PSN J01101191+3313536 2015 08 17.8208* 01 10 11.91 +33 13 53.6 17.6 U 1E 2S P2027055 R 9
2015 08 17.8208
Correction: the offset shoud be 1W 2S.
2015 08 17.8208
Zhijian Xu(Nanjing,Jiangsu,China) and Xing Gao (Urumqi,Xinjiang,China), report the discovery of a possible supernova (mag approximately 17.6) on one 40-s survey image (limiting mag about 19.0) taken by Xing Gao in Xingming Observation Sky Survey(C42) around Aug.17.82087 UT. using an unfiltered CCD ( + Celestron C14 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope D=356-mm @f/6.9 ). The new object approximately located at R.A.=01h 10m 11s.91 Decl.=+33°13'53".6(equinox 2000.0). Which is about .7" west and 1.5" south of the center of the PGC 2027055. Nothing is visible at this position on archival images taken on Jan.17(limiting mag 18.3), Jan.09(limiting mag 19.0),or on the DSS from Oct.03,1991(limiting mag about 19.7).NET USNO-B1.0 C2015 08 17.82087 01 10 11.91 +33 13 53.6 17.6 V C42.
2015 08 18.7035
We confirmed this object on two 60-s images around Aug.18.70356 UT. with position end figures 11s.95, 53".7,mag. 17.6 V, Xingming Observatory, Mt. Nanshan. Observers Zhijian Xu,Xing Gao,Measurers Zhijian Xu 0.36-m f/6.9 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and CCD.
2015 08 19.86735
This transient was observed on 2015 08 19.86735 by G. Masi and P. Catalano, remotely using the 17"-f/6.8 robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility, at Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory in Ceccano, Italy. 120-seconds exposures, unfiltered, show the source at mag. 17.5 (R mags for the reference stars from UCAC-4). We also performed astrometry, getting the following end figures: 11.88; 53.9 (J2000.0, mean residuals of 0.2" on both axes).
2015 08 19.79956
2015 08 19.79956 UT, mag. 17.7 U, with 5 x 60s images using an unfiltered CCD + Celestron C14 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope D=356-mm f/6.9, Xingming Observation Sky Survey(C42), by Zhijian Xu and Xing Gao
2015 08 20.79801
2015 08 20.79801 UT, mag. 17.6 U, with 5 x 60s images using an unfiltered CCD + Celestron C14 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope D=356-mm f/6.9, Xingming Observation Sky Survey(C42), by Zhijian Xu and Xing Gao
2015 08 25.81605
This transient was observed on 2015 08 25.81605 UT by Tao Chen, using a luminance filter CCD ( + Mewlon 300 telescope D=300-mm @f/9.9 ), at Corona Borealis Observatory (N55) in Ali,Tibet,China. 4 x 180-seconds exposures, show the source at mag. 18.3 V, with position end figures 11s.90, 53".9. Image can be seen: