PNV J00463343+4145355 2022 06 20.8623* 00 46 33.43 +41 45 35.5 16.2 G 2583E1768N M31 R 9
2022 06 20.8623
Xiyu Chen, JianLin Xu, Jingyuan Zhao, Guoyou Sun, Mi Zhang, Wenjie Zhou, Jiangao Ruan, Xing Gao (Xingming Obs.), report the discovery of a possible nova at 16.2 CV on several 30s survey images (limiting mag about 18.0 CV) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory #2 (N89) around Jun. 20.86225, 2022 UT using a unfiltered CCD (+0.5m f/4 reflector). The transient approximately located at RA= 00h46m33.43s, DEC = +41d45m35.5s (equinox 2000.0). Which is about 2583.0″ east and 1768.0″ North of the center of the NGC224 (M31). Nothing is visible at this position on archival images taken on Jun. 08.84035, 2022 UT (limiting mag 18.5 CV). Details can be found at: