NELPAG Publications
The NELPAG issues a news Circular irregularly (but not
issued since 2000) that can be
obtained via e-mail (send subscription requests to
) or by postal mail (send
SASEs, as indicated for the GNOL pamphlet;
note that printed NELPAG Circulars sometimes contain additional material
currently unavailable via computer).
New Englanders, in particular, are encouraged to contribute text for these
Circulars that give useful information regarding their efforts to
improve outdoor lighting at the state or local level. Readers of the
Circulars may find the details of your particular efforts and experiences
very useful in their own efforts to get good-lighting practices in their locales.
Of course, these Circulars are being distributed nationally and
internationally, as this is certainly not a problem unique to New England,
and for this reason we often include useful information from sources outside
New England in the Circulars.
The main parts of the following NELPAG Circulars are available here
[NOTE that the NELPAG e-mail discussion group has changed its
address, as noted in Circular 14; "O.L." = outdoor-lighting]:
- NELPAG Circular No. 2 [1993 December 22].
- NELPAG Circular No. 3.
- NELPAG Circular No. 4.
- NELPAG Circular No. 5.
- NELPAG Circular No. 6.
- NELPAG Circular No. 7.
- NELPAG Circular No. 8.
- NELPAG Circular No. 9.
- NELPAG Circular No. 10.
- NELPAG Circular No. 10c.
- NELPAG Circular No. 11.
- NELPAG Circular No. 12.
- NELPAG Circular No. 13 [1995 Nov. 28].
(topics: Central Maine Power adopts full-cutoff as standard fixture;
lights turned off in Turner, ME; notes from lighting engineers;
ordinance for Warwick, RI; CT passes state legislation)
- NELPAG Circular No. 14 [1997 April 5].
(topics: NELPAG's efforts and accomplishments; World Wide Web; useful book on
O.L.; bumper stickers; O.L. issues in Lexington, Rowley, and other Mass. towns;
status on pending Mass. state O.L. bill)
- NELPAG Circular No. 15 [1997 April 14].
(topics: pending Mass. state O.L. bill; O.L. news from Lexington and Plymouth,
MA; useful general comments on full-cutoff fixtures; proposed environmental meeting
on light pollution)
- NELPAG Circular No. 16 [1997 May 5].
(topics: news on O.L. bills from MA and CT state legislatures; new O.L.
ordinance in Plymouth, MA; O.L. news from Rowley, MA; new, good O.L. fixtures;
power-utility garbage literature; NELPAG news)
- NELPAG Circular No. 17 [1997 Sept. 15].
(topics: NELPAG meeting 5/17/97; pending Mass. state O.L. bill; Vermont
conference briefing; Rhode Island O.L. developments; new O.L. ordinance in
Townsend, MA)
- NELPAG Circular No. 18 [1997 Sept. 29].
(topics: hearing on 10/8/97 for proposed Mass. state OL bill; NELPAG/IDA meeting
scheduled for 11/1/97; sports-field full-cutoff lighting; Illinois statewide
full-cutoff streetlight policy now in effect; other notes of interest)
- NELPAG Circular No. 19 [1997 Oct. 9].
(topics: hearing on 10/8/97 for proposed Mass. state OL bill; review of the
O.L. situation in Lexington, MA)
- NELPAG Circular No. 20 [1997 Dec. 3].
(topics: news of Nov. 1 NELPAG/IDA regional meeting; state laws on roadway
lighting glare; status on
bill in Mass. legislature)
- NELPAG Circular No. 21 [1998 May 5].
(topics: NELPAG spring meeting at Yale
University scheduled for 1998 June 6; other news notes)
- NELPAG Circular No. 22 [1998 June 24].
(topics: NELPAG spring meeting at Yale
University held on 1998 June 6; Mass. legislation; giant space reflectors)
- NELPAG Circular No. 23 [1999 March 31].
(topics: pending state legislation in MA and
glary-lights project
in Providence, RI; residential lighting issues; IESNA progress)
- NELPAG Circular No. 24 [1999 Oct. 19].
(topic: NELPAG meeting scheduled for October 23 in Concord, NH)
- NELPAG Circular No. 25 [1999 Nov. 30].
(topics: Oct. 23 meeting; NELPAG meeting scheduled for Dec. 9 in Cambridge, MA)
- NELPAG Circular No. 26 [2000 Oct. 23].
(topics: 1999 Dec. 9 and 2000 Nov. 11 meetings in Cambridge, MA)
- NELPAG Circular No. 27 [2000 Nov. 11].
(topics: 2000 Nov. 11 meeting in Cambridge, MA, and planned 2002 Fall national
IDA meeting in Boston area)
- NELPAG Circular No. 28 [2007 Jan. 1].
(topics: 2006 Nov. 5 meeting held in Cambridge, MA, and planned 2007 Jan. 28
meeting in Cambridge; news regarding Mass. state bill and Gloucester, MA)
- NELPAG Circular No. 29 [2007 Mar. 1].
(topics: 2007 Feb. 25 meeting held in Cambridge, MA, and planned 2007 May 6
meeting in Cambridge; establishment of NELPAG Council and new webpage)
- NELPAG Circular No. 30 [2007 Oct. 18].
(topics: minutes of last two NELPAG meetings: 2007 May 20
meeting held in Gloucester, MA, and 2007 Sept. 23 meeting held in Cambridge, MA;
announcement of forthcoming meeting on Nov. 18)
NOTE: If sending postal mail to Dan Green/NELPAG for anything, do NOT
include "NELPAG" anywhere in the address (it may get lost).
New England
Light Pollution Advisory Group (NELPAG)