PNV J00444739+4122136 2013 08 14.6834* 00 44 47.39 +41 22 13.6 16.6 U 1388E 365N M31 N 0
2013 08 14.3834
Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume,Japan and Fujio Kabashima, Miyaki,Japan report the discovery of a possible nova .(mag.= 16.6) in M31 on seven 40-s unfiltered CCD frames taken around 2013 Aug. 14.68339 UT, ( limiting magnitude = 19.2 ) using a Meade 200R 0.40-m f/9.8 reflector (+SBIG STL1001E camera). as follows Nothing is visible at this location on our past frames taken on 2013 Aug. 08.702 UT (limiting magnitude = 19.5) and Aug 10.720 UT (limiting magnitude = 19.1). . We have checked in Minor Planets. Nothing is visible at the position of possible nova on the Digitized Sky Survey(POSS2/UKSTU) from 1986 Nov. 27 (limiting red mag 18.9) and 1993 Oct. 21(limiting infrared mag 18.4). the nearest star in M31 catalogue ( has position end figures 47s61, 11."3, distance 3."4, magnitudes V=18.7, B=19.7, R=18.1
2013 08 15.95
Confirmed bright object not on DSS at measured position 00 44 47.45 +41 22 13.7, mag 15.8. Image here:
2013 08 21.0169
Mag.: 17.8(V) R.A.: 00 44 47.49; Decl.: +41 22 13.1 (2000.0). Reference: PPMXL Observer: Massimiliano Martignoni - Observatory: Stazione Astronomica Betelgeuse (B75), Magnago, Italy Telescope: Schmidt-Cassegrain 0.25m-f/10.0 - CCD: KAF0261E