Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PNV J00215475+5231007

PNV J00215475+5231007   2023 01 10.3705*  00 21 54.75 +52 31 00.7  12.9 U             Cas       9 2

2023 01 10.37045

Discovered by Hideo Nishimura, Kakegawa, Shizuoka, Japan on six frames (10-s exp. limiting mag 14.8) taken by Canon EOS 6D digital camera + 200-mm F/3.0 lens. Nothing is visible at this location on the frames taken on 2023 Jan. 08.37348 UT (limiting mag 15) by same instrument. Nishimura writes there is a faint star (mag ~ 20) on Pan-STARRS image. --- Isao Endoh (NAOJ)

2023 01 10.799

Andreoli.V ; Vagnozzi.A We obtained two low resolution spectra of PNV J00215475+5231007, on 2023-01-10.799 and 2023-01.10.844, the first with 0.25-m telescope + alpy600 spectrograph (resolution 4.96 Ang/pix) located in Novezzina (Italy) and the second with a 0.5 m telescope + MARK III spectrograph (self-built with resolution 3.2 Ang/pix) located in Stroncone (Italy). Both spectrums show a blue continuum and absorption of Balmer lines, typical of Cataclysmic Variable (CV) outburst. We propose the classification as a Cataclysmic Variable.

2023 01 9.6842

The NMW camera (135mm f/2.0 lens + unfiltered SBIG ST-8300M CCD) photometry: 2023-01-09.68421 UT CV=14.5 +/-0.1. Latest pre-outburst image with no source visible 2023-01-08.7772 CV>14.6. Plate-solved FITS images of the field are available at http://scan.sai.msu.ru/~kirx/img/PNVJ00215475+5231007/ ---- Kirill Sokolovsky, Stanislav Korotkiy, Olga Smolyankina, Anna Prokudina, Sergei Ostapenko

2023 01 11.3552

Photometry results were B=14.11, V=14.11, Rc=14.42 and Ic=14.63 with 0.28mSCT + QSI 632ws CCD at Kamagaya, Japan. Position end figures were R.A.= 54.82 and Dec.= 00.5. https://meineko.com/ccd/PNV_J00215475+5231007.jpg Seiichiro Kiyota (Japan)

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