Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

Computer Service

The Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams and Minor Planet Center operated a Computer Service (CS) jointly until 2010, which allowed subscribers to receive electronic version of the IAU Circulars and Minor Planet Electronic Circulars (MPECs) by e-mail. In 2009, the SAO Director (Charles Alcock) forced the CBAT and MPC to cease charging for their publication subscriptions; the MPC (with full NASA funding then becoming available) stayed at SAO and made their publications free to all, while the CBAT was forced (due to its funding issues) to move from SAO to Harvard/EPS in 2010 while retaining its paid-subscription policy.

Subscribers also have access to older IAU Circulars (circulars older than about one year are freely available) and can use the IAUMail service to send themselves copies of recent circulars that failed to arrive.

Subscribers have the option of subscribing to:

  • IAU Circulars and CBETs
  • Just IAU Circulars
  • Just CBETs
Note that an e-mail address for delivery of circulars is required in order to subscribe to the Computer Service.

Details on how to subscribe to the Computer Service are available.

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