PNV J00420668+4105113 2016 10 07.758 * 00 42 06.68 +41 05 11.3 19.1 R 425W 657S M31 H 0
2016 08 08.03914
U.Quadri, L.Strabla, R.Girelli from (IAU Station 565) Bassano Bresciano Astronomical Observatory, Brescia - Italy , in the course of the ISSP Italian Supernovae Search Project, confirm this transient at position: 00 42 06.55 +41 05 11.4 - V Mag= 18.66 - Offset: 425W 656S. First image was taken on 2016-10-08.03914 by our Newton 250mm F/4 automated telescope.
2016 10 09.380
Jeffrey D. Molloy, WeiKang Zheng and Alexei V. Filippenko (UC Berkeley) report the independent LOSS discovery of PNV J00420668+4105113 (=kait-16bi) on an unfiltered KAIT images taken at Oct. 09.380 UT with clear band mag (close to R) of 19.0. Nothing was visible at this location on our past image taken on Sep. 20.478 UT (limiting magnitude = 19.1). A finding chart is posted at