PNV J00420856+4126008 2020 03 04.7596* 00 42 08.56 +41 26 00.8 18.0 U 403W 591N M31 9 0
2020 03 04.76
F. Castellani, Verona, Italy reports the discovery by Flavio Castellani, Raffaele Belligoli and Claudio Marangoni, in the course of the ISSP Italian Supernovae Search Project, of an apparent nova in two images (1200sec. each) taken with a Moravian G4-9000 KAF CCD unfiltered, from Monte Baldo Observatory (Ferrara di Monte Baldo, Verona, Italy), with a 0.4m f.8 Ritchey-Chrétien telescope, obtained on 2020 March 04.7596. The new object is located at RA 00 42 08.56 DEC +41 26 00.8 (equinox 2000.0) Apparent magnitude (unfiltered) about 18.0. Host Galaxy M31 Nothing is visible at this position on 28.769Th february 2020 as reference
2020 03 04.7596
Remarks: F. Castellani, Verona, Italy reports the discovery by Flavio Castellani, Raffaele Belligoli and Claudio Marangoni, in the course of the ISSP Italian Supernovae Search Project, of an apparent nova in two images taken with a Moravian G4-9000 KAF CCD unfiltered, from Monte Baldo Observatory (Ferrara di Monte Baldo, Verona, Italy), with the 0.4m f.8 Ritchey-Chrétien telescope, obtained on 2020 March 04.7596. The new object is located at RA 00 42 08.56 DEC +41 26 00.8 (equinox 2000.0) Apparent magnitude about 18.0 in host Galaxy M31 Nothing is visible at this position on the reference image taken on 2020-02-28.769 The discovery image at: