Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PNV J00403063+4138525

PNV J00403063+4138525   2017 08 20.7167*  00 40 30.63 +41 38 52.5  17.4 U             M110      I 0

2017 08 20.717


2017 08 22.91214

This transient was observed on 2017 08 22.91214 by Andrea Mantero from C77 - Bernezzo Observatory using 0.25-m f/4 reflector - CCD Atik 314L Scale 1,33"/pixel. Stack of 4 unfiltered b1x1 frames x 120 sec. guiding exposures, show the source at 16.4 Mag.(limiting magnitude 19.5) end figures for astrometry were AR. 00,40 30.61 s DEC. +41,38 52.7" position measured from reference stars UCAC-4 catalogue.

2017 08 23.0223

Mag.: 16.3(V) R.A.: 00 40 30.59; Decl.: +41 38 52.7 (2000.0). Reference: URAT 1 Observer: Massimiliano Martignoni - Observatory: Stazione Astronomica Betelgeuse (B75), Magnago, Italy Telescope: Schmidt-Cassegrain 0.25m-f/10.0 - CCD: KAF0261E

2017 08 21.012

This transient is perfectly visible on images taken by Miguel Sánchez Varela (Arzúa, Spain) between 00:58 and 01:38 UT 2017-08-21. TS 80/480mm APO and Canon EOS 70D was used. https://goo.gl/x5sz7i

2017 08 24.521

Mag.= 17.2, position end figures 30s.58, 52".6 observed by T. Noguchi, Chiba-ken, Japan, using 0.23-m f/10 Schmidt Cassegrain + unfiltered CCD. http://park8.wakwak.com/~ngc/images/PNVinM110.jpg.

2017 08 27.525

F. Watanabe detected this transient as a source at the magnitude of U=17.3 +/- 0.1 (reference stars from UCAC4 Rmag) on an image taken on Aug. 27.525 UT using the 0.4-m Meili telescope (+ CCD) at Nayoro Observatory, Nayoro, Japan. The position end figures are given as 30s.60, 52”.8.

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