Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PNV J00425220+4116246

PNV J00425220+4116246   2021 01 26.7209*  00 42 52.20 +41 16 24.6  17.6 U   92E  19N  M31       9 0

2021 01 26.8717

OMB extragalactic nova monitoring with ISSP collaboration reports the discovery of a probable nova in M31 by F.Castellani, R.Belligoli and C.Marangoni.New transient was clearly detected on '2021-01-26.7209' UT using 16 x 300s frames (4800s total) obtained by a Moravian G4-9000 KAF unfiltered CCD with the 0.4m f.8 Ritchey-Chrétien telescope from Monte Baldo "A.Gelodi" Astronomic Observatory, località Novezzina, Ferrara di Monte Baldo, Verona, Italy. The discovery magnitude is 17.6±0.5 mag in the CV band (clear visual). We will continue to monitor the nova light curve and strongly encourage additional follow-up observations. The discovery image is also available at: http://www.osservatoriomontebaldo.it/uploads/ISSP/20210126-M31-PNVJ00425220.4116246.jpg

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