Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J01072038+3223598

PSN J01072038+3223598   2015 11 11.7576*  01 07 20.38 +32 23 59.8  18.8 U   58W  46S  N383      3 2

2015 11 11.7576

E. Conseil and G. Arlic report the discovery of an apparent supernova (mag 18.8) on 50 unfiltered CCD images (240s exposures, limiting magnitude 19.5) obtained on Nov. 11.7576 with a 0.2-m Newtonian telescope (+ Atik 383 camera) at Bommes, France. The new object is located at R.A. = 01h07m20s.38, Decl. = +32d23'59".8 (equinox 2000.0) which is 58" west and 46" south of the center of the galaxy NGC 383. Discovery image posted at this website : http://goo.gl/v98niC

2015 11 13.7567

F. Kugel confirms the presence of this object on 9x30s exposures using a 0.2-mf/4 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD ST2000XM at Observatoire Chante-Perdrix, Dauban, France. Object is at magnitude 16.7 U (USNO-SA2.0 catalogue used).

2015 11 13.90630

This transient was observed on 2015 11 13.90630 by A.Mantero using the 0,25-m.f/4"reflector Bernezzo Observatory Italy.3x 240-seconds exposures, unfiltered, show the source at mag. 17.5 measured from reference stars UCAC-4 catalogue.

2015 11 16.0625

This transient (magR = 16.1, limiting mag = 17) is visible on 4 images taken by A. Klotz using the 0.25m robotic telescope TAROT Calern observatory, France.

2015 11 10.7778

E.Conseil and G. Arlic report the faint detection (mag 19.4) of this transient on Nov 10.7778 with a 0.2-m Newtonian telescope (+ Atik 383 camera) at Bommes, France (limiting magnitude 19.5). Image available at https://goo.gl/H3bFdQ

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