PNV J00420424+4042336 2021 02 16.5716* 00 42 04.24 +40 42 33.6 17.9 V 452W2015S M31 R 9
2021 02 16.5716
Mi Zhang, Xing Gao (Xingming Observatory), report the discovery of a possible nova (mag approximately 17.9) on several 300-s survey images (limiting mag about 20.5) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory #3 (N88) around Feb. 16.57161, 2021 UTC using a unfiltered CCD (+ 0.6-m f/8 Ritchey-Chretien telescope). The transient approximately located at R.A.=00h42m04.24s +40d42’33”.6 (equinox 2000.0). Which is about 451.9" west and 2014.9" south of the center of the NGC224(M31). Nothing is visible at this position on archival images taken on Feb. 12.64922, 2021 (limiting mag 19.5). Images can be found at:
2021 02 17.82199
This transient was observed on 2021 02 17.82199 by Andrea Mantero from C77 - Bernezzo Observatory using 0.25-m f/4 reflector - CCD Atik 314L Scale 1,33"/pixel. Stack of 2 unfiltered b1x1 frames x 90 sec. guiding exposures, show the source at 16.5 Mag.(limiting magnitude 19.5) end figures for astrometry were AR. 00,42 04.25 s DEC. +40,42 33.7" position measured from reference stars UCAC-4 catalogue.