SA [(1134)]
4 1332 Jupiter's New (?) Satellite
4 1332 Object Wilson-Minkowski, 1951 RA [(1620)]
4 1332 Observations of Comets [1951c, 1951d, 1951e, 1951i]
4 1333 Jupiter's Satellites
4 1333 Observations of Comets [1951f, 1951h, 1951j, 1951k]
4 1334 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1334 Jupiter XII
4 1334 Object Wilson-Minkowski, 1951 RA [(1620)]
4 1334 Observations of Comets [1951j, 1951k]
4 1334 Periodic Comet Arend (1951j)
4 1335 Jupiter XII
4 1335 Periodic Comet Kopff (1951e)
4 1335 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1951k)
4 1336 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1951h)
4 1336 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 1336 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1336 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941 VII)
4 1337 BD +60 2613
4 1337 Periodic Comet Arend (1951j)
4 1338 Observations of Comets [1951j, 1951k, 1950b]
4 1338 Periodic Comet Arend (1951j)
4 1338 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1339 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1339 Periodic Comet Oterma, 1942 VII
4 1340 Observations of Comets [1951i, 1951j, 1951l]
4 1341 Periodic Comet Harrington (1951k)
4 1342 Comet Minkowski (1950b)
4 1342 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1342 Periodic Comet Harrington (1951k)
4 1342 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1951l)
4 1342 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1951f)
4 1343 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1951l)
4 1343 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 1344 Comet Harrington-Wilson (1952a)
4 1344 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1951l)
4 1345 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1346 Notice
4 1346 Periodic Comet Arend (1951j)
4 1347 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1347 Nova Haro [Sagittarius]
4 1348 Eta Carinae
4 1348 Supernova (?) in NGC 7465
4 1349 Another Nova Haro  [1740-349, eq. 1875; = V722 Sco]
4 1349 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)
4 1349 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1349 Periodic Comet Harrington-Wilson (1952a)
4 1350 Observations of Comets [1951i, 1951l]
4 1350 Roman Numeral Designation of Comets in the Years 1945 and 1946
4 1351 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1351 Observations of Comets [1951i, 1951l]
4 1351 Periodic Comet Arend (1951j)
4 1351 Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1884 I)
4 1352 Periodic Comet Harrington (1951k)
4 1352 Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1884 I)
4 1352 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1951l)
4 1353 Another Nova in Sagittarius  [= V1174 Sgr]
4 1354 Observations of Comets [1951i, 1951k, 1951l, 1952b]
4 1354 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1951l)
4 1354 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941 VII)
4 1354 The Novae in Sagittarius and Scorpius
4 1355 An Occultation by a Minor Planet  [by (3) Juno of BD -3 5208]
4 1355 Comet Pajdusakova (1951a)
4 1355 L'Ephemeride de l'Eclipse Coronale de la Radioetoile 05 01 Tauri en 1952
4 1355 Novalike Object in Scorpius
4 1355 Periodic Comet Arend (1951j)
4 1355 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1952b)
4 1355 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1951l)
4 1356 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1951l)
4 1356 Roman Numeral Designation of Comets in the Year 1947
4 1357 Comet Mrkos (1952c)
4 1358 Comet Mrkos (1952c)
4 1358 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner
4 1359 Comet Mrkos (1952c)
4 1360 Comet Mrkos (1952c)
4 1360 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1360 Periodic Comet Harrington (1951k)
4 1360 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1951l)
4 1361 Meteor Shower? [ 7 June 1952; associated with P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3]
4 1361 Observations of Comets [1951l, 1951i, 1952c]
4 1362 26 Aquilae
4 1362 Comet Mrkos (1952c)
4 1362 Comet van Gent (1944 IV)
4 1362 Comete Minkowski (1950b)
4 1363 Planetary Occultations [Jupiter and Mars]
4 1364 Comet Peltier (1952d)
4 1365 Comet Mrkos (1952c)
4 1366 Comet Peltier (1952d)
4 1366 Comet Wilson-Harrington (1951i)
4 1367 Comet Mrkos (1952c)
4 1367 Nova in Scutum
4 1368 Comet Mrkos (1952c)
4 1368 Comet Peltier (1952d)
4 1368 Nouvelle Etoile Variable dans la Constellation de l'Aigle
4 1368 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1951h)
4 1368 Periodic Comet du Toit 2 (1945c)
4 1368 Spectre de la Nova Scuti 1952 (Arend)
4 1369 Nova Scorpii 1952 (Solovyev)
4 1369 Nova Scuti 1952 (Arend)
4 1370 Comet Harrington (1952e)
4 1370 Nova Scuti 1952 (Arend)
4 1371 Comet Mrkos (1952c)
4 1371 Novalike Object in Ophiuchus
4 1372 Comet Mrkos (1952a)
4 1372 Comet Peltier (1952d)
4 1373 Comet Harrington (1952e)
4 1373 Comet Mrkos (1952c)
4 1373 Comet Peltier (1952d)
4 1373 Nova Scorpii 1952 (Solovyev)
4 1373 Nova Scuti 1952 (Arend)
4 1373 Occultation of the Star by Jupiter
4 1374 Jupiter X and XI
4 1374 Nova Scorpii 1952 (Solovyev)
4 1375 Comet Harrington (1952e)
4 1376 Augmentation Subite d'Eclat de UV Ceti
4 1376 Nova Scuti 1952
4 1376 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1953
4 1377 Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1884 I)
4 1378 Comet Peltier (1952d)
4 1379 Quatre Etoiles Variables Nouvelles
4 1380 Comet Mrkos (1952c)
4 1380 Europa, Jupiter's Second Satellite
4 1380 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1951h)
4 1381 Bureau International de l'Heure (Avis)
4 1381 Object Kresak
4 1381 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1951h)
4 1382 Comet Peltier (1952d)
4 1382 New Variable Star [0805+284]
4 1382 Observations of Comets [1952d, 1952e]
4 1382 Periodic Comet Borrelly 1932 IV
4 1382 Periodic Comet Tuttle 1939 X
4 1383 New Comet Mrkos (1952f)
4 1383 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1951h)
4 1383 Periodic Comet Jackson-Neujmin 1936 IV
4 1383 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1384 Comet Mrkos (1952f)
4 1385 32 Cygni
4 1386 32 Cygni
4 1386 Comet Mrkos (1952f)
4 1387 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1387 Comet Mrkos (1952f)
4 1387 Disturbances on Jupiter
4 1387 Nouvelles Etoiles Variables
4 1388 32 Cygni
4 1388 Comet Harrington (1952e)
4 1388 Comet Mrkos (1952f)
4 1389 Comet Observations  [1952d, 1952e]
4 1389 Notice
4 1389 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1946 IV)
4 1389 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1390 Comet Mrkos (1952f)
4 1391 Nova in Sagittarius
4 1392 Etoiles a Mouvement Propre Notable
4 1392 Movement of the Pole
4 1392 Photometrical Observations of Comets [1952d, 1952c]
4 1393 Comet Harrington (1952e)
4 1393 Comet Mrkos (1952f)
4 1393 Movement of the Pole 
4 1393 Periodic Comet Finlay (1926 V)
4 1394 Comet Mrkos (1952f)
4 1394 Fast Moving Object Albert Wilson [1953 EA = (1915)]
4 1395 Object Albert Wilson [1953 EA = (1915)] 
4 1396 Object Albert Wilson [1953 EA = (1915)]
4 1397 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1951h)
4 1397 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1398 Comet Harrington (1952e)
4 1398 Object Albert Wilson [1953 EA = (1915)]
4 1399 Object Albert Wilson (1953 EA) [(1915)]
4 1399 Observations of Comets [1951h, 1952f]
4 1400 Objet Aspect Stellaire
4 1400 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1946 IV)
4 1400 Zeta Aurigae
4 1401 Comet Mrkos (1953a)
4 1402 Comet Mrkos (1953a)
4 1402 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1403 Comet Mrkos (1953a)
4 1404 Comet Mrkos-Honda (1953a)
4 1405 Comet Harrington (1952e)
4 1405 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1947 VII)
4 1406 Comet Mrkos-Honda (1953a)
4 1407 A New Variable Star?
4 1407 Comet Harrington (1952e)
4 1407 Comet Mrkos-Honda (1953a)
4 1407 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1951h)
4 1407 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1939 X)
4 1408 Comet Mrkos (1953a)
4 1408 Comete Harrington (1952e)
4 1408 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1932 IV)
4 1408 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner
4 1408 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1409 Comet Mrkos (1953a)
4 1409 Maxima de Ey Cygni (Type U Geminorum)
4 1410 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1953b)
4 1410 Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1953c)
4 1411 Comet Mrkos (1952f)
4 1411 Etoile a Grand Mouvement Propre
4 1411 Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1953c)
4 1411 The Secular Perturbations of the Quadrantids
4 1412 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1953d)
4 1413 Comet Mrkos-Honda (1953a)
4 1413 Ephemeris of 1566 Icarus
4 1414 Unconfirmed Nova [2019+210]
4 1415 Comet Mrkos-Honda (1953a)
4 1415 Movement of the Pole
4 1416 Comet Mrkos-Honda (1953a)
4 1416 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1954
4 1417 Comet Harrington (1953e)
4 1418 Comet Harrington (1953e)
4 1418 Comet Mrkos-Honda (1953a)
4 1419 Fast Moving Asteroid [1953 RA = (1916)] 
4 1419 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4 1419 Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1953c)
4 1420 Comet Harrington (1953e)
4 1420 Fast Moving Asteroid Arend [1953 RA = (1916)]
4 1420 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1951h)
4 1421 Fast Moving Asteroid Arend (1953 RA) [(1916)]
4 1422 Comet Mrkos-Honda (1953a)
4 1422 Fast-Moving Asteroid Arend (1953 RA) [(1916)]
4 1422 Periodic Comet Harrington (1953e)
4 1422 Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1953c)
4 1422 Possible Meteor Shower October 9-10 [1953]
4 1423 Fast Moving Object Arend (1953 RA) [(1916)]
4 1423 Periodic Comet Encke (1953f)
4 1424 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1424 Comet Mrkos-Honda (1953a)
4 1424 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
4 1424 The Draconid Shower
4 1425 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1425 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1426 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1426 Periodic Comet Harrington-Wilson (1952a) = Periodic Comet Taylor (1961 I)?
4 1427 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1428 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1428 Secular Perturbations of the Scorpius-Sagittarius System
4 1429 Periodic Comet Encke (1953f)
4 1429 Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1953c)
4 1429 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1430 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1430 Comet Pajdusakova (1953h)
4 1430 Movement of the Pole
4 1431 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1431 Comet Pajdusakova (1953h)
4 1432 Brightness Fluctuations of Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1953c)
4 1432 Comet Pajdusakova (1953h)
4 1432 Comet Reid (1925 III)
4 1432 Periodic Comet Forbes (1929 II)
4 1433 Periodic Comet Finlay, 1926 V (1953i)
4 1433 Periodic Comet Neujmin 2
4 1434 Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1434 Comet Pajdusakova (1953h)
4 1435 Comet Pajdusakova (1953h)
4 1435 Notice
4 1435 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1953b)
4 1436 Comet Pajdusakova (1953h)
4 1436 Periodic Comet Finlay (1953i)
4 1437 Periodic Comet Faye
4 1437 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948n)
4 1437 Two Unidentified Comets [Groeneveld; McDonald survey]
4 1438 Comet 1954a
4 1438 Comet Pajdusakova (1953h)
4 1438 Movement of the Pole
4 1438 Periodic Comet Finlay (1953i)
4 1438 Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1953c)
4 1439 Periodic Comet Borrelly 1932 IV (1954b)
4 1439 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1954a)
4 1440 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1954b)
4 1440 Periodic Comet Finlay (1953i)
4 1441 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1954a)
4 1442 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1954b)
4 1442 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova, 1948n (1954a)
4 1442 Proper Motion of BD -8 2582
4 1442 VZ Cancri
4 1443 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1443 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1953d)
4 1444 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1445 Circulaires d'Information de la Commission 26
4 1445 Unidentified Comet [Van Houten; McDonald survey]
4 1446 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1446 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1954a)
4 1447 Periodic Comet Finlay (1953i)
4 1447 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1954a)
4 1447 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1930 VI)
4 1448 Comet Pajdusakova (1953h)
4 1448 Roman Numeral Designation of Comets in he Years 1948 and 1949
4 1449 Supernova [NGC 5668]
4 1450 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1450 Ephemerides des Eclipses Coronales des Radiosources en 1954
4 1450 Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1953c)
4 1450 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2
4 1451 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1452 Ephemeris of 1566 Icarus
4 1452 Supernova (Wild) [NGC 5668]
4 1453 Another Supernova (Wild)  [SN 1954A in NGC 4214]
4 1454 Time Signals
4 1455 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1455 Supernova in NGC 4214
4 1456 Comet Harrington (1954c)
4 1456 Mars
4 1456 Movement of the Pole
4 1457 Comet Kresak-Peltier (1954d)
4 1458 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1458 Comet Kresak-Peltier (1954d)
4 1458 Peculiar Object Near Saturn?
4 1458 Time Service Notice
4 1459 Nova in Scorpio
4 1460 Comet Kresak-Peltier (1954d)
4 1461 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1461 Comet Kresak-Peltier (1954d)
4 1461 Comet Pons-Brooks (1953c)
4 1461 Haro's Nova Scorpio
4 1461 Suspected Nova Ophiuchus
4 1462 Comet Kresak-Peltier (1954d)
4 1462 Periodic Comet Faye (1954e)
4 1463 Comet Vozarova (1954f)
4 1463 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1954g)
4 1464 Comet Harrington (1954c)
4 1464 Comet Vozarova (1954f)
4 1464 Supernova in NGC 4214
4 1465 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1465 Comet Kresak-Peltier (1954d)
4 1465 Comet Vozarova (1954f)
4 1465 Periodic Comet Neujmin 2
4 1466 New Comet Baade (1954h)
4 1467 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1467 Comet Vozarova (1954f)
4 1467 Haro's Nova in Scorpio
4 1468 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1947 XIII)
4 1469 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1469 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1954i)
4 1469 Comet Vozarova (1954f)
4 1469 Haro's Nova in Scorpio
4 1469 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1470 Comet Baade (1954h)
4 1471 Nova in Sagittarius (Wild)
4 1472 Movement of the Pole
4 1472 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1954b)
4 1472 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1947 XIII)
4 1473 Comet Van Biesbroeck (1954i)
4 1474 Comet Vozarova (1954f)
4 1474 Nova Wild [Sagittarius] 
4 1474 Periodic Comet Pons-Brooks (1953c)
4 1474 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1954j)
4 1475 Periodic Comet Olbers
4 1476 A Third Supernova Wild  [SN 1954C in NGC 5879]
4 1477 Comet Vozarova (1954f)
4 1477 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1955
4 1478 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1478 Comet Kresak-Peltier (1954d)
4 1478 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1954i)
4 1478 Time Signals
4 1479 Nova Sagittarii (Wild)
4 1479 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1954j)
4 1480 Observations of Comets [1948n, 1953f, 1953g, 1954d]
4 1481 Comet Baade (1954h)
4 1482 Comet Kresak-Peltier (1954d)
4 1482 Comet Pons-Brooks (1953c)
4 1482 Time Signals
4 1483 Comet Baade (1954h)  [C*1470] 
4 1483 Fast Moving Asteroid [1954 XA]
4 1484 Periodic Comet Forbes (1929 II = 1948 VIII)
4 1484 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1951e)
4 1484 Periodic Comet Olbers
4 1485 Moving Object
4 1486 Ephemerides of Comets [1954f, 1954g, 1954e, 1954j]
4 1486 The Total Solar Eclipse on 1954, June 30
4 1487 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948 IX)
4 1487 Periodic Comet Faye (1954e)
4 1487 Periodic Comet Faye (1954e)  [C*1486]
4 1487 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1954g)  [C*1486]
4 1487 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1954j)  [C*1486]
4 1487 Periodic Comet du Toit 2 (1945c)
4 1488 Comet Baade (1954h)
4 1488 Comet Haro-Chavira (1954k)
4 1488 Ephemeris of Periodic Comet Perrine (1896 VII = 1909 III)
4 1489 Comet Baade (1954h)
4 1489 Comet Haro-Chavira (1954k)
4 1489 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1489 The Zodiacal Light
4 1489 Time Signals
4 1490 Periodic Comet Faye (1954e)
4 1490 Periodic Comet Faye (1954e)  [C*1486]
4 1490 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1954g)
4 1490 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1954g)  [C*1486]
4 1490 Periodic Comet Whipple (1933 IV)
4 1490 Roman Numeral Designation of Comets in the Year 1950
4 1491 Comet Baade (1954h)
4 1491 Nova Sagittarii 1955
4 1491 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1492 Observations of Comets [1951j, 1953g]
4 1492 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1954g)
4 1493 Notice
4 1493 Periodic Comet Harrington (1951k)
4 1493 Roman Numeral Designation of Comets in the Year 1951
4 1494 Comet Harrington-Abell (1955a)
4 1495 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948 IX)
4 1496 Comet Abell (1955b)
4 1497 Comet Abell (1955b)
4 1497 Comet Haro-Chavira (1954k)
4 1497 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1955a)
4 1497 Time Signals
4 1498 Comet Abell (1955b)
4 1498 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson, 1948 IX (1955c)
4 1499 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1955c)
4 1499 Supernova Serpentis 1955
4 1500 Periodic Comet Whipple (1955d)
4 1501 Notice
4 1501 Periodic Comet Forbes (1929 II = 1948 VIII)
4 1502 Naked Eye Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1502 Supernova Serpentis 1955
4 1503 Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1504 Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1505 Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1505 Periodic Comet Olbers
4 1505 Periodic Comet Perrine (1896 VII = 1909 III)
4 1506 Comet Abell (1955b)
4 1506 Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1507 New Comet Bakharev (1955f)
4 1508 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krieken (1955f) [C*1510:  Krienke]
4 1508 Komet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1508 Movement of the Pole
4 1508 Time Signals
4 1509 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Kreiken (1955f) [C*1510:  Krienke]
4 1509 Komet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1510 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krienke (1955f)
4 1511 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1511 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krienke (1955f)
4 1511 Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1512 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krienke (1955f)
4 1512 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1512 Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1512 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948 IX, 1955c)
4 1512 Periodic Comet Faye (1954e)
4 1513 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1513 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krienke (1955f)
4 1513 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krienke (1955f)  [C*1512]
4 1513 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1514 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1514 Observations of Comets [1955e, 1955f, 1955g]
4 1515 Comet Renner (1955h)
4 1516 Comet Abell (1955b)
4 1516 Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1516 Komet Honda (1955g)
4 1517 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krienke (1955f)
4 1517 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1517 Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1518 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1519 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krienke (1955f)
4 1519 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1520 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1520 Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1520 Periodic Comet du Toit 2 (1945 II)
4 1520 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1956
4 1521 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1522 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1523 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1523 Time Signals
4 1524 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krienke (1955f)
4 1524 Observations of Comets [1955e, 1955f, 1955g]
4 1525 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1525 Periodic Comet Olbers
4 1526 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1526 Comet Mrkos (1955i)
4 1527 Periodic Comet Perrine (= Mrkos (1955i))
4 1528 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krienke (1955f)
4 1528 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1528 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1954i)
4 1529 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1955c)
4 1529 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1955i)
4 1530 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1955i)
4 1531 Komet Honda (1955g)
4 1531 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1955i)
4 1531 Zeta Aurigae
4 1532 Periodic Comet Johnson (1949 II)
4 1532 Periodic Comet Olbers
4 1532 Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4 1533 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1955i)
4 1533 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann I (1925 II)
4 1533 Periodic Comet Shajn-Shaldach (1949 VI)
4 1533 Roman Numeral Designation of Comets in the Year 1952
4 1534 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1955i)
4 1535 Asteroid  [1956 AA = (1626)]
4 1535 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1535 Periodic Comet Taylor (1916 I)
4 1535 Periodic Comet d'Arrest
4 1536 Periodic Comet Olbers (1956a)
4 1537 Comet Baade (1954h)
4 1537 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krienke (1955f)
4 1537 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1537 Periodic Comet Olbers (1956a)
4 1537 Periodic Comet Whipple (1955d)
4 1538 Mutual Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites
4 1538 Observations of Comets: Olbers (1956a), Honda (1955g)
4 1538 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1951 IV)
4 1538 Time Signals
4 1539 Notice
4 1539 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1928 III)
4 1539 Periodic Comet Olbers (1956a)
4 1539 Periodic Comet Shajn-Shaldach (1949 VI)
4 1540 Comet Baade (1954h)
4 1540 Comet Bakharev-Macfarlane-Krienke (1955f)
4 1540 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1541 Periodic Comet Olbers (1956a)
4 1542 Comet Abell (1955b)
4 1542 Comet Baade (1954h)
4 1542 Comet Haro-Chavira (1954k)
4 1542 Jupiter 
4 1543 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1544 Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1544 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1544 Comet Pajdusakova (1953h)
4 1544 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1544 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1955c)
4 1545 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1546 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1547 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1547 Comet Tcherepashtshuk (1956d)
4 1548 (1221) Amor
4 1548 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1549 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1550 Comet (?) Tcherepashtshuk (1956d)
4 1550 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1550 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1550 Periodic Comet Olbers (1956a)
4 1551 Comet Mrkos (1955e)
4 1551 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1551 Signaux Horaires
4 1552 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1552 Periodic Comet Taylor (1916 I)
4 1553 (1221) Amor
4 1553 Comet Haro-Chavira (1954k)
4 1554 Periodic Comet Olbers (1956a)
4 1554 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1956e)
4 1555 Comet Honda (1955g)
4 1555 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1556 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1556 Observations of Comets [1955i, 1956a, 1956b]
4 1557 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1558 Signaux Horaires
4 1558 The Brightness of Comet Olbers (1956a)
4 1559 Comet Baade (1954h)
4 1559 Comet Haro-Chavira (1954k)
4 1559 Comet Mrkos (1956b)
4 1560 Comet Haro-Chavira (1954k)
4 1561 Mars
4 1561 Periodic Comet Johnson (1949 II = 1956f)
4 1561 Periodic Comet Olbers (1956a)
4 1562 Notice [1952 II = 1925 I?]
4 1562 Periodic Comet Daniel
4 1562 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 1563 Mars
4 1563 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1957
4 1564 Mars
4 1564 Periodic Comet Olbers (1956a)
4 1564 Signaux Horaires
4 1565 Notice [orbits of P/Tuttle and Comet Abell (1953g)] 
4 1565 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1956g)
4 1565 UV Ceti
4 1566 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1950 VII)
4 1566 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1956g)
4 1567 Movement of the Pole
4 1567 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1956g)
4 1567 Signaux Horaires
4 1568 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1956g)
4 1568 Periodic Comet Johnson (1956f)
4 1569 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1569 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1570 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1570 Nova Probable Dans M 31
4 1570 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1956g)
4 1571 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1571 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1951 VII)
4 1572 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1573 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)  [C*1569]
4 1574 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1574 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1951 VII)
4 1574 Signaux Horaires
4 1575 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1575 Comet Baade (1954h)
4 1575 Comet Haro-Chavira (1954k)
4 1575 Signaux Horaires
4 1576 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1576 Novae in M 31
4 1576 Periodic Comet Daniel
4 1576 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 1576 Periodic Comet Johnson (1949 II = 1956f)
4 1577 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1577 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1955c)
4 1578 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1579 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1579 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1956i)
4 1580 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1580 Roman Numeral Designation of Comets in the Year 1953
4 1581 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1581 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1956i)
4 1581 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1951 IV)
4 1582 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1582 Object Sandford 
4 1582 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1956i)
4 1582 Periodic Comet Schwassmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1583 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1583 Object Sandford
4 1583 Periodic Comet Olbers (1956a)
4 1583 Signaux Horaires: Moscou, Irkoutsk, Tachkent
4 1584 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1584 Comet Crommelin (1956g)
4 1584 Notice [re:  recovery of P/Harrington (1953e)]
4 1584 Object Sandford
4 1584 Periodic Comet Olbers (1956a)
4 1585 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1586 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1587 Jupiter VIII, X and XI
4 1587 Signaux Horaires
4 1588 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1588 Periodic Comet Kopff (1957a)
4 1588 Supernova? [possibly in NGC 2841]
4 1589 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1589 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)  [C*1548 and I1586]
4 1589 Periodic Comet Kopff (1957a)  [C*1548]
4 1590 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1590 Supernova in NGC 2841
4 1591 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1591 Comet Rijves (1957b)
4 1591 Supernova in NGC 2841
4 1592 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 1592 Periodic Comet d'Arrest
4 1593 Signaux Horaires
4 1593 Supernova in NGC 5033
4 1594 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke
4 1594 Radio Observation of Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1594 Supernova in NGC 5033 not Confirmed
4 1595 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1595 Periodic Comet Encke
4 1595 Signaux Horaires
4 1596 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1596 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1597 Comet Arend-Rigaux (1950 VII)
4 1597 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1598 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1598 Periodic Comet Kopff (1957a)
4 1598 Signaux Horaires
4 1599 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1600 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1600 Supernova [NGC 4374]
4 1601 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1601 Notice
4 1601 Signaux Horaires
4 1602 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1602 Supernova in NGC 4374
4 1602 Transit of Mercury
4 1603 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1603 Periodic Comet Harrington (1952 II)
4 1603 Periodic Comet Harrington-Wilson (1951 IX)
4 1604 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1605 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1605 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1955c)
4 1606 Comet Bruwer-Gehrels = (?) Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1606 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1607 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1607 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1608 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1608 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1608 Periodic Comet Harrington (1952 II)
4 1609 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1609 Periodic Comet Encke (1957c)
4 1610 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1611 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1611 Object Schubart [1957 NA = (1627)]
4 1612 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1613 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1614 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1614 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1614 Object Schubart [1957 NA = (1627)] 
4 1615 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1616 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1616 Object Schubart (1957 NA = 1929 SH) [(1627)]
4 1616 Periodic Comet Encke (1957c)
4 1616 Periodic Comet Harrington-Wilson (1951 IX)
4 1617 Comet Minkowski (1951 I)
4 1617 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1617 Object Schubart (1957 NA = 1929 SH) [(1627)]
4 1617 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1950 IV)
4 1618 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1618 Periodic Comet Harrington-Wilson (1951 IX)
4 1619 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1619 Computation of Orbits for Comets [1954k, 1954h, 1955a, 1955b, 1955f, 1955i]
4 1619 Object Schubart (1957 NA) [(1627)]
4 1619 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1957e)
4 1620 Visual Observations of the Soviet Satellite
4 1621 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1621 The Soviet Satellite 
4 1622 The Soviet Satellite
4 1623 Comet Wild-Burnham (1957f)
4 1623 Signaux Horaires
4 1624 Comet Latyshev-Wild-Burnham (1957f)
4 1624 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1624 Notice
4 1625 Comet Latyshev-Wild-Burnham (1957f)
4 1625 Periodic Comet Kopff (1957a)
4 1626 The Soviet Satellite, 1957 alpha-1 and 1957 alpha-2
4 1627 The Soviet Satellite 1957 beta
4 1628 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1628 Object Chang Chia-Hsiang [1957 VA]
4 1628 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1628 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941 VII)
4 1629 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1629 Comet Latyshev-Wild-Burnham (1957f)
4 1629 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1630 Periodic Comet Harrington (1957g = 1952 II)
4 1630 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1958
4 1631 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1631 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1950 VII)
4 1631 Periodic Comet Harrington-Wilson (1951 IX)
4 1631 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1957e)
4 1631 Signaux Horaires
4 1632 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1632 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1955c)
4 1633 Comet Latyshev-Wild-Burnham (1957f)
4 1633 Object Chang Chie-Hsiang [1957 VA]
4 1633 Object Schubart (1957 NA)
4 1633 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1957e)
4 1633 Roman Numeral Designation of Comets in the Year 1954
4 1633 Signaux Horaires
4 1634 Comet Latyshev-Wild-Burnham (1957f)
4 1634 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1634 Periodic Comet Harrington (1957g = 1952 II)
4 1635 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1636 Comete Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1636 Etoile Variable Irreguliere?
4 1636 Signaux Horaires
4 1637 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1637 Periodic Comet Harrington-Wilson (1951 IX)
4 1638 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1638 Signaux Horaires
4 1639 Comet Latyshev-Wild-Burnham (1957f)
4 1639 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1640 Satellite 1958 alpha
4 1640 Signaux Horaires
4 1641 Comet Burnham (1958a)
4 1641 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1950 VII = 1958b)
4 1642 Comet Burnham (1958a)
4 1642 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV)
4 1643 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1643 Comet Burnham (1958a)
4 1643 Nova in NGC 5236
4 1643 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1950 VII = 1958b)
4 1644 Comet Burnham (1958a)
4 1644 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1644 Computation of Cometary Orbits [P/Giacobini-Zinner, P/Perrine-Mrkos]
4 1644 Jupiter Satellites VIII, X, XI
4 1644 Satellite 1958 beta
4 1645 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)  [C*1643]
4 1645 Comet Burnham (1958a)
4 1645 Pluto
4 1645 Signaux Horaires
4 1646 Comet Burnham (1958a)
4 1646 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1647 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1648 Periodic Comet Harrington (1952 II, 1957g)
4 1649 Asteroid 51 Nemausa
4 1650 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941 VII)
4 1650 Saturn's Crape Ring (C Ring)
4 1651 Comet Burnham (1958a)
4 1651 Periodic Comet Kopff (1958d = 1906 IV)
4 1651 Periodic Comet Wolf 1 (1958c = 1950 VI)
4 1652 Periodic Comet Harrington (1952 II, 1957g)
4 1652 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941 VII)
4 1653 RS Ophiuchi
4 1654 RS Ophiuchi
4 1654 Signaux Horaires
4 1655 RS Ophiuchi
4 1656 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1656 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II) [Periodic]
4 1656 RS Ophiuchi
4 1656 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1959
4 1657 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1657 Possible Meteor Shower [connected with P/Giacobini-Zinner]
4 1658 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1658 RS Ophiuchi
4 1658 Signaux Horaires
4 1659 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1659 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1659 Signaux Horaires
4 1659 The Draconids
4 1660 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1661 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1661 L'Emploi de l'Equinoxe Normal 1950.0 pour les Cometes
4 1662 Photographic Observations of Comets [1958a, 1958e]
4 1662 Roman Numeral Designation of Comets in the Year 1955
4 1663 Artificial Planet 1
4 1664 Artificial Planet 1
4 1664 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1946 V)
4 1665 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1665 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1665 Signaux Horaires
4 1666 Comet Slaughter-Burnham (1959a)
4 1667 Periodic Comet Harrington (1952 II = 1957g)
4 1668 Comet Slaughter-Burnham (1959a)
4 1668 Signaux Horaires
4 1669 Periodic Comet Slaughter-Burnham (1959a)
4 1670 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII = 1950 III)
4 1670 Signaux Horaires
4 1671 Comet Burnham (1958a)
4 1671 Nova Chamaeleontis 1953
4 1671 Periodic Comet Arend (1951 X)
4 1672 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1673 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1673 Signaux Horaires
4 1674 International Time Signals
4 1674 New System of Galactic Co-ordinates
4 1674 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1953 V)
4 1674 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948 XII, 1954 III)
4 1675 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1675 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1954 XIII)
4 1675 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941 VII)
4 1676 Periodic Comet Comas Sola 
4 1677 Nova Chamaeleontis 1953
4 1677 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4 1677 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b, 1946 V)
4 1678 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1678 International Time Signals
4 1679 Occultation of Regulus by Venus
4 1679 Time Signals
4 1680 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1680 Periodic Comet Schaumasse
4 1680 Periodic Comet Vaisala (1939 IV, 1949 V)
4 1681 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1681 Information Sur Coordonnees Equatoriales
4 1681 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 1682 New Supernova [NGC 7331]
4 1682 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1682 Periodic Comet Slaughter-Burnham (1959a)
4 1683 New Supernova [anon 1309+037]
4 1683 Occultation of Regulus by Venus
4 1683 Periodic Comet Arend (1959c)
4 1684 Occultation of Regulus by Venus
4 1685 Comet Bester-Hoffmeister (1959d)
4 1685 Nebulous Variable Object in the Galactic Cluster NGC 1807
4 1685 Occultation of Regulus by Venus on July 7
4 1685 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1686 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1686 Comet Bester-Hoffmeister (1959d)
4 1686 International Time Signals
4 1687 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1687 Comet Alcock (1959f)
4 1687 International Time Signals
4 1688 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1688 Comet Alcock (1959f)
4 1688 Comet Bester-Hoffmeister (1959d)
4 1688 Occultation of Regulus by Venus 1959 July 7
4 1688 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1960
4 1689 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1689 Comet Alcock (1959f)
4 1689 Comet Sharov (1959g) = Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1690 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1690 Comet Alcock (1959f)
4 1691 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1691 Comet Alcock (1959f)
4 1691 Giacobinid Meteors
4 1691 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1692 Comets Alcock 1959e and 1959f
4 1692 New Flare-Variable with Double Flare [1935+274 (eq. 1900)]
4 1693 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1693 Comet Alcock (1959f)
4 1694 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1694 International Time Signals
4 1694 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1959h)
4 1695 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1695 The Giacobinids
4 1696 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1696 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1696 Z Andromedae
4 1697 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1697 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1697 Periodic Comet Vaisala (1959i, 1939 IV, 1949 V)
4 1698 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1698 Comet Alcock (1959f)
4 1698 Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1698 Comet Vaisala (1959i, 1939 IV, 1949 V)
4 1698 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1959h)
4 1698 Z Andromedae
4 1699 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1700 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1953 IV)
4 1700 Periodic Comet Finlay (1953 VII)
4 1700 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1701 Comet Mrkos (1959j)
4 1702 Comet Mrkos (1959j)
4 1702 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)  [C*1700]
4 1702 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1959h)
4 1702 Periodic Comet Vaisala (1939 IV, 1949 V, 1959i)
4 1702 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1956
4 1703 Comet Mrkos (1959j)
4 1704 Comet Mrkos (1959j)
4 1705 Comet Alcock (1959e)
4 1705 Comet Bester-Hoffmeister (1959d)
4 1705 Comet Mrkos (1959j)
4 1705 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1705 Periodic Comet Vaisala (1959i)
4 1706 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1706 Comet Mrkos (1959j)
4 1706 New Bright Eclipsing Variable [BD +20 785]
4 1706 Nova Chamaeleontis 1953
4 1707 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1707 Comet Burnham-Slaughter (1958e)
4 1707 Comet Mrkos (1959j)
4 1708 Comet Mrkos (1959j)
4 1708 Periodic Comet Arend (1951 X; 1959c)
4 1709 Comet Alcock (1959f)
4 1709 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1709 Comet Mrkos (1959j)
4 1709 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1709 International Time Signals
4 1709 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1709 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV, 1958d)
4 1710 Ephemeris for Minor Planet 51 Nemausa
4 1711 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1711 Comet Burnham (1960a)
4 1711 Ephemeris for Minor Planet 51 Nemausa
4 1712 Comet Burnham (1960a)
4 1713 Comet Mrkos (1959j)
4 1713 Observations of Comets [1959b, 1959j, 1959k]
4 1713 Periodic Comet Harrington (1953 VI)
4 1714 Comet Arend-Roland (1956h)
4 1714 Nova Hassel [Herculis]
4 1715 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1715 Nova Herculis 1960 (Hassel)
4 1715 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1716 Nova Herculis 1960 (Hassel)
4 1716 Periodic Comet Gale
4 1716 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2
4 1717 Nova Herculis 1960 (Hassel)
4 1717 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1959b)
4 1717 Periodic Comet Vaisala (1959i = 1939 IV)
4 1717 R Serpentis
4 1718 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1718 New Eclipsing Variable [BD +46 1381]
4 1718 Nova Herculis 1960 (Hassel)
4 1719 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1719 Comet Wild (1960b)
4 1720 Comet Wild (1960b)
4 1721 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1721 Comet Burnham (1960a)
4 1721 Jupiter Satellites IX and XII
4 1721 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1959h)
4 1721 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 1721 Supernova Humason [NGC 4496]
4 1722 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1722 Comet Wild (1960b)
4 1723 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1723 Comet Wild (1960b)
4 1723 Tache Blanche Sur Saturne
4 1723 The Supernova in NGC 4496
4 1724 La Comete Burnham (1959k)
4 1724 Periodic Comet Wild (1960b)
4 1725 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1725 Nova Herculis 1960
4 1725 Periodic Comet Comas Sola
4 1725 Supernova in NGC 4496
4 1726 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1726 New Eclipsing Variable in Auriga
4 1727 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1727 Nova Herculis 1960 (Hassel)
4 1727 Nova in Triangulum Australis
4 1727 White Spot on Saturn
4 1728 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1728 Nova Herculis 1960 (Hassel)
4 1728 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2
4 1728 The Nova in Triangulum Australis
4 1729 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1729 Nova Herculis 1960
4 1729 Periodic Comet Harrington (1952 II)
4 1730 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1730 Comet Wirtanen (1956c)
4 1730 Nova Herculis 1960
4 1730 Two New Bright Variables [BD +58 1583, BD +57 1776]
4 1731 Comet 1960d
4 1731 Comet Humason (1960e)
4 1731 Note [P/Reinmuth = 1960c]
4 1731 Supernova Humason [NGC 2096]
4 1731 Suspected Supernova [anon 2002-443 (eq. 1875 and 1900)]
4 1732 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1732 Comet Humason (1960e)
4 1732 Fast Moving Object [1959 LM]
4 1732 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1960f)
4 1732 Supernova Humason [NGC 2096] 
4 1733 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2
4 1734 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1734 Comet Humason (1960e)
4 1734 Periodic Comet Finlay (1960d)
4 1734 Supernova in NGC 4496
4 1735 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1735 Comet Humason (1960e)
4 1735 Comet Mrkos (1959j)
4 1735 New Bright Variables
4 1735 Nova Herculis 1960
4 1735 Object Hoffmeister [1959 LM]
4 1736 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1736 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1960h)
4 1736 Periodic Comet Harrington (1953 VI = 1960g)
4 1736 The Supernova in NGC 4496
4 1737 Meteors Associated with Comet Finlay
4 1737 Periodic Comet Encke (1960i)
4 1737 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1960j)
4 1738 Comet Humason (1960e)
4 1739 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1960k)
4 1740 Comet Mrkos (1957d)
4 1740 Periodic Comet Wild (1960b)
4 1741 Comet Malsch (1960l)
4 1741 Fast Moving Object [1960 UA = (2061)]
4 1741 New Bright Variables [BD +54 2489, BD +57 1942]
4 1741 Periodic Comet Finlay (1960d)
4 1741 Periodic Comet Forbes
4 1742 New Variable Star [0500+006]
4 1742 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1954 XIII)
4 1743 Fast Moving Object Giclas [1960 UA = (2061)]
4 1743 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1960f)
4 1744 Comet Malsch (1960l)
4 1744 Object Giclas [1960 UA = (2061)]
4 1744 Transit of Mercury
4 1745 Object Giclas [1960 UA = (2061)]
4 1745 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1960f)
4 1745 Periodic Comet Finlay (1960d)
4 1745 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1954 XI = 1960m)
4 1745 Transit of Mercury
4 1746 Comet Humason (1960e)
4 1746 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1960f)
4 1746 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1960j)
4 1746 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1961
4 1747 Bright Nova in M 31
4 1747 Comet Candy 1960n
4 1747 Periodic Comet Forbes 
4 1747 Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4 1748 Comet Candy 1960n
4 1748 Transit of Mercury
4 1749 Comet Candy 1960n
4 1749 Periodic Comet du Toit 2 1945 II
4 1749 The Bright Nova in M 31
4 1750 Supernova [NGC 4382]
4 1751 Comet Candy 1960n
4 1751 Spectroscopic Observations of Periodic Comet Encke (1960i) and Comet Candy (1960n)
4 1752 Comet Candy (1960n)
4 1752 Periodic Comet du Toit 2  [C*1749]
4 1753 Comet Candy (1960n)
4 1753 Nova Herculis 1960
4 1753 Periodic Comet Forbes (1948 VIII)
4 1753 Supernova in NGC 3003
4 1753 The Solar Eclipse on 1961 February 15
4 1754 Comet Candy (1960n)
4 1754 Comets Kritzinger (1914 II) and Wirtanen (1949 I)
4 1754 Nova Rosino (M 31) and Supernova Rosino [0041+412, 1223+184]
4 1754 Periodic Comet du Toit 2, (1945c)
4 1755 Ephemeris for Minor Planet 51 Nemausa
4 1756 Ephemeris for Minor Planet 51 Nemausa
4 1756 Note [P/Forbes = 1961a]
4 1756 Periodic Comet Faye (1955 II)
4 1756 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1757 Comet Candy (1960n) and Comet Encke (1960i)
4 1757 Periodic Comet Neujmin 3 (1929 III = 1951 V)
4 1757 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1956e = 1961b)
4 1758 Nova in Ophiucus
4 1759 Determination of Definitive Orbits [1943 I, 1949 IV, 1950 I, 1953 II]
4 1759 Periodic Comet Forbes (1961a)
4 1759 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1957 and 1958
4 1759 Supernova in NGC 4564
4 1759 The Solar Eclipse on 1961, February 15
4 1760 Libration Clouds in the Earth-Moon System
4 1761 Nova Scuti 1960
4 1761 Supernova in NGC 4303
4 1762 Observations of Supernovae [NGC 3003, NGC 4564, NGC 4303]
4 1762 Photographic Observations of Comets [1959j, 1961a, 1960i]
4 1762 Z Andromedae
4 1763 Comet A.S. Wilson (1961d)
4 1763 Comet Burnham (1959k)
4 1763 Periodic Comet Faye (1955 II = 1961c)
4 1763 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 1763 Z Andromedae
4 1764 Comet A.S. Wilson (1961d)
4 1764 New Variable Object in NGC 1058
4 1765 Comet Wilson-Hubbard (1961d)
4 1765 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1954 XIII = 1955a)
4 1766 Comet Wilson-Hubbard (1961d)
4 1767 Comet Wilson-Hubbard (1961d)
4 1768 Comet Wilson-Hubbard (1961d)
4 1768 Periodic Comet Forbes (1961a)
4 1769 Comet Wilson-Hubbard (1961d)
4 1770 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1770 Important Notice
4 1771 Comet Humason (1961e) 
4 1771 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1955i)
4 1771 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1960j)
4 1772 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1772 Comet Wilson-Hubbard (1961d)
4 1772 Comet Wirtanen (1949 I)
4 1772 Photographic Observations of Comets [1960n, 1961a]
4 1772 Supernova Wild [0232+374]
4 1773 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1774 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1774 Observations of Comets [1961d, 1961e]
4 1775 Comet Wilson-Hubbard (1961d)
4 1776 Comet Seki (1961f)
4 1777 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1777 Comet Seki (1961f)
4 1778 Comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk (1949 IV)
4 1778 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1778 Comet Seki (1961f)
4 1778 Periodic Comet Forbes (1961a)
4 1778 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1858 III = 1907 III = 1951 IV)
4 1779 Comet Seki (1961f) 
4 1779 Libration Clouds in the Earth-Moon System
4 1779 Notice [search for 1961d]
4 1779 Signaux Horaires
4 1779 The Occultation of Venus by the Moon on October 7
4 1779 The Supernova in NGC 4564
4 1780 Comet Seki (1961f)
4 1781 Comet Seki (1961f)
4 1781 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1961g)
4 1782 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1782 Comet Seki (1961f)
4 1782 New Object Near Messier 88
4 1782 Temps Uniforme et Frequence Constante pour l'Annee 1962
4 1783 Comet Abell (1953g)
4 1783 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1783 Comet Seki (1961f)
4 1783 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1955i = 1961h)
4 1783 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1962
4 1784 Comet Seki (1961f)
4 1784 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1960j)
4 1784 Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4 1785 Comet Seki (1961f)
4 1785 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1955a)
4 1785 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1955i)
4 1785 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1858 III = 1907 III = 1951 IV)
4 1786 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1948 IX = 1955c)
4 1787 Observations of Comets [1961d, 1961g, 1961h]
4 1787 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1954 XIII)
4 1787 Supernova in NGC 3938
4 1788 Comet Seki (1961f)
4 1788 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak 
4 1789 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1789 Comet Seki (1961f)
4 1789 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1954 XIII = 1962a)
4 1789 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1951 IV = 1962b)
4 1790 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1790 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1962b)
4 1791 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1791 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1962b)
4 1792 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1793 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1793 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1793 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1962b)
4 1794 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1794 Observations of Comets [1960j, 1961e, 1961g, 1961h]
4 1794 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1962a)
4 1795 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1796 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1797 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1797 Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1962b)
4 1797 Periodic Comet Whipple (1955d)
4 1798 Comet Honda (1962d)
4 1798 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1798 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1799 Comet Honda (1962d)
4 1799 Comet Neujmin 3
4 1799 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1800 Comet Honda (1962d)
4 1800 Nova Herculis 1960
4 1800 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1956e)
4 1801 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1801 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1956 II)
4 1801 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1962b)
4 1801 Periodic Comet Whipple (1955 VIII)
4 1802 Comet Honda (1962d)
4 1802 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1802 Periodic Comet Kulin (1939 VIII)
4 1802 Supernova Near NGC 5134
4 1803 Periodic Comet Kulin (1939 VIII)
4 1804 Movement of the Pole
4 1804 Observations of Comets [1961e, 1962c]
4 1805 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1805 Letter Designations [1962e, 1962f]
4 1805 Periodic Comet Faye (1955 II = 1961c)
4 1805 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1805 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1962b)
4 1806 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1806 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1806 Ephemeris for Minor Planet 51 Nemausa
4 1806 Supernova in NGC 6835
4 1807 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1807 Comets Seki 1961f and Seki-Lines 1962c
4 1807 Ephemeris for Minor Planet 51 Nemausa
4 1808 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1808 Libration Clouds in the Earth-Moon System 
4 1808 New Eruption of Nova VY Aquarii
4 1808 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1959 and 1960
4 1809 Outbursts of Activity on Jupiter
4 1809 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1956 II = 1962e)
4 1809 Supernova in NGC 1073
4 1809 Temps Uniforme et Frequence Constante pour l'Annee 1963
4 1810 Periodic Comet Faye (1961c)
4 1810 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1960j)
4 1810 Periodic Comet Whipple (1962f)
4 1810 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1963
4 1811 Periodic Comet Oterma (1942 VII)
4 1811 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1851 II = 1950a)
4 1812 Comet Honda (1962d)
4 1812 Comet Ikeya (1963a)
4 1812 Periodic Comet Kopff 1906 IV
4 1812 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1961b)
4 1813 Comet Ikeya (1963a)  [C*1812]
4 1814 Comet Ikeya (1963a)
4 1815 Libration Clouds in the Earth-Moon System
4 1816 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1816 Evolution of Activity on Jupiter
4 1816 Libration Clouds in the Earth-Moon System (Geocentric opposition - ephemeris)
4 1816 Supernova [NGC 4146]
4 1817 Nova Dahlgren [Herculis 1963]
4 1818 Comet Ikeya (1963a)
4 1818 Comet Mrkos-Honda (1953 III)
4 1818 Nova Dahlgren [Herculis 1963]
4 1819 Periodic Comet Johnson (1949 II)
4 1819 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1949 VI)
4 1820 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1820 Comet Seki-Lines (1962c)
4 1820 Nova Herculis 1963 (Dahlgren)
4 1820 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1820 The Supernovae in NGC 1073 and NGC 4146
4 1821 Comet Ikeya (1963a)
4 1821 The Supernova Near NGC 1073
4 1822 Comet Ikeya (1963a)
4 1822 Comet Johnson (1949 II)
4 1823 Comet Alcock (1963b)
4 1824 Comet Alcock (1963b)
4 1824 Comet Ikeya (1963a)
4 1824 Determination of Definitive Orbits [1932m, 1949 VI, 1913 VI]
4 1824 Nova Herculis 1963
4 1825 Comet Alcock (1963b)
4 1825 Nova Herculis 1963
4 1826 Comet Alcock (1963b)
4 1826 Comet Ikeya (1963a)
4 1827 Phenomena of Iapetus, 1963 [Eclipse of Saturn]
4 1828 Second West Ford Experiment
4 1829 Comet Alcock (1963b)
4 1829 Nova Herculis 1963
4 1829 Periodic Comet Johnson (1949 II = 1963c)
4 1829 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1830 Supernova in NGC 4178
4 1831 Supernova in NGC 3913
4 1831 The Supernova in NGC 4178
4 1832 Observations of Comets [1963a, 1963b]
4 1832 The Supernova in NGC 4178
4 1833 Nova Herculis 1963
4 1833 Second West Ford Experiment
4 1834 Comet Alcock (1963b)
4 1834 Nova in Sagittarius
4 1834 Supernova in NGC 3656
4 1835 Comet Ikeya (1963a)
4 1835 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1950 VII)
4 1835 Periodic Comet Daniel (1909 IV)
4 1836 Comet Alcock (1963b)
4 1837 Comet Alcock (1963b)
4 1837 Comet Ikeya (1963a)
4 1837 The Supernova in NGC 3913
4 1838 Comet Burnham (1958 III)
4 1838 Periodic Comet Tempel-Swift
4 1839 Comet Alcock (1963b)
4 1839 Comet Kearns-Kwee (1963d)
4 1840 Comet Kearns-Kwee (1963d)
4 1841 Comet Observations  [1963b, 1963a]
4 1841 Comet Pereyra (1963e)
4 1842 Comet Pereyra (1963e)
4 1842 Supernova in NGC 5905
4 1843 Observations of Comets [1963a, 1963b, 1963e]
4 1843 Phenomena of Iapetus (Eclipse of Iapetus by Saturn)
4 1843 Supernova in NGC 1084
4 1844 Comet Pereyra (1963e)
4 1845 Comet Pereyra (1963e)
4 1845 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1851 II = 1963f)
4 1846 Fast-Moving Object [1963 UA = (2059)]
4 1846 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1950 VII = 1963g)
4 1846 Periodic Comet Encke (1961 I = 1963h)
4 1846 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1963d)
4 1847 Comet Pereyra (1963e)
4 1847 Lunar Phenomenon [unusual colors]
4 1848 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1848 Comet Pereyra (1963e)
4 1848 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1963g)
4 1849 Observations of Comets [1963d, 1963e]
4 1849 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV)
4 1849 Temps Uniforme et Frequence Constante pour L'Annee 1964
4 1850 Periodic Comet Johnson (1963c)
4 1850 Supernova (New Discovery) [anon 0116+008 (eq. 1855)]
4 1851 Ephemerides of Comets [1963f, 1909 IV, 1963g, 1855 II]
4 1851 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1858 II)
4 1851 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1964
4 1852 Periodic Comet Encke (1963h)
4 1852 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1853 Comet Alcock (1963b)
4 1853 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1955c)
4 1853 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1961
4 1854 Luminescence of the Lunar Surface Excited by Solar Flares
4 1854 Observations of Comets [1963a, 1961e, 1963b, 1962e, 1963e]
4 1854 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1963i)
4 1855 Comet Observations  [1963e, 1961e, 1963d]
4 1855 Minor Planet (1221) Amor
4 1856 Observations of Supernovae [NGC 1084, anon 0116+008 (eq. 1855)]
4 1856 Supernova in NGC 4887
4 1857 Nova Puppis 1963
4 1857 Periodic Comet Daniel (1909 IV = 1964a)
4 1857 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948 XII)
4 1857 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1963d)
4 1858 Determination of Definitive Orbits [1952d]
4 1858 Emission de Signaux Horaires Coordonnes 
4 1858 Minor Planet (1221) Amor
4 1858 Periodic Comet Holmes
4 1858 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1152+535] 
4 1859 Comets Alcock (1963b) and Pereyra (1963e)
4 1859 Minor Planet (1221) Amor
4 1859 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1963i)
4 1859 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1819 III = 1964b)
4 1859 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1860 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1963d)
4 1860 Possible Comet [Rosino]
4 1861 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1963i)
4 1862 Ephemeris for Minor Planet 51 Nemausa
4 1863 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1949 VI)
4 1864 Nova in Scorpius
4 1865 Comet Tomita-Gerber-Honda (1964c)
4 1866 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1866 Comet Pereyra (1963e)
4 1866 Comet Tomita-Gerber-Honda (1964c)
4 1866 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1948 XII = 1964d)
4 1866 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1963i)
4 1867 Comet Tomita-Gerber-Honda (1964c)
4 1867 Periodic Comet Encke (1964e)
4 1868 Supernova in NGC 4303
4 1869 Comet Humason (1961e)
4 1869 Comet Ikeya (1964f)
4 1869 Comet Tomita-Gerber-Honda (1964c)
4 1869 Comet Wirtanen (1947h)
4 1870 Comet Ikeya (1964f)
4 1870 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1924 IV = 1952 II)
4 1870 Supernova in NGC 7292
4 1871 Comet Ikeya (1964f)
4 1871 Comet Tomita-Gerber-Honda (1964c)
4 1871 Minor Planet 1948 OA (Object Wirtanen)
4 1871 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1963i)
4 1871 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1964g)
4 1872 Comet Everhart (1964h)
4 1872 Comet Ikeya (1964f)
4 1873 Comet Everhart (1964h)
4 1873 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV =1963i)
4 1873 The Supernova in NGC 4303
4 1874 Comet Everhart (1964h)
4 1874 Comet Tomita-Gerber-Honda (1964c)
4 1875 Comet Everhart (1964h)
4 1875 Object McLeish [(68)]
4 1875 VV Cephei
4 1876 Comet Ikeya (1964f)
4 1876 Nova Scorpii 1964
4 1876 Object McLeish [(68)]
4 1876 Periodic Comet Holmes (1964i)
4 1877 Comet Everhart (1964h)
4 1877 Comet Ikeya (1964f)
4 1877 Faint Supernova [anon 0031-104]
4 1877 Object McLeish [(68)]
4 1878 Comet Humason (1961e = 1962 VIII)
4 1878 Nova in Messier 31
4 1878 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1962
4 1879 Determination of Definitive Orbits [1963b, 1963e]
4 1879 Periodic Comet Biela
4 1879 Periodic Comet Neujmin 2
4 1880 Transfer of the Central Bureau
4 1881 Comet Everhart (1964h)
4 1881 Periodic Comet Kopff (1906 IV = 1963i)
4 1881 Standard Dates for Ephemerides 1965
4 1882 Comet Ikeya (1964f)
4 1882 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1929 I)
4 1882 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (1925 II)
4 1882 Supernova in NGC 3938
4 1883 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1949 VI)
4 1883 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1952 II = 1964g)
4 1884 Circumstellar Infrared Emission
4 1884 Outburst of Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann
4 1885 CPD-62 398
4 1885 Comet Everhart (1964h)
4 1885 Comet Tomita-Gerber-Honda (1964c)
4 1885 Resolution of IAU Commission 6
4 1885 Supernova in NGC 4410
4 1886 Comet Everhart (1964h)
4 1886 Comet Reinmuth 1 1929 I (1965a)
4 1886 North American Telegram Subscribers
4 1887 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1155+507]
4 1887 Supernova in NGC 4727
4 1888 Comet Bester (1965b)
4 1888 Comet Everhart (1964h)
4 1889 Comet Everhart (1964h)
4 1890 Close Approach of Geographos  [(1620)]
4 1890 Periodic Comet de Vico-Swift
4 1891 Comet Bester = 909 Ulla
4 1891 Fast-Moving Object Near Ulla [(1965 BA = (1727)]
4 1892 Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1965b)
4 1892 Comet Tsuchinshan 2 (1965c)
4 1892 Note
4 1892 Object Andrews [1965 BA = (1727)]
4 1892 Possible New Comets [1965b, 1965c]
4 1893 Note to Telegram Subscribers
4 1893 Supernova of 1006
4 1894 Supernova in NGC 2903
4 1895 Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1965b)
4 1895 Supernova in NGC 2903 = 573  Recha
4 1896 Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1965b)
4 1896 Object Andrews [1965 BA = (1727)] 
4 1897 Comets Tsuchinshan 1 (1965b) and Tsuchinshan 2 (1965c)
4 1898 Note to Telegram Subscribers: Extension of Code for Supernovae
4 1898 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck, 1954 IV
4 1898 Three New Supernovae [anon 1024+207, anon 1141+188, anon 1037-276]
4 1899 Andrews Object  [1965 BA = (1727) Mette]
4 1899 Close-Approach Ephemerides  [(1620), 1948 EA = (1863)]
4 1899 Telegram Subscribers Served by Meudon
4 1900 Comets Tsuchinshan 1 (1965b) and 2 (1965c)
4 1900 Object Andrews [1965 BA = (1727)]
4 1900 Recurrent Nova RS OPH
4 1901 Object Andrews [1965 BA = (1727)]
4 1901 Supernova in Anonymous Spiral [anon 0947+346]
4 1902 1948 EA  [(1863) Antinous]
4 1902 Comets Tsuchinshan 1 (1965b) and 2 (1965c)
4 1902 Eruptive Variable Near M88
4 1903 (1620) Geographos
4 1903 Object Andrews [1965 BA = (1727)]
4 1903 Spectrographic Observations of the Nova RS OPH
4 1904 1948 EA  [(1863)]
4 1904 Observations from Heidelberg-Konigstuhl [1964g, 1965 BA = (1727)]
4 1904 Supernova in NGC 4162
4 1905 Two New Supernovae [anon 1608+192, anon 0947+346]
4 1906 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1954 IV = 1965d)
4 1907 1948 EA  [(1863)]
4 1907 Comet Tempel-Tuttle (1866 I)
4 1907 Possible Comet Van Biesbroeck (1965d)
4 1908 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1954 IV = 1965d)
4 1908 Supernova in NGC 4666
4 1909 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1965d)
4 1910 Ephemeris of 1566 Icarus
4 1910 Ephemeris of 1948 EA [(1863)]
4 1910 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1965d)
4 1911 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1965d)
4 1911 Periodic Comet de Vico-Swift
4 1912 Nova Near NGC 4753
4 1913 Comet Tempel-Tuttle (1866 I)
4 1914 Periodic Comet de Vico-Swift (1965e)
4 1914 Supernova Near NGC 4753
4 1915 Periodic Comet de Vico-Swift (1965e)
4 1916 Activity in H-alpha Emission Object
4 1916 Comets Tsuchinshan 1 and 2 (1965b and 1965c)
4 1917 Emission Object MH-alpha 328-116 in Cygnus
4 1918 Fast-Moving Minor Planet in High Declination [1963 RH]
4 1918 Light Curve of Emission Object MH-alpha 328-116
4 1919 Comet Humason (1961e = 1962 VIII)
4 1919 Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, 1925 II [P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1]
4 1920 Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1900 III = 1913 V)
4 1920 Periodic Comet de Vico-Swift (1965e)
4 1921 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1921 Numbering of Circulars
4 1922 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1923 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1923 Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1965g)
4 1923 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1924 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1924 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1925 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1925 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1926 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1926 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1926 Periodic Comet Tempel-Tuttle (1965i)
4 1927 Emission Object MH-alpha 328-116
4 1927 Periodic Comet du Toit 2 (1965 II)
4 1928 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1929 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1930 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1930 Perihelion Passage of Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1930 Supernova in NGC 3631
4 1931 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1931 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1931 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0221+308]
4 1932 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1933 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1934 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1934 Supernova in NGC 7606 
4 1935 Recent Changes in the Spectrum of Boss 5481
4 1935 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1963
4 1935 Stars of Large Proper Motion [1757+827, 1818+686]
4 1936 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1936 Periodic Comet Tempel-Tuttle (1965i)
4 1937 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1938 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1965a)
4 1939 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1939 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1939 Standard Dates for Ephemerides in 1966
4 1940 Possible Comet Klemola (1965j)
4 1941 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1941 Leonid Meteors
4 1941 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1965d)
4 1942 Periodic Comet Klemola (1965j)
4 1942 Price of Circulars outside North America
4 1943 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1943 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1943 Periodic Comet Klemola (1965j)
4 1944 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1945 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1
4 1946 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1946 Emission Object MH-alpha 328-116
4 1946 Periodic Comet Klemola (1965j)
4 1947 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1947 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1947 Low Luminosity Star [LP 9-231]
4 1947 Periodic Comet Klemola (1965j)
4 1948 Comet Alcock (1965h)
4 1948 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1948 Lowest Luminosity Star LP 9-231
4 1948 Periodic Comet Klemola (1965j)
4 1949 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1949 Supernova in an Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0912+470]
4 1950 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1
4 1950 Supernova Near NGC 4688
4 1951 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1951 Unusual Flare Activity of YZ CMi
4 1952 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f)
4 1952 Lost Minor Planets [(1020), (1265)]
4 1952 YZ Canis Minoris
4 1953 Nova Herculis 1963
4 1953 Periodic Comet Tuttle
4 1954 Periodic Comet du Toit 2 (1945 II)
4 1954 Possible O-Subdwarf Eclipsing Binary [HD 128220]
4 1955 Four Low-Luminosity Stars [LP 13-269, LP 16-36, LP 34-101, LP 5-180]
4 1955 Periodic Comet Brooks 2
4 1955 Possible Eclipsing Binary HD 128220
4 1955 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1964
4 1956 Periodic Comet Brooks 2
4 1956 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1966a)
4 1957 (1566) Icarus
4 1958 1966 Ephemeris of (1566) Icarus
4 1959 Ephemerides of Lost Minor Planets [(1316), (1414)]
4 1959 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1966a)
4 1960 Extension of Telegram Code for Supernovae
4 1960 Star of Large Proper Motion [LP 31-60]
4 1960 Supernova in NGC 4189
4 1961 Quasi-Stellar Source 3C 446
4 1962 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4 1962 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 1963 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4 1963 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1965g)
4 1963 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1966a)
4 1964 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 1964 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1965d)
4 1965 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 1965 Periodic Comet Arend
4 1966 Comet Barbon (1966c)
4 1966 Supernova in NGC 521
4 1967 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 1968 Comet Barbon (1966c)
4 1968 Nova Persei 1901
4 1969 Comet Barbon (1966c)
4 1969 Nova GK Persei 1901
4 1969 Z Andromedae
4 1970 Comet Barbon (1966c)
4 1971 Comet Ikeya-Everhart (1966d)
4 1971 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 1972 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 1973 Comet Ikeya-Everhart (1966d)
4 1973 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 1973 Periodic Comet van Houten (1961 X)
4 1974 Comet Ikeya-Everhart (1966d)
4 1975 Comet Barbon (1966c)
4 1976 Comet Barbon (1966c)
4 1976 Comet Ikeya-Everhart (1966d)
4 1976 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 1976 Comet Rudnicki (1966e)
4 1977 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 1978 Comet Rudnicki (1966e)
4 1978 Supernova in Faint Galaxy [anon 0434-031]
4 1979 Comet Barbon (1966c)
4 1979 Periodic Comet Tempel-Tuttle (1965i)
4 1980 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1965d)
4 1980 Standard Dates for Ephemerides in 1967
4 1980 X-Ray Source SCO X-1
4 1981 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 1981 Comet Rudnicki (1966e)
4 1981 Leonid Meteors 1966
4 1982 Catalogue of Nebulae
4 1982 Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4 1983 Comet Rudnicki (1966e)
4 1983 Notice Regarding Precise Positions of Comets
4 1983 T Pyxidis
4 1983 The Mass of Vesta
4 1984 Comet Barbon (1966c)
4 1984 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 1985 A Lunar-Orbit Component in the Zodiacal Band
4 1986 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1966f)
4 1986 Supernova in NGC 3198
4 1986 T Pyxidis
4 1987 Comet Rudnicki (1966e)
4 1987 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1965d)
4 1987 Probable New Satellite of Saturn
4 1988 Periodic Comet Tuttle
4 1989 Periodic Comet Tempel 1
4 1989 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1965
4 1990 Comet Barbon (1966c)
4 1990 Periodic Comet Finlay
4 1991 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1967a)
4 1991 Possible New Satellite of Saturn
4 1992 Comet Barbon (1966c)
4 1992 Supernova in Double Galaxy [anon 1116+041]
4 1992 Supernova in NGC 3198
4 1993 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 1993 Comet Pereyra (1963 V)
4 1993 Comet Rudnicki (1966e)
4 1993 T Pyxidis
4 1994 Comet Ikeya-Everhart (1966d)
4 1994 Comet Rudnicki (1966e)
4 1995 Definitive Orbits of Comets [1966b, 1966c, 1966d, 1966e]
4 1995 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1967a)
4 1995 Saturn X (Janus)
4 1996 BD +26 870
4 1996 Comet Seki (1967b)
4 1996 Possible Meteors from Comet Rudnicki (1966e)
4 1996 Strong Variability of NGC 2313
4 1997 Comet Seki (1967b)
4 1997 Comet Wild (1967c)
4 1998 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 1998 Comet Rudnicki (1966e)
4 1998 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1967d)
4 1999 Comet Seki (1967b)
4 1999 Comet Wild (1967c)
4 2000 Comet Wild (1967c)
4 2000 Optical Variation in the Quasar 3C 345
4 2000 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1967a)
4 2001 BD +26 870
4 2001 Comet Rudnicki (1966e)
4 2001 Comet Seki (1967b)
4 2001 Supernova in NGC 3389
4 2002 BD +26 870
4 2002 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1967a)
4 2002 Supernova in NGC 3389
4 2003 Comet Wild (1967c)
4 2003 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2
4 2004 Comet Wild (1967c)
4 2004 Supernova in NGC 3389 
4 2005 Increase in International Postal Rates
4 2005 Periodic Comet Forbes
4 2006 Comet Wild (1967c)
4 2006 Periodic Comet Brorsen
4 2006 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1967a)
4 2007 Comet Seki (1967b)
4 2007 Ephemerides for Lost Minor Planets [(1038), (1161), (1297)]
4 2008 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1967d)
4 2009 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 2009 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1967a)
4 2009 Periodic Comet Wolf
4 2010 Comet Kilston (1966b)
4 2011 Comet Wild (1967c)
4 2011 Periodic Comet Swift 2 (1895 II)
4 2011 Very Blue Star [1114+296]
4 2012 Periodic Comet Harrington
4 2013 Comet Anderson (1963 IX)
4 2013 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1965d)
4 2014 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2015 Comet Wild (1967c)
4 2015 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1966a)
4 2015 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2
4 2016 Periodic Comet Arend
4 2017 Periodic Comet Klemola (1965 VI)
4 2017 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1967e)
4 2018 Periodic Comet Swift 2 (1895 II)
4 2018 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1967a)
4 2018 Spectral Changes in MH-alpha 328-116
4 2019 Periodic Comet Wirtanen
4 2020 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1967d)
4 2020 Spectrum Changes in CH Cygni
4 2021 Comet Mitchell-Jones-Gerber (1967f)
4 2021 Supernovae [NGC 4254, Faint Sb]
4 2022 Comet Mitchell-Jones-Gerber (1967f)
4 2022 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2023 Comet Wild (1967c)
4 2023 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1966a)
4 2024 Comet Mitchell-Jones-Gerber (1967f)
4 2024 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2024 Possible Nova or Supernova [anon 1818+245]
4 2025 Comet Mitchell-Jones Gerber (1967f)
4 2025 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2025 Periodic Comet Brooks 2
4 2026 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2026 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1967d)
4 2027 CH Cygni
4 2027 Comet Mitchell-Jones-Gerber (1967f)
4 2028 Periodic Comet Finlay (1967g)
4 2029 MH-alpha 328-116
4 2029 Periodic Comet Encke (1967h)
4 2029 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1966f)
4 2029 Periodic Comet Schaumasse
4 2030 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2030 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1967i)
4 2031 Comet Mitchell-Jones-Gerber (1967f)
4 2031 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4 2031 Periodic Comet Finlay (1967g)
4 2032 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2032 Periodic Comet Encke (1967h)
4 2033 Comet Mitchell-Jones-Gerber (1967f)
4 2033 Comet Wild (1967c)
4 2033 Periodic Comet Finlay (1967g)
4 2033 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1967d)
4 2034 Comet Mitchell-Jones-Gerber (1967f)
4 2034 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2035 Comet Mitchell-Jones-Gerber (1967f)
4 2035 Optical Identification of Centaurus XR-2
4 2036 Comet Mitchell-Jones-Gerber (1967f)
4 2036 Moving Object Near Saturn [1967 RA, 1736]
4 2036 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2036 Periodic Comet Schaumasse
4 2037 Nova GK Persei 1901
4 2037 Omission on IAUC 2036 [Name omitted]
4 2037 Recoveries of Periodic Comets [P/Wolf, P/Wirtanen, P/Arend, P/Borrelly, 1967j, 1967k, 1967l, 1967m]
4 2038 Comet Mitchell-Jones-Gerber (1967f)
4 2038 Increase in Subscription Rates
4 2038 Periodic Comet Encke (1967h)
4 2038 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1967d)
4 2039 (1566) Icarus
4 2039 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2040 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1967i)
4 2040 RS Ophiuchi
4 2040 Standard Dates for Ephemerides in 1968
4 2041 Catalogue of Original and Future Orbits of Comets
4 2041 Comet Mitchell-Jones-Gerber (1967f)
4 2041 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1967k)
4 2041 RS Ophiuchi
4 2041 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0108+330]
4 2042 Periodic Comet Schaumasse
4 2043 Comet Humason (1962 VIII)
4 2043 Comet Wirtanen (1957)
4 2043 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2043 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1967e)
4 2043 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1967d)
4 2043 RS Ophiuchi
4 2044 Comet Alcock (1963 III)
4 2044 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2044 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1967k)
4 2045 (1685) Toro
4 2045 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2046 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2046 Editorial Notice
4 2046 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1966
4 2047 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2047 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2047 Object Cesco-Samuel [1968 AA, 1917]
4 2047 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
4 2048 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2048 Request for Optical Data on SCO X-1
4 2049 Comet Arend-Roland (1957 III)
4 2049 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2049 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1967i)
4 2050 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2050 Request for Observations of (197) Arete
4 2051 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2051 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2051 Supernova in NGC 1275
4 2052 Comet Alcock (1965 IX)
4 2052 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2052 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1967e)
4 2052 RS Ophiuchi
4 2053 1968 AA (Object Cesco-Samuel)
4 2054 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2055 Occultation of BD -17 4388 by Neptune on 1968 April 7
4 2056 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2056 Occultation of BD -17 4388 by Neptune on 1968 April 7
4 2056 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1967k)
4 2056 Supernova in NGC 4874
4 2057 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2057 Supernova in NGC 6946
4 2058 1968 AA  [(1917) Cuyo]
4 2058 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1967e)
4 2058 Supernovae [anon 1058+270, NGC 4335]
4 2059 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2060 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1967i)
4 2060 Pulsating Radio Source 1 [1919+218, designated CP 1919 on I2070]
4 2061 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2061 Pulsating Radio Source 1 [1919+218, designated CP 1919 on I2070]
4 2061 Supernova in NGC 2713
4 2062 Periodic Comet Faye
4 2063 Occultation of BD -17 4388 by Neptune on 1968 April 7
4 2063 Periodic Comet Forbes
4 2063 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
4 2064 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos
4 2064 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1967i)
4 2064 Pulsating Radio Sources [0834+063, 0950+081, 1134+162]
4 2065 (1566) Icarus
4 2066 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2066 Nova Vulpeculae 1968 
4 2066 Pulsating Radio Source 1 [1919+218, designated CP 1919 on I2070]
4 2067 Nova Vulpeculae 1968
4 2067 Occultation of BD -17 4388 by Neptune
4 2067 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1967i)
4 2068 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2068 Nova Vulpeculae 1968
4 2068 Occultation of BD -17 4388 by Neptune
4 2069 Nova Vulpeculae 1968  [C*2068]
4 2069 Star of Highest Space Motion [LP 93-21]
4 2070 CP 1919 (Pulsating Radio Source 1)
4 2070 Further Request for Optical Data on SCO X-1
4 2070 Nova Vulpeculae 1968
4 2070 Supernovae [NGC 4981, anon 1256+274, anon 0813+206]
4 2071 Comet Tago-Honda-Yamamoto (1968a)
4 2071 Proper Motion of Pulsed Radio Source [0950+082]
4 2072 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2072 Comet Tago-Honda-Yamamoto (1968a)
4 2072 Improved Periods for Pulsed Radio Sources [CP.0950, CP.1133, CP.1919
4 2072 Supernovae [Cancer, Coma, NGC 6946, NGC 3834]
4 2073 Comet Tago-Honda-Yamamoto (1968a)
4 2073 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1967i)
4 2074 1968 AA
4 2074 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2074 Comet Tago-Honda-Yamamoto (1968a)
4 2074 RS Ophiuchi
4 2075 Comet Tago-Honda-Yamamoto (1968a)
4 2075 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1404+534]
4 2076 Comet Tago-Honda-Yamamoto (1968a)
4 2077 (1566) Icarus
4 2077 Comet Tago-Honda-Yamamoto (1968a)
4 2078 (1566) Icarus
4 2078 Comet Whitaker-Thomas (1968b)
4 2079 Comet Whitaker-Thomas (1968b)
4 2079 Novae [Nova Del=1967 and Nova Vul=1968]
4 2080 (1566) Icarus
4 2080 Comet Tago-Honda-Yamamoto (1968a)
4 2080 SCO X-1
4 2081 Comet Whitaker-Thomas (1968b)
4 2081 Report on Probable Nova [anon 2308+367]
4 2082 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2082 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2083 (1566) Icarus
4 2083 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2083 Ephemerides for Lost Minor Planets [(1297), (1161)]
4 2083 Periodic Comet Comas Sola
4 2084 Comet Whitaker-Thomas (1968b)
4 2084 New Pulsar [HP 1506]
4 2085 (1221) Amor
4 2085 Supernova in M 83
4 2086 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2086 Comet Whitaker-Thomas (1968b)
4 2086 Occultation of BD -17 4388 by Neptune
4 2086 Supernovae [anon 2318+150, anon 0023+298]
4 2087 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2088 (1566) Icarus
4 2088 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2088 Two New Pulsars [CP 0808, CP 0328]
4 2089 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2089 Comet Whitaker-Thomas (1968b)
4 2089 Emission-Line Object 
4 2089 WZ Sagittae
4 2090 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2090 Red Variable in Lupus
4 2090 WZ Sagittae
4 2091 CP 0834
4 2091 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2092 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2092 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2092 Occulation of Radio Source by Jupiter
4 2092 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0022+290]
4 2093 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2093 Lost Minor Planets [(1297), (1161)]
4 2093 New Pulsar [2016+285]
4 2094 (1566) Icarus
4 2094 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2094 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2094 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2094 Comet Whitaker-Thomas (1968b)
4 2095 Blue Star in Field of CP 19  [1920+218]
4 2095 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2095 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2095 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2095 Nova Delphini 1967
4 2096 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2096 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2096 On the Identification of Cen XR-2 as WX Cen
4 2097 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2097 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2098 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2098 Comet Whitaker-Thomas (1968b)
4 2099 (1566) Icarus
4 2099 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2100 (1580) Betulia
4 2100 New Pulsar [AP 0823+26]
4 2101 (1566) Icarus 
4 2101 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2101 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2101 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2102 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell
4 2103 (1566) Icarus
4 2103 Comet Kilston (1966 V)
4 2103 Standard Dates for Ephemerides in 1969
4 2104 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2104 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2105 (1566) Icarus
4 2105 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2106 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2106 Comet Wild (1968f)
4 2106 Possible Nova in Vulpecula
4 2107 (1566) Icarus
4 2107 JP 1933+16 (new pulsar)
4 2107 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 2142+028]
4 2108 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2108 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2108 Possible Nova in Vulpecula
4 2108 WY Geminorum
4 2109 Comet Wild (1968f)
4 2109 Nova Vulpeculae 1968 No. 2
4 2109 Periodic Comet Comas Sola
4 2109 Supernova in NGC 4183
4 2110 Comet Wild (1968f)
4 2110 Nova Vulpeculae 1968 No. 2
4 2110 Pulsating Radio Sources Near Crab Nebula
4 2110 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxies [anon 2335+266, anon 1625+414]
4 2111 Comet Wild (1968f)
4 2111 Nova Vulpeculae 1968 No. 2
4 2111 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1969g)
4 2111 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1968h)
4 2112 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2112 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2113 Comet Wild (1968f)
4 2113 Pulsar NP 0532 Near Crab Nebula
4 2113 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1619+402]
4 2114 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2114 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2114 NP 0532
4 2114 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2115 BL Telescopii
4 2115 Nova Vulpeculae 1968 No. 2
4 2115 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1968i)
4 2115 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1968h)
4 2116 (1566) Icarus
4 2116 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2116 Supernova in NGC 4939
4 2117 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1967i)
4 2118 (1566) Icarus
4 2118 An Extremely Red Star  [0724-197]
4 2118 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2118 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2118 Comet Wild (1968f)
4 2119 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1968h)
4 2120 Nova Vulpeculae 1968 No. 2
4 2120 PSR 2218+47
4 2120 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson
4 2120 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1968h)
4 2120 Unusual White Dwarf? [CPD -42 8912]
4 2121 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2121 Comet Wild (1968f)
4 2121 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 
4 2122 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2122 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2122 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1968h)
4 2123 New Pulsar PP 0943
4 2123 Pulsar NP 0527 Near Crab Nebula
4 2124 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2124 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2124 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2124 NP 0527
4 2125 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2125 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1968h)
4 2126 1953 EA  [(1915) Quetzalcoatl]
4 2126 3C 454.3
4 2126 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2126 Nova Vulpeculae 1968 No. 2
4 2126 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy
4 2127 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2128 CD -42 14462 = CPD -42 8912
4 2128 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2128 Optical Observation of NP 0532
4 2128 PSR 0904+77
4 2128 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1967
4 2129 NP 0532 and the Crab Nebula
4 2130 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2130 Observations of Comets [1968a, 1968b, 1968d]
4 2130 Rapid Optical Pulsations in Vicinity of Crab Nebula
4 2130 Unusual Emission Object [HD 158503(B8) = GC 23730]
4 2131 (1685) Toro
4 2131 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2131 Periodic Comet Johnson
4 2131 Supernova in NGC 3556
4 2132 Jupiter IX and XII
4 2132 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1968h)
4 2133 (1566) Icarus
4 2133 Periodic Comet Faye
4 2134 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2134 Supernovae [NGC 3811, NGC 3556]
4 2135 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2135 Pulsars [NP 0532, PSR 1642-03, AP 1541+09]
4 2136 1953 EA
4 2136 RZ Ophiuchi
4 2136 Z Chamaeleontis
4 2137 (1566) Icarus
4 2137 (1620) Geographos
4 2137 AP 1237+25
4 2137 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2137 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2138 Periodic Comet Slaughter-Burnham (1958 VI)
4 2139 (1620) Geographos
4 2139 HR Delphini (Nova Delphini 1967)
4 2139 Supernova in NGC 4526
4 2140 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2140 Perioc Comet Ashbrook-Jackson 
4 2140 Period Change of Pulsar 0833-45 in Vela
4 2140 Unusual Maximum of DW Geminorum
4 2141 (1620) Geographos
4 2141 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2141 DW Geminorum
4 2141 X-Ray Observation of NP 0532
4 2142 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1967 XI)
4 2142 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1317-169]
4 2142 X-Ray Observation of NP 0532
4 2143 ( 457) Alleghenia
4 2143 A Probable Binary Involving a New Wolf-Rayet Star  [HR 6392 A, B]
4 2143 Comet Honda (1968e)
4 2143 Observation of NP 0532 in 1967
4 2143 V422 Centauri
4 2144 Periodic Comet Whipple
4 2144 Supernova in IC 694
4 2145 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2145 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
4 2145 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos (1968h)
4 2145 Supernova in IC 694
4 2146 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2147 (1620) Geographos
4 2148 Cloud Formation on Mars
4 2148 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2148 Plate Constants for A.C. Zones +40 to +90
4 2149 (1566) Icarus
4 2149 Comet Bally-Clayton (1968d)
4 2149 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1968g)
4 2150 Another High Exciting Wolf-Rayet Star  [1600-355]
4 2150 Trail of Fast-Moving Asteroid? [1604-217]
4 2151 ( 887) Alinda
4 2151 Comet Whitaker-Thomas (1968b)
4 2152 1948 SB  [(1579) Herrick]
4 2152 Cloud Formation on Mars
4 2152 Nova Vulpeculae 1968 No. 2
4 2153 Major Variation on the Surface of Mars
4 2153 Suspected Supernova in NGC 4472
4 2154 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2154 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2154 Mars
4 2154 Nova Vulpeculae 1968 No. 1
4 2155 3C 454.3
4 2155 Occultations of PSR 1749-28 by the Moon
4 2155 Periodic Comet Tempel-Swift
4 2155 Supernova in NGC 4725
4 2156 ( 903) Nealley
4 2156 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2156 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2157 An Apparently New X-Ray Source  [1456-322]
4 2157 Comet Wild (1968f)
4 2157 Periodic Comet Whipple (1969c)
4 2158 (1620) Geographos
4 2158 Comet Honda (1968c)
4 2158 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2158 Comet Tago-Honda-Yamamoto (1968a)
4 2158 R Coronae Borealis
4 2159 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2159 Request for Observations of Jupiter's Satellites
4 2160 Comet Seki-Lines (1962 III)
4 2160 Observation of Lunar Retroreflector Array
4 2161 Comet Burnham (1960 II)
4 2161 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2161 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2162 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2162 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2162 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1969e)
4 2163 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2163 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2164 Lunar Retroreflector Array
4 2164 NP 0532
4 2164 Periodic Comet Tempel-Swift
4 2165 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2165 Delta Sagittae
4 2165 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2166 (1620) Geographos
4 2166 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2166 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1968e)
4 2166 Periodic Comet Whipple (1969c)
4 2167 Comets Honda (1968c and 1968e)
4 2167 Periodic Comet Slaughter-Burnham (1969f)
4 2168 (1620) Geographos
4 2168 19 Tauri
4 2168 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2169 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2170 BL Lacertae = VRO 42.22.01
4 2170 Comet Thomas (1968j)
4 2170 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1969e)
4 2170 Periodic Comet Slaughter-Burnham
4 2171 (1620) Geographos
4 2171 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2172 (1620) Geographos
4 2172 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2172 Possible Identification of New X-Ray Source [1456-322]
4 2173 ( 887) Alinda
4 2173 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1968g)
4 2173 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1969e)
4 2174 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2174 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2174 Emission Object HBV 475
4 2174 Standard Dates for Ephemerides in 1970
4 2174 X-Ray Source 
4 2175 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2175 Minor Planets [1969 UT, 1969 ET]
4 2176 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2176 HBV 475
4 2177 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2178 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2178 Quasi-Sinusoidal Components in Arrival Time of Pulsar NP 0532
4 2179 Apparent Change in Frequency of NP 0532
4 2179 Comet Curjumov-Gerasimenko (1969h) [Periodic; Churyumov]
4 2179 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2179 IAUC 2174-2175
4 2179 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1969e)
4 2180 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2180 Identification of X-Ray Source?
4 2181 Bright Spot on Saturn
4 2181 Comet Curjumov-Gerasimenko (1969h) [Periodic; Churyumov]
4 2181 NP 0532
4 2181 Periodic Comet Tempel-Swift
4 2182 HBV 475
4 2182 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2183 Bright Spot on Saturn
4 2183 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2183 Periodic Comet Kopff
4 2184 Comet Curjumov-Gerasimenko (1969h) [Periodic; Churyumov]
4 2184 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2184 Periodic Comet Slaughter-Burnham (1969f)
4 2185 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke
4 2185 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2186 19 Tauri
4 2186 Comet Tago-Sato_Kosaka (1969g)
4 2186 Periodic Comet Curjumov-Gerasimenko (1969h) [Churyumov]
4 2187 Changes in the Telegraphic Code
4 2187 Periodic Comet Curjumov-Gerasimenko (1969h) [Churyumov]
4 2188 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2188 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1969g)
4 2189 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2190 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2190 Periodic Comet Slaughter-Burnham (1969f)
4 2191 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2191 Periodic Comet d'Arrest
4 2192 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1967n)
4 2192 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2193 (1620) Geographos
4 2193 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson
4 2194 Apollo 12
4 2194 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1969e)
4 2194 Supernova in NGC 1058
4 2195 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2195 Further Observations of Comets [1969d, 1969e]
4 2195 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1968g)
4 2195 Periodic Comet Curjumov-Gerasimenko (1969h) [Churyumov]
4 2195 Probable Nova in M 33
4 2195 Strong Millimeter Wave Outburst from NGC 1275
4 2195 Supernova in NGC 1058
4 2196 A Fourth Periodicity in MP 0031
4 2196 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2196 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2196 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1968
4 2196 Supernova in NGC 1058
4 2197 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2197 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2198 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2198 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2199 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2199 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2199 Possible Occultation of a Radio Source by Mars
4 2200 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2200 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2201 (1566) Icarus
4 2201 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2201 Periodic Comet Curjumov-Gerasimenko (1969h)
4 2201 Periods of Four Southern Pulsars [MP 0031, MP 0736, PSR 0628-28, PSR 1451-68]
4 2202 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2202 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2202 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2203 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2203 Comet Daido-Fujikawa (1970a)
4 2203 Radio Frequencies for N14 O16
4 2204 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2204 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2205 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2205 Comet Daido-Fujikawa (1970a)
4 2206 Comet Daido-Fujikawa (1970a)
4 2206 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1970b)
4 2207 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2208 (1566) Icarus  [C*2201]
4 2208 Comet Bennett (1969i)  [C*2203]
4 2208 Comet Daido-Fujikawa (1970a)
4 2208 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2209 Periodic Comet Curjumov-Gerasimenko
4 2209 Report on the 2.7-Meter Reflector
4 2210 (1620) Geographos
4 2210 Comet Daido-Fujikawa (1970a)
4 2210 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2211 Jupiter IX and XII
4 2211 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1969e)
4 2212 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2212 Nova [Serpentis 1970]
4 2212 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1968g)
4 2213 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2213 Periodic Comet Kopff (1970c)
4 2214 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2214 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2214 Nova Serpentis 1970
4 2214 Supernova in IC 3476
4 2215 Comet Daido-Fujikawa (1970a)
4 2215 Comet Fujikawa (1969d)
4 2215 Nova Serpentis 1970
4 2215 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2216 Comet Daido-Fujikawa (1970a)
4 2216 Nova Serpentis 1970
4 2217 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2217 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2218 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2218 Nova Serpentis 1970
4 2219 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2220 Nova Serpentis 1970
4 2220 Periodic Comet Whipple (1969c)
4 2220 Rapidly Moving Asteroid [1970 BA, 1876]
4 2221 AGK2-AGK3
4 2221 Transit of Mercury
4 2222 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1941 VII)
4 2223 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2223 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2223 Periodic Comet Kopff (1970c)
4 2224 An Appeal to Report Fast Moving Objects
4 2224 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2224 Periodic Comet Curjumov-Gerasimenko (1969h)
4 2225 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2225 Nova Serpentis 1970
4 2225 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2226 ( 887) Alinda
4 2226 (1620) Geographos
4 2226 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2226 Supernovae [IC 3476, anon 1050+144]
4 2227 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1968g)
4 2227 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1970d)
4 2228 ( 887) Alinda
4 2228 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2229 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2229 Supernova in IC 3476
4 2230 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2230 Nova Serpentis 1970
4 2231 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2231 Interstellar Carbon Monoxide
4 2232 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2233 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2233 Nova Aquilae 1970
4 2233 Object Kowal [1970 BA, 1876]
4 2234 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2235 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2235 Nova Aquilae 1970
4 2235 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1968g)
4 2236 Observations of Comets [1968 V, 1968 VI]
4 2236 Periodic Comet Johnson
4 2236 Second Object Kowal [1970 BD]
4 2237 (1620) Geographos
4 2237 Nova Aquilae 1970
4 2237 Periodic Comet Curjumov-Gerasimenko (1969h)
4 2238 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2238 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2239 Nova Aquilae 1970
4 2240 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2240 Periodic Comet Jackson-Neujmin (1936 IV)
4 2241 Nova Aquilae 1970
4 2241 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1970e)
4 2242 BD +0 2902
4 2242 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2242 Interstellar Carbon Monoxide  [C*2231]
4 2242 Nova Aquilae 1970  [C*2235]
4 2243 Nova Aquilae 1970
4 2243 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1968g)
4 2244 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1970e)
4 2244 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2245 Nova Serpentis 1970
4 2246 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2246 Comet White-Ortiz-Bolelli (1970f)
4 2247 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2248 Comet White-Ortiz-Bolelli (1970f)
4 2248 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux
4 2249 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2249 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2249 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1970d)
4 2250 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2250 Comet White-Ortiz-Bolelli (1970f)
4 2250 Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen
4 2251 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2251 Comet White-Ortiz-Bolelli (1970f)
4 2251 Lunar Occultations of Infrared Objects [IRC +10216, +10011]
4 2251 Nova Cygni 1970
4 2251 Radio Emission from HCN
4 2252 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2252 Nova Cygni 1970
4 2253 Comet White-Ortiz-Bolelli (1970f)
4 2253 Periodic Comet Slaughter-Burnham (1969f)
4 2254 Nova Cygni 1970
4 2254 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1970d)
4 2255 1968 AA
4 2255 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2256 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2256 Periodic Comet Gale
4 2257 Nova Cygni 1970
4 2257 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington
4 2257 VY Canis Majoris
4 2258 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2259 Comet White-Ortiz-Bolelli (1970f)
4 2259 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1970e)
4 2259 Periodic Comet Kopff (1970c)
4 2259 Periodic Comet Neujmin 2
4 2260 1968 AA
4 2260 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2260 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1970d)
4 2261 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2261 Comet White-Ortiz-Bolelli (1970f)
4 2261 Notice Regarding Precise Positions of Comets
4 2262 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2262 Nova Cygni 1970
4 2262 Periodic Comet Johnson (1970h)
4 2263 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2263 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2264 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2264 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1968g)
4 2264 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1970i)
4 2265 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2265 Second Discontinuity in Period of Crab Pulsar
4 2266 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2266 The Earth's Shadow and Debris from Comet Encke
4 2267 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2267 New Eruptive Variable [1346-309]
4 2267 Omicron Ceti
4 2267 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1970d)
4 2268 Comet White-Ortiz-Bolelli (1970f)
4 2268 Radio Emission from Interstellar Cyanoacetylene
4 2268 The Mass of Ceres
4 2269 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2269 Nova Scuti 1970
4 2269 Omicron Ceti
4 2269 Period of the Crab Pulsar
4 2269 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1970j)
4 2269 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1970i)
4 2269 Supernova in Messier 101
4 2270 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2270 Nova Scuti 1970
4 2271 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2271 Supernova in M101
4 2272 CH Cygni
4 2272 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2272 Nova Scuti 1970
4 2272 Periodic Comet Faye (1969a)
4 2273 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2273 SAOC 160077
4 2274 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2274 Nova Scuti 1970
4 2275 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2275 Notes from the IAU General Assembly
4 2275 Peridic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1970e)
4 2275 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1970j)
4 2275 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 2220+358]
4 2275 Transit of Pluto across Two Galaxies
4 2276 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2276 Periodic Comet Kopff (1970c)
4 2277 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2277 Comet White-Ortiz-Bolelli (1970f)
4 2277 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1967 VIII)
4 2277 Periodic Comet Jackson-Neujmin (1970k)
4 2278 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2278 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2278 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1970b)
4 2279 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2279 Occultation of Beta Scorpii by Jupiter
4 2279 Supernova in NGC 1533
4 2279 Supernova in NGC 7619
4 2280 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2280 Periodic Comet Encke (1970l)
4 2280 Standard Dates for Ephemerides and Osculating Elements
4 2281 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2281 Nova Scuti 1970
4 2282 Nova GK Persei 1901
4 2282 Periodic Comet Jackson-Neujmin (1970k)
4 2282 Supernova in M101
4 2283 Comet Suzuki-Sato-Seki (1970m)
4 2283 Periodic Comet Whipple (1969c)
4 2283 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1970d)
4 2284 Comet Suzuki-Sato-Seki (1970m)
4 2285 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2285 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2285 Comet Suzuki-Sato-Seki (1970m)
4 2285 Occultation of Pallas by the Moon
4 2285 Periodic Comet Encke (1970l)
4 2286 BD +19 2254
4 2286 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2286 Interstellar Formic Acid
4 2287 Comet Suzuki-Sato-Seki (1970m)
4 2287 PSR 2020+29
4 2287 Supernova on NGC 2968-2970 Bridge
4 2288 Comet Suzuki-Sato-Seki (1970m)
4 2288 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2288 Observations of Minor Planets [(887), (1620)]
4 2289 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2289 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2289 Nova GK Persei 1901
4 2290 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2290 Comet Churyumov (1970n)
4 2290 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2290 Periodic Comet Encke (1970l)
4 2290 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1970o)
4 2290 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1046+143]
4 2291 Periodic Comet Vaisala 1
4 2291 White Dwarf Variable [R 548]
4 2292 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2292 Comet Suzuki-Sato-Seki (1970m)
4 2292 Supernova in M101
4 2293 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2293 Suppressed Digits in the Telegraphic Code
4 2294 Comet Gunn (1970p) [Periodic]
4 2295 Observations of Comets [1970b, 1970c, 1970d, 1970e]
4 2295 PSR 0740-28
4 2295 Periodic Comet Encke (1970l)
4 2295 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2296 Periodic Comet Daniel
4 2296 Periodic Comet Whipple (1969c)
4 2297 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2297 Comet Churyumov (1970n)
4 2297 Periodic Comet Vaisala 1 (1970q)
4 2298 Comet Kojima (1970r) [Periodic]
4 2298 Comet Suzuki-Sato-Seki (1970m)
4 2299 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2299 Comet Kojima (1970r) [Periodic]
4 2300 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2300 Comet Kojima (1970r) [Periodic]
4 2300 Jupiter IX and XII
4 2301 Comet Gunn (1970p) [Periodic]
4 2302 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2302 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2302 Comet Suzuki-Sato-Seki (1970m)
4 2302 Periodic Comet Encke (1970l)
4 2302 Periodic Comet Vaisala 1 (1970q)
4 2303 Comet Kojima (1970r) [Periodic]
4 2303 Fast-Moving Asteroid?
4 2304 Periodic Comet Gunn (1970p)
4 2304 Periodic Comet Kojima (1970r)
4 2305 New Supernova (1969) in NGC 6946?
4 2305 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2305 Supernova or Nova in NGC 3904?
4 2306 ( 887) Alinda  [C*2226]
4 2306 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2306 Periodic Comet Encke (1970l)  [C*2302]
4 2306 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1116+286]
4 2307 Comet Suzuki-Sato-Seki (1970m)
4 2307 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2307 Periodic Comet Kojima (1970r)
4 2308 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2308 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2308 WX Hydri
4 2309 Occultation of Vesta by the Moon
4 2309 Periodic Comet Whipple (1969c)
4 2309 Supernovae [NGC 5861, NGC 3904, anon 1112+262]
4 2310 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2310 Possible Occultation of Star by Pluto
4 2311 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2311 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2311 Periodic Comet Encke (1970l)
4 2312 Observations of Comets [1969d, 1969h, 1969g]
4 2312 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1949 VI)
4 2313 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2313 Periodic Comet Kojima (1970r)
4 2314 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2314 Release of Very High Altitude Barium Cloud
4 2315 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2315 Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka (1969g)
4 2315 Periodic Comet Kojima (1970r)
4 2316 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2316 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2316 Periodic Comet Kojima (1970r)
4 2316 SU Tauri
4 2317 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2318 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1970e)
4 2318 Periodic Comet Holmes
4 2318 SU Tauri
4 2319 Radio Detection of Interstellar Formamide
4 2319 WX Hydri
4 2320 1971 FA  [(1864) Daedalus]
4 2320 PP 0943 and MP 1857
4 2320 Predicted Occultation by Pluto
4 2320 RY Sagittarii
4 2321 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2321 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2321 Periodic Comet Kojima (1970r)
4 2321 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1411-324]
4 2321 Supernova in NGC 4165
4 2322 Interstellar Molecules
4 2322 Periodic Comet Gunn (1970p)
4 2322 Periodic Comet Kojima (1970r)
4 2322 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1969
4 2322 Supernova in NGC 4165
4 2323 1971 FA
4 2324 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2324 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2325 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2325 Occultations by the Jupiter System on May 13-14
4 2325 S Apodis
4 2326 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2326 Periodic Comet Kopff (1970c)
4 2326 S Apodis
4 2327 Increase in Subscription Rates
4 2327 Periodic Comet Faye (1969 VI)
4 2328 Occultations by Jupiter
4 2328 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1969 IV)
4 2328 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1969 VIII)
4 2328 Spectral Variations in HD 92406
4 2329 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2329 Periodic Comet Gunn (1969 II)
4 2330 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2330 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1963 VIII)
4 2330 Supernova in NGC 5055
4 2330 Three New Interstellar Molecules
4 2331 1971 FA
4 2331 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2331 Occultation of S.A.O. 159683 by Jupiter I
4 2332 Supernova in NGC 5055
4 2333 Occultation of Beta SCO C by Jupiter I
4 2333 Supernova in NGC 5055
4 2334 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2334 Supernova in NGC 5055
4 2335 CI Cygni
4 2335 HD 92406
4 2335 Supernova in NGC 3811
4 2336 CI Cygni
4 2336 Supernova in NGC 5055
4 2336 Supernova in NGC 6384
4 2337 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2337 Observations of Comets [1970g, 1970l, 1970m]
4 2337 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 2 (1965 II)
4 2338 Jupiter
4 2338 Periodic Comet Holmes (1971b)
4 2338 Supernova in NGC 5055
4 2339 New Companion of Theta-Coronae Borealis
4 2339 Periodic Comet Finlay (1967 IX)
4 2339 Supernova in NGC 6384
4 2340 Nova Cephei 1971
4 2340 Theta-Coronae Borealis
4 2341 Occultation of Beta SCO C by Jupiter I
4 2341 Periodic Comet Whipple (1969c)
4 2341 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1970o)
4 2341 Supernova in NGC 5055
4 2342 Nova Cephei 1971
4 2342 Theta-Coronae Borealis
4 2343 Circular Polarization of 3C 273 and NGC 4151
4 2343 Nova Cephei 1971
4 2343 Supernova in NGC 6384
4 2344 Jupiter
4 2344 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2344 Possible Identification of a Red Star with a Radio Source
4 2345 1948 EA
4 2345 Nova Cephei 1971
4 2345 Possible Optical Identification of Cyg X-1
4 2346 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2346 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1965 I)
4 2347 Periodic Comet Biela
4 2347 Supernova in NGC 5055
4 2348 Strong X-Ray Source [1505+19]
4 2348 WX Hydri
4 2349 1932 HA (Apollo)  [(1862)]
4 2350 Nova Cephei 1971
4 2350 Radio Detection of Interstellar Acetaldehyde
4 2350 Report of Strong X-Ray Source [1505+19]
4 2350 Supernova in NGC 6384
4 2351 1971 FA
4 2351 Jupiter
4 2351 Nova Cephei 1971
4 2352 Periodic Comet Wild (1960 I)
4 2352 Supernova in Edge-on Spiral Galaxy [1659+663]
4 2353 Nova Cephei 1971
4 2353 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2353 Supernovae [anon 0010+284, anon 1659+663
4 2354 Detection of the O-18 Isotope of Formaldehyde
4 2354 Nova Cephei 1971
4 2354 The Emission Object AS 299
4 2355 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1970o)
4 2355 Possible Supernova in NGC 7319
4 2355 Transient X-Ray Source in Norma
4 2356 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2356 Possible Optical Identification of X-Ray Source
4 2356 Supernovae [NGC 7319, anon 2326+182]
4 2356 Two New Pulsars [OP 1914+13, OP 1845-01]
4 2357 Chain of Galaxies  [0248-350]
4 2357 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 2 (1971d)
4 2357 White Spots on Saturn
4 2358 Extensive Cloud Activity on Mars
4 2359 CH Cygni
4 2359 Disappearance of Martian South Polar Cap
4 2359 MH-alpha 208-92
4 2359 Periodic Comet Gunn (1969 II)
4 2359 Supernova in IC 4798
4 2360 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1971e)
4 2361 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2361 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 2362 Meteors from Periodic Comet Biela
4 2362 Radio Detection of Interstellar Thioformaldehyde
4 2363 Comet Bennett (1969i)
4 2363 Periodic Comet Tempel 1
4 2363 Supernova in IC 4798
4 2364 Mars
4 2364 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1971e)
4 2364 Transient OH Source in W75
4 2365 Comet Abe (1970g)
4 2365 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1968 I)
4 2365 Nova Cephei 1971
4 2365 OJ 287
4 2366 (1556) Wingolfia
4 2366 OJ 287
4 2366 Periodic Comet Faye (1969 VI)
4 2366 Possible New Companion to M31
4 2367 Fast-Moving Object Kohoutek [1971 UA, 1865]
4 2367 Periodic Comet Vaisala 1 (1970q)
4 2368 (1556) Wingolfia
4 2368 NP 0532
4 2368 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1971e)
4 2369 Object Kohoutek [1971 UA, 1865]
4 2369 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1970o)
4 2370 Comet Suzuki-Sato-Seki (1970m)
4 2370 Observations of Comets [1969i, 1970g]
4 2370 Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4 2371 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1968 I)
4 2371 Possible Meteor Shower from Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 2371 Supernova in NGC  493
4 2372 A Prediction Concerning the Cloud Activity on Mars
4 2372 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner
4 2372 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1971e)
4 2373 Object Kohoutek [1971 UA, 1865]
4 2374 1971 UA (Object Kohoutek)  [(1865) Cerberus]
4 2374 Comet Kohoutek (1969b)
4 2374 Helium Emission White Dwarfs [G61-29, HZ 29]
4 2374 Two New Pulsars [PSR 0301+19, PSR 1112+50]
4 2375 Periodic Comet Neujmin 3
4 2376 Comet Ikeya-Seki (1968 I)
4 2376 Probable Supernova in NGC 1090
4 2376 Quadrantid Meteors
4 2377 1971 UA  [(1865) Cerberus]
4 2377 2008 P-L  [(1868) Thersites]
4 2378 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1971e)
4 2378 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1970
4 2378 Supernova in Faint ScI Galaxy [#16, anon 1046+268]
4 2379 Object Piksaev
4 2379 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1971f)
4 2379 Radio Detection of 2-12 - 2-11 Transition of Interstellar Acetaldehyde
4 2380 1971 UA  [C*2377]
4 2380 An Unusual Object near Beta And
4 2380 CoD -23 12133
4 2380 OJ 287
4 2380 Radio Detection of Interstellar Acetaldehyde  [C*2379]
4 2381 Comet Abe (1970 XV)
4 2381 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2381 Parameters for Two New Pulsars [PSR 0301+19, PSR 1915+13]
4 2381 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1971f)
4 2381 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1970o)
4 2381 Supernova or Nova near NGC 3147
4 2382 Object near Beta And = NGC 404
4 2382 Relativity and the 1972 Solar Eclipse
4 2383 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1971e)
4 2383 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1966 VII = 1972a)
4 2383 Supernova or Nova near NGC 3147
4 2384 Comet Kohoutek (1970 III)
4 2384 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1972b)
4 2385 1971 UA
4 2385 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1972b)
4 2385 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1513+278]
4 2386 Eight Stars of Large Proper Motion [LP 674-29, LP 736-4, LP 736-14, LP 800-31, LP 741-3, LP 741-20, LP 702-7]
4 2386 PSR 2154+40
4 2386 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1972b)
4 2386 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1972c)
4 2386 Possible Identification of X-Ray Source
4 2387 Nova Cephei  [C*2343]
4 2387 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2388 Beta Persei
4 2388 G61-29
4 2389 Comet Toba (1971a)
4 2389 OJ 287
4 2389 Supernova in NGC  493
4 2390 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2390 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 2 (1971d)
4 2390 R Coronae Borealis
4 2391 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits
4 2391 Comet Gehrels (1972e)
4 2391 Five Objects Gehrels [1972 FA, 1972 FB, 1972 FC, 1972 FD, 1972 FE]
4 2391 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1972a)
4 2391 R Coronae Borealis
4 2392 Comet Bradfield (1972f)
4 2392 Eruptive Variable or Intergalactic Supernova [0906+450]
4 2392 Important Notice [re:  sending information]
4 2393 1948 EA
4 2393 Comet Gehrels (1972e)
4 2393 Observations of Comets [1970o, 1971e]
4 2393 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1970e)
4 2394 Comet Bradfield (1972f)
4 2394 Extremely Red Star [1014+737]
4 2394 R Coronae Borealis
4 2395 Cen X-3
4 2395 Cyg X-1
4 2395 R Coronae Borealis
4 2396 Comet Bradfield (1972f)
4 2397 1972 FA, 1972 FC, 1972 FD, 1972 FE
4 2398 BD -7 3007
4 2398 Cen X-3
4 2398 Possible Optical Identification of X-Ray Source
4 2399 Comet Gehrels (1972e)
4 2399 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1972a)
4 2399 RY Sagittarii
4 2400 Comet Bradfield (1972f)
4 2400 Periodic Comet Neujmin 3 (1972g)
4 2401 Identifications of X-Ray Sources [2031+408, 2ASE 0352+30, 2ASE 1509-58, 2ASE 0900-40]
4 2401 Occultation of SAO 186800 by Jupiter III on 1972 June 7
4 2401 Periodic Comet Faye (1969 VI)
4 2401 R Coronae Borealis
4 2402 1972 FA and 1972 FE  [(2272) Montezuma and (69231)]
4 2402 Comet Bradfield (1972f)
4 2403 1971 UA
4 2403 Comet Gehrels (1972e)
4 2403 Periodic Comet Kojima (1970 XII)
4 2403 R Coronae Borealis
4 2404 Comet Bradfield (1972f)
4 2405 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2405 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1972a)
4 2405 R Coronae Borealis
4 2405 Supernova in NGC 5253
4 2406 Identifications of X-Ray Sources [LR Cen, 2ASE 1639-62, 2ASE 0352+30]
4 2407 CoD -42 14462
4 2407 Periodic Comet Holmes (1971b)
4 2407 Supernovae in NGC 5253
4 2408 Comet Bradfield (1972f)
4 2408 Eruptive Object [1003+678]
4 2408 R Coronae Borealis
4 2409 (1221) Amor
4 2409 Comet Bradfield (1972f)
4 2409 Supernovae [NGC 5253, anon 1205+540]
4 2410 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1972a)
4 2410 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 2 (1971d)
4 2410 Possible Comet Antal
4 2410 Radio Detection of Interstellar Formaldimine
4 2411 Comet Bradfield (1972f)
4 2411 Supernova in NGC 5253
4 2412 Cooperative Observations at Different Wavelengths
4 2412 Eruptive Object in Ursa Major
4 2412 Occultation of SAO 186800 by Jupiter III
4 2412 Peculiar Red Star [Tr 27]
4 2412 Possible Comet Antal
4 2412 X-Ray Sources [Cen X-3] 
4 2413 A Jet in NGC 5253
4 2413 Comet Sandage [1972h]
4 2413 Supernova in NGC 5253
4 2414 Comet Sandage [1972h]
4 2414 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2415 1948 EA
4 2415 Lunar Occultations of X-Ray Sources [5 April 1972 - 6 August 1976]
4 2415 Observations of Comets [1971e, 1972a, 1972d]
4 2415 Possible Identifications of Hercules X-1
4 2415 R Coronae Borealis
4 2416 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2417 Coordinates of Observatories
4 2417 Periodic Comet Gunn (1969 II)
4 2417 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1971e)
4 2418 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2419 (1685) Toro
4 2419 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2419 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1
4 2420 Comet Bradfield (1972f)
4 2420 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2420 Peculiar Red Star [Tr 27]
4 2421 31 Cygni
4 2421 BD +34 3815
4 2421 Supernova in NGC 5253
4 2422 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2422 HZ Her as a Possible Optical Pulsar
4 2423 Eruptive Object in Ursa Major
4 2423 Fast-Moving Object Huchra [(1036) Ganymed]
4 2423 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2424 (1685) Toro
4 2424 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2424 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1972c)
4 2424 Possible Identifications of X-Ray Sources
4 2425 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2425 Object Huchra [(1036) Ganymed]
4 2426 Object Huchra = 1036 Ganymed
4 2426 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2427 HZ Herculis
4 2427 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1972a)
4 2428 ( 433) Eros
4 2428 (1036) Ganymed
4 2428 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2428 HZ Herculis
4 2429 Comet Bradfield (1972f)
4 2429 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2430 HZ Herculis
4 2430 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1972a)
4 2431 HZ Herculis
4 2431 Notice to Subscribers Outside North America
4 2431 Supernova in NGC 3147
4 2432 IAUC 2428-2429-2430
4 2432 Possibility of Observing Outbursts of P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2432 Possible Comet Edwards
4 2433 HZ Herculis
4 2433 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2434 CC Eridani
4 2434 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2434 HZ Herculis
4 2434 Supernovae [NGC 3147, NGC 5253]
4 2435 Periodic Comet Encke (1970l)
4 2435 Two New Pulsars [PSR 0138+59, PSR 0354+54]]
4 2436 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2436 Eleven New Pulsars
4 2436 HZ Herculis
4 2437 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2437 Supernova in NGC 7634
4 2438 (1685) Toro
4 2438 1971 UA
4 2438 Comet Gehrels (1972e)
4 2438 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2438 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1971e)
4 2438 Three Stars of Large Proper Motion [L 651-7, L 651-70, L 701-29]
4 2439 ( 433) Eros
4 2439 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2439 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1972c)
4 2440 Giant Radio Outburst of Cygnus X-3
4 2440 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2441 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2441 HZ Herculis
4 2441 Probable Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2442 Cygnus X-3
4 2442 Fast-Moving Object Klemola [1972 RA, 2202]
4 2443 (1556) Wingolfia
4 2443 1971 UA
4 2443 Beta 1163
4 2443 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2444 Cygnus X-3
4 2444 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2444 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1972i)
4 2445 1972 RA (Object Klemola)  [(2202) Pele]
4 2445 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2445 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2446 Cygnus X-3
4 2446 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2446 Periodic Comet Holmes (1971b)
4 2447 1972 RA  [(2202) Pele]
4 2447 Beta 1163
4 2447 Comet Gehrels (1972e)
4 2447 Cygnus X-3
4 2447 First Detection of Extragalactic Carbon Monoxide
4 2447 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0106+320]
4 2448 1953 EA
4 2448 1972 RA
4 2448 Fast-Moving Object Gehrels [1972 RB]
4 2448 Supernova in NGC  735
4 2449 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2449 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2450 ( 433) Eros
4 2450 1972 RA
4 2450 1972 RB (Object Gehrels)  
4 2450 Cooperative Observations at Different Wavelengths
4 2450 Epsilon Pegasi
4 2450 Radio Emission from MWC 349
4 2451 Beta 1163
4 2451 Draconid Meteors 1972
4 2451 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2451 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2452 1972 RB
4 2452 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2452 Draconid Meteors 1972
4 2452 Fiftieth Anniversary Issue
4 2452 Supernova in NGC 3147
4 2453 1971 UA
4 2453 OJ 287
4 2453 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2453 Probable Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0108+032]
4 2454 1971 FA
4 2454 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2454 HZ Herculis
4 2454 MWC 349
4 2454 Possible Comet Zhukov
4 2455 1972 RA
4 2456 Periodic Comet Wild (1960 I)
4 2457 Comet Kojima [1972j]
4 2457 MWC 349
4 2458 1972 RB
4 2458 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2458 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
4 2458 Probable Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0108+032]
4 2459 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2460 Comet Gehrels (1972k) [Periodic]
4 2460 R CrB Variables
4 2461 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2461 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2461 PSR 0740-28
4 2462 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2462 HZ Hercules
4 2462 SS Cygni
4 2463 1972 RB
4 2463 Periodic Comet Gehrels (1972k)
4 2464 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2464 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2464 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2464 Probable Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0108+032]
4 2465 1971 FA
4 2465 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2466 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2466 Two X-Ray Sources from OSO-7 Observations [GX 9+50, GX 346-7]
4 2467 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2467 Fast-Moving Object Wild [1972 XA, 1866]
4 2467 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2467 SU Tauri
4 2468 1953 EA
4 2468 1972 RB
4 2468 Object Wild [1972 XA, 1866]
4 2469 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2469 Comet Gehrels (1972e)
4 2469 Identification of SMC X-1
4 2470 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2470 Definition of Scientific Instruments for Large Space Telescope
4 2470 Periodic Comet Brorsen
4 2471 Object Wild [1972 XA, 1866]
4 2471 Periodic Comet Gehrels (1972k)
4 2472 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2472 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2472 Supernova in NGC 4254
4 2473 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2473 Possible Comet Torres
4 2474 1972 XA (Object Wild)  [(1866) Sisyphus]
4 2474 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2474 Periodic Comet de Vico-Swift
4 2475 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2475 Possible Comets Torres
4 2476 1972 XA
4 2476 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2476 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2476 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2476 Supernovae [NGC 2841, NGC 4254]
4 2477 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2478 1972 RA
4 2478 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2478 Periodic Comet Gehrels (1972k)
4 2479 Comet Heck-Sause [1973a]
4 2479 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2479 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2480 1972 XA
4 2480 Occultation of BD +2 2913 by Pallas on 1973 February 6
4 2481 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2482 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2482 EQ Virginis
4 2482 GK Persei
4 2482 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2483 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2483 GK Persei
4 2483 Highly Variable X-Ray Source [1659-487]
4 2483 Occultation by Pallas
4 2484 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2485 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2485 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2485 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2485 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1513+029]
4 2486 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2486 Interstellar Molecules
4 2486 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b)
4 2487 1972 RA
4 2487 1972 XA
4 2487 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2487 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1972i)
4 2487 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1513+029]
4 2488 1971 UA
4 2488 Occultation of BD +2 2913 by Pallas
4 2488 RY Scuti
4 2489 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2489 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2489 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2489 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2490 Periodic Comet Wild (1973c)
4 2491 Comet Gehrels (1973d)
4 2491 New Shell Episode for Pleione
4 2491 Supernova in NGC 3656
4 2492 Comet Gehrels (1973d)
4 2492 V1017 Sagittarii
4 2493 2U 1700-37
4 2493 Cepheus X-4
4 2493 OJ 287 Observing Campaign
4 2493 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2
4 2494 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2494 Occultation of BD +2 2913 by Pallas
4 2495 1953 EA
4 2495 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2495 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2495 Gamma-2 Velorum
4 2496 OJ 287 Observing Campaign  [C*2493]
4 2496 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1971
4 2496 SU Tauri
4 2496 V1017 Sagittarii  [C*2492]
4 2497 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2497 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2497 Occultation of Vesta by the Moon
4 2498 GK Persei
4 2498 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1972i)
4 2498 Supernova in NGC 2841
4 2498 V1017 Sagittarii
4 2499 1932 HA (Apollo)
4 2500 Comet Gehrels (1973d)
4 2501 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2501 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2501 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2501 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2502 2U 0900-40
4 2502 AR Lacertae
4 2502 SU Tauri
4 2503 1932 HA (Apollo)  [C*2499]
4 2503 1968 AA
4 2503 Comet Gehrels (1973d)
4 2503 OJ 287 Observing Campaign  [C*2493]
4 2503 Optical Identifications of X-Ray Sources
4 2503 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1972d)
4 2504 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2505 Five New Pulsars [1324-620, 1354-622, 1559-508, 1602-529, 1641-458]
4 2505 Periodic Comet Brooks 2
4 2505 SU Tauri
4 2505 V1017 Sagittarii
4 2506 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2506 Occultation of BD +2 2913 by Pallas
4 2507 Fast-Moving Object Kowal [1973 EA, 1981]
4 2507 Notice Concerning Incoming Information
4 2507 Supernova in NGC 3656
4 2508 Fast-Moving Object Wild [1973 EB, 2001]
4 2508 Gamma-2 Velorum
4 2508 Pulsar X-Ray Source Association
4 2509 Cygnus X-2
4 2509 Mutual Phenomena of Jupiter's Satellites
4 2509 Object Kowal [1973 EA, 1981]
4 2510 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2510 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2510 Fast-Moving Object Gibson [1973 EC, 1943]
4 2511 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2511 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2511 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2511 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2511 Object Wild [1973 EB, 2001]
4 2512 Cepheus X-4
4 2512 HD 153919 (2U 1700-37)
4 2513 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2513 Object Gibson [1973 EC, 1943]
4 2513 Periodic Comet Gehrels (1972k)
4 2513 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2514 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2514 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2515 2U 0900-40  [C*2502]
4 2515 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)  [C*2514]
4 2515 Object Kowal [1973 EA, 1981]
4 2515 Object Wild [1973 EB, 2001]
4 2516 1932 HA (Apollo)
4 2516 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2517 1932 HA (Apollo)
4 2517 1973 EA (Object Kowal)  [(1981) Midas]
4 2517 1973 EB and 1973 EC  [(2001) Einstein and (1943) Anteros]
4 2517 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2517 Periodic Comet Swift-Gehrels (1973d)
4 2518 Periodic Comet Brooks 2
4 2518 Tentative Identification of Centaurus X-3
4 2519 1971 UA
4 2519 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2519 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2519 Radio Outburst of NGC 1275
4 2520 1932 HA (Apollo)
4 2520 1953 EA
4 2520 Observations of Comets [1971 IX, 1971 VI]
4 2521 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2521 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2521 Occultations of Ve 2-45 by the Moon
4 2521 Supernova in NGC 4944
4 2521 WRA 795
4 2522 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2523 1973 EC (Object Gibson)  [(1943) Anteros]
4 2523 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2523 Optical Pulsations from HZ Herculis
4 2523 Scheduled Observations of Optically Identified X-Ray Sources
4 2524 1973 EA
4 2524 Centaurus X-3
4 2525 1973 EC
4 2525 2U 0900-40 a Black Hole?
4 2525 OJ 287
4 2525 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1254-048]
4 2526 1932 HA (Apollo)
4 2526 HD 153919 (2U 1700-37)
4 2527 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2527 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2527 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2
4 2528 Important Notice Concerning Subscriptions
4 2529 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2529 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2529 Flare-up of Activity in the Nucleus of NGC 5548
4 2529 HZ Herculis
4 2530 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2531 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2531 Gamma-2 Velorum
4 2531 Periodic Comet Borrelly
4 2532 1973 EA
4 2532 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2532 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1973g)
4 2533 1973 EC
4 2533 Comet Huchra (1973h)
4 2534 Comet Huchra (1973h)
4 2534 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2534 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2534 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2534 Scheduled Observations of Optically Identified X-Ray Sources
4 2535 1973 EA
4 2535 HZ Herculis
4 2536 1973 EA
4 2536 1973 EC
4 2536 Comet Huchra (1973h)
4 2537 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2537 HD 77581
4 2537 R Coronae Borealis Variables
4 2538 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2538 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2538 GX 5-1
4 2538 Supernova in NGC 4939
4 2539 Comet Huchra (1973h)
4 2539 Notice Concerning Incoming Information
4 2540 Comet Huchra (1973h)
4 2540 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2540 New X-Ray Source in Perseus
4 2540 Occultation of Ceres by the Moon
4 2541 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2541 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b)
4 2542 Comet Huchra (1973h)
4 2542 Double White Dwarf [LP 370-50/51]
4 2542 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b)
4 2543 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2543 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2543 HZ Herculis
4 2543 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b)
4 2543 Radio Emission from V1016 Cygni
4 2544 Comet Clark [Periodic, 1973i]
4 2544 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1972c)
4 2545 36 Sextantis
4 2545 Comet Clark (1973i) [Periodic]
4 2545 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2545 Periodic Comet Gehrels (1972k)
4 2546 Comet Huchra (1973h)
4 2547 Beta Coronae Borealis
4 2547 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2548 Comet Clark (1973i) [Periodic]
4 2549 1932 HA (Apollo)
4 2549 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2549 Radio Emission from HD 167362 and VY 2-2
4 2549 V1016 Cygni
4 2550 Periodic Comet Clark (1973i)
4 2551 1973 EC
4 2551 Comet Huchra (1973h)
4 2551 Cygnus X-1
4 2552 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2552 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2552 Gamma-2 Velorum
4 2552 OH in NGC 4945
4 2552 OSO-7 Observations Cancelled
4 2553 Cygnus Loop
4 2553 Exclusion of Candidate X-Ray Stars
4 2554 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1973j)
4 2554 Periodic Comet Gunn (1969 II)
4 2555 Fast-Moving Object Helin [1973 NA]
4 2555 Hercules X-1 and Circinus X-1
4 2556 1932 HA (Apollo)
4 2556 Comet Sandage (1973k)
4 2556 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b)
4 2556 Variable Radio Emission from R Aquarii
4 2557 Object Helin [1973 NA]
4 2558 Object Dossin-Heck
4 2558 Object Helin [1973 NA]
4 2558 Periodic Comet Clark (1973i)
4 2559 Comet Huchra (1973h)
4 2559 Comet Sandage (1973k)
4 2559 Object Dossin-Heck
4 2559 Object Helin [1973 NA]
4 2559 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b)
4 2560 Notice to Subscribers
4 2560 Probable Detection of Radio Emission from M2-9
4 2561 HZ Herculis
4 2561 Periodic Comet Clark (1973i)
4 2561 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b)
4 2562 CSVS 1959
4 2562 P Cygni
4 2562 R Cassiopeiae
4 2563 New Pulsars [MP 0940, 1222-638, 1557-506, 1743-307]
4 2563 Observations of the Tentative Identification of Cen X-3
4 2563 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2563 Radio Emission from V1016 Cygni, VY 2-2 and HD 167362
4 2563 Remarkable Blue Emission-Line Object Near M 31
4 2564 1973 NA (Object Helin)  [(5496)]
4 2565 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2565 Comet Sandage (1973k)
4 2565 Impending Minimum of Probable Optical Counterpart of Cen X-4
4 2565 Periodic Comet Clark (1973i)
4 2565 Radio Emission from M1-11 and HD 37806
4 2566 1973 NA
4 2566 Comet Huchra (1973h)
4 2566 Object Dossin-Heck
4 2567 1973 NA
4 2567 CoD -42 14462
4 2567 Comet Sandage (1973k)
4 2567 Radio Emission from MWC 957
4 2567 Transit of Mercury on 1973 November 10
4 2568 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1973j)
4 2568 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b)
4 2569 3U 1223-62
4 2569 Centaurus X-4
4 2569 Identification of X-Ray Source [GX 354+0]
4 2569 New Object Helin [1973 QA, 2048]
4 2569 Radio Detection of MWC 137 and LkH-alpha 101
4 2570 1973 NA
4 2570 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2
4 2570 VX Sagittarii
4 2571 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2571 Mars
4 2571 Resolution of IAU Commission  6
4 2571 Supernova in NGC 7495
4 2572 New Object Helin [1973 QA, 2048]
4 2572 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1973m)
4 2572 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1973l)
4 2573 1971 FA
4 2573 1973 NA
4 2573 Mars
4 2573 Supernova in NGC 7337
4 2574 Occultations of (10) Hygiea and (554) Peraga by the Moon
4 2575 Astronomical Telegram Code
4 2575 CI Cygni
4 2575 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2575 Cygnus X-1
4 2575 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b)
4 2576 Periodic Comet Clark (1973i)
4 2576 Supernova in NGC 7495
4 2577 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2578 Comet Huchra (1973h)
4 2578 Hercules X-1
4 2578 Supernova in NGC 7337
4 2579 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2579 Observations of Minor Planets [1971 UA, 1972 XA]
4 2579 X Camelopardalis
4 2580 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2580 Periodic Comet Clark (1973i)
4 2581 Comet Heck-Sause (1973a)
4 2581 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2581 Hercules X-1
4 2582 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2582 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2582 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1971c)
4 2582 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b)
4 2582 R Aquilae
4 2583 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2583 SU Tauri
4 2584 1973 QA (New Object Helin)  [(2048) Dwornik]
4 2584 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2584 S Doradus
4 2585 1972 XA
4 2586 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2586 Occultation of (10) Hygiea by the Moon on 1973 November 3
4 2586 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2587 1973 EC
4 2587 Important Notice [re:  calling in information]
4 2587 Mars
4 2588 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2588 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 2589 Comet Gehrels (1973n) [P/Gehrels 2]
4 2589 Notice Concerning Subscriptions
4 2590 Comet Gehrels (1973n) [P/Gehrels 2]
4 2590 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2590 LR Sagittarii?
4 2591 (  51) Nemausa
4 2591 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2591 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2591 UV Cassiopeiae
4 2592 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1973n)
4 2593 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2593 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2593 LR Sagittarii
4 2593 NRAO 5
4 2593 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1973j)  [C*2568]
4 2593 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1973n)  [C*2592]
4 2594 Comet Sandage (1973k)
4 2595 Periodic Comet Forbes
4 2595 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1973n)
4 2595 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1973l)
4 2596 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2597 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2597 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2598 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2598 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2598 Transit of Mercury
4 2599 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2599 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1973n)
4 2599 Periodic Comet Harrington
4 2600 1973 EC
4 2600 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2600 Object Antal
4 2600 Periodic Comet Clark (1973i)
4 2601 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2601 Periodic Comet du Toit 1 (1944 III)
4 2601 Resolution of IAU Commission 20
4 2602 Comet Gehrels (1971 I)
4 2602 Periodic Comet Gunn (1969 II)
4 2602 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1930 VI)
4 2603 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2604 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2604 LR Sagittarii =/ Possible Nova in Sagittarius?
4 2604 Object Gibson
4 2605 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2605 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2606 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2607 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2607 Occultation of (88) Thisbe by the Moon on 1974 January 5
4 2608 1973 SE  [(1921) Pala]
4 2608 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2609 1932 HA (Apollo)
4 2609 Comet Sandage (1972h)
4 2609 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1973b)
4 2610 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2611 Comet Araya (1972l)
4 2611 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 2611 V2572 Sagittarii
4 2612 ( 887) Alinda
4 2612 Centaurus X-3
4 2612 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1973n)
4 2612 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1972
4 2612 Sigma Orionis E
4 2613 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2613 R Coronae Borealis
4 2614 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2615 Comet Gibson (1973o)
4 2615 Supernova in NGC 3627
4 2616 1973 EC
4 2616 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2617 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)  [C*2613]
4 2617 IAU Coordinated Observing Program for X-Ray Binaries
4 2617 R Coronae Borealis
4 2617 R Coronae Borealis  [C*2613]
4 2618 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2619 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2620 Comet Gibson (1973o)
4 2620 Supernova in IC   43
4 2621 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2622 Comet Sandage (1973k)
4 2622 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1973n)
4 2623 (  51) Nemausa
4 2623 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2624 R Coronae Borealis
4 2624 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1109+543]
4 2624 Supernova in NGC 3627
4 2625 Periodic Comet Forbes (1974a)
4 2626 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2627 Important Notice [re:  delay of cards for IAUCs]
4 2627 Observations of Comets [1972j, P/S-W 1]
4 2627 Occultation of Saturn VI by the Moon on 1974 February 3
4 2628 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2628 Saturn VI
4 2629 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2630 Comet Araya (1972 XII)
4 2631 Centaurus X-3
4 2631 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2632 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2632 Supernova in NGC 4156
4 2633 ( 887) Alinda
4 2633 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2634 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2635 Comet Gibson (1973o)
4 2635 Occultation of Saturn VI by the Moon on 1974 March 2-3
4 2636 1973 SE  [C*2608]
4 2636 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2636 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)  [C*2626]
4 2637 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2637 Periodic Comet Finlay
4 2638 Comet Heck-Sause (1972 VIII)
4 2639 Comet Sandage (1973k)
4 2639 Periodic Comet Neujmin 3 (1972 IV)
4 2639 Periodic Comet Wolf (1967 XII)
4 2639 R Coronae Borealis
4 2640 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2640 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2640 Supernova in NGC 5161
4 2641 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2641 Increase in Subscription Rates
4 2641 Supernovae [NGC 3310, NGC 3348]
4 2642 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2642 Comet Heck-Sause (1972 VIII)
4 2642 R Coronae Borealis
4 2643 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2644 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1973g)
4 2645 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2645 Coordinates of Observatories
4 2646 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2646 Occultations of Saturn VI by the Moon
4 2647 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2647 Observations of Comets [P/S-W 1, 1972j]
4 2648 ( 887) Alinda
4 2648 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2648 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2649 Comet Kojima (1972j)
4 2649 Periodic Comet du Toit 1 (1944 III)
4 2650 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2650 Observations of Comets and Minor Planets [1969 II, 1972 VIII, 1972 IX, 1972 X, 1932 HA, 1971 FA]
4 2651 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2652 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2652 R Coronae Borealis
4 2653 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2653 Comet Lovas [1974c]
4 2653 Supernovae [NGC 3916, NGC 4038-9, NGC 3348]
4 2654 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2654 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2654 R Coronae Borealis
4 2655 ( 887) Alinda
4 2655 Observations of Comets [1971 I, 1971 IX, 1971 X, 1972 III, 1972 IV, 1972 XII]
4 2655 Occultation of (139) Juewa by the Moon on 1974 May 3
4 2656 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2657 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2657 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2658 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2658 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2658 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1973l)
4 2659 ( 887) Alinda
4 2659 Comet Sandage (1973k)
4 2659 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1973n)
4 2660 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2660 R Coronae Borealis
4 2661 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2661 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2662 Periodic Comet Arend
4 2663 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2663 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2663 Supernova in NGC 4038-39
4 2664 1971 UA
4 2664 Comet Gibson (1973o)
4 2664 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2664 Supernovae [NGC 4414, NGC 4038-9]
4 2665 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2665 Neptune II (Nereid)
4 2666 AL Comae Berenices
4 2666 Comet Gibson (1973o)
4 2666 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2666 R Coronae Borealis
4 2666 Supernova in NGC 4414
4 2667 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2668 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2668 Supernova in NGC 4414
4 2669 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2669 Occultations of VX Sagittarii by the Moon
4 2670 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2670 Cygnus X-3
4 2670 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2670 Periodic Comet Forbes (1974a)
4 2671 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2671 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2671 Supernova in NGC 4414
4 2672 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2672 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1930 VI)
4 2672 R Coronae Borealis
4 2673 Observations of Comets [P/S-W 1, 1969 II, 1971 I, 1972 VIII, 1973e]
4 2673 Optical Identifications of X-Ray Sources
4 2674 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2674 Supernovae [NGC 4414, NGC 3348]
4 2675 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2675 Optical Identifications of X-Ray Sources
4 2675 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2676 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2676 Comet Sandage (1973k)
4 2676 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1930 VI)
4 2677 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2677 DQ Herculis
4 2678 PKS 0735+17
4 2678 R Coronae Borealis
4 2678 Supernova in NGC 4414
4 2679 DQ Herculis
4 2679 Observations of Minor Planets [1932 HA, 1971 FA, 1972 XA]
4 2679 Periodic Comet Clark (1973i)
4 2679 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1973l)
4 2679 Saturn VI
4 2679 Scorpius X-1
4 2680 Circinus X-1
4 2680 Observations of Variable Stars [SN NGC 4414, R CrB, AL Com]
4 2680 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2680 U Orionis
4 2681 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2681 Observations of Comets [1971 VI, 1972 II, 1973f]
4 2682 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2682 Jupiter I (Io)
4 2682 Scorpius X-1
4 2683 29999-321-2692
4 2683 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2683 Object Kowal [1974 MA]
4 2683 Observations of Comets [1967 XIV, 1973k, 1974c]
4 2684 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2685 ( 433) Eros
4 2685 HZ Herculis
4 2685 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1973l)
4 2686 Comet Sandage (1973k)
4 2686 DQ Herculis
4 2686 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2687 1932 HA (Apollo)
4 2687 Object Kowal [1974 MA]
4 2687 Periodic Comet Finlay (1974d)
4 2688 1974 MA (Object Kowal)  [(5660)]
4 2689 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2689 Periodic Comet Forbes (1974a)
4 2689 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1973n)
4 2689 R Coronae Borealis
4 2690 Comet Cesco (1974e)
4 2690 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2690 Periodic Comet Finlay (1974d)
4 2691 Cygnus X-2
4 2691 HZ Herculis
4 2691 Intense Submillimeter Source [1935-05]
4 2691 Occultation of BD +22 1589 Saturn V on 1974 August 29
4 2692 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2693 ( 887) Alinda
4 2693 Jupiter I (Io)
4 2693 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2693 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1730+434]
4 2694 Comet Cesco (1974e)
4 2694 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1973m)
4 2694 Periodic Comet Forbes (1974a)
4 2695 ( 433) Eros
4 2696 1974 MA  [(5660)]
4 2696 40;4N+; ;;HS; ;   [error in address labeling]
4 2696 Nova in Magellanic Cloud
4 2696 Object Helin [1952 RH]
4 2697 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2697 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
4 2697 Periodic Comet Wirtanen
4 2698 Object Helin = 1952 RH
4 2698 Periodic Comet Arend (1967 VI)
4 2698 VW Cephei
4 2699 Comet Sandage (1973k)
4 2700 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2700 Periodic Comet Forbes (1974a)
4 2700 Periodic Comet Gunn (1969 II)
4 2701 (617) 864-5758  [phone number for calling in information]
4 2701 Jupiter I
4 2701 U Cephei
4 2702 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2702 Probable New Satellite of Jupiter [Jupiter XIII]
4 2703 Notice to Subscribers Outside North America
4 2703 Probable New Satellite of Jupiter [Jupiter XIII]
4 2704 Binary Pulsar
4 2704 Comet Cesco (1974e)
4 2704 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
4 2704 SCO X-1 = V818 SCO
4 2705 1971 UA
4 2705 1974 MA
4 2705 Periodic Comet Forbes (1974a)
4 2705 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2706 Occultation of BD +13 1940 by (129) Antigone on 1974 October 12
4 2706 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2707 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2707 Nova Sagittarii 1974
4 2707 SU Tauri
4 2707 Supernova in NGC 7343
4 2707 U Cephei
4 2708 ( 433) Eros
4 2708 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2709 1974 MA
4 2709 Comet Araya (1972 XII)
4 2709 Periodic Comet Finlay (1974d)
4 2710 1949 HC  [(1922) Zulu]
4 2710 1953 RA  [(1916) Boreas]
4 2710 Occultation of BD +13 1940 by (129) Antigone on 1974 October 12
4 2710 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2711 Jupiter XIII
4 2712 Binary Pulsar
4 2712 Nova Sagittarii 1974
4 2712 R Aquarii
4 2713 Nova Sagittarii 1974
4 2714 Binary Pulsar
4 2714 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2714 Supernova in NGC 7343
4 2715 ( 433) Eros
4 2716 Nova Persei 1974
4 2716 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1974f)
4 2716 U Cephei
4 2717 1932 HA (Apollo)
4 2717 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2717 Periodic Comets Swift (1895 II) and Schorr (1918 III)
4 2717 R Coronae Borealis
4 2718 Comet Sandage (1972 IX)
4 2718 SMC X-1
4 2718 X-Ray Sky Survey
4 2719 Comet Bennett (1974h)
4 2719 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2719 Comet van den Bergh (1974g)
4 2720 Binary Pulsar
4 2720 Comet Kohoutek (1973f)
4 2720 Nova Sagittarii 1974
4 2720 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1973g)
4 2720 SU Tauri
4 2721 Comet Bennett (1974h)
4 2722 ( 433) Eros
4 2722 Jupiter I (Io)
4 2722 Nova Persei 1974
4 2723 Comet van den Bergh (1974g)
4 2724 Comet Bennett (1974h)
4 2724 Periodic Comet Forbes (1974a)
4 2725 Comet Bennett (1974h)
4 2726 Comet Bennett (1974h)
4 2726 Comet Kohoutek (1973e)
4 2726 Comet van den Bergh (1974g)
4 2727 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2727 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2728 Comet Araya (1972 XII)
4 2728 Comet Bradfield (1972 III)
4 2728 Observations of Minor Planets [1972 XA, 1971 UA]
4 2729 Comet Bennett (1974h)
4 2729 Nova Persei 1974
4 2729 Transient X-Ray Sources [1524-617, 0805+40]
4 2730 Comet Bennett (1974h)
4 2730 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1974f)
4 2731 Binary Pulsar
4 2731 IAUC 2730 [Number omitted]
4 2731 Lunar Occultation of the Crab Nebula in Low Energy X-Rays
4 2731 Lunar Occultations of X-Ray Sources [18 December 1974 - 1978+]
4 2731 X-Ray Flare from YZ Canis Minoris
4 2732 Jupiter XIII
4 2732 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1973
4 2733 Comet van den Bergh (1974g)
4 2733 Observations of Comets [1973 V, 1973 XI]
4 2733 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1974f)
4 2734 Comet Bennett (1974h)
4 2734 Comet van den Bergh (1974g)
4 2734 Cygnus X-3
4 2734 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1974i)
4 2735 ( 433) Eros
4 2735 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1974f)
4 2735 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1973g)
4 2735 Variable X-Ray Source in NGC 1851
4 2736 Comet van den Bergh (1974g)
4 2736 Observations of Comets [1972 VIII, 1973 II, 1974b, 1974c]
4 2737 Cygnus X-3
4 2737 Occultation of Kappa Geminorum A by (433) Eros on 1975 January 24
4 2737 Variable X-Ray Source in NGC 1851
4 2738 1973 EC
4 2738 Observations of Comets [P/S-W 1, 1973g, 1973m, 1974a, 1974d]
4 2738 Supernova in NGC 2207
4 2739 Beta Persei
4 2739 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1974f)
4 2739 SU Tauri
4 2740 Binary Pulsar
4 2740 GK Persei
4 2740 Periodic Comet Wolf
4 2741 Comet West [P/West-Kohoutek-Ikemura, 1975b]
4 2741 Nova Persei 1974
4 2741 Occultation of Kappa Geminorum A by (433) Eros
4 2742 Comet West [P/West-Kohoutek-Ikemura, 1975b]
4 2742 Cygnus X-3
4 2742 Jupiter XIII
4 2742 Nova Persei 1974
4 2743 GK Persei
4 2743 Observations of Comets [1969 II, 1973m, 1974g]
4 2743 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1974f)
4 2743 Saturn
4 2743 Supernova in NGC 2207
4 2743 Venus
4 2744 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2744 MX 0513-40
4 2745 Comet Boethin [1975a, Periodic]
4 2745 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2746 Comet Araya (1972 XII)
4 2746 Comet Bennett (1974h)
4 2746 Periodic Comet Forbes (1974a)
4 2747 1949 OA  [(1951) Lick]
4 2748 Comet Boethin (1975a) [Periodic]
4 2749 Comet Boethin (1975a) [Periodic]
4 2749 Observations of Comets [P/S-W 1, 1974a]
4 2750 0846+51W1
4 2750 Novae [GK Per, Nova Per 1974]
4 2750 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1973l)
4 2751 Comet West [P/West-Kohoutek-Ikemura, 1975b]
4 2751 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2751 R CrB Variables
4 2752 Comet Boethin (1975a) [Periodic]
4 2752 Comet Kohoutek (1975b) [P/West-Kohoutek-Ikemura]
4 2752 New X-Ray Source [1743-290]
4 2753 1972 RA
4 2753 Comet Cesco (1974e)
4 2753 Comet Sandage (1973 X)
4 2753 Observations of Comets [1972 IX, 1973g, 1974d, 1974g]
4 2753 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1973 XI)
4 2753 Supernova in NGC 2207
4 2754 Comet Kohoutek [Periodic, 1975c]
4 2754 Comet Kohoutek-Ikemura (1975b) [P/West-Kohoutek-Ikemura]
4 2755 Comet Boethin (1975a) [Periodic]
4 2755 Comet Kohoutek (1975c) [Periodic]
4 2755 Comet Kohoutek-Ikemura (1975b) [P/West-Kohoutek-Ikemura]
4 2755 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0316+414]
4 2756 Comet Bennett (1974h)
4 2756 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1975b)
4 2756 Periodic Comet du Toit 1 (1944 III)
4 2757 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1975c)
4 2758 Comet Bradfield (1972 III)
4 2758 Periodic Comet Boethin (1975a)
4 2758 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2759 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2759 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1975b)
4 2760 AL Comae Berenices
4 2760 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2760 Crab Pulsar
4 2760 Suspected Supernova [Zw 1137.4+4613]
4 2761 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2761 Novae [GK Per, Nova Per 1974]
4 2761 Observations of Comets [1974f, 1974g, 1975a, 1975b, 1975c]
4 2761 Transient X-Ray Source [1412-62]
4 2762 Comet Bradfield (1974b)
4 2762 Comet Gibson (1973 IX)
4 2763 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2764 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits
4 2764 Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e) [Periodic]
4 2765 IAUC 2755 [Number omitted]
4 2765 Periodic Comet Boethin (1975a)
4 2765 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1975b)
4 2765 X-Ray Sources [discovered by MIT, 29 September 1971 - 18 May 1974]
4 2766 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1975c)
4 2767 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2767 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1974f)
4 2767 SU Tauri
4 2768 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2768 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos
4 2769 Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e) [Periodic]
4 2769 Novae [GK Per, RS Oph]
4 2770 Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e) [Periodic]
4 2770 Hercules X-1
4 2770 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1975c)
4 2770 Periodic Comet Westphal
4 2771 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2771 Neptune II (Nereid)
4 2772 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
4 2773 CH Ursae Majoris
4 2773 Comet van den Bergh (1974g)
4 2773 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2774 Notice to Telegram Subscribers
4 2774 X-Ray Sources [0536+263, 3U 0352+30]
4 2775 Periodic Comet Boethin (1975a)
4 2775 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1975b)
4 2776 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2776 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2776 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1975c)
4 2776 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1975b)
4 2776 Supernova in NGC 4102
4 2777 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
4 2778 X-Ray Sources [Cyg X-1, A1118-61]
4 2779 Cygnus X-1
4 2779 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2779 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1974f)
4 2779 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1973l)
4 2780 Centaurus A
4 2780 Periodic Comets Giacobini (1896 V) and Metcalf (1906 VI)
4 2780 Prime Candidate for the Transient X-Ray Source A0535+26
4 2781 Jupiter XIII
4 2781 X Persei
4 2782 AL Comae Berenices
4 2782 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2782 Occultation of Epsilon Geminorum by Mars on 1976 April 8
4 2782 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1973m)
4 2782 Supernovae [NGC 2935, NGC 4102]
4 2783 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1969 IV)
4 2784 3C 249.1
4 2784 A0535+26
4 2784 Periodic Comet Wolf (1975f)
4 2785 Observations of Comets [1973m, 1974g]
4 2785 Periodic Comet Gunn (1969 II)
4 2785 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1975c)
4 2785 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
4 2785 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1975b)
4 2786 AL Comae Berenices
4 2786 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2786 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2787 A0535+26
4 2787 Periodic Comet Boethin (1975a)
4 2788 A0535+26
4 2788 Nova or Other Eruptive Variable [1915+047]
4 2788 Outburst of CI Cygni
4 2788 X-Ray Increase of AQL X-1
4 2789 Comet Longmore (1975g) [Periodic]
4 2789 RT Lacertae
4 2789 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1400+547]
4 2790 A0535+26 and HDE 245770  [C*2791]
4 2790 New Soft X-Ray Source [MX 1313+29]  [C*2791]
4 2790 Observations of Comets [1972 XII, 1974e, 1974a]  [C*2791]
4 2790 Shell of DV Aquarii  [C*2791]
4 2790 Spectrum of Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1400+547]  [C*2791]
4 2791 BL Lacertae-Type Object  [1831+732]
4 2791 CD -33 12119 and X-Ray Source 3U 1727-33
4 2791 IAUC 2790 [Number omitted; corrigendum]
4 2791 Probable Nova in Scutum
4 2792 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2792 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2792 Nova Scuti 1975
4 2792 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1973l)
4 2793 Aquila X-1
4 2793 X-Ray Observations of Cyg X-1 from Salyut 4
4 2794 3U 0900-40
4 2794 Cygnus X-3
4 2794 HD 87643
4 2795 Eruptive Variable in Aquila
4 2795 HDE 226868
4 2795 Nova Scuti 1975
4 2795 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2795 V436 Centauri
4 2796 HD 87643
4 2796 Periodic Comet Arend
4 2797 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2797 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1973l)
4 2798 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2798 Nova Scuti 1975
4 2799 Jupiter
4 2799 New Soft X-Ray Source [MX 1640+40]
4 2799 Periodic Comet Boethin (1975a)
4 2800 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2801 Nova Scuti 1975
4 2802 Eruptive Variable in Aquila
4 2802 HDE 226868
4 2802 Omicron Andromedae
4 2803 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2803 Nova Scuti 1975
4 2804 CI Cygni
4 2804 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2805 G 208-44/45
4 2805 HZ 43
4 2805 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 2806 1973 NA
4 2806 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2807 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell
4 2808 A1524-61
4 2808 MX 1401-45
4 2808 Possible Comet Antal
4 2808 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 2809 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2809 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2810 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2810 Omicron Andromedae
4 2811 Nova Aquilae 1975
4 2811 Nova Sagittarii 1975
4 2811 Nova Scuti 1975
4 2811 VV Cephei
4 2812 Comet Longmore (1975g) [Periodic]
4 2812 Jupiter
4 2813 1973 EC
4 2813 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2813 Nova Sagittarii 1975
4 2813 OY 091 and PKS 2335+03
4 2814 A0601-00  [C*2817:  corrected to A0621-00, later to A0620-00]
4 2814 CoD -33 12119
4 2814 Omicron Andromedae
4 2815 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2816 1973 EA
4 2816 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1975i)
4 2817 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2817 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
4 2817 Transient X-Ray Sources [A1524-61, A0621-00 (corrected to A0620-00)]
4 2818 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2818 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1974f)
4 2819 A0621-00 and Probable Optical Identification  [corrected to A0620-00]
4 2819 Cygnus X-3
4 2819 Nova Sagittarii 1975
4 2820 Jupiter XIII
4 2820 Positions of X-Ray Sources
4 2820 Wild's Variable Object [1831+732]
4 2821 Ceres-Psyche Campaign
4 2821 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2821 Jupiter
4 2821 Nova Aquilae 1975
4 2821 Nova Scuti 1975
4 2821 Periodic Comet Gunn (1969 II)
4 2822 A0620-00
4 2823 A0620-00
4 2824 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2824 Hercules X-1
4 2824 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1975b)
4 2824 Serpens X-1
4 2825 AZ Cassiopeiae
4 2825 CI Cygni
4 2825 Omicron Andromedae
4 2825 Periodic Comet Boethin (1975a)
4 2825 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0309+420]
4 2826 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2827 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2828 Notice to Subscribers
4 2828 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2829 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2830 A0620-00
4 2830 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2831 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2832 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2833 3U 0900-40
4 2833 Cygnus X-1
4 2833 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2834 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2835 A0620-00
4 2835 Nova Aquilae 1975
4 2835 Nova Scuti 1975
4 2836 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2837 A0620-00
4 2837 Nova Aquilae 1975
4 2837 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2837 Nova Persei 1974
4 2838 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2838 Comet Longmore (1975g) [Periodic]
4 2839 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2840 Nova Monocerotis 1975 (= A0620-00)
4 2840 Nova Scuti 1975
4 2841 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2841 HD 77581
4 2841 Jupiter XIII
4 2842 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2842 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2842 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2843 29999-321-2852
4 2843 MX 0656-07
4 2843 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1975b)
4 2844 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2844 Jupiter
4 2845 Periodic Comet Longmore (1975g)
4 2845 Probable New Satellite of Jupiter [1975 J 1]
4 2846 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2846 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2846 Nova Monocerotis 1975 (= A0620-00)
4 2846 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1975i)
4 2846 Periodic Comet Longmore (1975g)
4 2846 Satellites of Jupiter [names, V-XIII]
4 2847 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2847 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2847 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1975c)
4 2848 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2848 Periodic Comet Arend (1975m)
4 2848 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1975l)
4 2848 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
4 2849 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2849 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2849 Notice to Regular Subscribers
4 2850 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2850 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2851 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2851 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2851 Periodic Comet Wolf (1975f)
4 2852 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2852 MX 0656-07
4 2853 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2853 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2854 1973 EC
4 2854 3U 0352+30
4 2854 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2854 Nova Monocerotis 1975
4 2854 R Coronae Borealis
4 2855 Probable New Satellite of Jupiter [1975 J 1]
4 2856 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2856 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2857 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2858 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2858 Nova Cygni 1975
4 2858 Nova Scuti 1975
4 2858 Supernova in NGC 7723
4 2859 Beta Persei
4 2859 Cygnus X-2
4 2859 Nova Persei 1974
4 2859 R Coronae Borealis
4 2859 Supernova in NGC 7723
4 2859 Theta-1 Orionis A
4 2859 X-Ray Flare in Norma
4 2860 Comet West (1975n)
4 2861 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2861 Nova Aquilae 1975
4 2861 OX-192
4 2861 Possible Comet Gehrels [1972k]
4 2862 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2863 A0535+26
4 2863 Coordinates of Observatories
4 2863 Cygnus X-1
4 2863 Jupiter XIII (Leda)
4 2863 Observations of Comets [P/S-W 1, P/Gunn, 1973l, 1975b, 1975f]
4 2864 Comet van den Bergh (1974g)
4 2864 Nova Monocerotis 1975
4 2864 V1500 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1975)
4 2865 Comet Gehrels (1975o) [P/Gehrels 3]
4 2866 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2866 Supernova in NGC 7723
4 2867 A0 0235+164
4 2867 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2867 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)  [C*2862]
4 2867 Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e) [Periodic; C*2769]
4 2867 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)  [C*2861]
4 2867 Comet van den Burgh (1974g)  [C*2773]
4 2867 Coordinates of Observatories  [C*2863]
4 2867 Occultation of 4C -06.34 by Venus
4 2867 Probable New Satellite of Jupiter [1975 J 1; C*2855]
4 2868 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2869 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2869 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2869 Transient High-Latitude X-Ray Source [MX 2348-65]
4 2869 X Persei
4 2870 Periodic Comet Gehrels 3 (1975o)
4 2870 V373 Scuti (Nova Scuti 1975)
4 2870 X-Ray Sources [3U 1223-62, 3U 1728-24, 3U 1813-14, 3U 1702-36, 3U 1728-16, 3U 1757-25, 3U 1811-17]
4 2871 Comet West (1975n)
4 2871 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2871 Probable New Satellite of Jupiter [1975 J 1]
4 2872 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2872 Possible Comet West
4 2873 B2 1101+38
4 2873 HDE 245770
4 2873 R Coronae Borealis
4 2873 V1500 Cygni
4 2874 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2874 Fast-Moving Object West [1975 TB, 2100]
4 2874 Supernova in NGC 2487
4 2875 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2876 BPM 30551
4 2876 Notice to Telegram Subscribers
4 2876 Periodic Comet Perrine-Mrkos
4 2876 Periodic Comet Westphal
4 2876 Transient High-Latitude X-Ray Source [MX 2348-65]
4 2877 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2878 3U 0352+30
4 2878 Comet West (1975n)
4 2878 SMC X-1
4 2878 Supernova in NGC 3583
4 2879 Comet Kohoutek (1973 XII)
4 2879 Cygnus X-1
4 2879 Intense X-Ray Bursts from a Globular Cluster [3U 1820-30 from NGC 6624]
4 2879 Periodic Comet Gehrels 1 (1973 I)
4 2879 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1975c)
4 2880 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke
4 2881 CI Cygni
4 2881 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2881 Omicron Andromedae
4 2881 Theta-1 Orionos A
4 2882 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2882 Comet Sato (1975q)
4 2882 Comet West (1975n)
4 2882 V616 Monocerotis (Nova Monocerotis 1975)
4 2883 Comet Sato (1975q)
4 2883 Supernovae in Anonymous Galaxies [anon 0137+320, anon 0101+318]
4 2884 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2884 Comet Sato (1975q)
4 2884 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 2885 Periodic Comet Kopff
4 2885 V1500 Cygni
4 2886 1975 TB
4 2886 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2886 Comet West (1975n)
4 2886 Editorial Notice
4 2887 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 2888 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2888 Observations of Comets [1971 VI, 1972 II, 1973f; C*2681]
4 2888 Possible Supernova in NGC 4298
4 2888 X Persei
4 2889 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2889 Comet Sato (1975q)
4 2889 Omicron Andromedae
4 2890 1973 EA
4 2890 Comet Sato (1975q)
4 2890 Notice to Regular Subscribers
4 2890 Periodic Comet Gehrels 3 (1975o)
4 2891 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2891 Fast-Moving Object Wroblewski [1975 XA]
4 2892 AO 0235+164
4 2892 PG 2337+12
4 2892 V1500 Cygni
4 2893 Fast-Moving Object Kowal [1975 YA, 2102]
4 2893 Fast-Moving Object Wroblewski [1975 XA]
4 2893 Supernova in NGC 1325
4 2894 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2894 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2894 Comet West (1975n)
4 2894 Increase in Subscription Rates
4 2894 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1975l)
4 2895 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2895 Fast-Moving Object Kowal [1975 YA, 2102]
4 2895 Supernova in NGC 3756
4 2895 V373 Scuti
4 2896 Comet Sato (1975q)
4 2896 Periodic Comet Faye
4 2897 1975 YA (Fast-Moving Object Kowal)  [(2102) Tantalus]
4 2897 Jupiter XIII
4 2898 1950 LA  [(1980) Tezcatlipoca]
4 2898 Observations of Comets [P/S-W 1, P/Encke, 1973 II, 1974g, 1975e]
4 2898 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1974
4 2899 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2899 Fast-Moving Object Helin [1976 AA, 2062]
4 2899 Omicron Andromedae
4 2899 Probable New Satellite of Jupiter [1975 J 1]
4 2900 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4 2900 Periodic Comet d'Arrest
4 2901 1976 AA (Fast-Moving Object Helin)  [(2062) Aten]
4 2902 1975 YA  
4 2902 Comet West (1975n)
4 2902 V1500 Cygni
4 2902 VY Canis Majoris
4 2903 1975 YA
4 2903 1976 AA
4 2903 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2903 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke
4 2904 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2904 R Coronae Borealis
4 2905 1976 AA
4 2905 CI Cygni
4 2905 Comet West (1975n)
4 2905 Theta-1 Orionis A
4 2906 Comet Sato (1975q)
4 2906 V400 Persei (Nova Persei 1974)
4 2907 3U 1820-30
4 2907 PG 2337+12
4 2907 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2907 V616 Monocerotis
4 2908 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2908 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2908 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2908 PKS 0422+004
4 2909 1976 AA
4 2910 Comet West (1975n)
4 2910 GX 1+4
4 2911 Notice to Telegram Subscribers
4 2911 Periodic Comet Johnson
4 2911 Sigma Orionis E
4 2911 VY Canis Majoris
4 2911 X-Ray Bursts from near the Galactic Center
4 2912 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2912 Comet West (1975n)
4 2913 1975 YA
4 2913 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2913 MX 0513-40
4 2914 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 2914 Comet West (1975n)
4 2914 Strong X-Ray Burst [0615+093]
4 2914 V1500 Cygni
4 2915 1976 AA
4 2915 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2915 Notice to Subscribers in North America
4 2915 X-Ray Burst from Aquila
4 2916 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2916 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 2916 Comet West (1975n)
4 2917 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 2917 Comet West (1975n)
4 2918 Cygnus X-1
4 2918 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
4 2918 S Apodis
4 2918 V616 Monocerotis
4 2918 X-Ray Bursts from Galactic Center Region
4 2919 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 2919 Comet West (1975n)
4 2919 Periodic Comet Kopff (1976b)
4 2920 3U 1727-33
4 2920 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2920 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1974 XVI)
4 2921 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 2921 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1309+298]
4 2922 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2922 X-Ray Bursts [MXB 1730-335, MXB 1743-293, MXB 1742-297, MXB 1728-34, 076-50]
4 2923 Comet Bradfield (1976d)
4 2923 Comet Schuster (1976c)
4 2923 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1974 XIII)
4 2924 Comet Bradfield (1976d)
4 2924 Comet Schuster (1976c)
4 2924 Comet West (1975n)
4 2925 A1745-36
4 2925 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 2925 X-Ray Bursts [MXB 1730-335]
4 2926 Comet Bradfield (1976d)
4 2926 Comet Schuster (1976c)
4 2926 Periodic Comet Arend (1975m)
4 2926 V1500 Cygni
4 2927 Comet West (1975n)
4 2928 Comet West (1975n)
4 2929 HR 1099
4 2929 X-Ray Bursts from Galactic Center Region [MXB 1730-335, MXB 1728-34]
4 2930 3C 120
4 2930 Comet West (1975n)
4 2931 Comet Bradfield (1976d)
4 2931 Comet West (1975n)
4 2932 X-Ray Bursts [1727-335, NGC 6624, 1612-523]
4 2933 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 2934 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1976f)
4 2934 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 2934 X-Ray Sources [A1743-29, Aql X-1]
4 2935 Comet Sato (1975q)
4 2935 MX 0656-07
4 2935 Occultation of Epsilon Geminorum by Phobos on 1976 April 8
4 2935 S Apodis
4 2935 Supernova in NGC 4402
4 2935 V616 Monocerotis (A0620-00)
4 2936 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4 2936 X-Ray Sources [LMC X-1, LMC X-2, LMC X-3, LMC X-4, MX 1608-52, MXB 1730-335]
4 2937 Comet West (1975n)
4 2938 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2938 Periodic Comet Longmore (1974 XIV)
4 2938 V1500 Cygni
4 2938 X-Ray Bursts [MXB 1730-335, MXB 1727-335]
4 2939 ( 944) Hidalgo
4 2939 B2 1308+326
4 2939 Circinus X-1
4 2940 1950 LA
4 2940 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2941 1963 UA  [(2059) Baboquivari]
4 2941 Comet Schuster (1976c)
4 2942 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 2942 V616 Monocerotis (A0620-00)
4 2943 Comet West (1975n)
4 2944 1975 YA
4 2944 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1975b)
4 2945 Periodic Comet Klemola (1965 VI)
4 2945 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
4 2946 WRA 977
4 2946 X-Ray Bursts [1744-285, Cyg X-1]
4 2947 Comet Harlan (1976g)
4 2947 Periodic Comet Faye (1976i)
4 2947 Periodic Comet Johnson (1976h)
4 2948 Comet West (1975n)
4 2948 Occultation of SAO 80046 by Iapetus on 1976 June 16
4 2949 Neptune
4 2949 Neptune II (Neried)
4 2949 V616 Monocerotis (A0620-00)
4 2950 1976 AA
4 2950 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2950 Lunar Occultation of Jupiter's Galilean Satellites
4 2951 Comet Harlan (1976g)
4 2951 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2952 Comet van den Bergh (1974 XII)
4 2952 Detection of Optical Remnant of the Supernova of 1006
4 2952 Periodic Comet Wolf (1975f)
4 2953 V1500 Cygni
4 2953 V616 Monocerotis
4 2953 X-Ray Bursts [1836-227, MXB 1730-335]
4 2954 B2 1308+326
4 2954 Comet West (1975n)
4 2954 Possible Infrared Counterpart of MXB 1730-335
4 2955 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2956 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 2956 Comet Bradfield (1976d)
4 2956 Comet West (1975n)
4 2957 MX 1803-24
4 2957 New Optical Candidate for Circinus X-1
4 2957 V616 Monocerotis (A0620-00)
4 2957 WRA 977 and SAO 251595
4 2958 Comet Harlan (1976g)
4 2958 Comet Sato (1975q)
4 2958 Comet Schuster (1976c)
4 2958 Comet Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori (1975k)
4 2959 MX 1553-54
4 2959 Possible Infrared Counterpart of MXB 1730-335
4 2959 Supernova in IC 1231
4 2959 X-Ray Bursts [KGX 345-6, KGX 349-11]
4 2960 1973 NA
4 2960 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2960 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 2960 Comet Harlan (1976g)
4 2961 B2 1308+326
4 2961 Lunar Occultation of Jupiter's Galilean Satellites
4 2961 R CrB Variables
4 2962 Periodic Comet Gehrels 3 (1975o)
4 2962 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 2963 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 2963 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1975c)
4 2963 X-Ray Bursts [3U 1837+04]
4 2964 Comet West (1975n)
4 2964 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 2965 CI Cygni
4 2965 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1975l)
4 2965 X-Ray Sources [Cir X-1, Aql X-1]
4 2966 1975 YA
4 2966 1976 AA
4 2967 Lunar Occultations of Jupiter's Galilean Satellites
4 2967 Observations of Comets [P/S-W 1, 1975d, 1975e, 1975m, 1975f]
4 2967 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 2968 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975h)
4 2968 Jupiter XIII (Leda)
4 2969 Occultation of SAO 80046 by Iapetus
4 2969 Periodic Comet Johnson (1976h)
4 2969 SAO 243166
4 2969 X-Ray Bursts from Perseus
4 2970 Periodic Comet van Houten (1961 X)
4 2971 1963 UA
4 2971 Optical Candidates for A0353-40 and A0535+26
4 2971 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 2972 HR 1099
4 2972 Optical Candidates for X-Ray Sources
4 2972 Periodic Comet Encke
4 2972 Periodic Comet Wolf (1975f)
4 2972 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 2973 Unusual New Flare Star [2329-030]
4 2973 V1500 Cygni
4 2974 Circinus X-1
4 2974 Comet West (1975n)
4 2974 Hercules X-1
4 2974 UU Sagittae
4 2975 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2976 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 2976 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 2976 Comet Harlan (1976g)
4 2976 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 2977 A1919+43
4 2977 Periodic Comet Tempel-Swift and Neujmin 2
4 2977 Radio Flare from Circinus X-1
4 2978 Editorial Notice
4 2978 Jupiter XIII (Leda)
4 2978 New Mira Variable in Scutum [1824-147]
4 2978 UU Sagittae
4 2979 1973 EA
4 2979 Comet Schuster (1976c)
4 2979 Stephenson 557
4 2980 3U 0833-45
4 2980 GU Sagittarii
4 2980 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 2980 WRA 977
4 2981 1975 YA
4 2981 V1500 Cygni
4 2982 Comet West (1975n)
4 2982 Periodic Comet Klemola (1976j)
4 2982 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 2982 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)  [C*2980]
4 2983 1950 LA
4 2983 1975 YA
4 2983 X-Ray Bursts [MXB 1837+05, MXB 1906+00, 1908+023]
4 2984 AM Her = 3U 1809+50
4 2984 Supernova in NGC 5427
4 2984 X-Ray Bursts [MX 1608-52, MXB 1728-34, MXB 1730-335, MXB 1837+05, MXB 1906+00, 1908+023]
4 2985 A1707-27
4 2985 FG Sagittae
4 2985 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 2986 Periodic Comet Klemola (1976j)
4 2987 AM Herculis
4 2987 Comet Harlan (1976g)
4 2987 HR 1099
4 2988 Comet West (1975n)
4 2989 GU Sagittarii
4 2989 HD 5980
4 2989 V1500 Cygni
4 2990 Comet Bradfield (1975d)
4 2990 L19-2 and LFT 1679
4 2990 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 2991 1973 EA
4 2991 HD 5980
4 2991 Periodic Comet Faye (1976i)
4 2991 Supernova in NGC 7177
4 2992 High Energy Gamma-Ray Source [l,b:  136+1]
4 2992 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 2992 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
4 2993 HD 5980
4 2993 Periodic Comet Klemola (1975j)
4 2993 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0235+334]
4 2994 AM Herculis
4 2994 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 2994 Novalike Object in Ophiuchus
4 2994 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 2994 X-Ray Bursts [MXB 1659-29, MXB 1728-34]
4 2995 Cygnus X-1
4 2995 Emission Variable in Sagitta
4 2995 Galactic Plane Study by Ariel 5
4 2995 R CrB Variables
4 2995 V1500 Cygni
4 2996 Comet West (1975n)
4 2996 Nova Ophiuchi 1976
4 2997 Nova Sagittarii 1975 No. 2
4 2997 Nova Vulpeculae 1976
4 2997 Periodic Comet Klemola (1976j)
4 2998 HR 1099 and UX Arietis
4 2998 Nova Vulpeculae 1976
4 2998 Supernova in NGC  488
4 2999 1976 UA  [(2340) Hathor]
4 2999 Supernovae [NGC  488, IC 1801]
4 3000 ( 197) Arete
4 3000 1976 UA
4 3000 Nova Ophiuchi 1976
4 3000 Nova Vulpeculae 1976
4 3000 Periodic Comet Faye (1976i)
4 3000 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0058-074]
4 3000 X-Ray Bursts [3U 1636-53]
4 3001 1976 UA
4 3001 Nova Vulpeculae 1976
4 3001 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 3002 Comet Schuster (1976c)
4 3002 Periodic Comet Schaumasse
4 3003 Circinus X-1
4 3003 Comet Bradfield (1976a)
4 3003 Gamma-Ray Source near 3U 0258+60
4 3003 Nova Vulpeculae 1976
4 3003 Periodic Comet Klemola (1976j)
4 3004 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 3004 Theta-1 Orionis A
4 3005 1976 UA
4 3005 Emission Variable in Sagitta
4 3005 Miranda Appulse on 1977 March 10
4 3005 Nova Ophiuchi 1976
4 3005 Nova Vulpeculae 1976
4 3005 Time Adjustment on 1976 December 31
4 3006 Hard X-Ray Bursts [approximately 2220+007]
4 3006 U Aquarii
4 3006 VV Cephei
4 3007 ( 944) Hidalgo
4 3007 1975 YA
4 3007 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3007 Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4 3008 1976 UA
4 3008 Nova Vulpeculae 1976
4 3009 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 3009 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3009 Object Schuster [1976 WA, 2329]
4 3010 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3010 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
4 3010 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 3010 X-Ray Bursts [l,b:  344-2, 004-4, 031-8, 026-4]
4 3011 Circinus X-1
4 3011 Comet Harlan (1976g)
4 3011 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3011 Object Schuster [1976 WA, 2329]
4 3012 1936 CA (Adonis)  [(2101)]
4 3012 1976 UA
4 3012 Comet West (1975n)
4 3013 1973 NA
4 3013 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3013 VV Cephei
4 3013 X-Ray Sources [Cir X-1, 1806-186, MXB 1730-335]
4 3014 1976 WA (Object Schuster)  [(2329) Orthos]
4 3015 HR 1099
4 3015 Object Sebok
4 3015 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 3015 Periodic Comet Klemola (1976j)
4 3015 Periodic Comet Tempel 1
4 3016 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3016 Nova Vulpeculae 1976
4 3017 1976 WA  
4 3017 Periodic Comet Faye (1976i)
4 3017 Possible Observation of a Gamma-Ray Burst at Radio Freqeuncies
4 3017 Possible Optical Counterpart for LMC X-4
4 3018 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 3018 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3018 Emission Variable in Sagitta
4 3019 Comet Schuster (1976c)
4 3019 Possible Comet [Eberst-Coulson]
4 3019 VV Cephei
4 3020 Periodic Comet Kopff (1976b)
4 3021 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 3021 Enhanced Gamma-Ray Emission
4 3021 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson
4 3021 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3021 Supernova in NGC  977
4 3022 Nova Vulpeculae 1976
4 3022 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 3023 1976 UA
4 3023 1976 WA
4 3023 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3023 Nova Vulpeculae 1976
4 3023 Possible Optical Counterpart for LMC X-4
4 3024 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck
4 3024 V1500 Cygni
4 3025 Gamma-Ray Bursts [221-65 - 236-12]
4 3025 MXB 1637-53
4 3025 Nova Sagittae 1977
4 3026 1976 AA
4 3026 1976 UA
4 3026 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3027 1976 WA
4 3027 Nova Sagittae 1977
4 3028 1976 UA
4 3028 Comet Bradfield (1975p)
4 3028 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 3028 Periodic Comet Klemola (1976j)
4 3028 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte
4 3029 Nova Vulpeculae 1976
4 3029 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
4 3029 Supernova in NGC 3226
4 3030 Comet West (1975n)
4 3030 Nova Sagittae 1977
4 3031 Aquila X-1
4 3031 Comet Bradfield (1976d)
4 3031 Comet Harlan (1976g)
4 3031 Observations of Minor Planets [1963 UA, 1975 YA]
4 3031 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3031 V1500 Cygni
4 3032 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3032 NQ Vulpeculae (Nova Vulpeculae 1976)
4 3032 Nova Sagittae 1977
4 3033 Jupiter XIII (Leda)
4 3033 PKS 0735+178
4 3033 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1977b)
4 3033 Periodic Comet Taylor (1916 I = 1977a)
4 3034 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux
4 3035 29999-321-3044
4 3035 Comet Lovas (1974c)
4 3035 Periodic Comet Taylor (1977a)
4 3035 Supernova in NGC 4340
4 3036 Comet Harlan (1976g)
4 3036 Comet Schuster (1976c)
4 3036 Periodic Comet Taylor (1977a)
4 3036 Periodic Comet Whipple
4 3037 Periodic Comet Faye (1976i)
4 3037 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 3037 Supernova in Faint ScI Galaxy [VV 5-26-14]
4 3038 Occultation of SAO l58587 by Uranus on 1977 March 10
4 3039 An Ursae Majoris
4 3039 Novae [V1500 Cyg, NQ Vul, Nova Sge 1977]
4 3039 Possible Optical Counterpart for LMC X-4
4 3039 SU Tauri
4 3039 X-Ray Sources [3U 0042+32, 3U 1538-52, 3U 1258-61, Her X-1, galactic center]
4 3040 Occultation of Gamma Ceti by (6) Hebe on 1977 March 5
4 3040 Occultation of SAO l58587 by Uranus on 1977 March 10
4 3041 1936 CA (Adonis)
4 3041 Possible Comet Lovas [1977c]
4 3042 1936 CA (Adonis)
4 3042 Comet Lovas (1977c)
4 3042 Periodic Comet Gehrels 3 (1975o)
4 3043 (1980) 1950 LA
4 3043 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3043 Possible Supernova in NGC 4278
4 3043 R Coronae Borealis
4 3044 1963 UA
4 3044 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3044 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975j)
4 3044 Comet Schuster (1976c)
4 3045 1976 WA
4 3045 3U 0042+32
4 3045 Comet van den Bergh (1974 XII)
4 3045 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3045 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson
4 3045 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975e)
4 3045 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 3046 1976 AA
4 3047 A1540-53
4 3047 Comet Lovas (1977c)
4 3047 Occultations by Uranus and (6) Hebe
4 3048 Occultation of SAO 156867 by Uranus and Satellite Belt
4 3049 An Ursae Majoris
4 3049 Lunar Occultations of X-Ray Sources [7 August 1977 - 29 May 1985]
4 3049 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3049 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1977b)
4 3050 Novae [V1500 Cyg, NQ Vul, Nova Sge 1977]
4 3050 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3050 R CrB Variables
4 3051 CSVS 6997
4 3051 Occultations of SAO 158687 by Uranian Satellite Belt
4 3052 Comet Lovas (1977c)
4 3052 Pre-Proposal Briefings for Space Telescope Project
4 3053 Comet Lovas (1977c)
4 3053 HEAO-A Guest Investigator Program
4 3053 Supernova in NGC 5406
4 3054 PKS 0735+178
4 3054 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1976f)
4 3054 VV Puppis
4 3054 X-Ray Sources [3U 1258-61, 3U 1626-67, (Nova) DQ Her (1934), catalogue, 3U 1538-52]
4 3055 Comet Lovas (1977c)
4 3055 Novalike Object in Sagittarius
4 3055 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1977b)
4 3055 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1977d)
4 3056 1976 UA
4 3056 Nova Sagittarii 1977
4 3056 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3056 Periodic Comet Taylor (1977a)
4 3057 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3057 Nova Sagittarii 1977
4 3057 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 3057 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1975
4 3058 Comet Lovas (1977c)
4 3058 Occultation of SAO 158687 by Uranian Rings
4 3059 1936 CA (Adonis)
4 3059 Comet Lovas (1975 VIII)
4 3059 Comet Schuster (1975 II)
4 3059 Possible Comet [Zhukov]
4 3060 1976 AA
4 3060 HDE 226868 (Cygnus X-1)
4 3060 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1976e)
4 3061 Comet Lovas (1977c)
4 3061 Occultation of SAO 158687 by Uranian Rings
4 3061 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1977b)
4 3062 Comet Helin (1977e)
4 3062 Nova Sagittarii 1977
4 3063 1977 HA  [(2135) Aristaeus]
4 3063 Periodic Comet Faye (1976i)
4 3063 Periodic Comet Johnson (1976h)
4 3063 Periodic Comet Taylor (1977a)
4 3064 Comet Helin (1977e)
4 3065 1960 UA  [(2061) Anza]
4 3065 1977 HA
4 3065 AM Her Variables
4 3066 1977 HB  [(2063) Bacchus]
4 3066 Comet Helin (1977e)
4 3066 Comet Kowal (1977f) [Periodic]
4 3066 HEAO-A Guest Investigator Program
4 3067 1977 HA
4 3067 1977 HB
4 3067 Comet Kowal (1977f) [Periodic]
4 3067 Nova Sagittarii 1977
4 3067 X-Ray Bursts [MXB 1730-335, MXB 1728-33]
4 3068 Possible Occultations by Uranian Rings
4 3069 AM Herculis
4 3069 No Meteors from Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 3069 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3069 Probable Supernova in Interacting Galaxy [VV 5-42-11]
4 3069 R CrB Variables
4 3070 1977 HA
4 3070 Comet Helin (1977e)
4 3070 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g)
4 3071 1963 UA
4 3071 1976 WA
4 3071 AM Herculis
4 3072 Comet Lovas (1977c)
4 3072 Neptune II (Nereid)
4 3072 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3073 1936 CA (Adonis)
4 3073 Novae [Nova Sgr 1977, Nova Sge 1977, NQ Vul, V1500 Cyg]
4 3073 Probable Optical Counterpart for LMC X-4
4 3074 Eclipses of Saturn VIII (Iapetus)
4 3074 Maser Turn-On of W3(OH)
4 3074 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington
4 3074 Possible Supernova in NGC 4278
4 3075 Comet West (1975n)
4 3075 X-Ray Bursts [MXB 1735-44=KGX 345-6, 1730-35]
4 3076 Comet Kowal (1977f) [Periodic]
4 3076 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3077 1977 HB
4 3077 Comet Helin (1977e)
4 3077 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1977b)
4 3077 Periodic Comet Taylor (1977a)
4 3078 AR Lacertae
4 3078 X-Ray Sources [observing group at MIT, A0535+26, 3U 1538-52]
4 3079 Comet Kowal (1977f) [Periodic]
4 3079 MXB 1730-335
4 3079 Occultation by Uranus on 1977 August 26
4 3079 Occultation of SAO 99401 by (2) Pallas on 1977 July 8
4 3079 Periodic Comet Comas Sola
4 3080 1977 HB
4 3080 Comet Mori-Sato-Fujikawa (1975 XII)
4 3080 S Apodis
4 3081 HM Sagittae (Emission Variable in Sagitta)
4 3081 Periodic Comet Whipple (1977h)
4 3081 Supernova in NGC 5406
4 3082 NQ Vulpeculae
4 3082 Nova Sagittae 1977
4 3082 Nova Sagittarii 1977
4 3082 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3082 Periodic Comet Gehrels 3 (1975o)
4 3082 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3083 HM Sagittae
4 3083 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1977b)
4 3083 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1977i)
4 3084 1960 UA
4 3084 1976 AA
4 3084 Optical Candidates for X-Ray Sources
4 3085 3U 1735-44 = 2S 1735-444
4 3085 Comet Helin (1977e)
4 3085 Periodic Comet Kowal (1977f)
4 3086 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3087 (1566) Icarus
4 3087 MXB 1916-05
4 3088 3U 1626-67
4 3088 3U 1908+00
4 3088 HD 165590
4 3088 HM Sagittae
4 3088 MXB 1637-53
4 3088 VV Puppis
4 3089 1975 YA
4 3089 V711 Tauri
4 3090 1977 HB
4 3090 Novalike X-Ray Source in Norma
4 3090 Periodic Comet Taylor (1977a)
4 3091 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3091 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1977j)
4 3091 Supernova in NGC 1411
4 3092 Comet Schuster (1975 II)
4 3092 FG Sagittae
4 3092 MXB 0512-40
4 3092 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3092 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1977b)
4 3092 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1977i)
4 3092 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1977d)
4 3093 Periodic Comet Kojima (1970 XII)
4 3094 Comet Harlan (1976g)
4 3094 HM Sagittae
4 3094 Novalike X-Ray Sources in Norma
4 3094 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1977j)
4 3095 AM Herculis
4 3095 Circinus X-1
4 3095 Cometary Nebula near NGC 7023
4 3095 LMC X-4
4 3095 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1977k)
4 3095 X-Ray Bursts [4U 1746-37, NGC 1851]
4 3096 Novae [Nova Sgr 1977, Nova Sge 1977, NQ Vul]
4 3096 Optical Counterparts of X-Ray Sources
4 3096 Periodic Comet Klemola (1976j)
4 3097 Periodic Comet Faye (1976i)
4 3097 Periodic Comet Gehrels 3 (1975o)
4 3097 Periodic Comet Kowal (1977f)
4 3098 (  69) Hesperia
4 3098 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3098 RY Sagittarii
4 3099 HEAO-1 Launch
4 3099 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 1
4 3099 V1500 Cygni
4 3099 Variable X-Ray Sources [4U 1755-33, 4U 1608-52, Cir X-1]
4 3100 1963 UA
4 3100 A0538-66
4 3100 Possible Comet [Chernykh, 1977l]
4 3101 CH Cygni
4 3101 Comet Chernykh (1977l) [Periodic]
4 3101 Novalike X-Ray Source in Norma
4 3102 CH Cygni
4 3102 Jupiter XIII (Leda)
4 3102 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3103 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3103 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1977k)
4 3103 Supernova in NGC 1411
4 3104 1977 RA  [(2368) Beltrovata]
4 3104 4U 1630-47
4 3104 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3104 X-Ray Flare [1708-245]
4 3105 CH Cygni
4 3105 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3106 1977 HA
4 3106 Circinus X-1
4 3106 Comet Lovas (1977c)
4 3106 X-Ray Flare near 4U 1755-33
4 3107 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3107 HD 193793
4 3107 HD 77581 (Vela X-1)
4 3107 RY Sagittarii
4 3108 4U 1608-52
4 3108 Circinus X-1
4 3108 MXB 1730-335
4 3108 Occultations by Uranian Rings
4 3108 V1017 Sagittarii
4 3109 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3109 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3110 Nova Ophiuchi 1977
4 3110 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1977n)
4 3111 1977 RA
4 3111 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3112 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3113 CH Cygni
4 3113 H 1743-32
4 3113 Notice to Subscribers and Contributors
4 3114 1977 HB
4 3114 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3114 HM Sagittae
4 3115 Nova Ophiuchi 1977
4 3115 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3115 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3115 RY Sagittarii
4 3116 1977 RA
4 3116 Eclipses of Saturn VIII (Iapetus)
4 3116 Hercules X-1
4 3116 Nebula near CL4
4 3116 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1977k)
4 3117 Periodic Comet Kopff (1976b)
4 3117 X Persei
4 3117 X-Ray Bursts [MXB 1730-335, MXB 1728-34]
4 3118 4U 1145-61
4 3118 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3118 IC 4997
4 3118 Nebula near CL4
4 3118 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3119 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3120 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1977b)
4 3120 Possible Comet [Schuster, 1977o]
4 3121 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3121 Comet Schuster (1977o) [Periodic]
4 3121 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1977j)
4 3121 Time Adjustment on 1977 December 31
4 3122 Omicron Andromedae
4 3122 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 2
4 3122 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck
4 3122 Supernova in Faint Galaxy [VV 11-10-52]
4 3123 Periodic Comet Schuster (1977o)
4 3124 Comet Sanguin (1977p) [Periodic]
4 3124 Periodic Comet Schuster (1977o)
4 3124 RY Sagittarii
4 3125 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3125 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g)
4 3125 SMC X-2 and SMC X-3
4 3125 U Geminorum
4 3126 Comet Sanguin (1977p) [Periodic]
4 3127 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3127 Comet Sanguin (1977p) [Periodic]
4 3127 Nova Sagittarii 1977
4 3127 SMC X-2 and SMC X-3
4 3128 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3128 Periodic Comet Sanguin (1977p)
4 3128 Periodic Comet Schuster (1977o)
4 3129 4U 1608-52
4 3129 HDE 245770
4 3129 Slow-Moving Object Kowal [1977 UB, 2060]
4 3130 1977 RA
4 3130 Slow-Moving Object Kowal [1977 UB, 2060]
4 3131 Comet Helin (1977e)
4 3131 Nova Sagittae 1977
4 3131 Object Helin-Shoemaker [1977 VA]
4 3131 Possible Comet [Tsuchinshan, 1977g]
4 3132 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3132 Comet Tsuchinshan (1977q)
4 3133 1977 VA (Object Helin-Shoemaker)
4 3133 1977 VB
4 3134 1977 UB (Slow-Moving Object Kowal)  [(2060) Chiron]
4 3134 ESO 113-IG 45
4 3134 HEAO-1 Pointed Observations [SMC X-1, Cyg X-1, A754, Cyg A, PSR 0833-45]
4 3134 MXB 1706-43
4 3134 SMC X-2 and SMC X-3
4 3134 V Sagittae
4 3135 Comet Tsuchinshan (1977q)
4 3135 NQ Vulpeculae
4 3136 1977 VA
4 3136 1977 VB
4 3136 HD 193793
4 3136 Periodic Comet Sanguin (1977p)
4 3137 1977 VA
4 3137 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3138 Periodic Comet Schuster (1977o)
4 3139 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3139 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3140 1977 UB  
4 3140 B2 1308+32 = CSVS 6997 = OP 313
4 3140 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0201+117]
4 3141 Occultation of SAO 85009 by (2) Pallas on 1978 May 29
4 3141 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 3141 Periodic Comet Schuster (1977o)
4 3142 1976 AA
4 3142 Comet Lovas (1975 VIII)
4 3142 Comet Schuster (1975 II)
4 3142 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1977k)
4 3143 1977 UB
4 3143 1977 VA
4 3143 ESO 113-IG 45
4 3143 SMC X-2 and SMC X-3
4 3144 2S 0114+650
4 3144 Occultations by (15) Eunomia on 1978 January 10 and 19
4 3144 X-Ray Flare [4U 1630-47, 4U 1642-45, 4U 1624-49]
4 3145 1977 UB
4 3145 III Zw 2
4 3146 2S 0114+650
4 3146 Appulses to Neptune
4 3146 Comet Tsuchinshan (1977q)
4 3146 Interstellar Methane
4 3146 Meteors from near Alpha Circini
4 3146 WRA 977
4 3147 1977 UB
4 3147 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3148 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3148 Periodic Comet Kowal (1977f)
4 3149 Cygnus X-1 (HDE 226868)
4 3149 Occultations by Minor Planets [(16), (704)]
4 3149 Periodic Comet Kopff (1976b)
4 3150 Extragalactic Identification of 4U 0241+62
4 3150 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3150 Periodic Comet Sanguin (1977p)
4 3151 1977 UB
4 3151 Periodic Comet Kojima (1977r)
4 3152 Occultations by (15) Eunomia
4 3152 Periodic Comet Schuster (1977o)
4 3152 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1977s)
4 3152 WRA 977
4 3153 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3153 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1977i)
4 3154 1977 RA
4 3154 III Zw 2
4 3154 SMC X-2 and SMC X-3
4 3154 X-Ray Flare [0535+260]
4 3155 Comet Tsuchinshan (1977q)
4 3155 Cometary Nebula near NGC 7023
4 3155 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1977k)
4 3155 Periodic Comet Clark (1973 V)
4 3156 1977 UB
4 3156 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g)
4 3156 Periodic Comet Kojima (1977r)
4 3156 Possible Comet [Lovas, 1977t]
4 3157 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3157 Periodic Comet Smirnova-Chernykh (1975 VII)
4 3158 1977 VA
4 3158 Occultations by Minor Planets [(52), (65), (10), (511)]
4 3158 Periodic Comet Sanguin (1977p)
4 3158 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0743+858]
4 3159 1977 HB
4 3159 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3160 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3160 Periodic Comet Schuster (1977o)
4 3161 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g)
4 3161 Periodic Comet Whipple (1977h)
4 3161 X-Ray Flare [0114+634, 0116+632]
4 3161 X-Ray Observations of Galaxies
4 3162 Comet Lovas (1977t)
4 3162 Comet West (1978a)
4 3163 4U 0115+63
4 3163 Comet Lovas (1976k)
4 3163 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3164 Comet West (1978a)
4 3164 Mars
4 3164 Radio Counterpart for Gamma-Ray Source CG 135+1
4 3165 Comet Lovas (1977t)
4 3165 Comet Tsuchinshan (1977q)
4 3165 Comet West (1978a)
4 3165 GX 301-2
4 3165 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3166 Comet Wild (1978b) [P/Wild 2]
4 3166 Observations of Minor Planets [1960 UA, 1977 RA, 1977 VA]
4 3166 Periodic Comet Kopff (1976b)
4 3166 Periodic Comet Sanguin (1977p)  [C*3158]
4 3166 Periodic Comet Schuster (1977o)  [C*3160]
4 3167 HDE 245770
4 3167 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner
4 3167 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)
4 3168 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3169 Comet Lovas (1977t)
4 3169 Mars
4 3169 X-Ray Sources [H1122-59, H2309+59, 4U 0115+63]
4 3170 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3170 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)
4 3170 Possible Optical Counterpart for GT 0236+610
4 3170 V1500 Cygni
4 3171 4U 0115+63
4 3171 Circinus X-1
4 3171 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3171 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3172 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3173 HR 1099 (= 4U 0336+01?)
4 3173 NGC 4151
4 3173 Observations with the International Ultraviolet Explorer
4 3173 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)
4 3174 Brief X-Ray Burst Transient  [approximately 0500-555]
4 3174 Object Schuster [1978 CA]
4 3175 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3175 Comet Tritton (1978d) [Periodic]
4 3175 Editorial Notice
4 3176 2A 1052+606 = SAO 015338?
4 3176 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3176 HR 1099
4 3177 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3177 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)
4 3178 AX Persei
4 3178 Comet West (1978a)
4 3179 1978 CA (Object Schuster)
4 3180 HR 1099
4 3180 Possible Optical Counterpart for GT 0236+610
4 3180 U Geminorum
4 3181 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3181 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1977k)
4 3181 Periodic Comet Kojima (1977r)
4 3182 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3182 X Persei (= 4U 0352+30)
4 3183 1977 YA (Formerly Comet Lovas 1977t)
4 3183 1978 DA  [(2608) Seneca]
4 3184 4U 1249-28
4 3184 4U 1538-52
4 3184 HDE 245770
4 3184 HR 1099
4 3184 Hercules X-1
4 3184 Nova Sagittae 1977
4 3184 V1500 Cygni
4 3185 1978 CA and 1978 DA
4 3185 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3186 Comet Tritton (1978d) [Periodic]
4 3186 Novalike Object in Serpens
4 3187 Periodic Comet Holmes
4 3187 Periodic Comet Schuster (1977o)
4 3187 Roman Numeral Designations of Comets in 1976
4 3187 VV Puppis
4 3188 Nova Serpentis 1978
4 3188 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3188 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1978e)
4 3188 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1977j)
4 3189 1978 CA
4 3189 1978 DA
4 3189 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3190 MCG 5-23-16
4 3190 Other X-Ray Burst Sources [MXB 1728-34, MXB 1730-335]
4 3190 Persistent X-Ray Emission from MXB 1659-29
4 3190 T Tauri
4 3191 1978 CA
4 3192 1978 DA
4 3193 1978 CA and 1978 DA
4 3193 Comet West (1978a)
4 3193 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)
4 3193 Periodicity in 4U 1700-37
4 3193 X-Ray Burst [1659-29]
4 3194 MCG 5-23-16  [C*3190]
4 3194 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*3082]
4 3194 Periodic Comet Tritton (1978d)
4 3195 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3195 Nova Serpentis 1978
4 3195 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1977k)
4 3196 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3196 Periodic Comet Gehrels 3 (1975o)
4 3197 4U 1630-47
4 3197 4U 1837+04 and 4U 1538-52
4 3197 HR 1099
4 3197 Nova Ophiuchi 1977
4 3197 VV Puppis
4 3197 Variable Galaxies [B2 1833+32, 2A 0551+466]
4 3198 Nova Serpentis 1978
4 3198 Periodic Comet Tritton (1978d)
4 3198 UW Centauri
4 3199 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3199 Comet West (1978a)
4 3200 1978 CA
4 3200 Comet Schuster (1975 II)
4 3201 4U 1538-52
4 3201 Nova Serpentis 1978
4 3201 X Persei
4 3202 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3202 MCG -5-23-16
4 3202 MCG -6-30-15
4 3203 1978 DA
4 3203 Comet Tsuchinshan (1977q)
4 3203 Coordinates of Observatories
4 3203 H 1743-32
4 3204 MXB 1730-335
4 3204 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1978e)
4 3204 Probable Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3205 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3205 Minor Planet Circulars
4 3205 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3205 X Persei
4 3206 HEAO-1 Observations [AM Her, YZ CMi]
4 3206 Nova Serpentis 1978
4 3206 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3207 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3207 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1977s)
4 3207 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)
4 3208 A0535+26
4 3208 AR and HK Lacertae
4 3208 HD 165590
4 3208 MXB 1730-335
4 3209 NGC 1851
4 3209 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3209 Nova Sagittarii 1978
4 3209 Ultraviolet Spectrum of Supernova Remnant [Cygnus Loop]
4 3210 LP 182-44
4 3210 LSI+61 303 and GT 0236+610
4 3210 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3210 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3211 MXB 1730-335
4 3211 Nova Sagittarii 1978
4 3211 Observations with the International Ultraviolet Explorer
4 3212 1978 CA
4 3212 1978 DA
4 3212 2A1102+384
4 3212 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1977d)
4 3213 1977 VA
4 3213 Comet West (1978a)
4 3213 Nova Sagittarii 1978 = IRC -20494 = V3876 Sagittarii
4 3214 Comet Lovas (1976 XII)
4 3214 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3214 Periodic Comet Gehrels 3 (1975o)
4 3215 1977 UB
4 3215 Occultations by Uranian Rings
4 3215 Periodic Comet Jackson-Neujmin
4 3216 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3216 Periodic Comet Clark (1978g)
4 3216 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1978h)
4 3217 Circinus X-1
4 3217 HR 1099
4 3217 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach
4 3217 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)
4 3218 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3219 1977 RA
4 3219 A0535+26
4 3219 Neptune II (Nereid)
4 3219 Periodic Comet Daniel
4 3219 Periodic Comet Whipple (1977h)
4 3220 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3221 Mk 421 = 2A1102+384
4 3221 Occultation of SAO 85009 by (2) Pallas on 1978 May 29
4 3221 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)
4 3221 Possible Optical Counterpart of 2S 1702-363
4 3221 Possible Supernova in MCG -4-32-23
4 3222 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3222 Nova Serpentis 1978
4 3223 1977 HB
4 3223 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g)
4 3223 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3224 2A1102+384
4 3224 AM Herculis
4 3224 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3224 Occultation of SAO 85009 by (2) Pallas
4 3224 Supernova in MCG -4-32-23
4 3225 4U 1145-61
4 3225 Comet West (1978a)
4 3225 HS Sagittae (Nova Sagittae 1977)
4 3226 2S 1702-363
4 3226 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3226 NGC 1851
4 3226 Nova Serpentis 1978
4 3227 4U 1630-47
4 3227 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3227 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1977s)
4 3228 Comet Tsuchinshan (1977q)
4 3228 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)
4 3229 1978 DA
4 3229 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3229 MXB 1659-29
4 3229 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 3230 Comet West (1978a)
4 3230 Optical Bursts from MXB 1735-44
4 3231 1975 YA
4 3231 Important Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3231 NQ Vulpeculae
4 3232 Fabry-Perot Measurement of Retrograde Rotation of Venus' Atmosphere
4 3232 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1977k)
4 3232 Periodic Comet Kojima (1977r)
4 3232 U Geminorum
4 3233 4U 1626-67
4 3233 Comet Bradfield (1978c)
4 3233 Periodic Comet Schuster (1977o)
4 3234 V861 Scorpii = OAO 1653-40
4 3235 Aquil X-1
4 3235 Nova Serpentis 1978
4 3235 X-Ray Pulsations from SS Cygni
4 3236 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1977l)
4 3236 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3237 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3238 4U 0115+63
4 3238 4U 1658-48
4 3238 A0327+43
4 3239 1978 CA
4 3239 Periodic Comet Gehrels 3 (1975o)
4 3239 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)
4 3239 T Tauri
4 3240 4U 1626-67
4 3240 GK Persei
4 3240 Observations of Minor Planets [1976 AA, 1978 DA, 1977 HB]
4 3240 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g)
4 3240 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1978i)
4 3241 1978 (532) 1
4 3241 1978 P 1
4 3241 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1977n)
4 3242 GK Persei
4 3242 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 3242 Supernova in MCG 10-16-117
4 3242 V4021 Sagittarii (Nova Sagittarii 1977)
4 3242 Visible Candidate for the Binary Pulsar
4 3243 CH Cygni
4 3243 Comet Kohler (1977m)
4 3243 Optical Outburst of Aquila X-1 (4U 1908+00)
4 3244 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3244 Supernova in MCG 10-16-117
4 3245 Carbyne and Interstellar Grains
4 3245 GK Persei
4 3245 HEAO B
4 3245 Jupiter XIII (Leda)
4 3246 4U 1837+04
4 3246 Comet on Palomar Sky Survey
4 3246 Occultation of SAO 85009 by (2) Pallas on 1978 May 29
4 3247 Comet and Fast-Moving Object [1977 OA]
4 3247 PKS 1954-388
4 3247 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g)
4 3247 SMC X-2
4 3247 V861 Scorpii
4 3247 X-Ray Emission from Two Supernova Remnants [H1207-52, H1616-51]
4 3248 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3248 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)
4 3249 Periodic Comet Sanguin (1977p)
4 3249 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3249 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
4 3249 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1977s)
4 3250 Object in Field of 2S 1702-363
4 3251 Aquila X-1
4 3251 Optical Candidates for Two X-Ray Sources
4 3252 MPC 4391-4424
4 3252 Optical/X-Ray Observations in 1979
4 3253 1978 PA  [(3266) Bernardus]
4 3253 HZ Herculis
4 3253 Optical Counterpart of 4U 1837+04
4 3254 Object in Field of 2S 1702-363
4 3254 Supernova in MCG -5-9-22
4 3254 X-Ray Emission from HB3
4 3255 1978 P 1
4 3255 1978 PA
4 3255 Supernova in MCG -5-9-22
4 3256 NGC 7213
4 3256 NQ Vulpeculae
4 3256 Nonthermal Radio Emission From H-alpha-Emission Object
4 3257 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3257 Notice to Contributors
4 3257 V1500 Cygni
4 3258 H-alpha-Emission Object SS 433
4 3258 HS Sagittae
4 3258 IC 4997
4 3258 V1500 Cygni
4 3259 A0535+26
4 3259 Comet Haneda-Campos (1978j) [Periodic]
4 3259 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g)
4 3260 Comet Haneda-Campos (1978j) [Periodic]
4 3261 Bright Ultraviolet Source
4 3261 HS Sagittae
4 3261 PKS 0548-322
4 3261 V861 Scorpii
4 3262 Periodic Comet Haneda-Campos (1978j)
4 3263 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3263 Periodic Comet Haneda-Campos (1978j)
4 3264 1978 RA  [(2100) Ra-Shalom]
4 3264 Comet Giclas (1978k) [Periodic]
4 3264 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3265 1978 RA = 1975 TB
4 3266 1978 PA
4 3266 Comet Giclas (1978k) [Periodic]
4 3266 V861 Scorpii
4 3267 Comet Machholz (1978l)
4 3267 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3267 Periodic Comet Haneda-Campos (1978j)
4 3268 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3269 Comet Machholz (1978l)
4 3269 Comet and Fast-Moving Object [1977 OA; C*3247]
4 3269 Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1979
4 3269 Periodic Comet Giclas (1978k)
4 3270 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3271 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g)
4 3271 Periodic Comet Haneda-Campos (1978j)
4 3272 Comet Machholz (1978l)
4 3272 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3273 1978 RA = 1975 TB
4 3273 Comet Machholz (1978l)
4 3274 NGC 7213
4 3274 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3274 PSR 0833-45
4 3275 Comet Machholz (1978l)
4 3275 Periodic Comet Haneda-Campos (1978j)
4 3276 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3277 Comet Machholz (1978l)
4 3277 Comet Seargent (1978m)
4 3277 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3278 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3278 Time Adjustment on 1978 December 31
4 3279 1978 SB  [(2212) Hephaistos]
4 3279 H 2155-304
4 3279 NGC 4945
4 3280 Comet Seargent (1978m)
4 3280 Periodic Comet Giclas (1978k)
4 3281 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3281 V861 Scorpii
4 3282 Comet Machholz (1978l)
4 3282 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 2304-447]
4 3283 Comet Seargent (1978m)
4 3283 V533 Herculis
4 3284 1978 SB
4 3284 Comet Fujikawa (1978n)
4 3284 Comet Seargent (1978m)
4 3285 1978 SB
4 3286 1978 P 1
4 3286 Comet Bradfield (1978o)
4 3286 Comet Fujikawa (1978n)
4 3287 Comet Bradfield (1978o)
4 3287 U Geminorum
4 3288 Comet Fujikawa (1978n)
4 3288 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3288 Periodic Comet Haneda-Campos (1978j)
4 3289 Comet Fujikawa (1978n)
4 3290 4U 1700-37
4 3290 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g)
4 3290 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1977n)
4 3290 VV Puppis
4 3291 Comet Seargent (1978m)
4 3292 4U 1630-47
4 3292 Cygnus X-2
4 3292 Important Notice [re:  duplicate Circulars]
4 3293 ESO 103-G35 [C*3299:  Anon 2304-447]
4 3293 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3293 Spectroscopic Observations of Comets [1977g, 1978k]
4 3293 Supernova in ESO 290-G50 [corrected to anon 2304-447 on I3299]
4 3294 Comet Bradfield (1978o)
4 3294 Comet Seargent (1978m)
4 3294 MXB 1730-335
4 3295 1978 SB
4 3296 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3297 Comet Bradfield (1978o)
4 3297 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 2233+370]
4 3298 Iota Lyrae
4 3298 NGC 1851
4 3298 Optical Counterpart of 2A 0526-328
4 3298 V1341 Cygni
4 3299 Comet Fujikawa (1978n)
4 3299 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3299 Supernovae [anon 2304-447, anon 2233+370]
4 3300 Periodic Comet Denning-Fujikawa (1881 V = 1978n)
4 3301 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3301 Comet Seargent (1978m)
4 3302 1978 SB  [C*3295]
4 3302 Comet Bradfield (1978c)  [C*3172]
4 3302 Comet Fujikawa (1978n)  [C*3288]
4 3302 Comet Haneda-Campos (1978j) [Periodic; C*3260, I3271]
4 3302 Comet Kohler (1977m)  [C*3229]
4 3302 Comet West (1978a)  [C*3225]
4 3302 MXB 1730-335  [C*3294]
4 3302 Nova Cygni 1978  [C*3296]
4 3302 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 2 (1978p)
4 3302 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1977s)  [C*3227]
4 3302 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1978b)  [C*3228]
4 3302 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 2233+370]
4 3302 V711 Tauri
4 3303 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3303 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3303 Probable Supernova in NGC 3780
4 3304 Comet Machholz (1978l)
4 3304 Comet Seargent (1978m)
4 3304 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1977g)
4 3304 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3305 NQ Vulpeculae
4 3305 New Galaxies of the Local Group [LGS 1, LGS 2, LGS 3, LGS 4, LGS 5]
4 3305 SS 433
4 3305 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0747+734]
4 3306 V861 Scorpii
4 3306 Variable-emission-line Star in the Core of M15
4 3307 Comet Meier (1978f)
4 3308 MXB 1730-335
4 3308 Possible H2O Maser near RT Serpentis
4 3308 Probable Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3308 SS 433
4 3309 H 2155-304
4 3309 HEAO 2
4 3309 Supernova in IC 5201
4 3310 Comet Seargent (1978m)
4 3310 HR Delphini
4 3310 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3311 Periodic Comet Jackson-Neujmin (1978q)
4 3311 WZ Sagittae
4 3312 Occultation of SAO 114159 by (18) Melpomene on 1978 December 11
4 3312 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3312 WZ Sagittae
4 3313 Comet Bradfield (1978o)
4 3313 Optical Candidate for LMC X-2
4 3313 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1977n)
4 3313 WZ Sagittae
4 3314 Occultation of SAO 114159 by (18) Melpomene
4 3314 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1978r)
4 3314 WZ Sagittae
4 3314 X-Ray Emission from SS 433
4 3315 1978 (18) 1
4 3315 WZ Sagittae
4 3316 Nova Cygni 1978
4 3316 Supernovae [NGC 3780, IC 5201]
4 3317 EW Lacertae
4 3317 Probable Comet [West]
4 3317 WRA 977
4 3318 Cygnus X-2
4 3318 LMC X-2
4 3318 WZ Sagittae
4 3319 Notice to Cablegram Subscribers
4 3319 Rotation Periods of Minor Planets [(387), (776)]
4 3319 WZ Sagittae
4 3320 2A 1052+606
4 3320 Circinus X-1
4 3320 WZ Sagittae
4 3321 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits
4 3321 Comet Kowal (1979a) [Periodic]
4 3321 YY Herculis
4 3322 Comet Kowal (1979a) [Periodic]
4 3322 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3322 Supernova in NGC 4647
4 3323 4U 1538-52
4 3323 A0 0235+164
4 3323 Supernova in NGC 4647
4 3324 2A 0311-227
4 3324 H 2155-304
4 3325 Cygnus X-2
4 3325 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3326 2A 0311-227
4 3326 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1977d)
4 3327 2A 0311-227
4 3327 Scorpius X-1
4 3327 WZ Sagittae
4 3328 New Galaxies of the Local Group [LGS 3, LGS 4]
4 3328 PKS 1510-08
4 3328 X-Ray Flare in Norma
4 3329 1979 BA  [(3040) Kozai]
4 3329 2A 0311-227
4 3330 Comet Kowal (1979a) [Periodic]
4 3330 YY Herculis
4 3331 MXB 1837+05
4 3331 Possible Comet [Chernykh]
4 3332 29999-221-3341
4 3332 Periodic Comet Daniel (1979b)
4 3333 1979 BA
4 3333 Mu Sagittarii
4 3334 2A 0526-328
4 3334 Optical/X-Ray Observations of X-Ray Burst Sources
4 3334 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3335 2A 0311-227
4 3335 AN Ursae Majoris
4 3335 Z Andromedae
4 3336 MXB 1730-335
4 3336 Periodic Comet Kowal 2 (1979a)
4 3337 1979 BA
4 3337 RS Canum Venaticorum
4 3338 Jupiter
4 3339 A0535+26 = HDE 245770
4 3339 Presumably Variable Ultraviolet-Excess Object [0931+409]
4 3339 V843 Ophiuchi Supernova Remnant
4 3340 HR Delphini
4 3340 Supernova in NGC 3913
4 3340 U Geminorum
4 3340 VV Puppis
4 3341 Notice Concerning Observations and Ephemerides of Comets
4 3341 Supernova in NGC 3913
4 3341 U Geminorum
4 3341 U Scorpii
4 3342 Aquila X-1
4 3342 Jupiter
4 3342 OAO 1653-40
4 3343 GX 326.3-1.8
4 3343 Notice to Subscribers
4 3343 Pluto
4 3343 U Scorpii
4 3344 Infrared Bursts from MXB 1730-335
4 3344 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3344 WZ Sagittae
4 3345 SS 433
4 3345 Supernova in NGC 3913
4 3346 Nova Vulpeculae 1979
4 3346 Periodic Comet Kowal 2 (1979a)
4 3347 MXB 1730-335
4 3347 Variable Ultraviolet-Excess Object [1423+259]
4 3348 Novalike Object in Vulpecula (Nova Vulpeculae 1979?)
4 3348 Supernova in NGC 4321
4 3349 4U 1608-52
4 3349 MXB 1730-335
4 3349 V1668 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1978)
4 3350 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3351 H 0622-529
4 3351 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3351 Supernova in NGC 4321
4 3352 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3352 X Persei
4 3353 Notice to Subscribers
4 3353 Supernova in NGC 4321
4 3354 IAUC 3348 [Last lines omitted]
4 3354 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3354 SS 433
4 3355 Notice to Contributors
4 3355 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3355 Supernova in NGC 4321
4 3356 Gamma Burst 79-03-05
4 3356 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3357 OY Carinae
4 3357 Saturn's Rings
4 3358 SS 433
4 3359 Notice to Contributors
4 3359 Supernova in NGC 4321
4 3360 Neptune II (Nereid)
4 3360 V1668 Cygni
4 3360 X-Ray Transient in Centaurus
4 3361 SS 433  [C*3358]
4 3361 Supernova in NGC 4321
4 3362 Jupiter
4 3362 Novalike Object in Centaurus
4 3363 HM Sagittae
4 3363 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3363 SS 433
4 3364 4U 1626-67
4 3364 V1057 Cygni
4 3365 Supernova in NGC 4321
4 3365 Theta Coronae Borealis
4 3365 Theta-1 Tauri
4 3366 HR 5110 = HD 118216
4 3366 Novalike Object in Centaurus
4 3367 A0535+26 = HDE 245770
4 3367 SS 433
4 3368 HM Sagittae
4 3368 HR 5110
4 3368 OAO 1653-40
4 3369 Bright Be Stars
4 3369 Novalike Object in Centaurus
4 3369 Supernova in NGC 4321
4 3370 4U 1258-61
4 3370 SS 433
4 3371 1977 HA
4 3371 Supernova in NGC 4301
4 3372 Comet Bradfield (1979c)
4 3372 Novalike Object in Centaurus
4 3372 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3372 Supernova in NGC 4321
4 3373 Comet Bradfield (1979c)
4 3373 Nova in NGC 5272
4 3373 U Scorpii
4 3374 Bhaskara
4 3374 Comet Russell (1979d)
4 3374 Eta Carinae
4 3375 Comet Bradfield (1979c)
4 3375 EK Trianguli Australis
4 3376 Comet Russell (1979d)
4 3376 Comet Torres (1979e)
4 3377 BD +66 1066 = NGC 6543
4 3377 Comet Torres (1979e)
4 3378 "Novalike Object" in NGC 5272
4 3378 III Zw 2
4 3378 U Scorpii
4 3379 SS 433
4 3380 Comet Torres (1979e)
4 3380 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3380 VV Puppis
4 3381 Comet on Palomar Sky Survey
4 3381 Coordinated Observations of BL Lacertae
4 3381 V1668 Cygni
4 3382 Alpha Muscae and Chi Carinae
4 3382 CP Puppis
4 3382 HR 8752 = HD 217476
4 3383 Comet Bradfield (1979c)
4 3384 Comet Russell (1979d)
4 3384 Periodic Comet Holmes (1979f)
4 3385 9 Cephei
4 3385 HR 1099
4 3385 New Galaxy of the Local Group [1927-178]
4 3385 V1057 Cygni
4 3386 Centaurus X-4
4 3386 Supernova in NGC 4321
4 3387 Comet Bradfield (1979c)
4 3387 Comet Torres (1979e)
4 3387 WZ Sagittae
4 3388 Comet Bradfield (1979c)
4 3388 SS 433
4 3389 Lunar Occultation of (4) Vesta on 1980 January 24
4 3389 Periodic Comet Russell (1979d)
4 3390 Comet Torres (1979e)
4 3390 HR 8752 = HD 217476 = V509 Cassiopeiae
4 3391 Gamma Cassiopeiae
4 3391 SS 433
4 3392 Possible X-Rays from MXB 1730-333
4 3392 SS 433
4 3393 Comet 1979g
4 3393 Comet Bradfield (1979c)
4 3393 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3393 W50 and SS 433
4 3394 Comet Bradfield (1979c)
4 3394 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1979g)
4 3395 Comet Kowal (1979h)
4 3395 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1979g)
4 3395 Possible Supernova in NGC 4902
4 3395 SS 433
4 3396 Comet Bradfield (1979c)
4 3397 BD +61 1211
4 3397 Comet Kowal (1979h)
4 3398 1972 RA
4 3398 NGC 6543 and V Sagittae
4 3398 WZ Sagittae
4 3399 HR 8752
4 3399 MXB 1636-53
4 3400 Notice to Contributors
4 3400 SS 433
4 3401 1979 QA
4 3401 1979 QB  
4 3402 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1979g)
4 3403 Comet Bradfield (1979c)
4 3403 Notice to Telegram Subscribers
4 3403 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3404 Comet Kowal (1979h)
4 3404 Scorpius X-1
4 3405 Two Probable Comets Kowal
4 3406 2S 1822-371
4 3406 Comet on Palomar Sky Survey
4 3406 V794 Aquilae
4 3407 Omicron Ceti
4 3407 SS 433
4 3407 SU Tauri
4 3408 Comet Meier (1979i)
4 3408 Draconid Meteors
4 3408 Notice Concerning Ephemerides
4 3409 Comet Meier (1979i)
4 3410 HR 8752
4 3410 Mu Sagittarii
4 3410 SS 433
4 3411 ( 612) Veronika
4 3411 New Galaxy of the Local Group [1927-178]
4 3411 Probable Nova in Sagittarius
4 3412 1979 QB
4 3412 Comet Bradfield (1979c)
4 3412 Eruptive Variable in Andromeda
4 3413 Comet Meier (1979i)
4 3414 Probable Nova in Sagittarius
4 3414 SS 433
4 3414 Saturn's Rings
4 3414 Time Adjustment on 1979 December 31
4 3415 ESO 012-G21
4 3415 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3415 Orion A
4 3416 PKS 2155 and Cygnus X-2
4 3416 W50 and SS 433
4 3417 Comet Meier (1979i)
4 3417 New Ring and Satellites of Saturn [F-ring, 1979 S 1, 1979 S 2]
4 3417 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1979j)
4 3418 Orion A
4 3418 SU Tauri
4 3418 V1016 Cygni
4 3419 Beta Cygni
4 3419 MV Sagittarii
4 3419 SS 433
4 3420 Optical/X-Ray Observations in 1980
4 3420 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3420 X-Ray Flare in Lupus
4 3421 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits
4 3421 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3421 SS 433
4 3422 1979 VA  [(4015) Wilson-Harrington]
4 3422 Interstellar Carbon
4 3422 X-Ray Nova in Sagittarius
4 3423 1979 VA
4 3424 Comet Meier (1979i)
4 3424 SS 433
4 3424 Supernova in ESO 153-G27
4 3424 Tau Ceti
4 3425 Omicron Ceti
4 3426 1979 VA
4 3426 Saturn
4 3426 Supernova in ESO 153-G27
4 3427 2A 0526-328
4 3427 Circinus X-1
4 3427 Scorpius X-1
4 3427 V711 Tauri
4 3428 Infrared/Optical/X-Ray Observations in 1980
4 3428 V471 Tauri
4 3429 1979 VA
4 3430 1979 S 3
4 3430 1979 XA
4 3430 1979 XB  
4 3430 Modification to the Telegraphic Code
4 3431 1979 VA  [C*3429]
4 3431 Occultation of AGK3 +0 1022 by (3) Juno
4 3431 PKS 2155 and Cygnus X-2  [C*3416]
4 3431 The Double Quasar Q0957+561
4 3432 1947 XC = 1979 XA  [(2201) Oljato]
4 3433 1979 XB
4 3434 1979 YA  
4 3434 No Occultation by Neptune on 1980 February 10
4 3434 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1979k)
4 3435 1979 VA
4 3435 Chromospheric Event in Alpha Aquarii
4 3435 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3436 1947 XC = 1979 XA
4 3436 SS 433
4 3437 1979 XA
4 3437 1979 YA
4 3437 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3437 Occultation of SAO 80950 by (9) Metis
4 3438 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3438 V711 Tauri
4 3439 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3439 Occultation of AGK3 +19 599 by (65) Cybele
4 3440 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3441 1947 XC = 1979 XA
4 3441 Eclipse of Saturn VI (Titan)
4 3442 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3443 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3444 1980 AA  [(5797) Bivoj]
4 3444 Occultation of AGK3 +0 1022 by (3) Juno
4 3444 Possible Supernova in NGC 1199
4 3444 Supernova in NGC 4321
4 3445 1980 AA
4 3445 V471 Tauri  [C*3428] 
4 3446 Comet Meier (1979i)
4 3446 HR 8752
4 3446 Observations of Comets [1978 XIV, 1978 XXI]
4 3447 1979 VA
4 3447 1980 AA
4 3448 1947 XC = 1979 XA
4 3448 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3449 Circinus X-1
4 3449 Optical Candidate for H0544-665
4 3449 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3450 1980 AA
4 3450 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3450 GK Persei
4 3451 Blue Star in SNR 1006
4 3451 Line Emission from the Crab
4 3451 Occultation of AGK3 +0 1022 by (3) Juno
4 3452 4U 1907+09
4 3452 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3453 1980 AA
4 3453 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3454 Editorial Notice
4 3454 Saturn
4 3455 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3455 Neptune II (Nereid)
4 3456 1980 S 2
4 3456 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3456 Supernovae [anon 1218+314, anon 1117-547, anon 1343+480]
4 3457 Saturn
4 3458 MXB 1730-335
4 3459 2A 0311-227
4 3459 Periodic Comet Halley
4 3459 SS 433
4 3460 Periodic Comet Forbes (1980a)
4 3461 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3462 Comet Bradfield (1979l)
4 3462 SU Ursae Majoris
4 3462 Stepanyan's Star
4 3462 Supernovae [NGC 3733, NGC 5854]
4 3463 Satellites of Saturn [1966 S 2, 1980 S 7, 1980 S 8, 1980 S 9, 1980 S 10]
4 3464 LSI +61 303
4 3464 No Occultation by Pluto on 1980 April 6
4 3464 Supernova in NGC 3733
4 3465 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3465 Stepanyan's Star
4 3466 Probable Occultation by 1978 P 1 
4 3466 Satellites of Saturn [1980 S 7, 1980 S 8, 1980 S 9, 1980 S 11, 1980 S 12, 1980 S 14]
4 3466 Stepanyan's Star
4 3467 MXB 1730-335
4 3467 Notice to Contributors
4 3468 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3469 4U 1608-52
4 3469 Notice to Contributors
4 3469 SS 433
4 3469 Theta Ophiuchi
4 3470 Satellites of Jupiter [1979 J 1, 1979 J 2]
4 3470 Satellites of Saturn [1966 S 2, 1980 S 15, 1980 S 16, 1980 S 17, 1980 S 18]
4 3471 KR Aurigae
4 3471 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3471 Pluto Appulse on 1980 April 6
4 3471 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1317+345]
4 3472 Optical Candidate for LMC X-1
4 3472 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1980c)
4 3472 Stepanyan's Star
4 3473 Notice to Subscribers
4 3473 Periodic Comet Wild 3 (1980d)
4 3474 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1980c)
4 3474 Probable Occultation by 1978 P 1
4 3474 Satellites of Saturn [1966 S 2, Saturn X, 1980 S 19, 1980 S 20, 1980 S 21, 1980 S 22]
4 3475 4U 2129+47
4 3475 BL Lacertae
4 3475 SS 433
4 3475 U Geminorum
4 3476 4U 1145-61
4 3476 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3476 Saturn's E Ring
4 3477 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3477 Periodic Comet Wild 3 (1980d)
4 3478 HR Delphini
4 3478 Jupiter
4 3478 Optical Outburst of Aquila X-1 (4U 1908+00)
4 3478 Zeta Ophiuchi
4 3479 1979 YA
4 3479 Lunar Occultations of X-Ray Sources [pre-1980 - 14 February 1985]
4 3480 (  51) Nemausa
4 3480 Abell 46
4 3480 Supernova in MCG -3-34-61
4 3481 Comet on Palomar Sky Survey
4 3481 The Double Quasar Q0957+561
4 3481 X-Ray Outburst of Aquila X-1 (4U 1908+00)
4 3482 2A 0526-328
4 3482 HEAO Observations of X-Ray Sources [4U 1822-37, 2A 0311-227, 4U 2129+47]
4 3483 Satellites of Saturn [1966 S 2, 1980 S 3, 1980 S 6]
4 3484 SS 433
4 3484 Satellites of Saturn [1966 S 2, 1980 S 24]
4 3484 Supernova in MCG -3-34-61
4 3485 Comet Torres [1980e]
4 3485 Supernova 1979C
4 3485 V603 Aquilae
4 3486 3C 446
4 3486 Comet Torres (1980e)
4 3486 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1980f)
4 3486 Pluto Appulse on 1980 April 6  [C*3471]
4 3487 Centaurus X-4
4 3487 HR 1099
4 3487 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3488 Periodic Comet Stephan-Oterma (1980g)
4 3489 Comet Torres (1980e)
4 3489 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1331-332]
4 3490 1980 LB  [(2938) Hopi]
4 3490 AM Herculis
4 3491 Cygnus X-1
4 3491 KR Aurigae
4 3491 Satellites of Saturn [1966 S 2, 1980 S 3, 1980 S 10, 1980 S 13]
4 3491 Supernovae [NGC 4321, anon 1345-323]
4 3492 (1943) Anteros
4 3492 2A 0526-328
4 3492 Cygnus X-1
4 3492 Possible Supernova in Virgo Cluster
4 3493 Omicron Andromedae
4 3493 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1980h)
4 3493 V603 Aquilae
4 3494 Novalike Object in Vulpecula
4 3494 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1980i)
4 3494 SS 433
4 3494 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 2310-421]
4 3495 ( 216) Kleopatra
4 3495 1980 LB
4 3495 Mu Centauri
4 3495 Satellites of Saturn [1980 S 10]
4 3496 AM Herculis
4 3496 Satellites of Saturn [1980 S 1, 1980 S 3, 1980 S 6, 1980 S 25]
4 3497 Saturn
4 3498 59 Cygni
4 3498 Comet Chernykh-Petrauskas [1980k; C*3499:  Cernis-Petrauskas]
4 3498 Near-Infrared Observations of Emission Objects [V1016 Cyg, HM Sge, MWC 349A]
4 3499 1980 PA  [(3908) Nyx]
4 3499 Comet Unconfirmed [Cernis-Petrauskas, 1980k]
4 3499 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3499 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1980j)
4 3500 1308+32
4 3500 AM Herculis
4 3500 Novalike Variable in Virgo
4 3501 1980 PA
4 3501 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3502 Cygnus X-1
4 3502 OH 205.1-14.1
4 3502 Possible Radio Identification of Tycho's Supernova
4 3502 VY Sculptoris
4 3503 Abell 46
4 3503 Occultation by Uranus
4 3504 Comet Cernis-Petrauskas (1980k)
4 3505 1980 PA
4 3506 1980 QA
4 3506 X-Ray Bursts [GX 3+1, 1732-303, 1745-248, Terzan 1, Terzan 5, Terzan 11]
4 3507 Notice to Contributors
4 3507 Satellites of Jupiter [1979 J 1, 1979 J 2, 1979 J 3]
4 3507 Saturn
4 3508 Comet Cernis-Petrauskas (1980k)
4 3508 Occultation of SAO 75392 by (78) Diana on 1980 September 4
4 3508 VY Sculptoris
4 3509 1978 P 1
4 3509 OH 351.78-0.54
4 3510 4U 0115+634  [C*7116]
4 3510 Comet Russell (1980l)
4 3511 H 2252-035
4 3511 Tycho's Supernova
4 3512 1980 PA
4 3513 Comet Russell (1980l)
4 3513 Periodic Comet Harrington (1980m)
4 3514 Comet Cernis-Petrauskas (1980k)
4 3514 H 2252-035
4 3514 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1980n)
4 3515 1978 P 1
4 3515 Occultation by Uranus
4 3515 Occultations by Neptune
4 3515 Periodic Comet Stephan-Oterma (1980g)
4 3516 Comet Cernis-Petrauskas (1980k)
4 3517 Cygnus X-1
4 3517 SS 433
4 3518 CI Cygni
4 3518 X-Ray Emission from LSI+61 303
4 3519 29999-221-3528
4 3519 Comet Russell (1980l)
4 3519 H 2252-035
4 3520 MXB 1730-333
4 3520 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1980h)
4 3521 Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1981
4 3521 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3521 SS 433
4 3522 1978 P 1  [C*3515]
4 3522 1980 RG1
4 3522 Comet Russell (1980o) [P/Russell 2]
4 3522 Cygnus X-3
4 3522 SS 433  [C*3521]
4 3523 ( 201) Penelope
4 3523 Communications Breakdown
4 3523 Periodic Comet Russell 2 (1980o)
4 3524 Comet Russell (1980l)
4 3524 SU Tauri
4 3525 H 2252-035
4 3525 Periodic Comet Russell 2 (1980o)
4 3525 X-Ray Nova [0528+28]
4 3526 (1862) Apollo
4 3526 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3526 U Geminorum
4 3527 ( 201) Penelope
4 3527 A0535+262
4 3527 SS 433
4 3528 Comet Helin-Dunbar (1980p)
4 3528 New Meteor Shower [16-18 September 1980, Boulder, CO]
4 3528 Observations of Comets [P/Encke, 1980g, 1980h]
4 3529 1E 0643.0-1648
4 3529 4U 1849-31 = V1223 Sagittarii
4 3530 Comet 1980p [flaw on plate, comet did not exist]
4 3530 Notice to Contributors
4 3530 Periodic Comet Stephan-Oterma (1980g)
4 3531 Observations of Comets [P/Encke, 1980g, 1980h]
4 3532 HD 44179
4 3532 Satellites of Saturn [1980 S 26, 1980 S 27]
4 3532 Supernova in NGC 6946
4 3532 W Hydrae
4 3533 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3533 Probable Nova in Sagittarius
4 3533 Q0957+561
4 3534 Probable Nova in Sagittarius
4 3534 Satellites of Saturn [1980 S 1, 1980 S 3, 1980 S 6, 1980 S 13]
4 3534 Supernova in NGC 6946
4 3535 Comet Meier (1980q)
4 3535 R Aquarii
4 3536 Comet Meier (1980q)
4 3536 Notice to Overseas Telegram Subscribers
4 3537 Supernova in NGC 6946
4 3538 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1980r)
4 3538 UX Ursae Majoris
4 3539 1980 S 28
4 3539 Comet Meier (1980q)
4 3540 (1865) Cerberus
4 3540 AG Draconis
4 3540 Comet on Palomar Sky Survey
4 3540 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1980h)
4 3541 Cygnus X-1
4 3541 TT Arietis
4 3542 Comet Cernis-Petrauskas (1980k)
4 3542 New Meteor Shower [16-18 September 1980, Boulder, CO; C*3528]
4 3542 Supernova in NGC 6946
4 3543 4U 0115+63
4 3543 Cygnus X-3
4 3543 Optical Candidate for LMC X-1
4 3543 Periodic Comet Stephan-Oterma (1980g)
4 3544 1E 1145.1-6141
4 3544 HDE 245770
4 3544 Supernova in NGC 6946
4 3545 New Meteor Shower [2-6 October 1980, Belgium]
4 3545 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3545 Satellites of Saturn [1980 S 6, 1980 S 13, 1980 S 18, 1980 S 24]
4 3546 Comet Meier (1980q)
4 3546 Probable Nova in Cygnus
4 3546 SU Tauri
4 3546 UX Ursae Majoris
4 3547 Notice to Subscribers
4 3547 Probable Comet Lovas [1980s]
4 3547 SS 433
4 3547 Supernova in NGC 7448
4 3548 BD +15 4264
4 3548 Nova Sagittarii 1980
4 3548 Probable Nova in Cygnus
4 3548 Supernova in NGC 1316
4 3548 Supernova in NGC 6946
4 3549 1980 WF  [(4688)]
4 3549 CH Cygni
4 3549 Satellites of Saturn [1980 S 13, 1980 S 29, 1980 S 30]
4 3550 1980 WF
4 3550 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0637-366]
4 3551 Comet Meier (1980q)
4 3551 Nova Cygni 1980
4 3551 Probable Comet Lovas [1980s]
4 3552 IRC +30219
4 3552 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1980h)
4 3552 Q0957+561
4 3552 TT Arietis
4 3553 1980 RG1
4 3553 Comet Lovas (1980s) [Periodic]
4 3553 Honda's Variable in Cygnus (Nova Cygni 1980)
4 3554 1976 WA
4 3554 AG Draconis
4 3554 Comet Bradfield (1980t)
4 3554 Comet Lovas (1980s) [Periodic]
4 3555 Comet Bradfield (1980t)
4 3555 Comet Lovas (1980s) [Periodic]
4 3556 Comet Panther (1980u)
4 3556 Supernova in NGC 1316
4 3557 Comet Panther (1980u)
4 3557 MK 1055
4 3557 Periodic Comet Stephan-Oterma (1980g)
4 3557 Supernova in NGC 6946
4 3558 (1538) Detre = 1980 SK
4 3558 Comet Panther (1980u)
4 3559 Comet Lovas (1980s) [Periodic]
4 3559 Supernova in NGC 1255
4 3560 1E 0643.0-1648
4 3560 Honda's Variable in Cygnus
4 3560 MK 279 and ESO 141-G55
4 3560 RX Puppis
4 3561 Comet Bradfield (1980t)
4 3561 Comet Panther (1980u)
4 3561 Periodic Comet Longmore (1981a)
4 3562 Comet Bradfield (1980t)
4 3562 TT Arietis
4 3563 Comet Lovas (1980s) [Periodic]
4 3563 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1980h)
4 3564 1976 UA
4 3564 Comet Bradfield (1980t)
4 3564 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3565 HD 58050
4 3565 Honda's Variable in Cygnus
4 3565 Periodic Comet Stephan-Oterma (1980g)
4 3566 Comet Bradfield (1980t)
4 3566 Comet Panther (1980u)
4 3566 Probable Nova in Scutum
4 3567 Arakelian 120
4 3567 Lanning 10
4 3567 U Orionis
4 3568 Optical/Infrared/X-Ray Observations in 1981
4 3568 RX Puppis
4 3569 Comet Bradfield (1980t)
4 3569 Comet Panther (1980u)
4 3570 AO538-66
4 3570 CH Cygni
4 3570 OH 205.1-14.1
4 3571 Branchett's Object in Scutum
4 3571 Periodic Comet Lovas (1980s)
4 3572 (1537) Transylvania
4 3572 1980 S 6
4 3572 Time Adjustment on 1981 June 30
4 3573 1980 WF
4 3573 Parenago 1644
4 3573 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1980i)
4 3573 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3574 Comet Panther (1980u)
4 3574 GK Persei
4 3574 Satellites of Saturn [1980 S 3, 1980 S 7, 1980 S 20, 1980 S 23, 1980 S 26, 1980 S 27, 1980 S 29]
4 3574 Supernova in NGC 6946
4 3575 1979 J 1
4 3575 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1979k)
4 3575 Vela X-1
4 3576 Comet Panther (1980u)
4 3577 Comet Bradfield (1980t)
4 3577 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 and (2060) Chiron
4 3577 Satellites of Saturn [1980 S 29, 1980 S 31]
4 3578 Comet Bus (1981b)
4 3578 Periodic Comet Stephan-Oterma (1980g)
4 3578 Possible Nova in Camelopardalis
4 3578 Probable Supernova in NGC 1532
4 3579 1980 YS
4 3579 Comet Bus (1981b)
4 3580 No Nova in Camelopardalis
4 3580 Rho Cassiopeiae
4 3580 Supernova in NGC 1532
4 3580 Supernova in NGC 4536
4 3581 Comet Bus (1981b)
4 3581 Supernova in NGC 5090
4 3582 Comet Meier (1980q)
4 3582 Periodic Comet Bus (1981b)
4 3583 1980 S 13 = 1980 S 24 = 1980 S 25
4 3583 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3583 Supernova in NGC 1316
4 3583 Supernova in NGC 4536
4 3584 Supernova in NGC 4536
4 3585 Supernova in NGC 1532
4 3585 X-Ray Flare in HD 27130
4 3585 X-Ray Sources [A0538-66, GX 339-4, V1223 Sgr, 1E 0643.0-1648]
4 3586 3A 1431-409 = V532 Centauri
4 3586 GX 339-4
4 3586 Supernova in NGC 1316
4 3587 3A 0557-383
4 3587 GK Persei
4 3587 Supernova in NGC 4536
4 3588 1981 CW  [(3352) McAuliffe]
4 3588 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 3589 PU Vulpeculae (Kuwano's Object)
4 3589 Supernova (Evans) in NGC 1316
4 3589 Supernova in NGC 4536
4 3590 A0538-66
4 3590 Comet Panther (1980u)
4 3590 Nova Coronae Austrinae 1981
4 3590 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1980i)
4 3591 BH Canum Venaticorum (HR 5110 = HD 118216)
4 3591 Nova Coronae Austrinae 1981
4 3592 1981 FD  [(3688) Navajo]
4 3592 Comet Elias (1981c)
4 3593 PKS 0735+178 and 3C 371
4 3593 Satellites of Saturn [Saturn II, Saturn III, Saturn IV, 1980 S 6, 1980 S 13, 1980 S 24, 1980 S 25, 1981 S 1, 1981 S 2]
4 3594 1981 CW
4 3594 GX 339-4 = 4U 1658-48
4 3594 Nova Coronae Austrinae 1981
4 3595 (1537) Transylvania and (452) Hamiltonia
4 3596 Nova Coronae Austrinae 1981
4 3596 SAO Star Catalog Tapes
4 3596 Saturn's E Ring
4 3597 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3597 Crab Pulsar
4 3597 R Crateris
4 3598 Comet Bus (1981d)
4 3598 Comet Elias (1981c)
4 3598 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3599 1980 YS
4 3599 Comet Bus (1981d)
4 3599 Nova Coronae Austrinae 1981
4 3599 Occultation of BD -19 4222 by Uranus
4 3600 Comet Elias (1981c)
4 3600 Notice to Contributors
4 3600 Standard Filters for Cometary Photometry
4 3601 Comet Bus (1981d)
4 3601 Nova Coronae Austrinae 1981
4 3602 Satellites of Saturn [Saturn III, VIII, IX, 1980 S 13, 1980 S 24, 1980 S 25, 1980 S 29, 1980 S 30, 1981 S 1, 1981 S 2]
4 3603 Periodic Comet Finlay (1981e)
4 3603 Satellites of Jupiter [Jupiter V, Jupiter VI, 1979 J 2, 1981 J 1]
4 3604 Nova Coronae Austrinae 1981
4 3604 PU Vulpeculae
4 3604 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3605 1981 JD
4 3605 Neptune Appulse
4 3605 Satellites of Saturn [Saturn III, 1980 S 13, 1980 S 24, 1980 S 25, 1980 S 29-30, 1980 S 32-33, 1981 S 1, 1981 S 2]
4 3606 4U 0515+38
4 3606 Comet Bus (1981d)
4 3606 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1979k)
4 3607 Comet Elias (1981c)
4 3607 Comet Meier (1980q)
4 3607 SV Sagittae
4 3608 1981 N 1
4 3608 Comet Russell (1980l)
4 3608 Satellites of Saturn [Saturn III, 1981 S 1, 1981 S 2]
4 3609 GX 339-4 = 4U 1658-48
4 3609 Notice to Subscribers
4 3609 Possible Supernova in NGC 5597
4 3610 PU Vulpecula
4 3610 Possible Meteor Shower [late June 1981, epsilon Geminids]
4 3610 Supernovae [NGC 4874, anon 1248-092]
4 3611 4U 1916-05
4 3611 Comet Panther (1980u)
4 3611 Supernovae [NGC 5597, NGC 4874, anon 1248-092]
4 3612 AM Herculis
4 3612 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1981f)
4 3612 Satellites of Saturn [Saturn IV, Saturn IX, 1980 S 6]
4 3613 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3613 GX 339-4 = 4U 1658-48
4 3613 Supernova in NGC 6946
4 3614 BH Canum Venaticorum
4 3614 PU Vulpeculae
4 3614 Supernovae [anon 2016-238, anon 1248-092=NGC 4716, NGC 5597]
4 3615 AM Herculis
4 3615 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1981f)
4 3615 SU Cygni
4 3615 V926 Scorpii
4 3616 GX 339-4
4 3616 PG 1550+191
4 3616 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1980i)
4 3617 ( 843) Nicolaia
4 3617 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3617 Possible Comet Gonzalez [1981g]
4 3618 Comet Gonzalez (1981g)
4 3618 Comet Kobayashi-Berger-Milon (1975 IX)
4 3618 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1981h)
4 3619 Comet Gonzalez (1981g)
4 3619 Recoveries of Periodic Comets [precautions]
4 3619 Satellites of Saturn [1980 S 13, 1981 S 3, 1981 S 4, 1981 S 5]
4 3620 New Optical Candidates for Galactic X-Ray Sources
4 3621 Comet Bradfield (1980t)
4 3621 Periodic Comet Slaughter-Burnham (1981i)
4 3621 Supernova in NGC 1532
4 3622 Periodic Comet Swift-Gehrels (1981j)
4 3623 Comet Gonzalez (1981g)
4 3624 GX 17+2
4 3624 Supernovae in NGC 1316
4 3625 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1981h)
4 3626 V1333 Aquilae = 4U 1908+00
4 3626 V1343 Aquilae = SS 433
4 3627 1980 S 6 = 1981 S 3 = 1981 S 5
4 3627 Comet Gonzalez (1981g)
4 3627 Possible Supernova in ESO 356-G20
4 3628 1980 QA
4 3628 GX 17+2
4 3628 Honda's Variable in Cygnus
4 3628 Supernova in ESO 356-G20
4 3628 V801 Arae = 4U 1636-53 = MXB 1636-53
4 3629 1981 QA  [(3102) Krok]
4 3629 HZ Herculis
4 3629 Saturn IX
4 3630 1981 QA
4 3631 1981 QA
4 3631 1981 QB  [(4596)]
4 3631 Comet Howell (1981k) [Periodic]
4 3632 4U 1916-05
4 3632 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3632 LMC X-4
4 3633 1981 QB
4 3633 Comet Howell (1981k) [Periodic]
4 3634 1981 QA
4 3634 1981 QB
4 3635 1981 QB
4 3635 Comet Howell (1981k) [Periodic]
4 3636 Periodic Comet Howell (1981k)
4 3637 1981 QB
4 3637 Radio Outbursts in 3C 345, 3C 454.3 and Q0241+622
4 3638 1981 QB
4 3638 AM Herculis
4 3638 Possible Comet Staettmayer
4 3639 1981 QA
4 3639 1981 QB
4 3639 SS Cygni
4 3640 Probable Sungrazing Comet [1979 XI]
4 3641 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3642 1981 UA  
4 3642 Nova Cygni 1975  [C*2826, erroneously listed as I2326 on I3642]
4 3642 Occultation of SAO 187124 by (88) Thisbe
4 3642 Periodic Comet Swift-Gehrels (1981j)
4 3642 Possible Comet Staettmayer
4 3643 1981 UA
4 3643 AM Herculis
4 3643 Broad-Line H-alpha Sources in M31
4 3644 1981 VA  [(3360)]
4 3644 PSR 0833-45
4 3644 Q0957+561A, B
4 3645 1981 VA
4 3646 1981 VA
4 3646 Notice to Contributors
4 3647 Comet Howard-Koomen-Michels (1979 XI)
4 3648 NGC 4151
4 3648 Nova in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3649 H0139-68
4 3649 V1343 Aquilae
4 3650 1981 VA
4 3650 Occultation of SAO 145972 by (18) Melpomene
4 3650 Omicron Andromedae
4 3650 Periodic Comet Swift-Gehrels (1981j)
4 3651 Possible Optical Identification of 1E 064301-1640.8
4 3651 Satellites of Saturn [Saturn II, Saturn III, 1980 S 29, 1980 S 34, 1981 S 6]
4 3652 Occultation of SAO 187124 by (88) Thisbe
4 3652 Satellites of Saturn [1980 S 33; C*3605]
4 3652 X-Ray/Optical/Infrared/Radio Observations
4 3653 1978 DA
4 3653 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1981h)
4 3654 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3654 Periodic Comet Vaisala 1 (1981l)
4 3654 Saturn VII (Hyperion)
4 3655 HDE 245770
4 3655 Notice to Contributors
4 3655 PU Vulpeculae
4 3655 Possible Comet Shcherbanovskij
4 3656 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1981h)
4 3656 Possible Comet Shcherbanovskij
4 3656 Satellites of Saturn [Saturn IV, Saturn V, 1980 S 6, 1980 S 22, 1981 S 7, 1981 S 8, 1981 S 9]
4 3657 29999-221-3666
4 3657 Probable Comet [Eberst]
4 3657 SY Muscae
4 3658 1978 DA
4 3658 Omicron Andromedae
4 3658 Optical Counterpart of H0139-68
4 3659 Mars
4 3659 Occultation of SAO 042418 by (344) Desiderata
4 3659 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1982a)
4 3660 1982 BB  [(3103) Eger]
4 3660 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3660 Satellites of Saturn [Saturn I, 1981 S 10, 1981 S 11, 1981 S 12]
4 3661 ( 433) Eros
4 3661 Nova Aquilae 1982
4 3661 Possible Supernova in MCG -5-28-17
4 3662 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3662 Eruptive Variable in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3662 Probable Comet [Tritton]
4 3662 RY Sagittarii
4 3663 Comet Hartley (1982b)
4 3663 Comet Hartley (1982c)
4 3663 Nova Aquilae 1982
4 3663 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3664 Comet Hartley (1982b)
4 3664 Comet Hartley (1982c)
4 3665 1982 BB
4 3665 Comets Hartley (1982b, 1982c)
4 3666 1978 DA
4 3666 1982 CA  
4 3667 2S 1553-542
4 3667 NGC 2346
4 3667 Periodic Comet Swift-Gehrels (1981j)
4 3667 Supernova in NGC 2268
4 3668 Periodic Comet du Toit-Hartley (1945 II = 1982b, 1982c)
4 3669 1982 BB
4 3669 1982 DA  [(3270) Dudley]
4 3670 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3670 V1343 Aquilae
4 3671 A0538-66
4 3671 Supernovae [anon 0904+509, anon 1004+686, NGC 2268]
4 3672 ( 330) Adalberta
4 3672 No Nova in Camelopardalis
4 3672 Periodic Comet du Toit-Hartley (1982b, 1982c)
4 3673 1982 DA
4 3673 Nova Aquilae 1982
4 3674 KR Aurigae
4 3674 Periodic Comet du Toit-Hartley (1982b, 1982c)
4 3674 Possible Occultation by Pluto on 1982 April 15
4 3674 Supernova in NGC 2268  [C*3671]
4 3675 1982 DA
4 3675 1982 DB  [(4660) Nereus]
4 3675 1982 DV  [(3288) Seleucus]
4 3676 Nova Aquilae 1982
4 3676 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1982d)
4 3677 1982 DB
4 3678 1982 DV
4 3678 1982 EA  
4 3678 Periodic Comet du Toit-Hartley (1982b, 1982c)
4 3678 Supernova in NGC 2268
4 3679 1982 DV
4 3680 1982 DA
4 3680 Eclipsing AM Herculis-type Magnetic Binary
4 3681 Supernova in NGC 5679A, B
4 3681 X-Ray/Optical/Infrared/Radio Observations
4 3682 Nova Aquilae 1982
4 3682 Periodic Comet du Toit-Hartley (1982b, 1982c)
4 3682 Time Adjustment on 1982 June 30
4 3683 1982 DV
4 3683 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3683 RY Sagittarii
4 3683 Supernova in NGC 4185
4 3683 Supernovae in Anonymous Galaxies [anon 0904+509, anon 1004+686]
4 3683 TT Arietis
4 3684 E1405-451 and E1013-477
4 3684 Possible Supernova Near NGC 1332
4 3685 1980 S 6
4 3685 1982 FT  [(3691) Bede]
4 3685 E1405-451
4 3686 1982 BB
4 3686 1982 DB
4 3686 1982 DV
4 3687 3A 0729+103
4 3687 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3687 SY Muscae
4 3688 GX 301-2 = 4U 1223-62
4 3688 Periodic Comet Halley
4 3688 Pluto Appulse on 1982 April 15
4 3689 AM Herculis
4 3689 KR Aurigae
4 3689 Nova Aquilae 1982
4 3689 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3689 Probable Supernova in NGC 4490
4 3690 Occultation by Uranus and its Rings
4 3690 Supernova in NGC 4490
4 3691 (1009) Sirene
4 3691 April Lyrid Meteors
4 3692 1982 HR  [(3361) Orpheus]
4 3692 Occultation by (146) Lucina
4 3693 1982 HR
4 3693 AM Herculis
4 3693 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1319-355]
4 3694 1982 DV
4 3694 1982 FT
4 3694 Periodic Comet du Toit-Hartley (1982b, 1982c)
4 3695 Occultation by Uranus and its Rings  [C*3690)
4 3695 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1982a)
4 3695 Satellites of Saturn [Saturn III, Saturn IV, 1980 S 6, 1980 S 13, 1980 S 25]
4 3695 Soft X-Ray Transient [1741-280]
4 3696 CW 1103+254
4 3696 Nova Aquilae 1982
4 3696 RY Sagittarii
4 3696 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1319-355]
4 3697 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3697 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1982e)
4 3697 Supernova in NGC 1316
4 3698 AM Herculis and AN Ursae Majoris
4 3698 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1982a)
4 3698 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1982d)
4 3699 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3699 Notice to Subscribers
4 3699 Occultation by (146) Lucina
4 3700 OH 205.1-14.1
4 3700 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982f)
4 3700 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1982a)
4 3700 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 3701 1E 2259+586
4 3701 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits
4 3702 1982 DA
4 3702 1982 HR
4 3702 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 2256-409]
4 3703 AM Herculis
4 3703 GX 301-2 = 4U 1223-62
4 3703 Radio Pulsar in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3703 Twin White Dwarfs [1704+481]
4 3704 Periodic Comet Neujmin 3
4 3704 Radio Pulsar in MSH 15-32 [corrected to MSH 15-52 on I3770]
4 3705 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3705 Crab Pulsar
4 3705 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1982a)
4 3706 1982 DV
4 3706 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3707 Saturn VIII
4 3707 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 2022-463]
4 3707 WY Sagittae
4 3708 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3708 Probable Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1337-315]
4 3709 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3709 Possible Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 2007-558]
4 3710 2 Vulpeculae and HR 7739
4 3710 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3710 Comet Hartley (1982h)
4 3711 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3711 Nova Aquilae 1982
4 3711 Optical Candidates for the 1978 November 19 Gamma-Ray Burst
4 3712 CW 1103+254
4 3712 V4024 Sagittarii = MWC 311
4 3713 Comet Hartley (1982h)
4 3714 (1009) Sirene
4 3714 Abell 41
4 3714 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3715 Periodic Comet Peters-Hartley (1846 VI = 1982h)
4 3716 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3716 RS Ophiuchi
4 3716 TT Arietis
4 3717 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3717 Jupiter VI (Himalia)
4 3717 Nova Aquilae 1982
4 3717 Possible Supernova in NGC 7713
4 3718 Probable Sungrazing Comet [1981 I]
4 3719 Another Probable Sungrazing Comet  [1981 XIII]
4 3719 Saturn VIII (Iapetus)
4 3720 AM Herculis
4 3720 H 0139-68
4 3720 Supernova in NGC 7713
4 3721 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3722 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3722 Supernovae in Anonymous Galaxies [anon 0004-417, anon 2111-661]
4 3723 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3723 NGC 4151
4 3723 Possible Identification of X-Ray Burster With Serpens X-2
4 3724 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3724 Nova Aquilae 1982
4 3724 Periodic Comet Neujmin 3
4 3724 Supernova in NGC  521
4 3725 1982 RA  [(3199) Nefertiti]
4 3725 1982 RB  [(3271) Ul]
4 3725 Novae in M31
4 3726 1982 RA
4 3727 1982 RB
4 3727 2 Ceti and Lambda Eridani
4 3727 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3727 Supernova in NGC 1332
4 3728 1982 RA
4 3728 Supernovae in Anonymous Galaxies [anon 0029-499, anon 0230-350]
4 3729 Novae in M31
4 3729 PSR 0833-45
4 3729 R Aquarii
4 3730 CPD -48 1577
4 3730 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3731 Cygnus X-3
4 3731 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982f)
4 3732 1982 RB
4 3732 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1982e)
4 3733 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3733 E2003 +225
4 3733 Nova Sagittarii 1982
4 3734 Nova Aquilae 1982
4 3734 Nova Sagittarii 1982
4 3734 Optical Candidates for the 1978 November 19 Gamma-Ray Burst
4 3734 R Aquarii
4 3735 1982 TA  [(4197)]
4 3736 NGC 2346
4 3736 Nova Sagittarii 1982
4 3737 Nova Sagittarii 1982
4 3737 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3738 1982 TA
4 3738 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1982e)
4 3738 Z Andromedae
4 3739 (   9) Metis
4 3739 1E 2259+586
4 3739 AM Herculis
4 3739 Supernova in NGC 1187
4 3740 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3740 SU Tauri
4 3740 Supernova in NGC 1187
4 3740 TY Piscium
4 3741 Nova Sagittarii 1982
4 3741 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982f)
4 3741 RS Ophiuchi
4 3741 Supernovae [ESO 150-G20 (Sc type), anon 0639-370, anon 0230-350]
4 3742 1982 RB
4 3742 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3743 Millisecond Pulsar in 4C 21.53
4 3743 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982f)
4 3743 Z Andromedae
4 3744 1982 RA
4 3745 1E 2259+586
4 3745 Comet Bowell (1980b)
4 3745 Possible Supernova in ESO 308-G16
4 3746 Millisecond Pulsar in 4C 21.53
4 3746 Notice Concerning Astrometric Observations of Supernovae
4 3746 Occultation of BD +29 579 by (93) Minerva
4 3747 Nova Sagittarii 1982
4 3747 Occultation of BD +24 522 by (690) Wratislavia
4 3747 QSO 0957+561
4 3747 TY Piscium
4 3748 Comet Austin (1982g)
4 3748 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982f)
4 3748 TT Arietis
4 3748 Z Andromedae
4 3749 CPD -48 1577
4 3749 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1982e)
4 3749 Supernovae [NGC 1187, anon 0237+320]
4 3750 NGC 3347
4 3750 V1343 Aquilae
4 3750 Z Andromedae
4 3751 Comet Hartley (1982b)  [C*3663]
4 3751 LMC X-3: A Possible Black Hole
4 3751 Occultation of BD +38 542 by (375) Ursula
4 3751 Occultations by Comets [1980b, 1981f]
4 3751 Supernovae [NGC 1187, anon 0237+320; C*3749]
4 3752 Optical Candidates for the 1978 November 19 Gamma-Ray Burst
4 3752 Supernovae [ESO 308-G16, ESO 150-G20 (Sc type), anon 0639-370]
4 3752 TV Columbae
4 3753 (   9) Metis
4 3753 Notice to Subscribers
4 3753 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982f)
4 3753 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3754 1982 XB  [(3757)]
4 3754 Supernova in NGC 5473
4 3755 1982 XB
4 3756 HD 208311:  An Unusual New Be Star
4 3756 Supernova in NGC 5485
4 3756 VZ Sculptoris
4 3757 A0538-66
4 3757 Periodic Comet Kopff (1982k)
4 3757 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1982j)
4 3758 1982 XB
4 3758 1982 YA  
4 3758 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3759 AM Herculis
4 3759 Epsilon Aurigae
4 3759 Supernova in NGC 5485
4 3759 VY Aquarii
4 3760 1982 YA
4 3760 Probable Nova in M31
4 3761 1982 XB
4 3762 Comet 1983a [flaw on plate, comet did not exist]
4 3762 Probable Nova in M31
4 3762 SU Tauri
4 3763 Epsilon Aurigae
4 3763 Variable Star in Orion [0536-043]
4 3764 Nova Muscae 1983
4 3764 OJ 287
4 3764 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982f)
4 3764 Possible Supernova in ESO 323-G25
4 3765 LMC X-3
4 3765 New Bright Ca II-Emission Star [HD 9746]
4 3765 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1983b)
4 3766 Epsilon Aurigae
4 3766 Nova Muscae 1983
4 3766 SU Tauri
4 3767 (   9) Metis
4 3767 HDE 269858 = Radcliffe 127 = Sanduleak -69 220
4 3767 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3768 1982 XB  [C*3758]
4 3768 HD 208311:  An Unusual New Be Star  [C*3756]
4 3768 Nova Muscae 1983
4 3768 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982f)
4 3768 RS Telescopii
4 3769 Supernova in ESO 323-G25
4 3769 Supernova in NGC 1265
4 3769 TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM
4 3769 V1343 Aquilae
4 3769 Variable Star in Orion [0536-043]
4 3770 No Supernova in NGC 1265
4 3770 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3770 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3770 Radio Pulsar in MSH 15-52
4 3770 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1108+586]
4 3770 TY Piscium
4 3771 KR Aurigae
4 3771 Nova Muscae 1983
4 3771 TT Arietis
4 3771 Variable Star in Orion [0536-043]
4 3772 Lambda Andromedae
4 3772 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982f)
4 3772 SU Tauri
4 3773 Comet Bowell-Skiff (1983c) [Periodic]
4 3773 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1982j)
4 3774 (1620) Geographos
4 3775 Periodic Comet Bowell-Skiff (1983c)
4 3776 Lambda Andromedae
4 3776 Occultation of AGK3 +11 201 by (19) Fortuna
4 3776 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3777 Omega Orionis
4 3777 Periodic Comet Bowell-Skiff (1983c)
4 3777 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3777 Probable Nova in Serpens
4 3777 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1152-288]
4 3778 Probable Nova in Serpens
4 3778 SU Ursae Majoris
4 3778 Variable Star in Orion [0536-043]
4 3779 Periodic Comet Kopff (1982k)
4 3779 Omega Orionis
4 3780 Cygnus X-1
4 3780 OJ 287
4 3780 Probable Occultation by Pluto on 1983 April 4
4 3781 Notice to Subscribers
4 3781 Nova Serpentis 1983
4 3781 SU Tauri
4 3782 Cygnus X-1  [C*3780]
4 3782 Nova Muscae 1983
4 3782 Nova Serpentis 1983
4 3782 Nova Serpentis 1983  [C*3781]
4 3783 (1620) Geographos
4 3784 Occultation by Uranus II (Umbriel) on 1983 March 25
4 3784 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0326-552]
4 3784 TY Piscium
4 3785 Periodic Comet Bowell-Skiff (1983c)
4 3785 Periodic Comet Kopff (1982k)
4 3785 Starlike Object in Herbig-Haro 57
4 3786 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1982j)
4 3786 Probable Extreme Carbon Star near NGC 1960
4 3787 Supernovae [NGC 3044, anon 1837-671, anon 1108+586]
4 3787 Tenma
4 3788 Nova Serpentis 1983
4 3788 Omega Orionis
4 3788 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1982f)
4 3788 SU Ursae Majoris
4 3789 Saturn
4 3789 Supernovae [NGC 4753, NGC 3044]
4 3790 No Occultations by Uranus and Pluto
4 3790 Nova Serpentis 1983
4 3790 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0326-552; C*3784]
4 3790 Time adjustment on 1983 June 30
4 3791 LMC X-1: Another Massive Binary?
4 3791 SU Tauri
4 3791 Supernova in ESO 270-G05
4 3791 Supernova in NGC 4753
4 3792 Herbig-Haro 57
4 3792 OJ 287
4 3792 Supernovae [NGC 7083, NGC 4753]
4 3793 KR Aurigae
4 3793 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1982j)
4 3793 V1343 Aquilae
4 3794 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1982d)
4 3794 Supernova in NGC 4753
4 3795 11 Camelopardalis
4 3795 3C 273
4 3795 PSR 1937+214
4 3796 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3797 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3797 Periodic Comet Kopff (1982k)
4 3798 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3799 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3800 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3801 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3802 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3803 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3803 Possible Supernova in NGC 4258
4 3804 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3805 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3806 Another Millisecond Pulsar  [1953+290]
4 3806 Potential Black-Hole Candidates [LMC X-3, LMC X-1, 4U 0142+61, H1743-32, 4U 1755-33, 4U 1957+11]
4 3806 Tenma Observations of Hercules X-1
4 3807 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3807 Editorial Notice [solutions to slow service]
4 3807 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1982j)
4 3808 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3809 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3809 PSR 1937+214
4 3809 Variable Star in Orion [0536-043]
4 3810 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3811 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3812 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3813 Another Millisecond Pulsar  [1953+290; C*3806]
4 3813 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)  [C*3801, I3804]
4 3813 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)  [C*3810]
4 3813 NGC 4151
4 3813 Supernovae [NGC 6217, NGC 4051]
4 3814 Comet IRAS (1983f)
4 3814 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)  [C*3798, I3802, I3808, I3811]
4 3814 Supernova in NGC 4753
4 3814 Supernova in NGC 4753  [C*3792]
4 3815 Comet IRAS (1983f)
4 3815 Supernova in NGC 3106
4 3816 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3816 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1983g)
4 3817 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3817 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1982d)
4 3818 Comet IRAS (1983f)
4 3818 Occultation of Hyd -22 58794 by Neptune on 1983 June 15
4 3818 Periodic Comet Kopff (1982k)
4 3819 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3820 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3821 Editorial Notice
4 3821 Reported Nova in Cepheus [2212+568]
4 3822 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3822 MXB 1659-29
4 3823 GD 356 = Gr 329 = LP 137-43
4 3823 HH 57 IRS 8
4 3824 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3824 Periodic Comet Johnson (1983h)
4 3825 1 Vulpeculae
4 3825 3C 273
4 3825 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3826 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3827 BL Telescopii
4 3827 Comet IRAS (1983f)
4 3827 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3827 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1982j)
4 3827 Supernova in NGC 4699
4 3828 1983 LB and 1983 LC
4 3828 Comet Russell (1983i) [P/Russell 3]
4 3828 Supernovae [NGC 7038, ESO 406-G27]
4 3829 1983 LB  
4 3829 Pluto and 1978 P 1
4 3830 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3830 Periodic Comet Russell 3 (1983i)
4 3831 Comet IRAS (1983f)
4 3831 Occultation of Hyd -22 58794 by Neptune
4 3832 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3832 Reported Nova in Cepheus [2212+568]
4 3833 HO 139-68
4 3833 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1982d)
4 3833 Possible Comet [IRAS, 1983j]
4 3834 1983 LC  
4 3834 Occultation of 14 Piscium by (51) Nemausa on 1983 Sept. 11
4 3835 Periodic Comet Russell 3 (1983i)
4 3835 Supernovae [NGC 5236, NGC 4220]
4 3836 1983 LC
4 3836 Notice to Subscribers
4 3837 Comet IRAS (1983j) [Periodic]
4 3838 Periodic Comet Russell 3 (1983i)
4 3838 R Leonis and S140-IR
4 3838 Supernova in NGC 5236
4 3839 1983 LB
4 3839 Comet IRAS (1983k)
4 3839 Probable Supernova in NGC 4220
4 3839 U Aquarii
4 3840 Comet Cernis (1983l)
4 3840 GK Persei
4 3840 Variable Star in Ara [1640-462]
4 3841 Hercules X-1
4 3841 PG 1115+080
4 3841 Supernovae [NGC 5746, NGC 5236]
4 3842 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 3842 Supernova in NGC 5236
4 3843 Comet Cernis (1983l)
4 3843 Comet IRAS (1983k)
4 3843 Periodic Comet Kopff (1982k)
4 3844 Editorial Notice [use of equinox 2000.0]
4 3844 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1982j)
4 3844 Variable Star in Ara [1640-462]
4 3845 Periodic Comet IRAS (1983j)
4 3846 Comet Cernis (1983l)
4 3846 HO139-68
4 3846 Infrared Object Near XB 1812-12
4 3847 Comet IRAS (1983k)
4 3847 Variable Star in Ara [1640-462]
4 3848 Comet Cernis (1983l)
4 3848 Epsilon Aurigae
4 3848 GK Persei
4 3849 1983 LC
4 3849 Periodic Comet Russell 3 (1983i)
4 3849 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1982d)
4 3850 GK Persei
4 3850 Occultation of 14 Piscium by (51) Nemausa on 1983 Sept. 11
4 3850 Periodic Comet Wolf (1983m)
4 3851 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3852 Comet Cernis (1983l)
4 3852 Hercules X-1 and MXB 1730-335
4 3853 1983 LB
4 3853 Nova Muscae 1983
4 3853 Variable Star in Ara [1640-462]
4 3854 MXB 1730-335
4 3854 Novalike Object in Libra
4 3854 Periodic Comet IRAS (1983j)
4 3854 Supernova in NGC 5746
4 3854 Transient X-Ray Source near 4U 1543-45 [corrected to 4U 1543-47 on I3859]
4 3855 AG Draconis
4 3855 Comet IRAS (1983k)
4 3856 3C 446
4 3856 Comet Cernis (1983l)
4 3856 GK Persei
4 3856 Novalike Object in Libra
4 3856 SU Tauri
4 3857 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3857 Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (1983e)
4 3857 Epsilon Aurigae
4 3857 KR Aurigae
4 3857 R Coronae Borealis
4 3857 U Aquarii
4 3858 4U 1543-45  [C*3859:  corrected to 4U 1543-47]
4 3858 A0538-66
4 3859 4U 1543-47  [C*3854, 3858]
4 3859 PU Vulpeculae
4 3859 R Coronae Borealis
4 3859 Supernova in Faint Spiral Galaxy [anon 0016-380]
4 3859 U Aquarii
4 3860 Comet IRAS (1983o)
4 3861 1983 RB  [(5863) Tara]
4 3861 GK Persei
4 3862 1983 RD  [(3551) Verenia]
4 3863 Comet Cernis (1983l)
4 3863 Comet Shoemaker (1983p)
4 3863 Novalike Variable in Libra
4 3863 Periodic Comet IRAS (1983j)
4 3863 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1982d)
4 3864 Comet Shoemaker (1983p)
4 3865 1983 RD
4 3866 1983 RD
4 3867 Periodic Comet Arend (1983q)
4 3867 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1983r)
4 3867 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1983s)
4 3867 Possible Supernova in NGC 7418
4 3868 Comet Kowal (1983t) [P/Kowal-Vavrova]
4 3869 Comet Cernis (1983l)
4 3869 Occultation of 14 Piscium by (51) Nemausa
4 3869 Possible Novae [1610-53, 0242+33]
4 3870 A0538-66
4 3870 Periodic Comet IRAS (1983j)
4 3870 Periodic Comet Kopff (1982k)
4 3870 Possible Optical Burster
4 3871 1983 RD
4 3871 1983 SA  [(3552) Don Quixote]
4 3871 Comet Kowal-Vavrova (1983t) [Periodic]
4 3871 Nova Normae 1983
4 3872 GX 1+4
4 3872 Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn [names:  Jupiter XIV-XVI, Saturn X-XV]
4 3873 Comet IRAS (1983o)
4 3873 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3873 Supernovae [NGC 1265, MCG 6-36-55]
4 3874 Comet Shoemaker (1983p)
4 3874 Nova Normae 1983
4 3875 1983 SA
4 3875 Supernova in IC 1731
4 3876 Notice to Contributors
4 3876 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3877 1983 SA
4 3877 Supernovae [NGC 1448, NGC 1265]
4 3877 VY Sculptoris
4 3878 1983 TB  [(3200) Phaethon]
4 3878 Nova Trianguli 1983
4 3878 Supernovae [MCG 6-36-55, IC 1731, NGC 1448]
4 3879 1983 TB
4 3879 Water Maser in Orion
4 3880 Periodic Comet Kowal-Vavrova (1983t)
4 3881 1983 SA
4 3881 1983 TB and the Geminid Meteors
4 3881 KR Aurigae
4 3882 1983 RD
4 3882 4U 1755-33
4 3882 4U 1907+09
4 3883 1983 TB
4 3884 1983 TB
4 3884 Comet Cernis (1983l)
4 3884 R Coronae Borealis
4 3884 Supernova in IC 1731
4 3885 1983 VA
4 3885 1983 VB  
4 3885 Cygnus X-3
4 3885 GX 1+4
4 3886 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3887 4U 2129+47 = V1727 Cygni
4 3887 SSV-13 and Herbig-Haro 7-11
4 3887 Supernova in NGC 3227
4 3888 Lambda Eridani
4 3888 Nova Normae 1983
4 3888 Periodic Comet IRAS (1983j)
4 3888 Periodic Comet Kowal-Vavrova (1983t)
4 3889 Periodic Comet Taylor (1983u)
4 3889 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1982d)
4 3890 1983 VB
4 3890 Comet Cernis (1983l)
4 3890 Occultations by (4) Vesta
4 3890 Supernova in NGC 1448
4 3891 1983 VA
4 3891 New X-ray Source [0331+530]
4 3892 2CG 195+04 = 'Geminga'
4 3892 AM Herculis
4 3892 Comet Shoemaker (1983p)
4 3892 Supernova in NGC 3227
4 3893 V0332+53
4 3894 Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v) [Periodic]
4 3894 TT Arietis
4 3895 0139-68
4 3895 1983 TB
4 3895 Periodic Comet Kopff (1982k)
4 3895 Supernova in NGC 1365
4 3896 Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v) [Periodic]
4 3896 VY Aquarii
4 3897 Comet Cernis (1983l)
4 3897 Supernova in NGC 1365
4 3897 V0332+53
4 3898 Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v) [Periodic]
4 3898 Supernova in NGC 1365
4 3899 Supernova in NGC 3227
4 3899 V0332+53
4 3899 V1727 Cygni
4 3900 Comet Shoemaker (1983p)
4 3900 Periodic Comet IRAS (1983j)
4 3900 R Coronae Borealis
4 3900 Supernova in NGC 3625
4 3900 VY Aquarii
4 3901 1983 TB
4 3901 Comet IRAS (1983o)
4 3902 1983 VA
4 3902 V0332+53
4 3903 GK Persei
4 3903 Periodic Comet Clark (1983w)
4 3903 Periodic Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v)
4 3904 Observations to be Coordinated with TENMA
4 3904 V0332+53
4 3905 1983 XF  [(5201) Ferraz-Mello]
4 3905 VY Aquarii
4 3906 1983 XF
4 3906 New Infrared Source [IRAS 0453+444PO3]
4 3906 V0332+53
4 3907 2CG 195+04 = 'Geminga'
4 3907 Comet Bradfield
4 3907 KR Aurigae
4 3907 Supernova in NGC 4419
4 3907 TT Arietis
4 3908 Comet Bradfield (1984a)
4 3908 Editorial Notice [telegrams information, dial-in service]
4 3908 Supernova in NGC 4419
4 3909 Comet Bradfield (1984a)
4 3910 1984 AB  [(3800) Karayusuf]
4 3910 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3910 Supernova in NGC 4419
4 3911 Comet Clark (1984b)
4 3911 IRAS 0453+444P03
4 3911 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3912 Comet 1984b
4 3912 Supernova in NGC 4419
4 3912 Uranus
4 3912 V0332+53
4 3913 2CG 195+04 = 'Geminga'
4 3913 New Infrared Source [0452+445]
4 3913 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3913 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 0548-240]
4 3913 V1343 Aquilae
4 3914 KR Aurigae
4 3914 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3914 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3915 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock (1983d)
4 3915 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3915 Supernova in NGC 3227
4 3916 Comet Bradfield (1984a)
4 3916 Editorial Notice [dial-in service, no answering machine]
4 3916 Supernova in MCG 9-19-19
4 3917 1983 VA
4 3917 1984 AB
4 3918 New Infrared Source [0452+445; C*3913]
4 3918 OJ 287
4 3918 Periodic Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v)
4 3918 Supernova in NGC 4419
4 3919 1984 BC  [(96177)]
4 3919 GX 1+4
4 3920 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3920 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3920 Periodic Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v)
4 3920 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1984c)
4 3921 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3921 Possible Supernova in NGC 4246
4 3922 AM Herculis
4 3922 Comet Bradfield (1984a)
4 3923 H0139-68
4 3923 Hercules X-1
4 3924 Hercules X-1
4 3924 Supernova in NGC 4419
4 3924 Two Variables in the Orion Nebula
4 3925 Comet IRAS (1983k)
4 3926 Comet Russell (1984d) [P/Russell 4]
4 3926 Periodic Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v)
4 3927 Comet Russell (1984d) [P/Russell 4]
4 3927 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3927 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1983s)
4 3928 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3928 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3928 R Coronae Borealis
4 3928 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1336-277]
4 3928 X-ray Pulsar in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 3929 Periodic Comet Russell 4 (1984d)
4 3930 GX 1+4  [C*3919, erroneously mentioned as GX 1-4 on I3930]
4 3930 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3930 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)  [C*3921]
4 3930 Periodic Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v)
4 3930 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1983s)  [C*3927]
4 3930 SU Tauri
4 3930 Supernova in MCG 3-22-14
4 3931 Epsilon Aurigae
4 3931 Supernova in NGC 3169
4 3932 2S 1254-690
4 3932 PG 1116+158
4 3932 Z Andromedae
4 3933 Comet Bradfield (1984a)
4 3933 OJ 287
4 3933 R Coronae Borealis
4 3934 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3934 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3935 AN Ursae Majoris
4 3935 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3935 Two Variables in the Orion Nebula
4 3936 4U 1630-47
4 3936 Comet IRAS (1983o)
4 3936 Supernova in NGC 3169
4 3936 Supernova in NGC 4419
4 3937 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e)
4 3937 Periodic Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v)
4 3937 Supernova in MCG 8-15-47
4 3938 Comet IRAS (1983o)
4 3938 Periodic Comet Crommelin (1983n)
4 3939 AM Herculis
4 3939 LSS 2018
4 3939 VW Hydri
4 3940 Comet Bradfield (1984a)  [C*3933]
4 3940 Epsilon Aurigae  [C*3931]
4 3940 Nova Cygni 1975  [C*3642]
4 3940 Periodic Comets Neujmin 3 and Van Biesbroeck
4 3940 Satellites of Saturn [Saturn XII, Saturn XIII, Saturn XIV]
4 3941 Periodic Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v)
4 3941 Possible Occultation by Saturnian Magnetospheric Ring
4 3941 Z Andromedae
4 3942 LSS 2018
4 3942 NSV 2229
4 3942 Periodic Comet Clark (1983w)
4 3942 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [anon 1027-262]
4 3943 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3943 Strong Water Maser [1313-627]
4 3943 Supernovae [ESO 308-G05, anon 1027-262]
4 3944 Appulses to (2060) Chiron  [27 October 1984 - 5 January 1985]
4 3944 Periodic Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v)
4 3944 Supernova in ESO 131147-4224.7
4 3945 Possible Occultations by Saturnian Magnetospheric Rings
4 3945 QSO 0957+561
4 3945 SS Cygni
4 3946 Comet Shoemaker (1984f)
4 3946 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1984c)
4 3946 Supernova in ESO 323-G99
4 3947 1984 KB  [(6063) Jason]
4 3947 LSS 2018
4 3947 Periodic Comet Clark (1983w)
4 3948 1984 KB
4 3948 Comet Shoemaker (1984f)
4 3949 Comet Shoemaker (1984f)
4 3950 1984 KB
4 3951 1983 SN  
4 3951 2S 1254-690
4 3951 Periodic Comet Encke
4 3951 Possible Supernova in NGC 6907
4 3952 2S 1254-690
4 3952 Periodic Comet Hartley-IRAS (1983v)
4 3952 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1984g)
4 3952 V801 Arae
4 3953 1984 KD  [(3671) Dionysus]
4 3954 1984 KD
4 3955 1984 KD
4 3955 Periodic Comet Bradfield (1984a)
4 3956 GX 1+4  [C*3930]
4 3956 Periodic Comet Clark (1983w)
4 3956 Periodic Comet Faye (1984h)
4 3956 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)  [C*3934]
4 3957 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3957 MXB 1730-335
4 3957 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 3958 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3959 1984 KD
4 3959 H0850-42
4 3960 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3961 4U 1323-62
4 3961 Comet Shoemaker (1984f)
4 3961 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1983s)
4 3962 Appulse of SAO 186001 to Neptune
4 3962 Jupiter I (Io)
4 3962 Probable Supernova in NGC 7184
4 3963 IAUC 3962 [Number omitted]
4 3963 Probable Nova in Vulpecula
4 3963 Probable Supernova in NGC 1559
4 3963 V1343 Aquilae
4 3964 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3964 Comet Takamizawa (1984j)
4 3964 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 3965 Comet Takamizawa (1984j)
4 3966 1982 RA
4 3967 AM Herculis
4 3967 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3967 Supernova in NGC 1559
4 3968 1984 N 1
4 3968 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 3968 Strong Hydrogen Emission from Arp 220 and NGC 6240
4 3969 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 3969 Periodic Comet Faye (1984h)
4 3970 Periodic Comet Takamizawa (1984j)
4 3971 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 3971 Periodic Comet Takamizawa (1984j)
4 3971 SS Cygni
4 3971 Supernova in NGC 6850
4 3972 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3972 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1984k)
4 3973 Periodic Comet Takamizawa (1984j)
4 3974 Novae in M87
4 3974 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1984k)
4 3974 Periodic Comet Takamizawa (1984j)
4 3975 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3976 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 3976 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 3977 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 3977 Periodic Comet Gehrels 3 (1984l)
4 3977 Periodic Comet Takamizawa (1984j)
4 3977 SS Cygni
4 3978 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3978 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 3978 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1984k)
4 3979 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 3979 PG 1550+191
4 3979 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e)
4 3979 Supernova in NGC 991
4 3980 1984 QA  [(3362) Khufu]
4 3980 Supernova in NGC 1559
4 3980 TV Columbae
4 3981 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3981 Supernovae in IC 121 and NGC 991
4 3982 1984 QA
4 3983 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1984g)
4 3983 Supernova in NGC 991
4 3983 Water Maser in NGC 3079
4 3984 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3984 Pulsar in Large Megellanic Cloud
4 3985 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 3985 Periodic Comet Faye (1984h)
4 3985 Periodic Comet Takamizawa (1984j)
4 3985 Supernovae in IC 121 and NGC 991
4 3985 Z Andromedae
4 3986 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1976 XV = 1984m)
4 3986 Pluto
4 3987 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1984c)
4 3987 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1976 XV = 1984m)
4 3988 Periodic Comet Kowal-Mrkos (1984n)
4 3989 CH Ursae Majoris
4 3989 G208-44
4 3989 Supernovae
4 3990 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3991 1984 QA
4 3991 Comet Meier (1984o)
4 3992 Comet Meier (1984o)
4 3992 TT Arietis
4 3993 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 3993 OH Megamasers
4 3993 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1984p)
4 3994 1983 TB
4 3994 Supernova in NGC 7184?
4 3995 Comet Meier (1984o)
4 3995 Editorial Notice [regarding failure to respond to discoveries]
4 3995 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 3996 2S 0142+61
4 3996 Periodic Comet Halley (1984i)
4 3996 VZ Sculptoris
4 3997 Comet Shoemaker (1984q)
4 3997 Nova Sagittarii 1984
4 3997 Periodic Comet Neujmin 1 (1984c)
4 3997 Supernova in NGC 1559
4 3998 Comet Shoemaker (1984q)
4 3998 NSV 2229
4 3998 Nova Sagittarii 1984
4 3999 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 3999 Comet Meier (1984o)
4 3999 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 4000 Periodic Comet Shoemaker (1984q)
4 4001 Periodic Comet Kowal-Mrkos (1984n)
4 4001 2S 0142+61
4 4001 Supernova in NGC 991
4 4002 Supernova in IC 4839
4 4002 Nova Sagittarii 1984
4 4002 Periodic Comet Shoemaker (1984q)
4 4002 Periodic Comet Takamizawa (1984j)
4 4002 Occultation of SAO 146599 by (47) Aglaja
4 4003 Comet Shoemaker (1984r)
4 4003 Supernova in NGC 991
4 4004 Comet Shoemaker (1984s)
4 4004 Comet Shoemaker (1984r)
4 4004 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 4004 TT Arietis
4 4004 Notice to Subscribers
4 4005 Comet Shoemaker (1984s)
4 4005 Editorial Notice
4 4006 Comet Shoemaker (1984r)
4 4006 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1984m) [C*4011]
4 4006 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 4007 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)
4 4007 Comet Shoemaker (1984r)
4 4007 Supernova in IC 4839
4 4008 mu Cephei
4 4008 Supernova 1984L in NGC 991
4 4008 Coordinated Observations of GBS 0526-66
4 4008 Nova Vulpeculae 1984
4 4008 Nova Sagittarii 1984
4 4009 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t) [C*4011]
4 4010 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)
4 4010 Comet Shoemaker (1984s)
4 4010 Periodic Comet Shoemaker (1984q)
4 4010 TT Arietis [C*4011]
4 4010 RS Ophiuchi
4 4011 Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy [03175+0111]
4 4011 Comet Shoemaker (1984r)
4 4011 Corrigenda
4 4012 Comet Shoemaker (1984s)
4 4013 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)
4 4013 Supernova in NGC 7184
4 4014 Comet Shoemaker (1984u)
4 4014 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)
4 4014 Supernova 1984L in NGC 991
4 4014 LFT 349
4 4015 Comet Hartley (1984v)
4 4015 Comet Shoemaker (1984u)
4 4016 Comet Hartley (1984v)
4 4016 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1984m)
4 4016 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1984k)
4 4016 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)
4 4017 Comet Austin (1984i)
4 4017 Periodic Comet Shoemaker 1 (1984q)
4 4018 TT Arietis
4 4018 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)
4 4019 Supernova in NGC 7184
4 4019 Periodic Comet Shoemaker 2 (1984u)
4 4020 Probable Nova in Aquila
4 4020 Comet Hartley (1984v)
4 4021 Possible Supernova in NGC 3675
4 4021 PG 1346+082
4 4021 Comet Shoemaker (1984s)
4 4022 Probable Ring of Neptune (1984 N1, 1981 N1)
4 4022 1983 TB
4 4023 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4023 Nova Aquilae 1984
4 4023 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 1
4 4023 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)
4 4024 Supernovae [A11296+5411, NGC 3336]
4 4024 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4024 NGC 2346
4 4025 Supernova in NGC 1023
4 4025 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4025 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4025 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 4026 RZ Leonis
4 4026 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4027 HT Cassiopeiae
4 4027 RZ Leonis
4 4027 PKS 0537-441 [C*4030]
4 4028 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4028 Supernova (?) in NGC 1023
4 4028 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 1
4 4029 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4029 1983 TB and Comet Shoemaker (1984s)
4 4029 Comet Shoemaker (1984f)
4 4030 Probable Nova in Norma  
4 4030 RS Ophiuchi  
4 4030 IR Geminorum 
4 4030 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1984p)  
4 4030 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1984m)
4 4030 Corrigendum  
4 4031 RS Ophiuchi  
4 4031 Nova Normae 1985  
4 4031 Supernova 1985A in NGC 2748 
4 4031 Possible Foreground Variable in NGC 1023
4 4031 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1984g)
4 4032 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)  
4 4032 Notice to Telegram Subscribers
4 4033 Liller's Variable in Norma (Nova Normae 1985)
4 4033 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2  
4 4033 1E 1402.3+0416
4 4034 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4034 (3200) 1983 TB
4 4035 Supernova 1985B in NGC 4045 
4 4035 Liller's Variable in Norma  
4 4035 Variable Star in Orion 
4 4035 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)  
4 4036 NGC 4151
4 4036 RS Ophiuchi  
4 4036 RZ Leonis
4 4036 NGC 2346
4 4037 B2 1506+34
4 4037 Liller's Variable in Norma  
4 4037 HT Cassiopeiae
4 4037 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)  
4 4038 Supernovae 1985B, 1985C, 1985D
4 4038 AG Draconis  
4 4038 PG 0834+488  
4 4038 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1984k)
4 4039 EXO 0748-676 
4 4039 T Tauri 
4 4040 Occultation and Transit Phenomena of Pluto and its Satellite
4 4041 Supernova 1985E in ESO 510-G50 [C*4046]
4 4041 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4041 Periodic Comet Arend-Rigaux (1984k)
4 4042 Unusual Object in NGC 4618  
4 4043 GX 5-1 (4U 1758-250)
4 4043 EXO 0748-676 
4 4044 4U 1323-62
4 4044 NGC 3031
4 4045 AG Draconis  
4 4045 Comet Shoemaker (1984s)
4 4045 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)  
4 4046 Supernovae [1985E, 1985B]
4 4046 GX 5-1:  A Possible Millisecond Period Neutron Star?
4 4046 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 1
4 4046 Time Adjustment on 1985 June 30  
4 4047 EXO 0748-676 
4 4047 Central Star in NGC 2346
4 4048 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1985a)
4 4048 Unusual Object in NGC 4618 [C*4049]
4 4048 RS Ophiuchi  
4 4049 Supernova 1985G
4 4049 Supernova 1985F (Unusual Object in NGC 4618)
4 4049 RS Ophiuchi  
4 4049 Comet Shoemaker (1984s)
4 4050 Supernova 1985H in NGC 3359 
4 4050 Supernova 1985G in NGC 4451 
4 4050 NGC 3031
4 4050 RS Ophiuchi  
4 4051 EXO 1846-031 
4 4051 4U 1624-49
4 4051 mu Centauri  
4 4052 Supernova 1985G in NGC 4451 
4 4052 Supernova 1985H
4 4052 Comet Shoemaker (1984f)
4 4053 Periodic Comet Russell 1 (1985b) 
4 4053 Supernova 1985H in NGC 3359 
4 4053 QSO 1156+295 
4 4053 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e)
4 4054 GB 811016 and EXO 0748-676  
4 4054 NGC 4051
4 4054 AG Draconis  
4 4055 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1985c)  
4 4055 CH Cygni
4 4055 PG 1115+080A 
4 4056 1981 VA 
4 4056 HD 193793 = WR 140
4 4057 EXO 0748-676 
4 4057 mu Centauri  
4 4057 QSO 1156+295 
4 4057 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1984m) 
4 4057 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1984t)  
4 4058 Supernovae [1985I, 1985H]
4 4058 EXO 1747-214 
4 4058 2CG 195+04 (Geminga)
4 4059 Supernovae [1985J, 1985I]
4 4059 H0323+022
4 4059 EXO 1846-031 
4 4059 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2  
4 4060 Scorpius X-1 
4 4060 NGC 6212
4 4060 PKS 0537-441 
4 4060 PW Vulpeculae (Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 1) 
4 4061 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e)
4 4062 Supernova 1985K
4 4062 1982 RB 
4 4063 1985 JA 
4 4063 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 2 (1985d)  
4 4064 1985 JA 
4 4064 V651 Monocerotis (Central Star in NGC 2346)
4 4065 PW Vulpeculae (Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 1) 
4 4065 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2  
4 4066 EXO 2030+375 
4 4066 Supernova 1985J
4 4066 Comet Shoemaker (1984f)
4 4066 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1984p)  
4 4066 RS Ophiuchi  
4 4067 Comet Machholz (1985e) 
4 4067 RS Ophiuchi  
4 4068 V818 Scorpii 
4 4068 NGC 6212
4 4069 Comet Machholz (1985e)
4 4070 Supernova 1985J
4 4070 V1341 Cygni  
4 4070 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e)
4 4070 OJ 287  
4 4071 Comet Machholz (1985e) 
4 4072 Comet Machholz (1985e) 
4 4072 V1302 Aquilae
4 4073 EXO 2030+375 
4 4073 NGC 6212
4 4073 U Aquarii
4 4073 AG Draconis  
4 4074 OH Maser in Markarian 273
4 4074 Comet Machholz (1985e) 
4 4074 RS Ophiuchi  
4 4075 NSV 7429
4 4075 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e)
4 4075 AM Herculis  
4 4076 EXO 0748-676 
4 4076 QSO 1156+295 
4 4076 IR Geminorum 
4 4076 Notice Concerning Telegrams 
4 4077 Comet Hartley (1985f)  
4 4077 Supernovae [1985L, 1985M]
4 4077 H0139-68
4 4077 TT Arietis
4 4078 Comet Machholz (1985e) 
4 4079 Comet Hartley (1985f)  
4 4079 1985 JA
4 4080 Supernova 1985L in NGC 5033
4 4080 Comet Machholz (1985e)
4 4080 NSV 7429 and Liller's Variable
4 4081 EXO 063111+1801.9
4 4081 Fairall 9
4 4082 MR Serpentis
4 4082 UX Arietis
4 4082 AG Draconis
4 4083 Comet Machholz (1985e)
4 4083 R Aquarii
4 4083 1E 1048.1-5937
4 4084 Periodic Comet Hartley (1985f)
4 4084 Supernova 1985L in NGC 5033
4 4085 V794 Aquilae and IP Pegasi
4 4085 V1329 Cygni
4 4085 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e) [C*4108]
4 4085 Comet Shoemaker (1984f) [C*4108]
4 4086 Periodic Comet Giclas (1985g)
4 4086 CPD -58 2721
4 4087 V1341 Cygni
4 4087 HD 152408
4 4087 V348 Sagittarii
4 4088 Periodic Comet Whipple (1985h)
4 4088 Comet Machholz (1985e)
4 4089 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1985i)
4 4089 Periodic Comet Giclas (1985g)
4 4089 PSR 0833-45
4 4089 U Aquarii
4 4090 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4091 V834 Centauri
4 4091 V1329 Cygni
4 4091 PW Vulpeculae and RS Ophiuchi
4 4091 AG Draconis
4 4092 Periodic Comet Daniel (1985j)
4 4092 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1985a)
4 4092 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e)
4 4093 1985 PA
4 4093 V1329 Cygni
4 4094 1985 PA
4 4094 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4095 1984 QA
4 4096 Supernova 1985N in Anonymous Galaxy [21525-5528, eq1985.75]
4 4096 BR Circini
4 4096 EXO 2030+375
4 4097 CPD -58 2721
4 4097 Occultation by Pluto on 1985 August 19
4 4097 EXO 041604-5504.9 
4 4098 1985 PA 
4 4099 1985 PA 
4 4099 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e)
4 4100 Occultation by Neptune on 1985 August 20
4 4100 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4101 AC 211 [C*4112]
4 4101 GX 349+2
4 4102 Comet Maury (1985k)
4 4102 GX 17+2
4 4102 V471 Tauri
4 4103 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e) [C*4112]
4 4103 AM Herculis
4 4104 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4104 (197) Arete
4 4105 Comet Maury (1985k)
4 4106 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4106 IRAS 17208-0014
4 4106 AG Draconis
4 4107 Comet Hartley-Good (1985l)
4 4107 Periodic Comet Maury (1985k)
4 4108 Supernova 1985O in Anonymous Galaxy [00474+3128]
4 4108 Peculiar Object in Sagittarius
4 4108 R Coronae Borealis
4 4108 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4108 IP Pegasi
4 4108 Corrigendum
4 4109 Comet Hartley-Good (1985l)
4 4110 MXB 1730-335
4 4110 4U 1957+11
4 4111 4U 1705-44
4 4111 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4112 EXO 2030+375
4 4112 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4112 Corrigenda
4 4113 Comet Hartley-Good (1985l)
4 4114 Comet Hartley-Good (1985l)
4 4114 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e)
4 4115 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4116 GX 349+2
4 4116 R Coronae Borealis
4 4116 IAUC 4106-4107
4 4117 4U 1820-30
4 4117 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4117 Occultation by Pluto on 1985 August 19
4 4118 Nova Scorpii 1985
4 4118 Optical Counterpart of M15 X-Ray Source
4 4118 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1985a)
4 4119 Comet Thiele (1985m)
4 4119 Supernova 1985P in NGC 1433
4 4119 Nova Sagittarii 1983
4 4120 Draconid Meteors 1985
4 4120 Supernova 1985O in Anonymous Galaxy
4 4120 U Geminorum
4 4120 1985 PA
4 4121 Periodic Comet Boethin (1985n)
4 4122 Comet Thiele (1985m)
4 4122 Comet Hartley-Good (1985l)
4 4122 Nova Scorpii 1985
4 4122 Z Andromedae
4 4123 Comet Thiele (1985m)
4 4124 Supernova 1985Q in Markarian 516
4 4124 Supernova 1985P in NGC 1433
4 4124 Draconid Meteors 1985 [C*4139]
4 4125 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i) [C*4145]
4 4125 G24-9
4 4126 Periodic Comet Kojima (1985o)
4 4126 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4126 Nova Scorpii 1985
4 4127 1985 TB
4 4128 Comet Thiele (1985m)
4 4129 Probable Sungrazing Comets [SOLWIND 4, 5] [C*4230]
4 4130 DO Draconis
4 4130 Comet Hartley-Good (1985l)
4 4131 gamma Cassiopeiae
4 4131 Periodic Comet Giclas (1985g)
4 4132 1985 TB
4 4132 RR Lyrae Variable in M31 Halo
4 4133 Comet Thiele (1985m)
4 4133 CoD -35 11760 and CPD -58 2721
4 4134 BL Hydri = H0139-68
4 4134 V926 Scorpii = MXB 1735-44
4 4134 Nova Scorpii 1985
4 4134 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4135 Comet Ciffreo (1985p)
4 4135 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 4136 Periodic Comet Ciffreo (1985p) [C*4158]
4 4137 Periodic Comet Ciffreo (1985p)
4 4137 CH Cygni
4 4137 MU Cephei
4 4138 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i) [C*4146]
4 4138 Supernova 1985P in NGC 1433
4 4139 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1985q)
4 4139 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 4139 Comet Hartley-Good (1985l) [C*4145]
4 4139 Draconid Meteors 1985
4 4140 GX 5-1
4 4140 Supernova 1985P in NGC 1433
4 4141 1985 WA
4 4141 Supernova 1985R in IC 1809 [C*4146]
4 4142 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4143 Supernovae [1985Q, 1985P]
4 4143 DO Draconis
4 4143 R Coronae Borealis
4 4144 1985 WA
4 4145 CH Cygni
4 4145 Periodic Comet Ciffreo (1985p)
4 4145 Corrigenda
4 4146 AC 211
4 4146 Nova Sagittarii 1983
4 4146 Periodic Comet Giclas (1985g)
4 4146 Corrigenda
4 4147 GX 17+2
4 4147 U Geminorum
4 4147 Periodic Comet Boethin (1985n)
4 4147 Periodic Comet Ciffreo (1985p)
4 4148 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4149 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4150 Comet Hartley-Good (1985l)
4 4150 KR Aurigae
4 4150 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4150 Comet Thiele (1985m)
4 4151 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4152 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4152 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 4153 CH Cygni
4 4153 V1341 Cygni
4 4154 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4155 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4156 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4156 Comet Hartley-Good (1985l)
4 4157 CH Cygni
4 4157 R Aquarii
4 4157 Satellites of Saturn And Pluto
4 4158 Pluto [C*4173]
4 4158 Periodic Comet Ciffreo (1985p)
4 4159 Satellites of Uranus And Neptune
4 4159 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4160 Binary Pulsars 0655+64 and 0820+02
4 4160 1985 TB
4 4160 Periodic Comet Boethin (1985n)
4 4161 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4162 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i) [C*4173]
4 4162 New Millisecond Binary Pulsar
4 4162 Notice to Contributors [BITNET]
4 4163 1985 PA
4 4163 Periodic Comet Ciffreo (1985p)
4 4163 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1984e)
4 4164 Satellites of Uranus [C*4165]
4 4164 R Leonis
4 4164 Novae [PW Vul, Nova Vul 1984 No. 2]
4 4165 Comet Shoemaker (1986a)
4 4165 AG Draconis
4 4165 TT Arietis
4 4165 U Aquarii
4 4165 IP Pegasi
4 4165 Satellites of Uranus [Corrigendum]
4 4166 Periodic Comet Shoemaker 3 (1986a)
4 4167 Periodic Comet Shoemaker 3 (1986a)
4 4167 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4168 Satellites And Rings of Uranus
4 4168 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits
4 4169 R Aquarii
4 4169 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4170 GX 3+1
4 4170 Notice to Contributors [Line charges]
4 4171 Periodic Comet Shoemaker 3 (1986a)
4 4171 Comet Hartley-Good (1985l)
4 4172 EXO 020528+1454.8
4 4172 Very Blue Variable in Orion
4 4173 Supernova 1986A in NGC 3367
4 4173 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4173 Corrigenda
4 4174 Terzan 2
4 4174 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1985q)
4 4174 Periodic Comet Boethin (1985n)
4 4175 Supernova 1986A in NGC 3367
4 4175 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4176 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4177 Supernova 1986B in NGC 5101 [C*4185]
4 4177 Supernova 1986A in NGC 3367
4 4177 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4177 Comet Thiele (1985m)
4 4178 Satellites of Saturn
4 4178 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4179 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4179 Supernova 1986A in NGC 3367
4 4180 Novalike Object in Centarus
4 4180 OH Megamaser in III Zwicky 35 [C*4185]
4 4180 Periodic Comet Shoemaker 3 (1986a)
4 4181 1986 DA
4 4181 Supernova 1985P in NGC 1433
4 4182 PG 1115+080
4 4182 (3361) 1982 HR
4 4183 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4184 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4184 Nova Scorpii 1985
4 4184 Comet Thiele (1985m)
4 4185 1985 PA
4 4185 Corrigenda
4 4186 1986 DA
4 4187 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4188 SW Ursae Majoris [C*4227]
4 4188 AR Puppis
4 4188 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4189 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4190 Hubble Space Telescope
4 4190 Supernova 1986B in NGC 5101 [C*4191]
4 4190 Very Blue Variable in Orion
4 4191 1986 EB
4 4191 Probable New Comet Shoemaker
4 4191 Supernova 1986C in UGC 6697
4 4191 Periodic Comet Boethin (1985n)
4 4191 Corrigendum
4 4192 1986 EB
4 4192 R Coronae Borealis
4 4193 Comet Shoemaker (1986b)
4 4193 SW Ursae Majoris
4 4193 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1985q)
4 4194 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4195 QSO 0716+332
4 4195 omega Orionis
4 4195 Periodic Comet Ciffreo (1985p)
4 4195 Supernova 1986A in NGC 3367
4 4196 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4197 Comet Hartley (1986c)
4 4197 Supernova 1986D in M82
4 4198 Probable Supernova in IC 4329A
4 4198 SW Ursae Majoris
4 4198 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4198 Periodic Comet Boethin (1985n)
4 4199 eta Carinae
4 4199 1986 EB
4 4199 R Coronae Borealis
4 4200 Periodic Comet Hartley 2 (1986c)
4 4200 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4201 No Supernova in IC 4329A
4 4201 Supernova 1986A in NGC 3367
4 4201 Supernova 1986B in NGC 5101
4 4201 Comet Shoemaker (1986b)
4 4202 Supernova 1986E in NGC 4302
4 4202 Supernova 1986D in M82
4 4202 Markarian 507
4 4203 Occultations by Pluto
4 4203 1986 DA
4 4203 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4204 Notice to Subscribers
4 4205 1986 DA and 1986 EB
4 4205 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4206 Supernova 1986F in NGC 5253
4 4206 Supernova 1986E in NGC 4302
4 4206 Occultations by Pluto and its Satellite
4 4206 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4206 SW Ursae Majoris
4 4207 EXO 020528+1454.8
4 4207 Planetary Occultations
4 4208 Supernova 1986G in NGC 5128
4 4208 OJ 287
4 4208 V439 Cygni
4 4209 Comet Singer Brewster (1986d)
4 4209 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4209 VY Aquarii
4 4210 Supernova 1986G in NGC 5128
4 4210 AM Canum Venaticorum
4 4210 VY Aquarii
4 4211 Comet Singer Brewster (1986d)
4 4212 Supernova 1986F in NGC 5253?
4 4212 NGC 3226
4 4212 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4213 Supernova 1986H in NGC 5645
4 4213 No Supernova in NGC 5253
4 4213 Herbig-Haro 46
4 4214 Comet Machholz (1986e)
4 4214 Periodic Comet Singer Brewster (1986d)
4 4214 R Coronae Borealis
4 4215 1986 JK
4 4215 Supernova 1986G in NGC 5128 [C*4227]
4 4216 Supernova 1986G in NGC 5128
4 4217 Comet Machholz (1986e)
4 4218 1986 JK [C*4227]
4 4219 Supernovae [1986I, 1986H, 1986E] [C*4227]
4 4220 1986 JK
4 4221 Kuwano's Object in Aquila [C*4227, 4231]
4 4221 GX 9+9
4 4221 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2 [C*4227]
4 4222 Comet Machholz (1986e)
4 4222 VY Aquarii
4 4223 Periodic Comet Machholz (1986e)
4 4224 Supernova 1986G in NGC 5128
4 4224 Kuwano's Object in Aquila = CGSS 1175
4 4225 Periodic Comet Holmes (1986f)
4 4225 Supernova 1986I in NGC 4254
4 4225 CGSS 1175 [C*4231]
4 4226 HD 32918
4 4226 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4226 Periodic Comet Machholz (1986e)
4 4227 QSO 1146+111B,C [C*4231]
4 4227 Periodic Comet Singer Brewster (1986d)
4 4227 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 4227 Corrigenda
4 4228 1986 LA
4 4229 Comet 1983 XX (SOLWIND 6)
4 4229 Periodic Comet Forbes (1986g)
4 4230 Comets 1981 XXI (SOLWIND 4) and 1984 XXI (SOLWIND 5)
4 4230 Supernova 1986G in NGC 5128
4 4231 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1986h)
4 4231 New Extragalactic OH Megamasers
4 4231 Corrigenda
4 4232 Hubble Space Telescope  [C*4292]
4 4232 gamma Cassiopeiae
4 4232 88 Herculis
4 4233 Comet Churyumov-Solodovnikov (1986i)
4 4233 3C 324
4 4233 NSV 6708
4 4234 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1808 III)
4 4234 AM Herculis
4 4235 Comet Churyumov-Solodovnikov (1986i)
4 4235 GX 17+2
4 4235 VY Aquarii
4 4236 Comet Churyumov-Solodovnikov (1986i)
4 4236 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4237 1986 NA
4 4237 Notice to Contributors
4 4238 1983 RD
4 4239 Periodic Comet Comas Sola (1986j)
4 4239 Comet Churyumov-Solodovnikov (1986i)
4 4240 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1986k)
4 4241 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4241 NSV 6708
4 4241 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4242 Probable Nova in Cygnus
4 4242 1986 PA
4 4243 Comet Wilson (1986l)  [C*4292]
4 4244 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4244 V1727 Cygni
4 4245 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4245 NSV 6708
4 4246 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4246 R Coronae Borealis
4 4247 4U 1820-30
4 4247 Possible Cataclysmic Variable in NGC 6637
4 4248 Supernova 1986J in NGC 891
4 4248 IRAS 16399-0937
4 4248 Comet Churyumov-Solodovnikov (1986i)
4 4249 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4249 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4249 EY Cygni
4 4249 1986 PA
4 4250 Supernova 1986K in Anonymous Galaxy [00526-0736]
4 4250 1977 DV3 = Periodic Comet Skiff-Kosai (1976 XVI)
4 4251 LR Sagittarii
4 4251 Draconid Meteors
4 4251 Notice to Subscribers
4 4252 1986 RA
4 4252 EY Cygni
4 4253 Supernova 1986K in Anonymous Galaxy
4 4253 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4253 NSV 6708
4 4254 Saturn VI (Titan)
4 4254 4U 1820-30
4 4254 Supernova 1986G in NGC 5128
4 4255 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1986m)
4 4255 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4255 AM Herculis
4 4256 1986 RA
4 4257 4U 1820-30
4 4257 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4257 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4258 Supernova 1986J in NGC 891
4 4258 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4258 EY Cygni
4 4259 4U 1820-30
4 4259 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4260 Supernova 1986L in NGC 1559
4 4260 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4260 Supernova 1986J in NGC 891
4 4260 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4261 Supernova 1986L in NGC 1559
4 4261 SU Ursae Majoris
4 4261 4U 1820-30
4 4262 Fast-Moving Objects 1986 TN, 1986 TO, 1986 TP  [C*4292]
4 4262 Supernova 1986L in NGC 1559
4 4262 Supernova 1986J in NGC 891
4 4263 AC 211
4 4263 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4264 V822 Centauri (Centaurus X-4)
4 4264 28 Tauri  [C*4282]
4 4264 Draconid Meteors
4 4265 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4265 IRAS 00275-2859
4 4265 PKS 2005-489
4 4265 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4266 1986 TN; 1986 TO = 1983 UH
4 4266 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4266 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4267 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4267 1986 UD
4 4267 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4268 Comet Sorrells (1986n)  [C*4271]
4 4268 IR 1017+08 and Zw 475.056
4 4269 [Periodic] Comet Urata-Niijima (1986o)  [C*4270]
4 4269 SU Tauri
4 4270 Periodic Comet Urata-Niijima (1986o)
4 4270 Supernova 1986L in NGC 1559
4 4271 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4271 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4272 4U 2129+12
4 4272 0754+101
4 4272 Pluto
4 4273 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4273 LSI +65 010
4 4274 Nova Centauri 1986
4 4274 GK Persei  [C*4282]
4 4274 SU Tauri
4 4274 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4275 Possible Nova in Lacerta  [C*4276]
4 4275 Nova Centauri 1986
4 4275 T Pyxidis
4 4275 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4275 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4276 Comet Lovas (1986p)
4 4276 1986 WA
4 4276 No Nova in Lacerta
4 4276 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4277 GK Persei
4 4278 (1179) Mally
4 4278 Nova Centauri 1986
4 4278 CH Ursae Majoris
4 4278 PW Vulpeculae
4 4278 SU Tauri
4 4279 Comet Lovas (1986p)
4 4280 1986 WA  [C*4297]
4 4281 (1026) Ingrid
4 4281 Nova Andromedae 1986
4 4281 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4281 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4282 Supernova 1986M in NGC 7499
4 4282 Nova Andromedae 1986
4 4282 GK Persei
4 4282 Corrigenda
4 4283 Nova in Small Magellanic Cloud
4 4283 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4283 SU Tauri
4 4284 Supernova 1986M in NGC 7499
4 4284 A0535+26
4 4284 Spectroscopic Observations of Comets
4 4284 Nova Centauri 1986
4 4285 GK Persei
4 4285 Variable in NGC 6637
4 4285 Comet Wilson (1986l)  [C*4297]
4 4286 V1302 Aquilae (IRC +10420)
4 4286 Nova Andromedae 1986
4 4286 Supernova 1986L in NGC 1559
4 4287 Supernova 1986N in NGC 1667  [C*4292]
4 4287 Supernova 1986J in NGC 891
4 4287 BZ Ursae Majoris
4 4287 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4288 Supernovae [1986M, 1986E, 1986I, 1986N]
4 4289 Nova Andromedae 1986
4 4289 EXO 023432-5232.3
4 4290 1986 WA
4 4290 Nova in Small Magellanic Cloud  [C*4292]
4 4290 Nova Centauri 1986
4 4291 Periodic Comet Lovas 2 (1986p)
4 4292 (473) Nolli
4 4292 Supernova 1986J in NGC 891
4 4292 Corrigenda
4 4293 Periodic Comet du Toit-Hartley (1986q)
4 4293 Nova Andromedae 1986
4 4293 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 4294 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4295 Comet Levy (1987a)  [C*4296]
4 4295 Periodic Comet Lovas 2 (1986p)
4 4296 Comet Levy (1987a)
4 4296 OJ 287
4 4297 Comet Levy (1987a)
4 4297 Corrigenda
4 4298 Supernova 1986O in NGC 2227
4 4298 Nova Centauri 1986
4 4298 Nova Andromedae 1986
4 4298 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4299 Comet Wiseman-Skiff (1987b)
4 4299 Nova Centauri 1986
4 4299 Nova in Small Magellanic Cloud
4 4299 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4300 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)  [C*4302]
4 4300 1987 AB
4 4300 Supernova 1986O in NGC 2227
4 4301 Periodic Comet Wiseman-Skiff (1987b)
4 4302 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)  [C*4304]
4 4303 Comet Terasako (1987d)
4 4303 Periodic Comet Wiseman-Skiff (1987b)
4 4303 Pluto
4 4304 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4305 Comet Terasako (1987d)
4 4306 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4306 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4306 Nova Andromedae 1986
4 4306 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4307 Possible Nova in Hercules
4 4307 Comet Levy (1987a)
4 4308 GX 340+0
4 4308 PKS 0048-09
4 4309 Periodic Comet Wild 3 (1987e)
4 4309 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4309 LMC X-3
4 4310 Periodic Comet Bus (1987f)
4 4311 Periodic Comet Wild 3 (1987e)
4 4311 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1986m)
4 4312 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4312 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1986h)  [C*4315]
4 4313 Comet Terasako (1987d)
4 4313 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4314 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4314 T Leonis
4 4314 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4315 Nova Centauri 1986
4 4315 V822 Centauri (Centaurus X-4)
4 4315 Corrigendum
4 4316 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4316 Nova Centauri 1986
4 4317 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4318 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4319 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4320 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4321 Supernova 1987B in NGC 5850
4 4321 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4322 Supernova 1987B in NGC 5850
4 4322 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4322 Notice to Subscribers
4 4323 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4323 CH Ursae Majoris
4 4323 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4324 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4324 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4325 Supernova 1987B in NGC 5850
4 4325 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4325 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4325 OJ 287
4 4326 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4326 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)  [C*4384]
4 4327 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4353]
4 4328 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4329 Supernova 1987B in NGC 5850
4 4329 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4330 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4340]
4 4331 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4331 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4332 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4341]
4 4332 AE 1
4 4333 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4334 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4335 Periodic Comet Howell (1987h)
4 4335 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4336 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4337 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4337 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4338 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4339 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4340]
4 4340 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4341 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4342 4U 0115+63 and X-Ray Nova
4 4342 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4342 Nova Andromedae 1986
4 4343 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4344 Comet Levy (1987a)
4 4344 Notice to Telegram Subscribers
4 4345 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4346 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1986m)
4 4346 X-Ray Nova
4 4346 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4347 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4348 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4349 Periodic Comet Klemola (1987i)
4 4349 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4349 Nova Centauri 1986
4 4350 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4353]
4 4350 4U 0115+63
4 4351 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4352 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4353 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4353 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4354 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4354 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1986h)
4 4355 Possible Comets [Hartley; Torres (later comet 1987j)]
4 4355 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4355 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4356 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4357 X-Ray Nova 1354-64
4 4357 QSO 1510-089
4 4357 OH Megamaser in IRAS 1525+3609
4 4358 Supernova 1987C in Markarian 90  [C*4368]
4 4358 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4359 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4360 Comet Torres (1987j)
4 4360 Nova Andromedae 1986  [C*4396]
4 4361 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4361 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4362 Nova Circini 1987
4 4362 IRAS 1211+03
4 4362 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4363 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4363 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4364 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4365 Periodic Comet d'Arrest (1987k)
4 4365 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4365 NSV 6708
4 4366 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4366 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)  [C*4369]
4 4367 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4368 Supernova 1987C in Markarian 90
4 4368 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4368 A0535+26
4 4368 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4369 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1987l)
4 4369 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4374]
4 4370 Supernova 1987D in MCG +0-32-01
4 4370 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4382]
4 4370 Supernova 1987B in NGC 5850  [C*4382]
4 4371 Supernova 1987D in MCG +0-32-01
4 4371 Comet Wilson (1986l)  [C*4372]
4 4371 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4371 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4372 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1987m)
4 4372 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4372 SU Tauri
4 4372 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4373 Supernova 1987E in NGC 4725  [C*4382]
4 4373 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4373 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4373 GK Persei  [C*4396]
4 4374 Supernova 1987F in NGC 4615
4 4374 Supernova 1987E in NGC 4725  [C*4385]
4 4374 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4375 Supernova 1987G in UGC 7370  [C*7376]
4 4375 Supernovae 1987C and 1987D
4 4375 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4375 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4376 Supernova 1987D in MCG +0-32-01
4 4376 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4377 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4377 Supernova 1987E in NGC 4725  [C*4385]
4 4377 KR Aurigae
4 4378 Supernova 1987H in NGC 5363  [C*4379]
4 4378 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4378 OJ 287
4 4378 CH Ursae Majoris
4 4379 No Supernova in NGC 5363
4 4379 Supernova 1987D in MCG +0-32-01
4 4379 NGC 4418
4 4379 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4380 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4381 Supernova 1987F in NGC 4615?
4 4381 Comet Torres (1987j)
4 4382 Supernova 1987E in NGC 4725?
4 4382 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4382 T Leonis
4 4382 Supernova 1987B in NGC 5850
4 4383 Periodic Comet Harrington (1987n)
4 4383 GX 339-4
4 4383 EX HYDRI  [EX HYRDAE:  C*4385]
4 4384 Comet Shoemaker (1987o)
4 4384 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4385 EX Hydrae
4 4385 No Supernova in NGC 4725
4 4385 Supernova 1987F in NGC 4615
4 4385 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4386 MV Lyrae
4 4386 Supernovae 1987B and 1987D
4 4386 Supernova 1987C in Markarian 90
4 4386 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4387 DX Andromedae
4 4387 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4387 EX Hydrae
4 4388 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4388 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4388 AM Herculis
4 4389 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4389 EXO 165228+3930.3
4 4390 (1566) Icarus
4 4390 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4391 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4394, C*4413]
4 4391 FY Canis Majoris
4 4391 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4392 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4393 Optical Counterpart of 4U 1915-05
4 4394 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4394 GX 339-4
4 4394 Comet Torres (1987j)
4 4395 U Scorpii
4 4395 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4395 Comet Shoemaker (1987o)
4 4395 Nova Andromedae 1986
4 4396 GX 339-4
4 4396 U Scorpii
4 4396 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4396 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4396 PW Vulpeculae
4 4396 Corrigenda
4 4397 Nova Sagittarii 1987
4 4397 U Scorpii
4 4397 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4397 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4398 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4398 Nova Sagittarii 1987
4 4398 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4399 V348 Sagittarii
4 4399 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4399 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4399 U Scorpii
4 4400 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4400 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4401 Millisecond Pulsar in M28
4 4401 Pluto
4 4402 1987 KF
4 4402 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4403 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4403 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4403 Nova Andromedae 1986
4 4404 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4404 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4404 Nova Sagittarii 1987
4 4405 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4405 U Scorpii
4 4405 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 4406 1987 KF
4 4406 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4407 Periodic Comet Klemola (1987i)
4 4407 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4408 X-Ray Selected Cataclysmic Variables
4 4408 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4408 Nova Sagittarii 1987
4 4409 1981 FD
4 4410 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4411]
4 4410 Nova Sagittarii 1987
4 4410 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1986m)
4 4411 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4411 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4411 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1986m)
4 4412 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4412 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4412 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4412 Supernova 1987D in MCG +0-32-01
4 4412 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4413 VY Aquarii
4 4413 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4414]
4 4413 V1500 Cygni
4 4414 VY Aquarii
4 4414 Water Vapor Maser in Scutum
4 4414 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4414 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4415 Periodic Comet Russell 2 (1987q)
4 4415 V1500 Cygni
4 4415 VY Aquarii
4 4415 Periodic Comet Howell (1987h)
4 4416 1959 LM = 1987 MB
4 4417 Supernova 1987I in IC 4963
4 4417 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4417 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1987l)
4 4417 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1987m)
4 4418 VY Aquarii
4 4418 Occultation by Neptune
4 4418 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4419 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4419 NSV 6708
4 4419 Nova Andromedae 1986
4 4419 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4420 NSV 6708
4 4420 Periodic Comet Howell (1987h)
4 4421 Supernova 1986G in NGC 5128
4 4421 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4421 Comet Torres (1987j)
4 4421 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1986m)
4 4422 PSR 0042-735
4 4422 PSR 1951+32
4 4422 Periodic Comet Klemola (1987i)
4 4423 Supernova 1986J in NGC 891
4 4423 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4423 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4423 Comet Shoemaker (1987o)
4 4424 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1987r)
4 4424 UX Arietis
4 4424 Comet Nishikawa-Takamizawa-Tago (1987c)
4 4425 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4425 Periodic Comet Encke
4 4425 AM Herculis
4 4426 Supernovae 1987J and 1987K
4 4426 PSR 1951+32
4 4426 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4426 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4427 Supernovae 1987J and 1987K
4 4427 VY Aquarii
4 4427 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4428 V394 Coronae Austrinae  [C*4430]
4 4428 Supernovae 1987J and 1987K
4 4428 Nova Sagittarii 1987
4 4429 V394 Coronae Austrinae  [C*4430]
4 4429 PSR 1951+32
4 4429 NSV 6708
4 4430 Possible Comet [Landgraf]
4 4430 V394 Coronae Austrinae
4 4430 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4431 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4431 1928 UF
4 4431 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4432 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4432 V348 Sagittarii
4 4432 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4433 Comet Bradfield (1987s)  [C*4434]
4 4433 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4433 Periodic Comet Klemola (1987i)
4 4434 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4435 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4435 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4436 1987 OA
4 4437 1987 PA  [C*4443]
4 4437 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4438 Periodic Comet Jackson-Neujmin (1987t)
4 4438 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4438 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4439 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4439 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4440 Comet Rudenko (1987u)
4 4440 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4443]
4 4441 Supernova 1987L in NGC 2336  [C*4443]
4 4441 Comet Rudenko (1987u)
4 4441 1987 OA
4 4442 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4442 Comet Rudenko (1987u)
4 4443 Comet Rudenko (1987u)
4 4443 Corrigenda
4 4444 Periodic Comet Gehrels 1 (1987v)
4 4445 Supernova 1987L in NGC 2336
4 4445 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4445 V394 Coronae Austrinae
4 4445 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4446 1987 QA
4 4446 Supernova 1987L in NGC 2336
4 4447 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4447 Supernova 1987L in NGC 2336
4 4447 Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2
4 4447 Periodic Comet Encke
4 4448 Comet Helin (1987w)
4 4448 Comet Rudenko (1987u)
4 4448 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4448 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4449 Periodic Comet Helin (1987w)
4 4449 Nova Cygni 1986
4 4450 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4450 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup (1986m)
4 4450 Periodic Comet Howell (1987h)
4 4451 Supernova 1987M in NGC 2715
4 4451 1987 QB
4 4451 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1987m)
4 4452 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4452 OS Andromedae (Nova Andromedae 1986)
4 4453 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4453 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4453 PW Vulpeculae
4 4453 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4454 1987 QA
4 4455 1987 QB
4 4455 Extragalactic Methanol
4 4456 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1987x)
4 4456 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4456 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4456 CL 2244-02
4 4457 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4457 V1819 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1986)
4 4458 V1500 Cygni
4 4458 Comet Rudenko (1987u)
4 4458 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4459 Supernova 1987M in NGC 2715
4 4459 X-Ray Pulsars
4 4459 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4459 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4460 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4461 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1986k)
4 4461 QU Vulpeculae (Nova Vulpeculae 1984 No. 2)
4 4462 Comet Rudenko (1987u)
4 4462 Periodic Comet Klemola (1987i)
4 4462 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4463 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4463 Time Adjustment on 1987 December 31
4 4463 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4464 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1987x)
4 4464 1987 SB
4 4465 1987 SL
4 4465 1987 SY
4 4466 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4466 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4466 1987 SL
4 4467 1987 SY
4 4467 1987 SJ3
4 4468 Comet Levy (1987y)
4 4468 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4468 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4469 Comet Levy (1987y)
4 4469 1987 SL
4 4469 1987 SJ3
4 4470 Millisecond Pulsar in M4
4 4470 Supernova 1987M in NGC 2715
4 4471 Comet Levy (1987y)
4 4471 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4472 Comet Shoemaker-Holt (1987z)
4 4472 Comet Mueller (1987a1)
4 4472 1987 SY
4 4472 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1987m)
4 4473 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4474 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4474 PU Vulpeculae
4 4474 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4481]
4 4474 Comet Levy (1987y)
4 4475 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4476 Comet Levy (1987y)
4 4477 1987 SF3
4 4477 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4478 1987 UA
4 4478 GX 9+9
4 4479 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Holt (1987z)
4 4479 Comet Rudenko (1987u)
4 4480 Periodic Comet Mueller (1987a1)
4 4481 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4482 Probable Nova in Sagittarius
4 4482 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4482 Abell 370
4 4483 Supernova 1987L in NGC 2336
4 4483 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4484 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4485 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4485 4U 0115+63
4 4485 V818 Scorpii
4 4485 OS Andromedae
4 4486 EXO 033319-2554.2
4 4486 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4487 Comet Levy (1987y)
4 4487 Periodic Comet Harrington (1987n)
4 4487 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4487 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4488 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4488 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4488 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1987m)
4 4488 Comet Rudenko (1987u)
4 4489 Nova Vulpeculae 1987  [C*4501]
4 4489 RV Andromedae
4 4489 V818 Scorpii
4 4490 PSR 0656+14
4 4491 CH Cygni
4 4491 EXO 023432-5232.3
4 4491 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4492 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4492 PSR 1951+32
4 4492 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1986k)
4 4492 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4493 Periodic Comet Longmore (1987c1)
4 4493 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4494 Comet Ichimura (1987d1)
4 4494 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4495 1982 XB
4 4496 Possible Supernova in M31
4 4496 Comet Bradfield (1987s)  [C*4509]
4 4496 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4496 V1819 Cygni
4 4497 Comet Ichimura (1987d1)
4 4498 No Supernova in M31
4 4498 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1987e1)
4 4498 Comet Ichimura (1987d1)
4 4498 QU Vulpeculae
4 4499 Comet Furuyama (1987f1)
4 4499 1982 XB
4 4500 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4500 Comet Sorrells (1986n)
4 4501 Nova Vulpeculae 1987  [C*4509]
4 4501 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4502 Comet Furuyama (1987f1)  [C*4506]
4 4503 Comet Shoemaker (1987g1)
4 4503 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4503 Periodic Comet Encke
4 4503 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1986k)
4 4503 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4503 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4504 RZ Leonis
4 4504 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4504 Comet Ichimura (1987d1)
4 4505 Comet Jensen-Shoemaker (1987g1)
4 4505 Comet Ichimura (1987d1)
4 4506 Comet Furuyama (1987f1)
4 4506 RZ Leonis
4 4506 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4507 Comet Ichimura (1987d1)
4 4507 PSR 1951+32
4 4508 TV Columbae
4 4508 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Holt (1987z)
4 4509 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4509 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4510 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4511 Supernova 1987N in NGC 7606
4 4511 V482 Cygni
4 4511 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4512 Periodic Comet Halley (1982i)
4 4512 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4512 Comet Ichimura (1987d1)
4 4513 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4513 Supernova 1987N in NGC 7606
4 4513 OS Andromedae
4 4514 Supernova 1987N in NGC 7606
4 4514 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4515 Supernova 1987N in NGC 7606
4 4515 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4515 Probable Nova in M31
4 4515 V482 Cygni
4 4516 Supernova 1987N in NGC 7606
4 4516 Nova in M31
4 4517 EXO 033319-2554.2
4 4517 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4518 Supernova 1987M in NGC 2715
4 4518 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4518 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4519 0535-668
4 4519 V842 Centauri (Nova Centauri 1986)
4 4519 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4520 Comet Rudenko (1987u)
4 4520 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4520 Comet Furuyama (1987f1)
4 4520 QU Vulpeculae
4 4521 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4521 Possible Supernova in UGC 4060 [SN 1987O]
4 4521 Comet Jensen-Shoemaker (1987g1)
4 4522 (2212) Hephaistos
4 4523 EXO 033319-2554.2
4 4523 Possible Supernovae [1987O, 1987P]
4 4523 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4524 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4524 Comet Furuyama (1987f1)
4 4524 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4525 Supernovae [1987O, 1987P, 1987A, 1987N]
4 4525 Comet Ichimura (1987d1)
4 4525 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 4526 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4526 CY Ursae Majoris
4 4526 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4527 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4527 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4527 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4528 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4529 Supernovae [1987O, 1987P, 1987F, 1987M]
4 4529 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4529 Notice to Contributors [computer addresses]
4 4530 X-ray Pulsar
4 4530 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4530 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4531 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4532 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4532 Supernovae 1987O and 1987P
4 4532 GX 339-4
4 4533 Supernova 1988A in M58
4 4533 Possible Supernova in NGC 3191
4 4533 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4533 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 4534 Supernova 1988A in M58
4 4534 Possible Supernovae [1988B; 1988C, C*4549]
4 4534 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4534 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4535 Supernova 1988B in NGC 3191
4 4535 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4536 No Supernova in UGC 3933  [1988C; C*4540]
4 4536 0535-668
4 4536 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4536 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1986k)
4 4537 Ammonia Maser Flare in W51
4 4537 Methanol Maser Emission in NGC 6334F
4 4537 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4538 Supernova 1988A in M58
4 4538 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4539 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4539 Probable Novae in M31
4 4540 Possible Supernova in UGC 3933  [1988C]
4 4540 Supernova 1988A in M58
4 4541 Supernova 1988A in M58
4 4541 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4542 Neptune II (Nereid)  [C*4551]
4 4542 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1986h)
4 4542 Supernova 1988A in M58
4 4543 Possible Supernova in NGC 4772
4 4543 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4543 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4543 Supernova 1987N in NGC 7606
4 4544 AX Persei
4 4544 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4544 Supernova 1988C in UGC 3933
4 4544 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4544 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1986k)
4 4545 Supernova 1988D in MCG +0-20-006
4 4545 Comet Furuyama (1987f1)
4 4545 OS Andromedae
4 4545 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4546 Supernovae  [1988A, 1988D, 1988E]
4 4546 PKS 0422+00
4 4546 Galaxy Near QSO 1209+107
4 4547 Comet Shoemaker (1988b)  [C*4554]
4 4547 Supernova 1988D in MCG +0-20-006
4 4547 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4547 V1819 Cygni
4 4548 Comet Shoemaker (1988b)
4 4548 NSV 6708  [C*4560]
4 4549 Comet Maury-Phinney (1988c)
4 4549 Supernova 1988B in NGC 3191
4 4549 Supernova 1988C in UGC 3933
4 4549 AX Persei
4 4550 Comet Maury-Phinney (1988c)
4 4550 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4550 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4551 T Pyxidis  [C*4553]
4 4551 PKS 0823-22
4 4551 KR Aurigae
4 4551 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4551 Neptune II (Nereid)
4 4552 Pulsar in M15
4 4552 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4552 Supernova 1988A in M58
4 4553 Comet Hartley (1988d)  [P/Hartley 3]
4 4553 T Pyxidis
4 4553 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4554 Supernova 1988F in UGC 9288
4 4554 (2060) Chiron
4 4554 Comet Shoemaker (1988b)
4 4555 4U 0115+63
4 4555 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4555 Molecules in External Galaxies
4 4556 S Persei
4 4556 Blazars in 3C 279 and 3C 273
4 4556 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4557 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4557 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4557 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4557 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4558 Periodic Comet Hartley 3 (1988d)
4 4558 AX Persei
4 4559 Supernova 1988G in Anonymous Galaxy [13284+3211]  [C*4561]
4 4559 X2127+119 and Pulsar in M15
4 4559 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 4560 Supernova 1988H in NGC 5878
4 4560 KR Aurigae
4 4560 NSV 6708
4 4560 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4560 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4561 Supernova 1988H in NGC 5878
4 4561 4U 0115+63
4 4561 Supernova 1988G in Anonymous Galaxy [13284+3211]
4 4561 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4562 Comet Maury-Phinney (1988c)
4 4562 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4563 Supernova 1988I in Anonymous Galaxy [10183+3555]
4 4563 Supernova 1988A in M58
4 4563 Comet Shoemaker (1988b)
4 4563 AX Persei
4 4564 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4564 International Halley Watch Deadline
4 4564 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1986h)
4 4564 Comet Furuyama (1987f1)
4 4565 1988 EG
4 4566 Comet Levy (1988e)
4 4566 Supernovae [1988G, 1988H, 1988I, 1987A, 1988A, 1988D]
4 4566 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4566 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4566 AX Persei
4 4567 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4592]
4 4567 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4568 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4568 Supernova 1988J in Anonymous Galaxy [11414+6029]
4 4568 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4568 Comet Levy (1988e)
4 4569 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4569 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4570 Comet Levy (1988e)
4 4570 Variable in Andromeda [Nova Andromedae 1988]
4 4571 Supernovae 1988I and 1988J in Anonymous Galaxies
4 4571 New X-Ray Source
4 4571 1988 EG
4 4572 Comet Levy (1988e)
4 4572 W Mensae
4 4573 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4573 1988 EG
4 4573 B2 0927+35
4 4574 DO Draconis
4 4574 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4574 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4574 Supernova 1987L in NGC 2336
4 4575 X-Ray Outburst
4 4575 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4575 DO Draconis
4 4576 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4576 Periodic Comet Hartley 3 (1988d)
4 4577 X-Ray Pulsar
4 4577 S Persei
4 4577 Variable in Andromeda [Nova Andromedae 1988]
4 4577 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4578 PKS 0537-441
4 4578 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4579 Variable in Andromeda [Nova Andromedae 1988]
4 4579 (2060) Chiron
4 4579 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4580 Supernova 1988K in UGC 08179
4 4580 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4580 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4580 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4581 Variable in Ophiuchus [Nova Ophiuchi 1988]
4 4581 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4581 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4582 Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4582 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)  [C*4588]
4 4582 Comet Bradfield (1987s)
4 4583 Transient X-Ray Source [1840+008]
4 4583 Comet Levy (1988e)
4 4583 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4584 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*4588]
4 4584 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4585 AE Aquarii
4 4585 Comet Shoemaker (1988b)
4 4585 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4586 Periodic Comet Finlay (1988f)
4 4586 (2060) Chiron
4 4586 Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4587 X-Ray Sources [2001+251, 1840+008]
4 4587 Supernova 1987K in NGC 4561
4 4587 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4588 X-Ray Nova in Vulpecula [2001+251]
4 4588 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4588 Comet Levy (1988e)
4 4588 Corrigenda [I4582,I4584]
4 4589 X-Ray Nova in Vulpecula [2001+251]
4 4589 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4589 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (1986h)
4 4589 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 4590 Supernova 1988L in NGC 5480
4 4590 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4590 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4591 Supernova 1979G in MCG +01-08-023
4 4591 Supernova 1988M in NGC 4496B
4 4591 Periodic Comet Kohoutek (1986k)
4 4592 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4592 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4592 V1819 Cygni
4 4593 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4593 AX Persei
4 4594 Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4594 DO Draconis
4 4594 OS Andromedae
4 4595 3C 279, PKS 1510-089 and OJ 287  [C*4609]
4 4595 Supernova 1986J in NGC 891
4 4595 CBS 114
4 4596 Comet Furuyama (1987f1)
4 4597 Supernova 1988K in UGC 08179
4 4597 Supernova 1988L in NGC 5480  [C*4601]
4 4598 Comet Shoemaker-Holt (1988g)
4 4598 ASM 2000+25
4 4598 3C 279
4 4599 Comet Shoemaker-Holt (1988g)
4 4599 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4600 Comets Levy (1988e) and Shoemaker-Holt (1988g)
4 4600 ASM 2000+25
4 4601 T Leonis
4 4601 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4601 Supernovae [1988A, 1988L, 1988N, 1988O, 1987A]
4 4602 PSR 0021-72A and 0021-72B
4 4602 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4603 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4604 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4604 T Leonis
4 4605 ASM 2000+25
4 4605 CH Cygni
4 4605 Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4605 Comet Shoemaker-Holt (1988g)
4 4606 ASM 2000+25
4 4606 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4606 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 4606 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4606 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4607 ASM 2000+25
4 4607 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4607 Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4607 Comet Ichimura (1987d1)
4 4607 Comet Wilson (1986l)
4 4608 Radio Outburst in Cygnus X in 1985
4 4609 ASM 2000+25
4 4609 Satellites of Saturn and Uranus
4 4609 3C 279, PKS 1510-089 and OJ 287
4 4610 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4610 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4610 T Leonis
4 4611 Occultation by Pluto
4 4611 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1987p)
4 4611 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4612 Occultation by Pluto
4 4613 Supernova 1988A in M58  [C*4620]
4 4614 Supernova 1988P in Anonymous Galaxy [15300+0148]
4 4614 Supernova 1988L in NGC 5480
4 4614 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4614 Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4615 Comets Levy (1988e) and Shoemaker-Holt (1988g)
4 4615 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4616 CH Cygni
4 4616 Comet McNaught (1987b1)
4 4617 PSR 1957+20
4 4617 V482 Cygni
4 4617 Mars
4 4618 Comet Shoemaker-Holt-Rodriquez (1988h)
4 4618 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4618 3C 279
4 4619 Comet Shoemaker-Holt-Rodriquez (1988h)
4 4619 Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4620 Nova Andromedae 1988
4 4620 Occultation by Pluto
4 4620 Supernova 1988A in M58
4 4621 Probable Sungrazing Comets [SMM 1, SMM 2]
4 4621 AX Persei
4 4622 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4622 AS 296
4 4623 Supernova 1988Q in Anonymous Galaxy [16315+3455]
4 4623 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4623 Comet Levy (1988e)
4 4624 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)  [C*4632]
4 4624 GU Sagittarii
4 4625 Periodic Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (1988i)
4 4625 CH Cygni
4 4625 Supernova 1988Q in Anonymous Galaxy [16315+3455]
4 4626 Supernova 1988Q in Anonymous Galaxy [16315+3455]
4 4626 3C 279  [C*4628]
4 4626 Notice to Subscribers
4 4627 1980 PA
4 4628 AS 296
4 4628 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4628 Nova Andromedae 1988
4 4628 Comet Liller (1988a)  [C*4675]
4 4628 Corrigendum
4 4629 Nova Andromedae 1988
4 4629 Two New OH Megamasers
4 4630 Supernovae [1988L, 1988N, 1988P, 1988Q]
4 4630 S Persei
4 4630 3C 279
4 4631 Comet Shoemaker-Holt-Rodriquez (1988h)
4 4632 3C 279
4 4632 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4632 Corrigendum
4 4633 R Coronae Borealis
4 4633 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4633 EXO 0748-676
4 4634 3C 279
4 4634 Detection of CO in I Zw 1
4 4634 R Coronae Borealis
4 4635 GX 1+4
4 4635 Supernova 1988P in Anonymous Galaxy [15300+0148]
4 4635 SU Ursae Majoris
4 4635 3C 279
4 4636 Comet Machholz (1988j)
4 4636 R Coronae Borealis
4 4637 Comet Machholz (1988j)
4 4637 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4638 1988 OG  [C*4639]
4 4639 1985 DO2 = 1988 OG
4 4639 MXB 1730-333
4 4639 Mars
4 4640 3C 446
4 4640 PSR 1957+20
4 4640 Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4641 Possible Supernovae [13411-0017; 00119-3042]
4 4641 Comet Machholz (1988j)
4 4642 1988 PA
4 4643 Comet Machholz (1988j)
4 4644 Comet Machholz (1988j)  [C*4660]
4 4645 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4645 Mars
4 4645 R Coronae Borealis
4 4645 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4646 Supernova 1988R in MCG 9-23-9
4 4646 RY Sagittarii
4 4646 3C 446
4 4647 Periodic Comet Kopff (1988k)
4 4647 Supernova 1935C in NGC 1511
4 4647 Comet Machholz (1988j)
4 4648 Comet 1988l (SMM 3)
4 4648 G 24-9  [C*4761]
4 4649 VY Aquarii  [C*4650]
4 4649 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4649 Comet Machholz (1988j)
4 4650 NSV 6708
4 4650 3C 446 and 3C 279
4 4650 VY Aquarii
4 4650 R Coronae Borealis
4 4651 Supernova 1988S in Anonymous Galaxy [23484+0824]
4 4651 1988 October 1 Deadline for HST Proposals
4 4651 NSV 6708
4 4652 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4652 Comet Machholz (1988j)
4 4652 G 24-9
4 4653 (2060) Chiron
4 4653 GS 1826-24
4 4653 GX 339-4
4 4654 Supernova 1988R in MCG 9-23-9
4 4654 Mars
4 4654 Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4655 Supernovae  [1988R, 1988S]
4 4655 1980 PA and 1985 DO2
4 4655 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4656 Supernovae 1988T and 1988U  [A13411-0017, A00119-3042]
4 4656 QU Vulpeculae  [C*4657]
4 4656 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4657 EASYLINK 62794505
4 4657 QU Vulpeculae:  A Correction
4 4657 FO Aquarii
4 4658 Comet Machholz (1988j)
4 4658 1988 SM
4 4658 Comet Shoemaker-Holt-Rodriquez (1988h)
4 4659 CH Cygni
4 4659 1985 DO2
4 4660 Comet 1988m (SMM 4)
4 4660 Comet Machholz (1988j)
4 4661 1988 SM
4 4661 GS 1843-024
4 4661 NSV 6708
4 4662 1988 TA
4 4663 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1988 No. 2
4 4663 Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4663 VY Aquarii  [C*4694]
4 4664 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1988 No. 2
4 4664 Coordinated Study of AGN Variability
4 4665 Occultations by Neptune
4 4665 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4666 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1988 No. 2
4 4666 1980 PA
4 4666 R Coronae Borealis
4 4667 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4667 V471 Tauri
4 4668 Comet 1988n (SMM 5)
4 4668 Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4669 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1988 No. 2
4 4669 Comet Machholz (1988j)
4 4670 V Coronae Austrinae
4 4670 ASM 2000+25
4 4670 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4670 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1988 No. 2
4 4671 EXO 032957-2606.9
4 4671 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4672 Supernova 1988N in Anonymous Galaxy [13111+5737]
4 4672 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4672 RW Ursae Minoris
4 4672 V482 Cygni
4 4673 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1988 No. 2
4 4673 (3908) 1980 PA
4 4673 RY Sagittarii
4 4674 1988 TJ1
4 4674 PSR 1957+20
4 4675 Supernova 1988V in Anonymous Galaxy [23367+2658]
4 4675 V1333 Aquilae
4 4675 Comet Shoemaker-Holt-Rodriquez (1988h)
4 4675 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4675 Corrigendum
4 4676 (724) Hapag = 1988 VG2
4 4676 Supernova 1988V in Anonymous Galaxy [23367+2658]
4 4676 V1118 Orionis (NSV 2229)
4 4677 Periodic Comet Ge-Wang (1988o)
4 4678 Supernovae 1988W and 1988X
4 4678 Supernova 1988V in Anonymous Galaxy [23367+2658]
4 4678 alpha Comae Berenices
4 4679 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4679 Scutum X-1
4 4679 NSV 6708
4 4680 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4680 1988 VN4
4 4681 Periodic Comet Ge-Wang (1988o)
4 4682 omicron Andromedae
4 4682 OS Andromedae
4 4682 KR Aurigae
4 4682 Mars
4 4683 1988 VP4
4 4684 Comet 1988p (SMM 6)
4 4684 (2060) Chiron
4 4685 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4685 No Supernova 1988X
4 4685 AX Persei
4 4686 NGC 4151
4 4686 Nova Herculis 1987
4 4686 AS 296
4 4686 PU Vulpeculae
4 4687 U Geminorum
4 4687 V1333 Aquilae
4 4687 VV Puppis
4 4688 Supernova 1988Y in Anonymous Galaxy [02425-0837]
4 4688 1988 XB
4 4689 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4689 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4689 U Geminorum
4 4689 R Coronae Borealis
4 4690 Supernova 1988Y in Anonymous Galaxy [02425-0837]
4 4690 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4690 V1819 Cygni
4 4691 Supernova 1988Z in MCG +03-28-022
4 4691 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4691 BZ Ursae Majoris
4 4692 Comet 1988q (SMM 7)
4 4692 U Geminorum
4 4692 AM Herculis
4 4693 Supernova 1988Z in MCG +03-28-022
4 4693 1988 XB
4 4693 CH Cygni
4 4694 Pulsar in W44
4 4694 Supernova 1988Z in MCG +03-28-022
4 4694 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4694 VY Aquarii
4 4695 PSR 0833-45
4 4695 V744 Herculis
4 4695 Eruptive Object in Crater  [C*4696]
4 4696 Comet Yanaka (1988r)
4 4696 Supernova 1988Z in MCG +03-28-022
4 4696 U Geminorum
4 4696 AX Persei
4 4696 Eruptive Object in Crater
4 4697 Comet Yanaka (1989a)
4 4697 Comet Yanaka (1988r)
4 4697 (724) Hapag
4 4698 Comet Yanaka (1988r)
4 4698 Comet Liller (1988a)
4 4699 Comet Yanaka (1988r)
4 4699 Comet Yanaka (1989a)
4 4700 Comet Yanaka (1989a)
4 4701 Comet Helin-Roman-Crockett (1989b)
4 4701 1989 AC
4 4701 Periodic Comet Tempel 2 (1987g)
4 4702 1989 AC
4 4703 Comet Bradfield (1989c)
4 4703 Galactic Center Annihilation Radiation
4 4703 (3908) 1980 PA
4 4704 Comet Bradfield (1989c)
4 4704 Comet Helin-Roman-Crockett (1989b)
4 4705 1989 AC
4 4706 Comet Yanaka (1988r)
4 4707 1988 VP4
4 4708 Comet Bradfield (1989c)
4 4708 Comet Yanaka (1989a)
4 4708 Comet Yanaka (1988r)
4 4708 PSR 0833-45
4 4709 Comet Bradfield (1989c)
4 4709 1988 XB
4 4710 Periodic Comet Russell 3 (1989d)
4 4711 Comet Yanaka (1989a)
4 4712 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 4712 NSV 01098
4 4712 Eruptive Object in Crater
4 4713 1989 AZ
4 4713 Supernova 1988Z in MCG +03-28-022
4 4714 Comet Helin-Roman-Crockett (1989b)
4 4715 1989 AC
4 4716 Comet Bradfield (1989c)
4 4717 Comet Shoemaker (1989e)
4 4717 Supernova 1988Y in Anonymous Galaxy [02425-0837]
4 4717 V834 Centauri
4 4718 Comet Shoemaker (1989e)  [C*4720]
4 4718 Comet Yanaka (1989a)
4 4719 1989 AZ
4 4720 Comet Shoemaker (1989e)
4 4720 Notice to Subscribers  [re:  e-mail]
4 4721 Supernova 1989A in NGC 3687
4 4721 Supernova 1988Z in MCG +03-28-022
4 4721 NGC 4151
4 4722 DX Andromedae
4 4722 1985 DO2 and (3908) 1980 PA
4 4722 Comet Wilson (1987 VII)  [C*4732]
4 4722 NSV 01098
4 4723 Comet Yanaka (1988r)
4 4724 Comet Shoemaker (1989f)
4 4724 Supernova 1988aa [00101-0019]
4 4724 Supernova 1989A in NGC 3687
4 4725 Comet Shoemaker (1989f)
4 4725 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4726 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627 [= M66]
4 4726 1989 AC  [C*4736]
4 4726 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4726 DX Andromedae
4 4727 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4727 Supernova 1989A in NGC 3687
4 4728 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4729 Supernova 1989A in NGC 3687
4 4729 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4729 NSV 6708
4 4730 Supernovae 1989C and 1989D  [C*UGC 05249; NGC 2963]
4 4730 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4730 Comet Yanaka (1988r)
4 4731 1987 SY
4 4732 Comet Shoemaker (1989e)
4 4732 Comet Wilson (1987 VII)
4 4733 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4733 Comet Shoemaker-Holt-Rodriquez (1988h)
4 4734 Supernovae 1989C and 1989D
4 4734 1989 AC
4 4735 Sub-Millisecond Optical Pulsar in Supernova 1987A
4 4735 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4736 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1989g)
4 4736 Supernova 1989E in MCG +5-32-45
4 4736 3C 279
4 4736 Corrigendum
4 4737 1979 VA
4 4738 Comet Yanaka (1989a)
4 4738 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4739 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4739 3C 279
4 4740 Supernovae 1989A in NGC 3687 and 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4741 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4741 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4742 Periodic Comet Clark (1989h)
4 4742 Supernovae  [1988Z, 1989B, 1989C]
4 4742 Comet Yanaka (1989a)
4 4743 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4743 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4743 R Coronae Borealis
4 4744 1989 DA
4 4745 X-Ray Pulsar in the Direction of Lynds 1457
4 4745 AX Persei
4 4745 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4746 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4746 Occultations by Saturn's Magnetosphere
4 4747 CAL 87
4 4747 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4748 1989 DA
4 4749 Comet Parker-Hartley (1989i)
4 4749 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4750 Periodic Comet Parker-Hartley (1989i)
4 4751 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4751 1989 DA
4 4752 P/Parker-Hartley (1989i = 1987 XXXVI) = 1986 TF
4 4752 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4752 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4753 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4753 1989 DA
4 4754 Periodic Comet Parker-Hartley (1987 XXXVI)  [C*4761]
4 4754 Comet Shoemaker (1989f)
4 4754 1989 DA
4 4755 Comet Shoemaker-Holt (1989j)
4 4755 U Geminorum
4 4755 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4755 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4756 Comet Shoemaker-Holt (1989j)
4 4757 Comet Shoemaker-Holt (1989j)
4 4757 RZ Leonis
4 4757 Z Camelopardalis
4 4757 Comet Shoemaker (1989e)
4 4758 Supernova 1989F in Anonymous Galaxy [C*UGC 08084]
4 4758 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Holt 2 (1989j)
4 4759 Supernova 1989F in Anonymous Galaxy [12558+0304]
4 4759 Supernova 1989E in MCG +5-32-45
4 4759 H0414+00
4 4760 Supernovae 1989A, 1989B, 1989D
4 4761 Possible Occultation by Titan
4 4761 Supernova  [1987A, 1988Z, 1989A, 1989B, 1989C, 1989D, 1989E]
4 4761 Corrigenda
4 4762 Pulsar in Globular Cluster M15
4 4762 Periodic Comet Helin-Roman-Crockett (1989b)
4 4763 3C 390.3  [C*4765]
4 4763 CY Ursae Majoris
4 4763 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4764 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4764 NSV 01098
4 4765 NGC 3783
4 4765 CY Ursae Majoris
4 4765 U Geminorum
4 4765 Comet Yanaka (1988r)
4 4765 3C 390.3
4 4766 1989 FB
4 4767 1989 FC
4 4768 Supernova 1989G in MCG +2-29-11
4 4768 A0535+26
4 4768 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 4768 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Holt 2 (1989j)
4 4768 Z Camelopardalis
4 4769 A0535+26
4 4770 (2060) Chiron
4 4770 1989 FB
4 4771 1989 FC
4 4771 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Holt 2 (1989j)
4 4772 PSR 2127+11C
4 4772 CAL 87
4 4772 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4773 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4773 SU Ursae Majoris
4 4773 Periodic Comet Parker-Hartley (1987 XXXVI)
4 4774 Supernovae 1989H and 1989I
4 4774 SU Ursae Majoris
4 4774 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4775 V834 Centauri
4 4775 1988 VP4
4 4776 1989 JA
4 4777 Supernova 1989J in Anonymous Galaxy [13387+3244]
4 4777 SV Sagittae
4 4777 27 Canis Majoris
4 4777 PKS 0735+178
4 4778 Supernova 1989K in NGC 5375
4 4778 S Apodis
4 4778 1989 FB
4 4779 1989 JA
4 4780 Supernova 1989K in NGC 5375
4 4780 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4780 V348 Sagittarii
4 4780 3C 279
4 4780 NGC 5548
4 4781 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4782 GS 2023+338
4 4782 OJ 287
4 4782 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 4782 PU Vulpeculae
4 4783 V404 Cygni = GS 2023+338
4 4783 AM Herculis
4 4784 Periodic Comet West-Hartley (1989k)
4 4785 1989 JA
4 4786 V404 Cygni = GS 2023+338
4 4787 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1989l)
4 4787 Periodic Comet Kopff (1988k)
4 4787 V404 Cygni  [C*4810]
4 4788 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1988 No. 2
4 4788 Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4789 BF Cygni
4 4789 1989 JA
4 4790 V404 Cygni = GS 2023+338
4 4790 Periodic Comet Kopff (1988k)
4 4790 Occultation of 28 Sgr by Saturn on 1989 July 2-3
4 4791 Supernova 1989L in NGC 7339
4 4791 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4791 CY Ursae Majoris
4 4792 WX Ceti
4 4792 U Geminorum
4 4792 Supernova 1989L in NGC 7339
4 4792 V482 Cygni
4 4793 Comet 1989m (SMM 8)
4 4793 WX Ceti
4 4793 V404 Cygni  [C*4810]
4 4794 V404 Cygni
4 4795 Periodic Comet West-Hartley (1989k)
4 4796 WX Ceti
4 4796 V404 Cygni
4 4796 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4797 V404 Cygni
4 4797 V1819 Cygni
4 4798 V1521 Cygni (Cygnus X-3)
4 4798 Supernova 1989L in NGC 7339
4 4798 3C 279
4 4799 Supernova 1989L in NGC 7339
4 4799 3C 345
4 4799 Periodic Comet du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte (1989l)
4 4799 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 4800 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1989n)
4 4800 V404 Cygni
4 4800 Comet Shoemaker-Holt-Rodriquez (1988h)
4 4801 Occultation of 28 Sagittarii by Titan
4 4802 Supernova 1989M in NGC 4579
4 4802 3C 279
4 4802 Supernova 1989L in NGC 7339
4 4803 Occultation of 28 Sagittarii by Titan
4 4803 G29-38
4 4804 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4805 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4805 Supernova 1989M in NGC 4579
4 4806 1989 N 1
4 4806 Occultation of 28 Sagittarii by Titan  [C*4837]
4 4806 mu Centauri
4 4806 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4807 1989 NA
4 4808 Supernova 1989M in NGC 4579  [C*4809]
4 4808 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4808 Notice to Contributors  [electric power down 7/21-7/23]
4 4809 Occultation of 28 Sagittarii by Titan
4 4809 Supernova 1989M in NGC 4579
4 4810 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4810 V404 Cygni
4 4811 Comet Shoemaker-Holt-Rodriquez (1988h)
4 4811 1989 JA
4 4812 Supernova 1989M in NGC 4579
4 4812 Comet Yanaka (1989a)
4 4812 Comet Shoemaker (1989e)
4 4813 Periodic Comet Lovas 1 (1989p)
4 4814 VW Hydri  [C*4843]
4 4814 V854 Centauri = NSV 6708
4 4814 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4814 WX Ceti
4 4815 Comet 1989q (SMM 9)
4 4815 Jupiter
4 4816 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4816 mu Centauri
4 4816 V404 Cygni
4 4816 Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627
4 4817 V1521 Cygni (Cygnus X-3)
4 4817 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4818 4U 1850-08
4 4818 Jupiter
4 4818 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4818 QV Vulpeculae = Nova Vulpeculae 1987
4 4819 Ten-Millisecond Pulsar in M13
4 4819 GK Persei
4 4819 Jupiter
4 4819 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4820 V745 Scorpii
4 4820 GK Persei
4 4820 Supernova 1989L in NGC 7339  [C*4838]
4 4820 AX Persei
4 4820 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4821 V745 Scorpii
4 4821 V854 Centauri
4 4821 AM Herculis
4 4821 V348 Sagittarii
4 4822 V745 Scorpii
4 4822 V2214 Ophiuchi = Nova Ophiuchi 1988
4 4822 CH Cygni
4 4823 1989 OB
4 4823 Supernova 1989N in NGC 3646
4 4824 Satellites of Neptune
4 4824 Supernova 1989M in NGC 4579  [C*4846]
4 4824 PU Vulpeculae
4 4824 V482 Cygni
4 4825 V745 Scorpii
4 4825 Occultation of 28 Sagittarii by Titan  [C*4853]
4 4826 V745 Scorpii
4 4826 V1521 Cygni (Cygnus X-3)
4 4826 Notice to Subscribers  [wire transfer]
4 4827 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4827 GK Persei
4 4828 Coordinated Observations of Algol Binaries
4 4828 Occultation of SAO 190531 by (9) Metis on 1989 August 6
4 4829 V745 Scorpii
4 4829 DH Aquilae
4 4829 R Coronae Borealis
4 4829 Z Camelopardalis
4 4829 SV Sagittae
4 4829 Periodic Comet Pons-Winnecke (1989g)
4 4830 Neptune Ring Arcs
4 4830 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4830 V827 Herculis = Nova Herculis 1987
4 4831 1989 PB
4 4831 GK Persei
4 4832 1989 OB
4 4833 1989 PB
4 4834 1989 PB
4 4834 MV Lyrae
4 4834 VY Aquarii
4 4834 R Coronae Borealis
4 4835 1E 0021-72
4 4835 CH Cygni
4 4835 V745 Scorpii
4 4836 Nova Scorpii 1989
4 4836 V745 Scorpii
4 4836 Supernova 1988ab in NGC 762
4 4836 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4837 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4837 1989 NA
4 4837 Occultation of 28 Sagittarii by Titan
4 4838 Nova Scorpii 1989  [C*4839]
4 4838 Supernova 1989L in NGC 7339
4 4838 Supernova 1989M in NGC 4579
4 4838 OS Andromedae
4 4838 S Apodis
4 4839 Transient X-Ray Burster KS 1731-260
4 4839 Nova Scorpii 1989
4 4839 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4840 Comet Levy-Rudenko (1989r)  [C*4841]
4 4840 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4840 Nova Scorpii 1989
4 4841 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4841 Periodic Comet Gunn
4 4841 VY Aquarii
4 4842 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4843 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4843 VY Hydri
4 4844 V745 Scorpii
4 4844 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4844 R Coronae Borealis
4 4845 PSR 0531+21
4 4845 Berkeley 87
4 4846 Comet Helin-Roman (1989s)
4 4846 Supernova 1989O in MCG 6-1-26
4 4846 Supernova 1989M in NGC 4579
4 4846 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4847 1989 QF
4 4847 Supernova 1989P in NGC 6636
4 4848 Comet Helin-Roman (1989s)
4 4848 1989 OB
4 4848 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4849 Comet Helin-Roman (1989s)
4 4849 Supernova 1989O in MCG 6-1-26
4 4850 Supernova 1989P in NGC 6636
4 4850 KS 1947+300  [C*4855]
4 4850 V745 Scorpii
4 4850 CY Ursae Majoris
4 4851 Supernova 1989O and 1989P
4 4851 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4852 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4852 Time Adjustment on 1989 December 31
4 4853 Pulsar in Globular Cluster M53
4 4853 V745 Scorpii
4 4853 Occultation of 28 Sagittarii by Titan
4 4853 AS 296
4 4853 Comet Helin-Roman (1989s)
4 4854 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4854 SV Sagittae
4 4855 Possible Nova in Sagittarius  [18045-2205]
4 4855 GX 1+4
4 4855 GK Persei
4 4855 KS 1947+300
4 4856 No Nova in Sagittarius
4 4856 New OH Megamasers
4 4856 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4857 1989 RS1
4 4858 X0331+53
4 4858 TeV gamma-Ray Pulsations from 47 Tucanae
4 4859 1989 RC
4 4859 CH Ursae Majoris
4 4860 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1989t)
4 4860 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4860 R Coronae Borealis
4 4861 Possible Nova in Scutum
4 4861 Jupiter
4 4861 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4861 BF Cygni
4 4862 Nova Scuti 1989
4 4862 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4863 Jupiter  [C*4867]
4 4863 AM Herculis
4 4864 Comet Helin-Roman (1989s)
4 4864 1989 JA
4 4864 Comet Shoemaker-Holt-Rodriquez (1988h)
4 4865 Nova Scuti 1989  [C*4868]
4 4865 1989 QF
4 4865 MV Lyrae
4 4866 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1989u)
4 4866 EXO 032957-2606.9
4 4867 Neptune
4 4867 Jupiter
4 4868 Supernova 1989Q in Anonymous Galaxy [01428+2150]
4 4868 H2356-309
4 4868 Nova Scuti 1989
4 4869 Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989v)
4 4869 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4869 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4869 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4870 Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989v)
4 4870 V1333 Aquilae (Aquila X-1)
4 4871 Supernova 1989R in UGC 2912
4 4871 Radio Emission from the Region of GX 1+4
4 4871 Nova Scuti 1989
4 4872 Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989w)
4 4872 X0331+53
4 4873 Supernova 1989R in UGC 2912
4 4873 PKS 0118-27
4 4873 Nova Scuti 1989
4 4873 Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989v)
4 4874 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4874 Comet Helin-Roman (1989s)
4 4875 Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989v)
4 4876 GT 0116+622
4 4876 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4877 Multi-Site Spectroscopic Campaign in December 1989
4 4877 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4878 Periodic Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989w)
4 4879 V404 Cygni
4 4879 GX 1+4
4 4879 V854 Centauri
4 4880 Two Millisecond Pulsars in M5
4 4880 UV Persei
4 4880 1989 OB
4 4881 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4881 Nova Scuti 1989
4 4881 27 Canis Majoris
4 4882 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4882 Nova Scuti 1989
4 4883 PeV Energy Burst from Crab Nebula
4 4883 Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989v)
4 4884 Comet 1989x (SMM 10)
4 4885 V745 Scorpii
4 4885 UV Persei
4 4885 R Coronae Borealis
4 4886 Comet 1989y
4 4886 AS 296
4 4887 1989 UP
4 4888 Supernova 1989S in IC 226
4 4888 Supernovae 1989P, 1989Q, 1989R
4 4888 FO Andromedae
4 4888 AM Herculis
4 4889 Extragalactic N2H+
4 4889 Galactic Center Annihilation Radiation
4 4890 1989 UQ
4 4890 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 4891 1989 UR
4 4891 GK Persei
4 4892 Millisecond Pulsar in 47 Tucanae
4 4892 Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989v)
4 4892 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4893 Periodic Comet Helin-Roman-Alu 2 (1989y)
4 4893 Nova Scuti 1989
4 4894 1989 UP
4 4895 1989 UP
4 4895 Comet Shoemaker-Holt-Rodriquez (1988h)
4 4896 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4897 1989 UQ
4 4898 Infrared Source in Berkeley 87
4 4898 Periodic Comet Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o)
4 4899 1989 VA
4 4900 Supernovae 1988Z, 1989O, 1989Q, 1989R, 1989S
4 4900 QY Persei
4 4900 Periodic Comet Gehrels 2 (1989n)
4 4900 Periodic Comet Lovas 1 (1989p)
4 4901 1989 VB
4 4902 1989 VB
4 4902 Nova Scuti 1989
4 4903 Periodic Comet Sanguin (1989z)
4 4903 Supernova 1988ac in NGC 3995
4 4903 NSV 01098  [C*4913]
4 4904 Hawkins V1
4 4904 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4905 Supernova 1989T in Anonymous Galaxy [01445+0144]
4 4905 Pulsar in Direction of NGC 6440
4 4905 QV Vulpeculae
4 4906 Extragalactic CH3CCN  [C*4914]
4 4906 1989 UR
4 4906 1989 VA
4 4907 Comet Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1)  [C*4908]
4 4907 beta Pictoris
4 4907 CH Cygni
4 4908 Comet Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1)  [C*4912]
4 4908 DX Andromedae
4 4908 Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989v)
4 4908 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4909 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1989b1)
4 4909 1989 UP
4 4909 UV Persei
4 4910 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4910 Nova Scuti 1989
4 4911 Comet Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1)
4 4912 Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989v)
4 4912 Comet Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1)
4 4913 HDE 245770
4 4913 1989 VB
4 4913 SV Sagittae
4 4913 NSV 01098
4 4914 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4914 Extragalactic CH3CCH
4 4914 DX Andromedae
4 4915 HDE 245770
4 4915 Editorial Notice  [increase in line charges]
4 4915 AX Persei
4 4916 Comet Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1)
4 4917 1989 WM
4 4918 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4919 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4919 Extragalactic H I Cloud in Virgo
4 4919 Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989v)
4 4919 Periodic Comet Lovas 1 (1989p)
4 4920 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4920 Supernova 1989U in UGC 5295
4 4920 3C 368
4 4921 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4921 Comet Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1)
4 4922 AX Persei
4 4922 Arp 220
4 4923 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1989d1)
4 4923 Comet Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1)
4 4924 Comet Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1)
4 4924 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4925 Comet George (1989e1)
4 4925 NGC 7078  [C*4927]
4 4925 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4926 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4927 Comet George (1989e1)
4 4927 Supernova 1989U in UGC 5295
4 4927 U Geminorum
4 4927 NGC 7078
4 4928 Comet George (1989e1)
4 4928 New Extragalactic OH Detections
4 4928 Nova Scuti 1989
4 4929 Comet Skorichenko-George (1989e1)
4 4930 Comet McKenzie-Russell (1989f1)
4 4930 Supernova 1989U in UGC 5295
4 4930 Comet Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1)
4 4931 Comet McKenzie-Russell (1989f1)
4 4931 V635 Cassiopeiae
4 4932 Periodic Comet Russell 4 (1989g1)
4 4932 Supernova 1989N in NGC 3646
4 4933 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4933 Comet McKenzie-Russell (1989f1)
4 4934 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4934 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4935 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits
4 4935 Comet Skorichenko-George (1989e1)
4 4935 BF Cygni
4 4936 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1989h1)
4 4936 AB Aurigae
4 4936 V854 Centauri
4 4937 Supernova 1989V in Anonymous Galaxy [01293+1156]
4 4937 1989 WM
4 4937 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4938 Supernova 1990A in NGC 500
4 4938 Comet McKenzie-Russell (1989f1)
4 4939 Comet McKenzie-Russell (1989f1)
4 4939 Supernova 1989V in Anonymous Galaxy [01293+1156]
4 4940 Supernova 1989W in Anonymous Galaxy [13428+3003]  [C*4957]
4 4940 Comet Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1)
4 4941 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4941 LMC X-2
4 4942 Comet Skorichenko-George (1989e1)
4 4942 V635 Cassiopeiae
4 4943 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4944 4U 1850-08
4 4944 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4944 PU Vulpeculae
4 4945 Jupiter I (Io)
4 4945 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4946 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1990
4 4946 Periodic Comet Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (1989b1)
4 4946 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4946 Galactic Center
4 4947 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1990
4 4947 OS Andromedae
4 4947 (2060) Chiron
4 4948 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4948 NSV 01098
4 4949 Supernova 1990B in NGC 4568
4 4949 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1990
4 4950 Comet Wild (1990a)
4 4950 Supernova 1990C in Anonymous Galaxy [08014+2252]
4 4950 Nova in NGC 1313 [SN 1978K]
4 4951 1990 BA
4 4952 1990 BG
4 4952 Comet Helin-Roman-Alu (1989v)
4 4953 Supernova 1990B in NGC 4568
4 4953 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4954 Comet Wild (1990a)
4 4955 MWC 560
4 4955 Notice to Subscribers
4 4956 Comet Wild (1990a)
4 4956 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1990
4 4957 Comet Austin (1989c1)  [C*4965]
4 4957 Supernova 1990D in Anonymous Galaxy [13411+2922]
4 4957 Supernova 1989W in Anonymous Galaxy [13428+3003]
4 4958 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4959 Supernova 1990B in NGC 4568
4 4959 Supernova 1990C in Anonymous Galaxy [08014+2252]
4 4960 1989 WM
4 4960 Comet McKenzie-Russell (1989f1)
4 4960 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1990
4 4961 Supernova 1990B in NGC 4568
4 4961 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1990
4 4961 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 4961 Comet Aarseth-Brewington (1989a1)
4 4962 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4962 EF Eridani
4 4962 Venus
4 4963 Periodic Comet Wild 4 (1990a)  [C*4964]
4 4964 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1990 No. 2
4 4964 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1990 No. 1
4 4964 Periodic Comet Wild 4 (1990a)
4 4965 Supernova 1990E in NGC 1035
4 4965 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4965 T Leonis
4 4966 1990 DA
4 4966 V1118 Orionis
4 4967 4U 0115+63
4 4967 Supernova 1990B in NGC 4568
4 4967 Jupiter
4 4968 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1990 No. 1
4 4968 1990 BA
4 4968 1990 BG
4 4969 Supernova 1990F in Anonymous Galaxy [13368+3225]
4 4969 MWC 560
4 4969 1990 DA
4 4970 (2060) Chiron
4 4970 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4971 DW Ursae Majoris
4 4971 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4972 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4972 Comet Skorichenko-George (1989e1)
4 4973 Coordinated Ground Observations to Support Astro-1
4 4973 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4973 T Leonis
4 4974 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 4974 Millisecond Pulsar in Terzan 5
4 4974 Periodic Comet Wild 4 (1990a)
4 4975 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1990 No. 2
4 4975 BZ Ursae Majoris  [C*5267]
4 4975 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4976 MWC 560
4 4976 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 4976 1990 DA
4 4976 Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r)
4 4977 Supernova 1990E in NGC 1035
4 4977 New Distant Extragalactic OH Megamasers
4 4977 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4978 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 4978 MWC 560
4 4979 Supernova 1990B in NGC 4568
4 4979 SW Ursae Majoris
4 4979 MWC 560
4 4979 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4980 Comet Cernis-Kiuchi-Nakamura (1990b)
4 4980 MWC 560
4 4981 Comet Cernis-Kiuchi-Nakamura (1990b)
4 4982 Supernova 1990G in IC 2735
4 4982 MWC 560
4 4982 SW Ursae Majoris
4 4983 Cataclysmic Variable in Corvus
4 4983 Comet Austin (1989c1)  [C*5913]
4 4984 Comet Skorichenko-George (1989e1)
4 4984 Supernovae 1990G and 1990B
4 4985 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4985 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1989d1)
4 4986 Comet Cernis-Kiuchi-Nakamura (1990b)
4 4986 Markarian 421  [C*5267]
4 4987 MWC 560
4 4987 Cataclysmic Variable in Corvus
4 4987 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4988 Probable Radio Supernova in NGC 3690
4 4988 Two Pulsars in NGC 6624
4 4988 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4989 MWC 560
4 4989 1990 BG
4 4989 SW Ursae Majoris  [C*5003]
4 4990 MWC 560
4 4990 Ginga Observations of NGC 5548
4 4991 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4991 Jupiter
4 4992 Supernova 1990H in NGC 3294
4 4992 (279) Thule
4 4992 Comet Cernis-Kiuchi-Nakamura (1990b)
4 4993 Supernova 1990H in NGC 3294
4 4993 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4994 Supernova 1990F in Anonymous Galaxy [13368+3225]
4 4994 AX Persei
4 4994 Periodic Comet Wild 4 (1990a)
4 4995 Probable Nova in Scorpius  [C*4997]
4 4995 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4996 U Geminorum
4 4996 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 4996 Nova Scuti 1989
4 4997 No Nova in Scorpius
4 4997 MWC 560
4 4997 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4998 1990 HA
4 4999 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 4999 Periodic Comet Wild 4 (1990a)
4 4999 RY Sagittarii
4 5000 Hubble Space Telescope
4 5000 RY Sagittarii, RT Normae, RZ Normae, HV 12842
4 5001 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5002 V3890 Sagittarii
4 5002 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5003 Supernova 1990I in NGC 4650A
4 5003 Supernova 1990H in NGC 3294
4 5003 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1989d1)
4 5003 Corrigendum  [SU UMa, SW UMa]
4 5004 MWC 560
4 5004 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5004 V3890 Sagittarii
4 5005 HD 34664
4 5005 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5006 V3890 Sagittarii
4 5006 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 5006 WX Ceti
4 5007 V3890 Sagittarii
4 5008 Liller's Variable in Sagittarius
4 5008 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1990 No. 1
4 5008 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 5009 MWC 560
4 5009 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5010 Comet Austin (1989c1)  [C*5012]
4 5010 V3890 Sagittarii
4 5010 1990 HA
4 5011 3CR 368
4 5011 Comet Cernis-Kiuchi-Nakamura (1990b)
4 5012 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5013 Millisecond Pulsar in NGC 6539
4 5013 PSR 1908+00
4 5013 Comet Skorichenko-George (1989e1)
4 5014 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5015 V3890 Sagittarii
4 5015 zeta Ophiuchi
4 5016 Supernova 1990J in Anonymous Galaxy  [12138+1248]
4 5016 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5016 RY Sagittarii
4 5016 U Geminorum
4 5017 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5017 OAO 1657-415
4 5017 Periodic Comet Wild 4 (1990a)
4 5018 1990 KA
4 5018 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1989d1)
4 5019 V3890 Sagittarii
4 5020 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5020 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5020 3C 345
4 5021 V3890 Sagittarii
4 5021 Extragalactic SiO
4 5022 Supernova 1990K in NGC 150
4 5022 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5022 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5023 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5024 Supernova 1990K in NGC 150
4 5024 CC Cancri
4 5024 R Coronae Borealis
4 5025 1990 KA
4 5026 Periodic Comet Peters-Hartley (1990d)
4 5027 Supernova 1990K in NGC 150
4 5027 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5027 HCN Emission from Markarian 231
4 5028 Supernova 1990L in UGC 9927
4 5028 V3890 Sagittarii
4 5028 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5029 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5030 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5030 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5031 CZ Orionis
4 5031 NSV 1710
4 5031 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5032 Galactic Center
4 5032 Supernova 1990I in NGC 4650A
4 5033 Supernova 1990M in NGC 5493
4 5033 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1990e)
4 5033 V854 Centauri
4 5033 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5033 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1989d1)
4 5034 Supernova 1990M in NGC 5493  [C*5036]
4 5035 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1990f)
4 5036 Comet McNaught-Hughes (1990g)
4 5036 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5036 V1333 Aquilae
4 5036 Supernova 1990M in NGC 5493
4 5037 Comet McNaught-Hughes (1990g)
4 5037 Supernova 1990I in NGC 4650A
4 5038 Periodic Comet Johnson (1990h)
4 5038 V725 Tauri
4 5039 Supernova 1990N in NGC 4639
4 5039 Supernova 1990O in MCG +03-44-003
4 5039 Supernova 1990P in Anonymous Galaxy  [16123-1528]
4 5040 Supernova 1990Q in NGC 5917
4 5040 Supernova 1990N in NGC 4639
4 5040 Supernova 1990L in UGC 9927
4 5040 E1821+64
4 5041 1990 MF
4 5042 Supernova 1990Q in NGC 5917
4 5042 Supernova 1990N in NGC 4639
4 5042 RY Sagittarii
4 5042 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5043 Coordinated Observations of Mira AB
4 5043 Supernova 1990P in Anonymous Galaxy  [16123-1528]
4 5043 Supernova 1990M in NGC 5493
4 5044 1990 MF
4 5045 1990 MB  [C*5047]
4 5046 VY Aquarii
4 5046 Supernova 1989X in Anonymous Galaxy  [07236+6400]
4 5046 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1990f)
4 5046 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1989d1)
4 5047 Supernova 1990N in NGC 4639
4 5047 V3890 Sagittarii
4 5047 1990 MB
4 5048 VY Aquarii
4 5048 eta Centauri
4 5049 zeta Ophiuchi
4 5049 Comet Cernis-Kiuchi-Nakamura (1990b)
4 5049 1990 KA
4 5050 1990 MF
4 5051 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5051 BZ Ursae Majoris
4 5051 Time Adjustment on 1990 December 31
4 5052 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5052 Saturn
4 5053 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5053 CH Cygni
4 5053 VY Aquarii
4 5054 Supernova 1990R in UGC 11699
4 5054 Supernovae 1990N, 1990O, 1990P
4 5054 1990 MF
4 5055 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5056 1990 OA
4 5057 Supernova 1990P in Anonymous Galaxy  [16123-1528]
4 5057 Supernovae 1990K, 1990M, 1990Q
4 5057 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5058 Supernova 1990S in MCG -05-29-006
4 5058 UX Antliae
4 5058 No Occultation of SAO 187435 by Triton
4 5058 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5059 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 5059 Comet McNaught-Hughes (1990g)
4 5059 R Coronae Borealis
4 5059 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1990f)
4 5060 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5061 Supernova 1990T in Anonymous Galaxy  [19550-5624]
4 5061 PKS 2155-304, 3C 345, and PG 1553+11
4 5061 Periodic Comet Peters-Hartley (1990d)
4 5061 FG Serpentis = AS 296
4 5062 1990 MU
4 5063 Supernova 1990U in NGC 7479
4 5063 1990 OL
4 5063 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1990f)
4 5064 1990 OS
4 5064 V854 Centauri
4 5065 Supernova 1990S in MCG -05-29-006
4 5065 Notice to Subscribers  [computer services]
4 5066 Supernova 1980Q in Anonymous Galaxy  [14588+0157]
4 5066 Supernova 1990T in Anonymous Galaxy  [19550-5624]
4 5066 Comet Austin (1989c1)
4 5067 1990 MB
4 5067 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5068 1990 OS
4 5069 Supernova 1990U in NGC 7479
4 5069 ROSAT
4 5070 1990 OL
4 5070 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5071 Supernova 1976O in ESO 234-G16
4 5071 1990 MF
4 5071 1990 OS
4 5072 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1990f)
4 5072 1990 KA
4 5072 1990 OA
4 5073 PSR 1257+12 and PSR 1534+12
4 5073 Dwarf Nova in Pavo
4 5074 Supernova 1990V in NGC 7564
4 5074 V404 Cygni
4 5075 V1521 Cygni
4 5075 1990 MB
4 5075 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5076 Supernova 1990W in NGC 6221
4 5076 Supernova 1990X in UGC 12565  [C*5077]
4 5076 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5076 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1990f)
4 5077 Supernova 1990W in NGC 6221
4 5077 Supernovae 1990R and 1990U
4 5077 Supernova 1990X in UGC 12565
4 5078 Supernova 1990E in NGC 1035
4 5078 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5079 Supernova 1990W in NGC 6221
4 5079 Supernova 1990K in NGC 150
4 5079 Jupiter
4 5080 Supernova 1990Y in Anonymous Galaxy [03354-3312]
4 5080 Supernova 1990W in NGC 6221
4 5080 Jupiter
4 5080 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5081 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5082 Supernova 1990Z in UGC 12133
4 5082 Supernova 1990X in UGC 12565
4 5082 V348 Sagittarii
4 5082 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5082 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1990f)
4 5083 Supernovae 1990V and 1990X
4 5083 Supernova 1990Y in Anonymous Galaxy [03354-3312]
4 5083 V632 Cygni
4 5084 Notice to Subscribers  [subscription rate increase]
4 5084 RY Sagittarii
4 5085 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5085 Periodic Comet Encke
4 5086 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5086 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*5088]
4 5087 Supernova 1990aa in Anonymous Galaxy [UGC 540; C*5088]
4 5087 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5087 AM Herculis
4 5088 Supernova 1990aa [in UGC 540]
4 5088 Supernova 1988Z in MCG +03-28-022
4 5088 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 5088 1990 OL
4 5089 BC Ursae Majoris
4 5089 UX Antliae, UW Centauri, and RZ Normae
4 5089 Comet Skorichenko-George (1989e1)
4 5090 Supernova 1990aa in UGC 540
4 5090 Supernova 1990W in NGC 6221
4 5090 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5091 Comet Mueller (1990j)
4 5091 Supernova 1945B in NGC 5236
4 5091 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5091 BC Ursae Majoris
4 5092 1982 DB
4 5092 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1990f)
4 5093 Comet Holt-Olmstead (1990k)
4 5094 Comet Mueller (1990j)
4 5094 CY Ursae Majoris
4 5095 1990 SA
4 5096 Supernova 1990ab in Anonymous Galaxy [21510-4018]
4 5096 4U 1700-377
4 5096 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5097 Periodic Comet Holt-Olmstead (1990k)
4 5098 1990 SB
4 5098 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5099 1990 SM
4 5099 QSO 2237+0305
4 5100 1990 SP
4 5100 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5101 Supernova 1990ac in Anonymous Galaxy [03511-2953]
4 5101 Supernova 1990ab in Anonymous Galaxy [21510-4018]
4 5101 DO Draconis
4 5101 V482 Cygni
4 5101 Periodic Comet Encke
4 5102 Comet Mueller (1990l)
4 5102 Supernova 1990ac in Anonymous Galaxy [03511-2953]
4 5102 Supernova 1990ab in Anonymous Galaxy [21510-4018]
4 5103 1990 SQ
4 5103 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5104 GX 1+4, KS 1731-260, GRS 1741.9-2853, A1524-62
4 5105 Comet Mueller (1990l)
4 5105 Saturn
4 5105 Periodic Comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova (1990f)
4 5106 1990 SS
4 5107 V1333 Aquilae
4 5107 Periodic Comet Peters-Hartley (1990d)
4 5107 GK Persei
4 5108 MWC 560
4 5108 Comet McNaught-Hughes (1990g)
4 5108 Nova Scuti 1989
4 5109 Saturn
4 5109 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5110 Periodic Comet Mueller 2 (1990j)
4 5110 Periodic Comet Encke
4 5111 Supernova 1990aa in UGC 540
4 5111 Supernova 1990U in NGC 7479
4 5111 Saturn
4 5112 V1333 Aquilae
4 5112 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 5112 Supernova 1988Z in MCG +03-28-022
4 5113 1990 SQ
4 5113 AX Persei
4 5114 VW Hydri
4 5114 1990 SP
4 5114 1990 SB
4 5115 Saturn
4 5115 1990 SM
4 5116 Mars
4 5116 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5116 Periodic Comet Holt-Olmstead (1990k)
4 5116 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5117 Supernova 1990ad in Anonymous Galaxy [22401+0102]
4 5117 1990 SS
4 5118 IRAS 18508-7815
4 5118 1990 SM
4 5119 Supernova 1990ae in Anonymous Galaxy [00203+0633]
4 5119 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5120 1990 UA
4 5120 Supernova 1990ad in Anonymous Galaxy [22401+0102]
4 5121 1990 TR
4 5121 Nova in M31  [00403+4101; C*5122]
4 5122 Supernova 1990ae in Anonymous Galaxy [00203+0633]
4 5122 X-ray Nova GRS 0831-429
4 5122 Nova in M31
4 5123 Supernova 1990ae in Anonymous Galaxy [00203+0633]
4 5123 The Galactic Center
4 5123 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5123 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1989t)
4 5124 Supernova 1990af in Anonymous Galaxy [21311-6258]
4 5124 1990 UA
4 5124 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5125 Sagittarius A*  [C*5131]
4 5126 Sagittarius A*
4 5126 Periodic Comet Mueller 3 (1990l)
4 5126 AX Persei
4 5127 Probable Dwarf Nova in Fornax  [03248-3437]
4 5127 MWC 560
4 5128 1990 UQ
4 5129 Periodic Comet Harrington-Abell (1990m)
4 5129 Supernovae 1990U, 1990X, 1990aa
4 5130 1990 TG1, 1990 UN, 1990 UO
4 5131 Saturn
4 5131 Supernova 1990E in NGC 1035
4 5131 Possible Dwarf Nova in Libra  [15075-0144]
4 5131 Sagittarius A*
4 5132 Supernova 1989Y in ESO 287-G4
4 5132 Jupiter
4 5132 IRAS 18508-7815 and IRAS 07598+6508
4 5132 Periodic Comet Mueller 2 (1990j)
4 5133 1990 VB
4 5133 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5134 Periodic Comet Taylor (1990n)
4 5134 Zwicky 229-15
4 5134 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5135 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1990o)
4 5135 Nova in M31  [00399+4055]
4 5135 PSR 1737-30
4 5135 Probable Dwarf Nova in Fornax
4 5136 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1990o)
4 5137 1990 TR
4 5137 1990 SQ
4 5137 MWC 560
4 5137 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1989t)
4 5138 1990 UL3
4 5139 Transient X-Ray Source Near MX 0836-42
4 5139 Local Group Dwarf Galaxy in Tucana  [22385-6441]
4 5140 Galactic Center
4 5140 Supernovae 1951J, 1953J, and 1954ac
4 5141 Supernova 1990ag in Anonymous Galaxy [07296+3301]
4 5141 MWC 560
4 5141 Saturn
4 5142 Transient X-Ray Sources Near MX 0836-42
4 5143 MWC 560
4 5143 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1990o)
4 5144 (2060) Chiron
4 5144 Periodic Comet Mueller 2 (1990j)
4 5144 Periodic Comet Holt-Olmstead (1990k)
4 5145 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5145 Comet Skorichenko-George (1989e1)
4 5146 Supernova 1990ah in UGC 249
4 5146 1990 SQ
4 5147 Supernova 1990ai in Anonymous Galaxy [07172+2200]
4 5147 1990 XJ
4 5148 Supernova 1990ag in Anonymous Galaxy [07296+3301]
4 5148 X-Ray Transients Near MX 0836-42
4 5148 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5149 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 2 (1990p = 1990 UL3)
4 5149 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5149 1990 TR
4 5150 1990 XJ
4 5151 Coordinated Observations of Mira AB and R Leonis
4 5151 MWC 560
4 5152 1980 WF
4 5153 Supernova 1991A in IC 2973
4 5153 Supernovae 1975U and 1978J in Anonymous Galaxies [00269-6021, 22226-6726]
4 5153 Periodic Comet Kearns-Kwee (1989u)
4 5153 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1990e)
4 5154 Barium and Lithium Cloud Releases  [C*5155]
4 5155 Comet Brewington (1991a)
4 5155 Barium and Lithium Cloud Releases
4 5155 Supernova 1991A in IC 2973
4 5156 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 5156 Comet McNaught-Hughes (1990g)
4 5157 Comet Arai (1991b)
4 5157 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1989t)
4 5157 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5157 V667 Cassiopeiae = NSV 01098
4 5158 Comet Arai (1991b)
4 5159 Comet Brewington (1991a)
4 5159 (2060) Chiron
4 5159 KR Aurigae
4 5160 Periodic Comet Metcalf-Brewington (1991a)
4 5161 X-Ray Transient in Musca (GRS 1121-68 = GS 1124-683)
4 5162 Supernova 1989Z in NGC 4013
4 5162 PSR 0540-69
4 5162 Peirodic Comet Metcalf-Brewington (1991a)
4 5163 Supernova 1991B in NGC 5426
4 5163 X-Ray Transient in Musca
4 5163 (2060) Chiron
4 5163 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5164 Periodic Comet Swift-Gehrels (1991c)
4 5164 Supernova 1991B in NGC 5426
4 5164 HD 50138
4 5165 Nova Muscae 1991 (X-Ray Transient in Musca)
4 5165 Comet Arai (1991b)
4 5166 1991 AM
4 5166 Peirodic Comet Metcalf-Brewington (1991a)
4 5167 Supernova 1991C in Anonymous Galaxy [11301+0538]
4 5167 Nova Muscae 1991
4 5167 AX Persei
4 5168 Peirodic Comet Metcalf-Brewington (1991a)
4 5168 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5169 Supernova 1991A in IC 2973
4 5169 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 1 (1990o)
4 5170 Supernova 1991B in NGC 5426
4 5170 Comet Arai (1991b)
4 5170 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5171 1991 AQ
4 5172 1991 BA
4 5172 4U 0115+63
4 5172 Comet Levy (1990c)  [C*5207]
4 5173 1991 BB
4 5174 Nova Muscae 1991
4 5174 Supernova 1990E in NGC 1035
4 5175 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5175 Supernova 1954ad in UGC 4467
4 5175 Comet Levy (1990c)  [C*5178]
4 5176 Nova Muscae 1991  [C*5179]
4 5177 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5178 Supernova 1990aj in NGC 1640
4 5178 1991 AM
4 5178 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5179 Nova Muscae 1991
4 5179 Barium and Lithium Cloud Releases
4 5179 Supernova 1990aj in NGC 1640
4 5180 X-Ray Outburst in the Field of GRS 0831-429
4 5180 A0538-66
4 5181 Nova Muscae 1991
4 5181 NGC 2346
4 5181 Periodic Comet Metcalf-Brewington (1991a)
4 5182 Supernova 1991D in Anonymous Galaxy [13385-1424]
4 5182 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 5182 Comet Arai (1991b)
4 5183 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991e)
4 5183 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5183 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1990e)
4 5183 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5184 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 3 (1991e)
4 5185 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991f)
4 5185 Supernova 1991E in Anonymous Galaxy [06342-6531]
4 5185 Supernova 1991D in Anonymous Galaxy [13385-1424]
4 5185 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5186 1991 CQ  [C*5191]
4 5186 Supernova 1991E in Anonymous Galaxy [06342-6531]
4 5187 Comet McNaught-Russell (1991g)
4 5187 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991f)
4 5188 Supernova 1991F in NGC 3458
4 5188 Supernova 1991G in NGC 4088
4 5188 Supernova 1991H in Reiz 3080
4 5189 Comet McNaught-Russell (1991g)
4 5189 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 5190 1991 CS
4 5191 Supernova 1991I in Anonymous Galaxy [05253-5216]
4 5191 3C 345
4 5191 1991 CQ
4 5192 Periodic Comet Takamizawa (1991h)
4 5193 1991 DA
4 5193 GRS 1406+598
4 5194 1991 DB
4 5194 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5195 Periodic Comet Kowal 1 (1991i)
4 5196 Supernova 1991J in NGC 5020
4 5196 Supernova 1991K in NGC 2851
4 5196 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 5197 1991 DG
4 5197 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5198 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 4 (1991f)
4 5199 1991 DA
4 5199 SW Ursae Majoris
4 5200 Supernova 1991L in MCG +07-34-134
4 5200 Supernovae 1991D and 1991H
4 5200 1991 CS
4 5201 Nova Muscae 1991
4 5201 1991 BB
4 5201 1991 CQ
4 5202 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 5202 Comet Arai (1991b)
4 5203 V854 Centauri
4 5203 Supernova 1990N in NGC 4639
4 5203 Comet McNaught-Russell (1991g)
4 5203 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5204 Supernova 1991L in NGC +07-34-134
4 5204 Galactic Center
4 5205 Supernova 1991K in NGC 2851
4 5205 H1413+117
4 5205 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 3 (1991e)
4 5206 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)  [C*5213]
4 5206 Periodic Comet Metcalf-Brewington (1991a)
4 5206 SW Ursae Majoris
4 5207 Supernova 1991M in IC 1151
4 5207 GRS 1217+066
4 5207 Supernova 1990N in NGC 4639
4 5207 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5208 1991 DA
4 5209 Periodic Comet Hartley 1 (1991j)
4 5210 Periodic Comet Hartley 1 (1991j)
4 5210 Galactic Center
4 5211 (2060) Chiron
4 5211 Galactic Center
4 5211 Jupiter
4 5212 Comet Mrkos (1991k)
4 5213 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1991l)
4 5213 Nova in M31
4 5213 Supernova 1991G in NGC 4088
4 5213 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 5214 Gamma Ray Observatory  [C*5216]
4 5214 1990 SQ
4 5215 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1991l)  [C*5221]
4 5216 1991 DG
4 5216 Gamma Ray Observatory
4 5217 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 5217 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5218 1991 DB
4 5218 Supernova 1991M in IC 1151
4 5218 UW Centauri
4 5219 1991 FB  [C*5267]
4 5219 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1991l)
4 5220 Comet Mrkos (1991k)
4 5221 Comet Mrkos (1991k)
4 5221 H1413+117
4 5221 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1991l)
4 5222 Nova Herculis 1991  [C*5223]
4 5222 V854 Centauri
4 5222 Periodic Comet Swift-Gehrels (1991c)
4 5222 Periodic Comet Wolf-Harrington (1990e)
4 5223 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5224 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5225 Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner (1991m)
4 5225 Supernova 1976P in Anonymous Galaxy [08076-6537]
4 5226 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5226 DX Andromedae
4 5226 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5227 Supernova 1991N in NGC 3310
4 5227 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5227 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1989t)
4 5228 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5228 Galactic Center
4 5229 V1223 Sagittarii
4 5229 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5230 Possible Nova in Centaurus
4 5230 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5230 CRAF and Periodic Comet Tempel 2
4 5231 Nova Centauri 1991
4 5231 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5232 Supernova 1991N in NGC 3310
4 5232 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5232 SV Sagittae
4 5233 Supernova 1991O in Anonymous Galaxy [14236+6559]
4 5233 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5233 SS Leonis Minoris
4 5234 Supernova 1991N in NGC 3310
4 5234 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5234 OJ 287
4 5235 Supernova 1991P in Anonymous Galaxy [13154-1502]
4 5235 SS Leonis Minoris
4 5235 Nova Centauri 1991
4 5236 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5237 Supernova 1991Q in NGC 4926A
4 5237 Supernova 1991R in Anonymous Galaxy [15526+1909]
4 5237 Nova Centauri 1991
4 5238 Supernova 1991S in UGC 5691
4 5238 Dwarf Nova in Ophiuchus [Nova Oph 1991 No. 1]
4 5238 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5239 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527
4 5239 Supernova 1991M in IC 1151
4 5240 Variable Object in Ophiuchus [Nova Oph 1991 No. 1]
4 5240 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5241 Variable Object in Ophiuchus [Nova Oph 1991 No. 1]
4 5241 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 5241 Nova Centauri 1991
4 5242 1991 GO
4 5242 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5243 Nova Ophiuchi 1991 [No. 1]
4 5243 Neptune I (Triton)
4 5244 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1991
4 5244 AM Herculis
4 5245 Supernova 1991S in UGC 5691
4 5245 Galactic Center
4 5246 Periodic Comet Faye (1991n)
4 5246 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527
4 5246 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5246 Periodic Comet Hartley 1 (1991j)
4 5247 Supernova 1991U in IC 4232
4 5247 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1991l)
4 5248 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 3 (1991e)
4 5248 Comet Mrkos (1991k)
4 5249 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 3 (1991e)
4 5249 Supernova 1991P in Anonymous Galaxy [13154-1502]
4 5250 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1991
4 5250 Nova Centauri 1991
4 5250 1991 FB
4 5251 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527  [C*5259]
4 5251 Supernova 1991N in NGC 3310
4 5252 Galactic Center
4 5252 Supernova 1953K in IC 4536
4 5252 Nova Ophiuchi 1991 [No. 1]
4 5253 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1991
4 5253 EX Hydrae
4 5253 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527
4 5254 Nova Ophiuchi 1991 [No. 1]
4 5254 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5254 AM Herculis
4 5255 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527
4 5255 Coordinated Observations of AD Leonis
4 5256 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527
4 5256 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5257 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1991
4 5258 Supernova 1991V in IC 4508
4 5258 Supernova 1991W in IC 4425  [C*5270]
4 5258 Supernova 1991X in NGC 4902
4 5259 Supernova 1991Y in Anonymous Galaxy [17137+5722]
4 5259 Nova Muscae 1991
4 5259 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527  [C*5267]
4 5260 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1991
4 5260 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 4 (1991f)
4 5261 Supernova 1991Z in Anonymous Galaxy [10521-0356]
4 5261 SVS 13
4 5261 Comet McNaught-Russell (1991g)
4 5262 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5262 Nova Centauri 1991
4 5263 Supernova 1991aa in Anonymous Galaxy [12426-0603]
4 5263 Supernova 1991X in NGC 4902
4 5264 1991 JR
4 5265 1991 JR
4 5265 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5266 1991 JW  [C*5267]
4 5267 Supernova 1991ab in Anonymous Galaxy [13570+1956]
4 5267 Supernova 1991aa in Anonymous Galaxy [12426-0603]
4 5267 Corrigenda
4 5268 1991 JX
4 5269 1991 JY
4 5270 Supernova 1991ac in Anonymous Galaxy [12589+2927]
4 5270 Supernova 1991ab in Anonymous Galaxy [13570+1956]
4 5270 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527  [C*5273]
4 5270 No Supernova in IC 4425
4 5271 Supernova 1991ad in Anonymous Galaxy [16172+1746]
4 5271 Comet Tsuchiya-Kiuchi (1990i)
4 5272 Debehogne's Object in Libra
4 5272 1991 JY
4 5273 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5273 Nova Ophiuchi 1991 [No. 1]
4 5273 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527
4 5274 1991 JG1
4 5275 (878) Mildred
4 5276 NGC 6052
4 5276 Comet Arai (1991b)
4 5276 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1989h1)
4 5277 1991 JX
4 5278 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5278 Editorial Notice  [concerning equinoxes B1950.0 and J2000.0]
4 5279 1991 JX
4 5280 1991 JR
4 5281 V1333 Aquilae
4 5281 3C 345
4 5281 Notice to Subscribers  [concerning CompuServe]
4 5282 Supernova 1991ae in MCG +11-19-018
4 5282 Supernova 1991af in Anonymous Galaxy [17251+2931]
4 5282 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5283 Periodic Comet d'Arrest = Comet La Hire (1678)  [C*5285]
4 5283 1991 JR
4 5284 1991 JY
4 5285 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1991o)
4 5285 Periodic Comet d'Arrest = Comet La Hire (1678)
4 5286 Periodic Comet Shoemaker 1 (1991p)
4 5286 Debehogne's Object in Libra
4 5287 Supernova 1991ag in IC 4919
4 5287 Supernova 1991af in Anonymous Galaxy [17251+2931]
4 5287 Supernova 1991ae in MCG +11-19-018
4 5287 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527
4 5288 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5288 Comet McNaught-Hughes (1990g)
4 5288 Supernova 1991X in NGC 4902
4 5289 1991 JX
4 5290 Supernova 1991ah in Anonymous Galaxy [22070-4634]
4 5290 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5290 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5291 Comet Levy (1991q)
4 5291 1991 JW
4 5292 Comet Helin-Alu (1991r)
4 5292 Comet Levy (1991q)
4 5292 Supernova 1991af in Anonymous Galaxy [17251+2931]
4 5292 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5293 Comet Levy (1991q)
4 5294 Supernova 1991ae in MCG +11-19-018
4 5294 GRS 0834-430
4 5294 3C 345
4 5295 Comet Helin-Alu (1991r)
4 5295 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1991l)
4 5296 Comet Levy (1991q)
4 5297 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5297 V1333 Aquilae
4 5298 Supernova 1991ai in IC 4434
4 5298 SVS 13
4 5299 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1991
4 5299 Supernova 1991aa in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5299 Periodic Comet Wild 2 (1989t)
4 5300 Supernova 1991aj in MCG +07-34-84
4 5300 Supernova 1991ai in IC 4434
4 5300 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527
4 5300 Supernova 1991K in NGC 2851
4 5301 Periodic Comet Machholz (1986 VIII)
4 5302 Periodic Comet Machholz (1986 VIII)
4 5302 RS Ophiuchi
4 5302 WX Ceti  [C*5308]
4 5303 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1991s)
4 5303 Periodic Comet Takamizawa (1991h)
4 5303 V854 Centauri
4 5304 Periodic Comet Hartley 2 (1991t)
4 5305 Comet Helin-Alu (1991r)
4 5306 Periodic Comet Levy (1991q)
4 5307 Novae  [Cen 1991, Oph 1991, Her 1991]
4 5307 AG Carinae
4 5307 Notice to E-Mail Subscribers
4 5308 WX Ceti
4 5308 3C 345
4 5308 1991 JX
4 5309 Supernova 1991ak in NGC 5378
4 5309 SVS 13
4 5309 Supernova 1991T in NGC 4527
4 5309 Nova Centauri 1991
4 5309 Nova Ophiuchi 1991 [No. 1]
4 5310 Supernova 1991al in Anonymous Galaxy [19383-5513]
4 5310 Nova Muscae 1991
4 5311 Supernova 1991ak in NGC 5378
4 5311 3C 279
4 5311 PSR 0833-45
4 5311 FG Serpentis
4 5312 Supernova 1991am in MCG +06-37-006  [C*5313]
4 5312 Supernova 1991al in Anonymous Galaxy [19383-5513]
4 5312 AM Herculis
4 5312 Periodic Comet Hartley 2 (1991t)
4 5313 Probable Nova in Sagittarius [N Sgr 1991]
4 5313 NGC 5128
4 5313 Supernova 1991am in MCG +06-37-006
4 5313 Periodic Comet Levy (1991q)
4 5314 1991 OA
4 5314 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1989h1)
4 5315 Probable Nova in Sagittarius [N Sgr 1991]
4 5315 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 5315 FG Serpentis
4 5315 V482 Cygni
4 5316 Nova Sagittarii 1991
4 5316 Possible gamma-ray Pulsars 0656+14, 0950+08, 1822-09
4 5317 Supernova 1991an in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5317 LSI +61 303  [C*5319]
4 5317 V919 Sagittarii
4 5318 Supernova 1991am in MCG +06-37-006
4 5318 FG Serpentis  [C*5320]
4 5318 Periodic Comet Machholz
4 5318 Periodic Comet Takamizawa (1991h)
4 5319 IC 4997
4 5319 LSI +61 303
4 5319 Nova Ophiuchi 1991 [No. 1]
4 5320 Nova Sagittarii 1991
4 5320 FG Serpentis
4 5320 Periodic Comet Machholz
4 5321 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5321 PSR 0540-69
4 5321 V919 Sagittarii
4 5321 Nova Centauri 1991
4 5322 Periodic Comet Arend (1991u)
4 5322 1991 OA
4 5323 Galactic Center
4 5323 1991 OA
4 5323 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1991s)
4 5324 Nova Sagittarii 1991
4 5324 Periodic Comet Hartley 2 (1991t)
4 5325 Periodic Comet Levy (1991q)
4 5325 Periodic Comet Faye (1991n)
4 5326 1991 EE
4 5327 Supernova 1991ao in UGC 270
4 5327 Supernova 1991ap in Anonymous Galaxy [00158+3145; C*5328]
4 5327 GX 339-4
4 5328 Supernova 1991ap Actually QSO
4 5328 Saturn
4 5328 Periodic Comet Faye (1991n)
4 5329 ER Vulpeculae
4 5329 Nova Muscae 1991
4 5330 Perseid Meteors and Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle
4 5331 Possible Nova in Scutum
4 5331 Supernova 1991aq in Anonymous Galaxy [01537-8153]
4 5331 Neptune
4 5332 Nova Scuti 1991
4 5332 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 5332 Notice to E-Mail Subscribers
4 5333 Comet McNaught-Russell (1991v)
4 5333 Novae  [N Cen 1991, N Oph 1991, N Sgr 1991]
4 5334 Supernovae  [1991ar in IC 49; 1991ag; 1991al]
4 5334 Nova Scuti 1991
4 5334 1991 OA
4 5335 Comet McNaught-Russell (1991w)
4 5335 Comet McNaught-Hughes (1990g)
4 5335 Nova Scuti 1991
4 5336 Supernovae [1991as, Anon 22462+0755; 1991at, UGC 733; 1991au, UGC 11616]
4 5336 Periodic Comet Shoemaker 1 (1991p)
4 5337 1991 RB
4 5338 Supernova 1991av in Anonymous Galaxy [21535+0046]
4 5338 1991 RC
4 5339 Comet McNaught-Russell (1991w)
4 5339 Nova Scuti 1991
4 5340 Supernova 1991aw in Zw 322-02 [17423+6730]
4 5340 Perseid Meteors 1991
4 5340 Periodic Comet Hartley 2 (1991t)
4 5341 Comet Spacewatch (1991x)
4 5341 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1991o)
4 5341 Saturn
4 5342 Perseid Meteors 1991
4 5342 GX 340-0 Region
4 5343 Comet Spacewatch (1991x)
4 5343 Nova Herculis 1991  [C*5403]
4 5344 1991 RB
4 5344 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 5345 Jupiter
4 5345 Perseid Meteors 1991
4 5345 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1989h1)  [C*5352]
4 5346 Supernova 1991ar in IC 49
4 5346 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1991s)
4 5347 Supernovae [1991ar, 1991as, 1991at, 1991au, 1991av, 1991ae]
4 5347 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1991o)
4 5347 Satellites of Saturn and Neptune  [new names]
4 5348 Supernova 1991ar in IC 49
4 5348 Nova Scuti 1991
4 5348 Periodic Comet Faye (1991n)
4 5349 Supernova 1991ax in Anonymous Galaxy [03034-4158]
4 5349 1991 EE
4 5349 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5350 1991 RC
4 5350 AM Herculis
4 5351 Periodic Comet Spacewatch (1991x)
4 5351 Nova Sagittarii 1991
4 5352 Supernova 1991ay in Anonymous Galaxy [00446+4016]
4 5352 GX 339-4
4 5352 Periodic Comet Levy (1991q)
4 5352 Periodic Comet Van Biesbroeck (1989h1)
4 5353 Arakelian 120
4 5353 Nova Scuti 1991
4 5353 Comet Levy (1990c)
4 5354 Comet McNaught-Hughes (1991y)
4 5354 V1017 Sagittarii [C*5375]
4 5354 MWC 560
4 5355 MWC 560
4 5355 VZ Sagittarii
4 5355 V348 Sagittarii
4 5356 Supernova 1991az in Anonymous Galaxy  [02224+2402]
4 5356 Supernova 1991ax in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5356 Supernova 1991ay in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5356 Periodic Comet Faye (1991n)
4 5357 1991 RJ2
4 5358 Supernova 1991ba in ESO 244-IG32  [01286-4243]
4 5358 gamma-Ray bursts
4 5359 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991z)
4 5359 FG Serpentis
4 5360 Periodic Comet McNaught-Hughes (1991y)
4 5360 V1017 Sagittarii
4 5361 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 5 (1991z)
4 5361 Periodic Comet Shoemaker 1 (1991p)
4 5362 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1991
4 5362 Periodic Comet Faye (1991n)
4 5363 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5364 Supernova 1991ba in ESO 244-IG32
4 5364 X1850-086
4 5364 Nova Scuti 1991
4 5365 Supernova 1991bb in UGC 2892
4 5365 Venus
4 5366 Supernova 1991bc in UGC 2691
4 5366 Supernovae 1991ay and 1991bb
4 5366 Periodic Comet Faye (1991n)
4 5367 Supernova 1991bd in UGC 2936
4 5367 1991 TT and 1991 TU
4 5367 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1991s)
4 5368 1991 TB1
4 5369 EF Pegasi
4 5369 gamma-Ray Bursts
4 5369 Comet McNaught-Russell (1991v)
4 5370 RS Ophiuchi
4 5370 GRS 1943-052
4 5370 Supernova 1991bd in UGC 2936
4 5371 1991 TB2
4 5371 EF Pegasi
4 5372 X Persei
4 5372 EF Pegasi
4 5372 Periodic Comet Hartley 2 (1991t)
4 5373 1991 TF3
4 5373 MWC 560
4 5374 Periodic Comet McNaught-Hughes (1991y)
4 5374 Comet Helin-Alu (1991r)
4 5375 Supernova 1991bb in UGC 2892
4 5375 Periodic Comet Levy (1991q)
4 5375 V667 Cassiopeiae
4 5375 V1017 Sagittarii
4 5376 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 5 (1991z)
4 5377 V1251 Cygni [C*5380]
4 5377 GRS 1758-258
4 5377 VZ Sagittarii
4 5378 EF Pegasi
4 5378 GX 1+4
4 5378 Nova Scuti 1991
4 5379 Supernova 1991bd in UGC 2936
4 5379 R Coronae Borealis
4 5379 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5379 V1252 Cygni
4 5380 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5380 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1991l)
4 5380 V1251 Cygni  [C*5401]
4 5381 Nova Ophiuchi 1991 No. 2
4 5381 GX 1+4
4 5381 V1017 Sagittarii
4 5382 Comet 1991b1
4 5382 Supernova 1991be in Anonymous Galaxy [21301-4226]
4 5382 Periodic Comet Faye (1991n)
4 5383 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 1 (1991c1)
4 5383 Comet 1991b1
4 5383 1991 VA
4 5384 1991 VB
4 5385 1991 VE
4 5386 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 6 (1991b1)
4 5387 1991 VG
4 5388 1991 VG
4 5389 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d1)
4 5389 Supernova 1991bf in ESO 471-G30
4 5389 R Coronae Borealis
4 5389 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1991s)
4 5390 1991 VH
4 5391 Periodic Comet Chernykh (1991o)
4 5391 Periodic Comet Hartley 2 (1991t)
4 5392 1991 VK
4 5392 (3288) Seleucus
4 5393 1991 VL
4 5393 V919 Sagittarii
4 5394 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d1)
4 5394 4U 1700-37
4 5395 GX 339-4
4 5395 Galactic Center
4 5396 1991 WA
4 5396 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5397 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 7 (1991d1)
4 5397 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 6 (1991b1)
4 5398 Galactic Center
4 5398 Nova Muscae 1991
4 5398 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5399 1991 XB
4 5399 R Coronae Borealis
4 5400 Supernova 1991bg in NGC 4374
4 5400 DY Persei
4 5400 Periodic Comet Wirtanen (1991s)
4 5401 Supernova 1991bh in Anonymous Galaxy [02423+1457]
4 5401 1991 VG
4 5401 V1251 Cygni
4 5402 1991 VG
4 5403 Periodic Comet Tsuchinshan 2 (1991e1)
4 5403 Supernova 1991bg in NGC 4374
4 5403 Nova Herculis 1991
4 5404 Supernova 1991bi in NGC 5127
4 5404 Supernova 1991bf in ESO 471-G30
4 5404 Supernova 1991bh in Anonymous Galaxy [02423+1457]
4 5404 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5405 Supernova 1991bi in NGC 5127
4 5405 Supernova 1991bg in NGC 4374
4 5405 GRS 1715-44
4 5406 Periodic Comet Kowal 2 (1991f1)
4 5407 Periodic Comet Kowal 2 (1991f1)
4 5407 LB 1800
4 5407 Periodic Comet Faye (1991n)
4 5408 Supernova 1991bg in NGC 4374
4 5409 Editorial Notice  [conversion to J2000.0]
4 5409 1991 VH
4 5410 1991 VH
4 5410 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1991l)
4 5411 1991 VL
4 5411 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 6 (1991b1)
4 5412 Comet Zanotta-Brewington (1991g1)
4 5412 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 7 (1991d1)
4 5413 Comet Zanotta-Brewington (1991g1)
4 5413 Comet McNaught-Russell (1991v)
4 5413 Periodic Comet Levy (1991q)
4 5414 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5415 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5415 Periodic Comet Kowal 2 (1991f1)
4 5416 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 5 (1991z)
4 5416 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 6 (1991b1)
4 5417 Occultation by P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5417 1991 VB
4 5418 S Persei
4 5418 1991 XB
4 5419 Comet Zanotta-Brewington (1991g1)
4 5420 Comet Mueller (1991h1)
4 5420 Supernova 1991bj in IC 344
4 5421 Comet Mueller (1991h1)
4 5421 UV Persei
4 5422 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5422 1991 VK, 1991 VL, 1991 WA, AND 1991 XB
4 5423 1991 YA
4 5423 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5424 1992 AA
4 5425 1992 AB
4 5426 1992 AC
4 5427 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5427 omicron Ceti
4 5427 Comet Zanotta-Brewington (1991g1)
4 5428 Supernova 1992A in NGC 1380
4 5428 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5429 Supernova 1992A in NGC 1380  [C*5432]
4 5429 PSR 1509-58
4 5430 Supernova 1992A in NGC 1380
4 5430 OAO 1657-415
4 5430 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5431 3C 279  [C*5433]
4 5431 4C 38.41, PKS 0528+134, PKS 0208-512
4 5431 Supernova 1992A in NGC 1380
4 5432 Comet Helin-Alu (1992a)
4 5432 Supernova 1992A in NGC 1380
4 5432 Comet Zanotta-Brewington (1991g1)
4 5433 A0535+26
4 5433 Comet Helin-Alu (1991r)
4 5433 3C 279
4 5434 1992 AD
4 5435 1992 AD
4 5435 3C 446
4 5436 1992 AE
4 5437 Supernova 1992B in Anonymous Galaxy [11133+5546]
4 5437 GRS 0834-430
4 5437 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5438 RNO 1B, SVS 13
4 5438 Comet Mueller (1991h1)
4 5439 Comet Helin-Alu (1992a)
4 5439 RZ Normae
4 5439 Comet Zanotta-Brewington (1991g1)
4 5440 Supernova 1992C in NGC 3367
4 5440 Supernova 1992B in Anonymous Galaxy [11133+5546]
4 5440 Periodic Comet Faye (1991n)
4 5441 1992 BC
4 5442 Comet Bradfield (1992b)
4 5442 1992 AC
4 5443 1992 BF
4 5444 Supernova 1992D in Anonymous Galaxy [05588-2022]
4 5444 Comet Bradfield (1992b)
4 5444 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5445 Comet Bradfield (1992b)
4 5446 Supernova 1992E in Anonymous Galaxy [06346-5954]
4 5446 Supernova 1992F in Anonymous Galaxy [11226+5653]
4 5446 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5447 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5447 Supernova 1991bg and 1992B
4 5448 A1118-61
4 5448 1992 BC
4 5449 Supernova 1987A and Neighboring Stars
4 5449 1992 AD
4 5450 Supernova 1992E in Anonymous Galaxy [06346-5954]
4 5450 1992 AD
4 5450 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5450 Supernova 1955Q in Anonymous Galaxy [10534+2425]
4 5451 Nova Sagittarii 1992
4 5451 1992 AD
4 5451 Nova Muscae 1991
4 5451 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5452 Supernova 1992G in NGC 3294
4 5452 Nova Sagittarii 1992
4 5452 HD 37258
4 5452 Comet Zanotta-Brewington (1991g1)
4 5453 Nova Sagittarii 1992  [C*5460]
4 5453 QSO 0836+710
4 5454 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5454 EXO 2030+375
4 5454 Nova Sagittarii 1992
4 5455 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5455 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5455 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1991l)
4 5456 Supernova 1992H in NGC 5377
4 5456 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5457 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5457 (2060) Chiron
4 5458 Supernova 1992G in NGC 3294
4 5458 W Comae Berenices
4 5458 1992 AD
4 5459 1992 CC1
4 5459 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5460 QSO 0836+710
4 5460 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5460 Nova Sagittarii 1992
4 5461 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5462 1992 AD
4 5463 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5463 Time Adjustment on 1992 June 30
4 5464 Supernova 1992I in NGC 2565
4 5464 Comet Mueller (1991h1)
4 5465 Supernovae 1987Q and 1987R
4 5465 Comet Zanotta-Brewington (1991g1)
4 5466 Supernova 1953L in UGC 3267
4 5466 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5466 1992 BF
4 5467 Supernova 1992J in Anonymous Galaxy [10067-2624]
4 5467 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5468 Supernova 1992K in ESO 269-G57
4 5468 Supernova 1992J in Anonymous Galaxy [10067-2624]
4 5468 UW Centauri and V854 Centauri
4 5469 Supernovae 1982Z and 1992L in Anonymous Galaxy [07341-4710]
4 5469 Comet Bradfield (1992b)
4 5469 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5470 Nova Ophiuchi 1991 No. 1
4 5470 Markarian 421, PKS 0537-441, QSO 0716+714
4 5470 Supernova 1992G in NGC 3294
4 5471 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5471 Probable Comets [from U.K. Schmidt 1978, 1979 plates]
4 5471 Markarian 421
4 5472 Periodic Comet Howell (1992c)
4 5472 Galactic Center
4 5472 Nova Centauri 1991
4 5473 Supernova 1992M in Anonymous Galaxy [07115+4531]
4 5473 Supernova 1991bk in UGC 7171
4 5473 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5474 Galactic Center Region
4 5474 1992 AC
4 5475 Supernova 1992N in IC 4831
4 5475 Supernova 1992I in NGC 2565
4 5475 Galactic Center
4 5475 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5476 Supernova 1992O in Anonymous Galaxy [19191-6255]
4 5476 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5477 Galactic Center
4 5477 3C 454.3 and CTA 102
4 5477 Supernova 1992M in Anonymous Galaxy [07115+4531]
4 5478 gamma-Ray Bursts
4 5478 Periodic Comet Grigg-Skjellerup
4 5479 Nova Cygni 1992  [C*5482]
4 5480 (5145) 1992 AD
4 5480 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5481 Crab Nebula
4 5481 1H 0857-242
4 5482 Comet Mueller (1991h1)
4 5482 SW Ursae Majoris
4 5482 Nova Cygni 1992  [C*5501]
4 5483 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1992  [C*5489]
4 5483 1992 CC1
4 5483 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5484 1984 WE1
4 5484 EY Cygni
4 5485 PSR 1706-44
4 5485 NGC 4051
4 5486 Comet Helin-Alu (1992a)
4 5486 V590 Monocerotis
4 5487 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)
4 5487 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5488 1992 FE
4 5488 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)  [C*5491]
4 5489 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)
4 5489 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1992
4 5490 Periodic Comet Singer Brewster (1992e)
4 5490 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5491 Supernova 1992P in IC 3690
4 5491 Supernova 1992O in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5491 Supernova 1992N in IC 4831
4 5491 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)
4 5492 Uranus
4 5492 Supernova 1992O in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5492 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5493 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1992f)
4 5493 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5494 Supernovae 1992Q, 1992R, 1992S
4 5494 OY Carinae
4 5495 Comet Mueller (1992g)
4 5495 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 8 (1992f)
4 5496 Supernova 1992T in Anonymous Galaxy [13402-3138]
4 5496 Markarian 421
4 5496 Comet Mueller (1991h1)
4 5497 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5497 Periodic Comet Mueller 4 (1992g)
4 5498 Periodic Comet Mueller 4 (1992g)
4 5498 Variable Object Near NGC 4192
4 5499 Supernova 1992U in ESO 74-G4
4 5499 Nova Muscae 1991
4 5499 Variable Object Near NGC 4192
4 5500 No Occultation by Pluto on 1992 May 21
4 5500 Supernova 1992T in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5500 Comet Helin-Alu (1991r)
4 5501 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5501 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5502 HV Virginis
4 5502 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5502 Supernova 1992H in NGC 5377
4 5502 EY Cygni
4 5503 HV Virginis  [C*5517]
4 5503 Nova Sagittarii 1992
4 5503 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5504 4U 1543-47
4 5504 CH Cygni
4 5504 HV Virginis
4 5505 Periodic Comet Mueller 4 (1992g)
4 5505 HV Virginis
4 5506 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 8 (1992f)
4 5506 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)
4 5507 Supernova 1992V in Anonymous Galaxy [12322+1450]  [C*5508]
4 5507 V1333 Aquilae
4 5507 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)
4 5507 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5508 1992 HE
4 5508 Supernova 1992V in Anonymous Galaxy [12322+1450]
4 5509 Comet Spacewatch (1992h)
4 5509 HV Virginis
4 5509 1992 HE
4 5510 1992 JB
4 5510 4U 1543-47
4 5511 1992 JD
4 5511 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5512 1992 JD
4 5512 4U 1543-47
4 5513 Comet Spacewatch (1992h)
4 5514 Comet Bradfield (1992i)
4 5514 Comet Zanotta-Brewington (1991g1)
4 5515 1992 JE
4 5515 Supernova 1992V in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5516 Comet Bradfield (1992i)
4 5516 HV Virginis
4 5516 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5517 Supernovae 1992W, 1992X, 1992Y [C*5528; SN 1992Y in NGC 3527]
4 5517 HV Virginis
4 5518 EC 04552-2812 = RE 0457-28 = MCT 0455-2812  [C*5606]
4 5518 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)
4 5519 PKS 0202+149, PKS 0235+164, PKS 0420-014
4 5519 1H 0857-242
4 5519 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5520 4U 1543-47
4 5520 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5520 T Leonis
4 5521 Supernova 1992U in ESO 74-G4
4 5521 NGC 5548
4 5521 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1991l)
4 5522 Markarian 421
4 5522 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5523 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5524 Comet Bradfield (1992i)
4 5524 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)
4 5525 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5525 Supernova 1955R in UGC 7740
4 5525 Supernovae 1992Q and 1992S
4 5526 Probable Nova in Scorpius
4 5526 Nova Cygni 1992  [C*5527]
4 5527 Probable Nova in Scorpius
4 5527 QSO 1741-038
4 5527 Supernova 1991K in NGC 2851
4 5527 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5527 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5528 Probable Nova in Scorpius
4 5528 No Supernovae 1992W, 1992X
4 5528 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)
4 5529 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5529 Nova Sagittarii 1992
4 5529 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5530 Comet Bradfield (1992i)
4 5531 1992 KD
4 5531 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)
4 5532 Geminga
4 5532 Pluto
4 5533 Supernova 1992Z in Anonymous Galaxy [13262-2945]
4 5533 NGC 5548
4 5533 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5533 Supernova 1992H in NGC 5377
4 5534 Supernova 1992aa in NGC 6464
4 5534 Supernova 1992ab in NGC 6389
4 5534 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5535 NGC 5548
4 5535 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 5535 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5536 Vela X-1
4 5536 Supernovae 1950N and 1950O in Anonymous Galaxies [17012+0030; 16129+1905]
4 5536 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5537 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5538 1992 LC
4 5538 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5539 zeta Tauri
4 5540 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991d)
4 5540 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 8 (1992f)
4 5541 Geminga
4 5542 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5542 Supernova 1992ab in NGC 6389
4 5542 1992 JE
4 5543 Supernovae 1992R and 1992ac in MCG +10-24-007
4 5543 1992 HE
4 5544 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5544 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)
4 5545 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5545 AM Herculis
4 5546 Periodic Comet Ashbrook-Jackson (1992j)
4 5546 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5547 NGC 5548
4 5547 gamma-Ray Bursts [J083-33; J134-22; J202-44]
4 5548 1992 LR
4 5549 Supernova 1992Z in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5549 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5549 V Coronae Austrinae
4 5550 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5550 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5550 1992 KD
4 5551 AC 211
4 5551 V1333 Aquilae
4 5551 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5552 Supernova 1992ad in NGC 4411B  [C*5555]
4 5552 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5552 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5553 Comet Machholz (1992k)
4 5553 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5554 Supernovae 1992ae and 1992af [21244-6146; 20273-4229]
4 5554 PSR 1706-44
4 5554 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5555 Supernova 1992ag in ESO 508-G67
4 5555 Supernova 1992ad in NGC 4411B
4 5555 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5555 Supernova 1992H in NGC 5377
4 5556 1992 NA
4 5557 Comet Machholz (1992k)
4 5557 PSR 0833-45
4 5558 GK Persei
4 5558 Supernova 1992ae in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5558 Supernova 1992af in [ESO] 340-G38  [C*5672]
4 5558 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5559 Supernova 1992ah in Anonymous Galaxy [17354+1256]
4 5559 1992 HE
4 5560 Comet Machholz (1992k)
4 5560 1992 LR
4 5561 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5561 Periodic Comet Giclas (1992l)
4 5561 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5562 Comet Machholz (1992k)
4 5562 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5563 1992 LC
4 5564 Supernovae 1992ai and 1992aj in Anonymous Galaxies [0127-325; 2345-355]
4 5564 Notice Concerning Telegrams  [rate increase]
4 5564 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5564 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5565 Supernova 1992ak in UGC 3862
4 5565 Supernovae 1992ai and 1992aj in Anonymous Galaxies
4 5565 gamma-Ray Bursts [J18476+7301]
4 5566 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5566 Saturn
4 5566 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5567 Periodic Comet Wolf (1992m)
4 5567 Soft gamma-Ray Repeater [1908+11]
4 5567 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5568 1973 NA = 1992 OA
4 5568 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5569 Supernova 1992al in ESO 234-G69
4 5569 gamma-Ray Burst [J13318+367]
4 5570 Periodic Comet Schuster (1992n)
4 5570 Supernova 1992am in Anonymous Galaxy [01225-0455]
4 5570 Supernova 1992ad in NGC 4411B
4 5571 Supernova 1992an in Anonymous Galaxy [13350-3026]
4 5571 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5571 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5572 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5572 AG Carinae
4 5573 Supernova 1992ao in NGC 7637
4 5573 Supernova 1992ap in UGC 10430  [C*5601]
4 5574 Supernovae 1992aq and 1992ar in Anonymous Galaxies [2302-376; 2315-449]
4 5574 Supernova 1992ao in NGC 7637
4 5574 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5575 Supernova 1992as in Anonymous Galaxy [21006-4451]
4 5575 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5575 PSR 0950+08
4 5576 Cygnus X-1
4 5576 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5577 Supernova 1992at in Anonymous Galaxy [21241-3713]
4 5577 GK Persei
4 5577 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5578 Supernova 1992at in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5578 V1727 Cygni = 4U 2129+47
4 5578 Saturn
4 5579 gamma-Ray Bursts
4 5579 Mars
4 5580 Hard X-Ray Transient
4 5580 Cygnus X-1
4 5581 Periodic Comet Daniel (1992o)
4 5581 1992 LR
4 5582 1992 NA
4 5582 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5583 Geminga
4 5583 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5584 Supernova 1992au in Anonymous Galaxy [00081-5014]
4 5584 GRO J0422+32  [V518 Per]
4 5584 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5584 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5585 (4015) 1979 VA = Comet Wilson-Harrington (1949 III)
4 5586 (4015) 1979 VA = Comet Wilson-Harrington (1949 III)
4 5586 Perseid Meteors 1992
4 5587 GRO J0422+32 = GRS 0417+335
4 5587 Supernova 1992ap in UGC 10430
4 5587 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5588 GRO J0422+32  [C*5594]
4 5588 RCW 103
4 5588 Comet Machholz (1992k)
4 5589 GRO J0422+32
4 5589 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5590 GRO J0422+32
4 5590 GRS 1915+105
4 5590 Comet Tanaka-Machholz (1992d)
4 5591 GRO J0422+32
4 5591 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5591 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5592 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 5592 GRO J0422+32
4 5593 GRO J0422+32
4 5594 New High-Latitude gamma-Ray Sources
4 5594 GRO J0422+32
4 5595 Supernova 1992av in Anonymous Galaxy [17432+6750]
4 5595 V1727 Cygni
4 5595 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5596 Comet Brewington (1992p)
4 5596 1E 1740.7-2942
4 5597 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1992q)
4 5597 Comet Brewington (1992p)
4 5597 GRO J0422+32 = GRS 0417+335
4 5598 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5598 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1992
4 5598 Notice to Subscribers  [concerning e-mailed IAUCs and computer service]
4 5599 Comet Brewington (1992p)
4 5600 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1992q)
4 5600 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1992
4 5601 Supernova 1992ap in UGC 10430
4 5601 Supernova 1992av in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5601 1992 HE
4 5602 1992 QN  [C*5605]
4 5602 (4179) Toutatis
4 5603 RX J2117.1+3412
4 5603 1992 LR
4 5604 Periodic Comet Tuttle (1992r)
4 5604 FG Sagittae
4 5605 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5605 Nova Cygni 1992  [C*5608]
4 5605 1992 QN
4 5606 Supernova 1992aw in Anonymous Galaxy [19057+5058]
4 5606 GRO J0422+32
4 5606 Notice to Contributors  [concerning equinoxes]
4 5607 Supernova 1992ax in Anonymous Galaxy [22084+4447]
4 5607 1992 NA
4 5608 AM Herculis
4 5608 GRO J0422+32
4 5608 Nova Cygni 1992 and Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5609 V645 Centauri
4 5609 Drissen V211b
4 5609 FG Sagittae
4 5610 GRO J0422+32
4 5610 FG Sagittae
4 5611 1992 QB1
4 5612 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5612 Geminga
4 5613 GRO J0422+32
4 5614 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5615 Nova in NGC 1313? [SN 1978K]
4 5616 1E 1740.7-2942
4 5616 Nova in NGC 1313? [SN 1978K]
4 5616 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1992q)
4 5617 GRS 2037-404
4 5617 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5617 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5618 Periodic Comet Ciffreo (1992s)
4 5619 Supernova 1992ay in Anonymous Galaxy [04288-4631]
4 5619 GRS 1915+105
4 5619 FG Sagittae
4 5620 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1737 II = 1862 III = 1992t)
4 5621 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1737 II = 1862 III = 1992t)
4 5622 Periodic Comet Brewington (1992p)
4 5622 1992 QB1
4 5623 Periodic Comet Vaisala 1 (1992u)
4 5623 GRS 1734-292
4 5623 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5624 Periodic Comet Gehrels 3 (1992v)
4 5624 Saturn VI (Titan)
4 5625 Supernova 1992az in NGC 818
4 5625 Supernova 1992ba in NGC 2082
4 5626 Periodic Comet Slaughter-Burnham (1992w)
4 5626 Supernova 1992au in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5626 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5627 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1992x)
4 5627 Supernova 1992ay in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5627 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5628 1992 SK
4 5628 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5629 1992 SL
4 5629 Supernova 1992bb in IRAS 21156-0747
4 5630 Supernova 1992bc in ESO 300-G9
4 5630 Supernova 1978K in NGC 1313
4 5630 Supernova 1992ba in NGC 2082
4 5631 1992 TC
4 5632 FG Sagittae
4 5632 GRO J0422+32
4 5632 Supernova 1992ba in NGC 2082
4 5633 1992 QB1
4 5633 Supernova 1992aw in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5633 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5634 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 3
4 5634 Supernova 1992bb in IRAS 21156-0747
4 5634 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5634 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5635 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 3
4 5635 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5636 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5637 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5638 Supernova 1992bd in NGC 1097
4 5638 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5639 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5639 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1992q)
4 5640 Supernova 1992be in Anonymous Galaxy [03595+2739]
4 5640 V348 Sagittarii
4 5640 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1991l)
4 5641 gamma-Ray Bursts
4 5641 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5642 Supernova 1992bf in NGC 930
4 5642 PG 0824+289
4 5642 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 3
4 5643 EU 1737-132
4 5643 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5644 Comet Shoemaker (1992y)
4 5644 GRO J0422+32
4 5644 BZ Ursae Majoris
4 5645 Supernovae 1992bg and 1992bh in Anonymous Galaxies[07413-6224;04487-5854]
4 5645 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5646 Comet Shoemaker (1992y)
4 5647 GX 339-4
4 5647 Jupiter
4 5647 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 2
4 5647 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 3
4 5648 1992 UB
4 5649 Geminga
4 5649 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5650 GRO J0422+32
4 5650 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5650 Periodic Comet Brewington (1992p)
4 5651 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1992
4 5651 Geminga
4 5651 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5652 Supernova 1992bi in Anonymous Galaxy [16085+3955]
4 5652 Supernovae 1992aa, 1992ab, 1992ax
4 5652 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 3
4 5653 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1992
4 5653 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5654 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1992
4 5654 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5655 Galactic Center
4 5655 Nova Puppis 1991
4 5656 Supernova 1992bj in Anonymous Galaxy [23194+2453]
4 5656 HR 1469
4 5656 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1992
4 5657 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1992
4 5657 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 3
4 5658 Nova in M31
4 5658 GRS 1915+105 and B1900+14
4 5659 EU 1902+20 and EU 2017-01
4 5659 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5659 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1992
4 5660 Supernova 1992bk in ESO 156-G8
4 5660 Supernova 1992bl in ESO 291-G11  [C*5672]
4 5661 eta Carinae
4 5661 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1992
4 5662 1992 UY4  [C*5706]
4 5663 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5664 X-Ray Activity in Cygnus and Aquila
4 5664 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5665 FG Sagittae
4 5665 V1333 Aquilae
4 5665 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5666 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1992x)
4 5666 Nova Puppis 1991  [C*5913]
4 5667 Periodic Comet Kojima (1992z)  [C*5669]
4 5667 Comet Shoemaker (1992y)
4 5668 Comet Ohshita (1992a1)
4 5669 Compton Gamma Ray Observatory Schedule
4 5669 (2060) Chiron
4 5669 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1992
4 5669 Periodic Comet Kojima (1992z)
4 5670 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5671 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5672 Supernova 1992bm in Anonymous Galaxy [07295+5035]
4 5672 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5672 Corrigenda
4 5673 AN Ursae Majoris
4 5673 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5674 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5674 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5675 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5675 HR 1469 = NSV 1671
4 5675 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5676 GRO J0422+32
4 5676 GRO J1837+59
4 5677 1992 WD5
4 5678 Supernova 1992bn in Anonymous Galaxy [01263+0853]  [C*5717]
4 5678 Nova Scorpii 1992
4 5678 Nova Sagittarii 1992 No. 3
4 5679 Comet Ohshita (1992a1)  [C*5697]
4 5680 Comet Ohshita (1992a1)
4 5680 EY Cygni
4 5680 Periodic Comet Giclas (1992l)
4 5681 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5681 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5682 Supernovae 1992bo and 1992bp [01197-3427; 03344-1831]
4 5682 Supernovae 1975V, 1976Q, 1977I, 1978L, 1990ak  [C*5883]
4 5683 Supernova 1992bq in Anonymous Galaxy [10147-3430]
4 5683 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5683 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1992
4 5684 1992 QB1  [C*5697]
4 5685 1992 QB1
4 5685 Saturn VI (Titan)
4 5685 GRO J0422+32
4 5686 Supernova 1989aa in Anonymous Galaxy [01166+1300]
4 5686 Supernovae 1992br and 1992bs [01439-5621; 03276-3727]
4 5687 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5687 Supernova 1992bo in ESO 352-G57
4 5687 Supernova 1992bp in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5688 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5689 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5689 1H 0857-242
4 5690 GRO J0422+32  [C*5701]
4 5690 PKS 1406-076
4 5690 Comet Ohshita (1992a1)
4 5691 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 5691 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1992x)  [C*5703]
4 5692 Supernova 1992bm in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5692 GRO J0422+32
4 5692 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5693 Supernovae 1993A and 1993B in Anonymous Galaxies [07386-6156; 10326-3411]
4 5693 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1992q)
4 5694 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5694 HR 2538 and HR 2787
4 5694 Time Adjustment on 1993 June 30
4 5695 1993 BC2
4 5696 Periodic Comet Bus (1993b)  [C*5697; C*5706]
4 5696 Comet Ohshita (1992a1)
4 5697 1980 AA = 1993 BC2
4 5697 Corrigenda
4 5698 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1993c)
4 5698 (5145) Pholus
4 5698 Comet Ohshita (1992a1)
4 5699 Supernova 1993C in NGC 2954
4 5699 Supernovae 1993A and 1993B in Anonymous Galaxies
4 5699 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5699 Periodic Comet Vaisala 1 (1992u)
4 5700 1993 BW2
4 5701 Supernova 1993C in NGC 2954
4 5701 PSR J0437-4715
4 5701 GRO J0422+32
4 5702 GRB 930131
4 5702 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1991a1)
4 5703 Supernova 1993D in ESO 571-G3
4 5703 GRB 930131
4 5703 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1992x)
4 5704 GRO J0422+32
4 5704 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5704 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5705 1993 BW3  [C*5712]
4 5705 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1992x)
4 5706 1993 BX3  [C*5712]
4 5706 Corrigenda
4 5707 GRB 930131
4 5707 RE J0751+14
4 5708 alpha Orionis
4 5708 GRB 930131
4 5708 2CG 135+01
4 5708 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5709 Supernova 1993E in KUG 0940+495
4 5709 G272.2-3.2
4 5710 4U 0614+09
4 5710 1993 BW2
4 5711 1993 BX3
4 5711 SW Ursae Majoris
4 5712 Supernovae 1993C and 1993E
4 5712 1980 AA
4 5712 Corrigenda  [C*5717]
4 5713 alpha Orionis
4 5713 Periodic Comet Schaumasse (1992x)
4 5713 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5714 X-ray Pulsar in N63A  [C*5716]
4 5714 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5715 G272.2-3.2
4 5715 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5716 alpha Orionis
4 5716 No X-ray Pulsar in N63A
4 5717 Supernova 1993F in Anonymous Galaxy [07544+2013]
4 5717 4U 0614+09 = V1055 Orionis
4 5717 alpha Orionis
4 5717 Corrigenda
4 5718 Supernova 1993G in NGC 3690
4 5718 V1055 Orionis
4 5718 CY Ursae Majoris
4 5719 Supernova 1985S in IRAS 0225-103
4 5719 Variable Object Near NGC 4192
4 5719 Supernova 1993G in NGC 3690
4 5720 Supernova 1993G in NGC 3690  [C*5722]
4 5720 gamma-ray Burst
4 5720 Nova Cygni 1992
4 5721 1993 EA = 1984 AJ
4 5722 U Geminorum  [C*5723, 5756]
4 5722 Supernova 1993G in NGC 3690
4 5722 29999-231-9304
4 5723 Comet Mueller (1993d)
4 5723 Supernova 1993H in ESO 445-G66
4 5723 U Geminorum
4 5724 X Ophiuchi
4 5724 1992 WD5
4 5725 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1993e)  [C*5738]
4 5725 Supernova 1993E in KUG 0940+495
4 5726 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1993e)
4 5727 V346 Normae
4 5727 Comet Shoemaker (1992y)
4 5728 Periodic Comet Forbes (1993f)
4 5728 Supernova 1993I in MCG +02-32-144
4 5728 GRO J0422+32  [C*5753]
4 5729 Comet Mueller (1993d)
4 5730 1993 FW
4 5730 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1993e)
4 5731 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031 [C*5733]
4 5732 alpha Piscis Austrini
4 5732 SU Tauri
4 5732 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1993e)
4 5733 Supernova 1993K in NGC 2223
4 5733 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031  [C*5737, 5753]
4 5734 Supernova 1993I in MCG +2-32-144
4 5734 GRO J0422+32
4 5734 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5735 Notice to Subscribers  [telegrams]
4 5735 Periodic Comet Forbes (1993f)
4 5736 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5736 Supernova 1993K in NGC 2223
4 5737 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5738 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5738 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1993e)
4 5739 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5740 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5741 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5742 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5743 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031  [C*5768]
4 5744 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1993e)
4 5745 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1993e)
4 5746 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5746 HDE 245770
4 5746 V1974 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1992)
4 5747 V1974 Cygni
4 5747 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5748 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5749 GRB 930309  [C*5750]
4 5750 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031  [C*5753]
4 5750 GRB 930309
4 5751 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5752 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031  [C*5753]
4 5752 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1993e)
4 5752 Supernova 1993G in NGC 3690
4 5753 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5753 PKS 0528+134
4 5753 Corrigenda
4 5754 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5755 GRB 930309
4 5755 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5756 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5756 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5756 U Geminorum
4 5757 V1974 Cygni
4 5757 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5758 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5758 SU Tauri
4 5759 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5759 GRB J0444-0700
4 5760 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5761 GRO J0422+32
4 5761 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5761 Supernova 1955S in UGC 9933
4 5762 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5763 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5763 GRB 930309
4 5764 GRO J0422+32
4 5764 GRB 930309
4 5764 S Apodis
4 5765 Nova Ophiuchi 1993
4 5765 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5765 BL Lacertae
4 5766 Nova Ophiuchi 1993
4 5766 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5766 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1993e)
4 5767 Nova Ophiuchi 1993
4 5767 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5768 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5769 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5769 Nova Ophiuchi 1993
4 5770 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5771 Supernova 1993K in NGC 2223
4 5771 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5772 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1993g)
4 5772 Supernovae 1989ab and 1989ac [18368+3255; UGC 1867]
4 5773 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5773 GRS 1915+105
4 5774 Nova Ophiuchi 1993
4 5774 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031  [C*5777/5782]
4 5775 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5776 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5776 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5777 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5777 Nova Ophiuchi 1993
4 5778 VY Aquarii
4 5778 1993 HO1
4 5779 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5779 GRS 1915+105 and Hercules X-1
4 5779 HR 1469 = NSV 1671
4 5780 Supernova 1993L in IC 5270
4 5780 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031 [C*5785]
4 5781 Supernova 1993L in IC 5270
4 5781 GRO J0422+32
4 5781 V351 Puppis (Nova Puppis 1991)
4 5782 Supernova 1993L in IC 5270
4 5782 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5783 Supernova 1993M in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5783 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5784 Supernova 1993N in UGC 5695
4 5784 Supernova 1993J, 3C 273, and 3C 279
4 5784 Nova Ophiuchi 1993
4 5784 BL Lacertae
4 5785 GRS 0834-43
4 5785 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5785 V1974 Cygni
4 5786 GRS 1915+105
4 5786 PSR 0540-693
4 5786 alpha Pisces Austrini
4 5787 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5787 PSR 1823-13
4 5788 Supernova 1993N in UGC 5695
4 5788 HD 98800
4 5788 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5788 Periodic Comet Vaisala 1 (1992u)
4 5789 1993 HA2
4 5790 1993 HA2
4 5790 Comet Schaumasse (1992x)
4 5791 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5791 EX Lupi
4 5791 Supernova 1993N in UGC 5695
4 5792 Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle (1992t)
4 5792 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1993
4 5793 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5793 V1974 Cygni
4 5793 Nova Ophiuchi 1993
4 5794 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5794 PSR 1259-63
4 5795 68 Ophiuchi
4 5795 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5796 1993 FW
4 5796 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5797 1993 KA
4 5798 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5798 Supernova 1993M in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5798 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5799 Supernovae 1993O and 1993P in Anonymous Galaxies [13283-3258; 13266-3009]
4 5799 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5800 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5801 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5802 PKS 0528+134
4 5802 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5802 V992 Scorpii (Nova Scorpii 1992)
4 5803 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1993h)
4 5803 V1974 Cygni
4 5804 Periodic Comet Holmes (1993i)
4 5804 HD 98800
4 5804 1993 KA
4 5805 Periodic Comet Neujmin 3 (1993j)
4 5805 YY Herculis
4 5805 PSR 2334+61
4 5806 1993 KH
4 5807 Periodic Comet Shajn-Schaldach (1993k)
4 5807 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5807 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5808 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1993h)
4 5808 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5809 Supernova 1993Q in Anonymous Galaxy [20324-4258]
4 5809 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5810 Comet Helin-Lawrence (1993l)
4 5810 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 5810 V1974 Cygni
4 5811 Periodic Comet Helin-Lawrence (1993l)
4 5812 Supernova 1993R in NGC 7742
4 5812 Supernovae 1993S and 1993T in Anonymous Galaxies [22496-4035; 23081-4515]
4 5812 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5813 6 Cephei
4 5813 Cygnus X-1 [V1357 Cygni]
4 5813 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5814 Nova in M31 [00400+4100]  [C*7220]
4 5814 V1974 Cygni
4 5815 CH Cygni
4 5815 V1974 Cygni
4 5816 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5816 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5817 1993 KA2  [C*5819]
4 5817 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5817 FG Sagittae
4 5818 Supernovae 1993U and 1993V in Anonymous Galaxies [C*5829]
4 5818 Supernova 1993R in NGC 7742
4 5818 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5819 YY Herculis
4 5819 1993 KA2
4 5820 Uranus
4 5820 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5821 1993 MF
4 5822 HD 173637
4 5822 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5822 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5823 Supernova 1993S in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5823 V1357 Cygni [Cygnus X-1]
4 5823 RX Puppis
4 5824 1993 MO
4 5825 1993 MO
4 5825 Supernova 1993S in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5826 Periodic Comet Hartley 3 (1993m)
4 5827 Periodic Comet Whipple (1993n)
4 5827 Supernova 1993T in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5827 Nova in M31
4 5827 RY Sagittarii
4 5828 1993 MF
4 5828 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5829 No Supernovae 1993U and 1993V
4 5829 YY Herculis
4 5829 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5830 GRS 1915+105
4 5831 V1333 Aquilae
4 5831 Nova Ophiuchi 1993 and Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5831 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5832 Periodic Comet West-Kohoutek-Ikemura (1993o)
4 5832 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5833 A0535+26
4 5833 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5834 1993 MF
4 5834 VZ Sagittarii
4 5835 1993 OL
4 5836 GRO J1008-57
4 5836 Nova Ophiuchi 1993
4 5837 1993 OV1
4 5838 GRO J1008-57
4 5838 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5838 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5839 Perseid Meteors
4 5840 Perseid Meteors
4 5841 Perseid Meteors
4 5841 Supernova 1992bt in NGC 3780
4 5842 GRO J0422+32
4 5842 Supernova 1993R in NGC 7742
4 5843 1993 PB
4 5843 Perseid Meteors 1993
4 5844 Supernova 1992bt in NGC 3780
4 5844 GRO J0422+32
4 5844 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5845 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5845 PSR 1509-58
4 5845 Supernova 1991bl in Anonymous Galaxy [18126+6858]
4 5846 Comet Mueller (1993p)
4 5846 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5846 V992 Scorpii
4 5846 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5847 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5848 Comet Mueller (1993p)
4 5848 Supernova 1993W in Anonymous Galaxy [23271-0319]
4 5849 1993 QP
4 5850 Supernova 1993X in NGC 2276
4 5850 RX J1940.2-1025 [C*5852]
4 5851 GRO J1008-57
4 5851 GRO J0422+32
4 5851 R Coronae Borealis
4 5852 RX J1940.2-1025
4 5852 V Hydrae
4 5853 1993 OL
4 5853 Supernova 1993X in NGC 2276
4 5854 1993 OV1
4 5855 1992 QB1
4 5856 1993 FW [C*5858]
4 5857 Comet Mueller (1993p)
4 5858 1974 MA = 1993 OL
4 5858 1993 QP
4 5858 1993 FW
4 5859 Supernova 1993W in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5859 GX 1+4
4 5860 Supernova 1993X in NGC 2276
4 5860 GRO J0422+32
4 5860 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5861 Nova in M31 [004000+40597]  [C*7220]
4 5861 Galactic Center
4 5861 YY Herculis
4 5862 Nova Sagittarii 1993
4 5862 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 5862 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5863 Nova Sagittarii 1993
4 5863 GRO J0422+32
4 5864 GRS 1009-45 [= X-Ray Nova in Vela = MM Vel]
4 5864 R Coronae Borealis
4 5865 1993 RO
4 5866 Notice to Subscribers [rate increase; intro to MPECs]
4 5866 Comet McNaught-Tritton (1978 XXVII)
4 5867 1993 RP
4 5867 Possible Nova in Lupus [N Lup 1993]
4 5868 Nova Lupi 1993
4 5868 Nova Sagittarii 1993
4 5868 Comet Mueller (1993p)
4 5869 1993 SB and 1993 SC
4 5870 Nova Lupi 1993
4 5870 Supernova 1993Y in UGC 2771
4 5870 Supernova 1993Z in NGC 2775
4 5871 Supernova 1993aa in Anonymous Galaxy [23008-0637]
4 5871 Supernova 1993ab in NGC 1164
4 5871 Nova Lupi 1993
4 5872 Pluto
4 5872 Nova Sagittarii 1993
4 5873 HD 98800
4 5873 Notice to Contributors and Subscribers [line charges/MPECs/telegrams/CCO]
4 5874 GRS 1716-249 = GRO J1719-24 [= X-Ray Nova 1993 in Ophiuchus = V2293 Oph]
4 5874 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5875 SGR 1806-20
4 5875 Pluto
4 5875 Nova Sagittarii 1993
4 5876 X-Ray Nova in Ophiuchus [GRS 1716-249 = GRO J1719-24 = V2293 Oph]
4 5876 Notice to Contributors and Subscribers [line charges, e-mail, CS]
4 5877 X-Ray Nova in Ophiuchus
4 5877 Supernova 1993ab in NGC 1164
4 5877 GRO J1008-57
4 5878 X-Ray Novae [GRS 1009-45 = MM Vel; GRS 1716-249 = V2293 Oph]
4 5878 Binary Millisecond Pulsar in GRO J0752+17
4 5879 Supernova 1993ac in Anonymous Galaxy  [05415+6320]
4 5879 SNR G10.0-0.3
4 5879 GRO J0422+32
4 5880 SGR 1806-20
4 5880 V1974 Cygni
4 5880 Notice to Subscribers [computer service]
4 5880 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5881 CH Cygni
4 5881 V1357 Cygni
4 5881 R Coronae Borealis
4 5882 Periodic Comet Urata-Niijima (1993q)
4 5882 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5882 Supernova 1993ac in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5883 SGR 1806-20
4 5883 Supernovae 1977I, 1978L, 1993Y, 1993Z
4 5884 Orionid Meteors 1993
4 5884 V1413 Aquilae
4 5884 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5885 Periodic Comet Spitaler (1993r)
4 5886 X-Ray Nova in Vela [= GRS 1009-45 = MM Vel]
4 5886 Comet Mueller (1993p)
4 5886 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5887 Supernova 1993ad in IC 1501
4 5887 Crab Nebula
4 5888 Supernova 1993ae in UGC 1071  [= IC 126; C*5913]
4 5888 X-Ray Nova in Vela
4 5888 Supernova 1993ac in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5889 4U 0142+614
4 5889 Comet Mueller (1993p)
4 5890 Hard X-Ray Transient [18.7+2]
4 5890 X-Ray Nova in Vela
4 5890 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5891 Comet Mueller (1993s)
4 5891 RX J2107.9-0518
4 5891 Nova Sagittarii 1993
4 5892 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5893 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5894 1993 WD
4 5894 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5895 Supernovae 1993af, 1993ag, 1993ah [NGC 1808; 10014-3513; ESO 471-27]
4 5895 PSR 0823+26
4 5896 Comet Mueller (1993s)
4 5896 Periodic Comet Encke
4 5897 Supernovae 1993af, 1993ag, 1993ah
4 5897 Periodic Comet Spitaler (1993r)
4 5898 (2060) Chiron
4 5899 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5899 Periodic Comet Encke
4 5900 X-Ray Nova in Ophiuchus
4 5900 GRS 1915+105
4 5901 GRO J0422+32  [C*5913]
4 5901 RX J1940.2-1025
4 5902 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5902 Periodic Comet Mueller 5 (1993s)
4 5903 Comet Kushida-Muramatsu (1993t)
4 5904 Comet Kushida-Muramatsu (1993t)
4 5904 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5904 Periodic Comet Encke
4 5905 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5905 PSR 1706-44
4 5906 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5907 GRO J0422+32
4 5907 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5907 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5908 Periodic Comet Wiseman-Skiff (1993u)
4 5908 Periodic Comet Kushida-Muramatsu (1993t)
4 5909 OJ 287  [C*5913]
4 5909 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5910 Comet McNaught-Russell (1993v)
4 5910 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5911 Comet McNaught-Russell (1993v)
4 5911 3C 279
4 5912 Supernova 1993ai in UGC 3483
4 5912 GRO J0422+32
4 5912 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5913 X-Ray Nova in Ophiuchus
4 5913 OJ 287 and 3C 279
4 5913 Corrigenda
4 5914 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5914 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5915 Supernova 1993aj in Anonymous Galaxy  [12018-0027]
4 5915 GX 339-4
4 5915 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5916 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5916 Periodic Comet Kushida-Muramatsu (1993t)
4 5916 Notice to Subscribers  [computer service]
4 5917 GRO J0422+32
4 5917 Supernova 1993aj in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5917 Periodic Comet Mueller 5 (1993s)
4 5918 Comet Kushida (1994a)
4 5919 Comet Kushida (1994a)
4 5919 Supernova 1993aj in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5920 Comet Kushida (1994a)
4 5920 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5921 Supernova 1993aj in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5921 GRO J0422+32
4 5921 1993 VW
4 5922 Periodic Comet Kushida (1994a)
4 5922 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5923 Supernova 1994A in UGC 8214
4 5923 Supernova 1994B in Anonymous Galaxy  [08179+1553]
4 5923 GRO J0422+32
4 5924 Supernova 1993N in UGC 5695
4 5924 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5924 Comet Kushida (1994a)  [P/Kushida]
4 5925 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5926 Supernova 1962R in UGC 1810
4 5926 Comet McNaught-Russell (1993v)
4 5927 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 5927 KR Aurigae
4 5928 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 5928 GRO J0422+32
4 5928 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5929 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5929 GRO J0422+32
4 5929 Time Adjustment on 1994 June 30
4 5929 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5930 PSR 0329+54 [C*5938]
4 5930 Cygnus X-1
4 5931 A0535+26
4 5931 KR Aurigae
4 5931 Periodic Comet Kushida (1994a)
4 5932 gamma-Ray Burst
4 5932 eta Carinae
4 5932 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5933 Periodic Comet Wild 3 (1994b)
4 5933 A0535+26
4 5933 SU Tauri
4 5934 A0535+26
4 5934 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5935 Periodic Comet Halley (1986 III)
4 5935 Periodic Comet Kushida (1994a)
4 5936 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5936 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5937 GRB 940217
4 5937 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5938 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5938 PSR 0329+54
4 5939 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5939 1993 FW
4 5940 GRB 940217
4 5940 Comet McNaught-Russell (1993v)
4 5940 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1993c)
4 5941 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5941 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5941 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 2
4 5941 Periodic Comet Encke
4 5942 Nova Sagittarii 1994 [Luminous Red Variable in Sagittarius]
4 5942 Comet Mueller (1993p)
4 5943 Nova Sagittarii 1994 [Luminous Red Variable in Sagittarius]
4 5943 GRB 940301
4 5943 Comet McNaught-Russell (1993v)
4 5944 Nova Sagittarii 1994 [Luminous Red Variable in Sagittarius]
4 5944 GRB 940301
4 5944 OJ 287
4 5945 Nova Sagittarii 1994 [Luminous Red Variable in Sagittarius]
4 5945 A0535+26
4 5945 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5945 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5946 Supernova 1994C in Anonymous Galaxy  [07531+4500]
4 5946 Supernova 1994D in NGC 4526
4 5946 Comet McNaught-Russell (1993v)
4 5947 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5948 Comet Mueller (1994c)
4 5948 1993 (243) 1
4 5948 Supernova 1994C in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5949 Nova Sgr 1994 = Luminous Red Variable in Sagittarius [C*5952]
4 5950 Supernova 1994D in NGC 4526
4 5950 GRB 940301 and GRB 930704
4 5950 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1993c)
4 5951 Supernova 1994D in NGC 4526
4 5952 Supernova 1994E in Anonymous Galaxy  [11293+5538]
4 5952 Comet McNaught-Russell (1993v)
4 5952 Supernova 1994D in NGC 4526
4 5952 Nova Sgr 1994 = Luminous Red Variable in Sagittarius
4 5953 Supernova 1994D in NGC 4526
4 5953 GQ Muscae
4 5953 Supernova 1982aa in NGC 6052
4 5954 Comet Mueller (1994c)
4 5954 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5955 4U 1145-619
4 5955 GRS 1009-45  [= MM Vel]
4 5956 Supernovae 1994F, 1994G, 1994H [11474+1100;10163+5107;02375-0147; C*5958]
4 5956 Comet McNaught-Russell (1993v)
4 5957 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5957 (2060) Chiron
4 5958 GRS 1915+105
4 5958 Supernovae 1994F, 1994G, 1994H
4 5958 Supernova 1994D in NGC 4526
4 5958 Nova Aquilae 1993
4 5959 GRS 1915+105
4 5959 GRO J1008-57
4 5959 Supernova 1994D in NGC 4526
4 5960 PU Vulpeculae
4 5960 Supernova 1992bu in NGC 3690
4 5960 Periodic Comet Kushida (1994a)
4 5961 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5961 Peculiar Variable in Sagittarius  [18517-1946]
4 5962 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1994d)
4 5962 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5963 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5964 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5964 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5965 Occultation by (2060) Chiron
4 5966 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194  [C*5967]
4 5967 Periodic Comet Russell 2 (1994e)
4 5967 GRO J0422+32
4 5967 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5968 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5969 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5969 PU Vulpeculae
4 5970 Comet Mueller (1994c)
4 5970 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1994d)
4 5971 Supernova 1994J in Anonymous Galaxy [09583+5449]
4 5971 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5971 OJ 287
4 5972 Supernova 1994K in Anonymous Galaxy [09577+1307; C*5973]
4 5972 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5973 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5973 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5973 Supernova 1994K in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5974 Comet Takamizawa-Levy (1994f)
4 5974 Supernova 1994J in Anonymous Galaxy
4 5974 GRO J0422+32
4 5975 Supernova 1994L in NGC 2848
4 5975 Comet Takamizawa-Levy (1994f)
4 5976 Supernova 1994L in NGC 2848
4 5976 Peculiar Variable in Sagittarius  [C*5980]
4 5976 Supernova 1994D in NGC 4526
4 5977 GRO J2014+34
4 5977 GRO J1008-57
4 5978 FG Sagittae
4 5978 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993  [C*5980]
4 5978 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5978 3C 279
4 5979 V1974 Cygni
4 5979 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5979 VY Aquarii
4 5980 GRO J0422+32
4 5980 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 5980 Luminous Red Variable in Sagittarius
4 5980 Comet Shoemaker-Levy (1994d)
4 5981 GRO J1948+32 = GRO J2014+34
4 5981 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5982 Periodic Comet Harrington (1994g)
4 5982 Supernova 1994M in NGC 4493
4 5982 Comet McNaught-Russell (1993v)
4 5983 1993 RO, 1993 RP, 1993 SB, 1993 SC
4 5984 Periodic Comet Maury (1994h)
4 5984 Supernova 1994M in NGC 4493
4 5984 Periodic Comet Kushida (1994a)
4 5985 1993 RO, 1993 RP, 1993 SB, 1993 SC
4 5985 Comet Takamizawa-Levy (1994f)
4 5986 Comet Takamizawa (1994i)
4 5987 Supernova 1994N in UGC 5695
4 5987 Comet Takamizawa (1994i)
4 5988 Supernova 1994O in Markarian 268
4 5988 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1994j)
4 5988 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5989 Supernova 1994P in UGC 6983  [C*5991]
4 5989 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5990 4U 0115+634  [C*7116]
4 5990 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5990 OJ 287
4 5991 Comet Shoemaker (1994k)
4 5991 Second BATSE Burst Catalogue
4 5991 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 5991 Supernova 1994P in UGC 6983
4 5992 Comet Shoemaker (1994k)
4 5992 Comet Takamizawa-Levy (1994f)
4 5993 Nova Sagittarii 1994 No. 2
4 5993 Markarian 421
4 5993 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 5994 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 5994 4U 0142+614 and RX J0146.9+6121
4 5995 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1994
4 5995 Comet Mueller (1993p)
4 5996 Markarian 421
4 5996 Comet Takamizawa (1994i)
4 5997 Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE)
4 5997 1993 FW
4 5997 Comet Takamizawa-Levy (1994f)
4 5998 Nova Sagittarii 1994 No. 2
4 5998 Periodic Comet Shoemaker 4 (1994k)
4 5999 Periodic Comet Shoemaker 4 (1994k)
4 5999 4U 0115+634  [C*7116]
4 5999 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 5999 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 6000 Supernova 1993ak in UGC 8685
4 6000 GRS 1915+105
4 6001 Nova Ophiuchi 1994
4 6001 Supernova 1994Q in Anonymous Galaxy  [16482+4031]
4 6001 Comet Takamizawa (1994i)
4 6002 Nova Ophiuchi 1994  [C*6004]
4 6003 Supernova 1994R in IC 2627
4 6003 Supernova 1994O in Markarian 268
4 6003 HD 98800
4 6004 Supernova 1993ak in UGC 8685
4 6004 Comet Mueller (1993p)
4 6004 Nova Ophiuchi 1994
4 6005 Supernova 1994S in NGC 4495
4 6005 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 6006 GX 339-4
4 6006 Comet Takamizawa-Levy (1994f)
4 6007 Supernova 1994T in Anonymous Galaxy  [13164-0153]  [C*6008]
4 6007 Supernova 1994S in NGC 4495
4 6007 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 6008 Supernova 1994T in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6008 Very Large Array Sky Survey
4 6008 Nova Ophiuchi 1994
4 6008 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1993c)
4 6009 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1994l)
4 6009 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 6009 AG Draconis
4 6010 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6010 1986 DA
4 6011 Supernova 1994U in NGC 4948
4 6011 Nova Ophiuchi 1994
4 6011 Nova Sagittarii 1994 No. 2
4 6012 PSR J2043+27
4 6012 Pulsar in G180.0-1.7
4 6012 Nova Sagittarii 1994 No. 2
4 6013 Comet Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz (1994m)
4 6013 Comet Takamizawa-Levy (1994f)
4 6013 Nova Ophiuchi 1994
4 6014 Comet McNaught-Hartley (1994n)
4 6014 Comet Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz (1994m)
4 6014 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 6015 Comet Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz (1994m)
4 6016 Comet McNaught-Hartley (1994n)
4 6016 Supernova 1994S in NGC 4495
4 6017 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6017 Comet McNaught-Russell (1993v)
4 6018 LQ Sagittarii
4 6018 Supernova 1994U in HGC 4948
4 6018 Comet Takamizawa (1994i)
4 6019 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)  [C*6022]
4 6019 Supernova 1994I in NGC 5194
4 6020 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6021 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6022 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6022 Supernova 1994V in MCG -03-38-025
4 6023 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6024 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6025 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6026 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6027 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6028 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6029 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6030 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6031 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6032 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6033 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6034 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6035 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6036 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6036 Comet Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz (1994m)
4 6037 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6037 Periodic Comet McNaught-Hartley (1994n)
4 6038 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6038 PSR 0833-45
4 6039 AG Draconis
4 6039 LQ Sagittarii
4 6039 Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e)
4 6040 Jupiter and Comet 1993e
4 6041 Jupiter and Comet 1993e
4 6042 Supernova 1994W in NGC 4041
4 6042 Jupiter and Comet 1993e
4 6043 Supernova 1994W in NGC 4041
4 6043 P83l-57
4 6044 Supernova 1994W in NGC 4041
4 6044 AG Draconis
4 6045 Jupiter and Comet 1993e
4 6045 Supernova 1968D in NGC 6946
4 6045 Comet Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz (1994m)
4 6046 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius  [GRO J1655-40]
4 6046 Supernova 1994W in NGC 4041
4 6047 Jupiter and Comet 1993e
4 6047 Nova Sagittarii 1994 No. 2
4 6047 Comet Takamizawa-Levy (1994f)
4 6048 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6048 Supernova 1994W in NGC 4041
4 6049 V1974 Cygni
4 6049 V407 Cygni
4 6050 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6051 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6051 New Variable Star in Sagittarius  [17566-2513]
4 6052 Perseid Meteors 1994
4 6052 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6053 Comet Machholz (1994o)
4 6053 Jupiter and Comet 1993e
4 6054 Comet Machholz (1994o)
4 6055 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6055 Comet Machholz (1994o)
4 6056 Supernova 1994X in Anonymous Galaxy  [00153-2454]
4 6056 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6056 UZ Bootis
4 6057 Supernova 1994W in NGC 4041
4 6057 UZ Bootis
4 6057 Comet Machholz (1994o)
4 6058 Supernova 1994Y in NGC 5371
4 6058 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 6058 Supernova 1994W in NGC 4041
4 6059 Periodic Comet Machholz 2 (1994o)
4 6059 Saturn
4 6060 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6060 Comet Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz (1994m)
4 6061 gamma-ray Flare from Direction of NRAO 190
4 6061 Nova Ophiuchi 1994
4 6062 Jupiter and Comet 1993e
4 6062 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6063 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6064 RX J0045.4+4154
4 6064 PSR 0833-45
4 6065 Supernova 1994Y in NGC 5371
4 6065 LT Delphini
4 6066 Periodic Comet Machholz 2 (1994o)
4 6067 Comet Mueller (1993a)
4 6067 Periodic Comet Machholz 2 (1994o)
4 6068 Possible Gravitational Microlensing Event  [17598-2811]
4 6068 Supernova 1994X in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6069 Jupiter and Comet 1993e
4 6069 Possible Gravitational Microlensing Event  [17598-2811]
4 6070 Periodic Comet Machholz 2 (1994o)
4 6070 Comet Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz (1994m)
4 6071 Possible Gravitational Microlensing Event  [17598-2811]
4 6071 Supernova 1994X in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6071 Periodic Comet Machholz 2 (1994o)
4 6072 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 1 (1994p)
4 6072 GRO J0422+32
4 6072 Supernova 1994W in NGC 4041
4 6073 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6073 AG Draconis
4 6074 Jupiter and Comet 1993e
4 6074 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1994l)
4 6074 Periodic Comet Machholz 2 (1994o)
4 6075 2S 1417-624
4 6075 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6075 Periodic Comet Machholz 2 (1994o)
4 6076 1993 SC, 1993 RO
4 6076 Notice Regarding Designations and Names of Comets
4 6077 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6077 Notice Concerning Positions of Novae and Supernovae
4 6077 V635 Cassiopeiae
4 6078 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6079 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6079 Saturn
4 6080 GRS 1915+105
4 6080 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6080 Saturn
4 6081 Periodic Comet Machholz 2 (1994o)
4 6082 omicron Andromedae
4 6082 1993 (243) 1 = (243) Ida I (Dactyl)
4 6082 Periodic Comet Machholz 2 (1994o)
4 6083 KS 1730-312
4 6083 X-Ray Nova 1993 in Ophiuchus
4 6084 Periodic Comet Longmore (1994q)
4 6084 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6084 GX 339-4
4 6084 Notice to Subscribers  [new e-mail address, FAX number for subscribers]
4 6085 1993 SB
4 6085 RE J1255+266
4 6085 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1994l)
4 6086 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6086 Comet Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz (1994m)
4 6087 Supernova 1994Z in NGC 87
4 6087 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6088 Supernova 1994aa in NGC 1320  [C*6090]
4 6088 KS 1730-312
4 6088 Jupiter and Comet 1993e
4 6089 Periodic Comet Harrington (1994g)
4 6089 Supernovae 1994ab, 1994ac  [21140-2832; UGC 12799 = 23473+0225]
4 6089 PU Vulpeculae
4 6090 Periodic Comet Machholz 2 (1994o)
4 6090 Supernova 1994aa in NGC 1320
4 6091 Comet Machholz (1994r)
4 6091 KS 1730-312
4 6091 Periodic Comet Harrington (1994g)
4 6091 Periodic Comet Brooks 2 (1994j)
4 6092 Comet Machholz (1994r)
4 6092 Periodic Comet Reinmuth 2 (1993g)
4 6092 Saturn
4 6093 Comet Machholz (1994r)
4 6094 Supernovae 1994ab, 1994ac
4 6094 GRS 1915+105 and X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6095 Possible Gravitational Microlensing Event  [05172-7047]
4 6095 OJ 287 and 3C 66A
4 6096 EXO 1846-031
4 6096 Comet Machholz (1994r)
4 6097 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 6097 Possible Gravitational Microlensing Event  [05172-7047]
4 6097 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1994l)
4 6098 lambda Eridani
4 6098 Saturn  [C*6099]
4 6098 Possible Gravitational Microlensing Event  [05172-7047]
4 6099 HD 5980
4 6099 EXO 1846-031
4 6099 Periodic Comet Tempel 1 (1993c)
4 6099 Saturn
4 6100 WGACAT
4 6100 Comet Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz (1994m)
4 6101 GS 1826-24
4 6101 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6102 ROSAT Source Catalogue
4 6102 RE J1255+266
4 6102 HD 5980
4 6103 Supernova 1994ad in ESO 152-G26
4 6103 GRO J0422+32
4 6104 X-Ray Nova 1993 in Ophiuchus
4 6104 OJ 287
4 6104 3C 66A
4 6105 Supernova 1994ae IN NGC 3370
4 6105 GX 1+4
4 6105 Comet Machholz (1994r)
4 6106 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6106 PKS 0422+004
4 6106 V1333 Aquilae
4 6106 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1994l)
4 6107 1E 0035.4-7230 and RX J0122.9-7521
4 6107 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6108 Supernova 1994ae IN NGC 3370
4 6108 Periodic Comet Machholz 2 (1994o)
4 6108 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1994l)
4 6109 Leonid Meteors 1994
4 6109 CH Cygni
4 6109 Supernova 1994ae IN NGC 3370
4 6110 Supernova 1994af in Anonymous Galaxy  [03030-1223]
4 6110 Supernova 1994ae IN NGC 3370
4 6110 OJ 287
4 6111 Periodic Comet Kopff (1994s)
4 6111 Supernova 1994ae IN NGC 3370
4 6111 Supernova 1994af in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6112 Periodic Comet Clark (1994t)
4 6113 Supernova 1994ag in Anonymous Galaxy  [03517-3909]
4 6113 Comet Machholz (1994r)
4 6114 Supernova 1994ah in ESO 356-G19
4 6114 Notice to Subscribers  [increase in subscription rates]
4 6115 Comet McNaught-Russell (1994u)
4 6115 Supernova 1994ad in ESO 152-G26
4 6115 Supernova 1994ae IN NGC 3370
4 6115 Comet Machholz (1994r)
4 6116 Comet McNaught-Russell (1994u)
4 6116 Supernova 1994ag in Anonymous Galaxy  [C*6168]
4 6117 Periodic Comet McNaught-Russell (1994u)
4 6118 Supernova 1988ad in Anonymous Galaxy  [01228-0138]
4 6118 GRO J0422+32
4 6118 Periodic Comet Borrelly (1994l)
4 6119 Jupiter
4 6119 (253) Mathilde
4 6120 Supernova 1994ai in NGC 908
4 6120 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 6120 EX Hydrae
4 6121 Periodic Comet Wild 4 (1994v)
4 6121 V635 Cassiopeiae
4 6121 Supernova 1994aj in Anonymous Galaxy  [09038-1028]
4 6122 Periodic Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (1994w)
4 6122 Supernova 1994aj in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6122 Possible Supernova in NGC 2782  [SN 1994ak]
4 6123 Supernova 1994ak in NGC 2782
4 6123 Supernova 1994ai in NGC 908
4 6123 V1251 Cygni
4 6124 Comet 1995 A1
4 6124 Notice Regarding Names and Designations of Comets
4 6124 Supernova 1994ak in NGC 2782
4 6125 Comet C/1995 A1 (Jedicke)
4 6125 EF Pegasi
4 6126 RE J1255+266
4 6126 Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
4 6127 Comet P/1995 A1 (Jedicke)
4 6128 X-Ray Nova in Scorpius
4 6128 Saturn
4 6128 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1995
4 6129 Saturn
4 6129 RX J0558+53
4 6130 Nova Circini 1995  [C*6131]
4 6130 EF Pegasi
4 6130 Comet 19P/Borrelly
4 6131 Nova Circini 1995
4 6131 Supernova 1995A in MCG +4-16-006
4 6132 Supernova 1995B in Anonymous Galaxy  [07176+2149]
4 6132 KR Aurigae
4 6132 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 6132 Nova Circini 1995
4 6133 Possible Nova in Aquila  [N Aql 1995]
4 6133 Supernova 1995C in Anonymous Galaxy  [12040-3136]
4 6133 Comet 19P/Borrelly
4 6133 Comet C/1994 T1 (Machholz)
4 6134 Supernova 1995D in NGC 2962
4 6134 Nova Aquilae 1995
4 6135 Supernova 1995D in NGC 2962
4 6135 Nova Aquilae 1995
4 6135 Supernova 1994Y in NGC 5371
4 6136 A0538-66
4 6136 Comet C/1994 T1 (Machholz)
4 6137 Supernova 1995E in NGC 2441  [C*6138]
4 6137 Supernova 1995D in NGC 2962
4 6137 SU Tauri
4 6138 Supernova 1995F in NGC 2726
4 6138 Supernova 1995G in NGC 1643
4 6138 Supernova 1995E in NGC 2441
4 6138 Supernova 1995C in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6139 Nova Centauri 1995
4 6139 Supernova 1995G in NGC 1643
4 6139 Comet 7P/Pons-Winnecke
4 6140 Nova Centauri 1995
4 6140 Supernova 1995G in NGC 1643
4 6140 Supernova 1995E in NGC 2441
4 6140 Comet 6P/d'Arrest
4 6140 Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
4 6141 Nova Centauri 1995
4 6141 X-Ray Nova 1993 in Ophiuchus
4 6141 Supernovae 1995A, 1995B
4 6142 G299.2-2.9
4 6142 Supernova 1995E in NGC 2441
4 6142 Notice to Contributors  [electrical shutdown, 3/4/95]
4 6143 Jupiter I (Io)
4 6143 Possible Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 6143 X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius
4 6143 1995 DA2, 1995 DB2, 1995 DC2
4 6144 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1995
4 6144 Supernova 1995D in NGC 2962  [C*6149]
4 6144 Supernova 1995E in NGC 2441
4 6145 Supernova 1995H in NGC 3526
4 6145 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1995
4 6146 CH Cygni
4 6146 Nova Aquilae 1995
4 6146 Supernova 1995H in NGC 3526
4 6147 X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius
4 6147 PSR 1951+32
4 6148 Nova Circini 1995
4 6148 CH Cygni
4 6149 Jupiter I (Io)
4 6149 Supernova 1995E in NGC 2441
4 6149 Supernova 1995D in NGC 2962
4 6149 Supernova 1995H in NGC 3526
4 6149 Comet 117P/Helin-Roman-Alu 1
4 6150 GRO J1849-03
4 6150 alpha Orionis
4 6150 SV Sagittae
4 6151 CH Cygni
4 6151 V1413 Aquilae
4 6152 ALEXIS J1139-685
4 6152 X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius
4 6152 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6153 Supernova 1995I in Anonymous Galaxy  [13210+0336]
4 6153 GX 1+4
4 6153 Supernova 1995F in NGC 2726
4 6153 Supernova 1995D in NGC 2962
4 6154 Nova Aquilae 1995
4 6154 RX J0558+53
4 6154 Nova Centauri 1995
4 6155 AL Comae Berenices
4 6155 Gravitational Microlensing Events
4 6155 Nova Aquilae 1995
4 6156 X-Ray Sources in M31
4 6156 Supernova 1995D in NGC 2962
4 6157 Supernova 1995J in NGC 4512
4 6157 AL Comae Berenices
4 6158 Supernova 1995J in NGC 4512
4 6158 Supernova 1995I in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6158 V1974 Cygni
4 6159 Nearby Galaxies MB 1 and MB 2
4 6159 AL Comae Berenices
4 6160 Supernova 1995K in Anonymous Galaxy [1050.8-0915]
4 6160 AL Comae Berenices
4 6161 Comet C/1994 G1 (Takamizawa-Levy)
4 6161 gamma-Ray flare from CTA 26
4 6161 Comet D/1931 R1  [= 84P/Giclas]
4 6162 Possible Satellites of Saturn
4 6162 AL Comae Berenices
4 6163 Detection of Faint Kuiper Belt Objects
4 6164 Possible Microlensing in the Galactic Bulge [18068-2637]
4 6164 AL Comae Berenices
4 6165 Supernova 1995L in NGC 5157
4 6165 Supernova 1995F in NGC 2726
4 6165 V1413 Aquilae
4 6166 Supernova 1995M in Anonymous Galaxy [09387-1220]
4 6166 Supernova 1995D in NGC 2962
4 6166 World Wide Web
4 6167 Markarian 421
4 6168 PKS 1156+295
4 6168 MV Lyrae
4 6168 No Supernova 1994ag in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6168 Comet 84P/Giclas
4 6169 PKS 2155-304
4 6169 Gravitational Microlensing Events in Progress
4 6170 Supernova 1995N in MCG -02-38-017
4 6170 ALEXIS J1644-032
4 6171 GRS 1915+105
4 6171 V1974 Cygni
4 6171 Notice Concerning Telegrams
4 6172 Supernova 1995O in Abell 2218
4 6172 Comet 71P/Clark
4 6172 Nova Aquilae 1995
4 6173 X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius
4 6173 NRAO 530
4 6174 Supernova 1995N in MCG -02-38-017
4 6174 Nova Aquilae 1995
4 6174 X-Ray Nova 1993 in Ophiuchus
4 6174 TU Leonis = (8) Flora
4 6175 Supernova 1995P in Anonymous Galaxy [14072-0244]
4 6175 Nova Aquilae 1995
4 6176 Supernova 1995Q in Anonymous Galaxy [20165-4324]
4 6176 BL Lacertae
4 6176 Comet 58P/Jackson-Neujmin
4 6177 Microlensing Event in the Galactic Bulge
4 6177 1991 JX
4 6177 Comet 57P/du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte
4 6178 Markarian 501
4 6178 BL Lacertae
4 6178 Comet 71P/Clark
4 6179 PKS 1622-297
4 6179 Jupiter I (Io)
4 6179 Comet 6P/d'Arrest
4 6180 Comet P/1995 M1 (Shoemaker-Levy 4)
4 6180 Comet P/1995 M2 (Parker-Hartley)
4 6181 PKS 1622-297
4 6181 1991 JX
4 6181 Nova Aquilae 1995
4 6182 Supernova 1995R in UGC 8801
4 6182 GRO J1629-49  [C*6183]
4 6183 GRO J1629-49
4 6183 4C 38.41
4 6183 Time Adjustment on 1995 December 31
4 6184 GRO J1629-49
4 6184 EXO 053109-6609.2
4 6185 Supernova 1995S in NGC 4456
4 6185 PKS 1622-297
4 6186 PKS 1622-297
4 6186 Variable Star in Serpens [18273+0114]
4 6186 GRO J1629-49
4 6187 Comet 1995 O1
4 6187 PSR J0538+2817
4 6188 Comet 1995 O1
4 6189 Comet 1995 O1
4 6189 Comet 6P/d'Arrest
4 6190 Comet 1995 O1
4 6191 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6192 Satellites of Saturn
4 6192 V1333 Aquilae
4 6193 (2060) Chiron = Comet 95P/Chiron
4 6193 QZ Vulpeculae
4 6194 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6195 Supernova 1995T in Anonymous Galaxy [22272-0930]
4 6195 WGA J1047.1+6335 and J1802.1+1804
4 6196 X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius
4 6196 GRS 1915+105
4 6196 Satellites of Saturn
4 6196 Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
4 6197 Supernova 1995U in ESO 235-IG13
4 6197 Supernova 1995V in NGC 1087
4 6197 Comet 6P/d'Arrest
4 6198 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6198 Rings of Saturn
4 6199 Comet P/1995 O2 (Mueller 1)
4 6199 Comet 32P/Comas Sola
4 6199 Supernova 1995U in ESO 235-IG13
4 6200 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6200 RX J1802.1+1804
4 6201 EUVE J1429-38.0
4 6201 X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius and GRS 1915+105
4 6202 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6203 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6203 Supernova 1995V in NGC 1087
4 6203 X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius
4 6204 Saturn
4 6204 Comet 19P/Borrelly
4 6204 GRS 1915+105
4 6205 X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius
4 6205 Perseid Meteors 1995
4 6205 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6205 Saturn
4 6206 Comet 1995 Q1
4 6206 Supernova 1995W in NGC 7650
4 6207 Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
4 6207 Comet 1995 Q1
4 6207 GRO J1735-27
4 6208 Comet C/1995 Q1 (Bradfield)
4 6209 X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius
4 6209 GRS 1915+105
4 6210 Cygnus X-1
4 6210 X-Ray Nova 1994 in Scorpius
4 6210 Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
4 6211 Supernova 1995X in UGC 12160
4 6211 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6211 Comet 6P/d'Arrest
4 6211 Comet 58P/Jackson-Neujmin
4 6212 GRO J1735-27
4 6212 Supernova 1995X in UGC 12160
4 6212 Comet C/1995 Q1 (Bradfield)
4 6213 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6213 Editorial Notice  [copyright]
4 6214 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6215 Stellar Occultations by Neptune I (Triton)
4 6215 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 6216 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6216 GRO J1735-27
4 6217 Comet 1995 Q2
4 6217 Comet 81P/Wild 2
4 6218 Comet C/1995 Q2 (Hartley-Drinkwater)
4 6219 Comet C/1995 Q2 (Hartley-Drinkwater)
4 6219 Comet P/1995 Q3 (Shoemaker-Holt 2)
4 6220 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6221 Supernova 1995Y in NGC 410
4 6221 Supernova 1995Z in UGC 937
4 6221 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6221 Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kreask
4 6222 GRO J1735-27 and GRO J1750-27
4 6222 Supernova 1995Y in NGC 410
4 6222 Supernova 1995Z in UGC 937
4 6223 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6223 GRO J1735-27
4 6224 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6225 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6225 Comet C/1995 Q1 (Bradfield)
4 6226 The Galactic Center
4 6226 Comet C/1995 Q2 (Hartley-Drinkwater)
4 6227 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 6227 Supernova 1995Y in NGC 410
4 6227 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6227 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6228 Comet 1995 S1
4 6228 Comet 6P/d'Arrest
4 6229 Comet 1995 S1
4 6229 Comet 6P/d'Arrest
4 6229 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)  [C*6273]
4 6229 Comet 58P/Jackson-Neujmin
4 6230 Comet 1995 S1
4 6231 Comet 1995 S1
4 6232 Comet P/1995 S1 = P/1846 D1 (De Vico)
4 6233 Comet P/1995 S1 (De Vico)
4 6233 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6234 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6234 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 6234 V705 Cassiopeiae
4 6235 Comet P/1995 S1 = P/1846 D1 (De Vico)
4 6236 Supernova 1995aa in Anonymous Galaxy [22592-0431]
4 6236 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6237 Supernova 1995ab in NGC 7663
4 6237 Supernova 1995ac in Anonymous Galaxy [22456-0845]
4 6237 Supernova 1995Y in NGC 410
4 6238 GRO J2058+42
4 6238 Supernova 1995ac in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6238 Comet C/1995 Q1 (Bradfield)
4 6239 Supernova 1995ad in NGC 2139
4 6239 GRO J2058+42
4 6239 Comet P/1995 S1 (De Vico)
4 6240 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6241 Supernova 1995ae in Anonymous Galaxy [23169-0205]
4 6241 GRO J1750-27
4 6242 Supernova 1995af in Anonymous Galaxy [23249+4124]
4 6242 Supernova 1995ad in NGC 2139
4 6242 SGR 1806-20
4 6243 Satellites of Saturn
4 6244 Supernova 1995ag in UGC 11861  [C*6252]
4 6244 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6245 Supernova 1995ah in HS 0016+1449  [C*6252]
4 6245 R Coronae Borealis
4 6246 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 6246 Supernova 1995ag in UGC 11861
4 6247 Supernovae in 1989 [1989ad, 1989ae, 1989H, 1989J]  [C*6252]
4 6247 Comet 122P/1995 S1 (De Vico)
4 6248 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6249 Comet P/1995 S2 (West-Hartley)
4 6250 Comet P/1995 S3 (Mrkos)
4 6251 51 Pegasi  [C*6253]
4 6251 Comet C/1995 Q1 (Bradfield)
4 6252 Supernova 1995ai in NGC 7794
4 6252 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6252 Corrigenda
4 6253 Supernova 1995aj in Anonymous Galaxy [02286+4156]
4 6253 51 Pegasi
4 6253 Supernova 1995ag in UGC 11861
4 6253 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6254 Supernova 1995ak in IC 1844
4 6254 NGC 3786
4 6255 Supernova 1995al in NGC 3021
4 6255 Nova Aquilae 1995
4 6255 Comet 122P/De Vico
4 6256 Supernova 1995al in NGC 3021
4 6256 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6257 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 6257 Comet 122P/De Vico
4 6257 Comet C/1995 Q1 (Bradfield)
4 6258 2EG J0432+2910
4 6258 Comet 94P/Russell 4
4 6259 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6259 alpha Centauri B
4 6259 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 6260 AX J2315-592
4 6260 R Coronae Borealis
4 6261 AX J2315-592
4 6261 51 Pegasi
4 6262 Supernova 1995am in Anonymous Galaxy [00478+2958]
4 6262 Supernova 1995an in UGC 3188
4 6262 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6263 Supernovae [1993al, 1994al, 1994am, 1994an]
4 6264 HT Cassiopeiae  [C*6268]
4 6264 2EG J0432+2910
4 6264 Comet 15P/Finlay
4 6264 Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
4 6265 alpha Monocerotid Meteors 1995  [C*6268]
4 6266 GRS 1915+105
4 6266 4U 0115+634  [C*7116]
4 6267 Supernovae 1995ao, 1995ap in Anonymous Galaxies [02575-0141; 03125+0042]
4 6267 GRS 1915+105
4 6268 51 Pegasi
4 6268 Leonid Meteors 1995
4 6268 Supernova 1995an in UGC 3188
4 6268 Corrigenda
4 6269 GRS 1915+105
4 6269 Satellites of Saturn
4 6270 Supernovae [1995aq, ar, as, at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, 1995ba]
4 6271 Supernova 1995bb in Anonymous Galaxy [00163+1225]
4 6271 OJ 287
4 6272 Galactic Center [GRO J1744-28]
4 6272 4U 0115+634  [C*7116]
4 6273 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 6273 AX J2315-592
4 6273 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6274 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 6274 GRS 1915+105
4 6274 Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
4 6275 Supernova 1995bc in Anonymous Galaxy [09517+4019]
4 6275 New X-Ray Transient Repeater [GRO J1744-28]
4 6275 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6276 Galactic Center [GRO J1744-28]
4 6276 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6276 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 6277 HD 49798 and 2E 0050.1-7247
4 6278 Supernovae 1995bd and 1995an  [1995bd in UGC 3151]
4 6278 RX J0439.8-6809 and RX J0550.0-7151
4 6279 Comet 1995 Y1
4 6279 Comet 122P/De Vico
4 6280 Comet 1995 Y1
4 6280 Gliese 229B
4 6281 Comet C/1995 Y1 (Hyakutake)
4 6282 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6283 Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
4 6284 Galactic Center [GRO J1744-28]
4 6284 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6284 Comet 116P/Wild 4
4 6285 GRO J1744-28
4 6285 OB and X-Ray Binary Candidates
4 6286 Transient X-Ray Burster GRO J1744-28
4 6287 Comet 1996 A1
4 6287 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6288 Comet C/1996 A1 (Jedicke)
4 6289 Supernova 1996A in Anonymous Galaxy [05108-0300]
4 6289 Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
4 6289 Comet 58P/Jackson-Neujmin
4 6290 GRO J1744-28
4 6290 Comet 6P/d'Arrest
4 6291 GRO J1744-28
4 6292 Supernova 1996B in NGC 4357
4 6292 V705 Cassiopeiae
4 6292 Comet P/1996 A1 (Jedicke)
4 6293 GRO J1744-28
4 6293 Comet C/1995 Y1 (Hyakutake)
4 6294 NGC 2363
4 6294 3C 279
4 6295 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6295 RX J1239.5+2108 = S 10932 Comae Berenices
4 6296 Comet 1996 B1
4 6296 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1996
4 6297 Comet 1996 B1
4 6297 EUVE J2115-58.6
4 6298 Comet C/1996 B1 (Szczepanski)
4 6299 Comet 1996 B2
4 6299 Comet C/1996 B1 (Szczepanski)
4 6299 Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
4 6299 Comet 65P/Gunn
4 6300 Comet 1996 B2
4 6300 GRO J1744-28
4 6301 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 6302 3C 279
4 6302 4U 1755-33
4 6302 Notice to Subscribers
4 6303 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6304 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6304 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 6305 (2060) Chiron
4 6305 RX J0117.6-7330 and RX J0550.0-7151
4 6305 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6306 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6306 Comet C/1996 B1 (Szczepanski)
4 6307 GRO J1744-28  [C*6308]
4 6307 NGC 2363
4 6307 Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
4 6308 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6308 Comet C/1995 Y1 (Hyakutake)
4 6308 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6308 GRO J1744-28
4 6309 GRO J1744-28  [C*6313]
4 6310 GRO J1744-28  [C*6313]
4 6311 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6312 Probable Gravitational Microlensing Event [LMC, 05241-6849]
4 6312 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6313 R Coronae Borealis
4 6313 GRO J1744-28
4 6313 3C 279
4 6313 Comet C/1995 Y1 (Hyakutake)
4 6314 Supernova 1994Y in NGC 5371
4 6314 GRO J1744-28
4 6315 GRO J1744-28  [C*6318]
4 6315 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6316 HD 3346
4 6317 Supernova 1996C in MCG +8-25-47
4 6317 Supernova 1996D in NGC 1614
4 6318 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6318 GRO J1744-28
4 6319 Scorpius X-1
4 6320 4U 1728-34
4 6320 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6321 GRO J1744-28
4 6322 Novalike Variable in Sagittarius [17526-1741]
4 6323 Novalike Variable in Sagittarius
4 6323 GRO J1744-28
4 6323 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6324 GRO J1744-28
4 6324 Comet 22P/Kopff
4 6325 Novalike Variable in Sagittarius
4 6325 Supernova 1996C in MCG +8-25-47
4 6325 GK Persei
4 6326 GRO J1744-28
4 6327 V348 Puppis
4 6327 Notice to Subscribers [credit card]
4 6327 Comet 116P/Wild 4
4 6328 Novalike Variable in Sagittarius
4 6328 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6329 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6330 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6331 4U 1608-52
4 6331 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6331 Comet C/1996 B1 (Szczepanski)
4 6332 Supernovae [1996E, 1996F, 1996G, 1996H, 1996I, 1996J, 1996K]
4 6332 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6333 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6334 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6334 GRO J1744-28
4 6335 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6335 GRO J1744-28
4 6336 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6336 4U 1608-52
4 6337 GRO J1744-28
4 6337 Comet C/1995 Y1 (Hyakutake)
4 6338 GRO J1744-28
4 6338 alpha Centauri C
4 6339 GRO J1744-28
4 6339 Supernova 1993J in NGC 3031
4 6340 GK Persei
4 6340 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6341 Comet 1996 E1
4 6341 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6342 Comet C/1996 E1
4 6343 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6343 GRO J1744-28
4 6344 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6345 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6346 Supernova 1996L in ESO 266-G10  [C*6347]
4 6346 Comet C/1996 E1 (NEAT)
4 6347 Supernova 1996M in Anonymous Galaxy [12513-1301]
4 6347 Supernova 1996L in ESO 266-G10
6 6348 GRS 1739-278
4 6348 PKS 0208-512
4 6348 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6349 Comet P/1996 F1 (Spacewatch)
4 6350 GRS 1739-278 and GRO J1744-28
4 6350 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6351 Supernova 1996N in NGC 1398
4 6351 Supernova 1996B in NGC 4357
4 6351 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6352 Supernova 1996O in MCG 03-41-115
4 6352 Comet C/1995 Y1 (Hyakutake)
4 6353 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6354 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6355 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6355 Comet C/1996 B1 (Szczepanski)
4 6356 GRO J1744-28
4 6357 Supernova 1996P in NGC 5335
4 6357 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6357 Comet 22P/Kopff
4 6358 Supernovae [1996Q, 1996R, 1996S, 1996T, 1996U]
4 6358 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6359 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6360 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6361 Probable Binary Microlensing Event [18018-2950]
4 6361 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6362 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6363 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6364 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6365 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6365 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6366 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6367 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6368 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 6368 GRO J1744-28
4 6368 Comet 65P/Gunn
4 6369 GRO J1744-28
4 6370 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6370 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6371 GRO J1744-28
4 6371 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6372 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6373 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6373 Comet C/1996 B1 (Szczepanski)
4 6374 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6375 Supernova 1996N in NGC 1398
4 6375 GRO J1744-28  [C*6376]
4 6376 Supernova 1996V IN NGC 3644
4 6376 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6376 GRO J1744-28
4 6377 Supernova 1996V IN NGC 3644
4 6377 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6377 Supernova 1996P in NGC 5335
4 6377 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6378 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6378 Supernova 1992ad in NGC 4411B
4 6379 Supernova 1996W in NGC 4027
4 6379 Supernova 1996V IN NGC 3644
4 6379 Comet 48P/Johnson
4 6379 Comet 116P/Wild 4
4 6380 Supernova 1996X in NGC 5061
4 6380 Supernova 1996W in NGC 4027
4 6380 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6381 Supernova 1996X in NGC 5061
4 6382 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6382 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6382 Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
4 6383 GRS 1739-278
4 6384 GRB 960409 and Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6384 Supernova 1996X in NGC 5061
4 6385 Supernova 1996Y in Anonymous Galaxy [11215+0253]
4 6385 GRO J1744-28
4 6385 Comet 22P/Kopff
4 6386 Supernova 1995N in MCG -2-38-017
4 6386 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6387 Emission Object in Cygnus [20328+4039]
4 6387 4U 1728-34
4 6388 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6389 4U 1630-47
4 6389 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6390 GRS 1739-278
4 6390 X-Ray Sources [LMC X-3/4U 1630-47/4U 1705-44/MXB 1730-335/GRS 1739-278]
4 6391 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6392 GRS 1915+105
4 6392 Supernova 1996M in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6392 Comet 46P/Wirtanen
4 6392 Comet 65P/Gunn
4 6393 GRO J1655-40
4 6393 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6393 FG Sagittae
4 6394 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6394 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6395 S/1995 S5
4 6395 GRO J1744-28
4 6396 Markarian 421
4 6396 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6397 Comet 1996 J1
4 6397 FG Sagittae
4 6398 Comet C/1996 J1 (Evans-Drinkwater)
4 6399 GRO J1744-28
4 6399 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6400 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6400 Comet C/1996 J1 (Evans-Drinkwater)
4 6400 Emission Object in Cygnus
4 6401 Supernova 1996Z in NGC 2935
4 6401 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6402 1996 JA1
4 6403 Supernova 1996aa in NGC 5557
4 6403 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6403 Supernova 1996Z in NGC 2935
4 6404 Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105
4 6404 Comet C/1990 N1 (Tsuchiya-Kiuchi)
4 6404 Comet C/1996 E1 (NEAT)
4 6405 Supernova 1996ab in Anonymous Galaxy [15212+2755]
4 6405 Cygnus X-1
4 6406 Supernova 1996ac in Anonymous Galaxy [12242+0124]
4 6406 GRO J1655-40
4 6407 Satellites of Saturn [X-XVI, S/1995 S 5/8/9/10]
4 6407 1996 JA1
4 6408 Supernova 1996ad in Anonymous Galaxy [15591+1948]
4 6408 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6409 Supernova 1996ae in NGC 5775
4 6409 MXB 1730-335
4 6410 Supernova 1996ae in NGC 5775
4 6410 Supernova 1996ab in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6410 GRO J1655-40
4 6411 GRS 1915+105
4 6411 GRO J1655-40
4 6411 Supernova 1996ae in NGC 5775
4 6412 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6412 Comet C/1995 Y1 (Hyakutake)
4 6413 EXO 2030+375
4 6413 X-Ray Detections of Comets [C/1990 K1, C/1990 N1, 45P]
4 6414 PSR 1055-52
4 6414 GRO J1744-28
4 6414 Comet 22P/Kopff
4 6415 Cygnus X-1
4 6415 GRO J1744-28
4 6415 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6416 V1333 Aquilae
4 6416 Comet C/1996 B1 (Szczepanski)
4 6417 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6417 Comet 65P/Gunn
4 6418 Supernovae 1996af, 1996ag in Anonymous Galaxies [22285-6859; 21468-4342]
4 6418 PKS 0405-385
4 6418 Comet C/1996 J1 (Evans-Drinkwater)
4 6419 X-Ray Transient in the Large Magellanic cloud [05225-6937]
4 6419 ROSAT Soft-X-Ray Maps
4 6420 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6420 ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue
4 6421 Supernova 1996ah in NGC 5640
4 6421 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6422 Supernova 1996ai in NGC 5005 [C*6425]
4 6422 QX Normae
4 6423 Supernova 1996ai in NGC 5005
4 6423 CM Draconis
4 6424 Supernova 1996aj in Anonymous Galaxy [13291-2914]
4 6424 Scorpius X-1
4 6425 CM Draconis
4 6425 Supernova 1996ai in NGC 5005
4 6426 GRS 1739-278
4 6426 4U 0614+091
4 6426 CH Cygni
4 6427 GRS 1739-278
4 6427 Supernova 1996ah in NGC 5640
4 6427 Supernova 1996ai in NGC 5005
4 6427 Comet 78P/Gehrels 2
4 6428 Comet 1996 N1
4 6428 4U 1636-536 and 4U 0614+091
4 6428 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6429 Comet 1996 N1
4 6429 SS Lacertae
4 6429 R Coronae Borealis
4 6430 Comet C/1996 N1 (Brewington)
4 6431 Cygnus X-1
4 6431 DN Geminorum
4 6431 Comet C/1996 N1 (Brewington)
4 6432 GRS 1915+105
4 6432 2S 1417-624
4 6432 CAL 83
4 6433 Supernova 1995be in Anonymous Galaxy [15582+1946]
4 6433 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6433 SS Lacertae
4 6434 Supernova 1996ak in NGC 5021 [C*6438]
4 6434 HV 5756
4 6434 SS Lacertae
4 6435 GRS 1915+105
4 6435 Comet C/1996 N1 (Brewington)
4 6436 GRO J1655-40 and GRS 1915+105
4 6436 Supernova 1985T in Anonymous Galaxy  [19035-6536]
4 6436 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6437 Supernova 1996al in NGC 7689
4 6437 KS 1731-260
4 6437 Supernova 1996ak in NGC 5021
4 6437 Comet C/1996 E1 (NEAT)
4 6438 Supernova 1996al in NGC 7689
4 6438 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6438 Supernova 1996ak in NGC 5021
4 6439 Cygnus X-1
4 6439 Supernova 1983ab in Anonymous Galaxy  [16226+3645]
4 6440 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6440 Comet C/1996 E1 (NEAT)
4 6441 Supernova 1996am in Anonymous Galaxy  [21461-4400]
4 6441 V1974 Cygni
4 6441 Comet 57P/du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte
4 6442 Supernova 1996an in NGC 1084
4 6442 Comet 22P/Kopff
4 6442 Comet C/1996 J1 (Evans-Drinkwater)
4 6443 Nova Sagittarii 1996
4 6443 Comet C/1996 J1 (Evans-Drinkwater)
4 6444 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6444 X-Ray Transient Near SMC X-1  [C*6560]
4 6444 Supernova 1996an in NGC 1084
4 6445 Supernova 1995N in MCG -2-38-017
4 6445 RX J0720.4-3125
4 6446 Comet P/1996 P1 (IRAS)
4 6447 4U 1735-444
4 6447 Cygnus X-1
4 6447 Nova Sagittarii 1996
4 6448 Comet 1996 P2
4 6448 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6448 Comet C/1996 N1 (Brewington)
4 6449 Comet C/1996 P2 (Russell-Watson)
4 6450 4U 0115+634  [C*6451, 7116]
4 6450 Nova Sagittarii 1996
4 6450 Perseid Meteors 1996
4 6451 Supernovae 1996ao and 1996ap in Anonymous Galaxies[03281-5254;21459-5708]
4 6451 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6451 4U 0115+634  [C*7116]
4 6452 1996 PW
4 6452 Cygnus X-2
4 6453 Nova Sagittarii 1996
4 6453 Comet C/1996 E1 (NEAT)
4 6454 Supernova 1996aq in NGC 5584  [C*6458]
4 6454 Nova Sagittarii 1996
4 6455 Comet 1996 Q1
4 6455 GRS 1915+105
4 6456 Comet P/1996 N2 (Elst-Pizarro)
4 6457 Comet P/1996 N2 (Elst-Pizarro)
4 6457 BL Lacertae
4 6458 Comet 1996 Q1
4 6458 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6458 Supernova 1996aq in NGC 5584
4 6459 Comet P/1996 N2 (Elst-Pizarro)
4 6459 GRS 1915+105
4 6460 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6461 Supernova 1996ar in Anonymous Galaxy [01319-0213]
4 6461 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6462 1996 PW
4 6462 Cygnus X-1
4 6463 Probable Nova in Crux  [12105-6145; N Cru 1996]
4 6463 BL Lacertae
4 6463 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)  [C*6465]
4 6464 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6465 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)  [C*6520]
4 6465 Comet C/1996 P2 (Russell-Watson)
4 6466 Comet C/1996 N1 (Brewington)
4 6466 1996 PW
4 6466 Nova Crucis 1996
4 6467 gamma-Ray Burst [17296+4902; GRB 960720]
4 6467 CAL 83
4 6468 SMC X-1
4 6468 Nova Crucis 1996
4 6468 V635 Cassiopeiae
4 6468 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6469 Supernova 1996as in Anonymous Galaxy [21056-5223]
4 6469 gamma-Ray Burst 960720
4 6469 1996 PW
4 6470 Comet 1996 R1
4 6470 Supernova 1986P in NGC 5763
4 6471 Comet C/1996 R1 (Hergenrother-Spahr)
4 6472 Comet C/1991 A2 (Arai)
4 6472 gamma-Ray Burst 960720
4 6472 1996 PW
4 6473 Comet 1996 R2
4 6473 Comet P/1996 N2 (Elst-Pizarro)
4 6474 Comet P/1996 R2 (Lagerkvist)
4 6475 Comet P/1996 S1 (Holt-Olmstead)
4 6475 NGC 6624
4 6476 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6476 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6477 Comet P/1996 S2 (Shoemaker-Holt 1)
4 6478 GX 1+4
4 6478 Comet 46P/Wirtanen
4 6479 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6479 Comet C/1996 R1 (Hergenrother-Spahr)
4 6480 GRB 960720  [C*6481]
4 6480 Comet C/1996 R1 (Hergenrother-Spahr)
4 6481 GRB 960720
4 6481 Comet C/1996 E1 (NEAT)
4 6482 X0115+634 and Cygnus X-3
4 6482 V694 Monocerotis = MWC 560
4 6482 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6483 Comet P/1996 R2 (Lagerkvist)
4 6483 Comet 126P/IRAS
4 6484 Galactic Center
4 6484 GRO J1744-28
4 6485 Microlensing Event in Large Magellanic Cloud
4 6485 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6486 4U 1145-61
4 6486 Extreme-Ultraviolet Detections of Comets
4 6486 Comet C/1996 E1 (NEAT)
4 6487 GRB 960720
4 6487 Comet C/1996 N1 (Brewington)
4 6488 GX 1+4 and GRS 1915+105
4 6488 Comet C/1996 P2 (Russell-Watson)
4 6489 V2116 Ophiuchi
4 6489 Comet C/1996 R1 (Hergenrother-Spahr)
4 6490 Supernovae [1996at-1996bj]  [C*6491]
4 6491 Supernova 1996bk in NGC 5308
4 6491 PSR 0833-45
4 6491 Comet C/1996 R1 (Hergenrother-Spahr)
4 6491 Supernovae
4 6492 Supernova 1996bl in Anonymous Galaxy [00363+1124]
4 6492 Supernova 1996bm in Anonymous Galaxy [00447-6345]
4 6492 1996 SK
4 6493 DO Draconis
4 6493 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)  [C*6494]
4 6493 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6494 Comet P/1996 U1 (Shoemaker-Levy 3)
4 6494 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6495 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6495 Comet P/1996 N2 (Elst-Pizarro)
4 6496 Supernova 1996bn in UGC 3430
4 6496 V2116 Ophiuchi
4 6497 Supernova 1996bo in NGC 673  [C*6499]
4 6497 Comet 126P/IRAS
4 6498 Supernova 1996bp in MCG -06-04-053
4 6498 Supernova 1996bo in NGC 673
4 6498 Comet C/1996 N1 (Brewington)
4 6499 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6499 Supernova 1996bo in NGC 673
4 6500 Supernova 1996bq in NGC 996
4 6500 Comets C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) and 126P/IRAS
4 6501 GRO J1655-40
4 6501 SGR 1806-20
4 6501 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6502 Supernovae 1996bq, 1996br, and 1996bs [br: UGC 2058; bs: 02448+3929]
4 6502 PSR B0656+14
4 6502 Supernova 1996bk in NGC 5308
4 6503 Supernova 1996bt in Anonymous Galaxy [06520+1618]
4 6503 SGR 1806-20
4 6503 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6504 X1730-333
4 6504 XTE J1856+053
4 6504 Comet 118P/Shoemaker-Levy 4
4 6505 Supernova 1996bu in NGC 3631
4 6505 Leonid Meteors 1996
4 6506 MXB 1730-335
4 6506 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6507 4U 1820-30
4 6507 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6508 Supernova 1996bv in UGC 3432
4 6508 GX 13+1
4 6508 Comet 91P/Russell 3
4 6509 Cygnus X-3
4 6509 Supernova 1996bu in NGC 3631
4 6509 Comet C/1996 E1 (NEAT)
4 6510 Cygnus X-1
4 6510 Supernovae [1950O, 1953J, 1953L, 1954ac, 1954ad, 1955R, 1955S]
4 6511 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6511 GX 5-1
4 6512 Supernova 1996bw in NGC 664
4 6512 SGR 1806-20
4 6513 EG Cancri
4 6513 Supernova 1996bv in UGC 3432
4 6513 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6513 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6514 Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
4 6514 GRO J2058+42
4 6515 Satellites of Saturn
4 6515 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6516 GRO J2058+42
4 6516 Supernova 1996bw in NGC 664
4 6516 Supernova 1956C = 1988 XB5
4 6517 Supernova 1996bx in Anonymous Galaxy [03593-5322]
4 6517 EG Cancri
4 6518 gamma-Ray Bursts [0430-424; 0435-543; 0358-526; 0359-489]  [C*6520]
4 6518 Comet 22P/Kopff
4 6519 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6519 XTE J1856+053 and GRO J1849-03
4 6520 Supernova 1996bw in NGC 664
4 6520 Comet 126P/IRAS
4 6520 Corrigenda
4 6521 Comet 22P/Kopff  [C*6526]
4 6521 Comet C/1996 Q1 (Tabur)
4 6522 Supernova 1996by in UGC 3379
4 6522 2S 0114+650
4 6522 Comet 81P/Wild 2
4 6523 Supernovae 1996bq, 1996br, 1996bs, 1996bz [bz: 02314+3944]
4 6523 Supernova 1996ca in NGC 7300
4 6523 Supernova 1996by in UGC 3379
4 6524 Supernova 1996cb in NGC 3510  [C*6562]
4 6524 Scorpius X-1
4 6525 Supernova 1996cc in NGC 5673
4 6525 GRS 1915+105
4 6526 GRB 960720  [17294+4906]
4 6526 Comet 22P/Kopff
4 6527 Supernova 1996cb in NGC 3510
4 6527 Nova Aquilae 1995
4 6527 Comet C/1996 P2 (Russell-Watson)
4 6528 Supernova 1996cb in NGC 3510
4 6528 V2116 Ophiuchi
4 6528 Comet 118P/Shoemaker-Levy 4
4 6529 Supernova 1996cc in NGC 5673
4 6529 Supernova 1996cb in NGC 3510
4 6529 Notice to Contributors  [line charges]
4 6530 GRO J1744-28
4 6530 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6531 Supernova 1996cd in Anonymous Galaxy [07573+1112]
4 6531 Supernova 1997A in Anonymous Galaxy [04316-6107]
4 6532 Comet 1997 A1
4 6532 Nova Crucis 1996
4 6532 Supernova 1997A in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6533 GRB 970111  [15284+1940]
4 6533 PSR 0656+14
4 6534 Comet C/1997 A1 (NEAT)
4 6535 Supernova 1997B in IC 438
4 6535 EY Cygni
4 6536 Supernova 1997C in NGC 3160
4 6536 GX 1+4
4 6537 Supernova 1997D in NGC 1536
4 6537 Supernova 1997B in IC 438  [C*6546]
4 6537 Supernova 1997C in NGC 3160
4 6538 Supernova 1997E in NGC 2258
4 6538 New X-Ray Burster  [12498-5911]
4 6539 GRB 970111
4 6540 Supernovae  [1997F-1997S]  [C*6542]
4 6541 4U 1636-53
4 6541 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6541 Comet 81P/Wild 2
4 6542 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6542 Supernovae
4 6543 Supernova 1997T in UGC 6896
4 6543 XTE J1709-267
4 6544 GRB 970111
4 6544 Cygnus X-1
4 6545 GRB 970111
4 6545 EG Cancri
4 6546 New X-Ray Burster
4 6546 Supernova 1997B in IC 438
4 6547 XTE J1709-267
4 6547 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6548 Sueprnova 1996ce in Markarian 785
4 6548 GRO J1744-28
4 6549 Comet 1997 C1
4 6549 Supernovae 1997U and 1997V in Anonymous Galaxies [03108-1216, 03117-1202]
4 6550 Comet C/1997 C1 (Gehrels)
4 6551 Supernovae 1997W and 1996bw in NGC 664
4 6551 BY Draconis
4 6552 Supernova 1997X in NGC 4691
4 6553 Comet P/1997 B1 (Kobayashi)
4 6554 Comet P/1997 B1 (Kobayashi)
4 6554 Supernova 1997X in NGC 4691
4 6555 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6556 Supernova 1997Y in NGC 4675
4 6556 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6556 GRO J2058+42
4 6557 Supernova 1997Y in NGC 4675
4 6557 Supernovae 1996cd and 1997T
4 6557 Supernovae 1997W and 1996bw in NGC 664
4 6558 Supernova 1997Z in NGC 3261
4 6558 V1333 Aquilae
4 6558 Comet 46P/Wirtanen
4 6559 PSR J0633+1746
4 6559 GRB 970111
4 6560 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6560 Supernova 1997Z in NGC 3261
4 6560 No X-Ray Transient Near SMC X-1
4 6561 Comet C/1997 BA6 (Spacewatch)
4 6562 Comet 1997 D1
4 6562 Comet P/1997 C1 (Gehrels)
4 6562 Comet 118P/Shoemaker-Levy 4
4 6562 Supernova 1996cb in NGC 3510
4 6563 Comet C/1997 D1 (Mueller)
4 6564 Comet C/1996 R3
4 6565 GX 17+2
4 6565 Comet 46P/Wirtanen
4 6566 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6567 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6567 GRB 970111
4 6568 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6568 1997 CU26
4 6569 GRB 960720 and GRB 970111
4 6569 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6570 GRB 960720
4 6571 GRB 970111
4 6571 Comet 81P/Wild 2
4 6572 GRB 970228  [05020+1146]
4 6572 Supernova 1997aa in IC 2102
4 6573 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6574 GRB 970111
4 6574 GRB 970228
4 6575 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6576 GRB 970228
4 6577 GRB 970228
4 6578 GRB 970228
4 6578 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6579 Comet 55P/1997 E1 (Tempel-Tuttle)
4 6580 GRB 970228
4 6581 GRB 970228
4 6582 GRB 970228
4 6583 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6584 GRB 970228
4 6585 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6585 1RXS J170849.0-400910
4 6586 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6586 GS 1843+00
4 6587 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6588 GRB 970228
4 6589 Supernova 1997ab in Anonymous Galaxy [09510+2004]
4 6589 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6590 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6591 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6592 Markarian 501
4 6593 GRB 970228
4 6594 GRB 970228
4 6594 Nova Cassiopeiae 1995
4 6594 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6595 Comet 46P/Wirtanen
4 6595 GS 1843+00
4 6596 Supernovae [1997ac-1997ar]  [C*6621]
4 6597 SAX J1750.8-2900
4 6597 Comet 81P/Wild 2
4 6598 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6598 GRB 970111 and GRB 970228
4 6599 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6599 GRS 1737-31
4 6600 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6600 GRB 920501  [08153-3244]
4 6601 SAX 1750.8-2900
4 6601 Novalike Variable in Sagittarius [17525-1741]
4 6601 Comet 81P/Wild 2
4 6602 Supernovae [1997as-1997bk]
4 6603 GRS 1737-31
4 6603 4U 1812-12
4 6603 1E 1740.7-2942 and GRO J1744-28
4 6604 GRS 1737-31
4 6604 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6605 Supernova 1997bl in Anonymous Galaxy [12404-1145]
4 6605 GS 1843+00
4 6605 GRO J0422+32
4 6606 SAX J1750.8-2900 and GRS 1737-31
4 6606 GRB 970228
4 6607 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6607 1991 VH
4 6608 Novalike Variable in Sagittarius
4 6608 LMC X-4
4 6609 Supernova 1997bm in IC 705
4 6609 Supernova 1997bl in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6609 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6610 GRB 970402
4 6610 Supernova 1997bm in IC 705
4 6611 GS 1826-238
4 6611 GRB 970228
4 6611 Comet C/1997 D1 (Mueller)
4 6612 Supernova 1997bn in UGC 4329
4 6612 Supernova 1997bo in Anonymous Galaxy [12199+0744]
4 6613 Supernova 1997bp in NGC 4680
4 6613 Supernova 1997bn in UGC 4329
4 6614 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6615 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6615 Supernova 1997bo in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6615 Comet 46P/Wirtanen
4 6616 Supernova 1997bq in NGC 3147
4 6616 GRB 970402
4 6617 GRB 970402  [14501-6920]
4 6617 Supernova 1997bp in NGC 4680
4 6618 Galactic Center Region
4 6618 GRB 970228  [05018+1147]
4 6619 GRB 970228
4 6619 Time Adjustment on 1997 June 30
4 6620 GRB 970228
4 6620 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6621 Supernovae [1996cf-1996cn]
4 6621 Supernova 1997bq in NGC 3147
4 6622 Comet 1997 G1
4 6622 Supernova 1997bp in NGC 4680
4 6622 Supernova 1997bq in NGC 3147
4 6623 Supernova 1997br in ESO 576-40  [C*6627]
4 6623 Supernova 1997bq in NGC 3147
4 6623 Supernova 1997bp in NGC 4680
4 6624 Comet C/1997 G1 (Montani)
4 6624 Comet 121P/Shoemaker-Holt 2
4 6625 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6626 Comet 1997 G2
4 6626 Comet C/1997 D1 (Mueller)
4 6627 Supernova 1997bs in NGC 3627
4 6627 GRS 1737-31
4 6627 Supernova 1997br in ESO 576-40
4 6628 Supernova 1997bt in Anonymous Galaxy [11063-1136]
4 6628 GRB 970402
4 6629 GRB 970228
4 6629 Supernova 1997bq in NGC 3147
4 6629 Supernova 1997bl in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6629 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6630 Comet C/1997 G2 (Montani)
4 6631 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6631 GRB 970228
4 6632 GRB 970402 and BL Circini
4 6632 Supernova 1997bs in NGC 3627
4 6632 X2127+119
4 6633 Supernovae [1997bu, 1997bv, 1997bw, 1997bx]
4 6633 BL Circini
4 6634 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6634 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6635 GRB 970228
4 6635 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6636 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6637 GRB 970228
4 6637 GRO J1655-40
4 6638 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6638 V1333 Aquilae
4 6638 Supernovae 1997bp, 1997bq, and 1997bs
4 6639 Supernova 1997by in Anonymous Galaxy [13275-2719]  [C*6684]
4 6639 2EG J0432+2910, 2EG J0744+5438, 2EG J0852-1237
4 6640 Comet P/1997 H1 (McNaught-Hughes)
4 6640 Supernova 1997by in Anonymous Galaxy  [C*6684]
4 6641 Supernova 1997bz in Anonymous Galaxy [11224+0111]
4 6641 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6642 Comet 1997 J1
4 6642 Supernova 1997br in ESO 576-40
4 6643 GRB 970228
4 6643 Supernova 1997by in Anonymous Galaxy  [C*6684]
4 6644 Comet C/1997 J1 (Mueller)
4 6645 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6645 GS 1843+00
4 6646 Supernovae [1997ca-1997ck]
4 6646 Supernova 1997bq in NGC 3147
4 6647 Supernova 1997cl in Anonymous Galaxy [13543-2744]
4 6647 X0726-260
4 6647 GRS 1915+105
4 6648 Comet 1997 J2
4 6648 V1974 Cygni
4 6649 GRB 970508
4 6649 Supernova 1997cl in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6650 Comet C/1997 H2 (SOHO)
4 6651 GRS 1915+105
4 6651 Supernova 1997bp in NGC 4680
4 6652 Comet C/1997 J2
4 6653 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1996 Q2, C/1996 Q3, C/1996 S3, C/1996 Y1]
4 6653 Comet C/1996 J1 (Evans-Drinkwater)
4 6654 Supernova 1997cm in Anonymous Galaxy [12536-2849]
4 6654 GRB 970508  [06538+7916]
4 6655 GRB 970508
4 6656 GRB 970508
4 6657 GRB 970508
4 6657 Comet 68P/Klemola
4 6657 Comet 103P/Hartley 2
4 6658 GRB 970508
4 6659 GS 1843+00
4 6659 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)  [C*6679]
4 6659 Comet C/1997 J1 (Mueller)
4 6660 GRB 970508
4 6661 Supernova 1997cn in NGC 5490
4 6661 GRB 970508
4 6662 GRB 970508
4 6662 Comet C/1996 J1 (Evans-Drinkwater)
4 6663 GRB 970508
4 6664 GRB 970508
4 6664 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6665 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 6665 Supernova 1997bq in NGC 3147
4 6666 GRB 970508
4 6666 V485 Centauri
4 6666 Supernova 1997bp in NGC 4680
4 6667 Supernova 1997cn in NGC 5490  [C*6671]
4 6667 Comets 6P/d'Arrest and C/1995 Q1 (Bradfield)
4 6667 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6668 eta Carinae
4 6668 SLX 1735-269
4 6669 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1996 B3, C/1996 X1, C/1996 X2, C/1997 B2]
4 6669 Comet 96P/Machholz 1
4 6670 GRB 970508
4 6670 Comet P/1997 G1 (Montani)
4 6671 GRB 970508
4 6671 Supernova 1997cn in NGC 5490
4 6671 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6672 Supernova 1997co in NGC 5125
4 6672 Comet C/1997 J1 (Mueller)
4 6673 Supernova 1997cp in Anonymous Galaxy [21446-5726]
4 6673 Cygnus X-3
4 6673 Supernova 1997bs in NGC 3627
4 6673 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6674 Supernova 1997cq in Anonymous Galaxy [16298+3945]
4 6674 GRB 970508
4 6675 Possible Nova  [17542-3002; N Sco 1997]
4 6675 Supernova 1997cq in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6675 Comet C/1996 J1 (Evans-Drinkwater)
4 6676 Comet C/1997 K1 (SOHO)
4 6676 Comet 104P/Kowal 2
4 6676 GRB 970508
4 6677 Comet C/1997 L1
4 6678 Nova Scorpii 1997
4 6678 AX J1820.5-1434
4 6679 Supernova 1997cr in Anonymous Galaxy [21058-2513]
4 6679 Nova Scorpii 1997
4 6679 Z Andromedae
4 6679 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6680 GK Persei
4 6680 S/1997 (3671) 1
4 6681 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6681 Comet C/1997 L1 (Xinglong)  [later changed to (Zhu-Balam)]
4 6682 Supernova 1997cr in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6682 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6682 Nova Scorpii 1997
4 6683 GRB 970616 [01219-0709]
4 6684 Comet C/1997 L2 (SOHO)
4 6684 Corrigendum
4 6685 Comets C/1997 L3 and C/1997 L4
4 6685 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6686 Nova Scorpii 1997
4 6686 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6686 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)  [C*6719]
4 6686 Comet 2P/Encke
4 6687 GRB 970616
4 6688 Comet C/1996 D1 (SOHO)
4 6688 GRB 970616
4 6689 Supernova 1997cs in Anonymous Galaxy [15137+0254]
4 6689 MXB 1730-335
4 6690 Supernova 1997ct in Anonymous Galaxy [14074+7026]
4 6690 GRB 970616
4 6690 Nova Scorpii 1997
4 6691 Supernova 1997ct in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6691 GRB 970616
4 6692 Comet C/1997 M1 (SOHO)
4 6692 Comet 1997 N1
4 6693 Comet C/1996 F2 (SOHO)
4 6693 Mars
4 6693 BL Lacertae
4 6694 Comet C/1997 N1 (Tabur)
4 6694 Supernova 1997cu in Anonymous Galaxy [03290-5242]
4 6695 Comet P/1997 M2 (Mueller 2)
4 6696 GRB 970616
4 6696 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 6696 Comet 81P/Wild 2
4 6697 Saturn
4 6697 GRB 970616
4 6697 Nova Scorpii 1997
4 6697 Comet C/1997 N1 (Tabur)
4 6698 Supernova 1997cv in Anonymous Galaxy [13353-3412]
4 6698 Cepheus X-4
4 6698 Comet C/1997 J1 (Mueller)
4 6698 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6699 Supernova 1997cw in NGC 105  [C*6700]
4 6699 Geminga [0630+178]
4 6699 CTA 102
4 6700 Supernova 1997cx in NGC 3057
4 6700 Supernova 1997cw in NGC 105
4 6700 BL Lacertae
4 6701 Comet C/1996 H1 (SOHO)
4 6701 eta Carinae
4 6701 Supernova 1997cx in NGC 3057
4 6702 Saturn VI (Titan)
4 6702 BL Lacertae
4 6702 Comet C/1997 N1 (Tabur)
4 6703 V723 Cassiopeiae
4 6703 BL Lacertae
4 6704 Comet P/1997 N2 (Helin-Roman-Alu 2)
4 6705 Comet 1997 O1
4 6705 BL Lacertae
4 6706 Supernova 1997cy in Anonymous Galaxy [04329-6143]
4 6706 SNR G327.6+14.6
4 6706 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6707 Comet C/1997 O1 (Tilbrook)
4 6708 Supernova 1997cz in Anonymous Galaxy [13372-3348]
4 6708 Supernova 1997cy in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6708 BL Lacertae
4 6709 Comet C/1996 J1 (Evans-Drinkwater)
4 6709 Markarian 421 and Markarian 501
4 6710 XTE J1755-324
4 6710 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 6711 Supernova 1997da in IC 1216
4 6711 Supernova 1997db in UGC 11861
4 6711 Cepheus X-4
4 6712 Comet C/1997 O1 (Tilbrook)
4 6712 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6713 Comet C/1997 P1 (SOHO)
4 6713 Comet C/1996 M1 (SOHO)
4 6713 Nova in the Small Magellanic Cloud 1996
4 6714 V1333 Aquilae
4 6714 Comet C/1997 N1 (Tabur)
4 6714 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6714 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6715 Supernova 1997dc in NGC 7678
4 6715 Comet C/1996 M2 (SOHO)
4 6715 Comet C/1997 D1 (Mueller)
4 6715 Comet C/1997 J1 (Mueller) [C*6716]
4 6716 Supernova 1997dc in NGC 7678
4 6716 V1333 Aquilae
4 6716 Supernovae 1997bp and 1997cx
4 6716 Comet 78P/Gehrels 2
4 6716 Corrigendum
4 6717 Comet 1997 P2
4 6717 Supernova 1997dc in NGC 7678
4 6717 Comet 2P/Encke
4 6718 GRB 970815
4 6718 RR Telescopii
4 6718 V4334 Sagittarii
4 6719 Comet C/1997 P2 (Spacewatch)
4 6719 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6720 Microlensing Event [17555-2934]
4 6720 AG Draconis
4 6720 V4368 Sagittarii
4 6721 GRB 970815
4 6722 GRB 970815
4 6722 GRB 970616
4 6723 GRB 970616
4 6723 GRB 970815
4 6724 Supernova 1997dd in NGC 6060
4 6724 Cepheus X-4
4 6725 Supernova 1997de in NGC 6769
4 6725 Supernova 1997dd in NGC 6060
4 6725 GRB 970815
4 6726 GRB 970828
4 6726 XTE J1755-324
4 6726 Comet C/1997 P2 (Spacewatch)
4 6727 GRB 970828
4 6727 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1996 O1, C/1996 O2, C/1996 O3, C/1996 O4]
4 6727 Comet 43P/Wolf-Harrington
4 6728 GRB 970828
4 6728 Supernova 1997de in NGC 6769
4 6728 Comet C/1997 O1 (Tilbrook)
4 6729 GRB 970828
4 6730 GRB 970828
4 6731 USNO 1425.09823278
4 6731 GRB 970828
4 6731 Supernova 1997dd in NGC 6060
4 6731 Supernova 1997cx in NGC 3057
4 6732 GRB 970828
4 6732 GRB 970228
4 6733 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 Q1, C/1997 Q2]
4 6733 GRB 970828
4 6733 Supernova 1997dc in NGC 7678
4 6734 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6734 Comet C/1996 J1 (Evans-Drinkwater)
4 6735 GRB 970828
4 6735 USNO 1425.09823278
4 6735 Comet C/1996 J1 (Evans-Drinkwater)
4 6736 Notice to Contributors  [novae/supernovae discovery reports]
4 6737 Notice to Contributors  [novae/supernovae discovery reports]
4 6738 V518 Persei = GRO J0422+32
4 6738 Comet C/1997 D1 (Mueller)
4 6739 Notice to Contributors and Subscribers  [supernovae]
4 6740 USNO 1425.09823278
4 6740 V518 Persei
4 6740 Comet C/1997 J1 (Mueller)
4 6741 PSR 0950+08
4 6741 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6742 Supernova 1997dd in NGC 6060
4 6742 GRB 970815
4 6742 Comet C/1997 N1 (Tabur)
4 6743 Possible New Soft gamma-Ray Repeater  [18147-1340]
4 6744 IRAS 18119-1342
4 6744 GRB 970815
4 6745 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 R1, C/1997 R2, C/1997 R3]
4 6745 Supernova 1997df in Anonymous Galaxy [04092-3042]
4 6745 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6746 Cataclysmic Variable in Pegasus [21125+1232]
4 6746 XTE J1755-324
4 6746 Comet 43P/Wolf-Harrington
4 6747 GRB 970228
4 6747 Comet 103P/Hartley 2
4 6748 S5 0716+71 and PKS 0422+004
4 6748 XTE J1739-302
4 6748 Comet 78P/Gehrels 2
4 6749 Supernova 1997dg in Anonymous Galaxy [23402+2612]
4 6749 V2116 Ophiuchi
4 6750 Comet C/1997 S1 (SOHO)
4 6750 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1997
4 6750 XTE J1739-302
4 6751 Comet 1997 T1
4 6752 Comet 1997 T1
4 6753 Comet C/1997 T1 (Utsunomiya)
4 6753 Supernova 1997dg in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6754 Comet C/1997 T1 (Utsunomiya)
4 6754 Comet C/1997 T2 (SOHO)
4 6754 Comet 1997 T3
4 6755 Comet P/1997 T3
4 6756 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1997
4 6756 GRB 970828
4 6756 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6757 GRB 970828
4 6757 XTE J1739-302
4 6757 Comet C/1997 T1 (Utsunomiya)
4 6758 Cataclysmic Variable in Auriga  [07279+4047]
4 6758 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1997
4 6758 Comet C/1997 T1 (Utsunomiya)
4 6759 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 T4, C/1997 T5]
4 6759 Comet P/1997 T3
4 6759 Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Issue
4 6760 Supernova 1997dh in Anonymous Galaxy [23453-4457]
4 6760 RX J0558.0+5353
4 6760 SW Ursae Majoris
4 6761 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 6761 Comet C/1997 T1 (Utsunomiya)
4 6762 Supernova 1997di in UGC 4015
4 6762 Supernovae  [1997dj, 1997dk, 1997dl, 1997dm]
4 6763 Supernova 1997dn in NGC 3451
4 6763 Cataclysmic Variable in Cetus [00275-0108]
4 6763 Comet C/1997 D1 (Mueller)
4 6764 Satellites of Uranus  [S/1997 U 1, S/1997 U 2]
4 6765 Satellites of Uranus  [S/1997 U 1, S/1997 U 2]
4 6766 Supernova 1997do in UGC 3845
4 6766 AO 0235+164
4 6766 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6767 Comet 1997 V1
4 6767 EF Pegasi  [C*6773]
4 6768 Supernova 1997dp in NGC 969
4 6768 eta Carinae
4 6768 Comet 43P/Wolf-Harrington
4 6769 Comet 1997 V1
4 6770 Comet C/1997 V1 (Larsen)
4 6770 Supernova 1997dq in NGC 3810
4 6770 Comet 22P/Kopff
4 6771 Comet C/1997 V1 (Larsen)
4 6771 Comet C/1997 V2 (SOHO)
4 6771 Satellites of Uranus  [S/1997 U 1, S/1997 U 2]
4 6772 X1354-644
4 6772 Cataclysmic Variable in Pegasus
4 6772 Leonid Meteors 1997
4 6773 Supernova 1997dr in Anonymous Galaxy [03188-4428]
4 6773 Supernova 1997ds in MCG -01-57-007
4 6773 EF Pegasi
4 6773 Comet C/1997 T1 (Utsunomiya)
4 6774 X1354-644 = GS 1354-64
4 6774 PKS 2155-304
4 6774 Supernova 1997ds in MCG -01-57-007
4 6775 Supernova 1997dt in NGC 7448
4 6775 GS 1354-64
4 6775 PSR J0633+1746
4 6776 Supernova 1997du in ESO 241-G22
4 6776 PKS 2155-304
4 6777 Nova in NGC 205
4 6777 SMC X-3
4 6777 Supernova 1997dp in NGC 969
4 6778 Possible Supernova in UGC 4107
4 6778 Nova Scorpii 1997
4 6779 Supernovae  [1997dv, 1997dw, 1997dx, 1997dy, 1997dz]
4 6779 GS 1354-64
4 6780 Satellites of Uranus  [S/1997 U 1, S/1997 U 2]
4 6781 Supernova 1997ea in Anonymous Galaxy [07486+5213]
4 6781 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 W1, C/1997 X1]
4 6781 BW Circini
4 6782 Supernovae  [1997eb, 1997ec, 1997ed, 1997ee]
4 6782 Comet C/1997 O1 (Tilbrook)
4 6783 Supernova 1997ef in UGC 4107
4 6784 Comet P/1997 X2 (Kowal-Vavrova)
4 6785 GRB 971208  [C*6786]
4 6785 Supernovae  [1997eb, 1997ec, 1997ed, 1997ee]
4 6785 Supernovae 1997dn and 1997dq
4 6786 Supernova 1997ef in UGC 4107
4 6786 Comet 78P/Gehrels 2
4 6786 GRB 971208
4 6787 GRB 971214
4 6787 PSR J0633+1746
4 6787 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6788 GRB 971214  [C*6791]
4 6788 XTE J0053-724
4 6789 GRB 971214
4 6789 XTE J0053-724
4 6790 Supernova 1997eg in NGC 5012
4 6790 GS 1354-64
4 6790 eta Carinae
4 6791 GRB 971214
4 6791 Comet 103P/Hartley 2
4 6792 GRB 971214
4 6792 Comet C/1997 T1 (Utsunomiya)
4 6793 GRB 971214
4 6793 4U 1915-05
4 6794 Supernova 1997eg in NGC 5012
4 6794 GRB 971214
4 6795 Supernova 1997eh in Anonymous Galaxy [05491-2429]
4 6795 Supernova 1997ei in NGC 3963
4 6795 GRB 971214
4 6796 GRB 971227
4 6796 Supernova 1997ei in NGC 3963
4 6796 GRB 971214
4 6796 Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle
4 6797 GRB 971227
4 6797 Supernova 1997ef in UGC 4107
4 6797 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6798 GRB 971227
4 6798 Supernova 1997ef in UGC 4107
4 6798 Comet C/1997 D1 (Mueller)
4 6799 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6799 Comet C/1997 D1 (Mueller)
4 6800 GRB 971227
4 6800 Supernova 1997ei in NGC 3963
4 6801 Supernova 1997ej in IC 2060
4 6801 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6802 Eclipse of LMC Classical Cepheid
4 6802 Supernova 1997ei in NGC 3963
4 6802 Comet 69P/Taylor
4 6803 XTE J0053-724 and AX J0051-722
4 6803 GRB 971227
4 6803 Supernovae  [1997dn, 1997dq, 1997ef]
4 6804 Supernovae  [1997ek-1997fa]
4 6804 Comet 104P/Kowal 2
4 6805 GRB 980109
4 6805 Supernova 1998A in IC 2627
4 6805 Supernova 1997ei in NGC 3963
4 6806 GRB 971227
4 6806 V1333 Aquilae
4 6806 Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle
4 6807 Supernovae  [1997fb, 1997fc, 1997fd, 1997fe]
4 6807 PKS 2255-282
4 6807 GRB 971227
4 6808 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 1997
4 6808 GRB 980109
4 6808 Comet 103P/Hartley 2
4 6809 Supernovae 1997ef, 1997ei, 1997fb, 1997fc, 1998A
4 6809 Supernova 1998B in Anonymous Galaxy [07460+1843]
4 6809 Comet C/1997 T1 (Utsunomiya)
4 6810 Supernovae 1997ff and 1997fg  [12368+6213]
4 6810 NGC 2060
4 6811 Comets C/1997 L1 and P/1997 T3  [editorial:  naming]
4 6811 Comet C/1997 H3, C/1997 P3 and C/1998 A1  [SOHO]
4 6812 Supernova 1998C in UGC 3825
4 6812 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6813 Variable Object in Dorado
4 6813 MXB 1730-335
4 6813 Comet C/1997 S2 (SOHO)
4 6814 XTE J0054-720
4 6814 NGC 2060
4 6814 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6815 Supernova 1998D in NGC 5440
4 6815 MXB 1730-335
4 6815 GS 1354-64
4 6816 1SAX J0104.5+5828
4 6816 Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle
4 6816 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1  [C*6824]
4 6817 Supernova 1998E in NGC 5161
4 6817 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6817 Comet 69P/Taylor
4 6818 XTE J0055-724 = 1SAX J0054.9-7226
4 6819 Supernovae [1998F, 1998G, 1998H, 1998I, 1998J, 1998K, 1998L, 1998M,1998N]
4 6819 4U 1608-52
4 6820 Supernova 1998O, 1998P, 1998Q
4 6820 Supernova 1997ef in UGC 4107
4 6820 Comet 103P/Hartley 2
4 6821 Comet P/1998 B1 (Shoemaker-Levy 8)
4 6821 Comets 55P/Tempel-Tuttle and 103P/Hartley 2
4 6822 4U 1630-47
4 6822 1SAX J0054.9-7226
4 6823 4U 1630-47
4 6823 Supernovae  [1997dq, 1997ef, 1997eg, 1998A, 1998C, 1998D]
4 6823 Comet 78P/Gehrels 2
4 6824 QX Normae
4 6824 Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle
4 6824 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6824 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6825 Comet C/1997 U1 (SOHO)
4 6825 V4334 Sagittarii
4 6825 Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle
4 6826 Supernova 1998R in UGC 6271
4 6826 XTE J1858+034
4 6827 4U 1630-47
4 6827 Comet 80P/Peters-Hartley
4 6827 Comet 43P/Wolf-Harrington
4 6828 V1333 Aquilae
4 6828 XTE J1858+034
4 6828 Comets 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, 103P/Hartley 2, 69P/Taylor
4 6829 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6829 PSR J1024-0719
4 6829 Comet 69P/Taylor
4 6830 Supernova 1998T in IC 694 [C*6859]
4 6830 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6830 V854 Centauri
4 6831 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6831 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 6831 V4334 Sagittarii
4 6832 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6832 V1333 Aquilae
4 6832 Supernova 1997dq in NGC 3810
4 6833 S/1997 U 1
4 6833 S/1997 U 2
4 6834 S/1997 U 2
4 6835 Supernovae 1998S and 1998T
4 6835 AX J0049-729
4 6835 IRAS 18325-5926
4 6836 Supernova 1998U in Anonymous Galaxy [11365-1207]
4 6836 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 6837 1997 XF11
4 6837 Comets C/1997 W2 and C/1998 E1
4 6838 SAX J1810.8-2609
4 6838 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6838 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6839 1997 XF11
4 6840 AX J0049-729 = RX J0049.1-7250
4 6840 SAX J1818.6-1703 and KS 1741-293
4 6841 Supernova 1998V in NGC 6627
4 6841 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6842 eta Carinae
4 6842 1SAX J1603.9-7753
4 6843 Supernova 1998W in NGC 3075
4 6843 SAX J1810.8-2609
4 6843 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6843 Supernova 1998T in IC 694 [C*6859]
4 6844 Supernova 1998V in NGC 6627
4 6844 Supernova 1998W in NGC 3075
4 6844 Supernova 1998T in IC 694 [C*6859]
4 6844 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 6845 PSR 1744-1134
4 6845 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6846 Possible Nova in Sagittarius [= N Sgr 1998]
4 6846 SAX J1747.0-2853 and GX +0.2-0.2
4 6846 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6847 Supernova 1998X in NGC 6754
4 6847 Nova Sagittarii 1998
4 6847 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6848 Nova Sagittarii 1998
4 6848 GRB 970508
4 6849 TU Crateris
4 6849 eta Carinae
4 6849 Supernova 1998A in IC 2627
4 6850 Supernova 1998Y in NGC 2415
4 6850 Supernova 1998Z in Anonymous Galaxy [05250-3122]
4 6850 Supernova 1998aa in Anonymous Galaxy [12255+0739]
4 6851 GRB 980326
4 6851 Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle
4 6851 Nova Sagittarii 1998
4 6852 GRB 980326
4 6852 Supernova 1995ad in NGC 2139
4 6852 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6853 GRB 980329
4 6853 AX J0051-73.3 and AX J0058-72.0
4 6853 Supernovae 1997dq and 1998W
4 6854 GRB 980329
4 6854 AX J0051-73.3 = RX J0050.7-7316
4 6854 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6855 XTE J0421+560
4 6855 GRB 980329
4 6855 Nova Sagittarii 1998
4 6856 GRB 980326 and GRB 980329
4 6856 XTE J0421+560
4 6857 XTE J0421+560 and CI Camelopardalis
4 6858 Supernova 1998ab in NGC 4704
4 6858 AX J0051-722
4 6859 Supernova 1998T in NGC 3690
4 6859 Comet 69P/Taylor
4 6860 AX J0051-73.3 = RX J0050.7-7316
4 6860 GRB 980329
4 6860 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6861 Supernovae [1998ac-1998am]
4 6861 1SAX J0544.1-710
4 6862 XTE J0421+560 and CI Camelopardalis
4 6862 Comet C/1998 F1 (SOHO)
4 6863 Comet C/1998 G1 (LINEAR)
4 6864 CM Draconis
4 6864 GRB 980329
4 6865 XTE J0421+560 and CI Camelopardalis
4 6865 GRB 980329
4 6865 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6866 GRB 980329 [C*6867]
4 6866 eta Carinae
4 6867 1SAX J0544.1-710 = RX J0544.1-7100
4 6867 New X-ray Burster  [18068-2436]
4 6867 GRB 980329
4 6868 XTE J0421+560
4 6868 GRB 980329 [C*6872]
4 6868 Nova Sagittarii 1998
4 6869 S/1997 U 2 [C*6872]
4 6870 S/1997 U 1
4 6871 Supernova 1998an in UGC 3683
4 6871 CI Camelopardalis
4 6871 IRAS 18325-5926
4 6872 XTE J0421+560 and CI Camelopardalis
4 6872 Corrigenda
4 6873 Supernovae 1998ao and 1998ap in Anonymous Galaxies [10072-2624;20006-5243]
4 6873 SAX J1747.0-2853
4 6874 XTE J0421+560 and CI Camelopardalis
4 6874 GRB 980329
4 6875 Supernova 1998aq in NGC 3982
4 6875 CM Draconis
4 6876 SAX J1808.4-3658 = XTE J1808-369
4 6876 Supernova 1998aq in NGC 3982
4 6877 Supernova 1998ar in NGC 2916
4 6877 SAX J1808.4-3658 = XTE J1808-369
4 6877 Supernova 1998an in UGC 3683
4 6878 Supernova 1998an in UGC 3683
4 6878 Supernova 1998aq in NGC 3982
4 6878 SAX J1808.4-3658 = XTE J1808-369
4 6879 Comet P/1998 G1 (LINEAR)
4 6879 Comet C/1998 G2 (SOHO)
4 6879 1997 XF11
4 6880 Supernova 1998ar in NGC 2916
4 6880 Supernova 1998aq in NGC 3982
4 6880 AX J0051-73.3 = RX J0050.7-7316
4 6881 Supernovae [1998as-1998bl]
4 6882 Supernova 1998bm in IC 2458
4 6882 XTE J1906+09
4 6883 Comet 1998 H1 [C*6886]
4 6884 GRB 980425
4 6884 Comet 1998 H1
4 6884 Supernova 1998aq in NGC 3982
4 6885 SAX J1808.4-3658 = XTE J1808-369
4 6885 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6886 Supernova 1998bn in NGC 4462
4 6886 SAX J1808.4-3658 = XTE J1808-369
4 6886 Comet 1998 H1
4 6887 Comet C/1998 H1 (Stonehouse)
4 6888 Supernova 1998bn in NGC 4462
4 6888 Markarian 421
4 6889 Supernova 1998bo in ESO 185-G31
4 6889 Supernova 1998bn in NGC 4462
4 6889 Nova Sagittarii 1998
4 6890 Supernova 1998bp in NGC 6495
4 6890 Comet C/1998 H1 (Stonehouse)
4 6891 XTE J1806-246
4 6891 Supernova 1998bp in NGC 6495
4 6891 Supernovae [1998V, 1998ab]
4 6892 SAX J0840.7+2248
4 6892 Markarian 421
4 6892 Supernova 1998bp in NGC 6495
4 6893 Supernovae 1998bq, 1998br, 1998bs
4 6893 Kleinmann-Low Nebula
4 6894 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6895 GRB 980425 [C*6898]
4 6896 GRB 980425
4 6896 V4334 Sagittarii
4 6897 Supernova 1989af in UGC 6433
4 6897 SAX J1808.4-3658 = XTE J1808-369 [C*6898]
4 6898 Supernova 1998bt
4 6898 Supernova 1998Z in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6898 GRB 980425
4 6898 SAX J1808.4-3658 = XTE J1808-369
4 6898 Supernova 1998aq in NGC 3982
4 6899 Supernova 1998bu in NGC 3368
4 6899 GRB 980425
4 6900 Supernova 1998bv in HS 1035+4758  [C*6904]
4 6900 XTE J1806-246
4 6901 Supernova 1998bw in ESO 184-G82
4 6901 OGLE-2 System for Microlensing Events
4 6902 Supernova 1998bu in NGC 3368
4 6902 SAX J1808.4-3658 = XTE J1808-369
4 6902 Supernova 1998bw in ESO 184-G82
4 6903 Supernova 1998bw in ESO 184-G82
4 6903 Supernova 1988ae in MCG +02-53-002
4 6904 Supernovae 1998bx, 1998by, 1998bz, 1998ca, 1998cb
4 6904 XTE J1855-026
4 6904 Supernova 1998bv in HS 1035+4758
4 6905 Supernova 1998bu in NGC 3368
4 6905 XTE J1806-246
4 6906 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6907 Supernova 1998cc in NGC 5172
4 6907 Supernova 1998bu in NGC 3368
4 6907 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6908 Comet C/1998 K1 (Mueller)
4 6909 Supernova 1998cd in Anonymous Galaxy [10451+3925]
4 6909 GRB 980515  [21168-6712]
4 6909 Supernova 1998aq in NGC 3982
4 6910 GRB 980519  [23223+7715]
4 6910 GRB 980515
4 6910 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6911 Variable Star Near NGC 4013 = Supernova 1989Z?
4 6911 NGC 6814
4 6912 Supernova 1998ce in MCG -4-24-19
4 6912 GRB 980519
4 6913 GRB 980519
4 6913 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6914 Supernova 1998cf in NGC 3504
4 6914 Variable Star Near NGC 4013?
4 6915 Comet C/1998 K2 (LINEAR)
4 6916 Comet C/1998 K3 (LINEAR)
4 6917 Supernova 1998cg in Anonymous Galaxy [12183+2044]
4 6917 Supernova 1998ch in Anonymous Galaxy [13292-2917]
4 6917 Supernova 1998ce in MCG -4-24-19
4 6917 Supernova 1997eg in NGC 5012
4 6918 Supernova 1998bw in ESO 184-G82
4 6918 Supernova 1998bu in NGC 3368
4 6919 Comet P/1998 K4 (Mueller 3)
4 6920 XTE J2012+381
4 6920 Star Near NGC 4013 = Supernova 1989Z?
4 6921 Supernovae 1998ca, 1998ci, 1998cj
4 6921 Supernova 1998bu in NGC 3368
4 6922 Supernova 1998ce in MCG -4-24-19
4 6922 XTE J2012+381
4 6923 Comet C/1998 K5 (LINEAR)
4 6924 XTE J2012+381
4 6924 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6925 Supernova 1998ck in ESO 434-G20
4 6925 Supernova 1998cg in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6925 W Comae Berenices
4 6926 Supernova 1998bu in NGC 3368
4 6926 Supernova 1998cf in NGC 3504
4 6926 XTE J2012+381
4 6926 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6927 XTE J1855-026
4 6927 XTE J2012+381
4 6927 Supernova 1998bn in NGC 4462
4 6928 Comet P/1998 K6 (Shoemaker-Levy 2)
4 6929 SGR 1900+14
4 6930 GRS 1915+105
4 6930 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6930 Comet C/1998 H1 (Stonehouse)
4 6931 XTE J2012+381
4 6932 XTE J1748-288
4 6932 XTE J2012+381
4 6933 SGR 1900+14
4 6933 XTE J2012+381
4 6933 XTE J1748-288
4 6934 Supernova 1998cl in Markarian 261
4 6934 XTE J1748-288
4 6934 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6935 Microlensing Event [00456-7253]
4 6935 1998 KY26
4 6936 The Edgar Wilson Award
4 6937 XTE J1748-288
4 6937 Supernova 1998aq in NGC 3982
4 6937 Supernova 1998bu in NGC 3368
4 6938 GRB 980613  [10177+7130]
4 6938 XTE J1748-288
4 6938 V4334 Sagittarii
4 6939 GRB 980613
4 6939 Microlensing Event
4 6940 Comet 1998 M1
4 6940 Comet C/1998 K5 (LINEAR)
4 6941 Possible Nova in Ophiuchus [N Oph 1998]
4 6941 1998 KY26
4 6941 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6942 Jupiter
4 6942 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6943 Nova Ophiuchi 1998
4 6943 Supernova 1998cm in Anonymous Galaxy [13442+0301]
4 6944 Supernova 1998cn in NGC 3735 [C*6950]
4 6944 SGR 1627-41
4 6945 Supernova 1998cd in Anonymous Galaxy
4 6945 1998 KY26
4 6945 SGR 1627-41
4 6945 Nova Sagittarii 1998
4 6946 Supernova 1998cl in Markarian 261
4 6946 Microlensing Event
4 6946 Supernova 1998bw in ESO 184-G82
4 6947 Comet C/1998 M1 (LINEAR)
4 6947 Supernova 1998cn in NGC 3735
4 6947 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 6948 SGR 1627-41
4 6948 Comet C/1998 K2 (LINEAR)
4 6949 Comet C/1998 M2 (LINEAR)
4 6950 Supernova 1998co in NGC 7131
4 6950 Supernova 1998cn in NGC 3735
4 6950 SGR 1627-41 [C*6956]
4 6951 Comet C/1998 M3
4 6952 Near-Sun Comets [X/1998 G3, G4, H2, J2, K7, K8, K9, K10, K11]
4 6952 V4334 Sagittarii
4 6953 Comet C/1998 M4 (LINEAR)
4 6954 Comet C/1998 M4 (LINEAR)
4 6954 Supernova 1998cp in MCG +9-21-11
4 6954 Meteors [June Bootids]
4 6955 Supernova 1998cq in Anonymous Galaxy [00451-6350]
4 6955 XTE J2123-058
4 6955 Nova Ophiuchi 1998
4 6956 Supernova 1998cr in PGC 57979  [C*7370]
4 6956 Supernova 1998ce, 1998ch, 1998ck
4 6956 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 6956 SGR 1627-41
4 6957 Supernova 1998cs in UGC 10432  [C*7370]
4 6957 Supernova 1998ct in UGC 10062
4 6957 XTE J2123-058
4 6958 Supernova 1998cu in IC 1525
4 6958 XTE J2123-058
4 6958 Comet C/1998 H1 (Stonehouse)
4 6959 Comet 1998 M5
4 6960 Comet 1998 M6
4 6960 Supernova 1998cs in UGC 10432
4 6960 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6961 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 6962 SGR 1621-47 [C*6980; actually SGR 1627-41]
4 6962 Comet C/1998 K5 (LINEAR)
4 6963 1E 1740.7-2942
4 6963 Nova Sagittarii 1998
4 6963 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6964 Supernova 1998ct in UGC 10062
4 6964 XTE J1748-288
4 6964 Comet C/1998 K1 (Mueller)
4 6965 Comet C/1998 M6 (Montani)
4 6965 Comet 88P/Howell
4 6966 GRB 980703  [23591+0834]
4 6966 SGR 1627-41
4 6966 June Bootid Meteors 1998
4 6967 GRB 980703
4 6967 CH Cygni
4 6968 Supernova 1998cv in ESO 237-G42
4 6968 Supernova 1998cw in Anonymous Galaxy [22563-3510]
4 6968 CH Cygni
4 6969 Supernova 1998bw in ESO 184-G82
4 6970 Supernova 1998cx in NGC 6209
4 6970 Supernova 1998cu in IC 1525
4 6970 CH Cygni
4 6971 Supernova 1998cp in MCG +9-21-11
4 6971 XTE J2123-058
4 6972 Supernova 1998cy, 1998cz, 1998da, 1998db, 1998dc
4 6972 XTE J2123-058
4 6973 June Bootid Meteors 1998
4 6973 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 6974 Supernova 1998dd in Anonymous Galaxy [13476-3303]
4 6974 Comet C/1998 M6 (LINEAR) [C*6975]
4 6974 Comet C/1998 M2 (LINEAR)
4 6975 Comet 52P/Harrington-Abell
4 6975 XTE J2123-058
4 6975 Nova Sagittarii 1998
4 6975 Comet C/1998 M6 (Montani)
4 6976 Supernova 1998cx in NGC 6209
4 6976 XTE J2123-058
4 6976 Nova Ophiuchi 1998
4 6977 Supernova 1998de in NGC 252
4 6977 Comet C/1998 H1 (Stonehouse)
4 6977 Comet C/1998 K5 (LINEAR)
4 6978 Supernova 1998df in Anonymous Galaxy [21325-6504]
4 6978 Supernova 1998dg in MCG -3-34-008
4 6978 Supernova 1998dh in NGC 7541
4 6978 Supernova 1998aq in NGC 3982
4 6979 Comet P/1998 O1 (Shoemaker-Levy 7)
4 6980 Supernova 1998de in NGC 252
4 6980 Supernova 1998dh in NGC 7541
4 6980 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 6980 SGR 1627-41
4 6981 Nova in M31 [00426+4117]
4 6981 Supernova 1998dh in NGC 7541
4 6981 S/1997 U 1
4 6982 Supernova 1998di in Anonymous Galaxy [19246+5942; C*6983]
4 6982 Cataclysmic Variable in Pegasus
4 6982 Supernovae 1998an, 1998bn, 1998bp, 1998bu, 1998cs
4 6983 1998di [= KL Dra; cf. IAUC 7382]
4 6983 2S 1711-339
4 6983 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6983 Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner
4 6984 Comets X/1998 L1 and X/1998 M7  [IAUC number deleted in printed copy]
4 6984 Comet C/1998 K5 (LINEAR)
4 6985 SAX J1810.8-2609 = RX J1810.7-2609
4 6985 Comet C/1998 K2 (LINEAR)
4 6986 Comet 1998 P1
4 6986 Supernova 1998dj in NGC 788
4 6987 1998 ML14
4 6987 Satellites of Neptune
4 6987 EV Lacertae
4 6988 Comet C/1998 P1 (Williams)
4 6989 Supernova 1998dg in MCG -3-34-008
4 6989 Supernova 1998dh in NGC 7541
4 6989 S/1997 U 2
4 6990 Supernova 1998dj in NGC 788
4 6990 Comet C/1998 J1 (SOHO)
4 6991 Supernova 1998dk in UGC 139
4 6991 Comet C/1998 P1 (Williams)
4 6992 Supernova 1998dl in NGC 1084
4 6992 MXB 1730-335
4 6992 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 6993 Supernova 1998dm in MCG -01-4-44
4 6993 XTE J2123-058
4 6993 Comet C/1998 M2 (LINEAR)
4 6994 Supernova 1998dn in NGC 337A
4 6994 Supernova 1998dl in NGC 1084
4 6994 Comet 52P/Harrington-Abell
4 6995 Comet C/1998 Q! (LINEAR)
4 6996 Comet C/1998 Q! (LINEAR)
4 6996 Supernovae 1998do and 1998dp [01145+0028; 21585-1958]
4 6997 Supernova 1998dk in UGC 139
4 6997 Supernova 1998dm in MCG -01-4-44
4 6997 SAX J1748.9-2021, MX 1746-20, and NGC 6440
4 6998 Supernova 1998dq in NGC 6754
4 6998 XTE J1710-281 = 1RXS J171012.3-280754
4 6999 1SAX J0103.2-7209, AX J0051-722, and XTE J0055-724
4 6999 Supernova 1998dh in NGC 7541
4 7000 Supernova 1998dq in NGC 6754
4 7000 XTE J2123-058
4 7000 Comet 9P/Tempel 1
4 7001 SGR 1900+14
4 7002 SGR 1900+14
4 7002 V592 Herculis
4 7003 SGR 1900+14
4 7003 Nova Sagittarii 1998
4 7004 SGR 1900+14
4 7004 Nova in NGC 221
4 7004 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 7005 SGR 1900+14
4 7005 Supernovae 1998de, 1998dk, 1998dl
4 7006 Supernova 1998dr in Anonymous Galaxy  [00095-4851]
4 7006 Supernova 1998ds in Anonymous Galaxy  [03173-5311]
4 7006 Supernova 1998dt in NGC 945
4 7007 Supernovae 1998du, 1998dv, 1998dw  [00452-6348, 04298-6130, 01092-1530]
4 7007 XTE J0053-724
4 7007 V592 Herculis
4 7008 XTE J1550-564 [C*7009]
4 7008 XTE J1906+09
4 7009 XTE J1550-564
4 7009 AX J0103-722 = 1SAX J0103.2-7209
4 7009 R Coronae Borealis
4 7010 XTE J1550-564
4 7011 Supernova 1998dx in UGC 11149
4 7011 Supernova 1998dt in NGC 945
4 7011 Supernova 1998dh in NGC 7541
4 7012 Comet P/1998 QP54 [C*7013]
4 7013 XTE J1550-564
4 7013 Comet 88P/Howell
4 7013 Comet P/1998 QP54
4 7014 XTE J1946+274 = GRO J1944+26  [C*7016]
4 7014 Comet C/1998 P1 (Williams)
4 7015 Supernovae 1998dy, 1998dz, 1998ea  [04299-6113, 03210-4105, 04338-6135]
4 7015 Nova in M31  [00428+4115]
4 7016 Supernova 1998eb in NGC 1961
4 7016 XTE J1946+274 and 3A 1942+274
4 7016 Comet C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy)
4 7017 V1333 Aquilae
4 7017 Supernova 1998bw in ESO 184-G82
4 7018 Supernova 1998eb in NGC 1961
4 7018 Supernova 1998dw in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7018 Novae in NGC 221 and M31
4 7018 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7019 XTE J1550-564
4 7019 Supernova 1998eb in NGC 1961
4 7020 XTE J1550-564
4 7020 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 7021 Cataclysmic Variables in Pegasus
4 7021 XTE J1946+274
4 7022 Supernova 1998ec in UGC 3576
4 7022 XTE J1946+274
4 7023 Novae in M31  [00428+4117, along w/ one reported on IAUC 7015]
4 7023 SGR 1900+14 and PSR J1907+09
4 7024 Supernova 1998ec in UGC 3576
4 7024 NGC 7582
4 7024 Comet P/1998 QP54 (LONEOS-Tucker)
4 7025 XTE J1550-564
4 7025 V1333 Aquilae
4 7026 Comet C/1998 T1 (LINEAR)
4 7026 Variable Star in Herculis  [18142+3044]
4 7027 XTE J1946+274
4 7027 NGC 7582
4 7027 Draconid Meteors 1998
4 7028 AX J0105-722
4 7028 Supernovae  [1998do, 1998dp, 1998du, 1998dv, 1998dw, 1998dz, 1998ea]
4 7028 Nova in M31  [00426+4105]
4 7028 Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner
4 7029 Supernovae 1987S, 1988af, 1988ag, 1996co [21498+1213, 08174+4538, etc.]
4 7029 XTE J1946+274
4 7030 Supernova 1998ed in Anonymous Galaxy [23002-1314]
4 7030 Supernova 1998ee in Anonymous Galaxy [01535-5358]
4 7030 PSR 1937+21
4 7030 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 7031 Comet P/1998 S1
4 7032 Supernova 1998ef in UGC 646
4 7032 XTE J1906+09
4 7033 Supernova 1998eg in UGC 12133
4 7033 Comet C/1998 U1 (LINEAR)
4 7034 Nova Scorpii 1998
4 7034 Supernova 1998eh in ESO 74-G9
4 7034 Supernova 1998ei in Anonymous Galaxy [23321-3933]
4 7034 Comet P/1998 S1
4 7035 Comet 1998 U2
4 7035 Supernovae 1998ej and 1998ek in Anonymous Galaxies [2341-389; 0637-380]
4 7035 Comet C/1998 T1 (LINEAR)
4 7036 Comet P/1998 U2 (Mueller)
4 7037 Nova Scorpii 1998
4 7037 Supernova 1998eg in UGC 12133
4 7038 Comet 1998 U3
4 7039 Supernova 1998el in Anonymous Galaxy [03210-4133]
4 7039 XTE J1946+274 = 1SAX J1945.6+2721
4 7040 Comet C/1998 U3 (J\"ager)
4 7040 AX J0049-732
4 7041 Supernova 1998em in IC 4837A
4 7041 1ES 2005-489
4 7041 Nova Scorpii 1998
4 7042 Comet 1998 U4
4 7042 Comet C/1998 P1 (Williams)
4 7043 Comet P/1998 U4 (Spahr)
4 7043 Comet P/1998 S1 (LINEAR-Mueller)
4 7044 Comet 1998 U5
4 7044 Comet C/1998 K5 (LINEAR)
4 7045 Comet C/1998 U5 (LINEAR)
4 7045 Supernova 1998en in UGC 3645
4 7046 Supernovae 1998eo, 1998ep, 1998eq [C*7047]
4 7046 Supernova 1998er in GH 9-2
4 7047 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 7047 Corrigenda
4 7047 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7048 XTE J0111.2-7317
4 7048 Comet C/1998 U5 (LINEAR)
4 7049 Nova Ophiuchi 1998
4 7049 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7050 Supernova 1998es in NGC 632
4 7050 Comet P/1998 U3 (J\"ager)
4 7050 Comet C/1998 U5 (LINEAR)
4 7051 Satellites and Rings of Neptune
4 7051 Comet P/1998 U3 (J\"ager)
4 7052 Comet 1998 W1
4 7052 Leonid Meteors 1998
4 7052 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 7052 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7053 Comet C/1998 W1 (Spahr)
4 7053 Leonid Meteors 1998
4 7054 Supernova 1998et in Anonymous Galaxy [06593+5745]
4 7054 Supernova 1998es in NGC 632
4 7055 Supernovae 1998eu and 1998ev in Anonymous Galaxies
4 7055 PKS 2055-489
4 7055 Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner
4 7056 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 7057 Comet C/1998 W2 (Hergenrother)
4 7058 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 7058 Supernovae 1997ab, 1998S, 1998et
4 7058 Comet C/1998 P1 (Williams)
4 7059 Supernova 1998es in NGC 632
4 7059 Comet C/1998 U5 (LINEAR)
4 7060 Supernova 1998en in UGC 3645
4 7060 RX Puppis
4 7060 Comet P/1998 W1 (Spahr)
4 7061 Supernova 1998ew in NGC 6943
4 7061 Supernova 1998ex in MCG +11-10-16
4 7062 XTE J0111.2-7317
4 7062 Comet P/1998 U3 (J\"ager)
4 7063 Comet C/1998 W3 (LINEAR)
4 7064 Comet P/1939 TN = 1998 WG22 (V\"ais\"al\"a-Oterma)
4 7065 Supernova 1998ey in NGC 7080
4 7065 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7066 Supernova 1998ey in NGC 7080
4 7066 PKS 0405-385
4 7066 Comet C/1998 U5 (LINEAR)
4 7067 Comet C/1998 X1 (ODAS)
4 7068 Cataclysmic Variable in Auriga
4 7068 Supernova 1997eg in NGC 5012
4 7069 1940 AB
4 7069 1996 FG3
4 7070 Supernova 1998ez in Anonymous Galaxy  [03575-2712]
4 7070 Comet P/1998 W2 (Hergenrother)
4 7070 Supernova 1998aq in NGC 3982
4 7070 Supernovae 1998bu, 1998ec, 1998ef, 1998eg, 1998en, 1998es, 1998et
4 7071 Comet P/1998 VS24 (LINEAR)
4 7072 Comet C/1998 Y1 (LINEAR)
4 7073 Supernova 1998fa in UGC 3513
4 7073 1997 SZ10 and 1996 TR66
4 7073 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7074 GRB 981226  [23297-2356]
4 7074 1996 FG3
4 7074 Comet 52P/Harrington-Abell
4 7075 Comet C/1998 Y2 (Li)
4 7076 Comet P/1998 X2 (Bowell-Skiff)
4 7077 Supernova 1998fb in Anonymous Galaxy  [03308-5232]
4 7077 Supernova 1998fa in UGC 3513
4 7077 Supernova 1998es in NGC 632
4 7077 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 7078 Possible Nova in Musca  [11562-6534]
4 7078 GRB 981226
4 7078 Comet P/1998 Y2 (Li)
4 7078 Supernovae 1998es and 1998ey
4 7079 Nova Muscae 1998  [C*7081]
4 7079 Comet C/1998 U5 (LINEAR)
4 7080 Nova Muscae 1998
4 7080 Supernova 1998ey in NGC 7080
4 7080 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 7081 Nova Muscae 1998
4 7081 MXB 1730-335
4 7081 RX J0052.1-7319
4 7082 Supernovae 1998fc and 1998fd in Anonymous Galaxies [0259+03.5;0119+15.9]
4 7082 Supernova 1998eu in Anonymous Galaxy [C*7092]
4 7082 RX J0052.1-7319
4 7083 Supernova 1999A in NGC 5874
4 7083 Supernova 1998co in NGC 7131  [C*7101]
4 7083 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7084 Comet 1999 A1
4 7084 Comet C/1998 P1 (Williams)
4 7085 Comet C/1999 A1 (Tilbrook)
4 7086 Supernova 1999B in UGC 7189
4 7086 Supernova 1999A in NGC 5874
4 7086 V1333 Aquilae
4 7087 Variable in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [05355-6930; SN 1999J]
4 7087 RX J0052.1-7319
4 7087 Nova Muscae 1998
4 7088 Supernova 1999C in Anonymous Galaxy  [10089+7111]
4 7088 Supernova 1999D in NGC 3690
4 7088 Supernova 1999B in UGC 7189
4 7089 Supernova 1999E in Anonymous Galaxy  [13173-1833]
4 7089 Supernova 1999D in NGC 3690
4 7089 Supernova 1999B in UGC 7189
4 7090 Supernova 1999E in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7090 Supernova 1998fa in UGC 3513
4 7090 Supernova 1998ez in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7091 Supernova 1999E in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7091 Supernovae 1998fc and 1998fd in Anonymous Galaxies
4 7092 Supernovae 1999F, 1999G, 1999H, 1999I
4 7092 Supernova 1999C in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7092 Supernova 1998eu in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7093 Nova in M31  [00427+4112]
4 7093 Supernova 1998fc in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7093 V1333 Aquilae
4 7094 GRB 990123  [15255+4446]
4 7094 Supernovae 1998es and 1999D
4 7094 Comet C/1998 P1 (Williams)
4 7095 GRB 990123
4 7096 GRB 990123
4 7096 Supernova 1999J  [behind LMC]
4 7096 R Coronae Borealis
4 7097 Supernovae [1999K,99L,99M,99N,99O,99P,99Q,99R,99S,99T,99U,99V,1999W]
4 7097 Comet C/1999 A1 (Tilbrook)
4 7098 XTE J1550-564
4 7098 GRB 990123
4 7099 GRB 990123
4 7100 GRB 990123
4 7101 RX J0052.1-7319 and XTE J0111.2-7317
4 7101 Supernova 1998co in NGC 7131
4 7101 Supernova 1999B in UGC 7189
4 7102 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 7102 3C 279
4 7103 XTE J1723-376
4 7103 AB Aurigae
4 7103 Supernovae 1998S, 1998aq, 1998bu, 1998es, 1999D, 1999E
4 7104 Space-Mirror Experiment
4 7104 RX J0812.4-3114
4 7104 Comet P/1998 U3 (J\"ager)
4 7105 Supernova 1999X in CGCG 180-22
4 7105 RX J0052.1-7319
4 7106 Supernova 1999Y in Anonymous Galaxy  [03369-3933]
4 7106 Supernova 1999Z in UGC 5608  [C*7107]
4 7106 Supernovae 1998es and 1999D
4 7106 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 7107 Supernova 1998ee in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7107 Supernova 1999Z in UGC 5608
4 7108 Supernova 1999aa in NGC 2595
4 7108 Rings of Neptune
4 7109 Supernova 1999ab in Anonymous Galaxy  [10250+5353]
4 7109 Supernova 1999aa in NGC 2595
4 7110 GRB 990217  [03029-5306]
4 7110 SGR 1900+14 = PSR J1907+0919
4 7111 Comet 1999 D1
4 7111 GRB 990217
4 7111 Nova Muscae 1998
4 7112 Comet C/1999 D1 (Hermann)
4 7113 U Scorpii
4 7113 XTE J1550-564
4 7113 Comet 52P/Harrington-Abell
4 7114 Supernova 1999ac in NGC 6063
4 7114 XTE J1550-564
4 7115 U Scorpii
4 7115 GK Persei
4 7115 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 7116 4U 0115+63
4 7116 1ES 1426+428
4 7116 Supernova 1999aa in NGC 2595
4 7117 Supernovae [1999ad-1999al]
4 7118 Supernovae [1999ah, 1999ai, 1999ak, 1999al]
4 7118 U Scorpii
4 7119 SAX J1819.3-2525
4 7119 Comet C/1999 A1 (Tilbrook)
4 7120 XTE J1819-254, XTE J1743-363, XTE J1710-281, XTE J1723-376
4 7120 Comet P/1998 U3 (J\"ager)
4 7121 Nova in the Small Magellanic Cloud  [01024-7318]  [revision*7287]
4 7121 XTE J1550-564
4 7122 Supernova 1999am in CGCG 60-009
4 7122 Supernova 1999ac in NGC 6063
4 7122 Supernovae 1999X and 1999aa
4 7123 Comet C/1999 C1 (SOHO)
4 7123 XTE J1550-564
4 7123 Comet C/1998 P1 (Williams)
4 7124 Supernova 1999an in IC 755
4 7124 Supernova 1999ao in Anonymous Galaxy  [06274-3550]
4 7124 Nova Muscae 1998
4 7125 Supernovae 1999ap, 1999aq, 1999ar in Anonymous Galaxies  [C*7173]
4 7125 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7126 Comet 1999 E1
4 7126 4U 0115+63
4 7127 Comet C/1999 E1 (Li)
4 7127 Comet C/1997 BA6 (Spacewatch)
4 7128 Supernovae 1999as and 1999at in Anonymous Galaxies [09165+1339,10232+1759]
4 7129 S/1998 (45) 1
4 7129 U Scorpii
4 7130 Supernovae 1999au, 1999av, 1999aw, 1999ax, 1999ay
4 7131 Supernovae 1999az, 1999ba, 1999bb [10189-1025, 10193-0250, 11053-0602]
4 7131 S4 0954+65
4 7132 Satellites of Uranus  [XVI, XVII]
4 7133 Supernovae 1999bc and 1999bd [UGC 4433 and 09305+1626]
4 7133 XTE J1723-376
4 7134 Supernovae 1999be and 1999bf [CGCG 089-013 and 11499-0041]
4 7134 Supernova 1999bd in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7134 Comet P/1999 D1 (Hermann)
4 7135 Supernova 1999bg in IC 758
4 7135 Supernova 1999bh in NGC 3435
4 7135 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7136 Supernovae [1999bi, 99bj,99bk,99bl,99bm,99bn,99bo,99bp, 1999bq]
4 7136 Comet 37P/Forbes
4 7136 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 7137 Supernova 1999bg in IC 758
4 7137 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 7138 V2134 Ophiuchi = MXB 1659-29
4 7138 Supernova 1999bh in NGC 3435
4 7139 MXB 1659-29
4 7139 Hercules X-1
4 7139 Supernova 1999aa in NGC 2595
4 7140 Comet C/1999 G1 (LINEAR)
4 7141 Supernova 1999br in NGC 4900
4 7141 Supernova 1999bs in UGC 11093
4 7141 Supernovae 1995N and 1997ab
4 7142 Supernova 1999bt in Anonymous Galaxy  [1711.6+7225)
4 7142 Comet C/1999 G2 (SOHO)
4 7142 Supernova 1999ac in NGC 6063
4 7143 Supernova 1999br in NGC 4900
4 7143 Supernova 1999bs in UGC 11093 [C*7146]
4 7143 Supernova 1999bg in IC 758
4 7144 Comet 1999 H1
4 7144 HZ Herculis
4 7144 Supernovae 1998bu, 1999D, 1999E, 1999X, 1999Z, 1999ac, 1999ai
4 7145 Supernova 1999bu in NGC 3786
4 7145 Comet 1999 H1
4 7145 Comet P/1998 U3 (J\"ager)
4 7146 eta Carinae
4 7146 No Supernova in UGC 11093
4 7147 Comet C/1999 H2 (SOHO)
4 7147 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7148 Comet C/1999 F1 (Catalina)
4 7148 Supernova 1999bv in MCG +10-25-14
4 7149 Possible Supernova in NGC 3198
4 7149 Supernova 1999bu in NGC 3786
4 7149 No Supernova in UGC 11093
4 7150 Possible Supernova in NGC 3198
4 7150 Supernova 1999bv in MGC +10-25-14  [C*7186]
4 7151 Comet 1999 H3
4 7151 1999 CV_3
4 7151 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7152 Comet C/1999 H3 (LINEAR)
4 7152 Supernova 1999bw in NGC 3198
4 7153 Nova Sagittarii 1999  [18076-2720]
4 7153 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7154 Supernova 1999bx in UGC 11391
4 7154 Nova Sagittarii 1999
4 7154 Supernova 1999an in IC 755
4 7155 V4444 Sagittarii = Nova Sagittarii 1999
4 7155 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7156 Supernova 1999by in NGC 2841
4 7156 Supernova 1999bg in IC 758
4 7156 Supernova 1999bx in NGC 6745
4 7157 Comet C/1999 H4 (SOHO)
4 7157 Supernova 1999bz in UGC 8959
4 7157 Supernova 1999by in NGC 2841
4 7157 V4444 Sagittarii
4 7158 Supernova 1999ca in NGC 3120
4 7158 Supernova 1999by in NGC 2841
4 7158 Supernovae 1999ac, 1999ad, 1999an, 1999be  [C*7159; C*7369]
4 7159 Supernova 1999by in NGC 2841
4 7159 V364 Pegasi
4 7159 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7159 Corrigendum
4 7160 GRB 990510  [13381-8030]
4 7160 Supernova 1999ca in NGC 3120
4 7161 V1333 Aquilae  [C*7405]
4 7161 Supernova 1999ca in NGC 3120
4 7161 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7162 Comet C/1999 J1 (SOHO)
4 7162 Supernova 1999bx in NGC 6745
4 7162 Supernova 1999bz in UGC 8959
4 7163 Supernova 1999cb in Markarian 881
4 7163 Supernova 1999cc in NGC 6038
4 7163 V4444 Sagittarii
4 7164 GRB 990510
4 7164 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 7165 Comet 1999 J2
4 7165 4U 1630-47
4 7166 Comet 1999 J3
4 7166 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7167 Comet P/1999 DN_3
4 7168 Comet C/1999 J3 (LINEAR)
4 7169 Supernova 1999cd in NGC 3646
4 7169 Supernova 1999cc in NGC 6038
4 7169 Supernova 1999cb in Markarian 881
4 7169 Supernova 1999by in NGC 2841
4 7170 Comet C/1999 J4 (LINEAR)
4 7170 Supernova 1999ce in Anonymous Galaxy  [11289+5708]
4 7171 S/1986 U 10
4 7171 Comet C/1999 J2 (Skiff)
4 7171 V1333 Aquilae
4 7172 Supernova 1999cd in NGC 3646
4 7172 GRB 990510
4 7173 Comet C/1999 K1 (SOHO)
4 7173 Supernova 1999ce in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7173 Supernova 1999aq in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7173 Supernova 1999by in NGC 2841
4 7174 1SAX J0835.9+5188
4 7174 Comet C/1998 T1 (LINEAR)
4 7174 Comet C/1999 H3 (LINEAR)
4 7175 Comet C/1999 K2 (Ferris)
4 7175 Comet C/1999 K3 (LINEAR)
4 7176 Nova Velorum 1999
4 7176 Comet C/1999 K4 (LINEAR)
4 7177 Nova Velorum 1999
4 7177 eta Carinae
4 7178 Comet C/1999 K5 (LINEAR)
4 7178 Supernova 1999cf in UGC 8539
4 7179 V382 Velorum = Nova Velorum 1999
4 7179 Comet 95P/Chiron
4 7180 Comet C/1999 K6 (LINEAR)
4 7180 V1333 Aquilae
4 7181 Comet C/1999 K7 (LINEAR)
4 7181 Supernovae 1999cg, 1999ch, 1999ci [12433+7614, 16548+3959, 14522+2754]
4 7182 Supernovae 1999cj and 1999ck in Anonymous Galaxies [10140-0014, 14089-0006] [C*7207]
4 7182 Comet C/1999 K8 (LINEAR)
4 7183 Supernova 1999br in NGC 4900
4 7183 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)  [C*7190]
4 7184 V382 Velorum
4 7184 XTE J1550-564  [C*7202]
4 7185 Supernova 1999cl in NGC 4501
4 7185 V382 Velorum
4 7185 Supernovae 1999S, 1999Z, 1999aa, 1999ac, 1999an, 1999be
4 7186 Mars
4 7186 Supernova 1999bv in MCG +10-25-14
4 7187 Supernova 1999cf in UGC 8539
4 7187 XTE J1550-564
4 7188 Microlensing Event Towards the LMC  [05169-6917]
4 7188 V382 Velorum
4 7189 BL Lacertae
4 7189 Supernovae 1987T, 1988ah, 1990al [21456+3206, UGC 4244, 19099+4232]
4 7190 Supernova 1999cm in UGC 9766  [C*7371]
4 7190 Supernova 1999cl in NGC 4501
4 7190 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7191 XTE J1550-564
4 7191 Supernova 1999cl in NGC 4501
4 7192 V382 Velorum
4 7192 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7193 V382 Velorum
4 7193 Supernovae [1999bg,99bh,99br,99bt,99bu,99bv,99bw,99bx,99cb,1999cc]
4 7194 Comet C/1999 F2
4 7195 GRS 1915+105
4 7195 Supernova 1999cm in UGC 9766
4 7195 Comet C/1999 H3 (LINEAR)
4 7196 GRS 1915+105
4 7196 V382 Velorum  [C*7197]
4 7196 Supernovae 1999cd and 1999cf
4 7197 Comet C/1999 L1 (SOHO)
4 7197 XTE J1550-564
4 7197 V382 Velorum
4 7198 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7198 Supernovae 1999cg in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7198 Supernova 1999cl in NGC 4501
4 7199 Comet 1999 L2
4 7199 Supernova 1999ch and 1999ci
4 7199 Comet C/1998 T1 (LINEAR)
4 7199 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 7200 Comet C/1999 L3 (LINEAR)
4 7200 Comet C/1999 L2 (LINEAR)
4 7201 Comet P/1999 J5 (LINEAR)
4 7201 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7202 Supernova 1999cn in MCG +2-38-043
4 7202 XTE J1550-564
4 7202 V854 Centauri
4 7203 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7203 V382 Velorum
4 7204 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1999 K9, C/1999 K10, C/1999 L4]
4 7204 Comet C/1998 M5 (LINEAR)
4 7205 Supernovae 1999co and 1999cp [21033-1433 and NGC 5468]
4 7205 V382 Velorum
4 7206 Supernova 1999co in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7206 Supernova 1999cp in NGC 5468
4 7206 V382 Velorum
4 7207 Comet P/1999 DN_3 (Korlevi\'c-Juri\'c)
4 7207 Comet C/1999 F2 (Dalcanton)
4 7207 Supernovae 1999cj and 1999ck in Anonymous Galaxies
4 7207 Supernova 1999cl in NGC 4501
4 7208 Comets C/1999 L5 (SOHO) and C/1999 M1 (SOHO)
4 7208 1999 LD_{31} and 1999 LE_{31}
4 7208 Nova in NGC 6822
4 7209 Supernova 1999cq in UGC 11268
4 7209 Nova in NGC 6822
4 7209 V382 Velorum
4 7209 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7210 Supernovae 1999cr and 1999cs  [ESO 576-34, 12044-2006]
4 7210 Supernovae 1999ct, 1999cu, 1999cv [13131+4616, 13133+4620, 14347+5444]
4 7211 GRB 990627  [0148.4-7705]
4 7211 Supernova 1999cw in MCG -01-02-001
4 7211 Nova in NGC 6822
4 7212 Supernova 1999cx and 1999cy  [12078-2000; 11188+0037]
4 7212 Comet C/1999 M2 (SOHO)
4 7212 V364 Pegasi
4 7212 Nova in NGC 6822
4 7213 Comet C/1999 N1 (SOHO)
4 7213 GRB 990627
4 7214 Supernova 1999cz in NGC 5078
4 7214 GRB 990704  [12195-0347]
4 7214 Variable Star Towards UGC 11289
4 7215 Supernova 1999da in NGC 6411
4 7215 Supernova 1998bw in ESO 184-G82
4 7216 Supernova 1999cw in MCG -01-02-001
4 7216 Supernova 1999cz in NGC 5078
4 7216 V382 Velorum
4 7217 GRB 990704
4 7218 GRB 990705  [05099-7208]
4 7218 Nova in M31  [00428+4115]
4 7218 Comet C/1998 T1 (LINEAR)
4 7219 Supernova 1999da in NGC 6411
4 7219 GX 17+2
4 7220 Supernova 1999cq in UGC 11268
4 7220 Nova in NGC 6822
4 7220 V382 Velorum
4 7220 Novae in M31
4 7221 GRB 990712  [22318-7324]
4 7221 Comet C/1998 T1 (LINEAR)
4 7222 Comet 1999 N2
4 7222 Comet C/1999 N3 (SOHO)
4 7223 Nova Aquilae 1999  [190740+12322]
4 7223 The Edgar Wilson Award
4 7223 Supernova 1999by in NGC 2841
4 7224 Comet C/1999 N2 (Lynn)
4 7225 Nova Aquilae 1999
4 7225 GRB 990712  [C*7290]
4 7226 Comet C/1999 N4 (LINEAR)
4 7226 V382 Velorum
4 7226 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7227 Supernovae 1999db, 1999dc, 1999dd, 1999de  [C*7228]
4 7227 GX 17+2
4 7228 Supernova 1999df in CGCG 274-026
4 7228 No Supernova 1999db
4 7228 V1493 Aquilae = Nova Aquilae 1999
4 7229 Supernova 1999dg in UGC 9758  [C*7238]
4 7229 Supernova 1999dh in IC 211
4 7229 Comet C/1999 N2 (Lynn)
4 7229 Comet C/1999 J3 (LINEAR)
4 7230 Probable New Satellites of Uranus [S/1999 U 1, S/1999 U 2]
4 7231 V348 Sagittarii
4 7231 Comet P/1999 P1 (Machholz 2)
4 7232 Comet P/1999 P1 (Machholz 2)
4 7232 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7232 V382 Velorum
4 7232 V1493 Aquilae
4 7233 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)  [C*7234]
4 7234 Supernova 1999di and 1999dj  [NGC 776; UGC 1258]
4 7234 Comet C/1999 P2 (SOHO)
4 7234 Comet C/1999 N2 (Lynn)
4 7234 Corrigendum
4 7235 GRB 990806  [03106-6807]
4 7235 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1999
4 7236 Nova in M31  [00424+4113]
4 7236 V382 Velorum
4 7236 R Coronae Borealis
4 7236 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 1999
4 7237 Supernova 1999dk in UGC 1087
4 7237 Supernova 1999dl in Anonymous Galaxy  [23042+2707]
4 7237 Supernova 1999dm in Abell 2065 [MCG +5-36-22; C*7241; C*7245]
4 7238 Supernovae 1999dh and 1999dk
4 7238 V382 Velorum
4 7238 Corrigendum
4 7239 Nova in the Small Magellanic Cloud  [00537-7213]
4 7239 Supernovae 1999dg and 1999dh
4 7239 Supernovae 1999df, 1999di and 1999dj
4 7240 QSO 2237+0305
4 7240 XTE J1859+083
4 7240 Nova in NGC 205
4 7241 Supernova 1999dn in NGC 7714
4 7241 Supernova 1999dm in MCG +05-36-022
4 7241 Comet C/1999 N2 (Lynn)
4 7242 Nova Circini 1999  [14234-6909]
4 7242 Supernova 1999do in Markarian 922
4 7242 Comet 10P/Tempel 2
4 7243 Nova Circini 1999
4 7243 SAX J1712.6-3739
4 7243 Comet 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup
4 7244 Supernova 1999dn in NGC 7714
4 7245 V368 Cephei
4 7245 Supernova 1999dn in NGC 7714
4 7245 Supernova 1999dm in MCG +05-36-022
4 7246 Cassiopeia A
4 7246 Nova Circini 1999
4 7247 Supernova 1999dp in UGC 3046
4 7247 Supernova 1999dq in NGC 976
4 7247 SAX J1712.6-3739
4 7248 Probable New Satellites of Uranus [S/1999 U 1, S/1999 U 2, S/1999 U 3]
4 7249 Cassiopeia A 
4 7249 Nova in M31  [00427+4119]
4 7249 Nova Circini 1999
4 7250 Supernova 1999dq in NGC 976
4 7250 Supernova 1999dp in UGC 3046
4 7250 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7251 Comet C/1999 R1 (SOHO)
4 7251 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7252 Supernova 1999do in Markarian 922
4 7252 Comet C/1999 J3 (LINEAR)
4 7252 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7253 GM Sagittarii and SAX J1819.3-2525 = XTE J1819-254  [not GM Sgr; C*7277]
4 7253 Comet P/1999 RO28 (LONEOS)
4 7254 GM Sagittarii and SAX J1819.3-2525 = XTE J1819-254  [not GM Sgr; C*7277]
4 7254 V1493 Aquilae
4 7255 Comet P/1999 R2 (Ge-Wang)
4 7256 Comet C/1999 S1 (SOHO)
4 7256 GM Sagittarii  [not GM Sgr but rather V4641 Sgr; C*7277]
4 7256 DD Circini = Nova Circini 1999
4 7257 GM Sagittarii and SAX J1819.3-2525 = XTE J1819-254  [not GM Sgr; C*7277]
4 7258 Supernovae  [1999dr, 1999ds, ... 1999dz, 1999ea]
4 7258 V1493 Aquilae
4 7259 V723 Cassiopeiae
4 7259 V4633 Sagittarii = Nova Sagittarii 1998
4 7259 Comet C/1999 N2 (Lynn)
4 7260 Comet 1999 S2
4 7260 DO Draconis
4 7260 V4444 Sagittarii
4 7261 V382 Velorum
4 7261 Supernova 1999dk in UGC 1087
4 7262 Comet C/1999 S2 (McNaught-Watson)
4 7262 Comet C/1999 N2 (Lynn)
4 7263 SAX J1719.6-4254, MXB 1658-298, and SAX J1819.3-2525
4 7263 RW Ursae Minoris
4 7263 DD Circini
4 7263 Supernova 1999dn in NGC 7714
4 7264 Comet 1999 S3
4 7264 Supernova 1999dq in NGC 976
4 7265 Comet C/1999 S3 (LINEAR)
4 7265 GM Sagittarii and SAX J1819.3-2525 = XTE J1819-254  [not GM Sgr; C*7277]
4 7266 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7266 GRS 1758-258
4 7266 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7267 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7267 GM Sagittarii  [not GM Sgr but rather V4641 Sgr; C*7277]
4 7268 Supernova 1999eb in NGC 664
4 7268 Supernova 1999ec in NGC 2207  [C*7277]
4 7268 Supernova 1999dj in UGC 1258
4 7269 Supernova 1999eb and GRB 991002
4 7269 Supernova 1999ec in NGC 2207
4 7269 Supernova 1999do in Markarian 922
4 7270 Cassiopeia A
4 7270 Comet C/1999 J3 (LINEAR)
4 7271 Supernova 1999ed in UGC 3555
4 7271 GM Sagittarii  [not GM Sgr but rather V4641 Sgr; C*7277]
4 7272 Supernova 1999ee in IC 5179
4 7272 Novae in M31  [00428+4117]
4 7273 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7273 V1493 Aquilae
4 7274 XTE J1859+226
4 7274 Comet C/1999 S3 (LINEAR)
4 7275 Supernova 1999ef in UGC 607
4 7275 Supernova 1999eg in IC 1861
4 7275 Supernovae 1999by, 1999dk, 1999dq
4 7276 XTE J1859+226
4 7276 GM Sagittarii  [not GM Sgr but rather V4641 Sgr; C*7277]
4 7277 V4641 Sagittarii and GM Sagittarii
4 7277 V382 Velorum
4 7277 Supernova 1999ec in NGC 2207
4 7278 XTE J1859+226
4 7278 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7279 XTE J1859+226
4 7279 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7280 Comet 1999 T2
4 7280 Supernova 1999eg in IC 1861
4 7280 Comet C/1997 BA6 (Spacewatch)
4 7281 Comet C/1999 T2 (LINEAR)
4 7281 GRB 991014
4 7281 Comet C/1999 H3 (LINEAR)
4 7282 Supernova 1999eh in NGC 2770
4 7282 XTE J1859+226
4 7283 Comet 1999 U1
4 7283 Supernova 1999ei in Anonymous Galaxy  [01339-2842]
4 7284 XTE J1859+226
4 7284 Supernova 1999ee in IC 5179
4 7285 Comet C/1999 S3 (LINEAR)
4 7285 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7286 Supernova 1999ej in NGC 495
4 7286 Supernova 1999ek in UGC 3329
4 7286 Nova in Small Magellanic Cloud 1999 No. 3  [00594-7308] [C*7287]
4 7287 Comet C/1999 U1 (Ferris)
4 7287 Nova in IC 1613
4 7287 Novae in the Small Magellanic Cloud
4 7288 Supernova 1999el in NGC 6951
4 7288 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7289 Comet C/1999 T3 (LINEAR)
4 7289 Nova in IC 1613
4 7290 S Doradus
4 7290 GRB 990712
4 7291 X-Ray Transient in M31  [00427+4116]
4 7291 XTE J1859+226
4 7292 Comet C/1999 U2 (SOHO)
4 7292 Comet C/1999 J3 (LINEAR)
4 7293 HDE 245770
4 7294 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
4 7294 XTE J1859+226
4 7295 Comet 1999 U3
4 7296 Comet C/1999 U3 (LINEAR)
4 7296 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
4 7297 Supernovae 1999en, 1999eo, 1999ep, 1999eq, 1999er
4 7298 Comet C/1999 U4 (Catalina-Skiff)
4 7298 Supernova 1999ej in NGC 495
4 7299 Comet 141P/Machholz 2
4 7300 XTE J1739-285
4 7300 Supernova 1999ek in UGC 3329
4 7300 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
4 7300 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7301 Supernova 1999es in Anonymous Galaxy  [02327+2227]
4 7301 GRB 991105  [12030-6649] [C*7303]
4 7301 Supernova 1999ek in UGC 3329
4 7302 Comet 1999 V1
4 7302 Comet P/1999 U3 (LINEAR)
4 7302 Comet 63P/Wild 1
4 7303 Supernova 1999el in NGC 6951
4 7303 XTE J1859+226
4 7303 GRB 991105
4 7303 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
4 7304 Supernova 1999et in NGC 1643
4 7304 Sueprnova 1999eu in NGC 1097
4 7304 Supernovae 1999dq, 1999eh, 1999ej, 1999el
4 7305 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
4 7305 Comet C/1999 V1 (Catalina)
4 7305 Comet 141P/Machholz 2
4 7306 Supernova 1999ev in NGC 4274
4 7306 Saturn VI (Titan)
4 7307 HD 209458
4 7307 SAX J1752.3-3138
4 7308 (216) Kleopatra
4 7308 V1333 Aquilae
4 7308 Nova in Small Magellanic Cloud 1999 No. 4  [00489-7230]
4 7308 Comet 10P/Tempel 2
4 7309 Supernova 1999ew in NGC 3677
4 7309 GRS 1915+105
4 7309 Comet C/1999 S3 (LINEAR)
4 7310 Supernova 1999ex in IC 5179
4 7310 Supernova 1999ey in Anonymous Galaxy  [00581-2741]
4 7311 Leonid Meteors 1999
4 7311 Supernovae 1999ez, 1999fa, 1999fb, 1999fc, 1999fd, 1999fe
4 7312 Supernovae [1999ff,99fg,99fh,99fi,99fj,99fk,99fl,99fm,99fn,...1999fy]
4 7313 2S 1417-624  [C*7314]
4 7313 Comet 10P/Tempel 2
4 7313 Leonid Meteors 1999
4 7313 V1493 Aquilae
4 7314 Supernova 1999fz in UGC 8164  [C*7369]
4 7314 HD 209458
4 7314 2S 1417-624
4 7315 HD 209458  [C*7316]
4 7315 Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)
4 7316 Supernova 1999ga in NGC 2442
4 7316 Supernova 1999gb in NGC 2532
4 7316 Comet C/1999 J3 (LINEAR)
4 7316 HD 209458
4 7317 Supernova 1999gc in Anonymous Galaxy  [01052-2018]
4 7317 HD 209458
4 7317 Comet C/1999 S3 (LINEAR)
4 7318 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
4 7319 Supernova 1999gd in NGC 2623
4 7319 Supernova 1999ga in NGC 2442
4 7319 HD 209458
4 7319 Notice to Subscribers
4 7320 Lunar Leonid Meteors
4 7320 DD Circini
4 7321 Supernova 1999ge in NGC 309
4 7321 Supernova 1999gf in UGC 5515
4 7321 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
4 7322 BL Lacertae
4 7322 Supernova 1998S in NGC 3877
4 7323 Nova Aquilae 1999 No. 2
4 7323 HD 209458
4 7323 Comet P/1999 V1 (Catalina)
4 7324 V1494 Aquilae = Nova Aquilae 1999 No. 2
4 7324 AX J1841.0-0535.8
4 7325 V1494 Aquilae
4 7325 V382 Velorum
4 7326 Supernova 1999gg in MCG +7-8-11
4 7326 Supernoav 1999gb in NGC 2532
4 7326 V1494 Aquilae
4 7327 Comet C/1997 K2
4 7327 V1494 Aquilae
4 7328 Supernova 1999gh in NGC 2986
4 7328 Supernovae 1999fz, 1999gb, 1999gd, 1999gf
4 7329 Supernova 1999gi in NGC 3184
4 7329 V335 Vulpeculae
4 7330 Supernova 1999gj in NGC 3251
4 7330 V1494 Aquilae
4 7331 Comet P/1999 X1 (Hug-Bell)
4 7331 Supernova 1999ge in NGC 309
4 7331 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
4 7332 Supernova 1999gk in NGC 4653
4 7332 GRB 991208  [16339+4627]
4 7333 Supernova 1999gl in NGC 317B
4 7333 GRB 991208
4 7334 Supernova 1999gm in PGC 24106
4 7334 Supernova 1999gi in NGC 3184
4 7334 Comet 141P/Machholz 2
4 7335 Supernova 1999gn in M61
4 7335 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7336 Supernova 1999gn in M61
4 7336 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
4 7336 GRS 1915+105
4 7337 Supernova 1999go in NGC 1376
4 7337 Supernova 1999gp in UGC 1993
4 7337 Supernova 1999gq in NGC 4523
4 7337 V1494 Aquilae
4 7338 Comet C/1999 Y1 (LINEAR)
4 7339 Supernova 1999gq in NGC 4523
4 7339 Supernova 1999go in NGC 1376
4 7340 QY Persei
4 7340 Supernova 1999ga in NGC 2442
4 7340 Supernova 1999gp in UGC 1993
4 7341 Supernova 2000A in MCG +1-59-81
4 7341 Supernova 1999gp in UGC 1993
4 7341 Supernova 1999gh in NGC 2986
4 7342 Supernova 1999gr in MCG +5-29-24
4 7342 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7343 Comets C/1998 G3 and C/1999 Y2  [SOHO]
4 7343 QY Persei
4 7343 V1494 Aquilae
4 7344 Comet C/1999 XS87 (LINEAR)
4 7344 Supernova 1999et in NGC 1643
4 7344 Supernovae [1999el,99em,99ev,99ew,99fz,99gb,99gd,99gi,99gl,99go,99gp]
4 7345 Markarian 421
4 7345 Supernova 1999gs in NGC 4725
4 7345 Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
4 7346 Comet C/2000 A1 (Montani)
4 7346 Supernovae 1999gt and 1999gu
4 7347 Supernova 2000B in NGC 2320
4 7347 PSR 0833-45
4 7347 Supernovae 1999gh, 1999gk, 1999gm, 1999gn, 1999gq
4 7348 Supernova 2000C in NGC 2415
4 7348 Comet C/1999 H3 (LINEAR)
4 7349 Comet C/2000 B1 (SOHO)
4 7349 Cataclysmic Variable in Ursa Major  [10439+5808]
4 7350 Supernova 2000D in UGC 1767
4 7350 1E 161348-5055  [C*7352]
4 7351 Supernova 2000E in NGC 6951  [C*7353]
4 7351 Supernova 2000B in NGC 2320
4 7351 V723 Cassiopeiae
4 7352 Supernova 2000C in NGC 2415
4 7352 Supernova 2000D in UGC 1767
4 7352 1E 161348-5055
4 7353 Supernova 2000F in IC 302
4 7353 Supernova 2000E in NGC 6951
4 7353 IY Ursae Majoris
4 7353 Supernova 2000B in NGC 2320
4 7354 Comet C/2000 B2 (LINEAR)
4 7354 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 7355 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
4 7355 SAX J2103.5+4545
4 7356 Comet P/2000 B3 (LINEAR)
4 7356 Supernova 1999ct and No Supernova 1999cv
4 7356 Supernova 2000C in NGC 2415
4 7357 Comet P/2000 C1 (Hergenrother)
4 7357 Supernovae 1999ax and 1999ay
4 7358 Supernova 2000G in UGC 1773  [C*7369]
4 7358 SAX J1808.4-3658
4 7359 Supernova 2000E in NGC 6951
4 7359 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud  [C*7419]
4 7360 Supernova 2000F in IC 302
4 7360 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 7361 Supernova 2000H in IC 454
4 7361 AX J0043-737
4 7362 Possible Nova in Sagittarius  [17552-1946; V4642 Sgr]
4 7362 Supernova 2000I in NGC 2958
4 7362 Supernova 2000J in UGC 8510
4 7363 Nova Sagittarii 2000 [V4642 Sgr]
4 7363 XTE J1543-568
4 7363 SAX J1808.4-3658
4 7364 Comets C/2000 C2, C/2000 C3, C/2000 C4, C/2000 C5, C/2000 C6 [SOHO]
4 7364 AX J1740.2-2848
4 7365 Cygnus X-3
4 7365 SW Ursae Majoris
4 7365 Supernova 1999gq in NGC 4523
4 7366 Supernova 2000H in IC 454
4 7366 XTE J1543-568
4 7366 Nova Sagittarii 2000
4 7367 Comets C/1999 O1 and C/1999 P3  [SOHO]
4 7367 Nova Sagittarii 2000
4 7367 Supernova 2000H in IC 454
4 7368 Comet P/1999 WJ7 (Korlevic)
4 7368 Comet C/2000 B4 (LINEAR)
4 7368 Comet C/2000 CT54 (LINEAR)
4 7369 SAX J1808.4-3658
4 7369 XTE J1543-568
4 7369 Corrigenda
4 7370 Comet C/2000 D1 (SOHO)
4 7370 Comet P/1999 XB69 (LINEAR)  [C*7378]
4 7370 Comet P/1999 XN120 (Catalina)  [C*7378]
4 7370 Corrigenda
4 7371 Supernova 2000K in MCG +9-19-191
4 7371 Supernova 1999cm in UGC 9766
4 7372 Comet C/2000 D2 (LINEAR)
4 7372 Supernova 2000L in UGC 5520
4 7372 V4633 Sagittarii
4 7373 Supernova 2000M in NGC 6389
4 7373 Supernova 2000L in UGC 5520
4 7373 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7374 Supernova 2000N in MCG -02-34-054
4 7374 Supernova 2000M in NGC 6389
4 7375 Supernova 2000O in MCG +3-31-61
4 7375 Supernova 2000H in IC 454
4 7375 Supernova 1999gi in NGC 3184
4 7376 Comet C/2000 E1 (SOHO)
4 7376 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1999 O2, O3, P4, P5, Q1, Q2, Q3, C/1999 R3]
4 7376 1999 LD31
4 7377 SAX J1747.0-2853
4 7377 Supernova 2000N in MCG -02-34-054
4 7377 Comet C/1999 E2 (SOHO)
4 7378 Supernova 2000P in NGC 4965  [C*7379]
4 7378 Supernova 2000O in MCG +3-31-61
4 7378 Corrigenda
4 7379 Supernova 2000P in NGC 4965
4 7379 AX J1747.1-2845 and the Galactic Center Region  [C*7380]
4 7380 Supernova 2000Q in Anonymous Galaxy  [16052+6940]
4 7380 Supernova 2000P in NGC 4965
4 7380 No New Transient AX J1747.1-2845
4 7381 Supernovae 2000I and 2000J
4 7381 Supernova 2000P in NGC 4965
4 7381 V4642 Sagittarii = Nova Sagittarii 2000
4 7381 V1494 Aquilae
4 7382 Nova Scuti 2000
4 7382 Supernova 2000H in IC 454
4 7382 KL Draconis
4 7383 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1999 R4, C/1999 S5, C/1999 S6, C/1999 S7]
4 7383 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7384 Supernovae 2000R, 2000S, 2000T, 2000U, 2000V, 2000W, 2000X
4 7384 V382 Velorum
4 7385 S/1999 U 1, S/1999 U 2, and S/1999 U3
4 7386 Comets C/1999 J6, C/1999 U5, C/1999 W1, C/1999 Y3
4 7386 Comets C/2000 B5, C/2000 B6, C/2000 B7, C/2000 D3
4 7387 Supernovae  [2000Y, 2000Z, 2000aa, 2000ab, ..., 2000as, 2000at]
4 7388 Supernovae 2000af and 2000al
4 7388 Possible Nova in NGC 3314  [10372-2741]
4 7388 XTE J1859+226
4 7389 Supernova 2000au in MCG +8-15-14
4 7389 XTE J1118+480
4 7389 Supernova 2000D in UGC 1767
4 7390 XTE J1118+480
4 7391 Supernovae  [C*7608]  [2000av, 2000aw, 2000ax, ..., 2000be, 2000bf]
4 7391 Supernova 1998bu in NGC 3368
4 7392 Supernova 2000bg in NGC 6240
4 7392 XTE J1118+480
4 7393 Cygnus X-3
4 7393 BC Ursae Majoris
4 7393 Comet C/2000 F1 (SOHO)
4 7394 Supernova 2000au in MCG +8-15-14
4 7394 Supernova 2000bg in NGC 6240
4 7394 XTE J1118+480
4 7395 Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
4 7395 XTE J1118+480
4 7396 Comet C/2000 G1 (LINEAR)
4 7397 Supernova 2000bh in ESO 573-14
4 7397 XTE J1118+480
4 7397 Supernova 2000E in NGC 6951
4 7398 Supernova 2000bi in Anonymous Galaxy  [07216+5546]
4 7398 Supernova 2000bj in Anonymous Galaxy  [10515-0508]
4 7398 Supernova 1999gi in NGC 3184
4 7399 XTE J1550-564
4 7399 Supernova 2000bi in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7399 Supernovae 2000B, 2000I, 2000K, 2000Q
4 7400 XTE J1550-564
4 7400 Supernova 1999el in NGC 6951
4 7401 SAX J1747.0-2853
4 7401 XTE J1118+480
4 7401 Supernova 1999em in NGC 1637
4 7402 Supernova 2000bk in NGC 4520
4 7402 SMC X-2  [0054.9-7338]
4 7402 UX Antliae
4 7403 Comet P/2000 ET90 (Kowal-Mrkos)
4 7404 Supernovae 2000bl, 2000bm, 2000bn, 2000bo, 2000bp, 2000bq, 2000br
4 7405 Cygnus X-3
4 7405 Supernova 1999gv in Anonymous Galaxy  [16360+6613]  [C*7407, 7488]
4 7405 V1333 Aquilae
4 7406 Supernova 2000bs in UGC 10710
4 7406 Supernovae 2000bt, 2000bu, 2000bv, 2000bw, 2000bx, 2000by, 2000bz
4 7407 XTE J1118+480
4 7407 Supernova 1999gv in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7408 Supernova 2000bk in NGC 4520  [C*7414]
4 7408 Supernova 2000bs in UGC 10710
4 7408 Comet P/2000 G1 (LINEAR)
4 7409 Probable Nova in Aquila [= CI Aql]
4 7409 Supernova 2000ca in ESO 383-32
4 7410 Supernova 2000cb in IC 1158  [C*7413]
4 7410 Comet C/2000 H1 (LINEAR)
4 7411 CI Aquilae = Probable Nova in Aquila
4 7411 Comet C/2000 G2 (LINEAR)
4 7412 Comet C/2000 H2 (SOHO)
4 7412 XTE J1118+480
4 7412 Supernova 2000bs in UGC 10710
4 7413 Supernova 2000cc in CGCG 140-014
4 7413 Supernova 2000ca in ESO 383-32
4 7413 Supernova 2000E in NGC 6951
4 7413 Supernova 2000cb in IC 1158
4 7414 Markarian 421
4 7414 Supernova 2000cc in CGCG 140-014
4 7414 Supernova 2000bk in NGC 4520
4 7414 Supernova 2000cb in IC 1158
4 7415 Variable Star in Field of NGC 3432
4 7415 Supernova 2000cb in IC 1158
4 7415 Comet C/1999 J2 (Skiff)
4 7415 V463 Scuti = Nova Scuti 2000
4 7416 Comet C/2000 J1 (Ferris)
4 7416 Supernova 2000cd in Anonymous Galaxy [10568-0535]
4 7416 Supernova 2000bi in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7417 Supernova 2000ce in UGC 4195
4 7417 Variable Star in NGC 3432
4 7417 CI Aquilae
4 7418 Comet C/2000 J2 (SOHO)
4 7418 XTE J1118+480
4 7418 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7419 Variable Star in NGC 3432
4 7419 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 7420 (719) Albert = 2000 JW8
4 7421 Supernova 2000cf in MCG +11-19-25
4 7421 Supernova 2000cg in UGC 10121
4 7421 Supernova 2000ch in NGC 3432
4 7422 Comets C/1999 C2 and C/2000 J3
4 7422 Supernova 2000ce in UGC 4195  [C*7423]
4 7422 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7423 V1333 Aquilae
4 7423 Supernova 2000cf in MCG +11-19-25
4 7423 Supernova 2000ce in UGC 4195
4 7424 Supernova 2000ci in NGC 6470
4 7424 Supernova 2000cg in UGC 10121
4 7424 LMC X-3
4 7424 Supernova 2000ce in UGC 4195
4 7425 Supernova 2000cj in NGC 6753
4 7425 LMC X-3
4 7426 Comet C/2000 J4 (SOHO)
4 7426 CI Aquilae
4 7426 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7427 XTE J1118+480
4 7428 Possible Radio Supernova in NGC 6240
4 7428 Supernova 2000cj in NGC 6753
4 7428 AX J0051.6-7311
4 7429 V1333 Aquilae
4 7429 Supernova 2000ce in UGC 4195
4 7430 Comet 2000 K1
4 7430 Comet 2000 K2
4 7431 Supernova 2000ck in IC 4355
4 7431 Comet C/2000 K1 (LINEAR)
4 7431 Comet C/2000 K2 (LINEAR)
4 7432 Supernova 2000cl in NGC 3318
4 7432 ROSAT All-Sky Survey Faint Source Catalogue
4 7433 Comets C/2000 J5, C/2000 K3, C/2000 K4, C/2000 K5
4 7433 Supernova 2000cf in MCG +11-19-25
4 7433 DM Geminorum
4 7434 Supernova 2000ck in IC 4355
4 7434 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7435 Comet C/1998 V1 (SOHO)
4 7435 Comet C/2000 K6 (SOHO)
4 7435 Supernovae 1998A, 1998S, and 1999gn
4 7436 Supernova 2000cm in Anonymous Galaxy  [12130+0718]
4 7436 Supernova 2000cn in UGC 11064
4 7436 Supernova 2000co in MCG +7-33-17
4 7436 CI Aquilae
4 7437 Supernova 2000cm in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7437 Supernova 2000cn in UGC 11064
4 7437 Supernova 2000co in MCG +7-33-17
4 7438 Supernova 2000cm in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7438 Supernova 1998fe in NGC 6027D
4 7438 Supernova 2000cj in NGC 6753
4 7439 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1999 J7...J11, C/1999K11...K15, C/2000L1...L3]
4 7439 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7440 V4641 Sagittarii
4 7441 Supernova 2000cp in PGC 57064
4 7441 AX J0057.4-7325 and SMC X-2
4 7441 Supernova 2000cn in UGC 11064
4 7442 Supernova 2000cq in UGC 10354
4 7442 Supernova 2000cp in PGC 57064
4 7442 AX J0049.4-7323
4 7443 Supernova 2000cr in NGC 5395
4 7443 Supernova 2000cq in UGC 10354
4 7443 V1493 Aquilae
4 7444 Supernova 2000cq in UGC 10354
4 7444 Supernova 2000cr in NGC 5395
4 7444 CI Aquilae
4 7444 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7445 Sungrazing Comets [C/1998 J3, J4, K12...K15, 2000 L4, L5, M1] [C*7446]
4 7445 The Edgar Wilson Award
4 7445 Supernova 2000bs in UGC 10710
4 7446 Supernova 2000cs in MCG +7-34-15  [C*7459]
4 7446 4U 2206+54
4 7446 Sungrazing Comets
4 7447 S/1999 U 3
4 7448 Supernova 2000ct in Anonymous Galaxy  [17011+3329]
4 7448 Supernova 2000cs in MCG +7-34-15
4 7448 V1494 Aquilae
4 7449 Supernova 2000ct in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7449 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7450 S/1999 U 1
4 7450 Comets C/1998 K16, 1998 K17, 2000 M2
4 7451 XTE J1859+226
4 7451 Comets C/1998 L2, 1998 L3, 1998 L4, 1998 L5, 1998 L6
4 7452 Sungrazing Comets (C/1998 L7...9, M8...10, 1999 L6...8, 2000 M3...5]
4 7452 Supernova 2000ck in IC 4355
4 7453 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 2000
4 7453 Supernova 2000cu in ESO 525-G004
4 7453 Comets C/2000 M6, 2000 M7, 2000 M8
4 7454 EXO 1745-248 = XB 1745-25
4 7454 Supernova 2000cu in ESO 525-G004
4 7454 Comets C/1999 H5, 2000 M9, 2000 N1
4 7455 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7456 Supernova 2000cv in PGC 39222
4 7456 Supernova 2000cw in MCG +5-56-007
4 7456 XTE J1859+226
4 7457 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 2000
4 7457 Supernova 2000cw in MCG +5-56-007  [C*7463]
4 7458 Supernova 2000cx in NGC 524
4 7458 Nova in NGC 185
4 7458 Comets C/1999 G3, C/1999 G4, C/1999 H6 (SOHO)
4 7458 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 2000
4 7459 Comets C/1999 G5, C/1999 H7, C/1999 J12, C/1999 X2, C/2000 N2 [C*7481]
4 7459 2000 EB173
4 7459 Supernova 2000cs in MCG +7-34-15
4 7460 S/1999 J 1
4 7461 delta Scorpii
4 7461 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7462 comet C/2000 O1 (Koehn)
4 7463 Supernova 2000cx in NGC 524
4 7463 XTE J1859+226
4 7463 Supernova 2000cw in MCG +5-56-007
4 7464 Supernova 2000cv in PGC 39222
4 7464 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7465 Comet C/2000 O1 (Koehn)
4 7465 HD 155826
4 7466 XTE J1859+226
4 7466 Supernova 2000cr in NGC 5395
4 7467 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7467 Comet P/2000 O2 (Kushida)
4 7468 Supernova 2000cy in MCG +3-40-2
4 7468 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7469 S/1999 J 1
4 7470 Supernova 2000cz in IC 1535
4 7470 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7470 Supernova 2000cx in NGC 524
4 7471 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7471 Supernova 2000cx in NGC 524
4 7472 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 J3, J4, K3, K4, L5, M3]
4 7472 S/1999 J 1
4 7472 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7473 S/1999 U 2
4 7474 Supernova 2000da in UGC 5
4 7474 Supernova 2000cz in IC 1535
4 7474 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7475 Supernova 2000db in NGC 3949
4 7475 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7476 Supernova 2000dc in ESO 527-G019
4 7476 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7477 Supernova 2000dd in Anonymous Galaxy  [20350-2306]
4 7477 Novae in M31  [00427+4118; 00426+4118]
4 7477 Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
4 7477 Comet 2P/Encke
4 7478 Supernova 2000de in NGC 4384
4 7478 Supernova 2000df in CGCG 51-70
4 7478 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7478 Comets Discovered by SOHO
4 7479 Comet C/2000 O3 (SOHO)
4 7479 Comets C/2000 P1 and C/2000 P2 (SOHO)
4 7479 Satellites of Uranus
4 7479 Editorial Notice  [CBAT Directorship]
4 7480 Supernova 2000dg in MCG +1-1-29
4 7480 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 G3-G6, M4, N3; C/1998 G5-G8, H3-H4]
4 7480 Supernova 2000db in NGC 3949
4 7481 Supernova 2000da in UGC 5
4 7481 Supernova 2000db in NGC 3949
4 7481 Supernova 2000de in NGC 4384
4 7481 Comet C/2000 N2 (SOHO)
4 7482 Supernova 2000dh in IC 5374  [C*7483]
4 7482 EXO 1745-248
4 7482 CI Aquilae
4 7483 Supernova 2000di in IC 1637
4 7483 Supernovae 2000dc, 2000dd, and 2000df
4 7483 No Supernova 2000dh
4 7484 Comet C/2000 Q1 (SOHO)
4 7484 Comet C/2000 OF8 (Spacewatch)
4 7484 Supernova 2000dg in MCG +1-1-29
4 7485 MXB 1659-29
4 7485 Comets C/1996 E2, C/1997 K5, C/1997 K6, C/1998 F2 (SOHO)
4 7486 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 2000
4 7487 4U 0115+63
4 7487 Comet 97P/Metcalf-Brewington
4 7488 Comet P/2000 R1 (Shoemaker-Levy 5)
4 7488 Supernova 1999gv in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7489 Z Andromedae
4 7489 V4642 Sagittarii
4 7490 Supernova 2000dj in NGC 735
4 7490 CI Aquilae
4 7490 V1494 Aquilae
4 7491 Supernova 2000dj in NGC 735
4 7491 V4633 Sagittarii
4 7492 Comet P/2000 R2 (LINEAR)
4 7492 V723 Cassiopeiae
4 7493 Supernova 2000dk in NGC 382
4 7493 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7493 Supernova 2000cx in NGC 524
4 7494 Supernova 2000dl in UGC 1191
4 7494 Supernova 2000dk in NGC 382
4 7494 XTE J1859+226
4 7495 Supernova 2000dm in UGC 11198
4 7495 V1333 Aquilae
4 7495 Supernova 2000db in NGC 3949
4 7496 Comet 2000 S1
4 7496 2000 DP107
4 7497 Comet P/2000 S1 (Skiff)
4 7497 Supernova 2000dm in UGC 11198
4 7498 Comet C/2000 S2 (LINEAR)
4 7498 Supernova 2000dn in IC 1468
4 7498 X-Ray Transient in M32
4 7499 Comet P/2000 S2 (Shoemaker-LINEAR)
4 7499 Supernova 2000dn in IC 1468
4 7499 Comet C/1999 Y1 (LINEAR)
4 7500 Supernova 2000do in NGC 6754
4 7500 Comets C/1998 K1 (Mueller) and C/1998 M2 (LINEAR)
4 7501 Comet C/2000 S3
4 7502 Comet P/2000 S4
4 7503 Supernova 2000dp in NGC 1139
4 7503 Satellites of Minor Planets
4 7504 Supernova 2000dq in MCG +00-6-43
4 7504 2000 DP107
4 7505 Supernova 2000dr in IC 1610
4 7505 Supernova 2000dp in NGC 1139
4 7505 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7506 Comet C/2000 T1 (SOHO)
4 7506 Supernova 2000dr in IC 1610
4 7506 J1859+226  [C*7607:  XTE J1859+226]
4 7507 Comet P/2000 T2 (Kushida-Muramatsu)
4 7507 Supernova 2000ds in NGC 2768
4 7508 Supernova 2000dt in UGC 3411
4 7508 Comets C/1999 U6, C/2000 T3, C/2000 T4 (SOHO)
4 7509 Supernova 2000du in UGC 3920
4 7509 Supernova 2000dv in UGC 4671
4 7509 Supernova 2000dk in NGC 382
4 7509 Supernova 2000do in NGC 6754
4 7510 Comet C/2000 SV74 (LINEAR)
4 7510 Supernova 2000dv in UGC 4671
4 7510 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7511 Supernova 2000dw in UGC 11955
4 7511 Supernovae 2000ds, 2000dt, 2000du, 2000dv
4 7511 Comet C/1999 Y1 (LINEAR)
4 7512 S/2000 S 1 and S/2000 S 2
4 7513 S/2000 S 3 and S/2000 S 4
4 7514 Comets C/2000 U1, C/2000 U2, C/2000 U3, C/2000 U4 (SOHO)
4 7514 Supernova 2000dx in UGC 1775
4 7515 Comet C/2000 U5 (LINEAR)
4 7515 Comet P/2000 U6 (Tichy)
4 7516 Supernovae  [2000dy, 2000dz, 2000ea, ... 2000eg, 2000eh, 2000ei]
4 7516 Nova in M31  [0043.0+4107]
4 7517 Supernova 2000ej in IC 1371
4 7517 Supernova 2000dw in UGC 11955
4 7517 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 T6, T7; C/1999 U7, U8, U9, V2, V3, V4]
4 7518 Supernova 2000ek in ESO 153-G27  [C*7537]
4 7518 2000 UG11
4 7518 Pluto
4 7518 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 7519 GRB 001109
4 7519 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 T8, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6, U7]
4 7520 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 7520 Comets C/2000 V1 and C/2000 V2 (SOHO)
4 7521 S/2000 S 5 and S/2000 S 6
4 7522 Leonid Meteors 2000
4 7522 Hercules X-1
4 7522 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7523 Supernova 2000el in NGC 7290
4 7523 KS 1947+300
4 7523 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 7524 Comet P/2000 SO253 (LINEAR)
4 7524 Supernovae 2000em, 2000en, 2000eo, 2000ep, 2000eq
4 7525 S/1975 J 1 = S/2000 J 1
4 7526 Comet C/2000 W1 (Utsunomiya-Jones)
4 7527 Comet C/2000 W1 (Utsunomiya-Jones)
4 7527 Supernova 2000eo in MCG -2-9-3
4 7528 Supernova 2000er in PGC 9132  [C*7532]
4 7528 CI Aquilae
4 7529 Supernovae 2000es, 2000et, 2000eu [04063-0323, 08213+0109, 09002-0535]
4 7529 Supernova 2000ev in UGC 3500  [C*7532]
4 7530 Supernova 2000ew in NGC 3810
4 7530 Supernova 2000ex in ESO 419-G3
4 7531 Supernova 2000ey in IC 1481
4 7531 Supernova 2000el in NGC 7290
4 7531 KS 1947+300 = GRO J1948+32
4 7532 Supernova 2000ev in UGC 3500
4 7532 Supernova 2000ew in NGC 3810
4 7532 Supernova 2000er in PGC 9132
4 7532 Supernova 2000ej in IC 1371
4 7533 Supernova 2000ez in NGC 3995
4 7533 Supernova 2000fa in UGC 3770  [C*7535]
4 7533 Supernova 2000el in NGC 7290
4 7534 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 7534 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 V3, V4, V5, V6, X3, X4, X5, X6, Y1]
4 7535 Supernova 2000ez in NGC 3995
4 7535 Supernova 2000fa in UGC 3770
4 7535 Comet C/2000 W1 (Utsunomiya-Jones)
4 7536 Supernova 2000fb in ESO 205-G11
4 7536 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 Y2, Y3; C/1998 X3, ..., X8; C/2000 V3]
4 7536 Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak  [C*7540]
4 7537 Supernova 2000fc in Anonymous Galaxy  [00586-2747]
4 7537 V1494 Aquilae
4 7537 Supernova 2000ek in ESO 153-G27
4 7538 S/2000 S 7, S/2000 S 8, S/2000 S 9
4 7539 S/2000 S 10
4 7539 Outer Satellites of the Giant Planets
4 7540 Supernova 2000fd in UGC 291
4 7540 Supernova 2000fe in UGC 4870
4 7540 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7540 Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
4 7541 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 7541 KS 1947+300
4 7542 XTE J1118+480
4 7543 Supernovae 2000ff, 2000fg, 2000fh, 2000fi, 2000fj, 2000fk, 2000fl
4 7543 R Coronae Borealis
4 7543 Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
4 7544 Comet C/2000 Y1 (Tubbiolo)
4 7544 2000 YA
4 7544 Ursid Meteors 2000
4 7544 Supernova 2000fd in UGC 291
4 7545 Supernova 2000fm in NGC 1612
4 7545 Supernova 2000fe in UGC 4870
4 7545 S/2000 S 11
4 7546 Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)
4 7546 Supernova 2000fn in NGC 2526
4 7546 Comet C/2000 W1 (Utsunomiya-Jones)
4 7547 Supernova 2000fo in PGC 71048
4 7547 Supernovae 2000fm, 2000fn, and 2000ew
4 7547 RZ Leonis
4 7548 Comet P/1963 W1 = 2000 SO253 (Anderson-LINEAR)
4 7548 S/2000 S 12
4 7548 Ursid Meteors 2000
4 7548 Comets C/2000 W2 and C/2000 W3 (SOHO)
4 7548 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7549 Comet 2000 Y2
4 7549 Supernova 2000fp in Anonymous Galaxy  [05380-2347]
4 7549 Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
4 7550 Comet C/2000 Y2
4 7551 Supernova 2000fq  [09236+2952]
4 7551 Supernova 1999by in NGC 2841
4 7552 Possible Nova in Puppis  [V445 Puppis]
4 7552 Comet 2000 Y3
4 7552 RZ Leonis
4 7553 Comet P/2000 Y3 (Scotti)
4 7553 Comet P/2000 S4 (LINEAR-Spacewatch)
4 7553 Possible Nova in Puppis
4 7554 2000 WR106
4 7554 Supernova 2001A in NGC 4261
4 7554 Possible Nova in Puppis
4 7555 Satellites of Jupiter
4 7555 Supernova 2001B in IC 391
4 7555 Supernova 2001C in PGC 19975
4 7556 Possible Nova in Puppis
4 7557 Supernova 2001D in IC 728
4 7557 Supernova 2001E in NGC 3905
4 7557 Supernova 2000fo in PGC 70148
4 7557 Possible Nova in Puppis
4 7558 Supernova 2001F in IC 867
4 7558 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7558 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1998 B2, V2, V3, V4, W4, W5, W6, X9, 1998 X10]
4 7559 V445 Puppis
4 7559 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7560 Supernova 2001G in MCG +08-17-43
4 7560 Supernova 2001H in MCG -01-10-19
4 7560 Comets C/1997 B3 and C/1997 S3 (SOHO)
4 7561 Comet C/2001 A1 (LINEAR)
4 7561 V445 Puppis
4 7562 XTE J0052-723
4 7562 Sungrazing Comets  [C/2000 A2, W4, W5, X1, ..., X7, and C/2000 Y4]
4 7563 Supernova 2001I in UGC 2836
4 7563 Supernovae 2001B, 2001C, 2001F, and 2001H
4 7564 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7564 Supernova 2001J in UGC 4729
4 7564 Supernova 2001G in MCG +08-17-43
4 7565 Supernova 2001K in IC 677
4 7565 V445 Puppis
4 7565 Comets C/1998 U6, C/1998 V5, C/1998 V6, C/1998 X11 (SOHO)
4 7566 Supernova 2001L in MCG -01-30-11
4 7566 Supernova 2001D, 2001E, and 2001J
4 7567 Comets C/2000 Y6 and C/2000 Y7 (SOHO)
4 7567 Sungrazing Comets  [C/2000 J6, K7, K8, Y5, Y8, Y9, and C/2001 A3]
4 7568 Supernova 2001M in NGC 3240
4 7568 Supernova 2001N in NGC 3327
4 7568 Markarian 421
4 7569 Supernova 2001G in IC 677  [C*7571; in MCG +08-17-43]
4 7569 Supernova 2001N in NGC 3327
4 7569 Supernova 2001I in UGC 2836
4 7569 Supernova 2001K in IC 677
4 7569 V445 Puppis
4 7570 Comet C/2001 B1 (LINEAR)
4 7571 V445 Puppis
4 7571 Supernova 2001I in UGC 2836
4 7571 Supernova 2001G in MCG +08-17-43
4 7572 Comet 2001 B2
4 7572 Sungrazing Comets  [C/2000 H3, H4, H5, J7, L6, N3, and C/2000 X8]
4 7573 Comet C/2001 B2 (NEAT)
4 7573 Comets C/2001 A4 and C/2001 B3 (SOHO)
4 7574 Supernova 2001O in Anonymous Galaxy  [10336+0012]
4 7574 V445 Puppis
4 7575 Supernova 2001K in IC 677
4 7575 XTE J1550-564
4 7576 Supernova 2001P in NGC 3947
4 7576 Supernova 2001Q in UGC 6429
4 7576 Supernova 2001M in NGC 3240
4 7577 Comet P/2000 Y10 (Mueller 4)
4 7577 Supernova 2001B in IC 391
4 7578 Comet 2001 C1
4 7578 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7579 Supernova 2001R in NGC 5172
4 7579 Supernovae 2001A and 2001M
4 7579 Comet C/2001 C1 (LINEAR)
4 7580 Supernova 2001S in UGC 5491
4 7580 V445 Puppis
4 7580 Comet C/2001 C2 (SOHO)
4 7581 Comet P/2001 CV8 (LINEAR)
4 7581 Supernova 2001T in MCG -02-37-6
4 7582 SAX J1711.6-3808
4 7582 Comets C/2001 C3 and C/2001 C4 (SOHO)
4 7582 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7583 Supernova 2001U in NGC 5442
4 7583 Supernova 2001R in NGC 5172
4 7583 Supernova 2001S in UGC 5491
4 7583 (20000) 2000 WR106
4 7584 Comet P/2000 WT168
4 7584 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7585 Supernova 2001V in NGC 3987
4 7585 Supernova 2001T in MCG -02-37-6
4 7585 Comet C/2001 C5 (SOHO)
4 7586 GRB 010222
4 7586 Comet C/2000 W1 (Utsunomiya-Jones)
4 7586 V445 Puppis
4 7587 Probable Radio Supernova in NGC 7469
4 7588 S/2001 (87) 1
4 7588 Jupiter I (Io)
4 7588 XTE J1543-568
4 7589 Nova Sagittarii 2001
4 7589 2001 DO47
4 7590 Supernova 2001W in MCG +07-34-134
4 7590 Nova Sagittarii 2001
4 7590 S/2001 (87) 1
4 7591 Supernova 2001X in NGC 5921
4 7591 V4643 Sagittarii = Nova Sagittarii 2001
4 7591 Supernova 2001C in PGC 19975
4 7592 Supernova 2001Y in NGC 3362
4 7592 Supernova 2001Z in IC 3528
4 7592 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7593 Supernova 2001aa in UGC 10888
4 7593 Supernova 2001X in NGC 5921
4 7593 Supernova 2001Y in NGC 3362
4 7593 Supernova 2001Z in IC 3528
4 7594 V4643 Sagittarii
4 7594 Comet C/2000 W1 (Utsunomiya-Jones)
4 7594 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7595 Supernova 2001ab in NGC 6130
4 7595 V4643 Sagittarii
4 7595 GRS 1758-258
4 7596 Supernova 2001ac in NGC 3504
4 7596 Supernova 2001ad in NGC 6373
4 7596 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7597 Supernova 2001ae in IC 4229
4 7597 Supernova 2001ab in NGC 6130
4 7597 Supernova 2001ac in NGC 3504
4 7597 Supernova 2001ad in NGC 6373
4 7598 Supernova 2001af in MCG -04-24-1
4 7598 1998 SF36  [C*7602]
4 7599 S/2001 (107) 1
4 7599 Supernova 2001ae in IC 4229
4 7599 V4643 Sagittarii
4 7600 Comet P/2000 WT168
4 7600 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7601 Comet P/2001 BB50 (LINEAR-NEAT)
4 7601 Comet C/2001 C6 (SOHO)
4 7601 Supernovae 2001W and 2001aa
4 7602 Supernova 2001af in MCG -04-24-1
4 7602 Supernova 2001X in NGC 5921
4 7602 V445 Puppis
4 7602 1998 SF36
4 7603 Supernova 2001ag in MCG +08-18-9
4 7603 Supernova 2001ah in UGC 6211
4 7604 Comet P/2001 F1 (NEAT)
4 7604 Supernova 2001ah in UGC 6211
4 7604 Supernova 2001U in NGC 5442
4 7605 Supernova 2001ai in NGC 5278
4 7605 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7606 Comet C/2001 G1
4 7606 Comets C/1996 L1 and C/1997 M5 (SOHO)
4 7606 Supernova 2001aj in UGC 10243  [C*7607]
4 7607 Supernova 2001ak in UGC 11188
4 7607 Supernova 2001al in Anonymous Galaxy  [15449+3607]
4 7607 Corrigenda
4 7608 Supernovae  [2001am, 2001an, ..., 2001ax]
4 7608 Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
4 7609 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7609 1998 SF36
4 7610 S/2000 (1998 WW31) 1
4 7610 V382 Velorum
4 7611 Supernova 2001ay in IC 4423
4 7611 SGR 1900+14
4 7611 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7612 Supernova 2001ay in IC 4423
4 7612 Comet C/1998 V7 (SOHO)
4 7612 Supernova 2001V in NGC 3987
4 7613 Comet P/2001 H5 (NEAT)
4 7613 Sungrazing Comets  [C/2001 E5, F2, G2, G3, H1, H2, H3, H4]
4 7614 Supernova 2001az in UGC 10483
4 7614 Supernova 2001ba in MCG -05-28-1  [C*7636]
4 7614 Supernova 2001bb in IC 4319
4 7615 Supernovae 2001bc, 2001bd, 2001be
4 7615 Supernova 2001az in UGC 10483
4 7616 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7616 Supernova 2001bb in IC 4319
4 7617 XTE J1118+480
4 7618 Possible Supernova in NGC 3079
4 7618 Supernova 2001ad in NGC 6373
4 7618 Supernova 2001ax in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7619 Supernova 2001bb in IC 4319
4 7619 GU Sagittarii
4 7619 2000 GN171
4 7619 Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
4 7620 Supernova 2001bf in MCG +04-42-22
4 7620 Supernova 2001bb in IC 4319  [C*7621]
4 7620 V445 Puppis
4 7620 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7621 Supernova 2001bg in NGC 2608
4 7621 CI Aquilae
4 7621 Supernova 2001bb in IC 4319
4 7621 Comet C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
4 7622 Supernova 2001bh in UGC 11635  [C*7638; galactic star, not supernova]
4 7622 Supernova 2001bg in NGC 2608
4 7622 Supernova 2001G in MCG +08-17-43
4 7623 Comet 2001 J1
4 7623 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 7624 Comet C/2001 HT50
4 7624 Supernovae 2001bi, 2001bj, 2001bk, 2001bl, 2001bm, 2001bn, 2001bo [C*7640; 2001bn not SN]
4 7625 Comet C/2001 J1 (NEAT)
4 7625 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7625 Supernova 2001bf in MCG +04-42-22
4 7626 Supernova 2001bp in Anonymous Galaxy  [16022+3643]
4 7626 Supernova 2001bg in NGC 2608
4 7626 Supernova 1995N in MCG -02-38-017
4 7627 Possible Nova in Aquila  [V1548 Aql]
4 7627 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7628 Nova Aquilae 2001  [C*7632]  [V1548 Aql]
4 7628 Supernova 2001bq in NGC 5534
4 7629 Supernova 2001br in UGC 11260
4 7629 Comet P/2001 K1 (NEAT)
4 7629 AL Comae Berenices
4 7630 Supernova 2001bq in NGC 5534
4 7630 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7631 Supernova 2001bs in UGC 10018  [C*7663]
4 7631 Sungrazing Comets  [C/2001 H6, H7, J2, J3, J4, K2]
4 7631 Comet C/2001 K3 (Skiff)
4 7632 1999 KW4
4 7632 Nova Aquilae 2001  [V1548 Aql]
4 7633 Supernova 2001bt in IC 4830  [C*7636]
4 7633 1999 KW4
4 7633 Comet C/1999 T2 (LINEAR)
4 7633 Nova Aquilae 2001  [V1548 Aql]
4 7634 Comet C/2001 K4 (SOHO)
4 7634 Comet C/2001 K5 (LINEAR)
4 7635 Supernovae  [2001bu, 2001bv, 2001bw, ..., 2001cd, 2001ce]
4 7635 Comet P/2001 J1 (NEAT)
4 7636 Supernova 2001cf in UGC 7020
4 7636 Supernovae 2001ba, 2001bf, 2001bk, 2001bt
4 7636 Supernova 2001bs in UGC 10018
4 7637 Supernova 2001cg in IC 3900
4 7637 Supernova 2001ch in MCG -01-54-16
4 7638 Supernova 2001ci in NGC 3079
4 7638 No Supernova 2001bh in UGC 11635
4 7638 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7639 Supernovae 2001ai, 2001aj, and 2001ak
4 7639 Supernova 2001bg in NGC 2608
4 7639 V1548 Aquilae = Nova Aquilae 2001
4 7640 Supernova 2001cj in UGC 8399
4 7640 No Supernova 2001bn
4 7640 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 7640 Supernova 2001V in NGC 3987
4 7641 Supernova 2001ck in UGC 9425
4 7641 Supernova 2001cl in NGC 7260
4 7641 Supernova 2001cm in NGC 5965
4 7641 Comets C/2001 K6, C/2001 K7, and C/2001 K8 (SOHO)
4 7642 Mars
4 7642 Comets C/2001 K9, C/2001 L1, C/2001 L2, C/2001 L3, C/2001 L4 [SOHO]
4 7643 Supernova 2001cn in IC 4758
4 7643 Supernova 2001co in NGC 5559
4 7643 Supernova 2001cl in NGC 7260
4 7644 Supernova 2001cn in IC 4758
4 7644 XTE J1859+226
4 7645 Supernova 2001cp in UGC 10738
4 7645 Supernova 2001ck in UGC 9425
4 7645 Supernova 2001cm in NGC 5965
4 7645 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7646 V1333 Aquilae
4 7646 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 K7; C/2001 L5, L6, L7, L8, L9]
4 7647 Novalike Variable in Scorpius  [V1178 Sco; cf. IAUC 7650]
4 7647 Comet C/2001 K5 (LINEAR)
4 7648 Comet P/2001 M1 (Helin)
4 7649 Supernovae 2001cq, 2001cr, 2001cs, 2001ct, 2001cu, 2001cv, 2001cw
4 7649 Supernova 2001cp in UGC 10738
4 7650 V1178 Scorpii
4 7650 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1997 W3; C/2001 M2, M3, M4, M5, M6]
4 7651 Supernova 2001cx in UGC 12266
4 7651 V1178 Scorpii
4 7651 beta Cephei
4 7651 Supernova 2001cj in UGC 8399
4 7652 The Edgar Wilson Award
4 7652 Supernova 2001cx in UGC 12266
4 7652 Supernova 2001cp in UGC 10738
4 7653 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7654 Comet C/2001 M10 (NEAT)
4 7655 Supernova 2001cy in UGC 11927
4 7655 Comets C/2001 M7, C/2001 M8, C/2001 M9 (SOHO)
4 7655 Comet C/2001 M10 (NEAT)
4 7655 V1178 Scorpii
4 7656 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7657 Supernova 2001cz in NGC 4679
4 7657 Supernovae 1993J and 1979C  [C*7658]
4 7657 2001 KX76
4 7658 Supernova 2001da in NGC 7780
4 7658 mu Centauri
4 7658 Supernova 1979C in NGC 4321
4 7658 Supernova 2001cz in NGC 4679
4 7659 X-Ray Transients in M31
4 7659 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7660 Comet P/2001 MD7 (LINEAR)
4 7660 Mars
4 7661 Comet C/2001 N2 (LINEAR)
4 7661 Supernova 2001db in NGC 3256
4 7662 Supernova 2001dc in NGC 5777
4 7663 Supernova 2001dd in UGC 11579
4 7663 Supernova 2001cz in NGC 4679
4 7663 Supernova 2001bs in UGC 10018
4 7664 Supernova 2001de in UGC 12089
4 7664 Supernova 2001da in NGC 7780
4 7664 Supernova 2001dd in UGC 11579
4 7665 Supernova 2001cy in UGC 11927
4 7665 V1494 Aquilae
4 7665 BL Lacertae
4 7666 Nova Cygni 2001
4 7666 Supernova 2001cy in UGC 11927
4 7666 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7667 Supernova 2001df in MCG -04-51-5
4 7667 Comets C/2001 M11, C/2001 N1, C/2001 O1 (SOHO)
4 7667 Supernova 2001cm in NGC 5965
4 7668 Probable Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy  [02303+0104]
4 7668 V2274 Cygni = Nova Cygni 2001
4 7669 WZ Sagittae  [C*7672]
4 7670 Supernova 2001dg in CGCG 513-10
4 7670 Supernova 2001dh in MCG -06-44-26
4 7670 WZ Sagittae
4 7671 Supernova 2001de in UGC 12089
4 7671 V1333 Aquilae
4 7672 WZ Sagittae
4 7673 Comet 2001 O2
4 7673 Supernova 2001di in UGC 3259
4 7673 V1548 Aquilae
4 7674 Supernova 2001dj in NGC 180
4 7674 Nova in M31
4 7674 V1494 Aquilae
4 7674 Comets C/2000 S3, 150P, C/2000 Y2, C/2001 G1, C/2001 HT50
4 7675 Supernova 2001dk in UGC 913
4 7675 Supernova 2001dl in UGC 11725
4 7675 WZ Sagittae
4 7676 Comet C/2001 O2 (NEAT)
4 7676 Supernova 2001dk in UGC 913
4 7676 Supernova 2001dl in UGC 11725
4 7676 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7677 WZ Sagittae
4 7677 V2274 Cygni
4 7678 WZ Sagittae
4 7679 Supernova 2001dm in NGC 749
4 7679 V1178 Scorpii
4 7679 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7680 Supernovae 2001dh, (2001dj), and 2001dl
4 7680 WZ Sagittae
4 7681 Supernova 2001dn in NGC 662
4 7681 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7682 Supernova 2001do in UGC 11459
4 7682 SGR 1806-20
4 7683 Supernova 2001dp in NGC 3953
4 7683 Supernova 2001dq in IC 1222
4 7683 Supernova 2001do in UGC 11459
4 7684 Supernova 2001dr in NGC 4932
4 7684 Supernova 2001ds in UGC 1654
4 7684 Nova in M31
4 7685 Comet C/2001 Q1 (NEAT)
4 7685 Supernova 2001dm in NGC 749
4 7686 Comet 2001 Q2
4 7686 Nova Cygni 2001 No. 2
4 7687 Comet 2001 Q2
4 7687 Nova Cygni 2001 No. 2
4 7687 CI Aquilae
4 7688 Comet P/2001 Q2 (Petriew)
4 7688 Nova Cygni 2001 No. 2
4 7689 Supernova 2001dt in UGC 12558
4 7689 Comets C/2001 P1 and C/2001 P2 (SOHO)
4 7689 Comet 39P/2001 P3 (Oterma)
4 7690 Supernova 2001du in NGC 1365
4 7690 Supernova 2001dv in MCG +09-27-71
4 7691 Supernova 2001dw in NGC 1168  [C*7701]
4 7691 V2275 Cygni = Nova Cygni 2001 No. 2
4 7692 Nova Sagittarii 2001 No. 2
4 7692 Supernova 2001dx in PGC 63222
4 7692 Supernova 2001du in NGC 1365
4 7693 Supernova 2001dy in MCG +04-40-16
4 7693 Supernova 2001dr in NGC 4932
4 7693 V857 Centauri
4 7694 Comet C/2001 Q3 (SOHO)
4 7694 V4643 Sagittarii
4 7695 Comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT)
4 7695 V4739 Sagittarii = Nova Sagittarii 2001 No. 2
4 7696 Supernova 2001dz in UGC 471  [C*7699]
4 7696 Supernova 2001ea in MCG +05-54-38
4 7696 V4739 Sagittarii
4 7697 Comet P/2001 Q5 (LINEAR-NEAT)
4 7698 Comet C/2001 Q6 (NEAT)
4 7698 V4739 Sagittarii
4 7699 Supernova 2001do in UGC 11459
4 7699 Supernovae 2001dk, 2001dq, 2001ds
4 7699 V1178 Scorpii
4 7699 Supernova 2001dz in UGC 471
4 7700 Supernovae 1994ao and 1995bf
4 7700 Supernova 2001dy in MCG +04-40-16
4 7701 Supernovae 1996cl, 1996cp, and 1996cq
4 7701 Supernova 2001bf in MCG +04-42-22
4 7701 Supernova 2001dw in NGC 1168
4 7701 Comet 19P/Borrelly
4 7702 Supernova 2001eb in NGC 1589
4 7702 Supernova 2001ec in PGC 74077
4 7702 V4739 Sagittarii
4 7703 S/2001 (22) 1
4 7703 Supernova 2001ed in NGC 706
4 7704 Supernova 2001du in NGC 1365
4 7704 Supernova 2001ed in NGC 706
4 7705 Supernova 2001ee in NGC 2347
4 7705 Supernova 2001du in NGC 1365
4 7706 Nova Sagittarii 2001 No. 3
4 7706 Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7706 Supernova 2001ee in NGC 2347
4 7707 XTE J1650-500
4 7708 V4740 Sagittarii = Nova Sagittarii 2001 No. 3
4 7708 XTE J1650-500
4 7709 V4740 Sagittarii
4 7709 Nova in M31
4 7709 Supernova 2001ed in NGC 706
4 7710 Supernova 2001ef in IC 381
4 7710 XTE J1650-500
4 7711 C/2001 Q4 (NEAT)
4 7712 Supernova 2001eg in UGC 3885
4 7712 Supernova 2001eh in UGC 1162
4 7712 V2275 Cygni
4 7713 Comet P/2001 R1 (LONEOS)
4 7714 Supernova 2001ed in NGC 706
4 7714 Supernovae 2001eb and 2001ef
4 7714 Supernova 2001eh in UGC 1162
4 7715 XTE J1650-500
4 7716 Supernovae
4 7716 Supernova 2001du in NGC 1365
4 7717 V445 Puppis
4 7718 Supernova 2001ei in Anonymous Galaxy  [23510+2711]
4 7718 Comets C/1996 Q2, 2001 Q7, 2001 R2, 2001 R3, 2001 R4, 2001 R5
4 7719 Supernova 2001ej in UGC 3829
4 7719 Supernova 2001ek in Anonymous Galaxy  [02303+0104]
4 7719 V4739 Sagittarii
4 7719 V4740 Sagittarii
4 7720 Supernova 2001el in NGC 1448
4 7720 Comet P/2001 R1 (LONEOS)
4 7720 Comet P/2001 Q2 (Petriew)
4 7721 Supernova 2001dj in NGC 180
4 7721 Supernovae 2001dl, 2001dv, 2001ei, and 2001ej
4 7721 Supernova 2001el in NGC 1448
4 7722 Supernova 2001em in UGC 11794
4 7722 Comet 19P/Borrelly
4 7722 Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)
4 7722 Comet P/2001 Q6 (NEAT)
4 7723 Comet P/2001 R6 (LINEAR-Skiff)
4 7723 Supernova 2001el in NGC 1448
4 7724 Supernova 2001en in NGC 523
4 7724 Supernova 2001el in NGC 1448
4 7725 Comet C/2001 S1 (Skiff)
4 7725 Supernova 2001en in NGC 523
4 7725 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7726 Possible Nova in Centaurus
4 7726 Supernova 2001eo in UGC 3963
4 7726 Comet C/1996 B4 (SOHO)
4 7727 Supernova 2001ep in NGC 1699
4 7727 Possible Nova in Centaurus
4 7727 V4740 Sagittarii
4 7727 Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)
4 7728 Supernova 2001eq in PGC 70417
4 7728 Supernova 2001er in UGC 5301
4 7728 V445 Puppis
4 7729 Supernova 2001es in Anonymous Galaxy  [02021+1905]
4 7729 Nova in M31
4 7729 Cygnus X-1
4 7730 V445 Puppis
4 7730 1998 ST27
4 7730 Comets C/1996 B5, C/1996 R4, C/2001 S2 (SOHO)
4 7731 Supernova 2001et in MCG -03-51-9
4 7731 Supernova 2001eu in Anonymous Galaxy  [02379-0101]
4 7731 Supernova 2001ep in NGC 1699
4 7731 Possible Nova in Centaurus
4 7732 Supernova 2001ev in UGC 2653
4 7732 Supernova 2001en in NGC 523
4 7733 Comet P/2001 T3 (NEAT)
4 7733 2001 QT297
4 7734 Supernova 2001ew in Anonymous Galaxy  [03131+4226]
4 7734 Supernova 2001eo in UGC 3963
4 7734 Supernova 2001et in MCG -03-51-9
4 7734 Comet P/2001 Q6 (NEAT)
4 7735 Supernova 2001ex in UGC 3595
4 7735 Supernova 2001ey in MCG -01-57-10
4 7735 2001 OE84
4 7736 Supernova 2001ez in PGC 17642
4 7736 Supernova 2001ev in UGC 2653
4 7736 Supernova 2001ex in UGC 3595
4 7736 Supernova 2001ey in MCG -01-57-10
4 7737 Supernova 2001fa in NGC 673
4 7737 Supernovae 2001ej, 2001em, 2001eq, 2001er, and 2001ew
4 7737 Supernova 2001ez in PGC 17642
4 7738 Comet C/2001 T4 (NEAT)
4 7738 Possible Nova in the Small Magellanic Cloud
4 7738 Nova in M31
4 7739 Comet C/2001 RX14 (LINEAR)
4 7739 Comet 19P/Borrelly
4 7740 Supernova 2001fb in Anonymous Galaxy  [00101-0026]
4 7740 Supernova 1998ff in Anonymous Galaxy  [22328-6034]
4 7741 Supernova 2001fc in UGC 11683
4 7741 S/2001 (617) 1
4 7741 Comets C/2001 T1 and C/2001 T2 (SOHO)
4 7742 Supernova 2001fd in UGC 11957
4 7742 Supernova 2001fe in UGC 5129
4 7742 2001 SL9
4 7743 Supernova 2001ff in UGC 4685
4 7743 Nova in the Small Magellanic Cloud 2001
4 7743 Supernova 2001fc in UGC 11683
4 7744 Supernova 2001fg in Anonymous Galaxy  [21128-0052]
4 7744 Supernova 2001fh in PGC 66592
4 7744 Nova in the Small Magellanic Cloud 2001
4 7745 Supernovae  [2001fi, 2001fj, 2001fk, ..., 2001ft]
4 7746 Comets C/2001 U1, C/2001 U2, C/2001 U3, C/2001 U4, C/2001 U5
4 7746 Comet C/2001 U6 (LINEAR)
4 7746 Supernova 2001fu in MCG -03-23-11
4 7747 SS 433  [C*7748]
4 7747 1RXS J232953.9+062814
4 7748 Supernova 2001fh in PGC 66592
4 7748 Supernova 2001fu in MCG -03-23-11
4 7748 SS 433
4 7749 2001 QW322
4 7749 U Scorpii
4 7749 1RXS J232953.9+062814
4 7750 Supernova 2001fv in NGC 3512
4 7750 CI Aquilae
4 7750 Sungrazing Comets  [C/2001 T5, C/2001 T6, C/2001 T7, C/2001 U7]
4 7751 Supernova 2001fw in UGC 2116
4 7751 Supernovae 2001ej, 2001fx, 2001fy
4 7751 Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)
4 7752 Supernovae 2001fc, 2001fd, 2001fw, 2001fy
4 7752 Supernova 2001fe in UGC 5129
4 7752 Supernova 2001ff in UGC 4685
4 7753 Comet P/2001 TU80 (LINEAR-NEAT)
4 7753 Supernova 2001fz in NGC 2280
4 7753 Comet P/2001 Q6 (NEAT)
4 7754 Comet C/2001 W1 (LINEAR)
4 7754 Supernovae 2001eu, 2001fb, 2001fg, 2001fw, and 2001fx
4 7755 Leonid Meteors 2001
4 7755 Supernova 2001ga in Anonymous Galaxy  [02278+0037]
4 7756 V1039 Centauri = Possible Nova in Centaurus
4 7756 Nova in M33
4 7756 Supernova 2001fv in NGC 3512
4 7757 (90) Antiope
4 7757 Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
4 7758 Comet 2001 W2
4 7758 Supernova 2001gb in IC 582
4 7759 Supernova 2001gc in UGC 3375
4 7759 Supernova 2001fz in NGC 2280
4 7759 Comets C/2001 U8, C/2001 U9, C/2001 U10, C/2001 V1, C/2001 V2
4 7760 Comet C/2001 W2 (Batters)
4 7760 Comet C/1996 V1 (SOHO)
4 7761 Supernova 2001gd in NGC 5033
4 7761 Supernovae 2001gb and 2001gc
4 7762 Supernovae 2001ge, 2001gf, 2001gg, 2001gi, 2001gj
4 7762 Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)  [C*7764]
4 7763 Supernovae  [2001gk, 2001gl, 2001gm, ..., 2001hd, 2001he; C*7997]
4 7764 Supernovae
4 7764 Comets C/2001 V3, 2001 V4, 2001 V5, 2001 W3, 2001 W4 (SOHO)
4 7764 Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)
4 7765 Supernova 2001hf in MCG -03-23-17
4 7765 Supernova 2001gd in NGC 5033
4 7765 Supernova 2001gc in UGC 3375
4 7765 2001 QT297
4 7766 Supernova 2001hg in NGC 4162
4 7766 Supernova 2001hh in MCG -02-57-22
4 7766 Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)
4 7766 Comet P/2001 MD7 (LINEAR)
4 7767 Supernovae  [2001hi, 2001hj, 2001hk, ..., 2001hz, 2001ia]
4 7768 Supernovae
4 7768 Supernova 2001ib in NGC 7242
4 7768 Supernova 2001hf in MCG -03-23-17
4 7769 Comet 51P/Harrington
4 7769 4U 0142+61
4 7770 Supernova 2001ic in NGC 7503
4 7770 Supernova 2001id in UGC 12424  [C*8123]
4 7770 Supernova 2001hg in NGC 4162
4 7770 Supernova 2001hh in MCG -02-57-22
4 7771 Supernova 2001ie in UGC 5542
4 7771 Supernova 2001if in MCG +06-6-43
4 7771 Catalogue of Cometary Orbits 2001
4 7772 Supernova 2001ig in NGC 7424
4 7772 Supernova 2001ib in NGC 7242
4 7773 Supernova 2001ib in NGC 7242  [C*7819]
4 7773 Comet 51P/Harrington
4 7774 Comet C/2001 X1 (LINEAR)
4 7774 Supernova 2001ie in UGC 5542
4 7775 Comet 2001 X2
4 7775 PSR J0205+6449
4 7776 Supernova 2001ih in MCG +06-40-3
4 7776 Supernova 2001ii in UGC 444
4 7776 Supernova 2001ie in UGC 5542
4 7777 Comet P/2001 X2 (Scotti)
4 7777 Supernova 2001ig in NGC 7424
4 7777 DK Lacertae
4 7778 Supernovae 2001ij, 2001ik, 2001il, 2001im, 2001in
4 7778 Comet P/2001 X3 (LINEAR)
4 7779 Comet 11D (Tempel-Swift) = P/2001 X3 (LINEAR)
4 7779 Supernova 2001if Near MCG +06-6-43
4 7780 Supernovae 2001io and 2001ip
4 7780 Supernova 2001iq in Anonymous Galaxy  [22252+4243]
4 7780 Comet C/2001 W2 (Batters)
4 7781 Supernova 2001ir in MCG -02-22-22
4 7781 Supernova 2001ig in NGC 7424
4 7782 Supernova 2001is in NGC 1961
4 7782 Supernova 2001it in MCG +09-25-15
4 7782 Supernova 2001cl in NGC 3318  [C*7783]
4 7783 Pulsars in M62
4 7783 Supernova 2001ic in NGC 7503
4 7783 Supernova 2001cl in NGC 3318
4 7784 Supernova 1999gw in UGC 4881
4 7784 Supernovae 2001iq and 2001ir
4 7785 Peculiar Variable in Monoceros  [C*7789]
4 7786 Supernova 2002A in UGC 3804
4 7786 Peculiar Variable in Monoceros
4 7787 1999 TC36
4 7787 Supernovae 2001is and 2001it
4 7788 Comets C/2002 A1 (LINEAR) and C/2002 A2 (LINEAR)
4 7789 IM Normae
4 7789 Supernova 2002A in UGC 3804
4 7789 Peculiar Variable in Monoceros
4 7790 Comet P/2001 Y1 (Helin-Lawrence)
4 7790 Peculiar Variable in Monoceros
4 7791 Supernova 2002B in Anonymous Galaxy  [05408-7151]
4 7791 IM Normae
4 7791 Peculiar Variable in Monoceros
4 7792 XTE J1550-564
4 7792 Supernovae 2001id, 2001ih, and 2001ii
4 7792 Comet P/2001 Y1 (Helin-Lawrence)
4 7793 Supernova 2002C in IC 3376
4 7793 Supernova 2001ig in NGC 7424
4 7794 Novae in M31  [C*7819]
4 7794 Saturn VIII (Iapetus)
4 7794 Comet P/2001 Y10 (Helin-Lawrence)
4 7795 Supernovae 2001ij, 2001ik, 2001im, 2001in
4 7795 XTE J1550-564
4 7796 Peculiar Variable in Monoceros
4 7796 IM Normae
4 7797 Supernovae 2002D, 2002E, 2002F, and 2002G
4 7797 Sungrazing Comets  [C/2001 X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5]
4 7798 Supernova 2002H in MCG -02-35-11
4 7798 X-Ray Transients in M31
4 7799 Comet C/2002 A3 (LINEAR)
4 7799 Supernova 2002I in IC 4229
4 7799 IM Normae
4 7800 Supernova 2002J in NGC 3464
4 7800 Supernova 2002C in IC 3376
4 7800 Supernova 2002E in NGC 4129
4 7801 Supernovae  [2002K, 2002L, 2002M, ..., 2002W, 2002X]
4 7801 Supenova 2002F in UGC 2885
4 7802 Supernovae  [2002Y, 2002Z, 2002aa, ..., 2002ah, 2002ai]
4 7802 Supernova 2002D in NGC 594
4 7802 Supernova 2002G in CGCG 189-024
4 7803 Jupiter I (Io)
4 7803 Optical Transients in Sextans
4 7803 Supernova 2002B in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7804 Supernovae 2002aj, 2002ak, 2002al, 2002am
4 7804 Supernova 2001ig in NGC 7424
4 7805 Supernova 2002an in NGC 2575
4 7805 Supernovae  [2001iu, 2001iv, 2001iw, ..., 2001iz, 2001ja]
4 7806 Supernovae  [2001jb, 2001jc, 2001jc, ..., 2001jv, 2001jw]
4 7807 (26308) 1998 SM165
4 7807 1999 TC36
4 7807 Comet C/1996 Y2 (SOHO)
4 7808 Possible Nova in Ophiuchus
4 7808 Supernova 2002J in NGC 3464
4 7808 Supernova 2002an in NGC 2575
4 7809 Nova Ophiuchi 2002
4 7809 Supernova 2002ao in UGC 9299
4 7809 Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)
4 7810 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7810 V2540 Ophiuchi = Nova Ophiuchi 2002
4 7810 Supernova 2002ao in UGC 9299
4 7811 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7812 Comet 2002 C1
4 7812 V838 Monocerotis = Peculiar Variable in Monoceros
4 7813 Supernova 2002aq in MCG -01-7-35
4 7813 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7814 Comet C/2001 OG108 (LONEOS)
4 7814 Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)
4 7815 Comet C/2002 C2 (LINEAR)
4 7815 Supernova 2002ao in UGC 9299
4 7815 Supernova 2002H in MCG -02-35-11
4 7816 V838 Monocerotis
4 7816 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7817 Comet C/2001 B1 (LINEAR)
4 7817 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7817 Supernova 2002I in IC 4229
4 7818 IM Normae
4 7818 Supernova 2002an in NGC 2575
4 7819 Supernova 2002ar in NGC 3746
4 7819 Supernova 2002ao in UGC 9299
4 7819 Corrigenda
4 7820 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7821 Comet C/2002 B2 (LINEAR)
4 7821 Supernova 2002at in NGC 3720
4 7821 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7822 V838 Monocerotis
4 7822 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7822 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7823 Supernova 2002au in UGC 5100
4 7823 Supernova 2002av in ESO 489-G007
4 7823 Supernova 2002as in UGC 3418
4 7824 2002 BM26
4 7824 1997 CQ29
4 7824 Supernova 2002au in UGC 5100
4 7825 Supernovae 2002ao, 2002ap, 2002ar, 2002au, 2002av
4 7825 Novae in M31
4 7826 Comet C/2002 B3 (LINEAR)
4 7826 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7826 Supernova 2002H in MCG -02-35-11
4 7827 Comet P/2001 WF2 (LONEOS)
4 7827 S/2002 (3749) 1
4 7828 Comet P/2001 YX127 (LINEAR)
4 7828 Supernova 2002an in NGC 2575
4 7828 V2540 Ophiuchi
4 7829 V838 Monocerotis
4 7829 Supernovae 2002aq and 2002 at
4 7830 Supernova 2000fs in NGC 1218
4 7830 Supernova 2001gd in NGC 5033
4 7831 Supernova 2002aw in Anonymous Galaxy  [16375+4052]
4 7831 Aquila X-1
4 7831 V838 Monocerotis
4 7832 Non-Kreutz Near-Sun Comet Groups
4 7833 Supernovae  [2002ax, 2002ay, 2002az, ..., 2002bd, 2002be]
4 7833 Supernova 2001jx in NGC 4622
4 7834 V838 Monocerotis
4 7834 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7834 Supernova 2002aw in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7835 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7835 RX J0806.3+1527
4 7836 Supernova 2002bf in CGCG 266-031
4 7836 Supernova 2002bg in MCG +02-38-31
4 7836 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7836 Supernova 2002ao in UGC 9299
4 7837 Supernova 2002bh in UGC 5286
4 7837 Supernova 2002bi in UGC 8527
4 7837 XTE J1650-500
4 7838 Supernova 2000ft in NGC 7469
4 7838 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7839 Supernova 2002bj in NGC 1821
4 7839 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1999 H8, H9, J13, C/2000 C3, C4, D1]
4 7840 Gamma-Ray Transient
4 7840 Supernova 2002bh in UGC 5286
4 7841 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 2002
4 7841 GK Persei
4 7841 Comets C/1997 G7, C/1997 H4, and C/1997 H5 (SOHO)
4 7842 Supernova 2002bk in Anonymous Galaxy  [09025-0917]
4 7842 Sungrazing Comets  [C/1998 H5, H6, C/1999 K16, K17, L9]
4 7842 V838 Monocerotis
4 7843 SAX J1805.5-2031
4 7843 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7844 Supernova 2002bg in MCG +02-38-31
4 7844 Supernova 2002bh in UGC 5286
4 7844 Supernova 2002bj in NGC 1821
4 7845 Supernova 2002bl in UGC 5499
4 7845 Supernova 2002bm in MCG -01-32-19
4 7846 Supernova 2002bn in UGC 6527
4 7846 Supernovae 2002bf, 2002bg, 2002bi, and 2002bk
4 7847 Supernova 2002bo in NGC 3190
4 7847 Supernova 2002bp in UGC 6332
4 7847 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 2002
4 7848 Supernova 2002bq in MCG -06-21-1  [C*7851, MCG -06-21-10]
4 7848 Supernova 2002bo in NGC 3190
4 7848 Supernova 2002bm in MCG -01-32-19
4 7849 Supernovae 2001jy, 2001jz, 2001ka, 2001kb, 2001kc, 2001kd
4 7849 Supernova 2002bo in NGC 3190
4 7850 Comet C/2002 E1 (SOHO)
4 7850 Comet 2002 E2
4 7851 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7851 Supernova 2002bn in UGC 6527
4 7851 Supernova 2002bo in NGC 3190
4 7851 Supernova 2002bl in UGC 5499
4 7851 Supernova 2002bq in MCG -06-21-10
4 7852 Comet C/2002 E2 (Synder-Murakami)
4 7852 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7853 Supernova 2002br in MCG +03-27-61
4 7853 Comets C/1998 A2, C/1998 A3, C/1999 M3, C/2000 B8 (SOHO)
4 7853 Nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud 2002
4 7854 Comet 2002 F1
4 7854 Comets C/1999 N5 and C/1999 N6 (SOHO)
4 7855 Comet C/2002 F1 (Utsunomiya)
4 7855 V838 Monocerotis
4 7856 XTE J1908+094
4 7856 Gamma-Ray Transients
4 7857 2000 CF105
4 7857 Supernova 2001ke in Anonymous Galaxy  [11345-7601]
4 7858 Comet P/2002 CW134 (LINEAR)
4 7858 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7859 V838 Monocerotis
4 7859 Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)
4 7860 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7860 Comet C/2002 E2 (Snyder-Murakami)
4 7861 Supernova 2002bs in IC 4221
4 7861 XTE J1908+094
4 7862 Supernova 2002bt in UGC 8584
4 7862 Comets C/2002 E3, C/2002 F2, and C/2002 F3 (SOHO)
4 7862 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7862 Comet C/2002 F1 (Utsunomiya)
4 7863 Supernova 2002bu in NGC 4242
4 7863 Comets C/1998 A4, C/1999 P6, C/1999 P7, C/1999 P8, C/1999 P9
4 7863 Supernova 2002bo in NGC 3190
4 7864 Supernova 2002bv in UGC 4042
4 7864 Supernova 2002bw in PGC 59990
4 7864 Supernova 2002bx in IC 2461
4 7864 Supernova 2002bu in NGC 4242
4 7865 Supernova 2002by in ESO 139-G34
4 7865 Possible Supernova in NGC 7714
4 7866 Supernova 2002bz in MCG +05-34-33
4 7866 Supernova 2002ca in UGC 8521
4 7866 Supernova 2002by in ESO 139-G34
4 7867 XTE J1751-305
4 7867 Supernova 2002br in MCG +03-27-61
4 7868 XTE J1118+480
4 7868 Supernovae 2002bs, 2002bv, 2002bx
4 7869 Comet P/2002 AR2 (LINEAR)
4 7869 Comet C/2002 F1 (Utsunomiya)
4 7870 Supernova 2002cb in MCG +8-24-34
4 7870 XTE J1751-305
4 7871 Supernova 2002cc in Anonymous Galaxy  [08340+5539]
4 7871 Supernova 2002cd in NGC 6916
4 7871 Supernova 2002bt in UGC 8584
4 7872 XTE J1751-305
4 7872 Supernova 2002bw in PGC 59990
4 7873 XTE J1908+094
4 7873 Supernova 2002cd in NGC 6916
4 7873 Comets C/2002 G1 and C/2002 G2 (SOHO)
4 7874 XTE J1908+094
4 7874 XTE J1751-305
4 7874 Supernova 2002bz in MCG +05-34-33
4 7875 Supernova 2002ce in NGC 2604
4 7875 Supernova 2002ca in UGC 8521
4 7875 Comets C/2002 A4 and C/2002 G3 (SOHO)
4 7876 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7876 XTE J1751-305
4 7877 Supernovae 2002cf in NGC 4786
4 7877 Supernova 2002cg in UGC 10415
4 7877 Supernova 2002cc in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7877 XTE J1908+094
4 7878 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 7878 Supernova 2000fu in MCG -03-38-21
4 7878 Supernova 2000cf in NGC 4786
4 7879 Supernova 2002ch in Anonymous Galaxy  [11145+3348]
4 7879 Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 7879 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7880 XTE J1901+014
4 7880 XTE J1751-305
4 7881 Supernova 2002ci in UGC 10301
4 7881 Supernova 2002cg in UGC 10415
4 7881 Supernova 2002ch in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7881 Comet C/2002 F1 (Utsunomiya)
4 7882 Supernova 2002cj in ESO 582-G5
4 7882 V4741 Sagittarii = Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 7882 Comets C/2002 G4, C/2002 G5, C/2002 H2 (SOHO)
4 7883 Comet 2002 H2
4 7883 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7884 Supernova 2002ck in UGC 10030
4 7884 Comet C/2002 H2 (LINEAR)
4 7884 IM Normae
4 7885 Comet C/2000 S5
4 7885 Supernovae 2002cl, 2002cm, 2002cn, 2002co
4 7886 Eta Carinae
4 7886 V838 Monocerotis
4 7886 Comets C/2002 H3, C/2002 H4, C/2002 H5, C/2002 H6 (SOHO)
4 7887 Supernova 2002cp in NGC 3074
4 7887 V4741 Sagittarii
4 7888 Supernova 2002cq in Anonymous Galaxy  [12387-0258]
4 7888 XTE J0929-314
4 7888 Comet C/2002 F1 (Utsunomiya)
4 7889 XTE J0929-314
4 7889 V838 Monocerotis
4 7890 Comet P/2002 EJ57 (LINEAR)
4 7890 Supernova 2002cr in NGC 5468
4 7890 Comet C/2002 E2 (Snyder-Murakami)
4 7891 Supernova 2002cs in NGC 6702
4 7891 Supernova 2002cr in NGC 5468
4 7892 V838 Monocerotis
4 7893 XTE J0929-314
4 7893 Supernova 2002ck in UGC 10030
4 7894 Supernovae 2002cj, 2002ck, 2002cp, 2002cs
4 7895 XTE J0929-314
4 7895 V2116 Ophiuchi
4 7896 Comet P/2002 BV = 2001 CB40 (Yeung)
4 7896 IM Normae
4 7897 Comets C/2002 J1 and C/2002 J2 (SOHO)
4 7897 XTE J1908+094
4 7897 XTE J0929-314
4 7898 Supernova 2002ct in Anonymous Galaxy  [12474+2800] [C*7906]
4 7898 Supernova 2002cu near NGC 6575
4 7898 Comets C/1999 F3 and C/1999 W2 (SOHO)
4 7899 Comets C/2000 H6, H7, J8, N4; C/2002 J3 (SOHO)
4 7899 Comet C/2002 J4 (NEAT)
4 7900 Satellites of Jupiter
4 7900 XTE J0929-314  [C*7905]
4 7900 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7901 Supernova 2002cv in NGC 3190
4 7901 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7902 Comet 2002 K1
4 7902 Supernova 2002cw in NGC 6700
4 7902 Supernova 2002cx in Anonymous Galaxy  [13138+0657]
4 7903 1ES 1959+650
4 7903 Supernova 2002cx in Anonymous Galaxy
4 7903 Supernova 2002cv in NGC 3190
4 7904 Comet C/2002 J5 (LINEAR)
4 7904 Comet C/2002 K2 (LINEAR)
4 7904 Comet C/2002 K1 (NEAT)
4 7905 Supernova 2002cy in NGC 1762
4 7905 Supernova 2002cz  [13340-1449]
4 7905 Supernova 2002da  [13246+2120]
4 7905 Supernova 2002cw in NGC 6700
4 7905 XTE J0929-314
4 7906 Supernova 2002db in NGC 5683
4 7906 Supernova 2000fv in MCG -04-35-11  [C*7907]
4 7906 SAX J1819.3-2525
4 7906 Supernova 2002ct
4 7907 Comet P/2002 JN16 (LINEAR)
4 7907 1ES 1959+650
4 7907 Supernova 2000fv in MCG -04-35-11
4 7908 Supernova 2002dc  [12368+6213]
4 7908 SAX J1819.3-2525
4 7908 Supernova 2002db in NGC 5683
4 7909 Comets C/2002 J6, C/2002 J7, C/2002 K3 (SOHO)
4 7909 Comet 2002 K4
4 7909 Comet C/2002 F1 (Utsunomiya)
4 7910 Supernova 2002by in ESO 139-G34
4 7910 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7910 Supernova 2002da
4 7911 Comet C/2002 K4 (NEAT)
4 7911 Supernova 2002cv in NGC 3190  [C*7913]  
4 7912 Supernova 2002dd  [12369+6212]  [C*7913]
4 7912 GX 339-4
4 7913 Supernova 2001ig in NGC 7424
4 7913 Comets C/2002 J8, C/2002 K5, C/2002 K6, C/2002 K7 (SOHO)  [C*7923]
4 7913 Corrigenda
4 7914 Supernova 2002de in NGC 6104
4 7914 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7914 V838 Monocerotis
4 7915 Supernova 2002df in MCG -01-53-6
4 7915 Supernova 2002dg  [14573+0554]
4 7915 Supernova 2002db in NGC 5683
4 7915 Supernova 2002de in NGC 6104
4 7916 Supernova 2002dh  [15248-2245]
4 7916 Supernova 2002df in MCG -01-53-6
4 7916 Comets C/1998 V8, V9, W7, X12, C/2002 L1, L2 (SOHO)
4 7917 Supernova 2002di in MCG +05-40-2
4 7917 Supernovae 2002cv and 2002dh
4 7918 Supernova 2002dj in NGC 5018
4 7918 Comets C/2002 L3 and C/2002 L4 (SOHO)
4 7918 Comet C/2001 H8 (SOHO)
4 7918 Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
4 7919 Supernova 2002dk in NGC 6616
4 7919 Supernova 2002dj in NGC 5018
4 7919 Comets C/2000 C7, F2, F3, T5, T6, X9; C/2002 L5 (SOHO)  [C*7958]
4 7920 Supernova 2002dl in UGC 11994
4 7920 4U 1543-47
4 7920 Supernovae 2002di and 2002dk
4 7921 Supernova 2002dm in IC 5017
4 7921 2002 KK8
4 7921 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7922 Supernova 2002dn in IC 5145
4 7922 Supernova 2002dg
4 7922 Comet C/2002 L6 (SOHO)
4 7923 Supernova 2002do in MCG +07-41-1
4 7923 Supernova 2002dl in UGC 11994
4 7923 Supernova 2002dm in IC 5017
4 7923 Supernova 2002bu in NGC 4242
4 7923 Comet C/2002 K7 (SOHO)
4 7924 Supernova 2002dp in NGC 7678
4 7924 Supernova 2002dq in NGC 7051
4 7924 1E 2259+586
4 7925 4U 1543-47
4 7925 New Transits from the OGLE-III Survey
4 7926 1E 2259+586
4 7926 The Edgar Wilson Award
4 7927 Supernova 2002dr in UGC 12214
4 7927 Supernovae 2002do, 2002dp, 2002dq
4 7927 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7928 Supernova 2002ds in ESO 581-G25
4 7928 V4641 Sagittarii
4 7928 Comet C/2002 F1 (Utsunomiya)
4 7929 Supernova 2002dt in ESO 516-G5
4 7929 Supernova 2002du  [13533-1137]
4 7929 Supernova 2002ds in ESO 581-G25
4 7930 Supernova 2002dv in UGC 11486
4 7930 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7930 Comets C/2002 L7, C/2002 L8, C/2002 M1, C/2002 M2 (SOHO)
4 7930 Comet 7P/Pons-Winnecke
4 7931 Comet C/2002 L9 (NEAT)
4 7931 Comets C/1997 O2, C/1997 S4, C/1997 U8, C/1997 U9 (SOHO)
4 7931 Comets C/2001 J5 and C/2001 K10 (SOHO)
4 7932 Supernova 2002dw in UGC 11376
4 7932 Transient X-Ray Pulsars
4 7932 Comet C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang)
4 7933 Supernova 2002dx in UGC 12861
4 7933 Supernova 2002dy in MCG -01-59-24
4 7933 Supernovae 2002dv and 2002dw
4 7934 Comet 57P/du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte
4 7935 Supernova 2002ds in MCG -01-1-52
4 7935 Comet 57P/du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte  [C*7936]
4 7935 Comet C/2002 M3, 2002 M4, 2002 M5, 2002 M6, 2002 M7 (SOHO)
4 7936 Supernova 2002ea in NGC 820
4 7936 Comets C/2001 C7, 2001 D1, 2002 N1, 2002 O1, 2002 O2, 2002 O3
4 7936 Comet 57P/du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte
4 7937 Supernova 2002eb in CGCG 473-011
4 7937 Supernova 2002ec in NGC 5910
4 7937 Novae in M31
4 7937 Comet 57P/du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte
4 7938 Nova in M31
4 7938 V2540 Ophiuchi
4 7938 Supernova 2002ec in NGC 5910
4 7939 Comet 2002 O4
4 7940 Supernova 2002ed in NGC 5468
4 7940 V2275 Cygni
4 7940 Supernova 2002ap in M74
4 7941 Supernova 2002ee in NGC 5772
4 7941 Comet C/2002 O4 (Hoenig)
4 7942 Comet 2002 O5
4 7942 V1548 Aquilae
4 7942 Comet C/2002 O4 (Hoenig)
4 7943 Supernova 2002ef in NGC 7761
4 7943 V838 Monocerotis
4 7943 Supernova 2002ed in NGC 5468
4 7944 Comet 2002 O6
4 7944 Supernova 2002eg in UGC 11486
4 7945 Comet P/2002 O5 (NEAT)
4 7945 V4741 Sagittarii
4 7945 Supernova 2002ef in NGC 7761
4 7946 Comet 57P/du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte
4 7946 Supernova 2002ec in NGC 5910
4 7947 Supernova 2002eh in NGC 917
4 7947 Supernova 2002ed in NGC 5468
4 7947 V2274 Cygni
4 7948 Comet 2002 O6
4 7948 Comets C/2002 H7 and C/2002 M8 (SOHO)
4 7949 Comet C/2002 O7 (LINEAR)
4 7949 Comet P/2002 O8 (NEAT)
4 7950 Comet 2002 P1
4 7950 V4334 Sagittarii
4 7950 Comet C/2002 O4 (Hoenig)
4 7951 Supernova 2002ei in MCG -01-09-024
4 7951 Supernova 2002ej in NGC 6324
4 7951 Comets C/2002 H8, C/2002 K8, C/2002 K9 and C/2002 K10 (SOHO)
4 7952 Comet C/2002 P1 (NEAT)
4 7952 Near-Sun Comets
4 7952 Supernova 2002eg in UGC 11486
4 7953 Supernova 2002ek  [20321-1518]
4 7953 Supernova 2002el in NGC 6986
4 7953 Supernovae 2002dr, 2002dx, 2002ea, 2002eb, 2002ee, 2002eh
4 7954 Supernova 2002el in NGC 6986  [C*7955]
4 7954 Supernova 2002dz in MCG -01-1-52
4 7955 Supernova 2002em in UGC 3430
4 7955 V445 Puppis
4 7955 Comet C/2002 O6 (SWAN)
4 7955 Supernova 2002el in NGC 6986
4 7956 Comet C/2002 Q1 (Van Ness)
4 7956 Supernova 2002en in UGC 12289
4 7956 Comets C/2002 N2, C/2002 P2, and C/2002 P3 (SOHO)
4 7957 Supernovae 2001kf, 2001kg, 2001kh
4 7957 Comet 57P/du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte
4 7958 Supernova 2002eo in NGC 710
4 7958 V838 Monocerotis
4 7958 Comet 46P/Wirtanen
4 7958 Comet C/2000 C7 (SOHO)
4 7959 Supernovae 2002ep, 2002eq, 2002er, 2002es, 2002et
4 7959 1997 CQ29
4 7960 Comets C/2002 Q2 (LINEAR) and C/2002 Q3 (LINEAR)
4 7961 Comet P/2002 Q4 (Brewington)  [C*8080]
4 7961 Supernova 2002er in UGC 10743
4 7961 Supernova 2002eo in NGC 710
4 7962 Comet C/2002 Q5 (LINEAR)
4 7962 2000 CF105
4 7963 Supernova 2002eu  [01497+3238]
4 7963 Supernova 2002ej in NGC 6324
4 7963 Comets C/2002 Q6, C/2002 Q7, C/2002 Q8 (SOHO)
4 7964 Supernovae 2002ev, 2002ew, 2002ex, 2002ey
4 7964 Supernovae 2002em and 2002ep
4 7965 Supernovae 2002en, 2002eo, 2002es, and 2002eu
4 7966 Comets C/2002 Q2 (LINEAR) and C/2002 Q3 (LINEAR)
4 7967 Supernovae 2002ez, 2002fa, and 2002fb  [C*7981]
4 7967 Supernova 2002et in MCG -04-47-10
4 7968 Supernovae 2002eq, 2002ez, and 2002fa
4 7968 Radio Transient in Scorpius
4 7968 Comet P/2002 Q1 (Van Ness)
4 7969 Comets C/2002 Q9, Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14, C/2002 R1 (SOHO)
4 7969 Comet P/2002 R2 (Shoemaker 3)
4 7970 Comet C/2002 R3 (LONEOS)
4 7970 Nova in M31
4 7971 Possible Nova in Sagittarius  [= V4742 Sgr]
4 7971 Supernovae 2002fc, 2002fd, 2002fe, 2002ff, 2002fg, 2002fh
4 7972 Comet 2002 S1
4 7972 Supernova 2002fi in MCG -04-7-10
4 7972 V4742 Sagittarii = Possible Nova in Sagittarius
4 7973 Supernova 2002fj in NGC 2642
4 7973 Supernova 2002fk in NGC 1309
4 7973 V4742 Sagittarii
4 7974 V4742 Sagittarii
4 7974 Comet C/2002 S1 (Skiff)
4 7974 Comet C/2002 O6 (SWAN)
4 7974 Comet C/2002 O4 (Hoenig)
4 7975 Another Nova in Sagittarius  [= V4743 Sgr]
4 7975 Comet C/2002 S2 (SOHO)
4 7976 V4743 Sagittarii = Another Nova in Sagittarius
4 7976 Supernova 2002fk in NGC 1309
4 7976 V838 Monocerotis
4 7977 Supernovae 2002fl, 2002fm, 2002fn, 2002fo, 2002fp, 2002fq, 2002fr
4 7978 Comets C/2002 Q2 (LINEAR) and C/2002 Q3 (LINEAR)
4 7978 V4742 Sagittarii
4 7979 Supernovae 2002fs, 2002ft, and 2002fu
4 7979 Supernovae 2002fi and 2002fj
4 7980 S/2001 U 1
4 7980 S/2002 (121) 1
4 7981 Supernovae 2002ez, 2002fv, 2002fw, 2002fx, 2002fy, 2002fz, 2002ga
4 7982 V838 Monocerotis
4 7982 Supernova 2002gd in NGC 5033
4 7982 V4743 Sagittarii
4 7983 Comet P/2002 T1 (LINEAR)
4 7983 Supernovae 2002gb and 2002gc  [C*7985]
4 7984 Possible Nova in NGC 205
4 7984 Comets C/2002 R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, S3, S4, S5 (SOHO)
4 7985 epsilon Eridani, upsilon Andromedae, 51 Pegasi, HD 209458, HD 196050
4 7985 Supernova 2002gb
4 7986 Supernova 2002gd in NGC 7537
4 7986 Comets C/2002 S5, C/2002 S6, and C/2002 S7 (SOHO)
4 7987 Supernova 2002ge in NGC 7400
4 7987 Supernova 2002gd in NGC 7537
4 7988 Supernova 2002gb
4 7988 Supernovae 2001ig, 2002eg, 2002ew, 2002gc
4 7988 V4743 Sagittarii
4 7989 XTE J1650-500
4 7989 Comet P/2002 S1 (Skiff)
4 7990 Supernovae 2002gf, 2002gg, and 2002gh
4 7990 Supernova 2002ge in NGC 7400
4 7990 Supernova 2002gd in NGC 7537
4 7991 Comets C/2002 S8, S9, S10, S11, T2, T3 (SOHO)
4 7991 Comet P/2002 T4 (NEAT)
4 7992 Comet 54P/de Vico-Swift = P/2002 T4 (NEAT)
4 7992 V838 Monocerotis
4 7993 Supernovae 2002gi, 2002gj, 2002gk, 2002gl, 2002gm
4 7993 SAX J1808.4-3658
4 7994 Supernovae 2002gn, go, gp, gq, gr, gs, gt, gu, 2002gv
4 7994 Supernova 2001ig in NGC 7424
4 7995 Possible Nova in Small Magellanic Cloud
4 7995 Supernova 2002gw in NGC 922
4 7995 Supernova 2002gx  [02317+4017]
4 7995 Comet C/2002 O4 (Hoenig)
4 7996 Supernova 2002gy in UGC 2701
4 7996 Supernova 2002gz  [02342-0053]
4 7996 Supernova 2002gv
4 7996 Supernova 2002gw in NGC 922
4 7996 Possible Nova in Small Magellanic Cloud  [C*7997]
4 7997 Supernova 2002ha in NGC 6962
4 7997 SAX J1808.4-3658
4 7997 Corrigenda
4 7998 Comet P/2002 T5 (LINEAR)
4 7998 Satellites of Jupiter  [C*8023]
4 7999 Supernovae 2002hb, 2002hc, 2002hd
4 7999 Supernovae 2002gy and 2002ha
4 8000 Comet C/2002 U1 (SOHO)
4 8000 Comet C/2002 U2 (LINEAR)
4 8000 Supernova 2002ha in NGC 6962
4 8000 V4742 Sagittarii

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