PNV J00452885+4154094 2011 10 22.4596* 00 45 28.85 +41 54 09.4 18.6 C M31 2 0
2011 10 22.4596
Possible novae in M31 discovered by Stanislav Korotkiy and Leonid Elenin on images, obtained on 2011 Oct 22.4596UT using 0.45-m f/2.8 astrograph + unfiltered CCD under the limiting magnitude = 20.0R at ISON-NM Observatory, Mayhill, USA (MPC COD H15). Mag=18.6C +-0.3 mag, astrometry: RA=00 45 28.85; DEC=+41 54 09.4 (UCAC3, J2000, accuracy of 0.3") . Offset on discovery images: 1834"E and 2282"N. Three images caught this object. Image taken on Oct. 21.3514UT does not detect the object (limiting mag 20.0R). Nothing is visible at this position on a Palomar Sky Survey DSS image obtained on 1986-11-27 (via the Digitized Sky Survey; limiting red mag 20.5). In SIMBAD object RX J0045.4+4154 located at a distance 3.79 asec. No object in: MPChecker, VSX AAVSO and SDSS-III. Image URL:
2011 10 22.99128
Object detected at position end figures 28.84, 10.1 (UCAC3, J2000, accuracy of 0.3"). Magnitude 18.4C. Ka-Dar Observatory, TAU Station, Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia (MPC COD C32), telescope (D=400mm, F=3200mm) + STL-11000M + Clear, exp=3x120sec (summ), bin=2x2; S. Korotkiy, V. Gerke.
2011 10 23.42966
Inspect of CCD Clear-band images obtained by L. Elenin (ISON-NM Observatory, Mayhill) using the 0.45-m f/2.8 astrograph + CCD, exp=3x120sec and processed by S. Korotkiy: object detected at position end figures 28.83, 09.1 (UCAC3, J2000, accuracy of 0.4"). Magnitude 19.1C. Stanislav Korotkiy.
2011 10 24.47141
Image taken on 2011 Oct. 24.47141UT by L. Elenin (ISON-NM Observatory, Mayhill) does not detect the object (limiting mag 19.7C), 0.45-m f/2.8 astrograph + CCD, exp=3x120sec. Stanislav Korotkiy
2011 10 23.121
Object detected at position end figures 28.82, 9.9. R-band magnitude 18.18 +/- 0.08. K. Hornoch, Ondrejov observatory