PNV J01325723+3024260 2012 10 06.6612* 01 32 57.23 +30 24 26.0 17.2 U 693W 911S M33 N 0
2012 10 06.6612
Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume,Japan and Fujio Kabashima, Miyaki,Japan report the discovery of a bright possible nova (mag.= 17.2) in M33 on eight 40-s unfiltered CCD frames taken around 2012 Oct. 06.661 UT, ( limiting magnitude = 19.1 ) using a Meade 200R 0.40-m f/9.8 reflector (+SBIG STL1001E camera). as follows We report that this star locates 693" west and 911" south from the center of galaxy. Nothing is visible at this location on our past frames taken on 2012 Oct. 02.535 UT ( limiting magnitude = 18.8 ) but prediscover bright mag=15.8 Oct. 04.583 UT ( limiting magnitude = 19.1 ). We have checked in Minor Planets. Nothing is visible at the position of possible nova on the Digitized Sky Survey(POSS2/UKSTU) from 1991 Oct 05 (limiting red mag 19.5) and 1989 Dec. 04 (limiting infrared mag 19.5). the nearest star in M33 catalogue ( has position end figures 57s15, 26".3, distance 1".1, magnitudes V=23.3, B=24.2, R=22.3,
2012 10 05.534
D. Denisenko, V. Yurkov, E. Sinyakov, E. Gorbovskoy and V. Lipunov report on behalf of the large MASTER team ( MASTER-Amur auto-detection system independently detected OT source at (RA, Dec) = 01h 32m 57.28s +30d 24m 24.8s on 2012-10-05.56493 UT. The OT is seen in 2 images (60 sec exposures) with the following unfiltered magnitudes: Oct. 05.534 UT, 16.0; 05.565, 16.4 (limit 19.1m). We have reference image without OT on 2012-01-06.43589 UT with magnitude limit in 'R' filter 19.1m. The discovery and reference images are available at this URL:
2012 10 08.21937
Mag.=16.3U, R.A.=01 32 57.24 Decl=+30 24 25.8 (USNO-B1.0), remotely using 0.25-m f/3.4 hyperbolic astrograph + CCD (SBIG ST10XME) at the RAS Observatory near Mayhill,NM,U.S.A.. Position and magnitude were measured on an image composed from 3-frames which were taken by each 120-seconds exposure under the limiting magnitude = 19. Observer: Toru Yusa, Osaki, Japan. Link to my image:
2012 10 10
K.Nishiyama, (Japan) reingire into post images of probable nova in M33 PNV J01325723+3024260. And find faint images 19.1 mag at sep. 29 and oct. 01. as follows date mag. limting mag. 2012 08 31.645 - 18.8 2012 09 20.711 - 19.5 2012 09 24.598 - 19.5 2012 09 25.585 - 19.1 2012 09 27.807 19.1 U 19.4 2012 10 01.573 19.1 U 19.2 2012 10 02.535 - 18.8 2012 10 04.583 15.8 U 19.1 2012 10 06.661 17.2 U 19.1 2012 10 07.644 16.1 U 19.2 2012 10 08.638 16.7 U 19.4 2012 10 09.769 16.9 U 19.1