PNV J00434578+4115589 2022 10 18.7359* 00 43 45.78 +41 15 58.9 19.5 C 677E 18S M31 6 0
2022 10 18.7359
A. Horti-David, K. Sarneczky and J. Vinko (Konkoly Observatory, Hungary), report the discovery of a possible nova (mag 19.5) on the 15x60-s survey image (limiting mag about 20.5) taken at Piszkesteto Observatory, Hungary on Oct. 18.736 UT with the 0.60-m Schmidt telescope. Nothing is visible at this position on archival images taken on 2021 Sept. 6 (limiting mag about 20.5).
2022 10 17.726
Prediscovery magnitude: Oct. 17.726, 20.1 C (A. Horti-David, K. Sarneczky, J. Vinko, Konkoly Observatory, Hungary, 0.60-m Schmidt, 15x60 sec)