Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PNV J00551875+7105195

PNV J00551875+7105195   2016 10 12.8623*  00 55 18.75 +71 05 19.5  16.9 U             Cas       9 0

2016 10 12.8623

Discovered by S. Maticic (mag. 16.9) on four unfiltered images, taken around 2016 Oct. 12.86UT with 60-cm, f/3.3 Cichocki telescope at Crni Vrh Observatory in the course of the Comet and Asteroid Search Program (PIKA). Nothing is visible at this position on several Digitized Sky Survey red and blue images from the Palomar Sky Survey. Checking for MP and comets revealed nothing at this position.

2016 10 21.82884

Observation of this transient object was made on 2016 10 21.82884 by Andrea Mantero at Bernezzo Observatory (MPC C77) Cuneo, Italy, with a telescope 0.25 m. f/4 + V filter. Performed photometry returns a value of 17.737 +/- 0.045 V magnitude (reference v mags from NOMAD 1).Astrometry RA= 00 55 18.84 De= +71 05 19.9 position measured from reference stars UCAC-4 catalogue.

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