PSN J00574018+4347342 2014 09 24.15 * 00 57 40.18 +43 47 34.2 17.0 U 2W 2N N317B 9 1
2014 09 25.10
Revised astrometry on this possible supernova observed on 2014 09 25.10 - 09 25.12 averaging 5 images taken with a 0.41-m reflector and ST-9XE CCD. The unfiltered images showed the new object at position 00h 57m 40s.18 +43o 47' 35".1(USNO-B 1.0 reference stars). The position of this possible SN is very close to the position of an earlier SN discovered in NGC 317B - SN1999gl. Doug Rich, Hampden, Maine,U.S.A.
2014 09 25.8780
I confirm the presence of this PSN (mag.+17.5) from several unfiltered images taken by 0.35m. Sch.-Cass. F/5.5 + SXVR H-9 CCD camera; 120sec. exposure; limit mag.+19.0; Giancarlo Cortini (Monte Maggiore Observatory-Predappio-ITALY).